sixwhourand by the And thourana Poundsby H 13/‘~°nethup°nE"gIarid. J, ” upon opt/and’, % ? % ‘.,’P0nIre[gnd, 4 V “ H‘ J ' “ j-;‘ ,,3, f ' gw , w ‘ ‘p ‘ ' W-' v‘. ‘ ‘~ ‘ f -V; ' IA“. .r «v ;:r- ‘ 5 The tvverityfourth%of§‘une157- » l‘Fora.9T’emporaryStifplytoWards”"theMaifit€nancéof " $th¢?Armies‘andNavies"05%? A A dmhirty choufand PounAd§ by fig 3 V ¢4%;Vrhc~ Panliamwcntibcguniyav V Améin J n Ae»«.i1§'A“‘dayofseptemmi, 2I1n.;44;am%«1656‘.' V ‘ % M %P+rinned b W V % yVETe:2ry«E1iH:and1a :1 Field, A A J . 7»: ,, '~ 3.‘. - =: , .‘. H . ‘ g,.:““’m ’ ' 'Q' g.’ _ . . A ‘ ‘:v .‘ ‘ , \ I 1 AS 5 E 55 At: the Rate A A Five aand th1'1?tyT.11oL1fand Pounds bfithe" Moneth upon Engglan.d _, Sixqthouffitnd Pourids by‘ V A the Moneth upiin Scotland, and Nine thoufa.nd { 4 % % Pounds by the Mormth upon Ireland, % A A _ F 0 R THREE YEARS; A % FROM %% @ A T116 Twenty fourth of 5314226 ‘E657. Q Fora. Temporary % A Supplytowa;rdsAc1*i¢M»aintenance7of,thVeArmies? f A -and‘N&~vz'es ofithijs Commonwealth. ."-~:_1!E it mmcten am: wznainen by #3 391% i9ig1JnefMI)c§Ln2,n amazes u nan .‘ i‘ emf the minim ann araamesnmms «menu 1tzonIma1tb,% the aunt nfilmtp fine t1)W=~‘—-" farm 1mmfm%m?the Q/Bwnmtb.-A. £02 Wlbzee A A 393%. @z:7m§L Vaun agozningtjn ’ aaears , frnmtmA 3ioutanm~tmmtiztbnayof ct o;,s:nnAr1;ts pzcfcnt aaarliaa ii; mm , mm by we fiutbngttp WM; 153% fvwfiefitnozarr ‘ mwplp tnmmths the flmintem . J“t1nVe,®n£ thmxfann fixhunnzfih fifty ann femm; 130 we jfnumtm £fl1Bflti£fl)i3&‘[? of June, my ;ti)mtf:m;In fix:1Junmm arm rwtr, mil ha V fen, mpen , aoiteptw , 3Lzm'e % * the metal rmuntiez , ffiitieg flung ant V » mazes bmafwv U anwnxefimtivei Mara? 35$?“ am: mi % »§:'m.u.: minm %[j;az¥‘n“m2%fma§:Em“:2;.$mmfimpmumfi. imfi ant fatiufr panic. A fiiliilinfgsann ninemn~ce.¢ % wan gajfififi mm gazwfimfms, arm in my nmmet as on %i*‘Zj£3j:%®m>m Mwfififi m%é%fiJzm>¢ar£: %f§%%::~r;m%m: w‘pm’a“m,%$fi)atw m mp; 3m;“"ea- A mm W? €a”:amm2 35% Bedford, ma fium of V M? §f~‘_’mw mmgm timefcme mm fizspmmnfi Et‘:§'§f:“I,'WE;f;.°K'E @;;afiia’a1g;t5 arm fmfat mam. é$.t‘:m,,z§m-gv arsf Berks , €ij£i'mtEz M’ fine Kjunéé m.4a:*;i3af‘;£;m2.+§Ay% €W%$mamse eight fm'm’ngs+a;m % @m?3:ain;V%@&:*¢f*m.»V : A A Mimm fi*f“Bu<:1-cs, * the mm Bf Emu: WI msffiifimtp me pwzms wimen fiyimngs arm ’§:";m<2‘i:maaz1€%p M Cambridge, me am saffim Ej;%;m‘m;s;&m fifzp mu: pminm ‘%awnD%fi’11ei1;2‘m’rag5. j “E1yV,&t’i}e fmamfmw ijaznmw Emma ‘ fim§“&n’a:2k fimmz gmmzm aénéfi fi?fmnfi;a‘ifing£;& V ;a2J3e—°s tm film nmuennng tI%V2va*2fmw any {W nwnbs ¢D‘¥t¢enfim:* ”fi:I)g"$0!1[:lt!,;.fl‘fwDevQI1..§jtufigffilutugffine fljflm W16 W%h1mmnManno 2 pwflfifi fwmtefitr 2 he mm atnnfitttfiuntvnftije my afiEécoh,§ tfiffiftrtbzcepounna tbirteenflyimtngsf ¢ W mm W? fiegmmam U} mm®.4‘% 4 grim gmamm aemwfmm €m’1f&a‘r;;g§¢— fim ammw mfburham ,%A$.:§3a.t €”mmf"mjzm:: mm mm¢i'imm 4ymmw famnmm gmzsgg mm mm- A ~ W M the my sf York we mm M wnztfijmafmm am ijmmgm mam? mm warm fmmma imam arm fine mm. 4 $192 an mm wumy M Kingfion umn Hull, mm mm {emu mam. « we mm uf flmttpi mm pmmm {mean flmr.-..~ irzmggmm mm A M , t - % fimwnmw uffiffex, Em mm nfmw tmmg {mm fahen mm“a‘mm»anfim?munW* V ‘ filjacmmwmf GV140cePccr ,4 €38 mm 8’ ‘ mwogzm mm wmzmu mmnw mm mama a*m@*i‘m1wmn%c;c.. V WWW flf LDOH, “M fiV1%i‘§Efi@fi‘7' W Wm: gazzngg & E§jw@ A mfimkm mm fimmw W 110015 gm mm M % ‘mm wmtw nfYo1~1< , nmmbe my ataficamw.-..~ macmp smenemmw nfttim ca’wmfG1oce1%e1~,& mm mm of jfmamszmga mm mm gmwnmaifiwa am: flm cmmtp nf Hem£o1:d,wJM5mm ma?’ fifiuflrs - mswf%numfcm mm wma gammfi fix yaminss mm m’gmpmte¢, % my cmmtp mf Hertzford, fl)zfz1tnm+f®c"mn % mmze pounw... -\ « .‘ mum? DifHuntingto1‘1, iim affimm mmmm mm emaém pmmmfi it «mugs m*a tbze.wm1w. ‘ 1 ’§:mtnunty n-f1embroo1<, the mm of mm Dunmen arm tijgezpnunns. ' ’£iJWWIIW 0f Radnora the mm of one Dam; mm tmmtp feben pmmms mm ilyiliingsann fame perm be (minty nf Glamorgan mg rm; 3; mm A mmumn l3fHaV31'f017d“‘VV€fl,fl)B famnffess hm mums am mtmngs ann ten p?mce¢ ‘ fine flavor: uf Berwick , we mm sf panama eigijmn tbiilings arm font pence; mmbcm fawtbcwnacten by the mung“? amgaman , mat the metal. mntnuilfinners mm M333: gmfonfi nmniatgn arm nmntmmh in am my: M’ was Vpzqfent mizmzwntWntitniea,” An A61: for anAiTeHmcntL1po11 Englgmd ._, at%~thc rate of Th1*ecfc0rcthm.1fand pounds by the Mormth,for Thrée V Moncaths froxn thc 25 % day 0fMarcl2,Qn»éthoui:1nd fix. huzmdrcd fifcy and {Even K? to the F*ouriand twentieth % A day0AfgimmenheAnn¢Xtcnfi;1i1f3g) aflb Afu£flAatb94£tS a5 W W are ijetebp, 0; mimreafm mam fi)mi3VeD,ija,l1£,anD awe hereby flutmgiag, u:antinuAe wfpvectmeiy ;, mun am *¢i}am»£, Ante, exzatcm, an I in %t;m’an am am ;e:§mew«tm¢:Anmaw mm mtwzitieg Afm in mg n A “ ingrhefain flfieee nears zifiefinrente hereby aphointen to be flffeffen atmpaifi . mhirh they hem anb were fiimpomerenannfippoinren in ufe nun ererrife hp rhefnin reriten mt, fee the inifeffing, Qtniierting, ihebping arm aeapneent of the afegeinin flhxeesilhenerhs miieifment; zine that the iehernl 331.1155, Eoirertione, mnufes ‘ans aeguniirrs nrentinnen am: can- i tainen in the rain reciten fire, unto the aepmers nun Qiurhngities thereby given to ail ann eherp the nerfone therein nanien uemenrionen , than ennure , rmnhanei continuance until the fail: e i ’£ peare mifeffment than be full? rant: enea lp iilnlierten, ?Lenie1‘:, ant: pain in, acrnzning ten the true intenti anbtneaning of thie,%rt...r e gm; the better effecting whereof, Sit is here: by further marten, flhat the {am feheralann refpertine cztnsxrttriflionergei hereby appuinren am) mnrinerenfee the fate feneral ante refpea rtine rennrire, cities antomnemallmeet to: \ getherat thenmit romnwn emu nine! were of xneetingin each efrhe faixceuntirs, ririeeann towns reipertinelp,fo; t" are general niece: inge, one; befoee rnerpferonbtnap of July, ant: enerp feronfiflap of January; i am: fez their fez: ronn general rneerings , one; befeze every ‘ ifI'}:teet1ti1)i7-ml’ 0f‘ July, am: every thzteenth new 0'1’ ”January in every of the fair: 9 " Qinb the fa in Qlfitlultiflfntlets, oz foieemany of thein aeagan then nub there refpertibelprats tenn~aflDhe mefent, tha.1icaufe~thiep;efent Qeici: to ht mtifl¢£€Cuti0n’.i foetve Ozbering 1. Dit¢€f* inn .5» mannnihng,1ewing; anbbzinningintbe hiiehineentm’t1JishmrtrenuireD; fa iaethefull fumhcbareeh uvfinearhi mt’bifi0n, iieenozee, aearru),ane aeiare fezthe firfi: (hzee£1Br)Q1{1‘eft%_5 (93 A %!IeI!’ment~sofeach peat, maybe fully am feb,?Lehieb, atollecten anb pain in tothe 331133;: ttihe fieteihecs, on 0; hefaze the jfirft napof Septembfil‘ zihe fetonn ihzee tlhoneths %fl'ea2.- ments, on n; hefuze the grim napeof December fljhe than Ehzee % oneths %1Tef{ment5,0nho_z. hefoge tbtjfitfit “cap at March == fan!) the tart flghgee wonetht mfetfmente ., one; hefoze the jfttfls new of June, in every peammttng the [am thzeepeata eefpettihely. aezunznen always , anhtt ta heteb futthet mtacten, fihat the mttplicates of Q efsmenta by the fo2.e-atettten met tequiten to be nehheten tn the tefpettibe ilieceiheta of each cmotmtp, «titty, itonm 0; aaiace, to be by him the rain lieteihet teanfmitten to theiozbs ttlommtiia fionetsofttheiittafujey ;, a;a!1b? ban the ram fletethett he ttanfmitteia into ahiaisiaighnefa mutt of mthequee at \WcPcminfl:cr , togethee with the flames, ammames ,annn1acee of about of theeefpettibefiecemets, “wattI)c we mfimaarp -W5 we 2ifl"m$mm$ chmtgemi mmn we E gar} .321’ 3% ‘fl @% €““3 S13 flmmfiz? %’%Cax-digatx , in ma MK 3? fififi mzfent A });fnber%,VV’}1dredfortynine, and §% m;:ii&mr:nt, amfiimim, An Adi for an Aficffmcnt upon %éi2=-glczzzcjz‘ at the Rate 0fSi:.~:t;y tlxoufzmd pounds the omsth , forfthree moneths,:f1'omthe25"‘ dayof‘ }szi”arcf: _, OA11éd10L1f‘awndVfix hL1ndrcd fifty:fe vcn5 to the V Twemgy f‘o'4u1fth day of ‘Irma’ ‘t:hen“next enfuing, “fharll beoncly Lcvied ," Ccdlected and Paid. and the other « Moyctty ofA:he f}1ic.*lTl*11:€€;, Mioncths Affcifment , toga-» M tijexxmtlathe Moyetyof all ‘former Afl"e{i‘mcnts c:ha.1:-—-2. % gc‘"&1upon"the [2-1~idCoum:y ‘of Cmwfig :3, fin¢cAethe~2.5'“‘ of remainingV§i11~arMrcar;,;%{h31fbé%i%Who1lyremitted. 4 fi3Mm’za%+ mtmty mt‘ Cardigan {bail he , anhég Emmy chamgw wmfrum, %31n wing flame faihflct, mfmmwWsszafm macw , mg 4:: gem aitm V A mesa; WWE-I aciatzm m be may mammn annJmT.« , (11) mmamtmnsxo the cnntmtptmmf in may §fennmn’tmanning.A W 4 mmitw t) ewmp@na%cten,£batwe aunmf @251: tijmlrifmm pnzmm fitwiing by we 1 ‘lib, man ha flaxw, ¥Lm‘cn, mlletten mm mm in * ~Scotl;md fa: my fpace nf flbm :25, cmmnm sing the wghmv nf June, in the matnf om: iamn, ®finct1)mufanh fix hunmw fifty arm re: mm, mat M the femcai cnunttw, cities, mnmz mm mmmet mscotland. assuming to the metal amn tafpwtme pzopuztions after: mentmnmg, A flijwfitffi fay; jfm the cmmtp 0fAbcrdecn,fD2 cimpwonetb 0fAstm {am £3388 mam, the gum mftm hmmwv fbitt? mm nine vounw fimn I1: ungmnn femnpence, 7 = A % jfm the zlfiomugi) mf’Ab¢rde§:11, tijzecfmze mm fix pmmmfi twelve flyillmga. % 4 sroztm counwof%irstbwwunmwtwentr mm mm mxmng an iilingfi arm fine pmce. A gm; the zlfioznugl) nf Aire, t*bmeenDnunDs nimtvzm fiyiiiingg. nine pence time fartijings. jfmtbe town nfIrwing,ni pnunbgnitwtwaj flyilwntwaun eigijtpcnce; A « jfnz tbrecmmtvof %Argi1e..%orI 1JunD2entIJzw foam arm¢tmo uunbs five Ibillings atmten I3%¥flW%‘tDWfWiflQ5~A% £IJewunt:p 0 am£5,@%fu§t;1;fcnzc ants fifteen. pommfifenenteen fl)i1Iin“g§.w fihewwnnf tbzwvmmvs~ V »;*mz w rm? co11en,one warm mm m:% x. ~ jmgg; W02 cmunhwfBérwick,tmo1J,unD2¢vtlflcw ‘flflulmfi fight aim * W‘ _ %*£hz tmxm of Lander5*tbzmm‘unn§ nine flnies _ 'lifl§5% %.« _'i9,A t . ‘_ mzzxsagfsamxwa m“ncvc“.% Cm fiéng;5_an% i‘m2aw;ena%amm3e%§2xg; % ‘me mmnw M Bute,fiaa'a@ mm mm "33 a%§‘§*:w.~;~.?% fimmmznihwiangwf mm W@*‘?fi;ttm'w,@& A fim mmmg;i3%mf Rochfayg fi3f3%??~ ’§;mmm$Wi‘ninwawwfwzivfiflanfi eigrmwm £Wiin;@§3¢&am mm mmm. kgfim a:mmwg;:af Cleckmamen, mm mm m magma fimm fiyifiiangfi Wfiééifi wsnae fi)mg.%~ . A A flfimwum P flf fi'0ma,1't,fi5f1W m‘fi§£‘Y1W'"3fijfi3$Wl1V I N...-\: apé gas): with $6.? a ta E; $2.. 5 IQ Fin? 5 3 1% :3 E"? F « “ , r % azmm my Dulnbmna mmmw mm mm momma fmwmn z'W:;zg§a%4a1U tm%uV mum V W ’ "fiU@ iim2fi%%WWf D%11mVWft0115 517% WWW» flax mmt?‘ mf Dgmfieés xmmhasngw iv mm fija gcmémmg mm: fiJm%pww..A [L WNW “wazéfiéwzia ID}E?.“fi“5» WW“ W%W$7 anhtijififfim fl)ming&, 4 A ¢ aim fifliflugfi M 5aflchv2;r;%mnep*umm. . M A I fim» ’£bcmw§ui9@9f L°¢k*“~35¢n§'mI?c mmm. "* A A 5% ,mflf.~%%»Ann4€;i, mm gmuxth.% I A ‘ f’M‘sW?@fifiWflf»Ed€11bL1$I'g11MW4 i3£mmWfim? paznw axa;imnz:mm ;fixw“m%)z.4 % eaxamxp Edenburgh, fljzw b1a.n;a%fiWi@% fm gmmam’ mm tmm@€A.fl3iiimg£* * f /£f;§3,?3‘@W)m? *V:ffm1Wf5;“%W mm iigflt gammms mmmama»arm%mjmmnze%..4% Wm Vmzfittgfiflf Elam! thivmfi fliiéiilmtfi MW W30‘ Qflflfifée A ; ; [ A “£5313?” mwugi) at Fov*.;%-*,§;%,zi);¢wpmnmg. + mcnuntvof Fife %%i;unmw mm 113% minus 4 febent;em‘ imiiings ann%tzu K 1%3iJ?3 my %AIf’~'—ir1f6%f?°i,'%{‘”¢WTWIfiWW#‘5W¢ U ‘ ‘H n “'VO" W '~ .~‘:'‘‘‘‘ “‘ t % { 233 ilfiflzimmj BE 5:. Ahd1'cWs 3 pmmm mm W flyméngfi. 4 _ $03 iifimmmma mf Dyirm, wimm nmmen flyiiizngsanm mt mum. ‘W9 immugfij M Kirkaldie , mm: arm itihm-.= w pamtms eight fl)ma’ng5 mm am mum. \ ”i"K‘E)£ Ilfimguugb flf Cowper , ten Dflfuflflfi flint: tam fmiiings smnfmen pmw fawtbing. % A “EH8 ilfinznugb fig, AnPcrutAher Eaflcer , L [then pmunfisninmen mtiiams arm {emu pence bait‘ mm . I’W+ - . fibe imgmxgb mfP1trc1nwc1,n, fix manna tmmer: tbmings emu mm pence was far: $1]? iifimmugij flf %DumferI11ing,€'l'Qbf QMIHDQ fiffB¢nfi)i11ifl%5 3113 tbzeevwm % mag 2fi?0z‘JttQ1J of %;3rei1A. wnpmums mm na'mt~wnfl)t1u’ng§. A $136 ilfignyzmugij of Kingho1‘r1,i fflm: péfimmfi anntenfiflilinm‘ fiifiwtwzmtgb nf Anf’cruther Wcffer, tIJm% pmmm arm nine fljmings. V fiijt ilfimmzgij flf Innerkething, font paunnsk ninmen mmmgg aim nine mum @6215 mum) wf~ ¢Ki11*cin » orwvomm ten; bk Qmmugtj DfB11rnt—>Ifland, ‘I79 .~ u pence. 115? m11%o? Fo%rfafr; mo vnutmsonc mz'uam arwfig wpeny.~ ‘M _qm M % ' I P0111105 flfiwtwlfWiIIE5&%I1DA11WWflW++%%' D3 @WfltP“40*FV“*5A Du11133¢*73 ‘7¢1’m=%-‘A tpamntmn%pmmms wings arm ism mgv gt) Dunaee%, tgmugge an ntnepmunm eigbmnfiyiliingfiannfixpence me I ‘vi’? M;-. £1333 215umuga%)ufm“>r bvr0tha jfmw mum] mm mm fmaia':%g,*:3. '*;§?::?m%fifi mam @fMom1—ofs,§mmmn warms mmteen tijmigzfi man femnpvénw 1-mu fem. Emngfi. W}? smméwmnfia» '. flfimfiw M Hadingszon , I Witt a*:%m mm panama %%fi‘amnmn mi Y ‘ % % % puzmfi tfimepzncc Eamjmg. ~ 7 % %*”’*4fiMM)A!3f Dumbmé-fl2n1@~mnDE nines teen&Wia’tma* mm when mn$Ef&tt%t‘Ijz't’t ztutbogrsk " mm requiteyfugtma-. finmmiflionets of 211Iefl*nt”zAnta$,%¢ollec man rum), ~town0n1t7na%’mrifiituié, arm apepins, fwd) emm to; the mtmmag, A ‘fiapmg, m1,.1ce‘m=¢ V fihfl Wfiim mamng 9111 fai4nAt9 years b:%Ié£tcl:ftrz=ctxVtz, min) the am equa1itp,anDin wnmcp tI)atnta1?h¢, .1mtmnA ttiativn tnreag 4anB‘p¢t«fntm1 actmz, artnmcb " %*1M tiflm "aim v~tDm§5 tr°.'3“a?fi1W’t'¢s% A aI1D«[JBl?fD3!%II,0; o;net5bimt, rcaufemhz DQIW, ¢ epsfmitmann perfnznzeb, as;t1,)e1> w‘ei‘am ibflgfi ¢ 0 ‘assuming to tbetuutljozmitp a ~;mu,% Vlltmrmf e«¢t,%n@.cefl?aLw%amwrmcntent. canny we tvazftmazrr ‘ a inmthc harm of we meet» W i ~m6'¢nwaln'£ land:-.aWD2DihQ ' 4% W %xnwnf raw... astbe can at ? WW, uvm “um” P9““M=*w Q» A than :3. é we "317 °3W5¢‘:% ,, %!W W rm Ms 133% W «Emmett, 0? J rmfanbfix .4. 1‘ ,, _ , _ ‘ ‘ - ‘ H ‘, MY‘. ( ‘ ‘ W -‘ ‘ . ' ‘ “ go} 4 “ ‘ \ ‘- ‘ ’ .. ' 1‘ ~ ‘ ‘ .b 5‘ ‘ 5 ~ "4 ’ ‘ v “ _ “ " ‘ ' ( “‘,,_ ('41 Q, $ f.’ ‘ w JV ‘ :3‘ ‘Q ‘ ' “ , ,,M’< -‘_ “ _‘ 1 “ _ Vvlt W ‘ I V‘ ‘ , M ‘ , nu: ‘f‘%:f‘? @ m1*cfl)'§V”mf§+t4i'5:;: A ‘*5 W ‘ V an menu», antitntmaa oraimnce 9 cncoujljadge‘ %%”Ai‘,cht fihe Ad4§%€hiti1’i' 1»3h£i*Sl&ré1aé2élg and of the ¢u1di%ers %andA J ‘t1;VVa11I nave msersen,V3taxena¢o1I%eacbgwr¢n5oz aaainfogany longem 7t,‘%VA£DBl1_,l1I1€!'l1fB£.Afflu§ bufihimfifitv feben, my thing. int1J¢;fain 909;: aflD4%I,:$$ ' n£ie£D%%‘Itafi%s9f¢J tit ft): ninaince to the mntratp_ In amjnyife nutmitua; ~ e Vttannmg’. 1 Com: iffi“n*e1=s'2 ade 1 (J2;2;:‘ A Q V v C1 =4;$tQ’.4;?%the f 15.n1ei*“A A ::1i*roners f015§7Ih¢1\/Iohethly %AAfreHme“m % aj’o;d5eneraIfBn:dg¢, A % A ?4«.u-s“ea%eca1::esbr¢w. ‘Bucks. V Edrnuhd Staflgrd fifq , Cambridge, ex‘, Hezelaié Haines mantra, wmam uhaa-wood ¢f([!1I'CZ, %.1DBl3II1flI1:DfA VL0%nd01?a'J]A Devercux Martin gfifq 5 William Audleytlfient; % A I/16 <22’ Eb’- L3‘-11'¢“C¢ 0Xb0r0ugh, V5é1ml1€lAFo‘rtrey, Hafnond Ward, Robcrtfiampfan mxcs, John Childc the pnnngendficnt. A‘nth0%n% Balézm, Jamés Edwards“ t1)zclnzg:,L%V%% Edwards elneft 90:: of William ¢ Th0masBurreIl @1115 “ A 4 % ‘ Derby. A 1'13"‘? 55Ch“V““‘~'¢1 ¢ Gwrgé Harpur 61111;’ ” Thbm s P efifqs A P Raollfinohn ajfifsnoéiifxfifi %a$?."" ForzbeCimnd%CozznuofA Exeter, me me an » «mncv fox tnc’trn?ev3?$''“ " ’”*° °”"’“"" ’_D érfcc. (23) Do1~fet. ‘V V .d5:mBtai Desberow, Edward Hoapcr, RobertCo73 kc:-1; Qennis Bond, %Wi;'Iliam Laurgnccg %Rc5b‘ertakTyd-" dcrléightz, John Newburghf, Giles gstoodly, RiIc;hard Newman, aaEd;mund Butler, aEfquire:.aa BekeEfqaire:.; A John Fanning Gem. A % EIEXL V 1 Thomas Peek; John Shaw, Sir Robert Kemp; William Kemp Efl1j‘:Ri.;(:hard Hurlakfinden A : Walter Luckin Gem“. Edward “ Hadflaey Gem. john Vicars Gent. ', Glouoefter. V '4 Wfflliam Dutton, Maxjzin Noel5*Edmun& Dumb; Thomas Chamberlain. Don Hodges, Efqsr.‘ Nicholas Géfits H€n1‘yPick¢ting®fq; agbegc Hampron ma; A A A Kenga ; Q Hi¢1‘€f01'<1‘.‘aa . A aW7iUiamA,;Bo%1;terel, Higgings James, Efquireia A A Q * Fwfata/ae ‘aHeré‘fr.a % R;iChaif_d ‘Lyda A Hertforci. A4 ¢oIon¢i Philip Twmeton, samuacl besbunow E121: Edward Brifqog Thofmas, Ari-is, _ V Huntington. f V Ralph Cobbeg mamas Mitford, Richard ( 7-4» ) Ke L Philip) Parker, Edward ‘HdfliW0”0Cl5 Williaml by,‘ Efqr .2“ RQbertSeyliafcl §7e”nt. John Seyliard Pen... flmrll q ; Thomas Mqmnms, Thomas W/1ltoln0f Dd; vet, Robert Maskal,R1charcl Rabfon, Thomas I-lIarril~ 4 fon, RalphlSucl