Saturday, 55¢»: 18. 1 6 5 9.‘ 4 by the Parliament, That this A& be forthwith Printed and Publifhed, TI-10.5‘ NI cH<$LAs_ Clerk aftéc Parliament. L0NDV(;¥ .Zf\47: V A Printed by 55017» Field and Henry Hills, «Printers mocha PARLIAMENT. --; ___..._ __, ‘ . -., . ,, ‘ ,-_ . .. ..._. ‘M, ~ tl»‘.I.‘.1u-n~<~v« ‘(Andi are to be {old at the {even Stars in Fléczfirccr, over aguinfl: Dunfiam‘ Ghurch, 1659‘. I of the foam fimf by mfimfa mm ~ he zminm am mm -, ,,.‘L ‘ 1 ,. —‘‘\x 5'’. -1 (. - g_ _ -. : . _« ‘I ‘‘l_ * ‘A I I-.;~ $ V 3333:5233 ssmaT- ‘ I *5 5%» "M; 1' ff, - é *»:= by; 5}; A ;% m mfmnw to W great _«,~.. " Wu " fly V V’ ‘ .~ “ .. ...~‘- ‘ 1 «=17 e-M-~ .M "L E ' u.-, ,4 ‘Sm §§ ‘9 $5! , ‘ 4, 4' : . [*2 W /f}: ‘ V “ -.'|"*uf' .“$C;l ; la‘ '. E . $ ‘ , W ‘ M , ; ,~ : J‘ ,. 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W mm fumes, * pgmmm gf wawmmj we §%;5mmmwm fig w W mm mm 23% M we mmiflj, mm mam pie, mm mfimmfm ~.nm,mm be at mam why we fimwiammm, mm W ma amjmgiw tijsommm pmmm W mm ¢mmfi3 fiwm Englazsxdafim: fljmssumnfi WWW Em mew WW Scotland, am Wing Emumxnmmunm W £%?J%?§290fl%E3 &a%mn 1i‘€land.ign$mEa% as mwmi, mm mm m ; nu mf mm umjmfmaaa ye wax: W % MW mm; , C 2-) m M *ma”?i3 Esfszfimaim _ ms 24”‘ my a Inna? wnafifijmafifanh fix: ljunfigen W nmuz mmmf:bz fiffefa Em, imam, flwaw,» miiecte-B _an b pacnm we Emmi aunmzg, fifties, arm waczfi in England, arm Wales, arm fimmn of Bc=:rwick: Qinfl _w(t1, Ireland, firm Scotland, hp the . zzzmfi, fiznfi wcmwmg m we imam mm mm amnpflzzémnfi, mm in mm mmmet am we mum: °"a% mam ‘xmwimena at the mam flaw, mm mm mm mm mmm in be mwm §L&w%aiLcniwfim1izcteta arm A mm M my me mm a@nmm'5%m13mbp the mm as inupmfen, #3 mmcw arm appoint; am, {am mmipinimztj ¢afe ass cnnceama‘ti)e tune of p&ymm;tnf_t1)c {am twelve flfionetns fimfimmt, ants fact) nttjztmattets as are % bmin aftet: pmtzfcuimtlp pznmncn fez, which are so be obfetmn arm A pwfogmen assuming tn gbg ~fi{$—g{tiQ.f[g. f3.3fi'fi}g. ga;‘¢¢ I A. ‘ A mm be it fmttim finactsb, main , cnmmencmg muacten , flbat the fennal ¢nmnu’flt’nner5~~ mm mm: imfiens by the fainflmecg, fins»- muctions 0; ammats ,% nmmtnatm am an» pmntm, flaailijam, ate, mercife, mm puma mwtwn the fame wzflew, flmflructzons ann ens, ztbe flfleflingmlmting,iLcw== mg, ante aaaping the faintmeine @unet1b£ " >. ‘M ii , V ~ w.,,,,. V 1 2Wmm1znt_.; aim alto antenna ann puvfuettbc Emmi mus, mrections, minutes ann¢=;o.——{ 1 mm, pzefcrtbingtlje may ant: manna: of Ming, §Lenyifl %» mmung arm qmying ‘ Kismet , mmcvm» cue faith fnzmet wzmw am@ mmew an Iimitw aAnnammince11,a£j W139 mm efimuaily :3 ma intents? atm ‘fw, M if tbfi rams Bab been 1320mm ( 3) wmeeee me we muebegiey emf wee we fenemi emu eefpeeeeiee fiemmeflenere in , mefem ieeeizemeeeedfee we eeeeee efieeemg V we fem weeeee em eeemeee, nemee fez we we tbzee yeeetg fifieefieneene fozeeee eefpecmae emnmtee, mtzee, flame mm amaeee in England mm Walespfifm £01131? Bf Bervvick, mall meet eegeeijee at we new omnmn arm ufae e an emcee sf meeeengin each of the few mane tees, mtiee emu flomne eefpectebeip, one; A meme the fiefinep of July, wne tneufannue gunmen fifty nine. mam the fate fioznmiifm-~ new, oz as inane of them ae than be even arm were pzefemz, mew came this mefem mew hepeet ineeeceeemn, me we meneeing, ED:-;.> eectm, we rem mfleflezeeent fozmeew emmeneeh fee %anaging, ihenyeng mm heengiezgin twelve wonetije’, in M the mu new part e e weeeeif to be mmegen upen eaein emfien, V menmen, gear!!!) arm aelaee, mew be Ttmwefiéfa feffen, flemee, méeleeten mm aeain eneeeije meceine fieceibeee, mm hp tisem to we ecemeee ofieneeel at the mbeie meeemene, an n; befege we fiefi sf Augufl , mne tbmefetm in imnmen fifty mm man we neieee ijeifpeeee M we faib wieffemenit an 0; Define the flenefije «my jef Ofiober, wne tbouferm fie bunmee fifty nine : mm» the ram wmnmefleeneee, mg ‘ any tijzee a; maze of mew, mete agnb may em- paint fucb ntbeemeetingea at fetch eemee mm placefi , as they met: Jemne fi"t,;, meeee we mean; peer: at them wenepzefent , a eel! no mm perfume raw tijineee, en gene few fut: , thee wzeeez arm hieeeeeenefifeee eeje we epecua ” emu ef thee pgefem fiat, aemgming tn we true intent mm meeening ebergefif, lee me? their firm tfcqllfie-*1 h‘Jcl’a.nd :, ’fiE‘§jfi $53 $5‘ W-?°‘~.§s$ ‘M $3 5% ~ *' M‘: $1? €“"‘§ £3 3 1 ~. .1 ,_.,_»_ “J .‘_ L - ’ _L kw . $3 €"“%‘ ~32: g..a§.«? gas-42:.’ ei €-“We $3 3 *9 5% J_ “:3! g ' 7 {fit} grg Q?‘ 432% ‘Ex? ‘ : 3? ~ q. 'f“'é $5’ ‘ {*2 %“*~':‘:» <53; ' W fie $3 I‘ f 1!‘-‘f~.:;.‘ _ sk 3-., ,5 '33’ fig ' ’ <‘ ' QV9 3 ‘assays: £3. W :rm~*’ 5% u x ' " -V '““ ' : 754? » ~«.*»»->"¢~t~.~mm '¢‘'a”'‘ ‘ .«~." . é . Ki: ‘E.-.‘%&‘5g 9 €E~?§§';m.?:fi£i'€§%g3 I’ "§,m..3 f%.i‘&m a§a@'3m::%3§3r aam M: ms mmm muazma 31 Sco:1anci,.,§m‘§3 fifihm $E;sw:im‘a*:?s genes: J. fi3%:'§,E,E %:a£,*Aé?:»§:%g;;‘W’ai"*a*§"£:B mg; €E:§@ms:§%zmm am in maiizcmng, gammtgg mm Hm ma 3 # u? @mw;§;a2:swzw M M €E;%fl‘§J£ §}'.‘:%mm:§ fimii :E7memmm ama gum: ;fi:k:c"%:fa wgmrg mm ma recgimngsmwz $133 @@cm:ai$i5€amng, ?£’Mn;mgz, fififikmmaesm, my Mme amxmmm Em gag}; mm mmE}mi?fm€imxmm=3 an Engxandmawm m $%’.::az tmmmmfi gagrm mr;m@’m*a% mf gm gm? {mm fijafnk: fin mijwfij am pmmm mm amimwp mama m mm? mm mhfemfi mmzmmgw. % filrmit fumfijawmagcta 3 emzazmzm by ma masimiw ammam, £Em,$ we fvammi mmw, flgzmm, mm mm: m’m‘a§;r;€:“:ma1wmw gémra, 0; §;n:mmnw m at gas srm it ELW..<= mm, by mmnw mf aaarmmenfiay my aim: fiuamgfiw M afimgemm ,m mm f t ’ ’ WWEFKE9 anagfimg, Efifilflfiflg, mm flfrs Hug fmm nf ma Qweflmmmw mm mm $3 a» mam mretmfmgz mm flmméme fag mg mg: mf my jmgcm in England, Scotland, 1rc1ana:,z::i‘amm vmitmnmnt as wmmffi fimiwv WWW imwfi. M mmmem. am, mm puma mmtmn by am emu L I ma mmmm £3? my mm mm mum, fimmg mg m M 33%.-:2 am he imw W fins E3339 ‘mam am mg £ am?‘ T W hat bamaif, mg, mm M fly aflmmwt, 32, $ 13:5 {War &'°zme I 3. I 6 '5’ 9. #9 WW aw MW Jan» % saw am? my fifimmmmsamwi ,, mm fimmw wammf, mm m ammmw mm fig @,m"a%a: - E . W 1. , . mu . . fl vw A ? mw fl E 3% W m%._ Mfi W V . W FE» fifl . flaw Mn 3. W 3 % mm m ma mm av M j» 4, -‘"13’ fifi ¢b6@vW I «I 53;, ‘ ‘$3. 5|: mmmmg ma mm gémn my ma Wmmyp mmmffi mm mm M "\ .' ., 5’; "1. fir @- S amrddy, 4 “ V Rdered by the Parliamengthat this Aft be forth-~4-4 *4 vvit: ¥a% Prmted and Publiihed. ‘flxfimm St. Nidrolds, A “ mark of the Parliament.