V A And Pop Isa Racus A NTSW _ Thur3€4é;:‘3;1y, March 15. I6§9. , Kdered by the Pmrliamwzt, That this A& be forth... with Printed and Publiflmd. A _ _ THOMAS S‘NIcHoLAs, «fif?3*‘z: .% ;: AGE”? 9]? the P W'Ii«.’?.W £’ii'1‘.& :'M‘¢1;,\f,.‘ {rf y 1? “W k uuu*" V LONDON, Printed by ffalwn ..S?v~ed£er, and fobn M4cock__, Printers to“ Eafliament, I6 5' 9... | l fidfbfifigifighin t%h¢ FflLéven1:e;~io“f. ‘ iwiizquentr, and mes: mm. mjgmnam hp curs :p;¢rmt §"at1:a4m¢iua s au;m we mumoztw of tbzfamm»%i).até¢1i mm am fietmms mammal "of mm mm % msfmn arm cu:zfivmcnVm my éfigm arm Emit? mtfim fiynh .pwJe:m W 3;; A Aim mm mm tmmtiggfij v \ ‘ «N M‘ : A A I V M mama zmgitag mm of ti)=e; am 5'“'B§1 « am »%1%‘0WfiJ “iR9£11T?tt%‘€fi»‘i1J-W :1 ,5 M) n H 1 .w ‘ 1 fiflsmiymtg wznataml, to %E*7’l3€Y £i‘f2 ii)?» {mm fiazvmyins the ‘€B17§3mT£m munxtaes, imnxts, arm imcm nJi)m—- % %:mm.»V1a*w:e i1weh in twp mug fin atnmnpm a5 momma, the min mm man tmmtmti) my cgf April, we fijmzfanu fix; I3i1?m2*é.’>”""r£3 fifty mm, untu fmztijmz um man ha mm W W ¥%W,!’fi»nIW I32 «manta an mu mm Amwxbtts “ are 4*bmbp.% ‘ » ‘ H‘. “ A 4': m twist ” tcfmzfiéfiié . . I nu--, w EIWENW, arm W€1_utlW1’lA%¢ 5 % muaztiefia ¥L2mit3,a%nn mi12ffifn‘n5,to ¢o11awa; b;et,%mmmm;1iI&znn, am imriéa 8&5 W11% we fimmzg nf tm mm aaubié am at‘ we fifiatm mf ‘£fD“£iéh»Jqum§t5 mm 19:: % mmfantg alteanp imuttcngfi 2:5 aim» the 3”‘ T A mm: 114E‘IIi1¥;%5»mm:i¢5:»fusn¢ annfaxns £@oney,11:m.ci3 % A2% W Qggming mgilenuw §ii%nD a1i:$n£l)m*,‘ in mezmbam m wan mm time m cm wfpettéhea _ ‘ .‘ + " m-,1’: .m\ u v “ um 1 .%,"~-. _ L '4» M ‘-'.‘ » --.‘ ‘\ 1 ‘.4 V ‘ M ~ , A » PM I; ‘ 1‘ ~ H_ H “ ‘ ‘, ‘ .., % 3 A-0'“. ” . ahfimohina lgv by gnaw m mama 3 mwrmm mummgg of tbs. éffixsmmxzfc. fitm W is hereby Gmattan, “ . .2, ’ % §_2%‘j;v‘%‘— fag? [:’ ;%¥*:§3 E32 3%}? n iazwmg ism 3 mm mm mi ha: mm Mm ta in: the m fijm xx: mime %M1m2*:s am ezmzcgw, mm an at am KIM-‘imfiet w * mfa3**$jm "‘4£‘%;%%."gflcba fame an, Wflfiiifl 33 M 3 V r‘ V V it “F 1” h éé ; 4*‘ ' M ‘* 13 V’! A» .1. - ‘ it 3 M‘ 1: ' “ W . nu ‘nu ‘ ‘ y ‘ , W -. ..x x ‘ ’u..» , , 2; An ‘ _ ‘ii v 1'‘ , J I'm A . . s vf .~‘ , , , ,, \ _. V: V H at 1:3 9, w ‘, N‘ w vi; « ‘ 1.‘ . ‘ \ v .. r V K Mg; x>a~W,‘;,,1. J‘ ‘ My ‘ . ‘ («"9-' ,.- A t ;- ,.“\.'a. ‘ At‘ , g. c~ =4 . . my _ a fih ;- w .,. m 3 ‘\‘7 {.3 W '5 _ L fly, ‘!‘.$3§* *4 W gf,‘ WI 'y"1’:; \' W ~~ : Q » 3‘ ‘ H‘, U ‘ :3 L Mg v 7 ,.<\ ‘ ‘N ‘ ‘ " :1 1 ‘ - M,‘ ,V'- V «- “ W mm flu _ we \ “ ‘ ‘ I “MW ’ “ “ .“ N _‘,m V) L» ‘w ‘1 ‘~ H... x; ..: J“ “NJ, ,V,, . 5.‘ M % am %» W 4, 4- .;~ _ % M V ~ g, 1.: ., W1 - ~ g R‘ a 3 * 7- ,4 _ ‘ £5‘ Jr‘ ‘- ' ' I: .3‘ ;."+i ‘W 4 3 . ....a ‘N ? ‘V W,‘ /: ‘.2’ “In” J‘ . ‘ I ‘ ‘aw . L,‘ "1 9 ‘- ’ <3.‘ ‘.1 ‘;w" 3‘ ggv ”' ‘mi I H 7 A afifl. 4 5 ~ ~ u. ~ -“ ,,'vvu.:‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ 1. , ‘V:~W*l*,'x :‘ ‘W - ' §3 §: ww‘ 7'" ' l~ <‘4 Q’ x . : « - 1" S I My ,5; , 1 fwiig J ‘~ .“l‘_" ‘~_V .‘ w,-A ‘ f;u‘&$" ‘. ‘ r’ v » ~;. . ‘ g . .« ‘,:~ N we $,, M g . r w,‘ M»... ~,,-«,"- rt ‘ w "n ‘ ~ , 3:’ ' ,- - n‘ q ? ‘l L M’ ‘fir ‘ mg " imam .''n ‘" V 47} Y» -“ H 1». ' x 1 «I V'%fARdérédAb)'«tla:eM» « ‘ v ' V of the r4rz;m;z;.% this Afille form.