A A AA btfartbwitif printed zNzd1m5lz]bm'.% ”“ A AA A % _V For taking and rcctivingthe A 0 F TH E Commonwealth. VVi;h Inf’crué’cions concerning tfie fame. .. 1-.‘ ---- .. A A Die Iovis, Ix Oéiobr. mg. ’ Rdered by t/ze Commoh: affembled in Parliament, T/mt t/9;3: A”éIr’V A Hen: Scobcll, Cleric; Par1ia.mE:nt%i.4 M \ ‘ ~-——-—._‘. 4 pm, Printedby mg Field for Edward Hufmd, Printer no aic ;par1aa— A ‘ W . . _ A, .‘ ‘ , ‘ ‘ ‘ .~ ‘ ‘ -3‘ ‘ " ‘, ‘ m, « .;“"‘v{‘ ' r ‘ . ‘ ‘ ;.' ". ‘ . ‘ 4 A 3' ‘ » ‘ . ‘. W ‘ '~ Wu "it." ~ : . , X A . — nu ‘ ‘ .3‘ ‘ In W ‘F ‘ 3?," \ ‘ V ,, E " fu- ‘ I A %mcfit0fEnglm2d. 16 449. A C c 0 MP T s % AA FQI.‘ téfliinganid receiving the A 0F%THE CO1nmO11Wea.It:h.%.. Vvith IHPCFU ¢‘ti0nS ConcerningtmheI'a'xi1c-:.f " *“ i':ae19acIiantcutnfEng3 ‘ sf? land mm afl‘embIen,ta: king mm tijeiv vrronfis: ~.., mratiwou, ilbatniiaetts rams ufglannemalate ;‘ " am: 0500115 have been " ” raifen arm teccibzn of 3 the imvlznf tI)cA31%aa= 4 A» /% flan, foz%~IhI)t’cb 1105216: ‘ compts baht‘ hcenpet T V ab 4 Vtmmzn fog Vpuhlique - fatisfactioug Qmtn tb¢mIatingit bet? nzceflaw, fiijat all arm ebetp‘tI)er2L'o11ectog5anDfieceimrs Vnf may £13omp,1Biatt mm mans, l1)nu1n mam V11'ammt,£bat the petfimfi hmaftec na a petfectficcumpt nf a*i1t1)efm’hpatttcu1ats, my enactatm @mam,A arm hm’; tbmfozz cflmacten amnmznainm hptbz Qiuthnmp of tljefameagavm 1'5 tnfzw,RiAc1aAard AW/i4co"x,Thomas ARichard4 %0n,VNi:Mh6las% »B(;;1d,% Henry Bff:1‘Q2.d, Matthias V‘a1cntinic,[i%; CACIL-4 ifiikmzh z W finich %;mmuiariy mu ff:3i,=31,EdWard Fielcmf. John 11$f'flv€*»', 1*Yc§1¥y+ Robinibng lliam M¢adifon,w an Pierce Rrobinfon5j~n;mwfim$Mm P» mam sf tmm, f1)a,i1he aLneaphe tijete when teptice of, am: ieeegefieeen, ieeueinen aim, \ filjatif any newton ozpeeemeseijabeneleneeenin ajufiemn pevfect Qtccoémpt to 13I)¢fUZmBt“@Dm:: A *me'etee%nf%ewmpt.s1,nz tn any ntijee pttfflfl oz, peeeeees? emtijmisen by ieaeiieueteeet tneeeeihe the ‘i‘a111e,men have not tteceibenja mfcbatgeetbeeein, iigexeeemn in fuel) eaife the mmmitteee beceine euamen, 9: eatep am :1; tnozenft1)ent5;£t)al1emefir~ nee nf we fame mtqmpte fojlaeliileteh in foga neeely ; aim if flje? fi1en7ee~t1)+emeo be e illft attfle A true, irijeneme give aefullwifcbaege men we F hy%%.utbogitp*ofe this ze Aqfliwflmfi 30 W51) Wtfimeeefl? I3Wfe'3~“3e A fee 17139 £31113 W11t4e3Htteeee D5 aeiiass uh it»:/i5‘; efuetbeeee mactee,‘ iijat e 9WfU“5'43t~ “mg . 11,5‘ V A rm‘ fitfs 31W" fun ‘J! 5 ntaiteingfte b o«etbetebeee, A ‘ tn eeefballfozthitbe twee mm: (6:7) Vtzzémmnf the farm am we *s£%tearn%rets=g%;%mrcafceé A % namm, jt%£1)aéi1 he aunmm Lmtu Di“ M'¢m_.1:m [ C;CflI117Pt5;f A In upon the mtetnzinatiozt nfI)$§n;%%tha’c sum in the mean timfi the %cC1tIittance£:AynMf%tbe¥ Iain *£’tea1'um:s mail he to ti)ent,%%ann%emcpof . them aplmarp ante fuffi'u'mtA mfcijame. find itwfuttbet mamas emu rfimactcflgifibat mug: & £o¢mvfl)ai1Vaufm the tmw %a'Enz%efm’h igmm fa; hnaymnzg a,nbh;i1tgmgin fliccunmtfi, hamnhw we eipatbes of flmnctemhiz matmwcs, flhat » amp patina oz, panama, who mm; Ewan the iatae§m’mg, oz mpvactmg tmnev him , i)axfi@s lass bpm 5; mmimn £Bmvmps%apnm zmpA%pmmaz.gV sf ap aflwz mp swam; A V mm, hewnate%%cutt1p;a maniai;§3:f§ %iCf§. to; £136 zzmfljzp may he hzmmgigt » fl mmnfiwhp” £1394 pmtmg amen in tm’54 m 5%, am in m%e%§we mmm a5 z'£ m em’tu%zpp2£fien; aamtmfijafl fiE£ij pevfmsa;ai1"mam a fat’: ficcmmpfidfifimiy Etfime at * mmwghavebwm4nifpnfeh sf, fie mam ¢m isaz-E what Wgamawsnqappeax%wtn rzmain in wait Mgitnfl? it pntfpnfcn m tIJe&t:wfef mf mat pmh sfmnzbom tI)ey’1jam haw. man, m. ~ etijetmafe a5 t1)¢ 1aat1iament amt t!;3mk fi?t,4 % firth:it%isa11‘nanaemia by the flafijmzity "afmzg m§’h[%5 '£1jatVtI)efwem1 mm mm §."am5%nf%4n; hm?ug1;1;4" mama. t%a z’fen%*hpfnzct mt bmm , . this pwfent ¢fl;afl be pain by flzmr; DE A thefamfiammime, arm nut ntbermiffl :mtn%N$a~~% anfiAv¥Lz’eu£w&flt mum as vnflifltwiit ¢afuversfoztmf=a@%,w%; T b % pawn hp ’._ $5, twat charge gt £%neneMw in ekexewttonnu 13% e, laima Wflitliam fii)M1afti»fi;‘€e;i£§usti ii i he affaee at, am mifpofan nffn; tbzferbieeuf the F 4 (610) fit me) f amt: teamzneiameaieb, we met etbermife, _hy mega aaarliammt, A tilgiifly he iamaa feta 1’Z;vaamvec$; ta n¢..—.= zmen , flijat { it than mm mutt wing may izamwp imam flmtinas 11%? me of fun?) 9-" $5 @311 11¢ I?*7€iDI&11tD 31) 91115 fa; mm tmawa tijeiv enatae mm aaatna in (A tijieexacmioanfietniafeebiw. W 1 1 N s T R11C;T'I 0 NS i For the Grand Committee for taking and M receiving the Accomptso of the Common.-» \ A wealth,i according to an étoaof a _ [this prefent Parliament. A I. A Irfl? iyou%~areto examine the Aceompts of all * perfons whatfoever, who are any way ac.» A oomptablq, according to this Acf1:,fince theifhirdoi a F d5?}’9f a az::c1_fi‘oi‘t§J3Ignmithistime,‘ and {'0 forward, until F it {hall be otherwiifei rdereci a’1idEn a€ced‘by ‘Parliament. “ 0‘v.em5er," ne thoiufanid fix hu_nd"read o SeCor“.:i&Iy,you are upon th%e;aaei;t,a;;11i;aiatio13 eiany“ ACe¢01‘npr,to;1<¢¢ptf1eV0u911éi'sandPréfsre» 13~Ein% there unto? an cafe ” you e e a real “ , ‘ “ii . ‘ \ ‘ u ‘ g ifchmt:lel»lfuéhl SW-Ifhall approve» you afé t'hm“»;opa]fsof11chl ccomptls, Witho'utuanYlfiJrtl'1ef croublve orlexaminat1gn oftlle Aocomptants, and to cercifiel; ihefamo; if you fhallbc the1rcuui;ode—a Main Cafeupon the examinationof an‘? Agccomptsg, {hall findelcheml perfeétly and faithfullydearcdgyou arethento give the Ac...» Colniptants a full and abfolutc Ijifcharge under V your Handsg, which {hall hereafter be goodland v:a1id,llallllintents an dpufofesl~\irh'atfoeWver..; , to‘.caufe tl1eAccompt‘s%ofl l eachCity, County, or othAorpIac’%el’,l;obe printod feverally, or {o much thereof as"l you {hall think fit, for the fatisfaétionofthe Commonwealth you give 1ibbrtyt‘o anyperfon, to re» A oeixra-2, 3 Tranfcript orEXtraé’c of Accompt, "ifhelffhall receive th e fame 5 for which tbclf... fiézcirl thait t—al1szesM pains therl6ifl,‘fha1l l mayotakc fuch allowanlcei as is given byany fo‘rh1erOri¢ nancesl of Péxrliameut made in that belialf. l . V _.,“F I ‘V 4 V.‘ l‘ ,V A ‘KW. , _ “ ‘ . .«l‘ ‘ “» ‘ll ‘. : -« ,V’ l V 4 lF0ufth1y,% in cafeanyxierfotidriierfbns cmptalelllwaccording be alré «ccompts, ‘~= Accompts eplroofeeutedt°a;:oeter» V (62.1) to minationehy the Heirs, tEXecuto_rs orAdmf11f: ftrators of fuph perfon or perfons To accomptable. ~ LaPtIy,in cafe you {hall finde out any perform or perfons that have notorioufly defrauded the Commonwealth,you are to return the Names of fuch perfon orperfons to the Parliament, or Tuch as they (hall appoint to receive the fa1ne,t That fuch exemplary Punifhmentmay he infliéted u pon them, proportionable to their Offiences, as r theParliament pintotheir wifdom fhall think meet. V , qeznlpih eh always, fibat thfa mean; any thing theteitt tntttamen, than not extenn to the takittg mf any mtem ts, which hptheimmre are tube taken ant: pa en in the (matte of the puhlique Iexchetuuev A 7Dz'gj‘ao=ui3,11O£'Za5r.1649,,‘ " éh " V Rderedby the Commons aflembled in pintedandhrublifwe Hen:scobe14C/eric. Tarlzamenzz. » ._.._...._.u..-n .._._m.n_u- ....._ ‘ ________ oPar1iameI”1t.-“s That this Aer beforthwflith»