IN ST RU CT Bot THE Trufiees, Treafurerstand Rtgifmtwflccomptant For the Sale t—>i’ thin: Dean 8: Chapttts son The admitting fuch as have Moneys owing thembtr the Parliament, to double the fame upon the Ctcciit of the Lands of the Deans and Chapters. sfliii; S 9 M ...m-‘‘'-”' ‘ » ,..~-'‘ “ i V: V 9‘ ‘ . U V‘ V .% yH,‘_‘ »':‘ " » V ' ‘ 1 t \‘ : 1 A vs i ' Y, ‘ ’ ‘ I _ < V :9‘ ‘W i ' V '7; \ ii’ 1" ii ,1‘ ‘ ,‘ ‘ ii ’/i / 0 1 4 I Die Martis, 5 Juniig I 6 4 9. A t A ()7{dered hy the Commons ajfimhled in ‘Parliament, That this A8 he forthwith printed andpuhlijhed.“ i % A Hen: Scobcllj Cleric. Parliament’. -nu... ' a...._ VLom§on:i Printed for Edward Hnflmnd, Printer to the Parliarntnt of England; and are to be {old at his Shop in Fleetfiteet, ‘at the Sign of the A Gnlden-Dragon, near the Inner:-Temple, 1649. , "_ ‘ 31.; M . y 8 ago: i a . ‘I _ .>/. L and... .9 ‘ * 1'0 "°‘ . - ‘ - ' ‘ L ‘in. .. it ~ _ F OR a A The Tfufiees, TAA1"c‘afurers, and RCgiPcer..-A¢com..- pram: fAoAr‘thc Sale OF the Dem andAChap:'cfsLdnds, for *rh“cad1=nit:ting‘ fuclizis havtij Moneys cowingthcfhby A ::heParhamcnc, tod‘oubIe%A%ths;fameupcinuthc A % Credit: of the Lands of thCA Deans A A ‘ ‘ V 4 “ A _ and Ch3ptcfs.'VAVw . A w I m H‘ > ‘ . ‘ \'AA ‘» A: » . - . -2W ‘“ * A %, 1&1) tljzec 03111022 Oftbfi ‘ 4-L - x V_...., ~. ‘ ‘ , AAA’: *1’ ;..£"A‘ .‘ AA ' V. AA A 77‘ A A 3 ". “ ‘*~‘~ ». “S” '3‘ .,-" ‘.~ It 4 '2 -be‘.'“‘ ‘ \ . I: .~ ’A '~ -' M» . » . ,1» ..;lAAP'A-fig,‘ v s . I ' - —-w»% 3 . . 1.“; A . AA * l,‘- iAAAi .A1AA' r " ."' ‘IAN -2. é 1 ‘M! , M 4‘, In” ( '14 x _c, . I 4’ . 2'1"» x ‘ . .1 4'‘ v “M V 4' j V , > * N ‘ . V.- ¥'”\ ‘ ‘ ’ ' ‘ W ‘A ‘ A " ‘ A ,dI A A . 1 ‘A’ Y» A “ *2‘ * = ‘ ‘ . ‘ fi y .4-" ‘ .a ’ I 7' ¢ * ,r : ' V-V I?’ r “ , ‘ V r ~ ‘. 4 ‘H ‘ . r A‘ n Qt ‘,4-‘Q. ~49 ' " ' A ‘ I! A u u ~. map%%a11om anp% 1Ws‘2:.—=~= @ - ..: “% ;’ ehts arm tams am a , “ . mitten to be unable) wesmmmv of “ A « ~ ‘ 2111erroustnatm¢ecc .3 zmmittebw Double, by eimuebf mzninancé oVf1Bat1iamwt of the fiI)1’);tVe2ntl)4 ay, 1647e%VDIi‘ $139 QIBKGJGDE 1’-£1105, t1)ai1an.n are anmr:tw‘AA%% mmb1cV may of % A tbeitonws ax wabéttot:imumw,.upan% A + the ¢ct*entt of tI)eA$ mawann MJWA A nus, , a5ccmnmgtu,%tI)e muuezann3q:x% was mm mat the 3Intmmtantz% %anar my menu ma §icE¢. %_ V 1%flb1f€m a11cr,Afi3 hici).:~%t A ’¢cc 26 _ the ~(' 2.82.) cneqeubiiquegraittg, tI)ep{1)al1be aemteeen to eeoub1e,upenti)e fiettttitvoftije issues at the meeme ann mjeeptees; we {ate eefpeetibe fume being ceetifieeu. unto the fail! ieufteee unneetbe ‘£DI1ItltDIt:9 eat of the fair: atmpozattetee man at: tpetfotts ttigaets?hih~tanbtaneee anpfuttt etztfume of tenet: eomaens the eaiting ef the fate eefp~e~.e- etibefums, aeettubahe the benefit of the {am fieeutitp Jere,ezttjepatmaneing the pzepeettott of oneps fozmmbltng the fame. V £331: tbefum of jrme bunmen peutms ane- bancen bpjfebetat ilnljabttantsef tlje fiemn of Malborough upoutlje Speaketsfiettee of the mute of ¢emmons,fl)a1tbe almtitteh toneuhie 4 on the fainfetutitp, the few mm heintgteetifieia to tljtfaib ittuftees, unnet the éaeedof tijefatn ficzteepezation ; am: all perfnns of the rain iomt, ttljatnth atmance any {am 02 fume of nmnep 30": was t1)etaiting of the Iain tum, aeete Ijane . tljebenefittef tljefath feeuettpmpezttenablmnet 0; they ahbaneiug tn etr tpznpogttong ef atom? fez boublin the fame; arm alto all men moneys as mete anhauten Iwtlje ‘jlnbabttante W Iam atom, fottbefttiiict oftlgeaeaeitemem, fozIbDtt1)t1Je?1J&11W tI)t1Jann¢eof9ieEdward Hun.» egcrforctste Ncvileool, Philip ¢6fqutee,ann % ’ anweneteet ‘gm % 1"0fl¢Pi teflWW“¢Df931‘ e anetmn ef them. Czlltfutljexeetfenslblje babe belibeeen ineimzmg \ oz mun-tuntttonintotljtpublique aeteeeznftbfts aim have meteftomtljefinmmtttee ” , ef9:afttr,tn bepatnfmtlj § 5' e A V fettteityof tbeeeemetenn teeeteee mane ; , A g A e fifth tbaflbeenmittcnt ufafl?v0unnB:e¢f%%fbt (2-33) am that fmh finmncew, theft: flfsigncc oz mzrgigxaemmaiiheatmmenfixvmmnzpcr«mum bpthzpeaxt, from thehhhtimz the tiwnephshinas am V 1aanmJh;ann that thefiecetptsunncrthe hannsh hf theiiteafmmts at GuildhalfozIreland, 0; much :3? them, [hall he aftzfficicnt Ihattaitt tn the V '3£::u{tees tda1’loIh the rants: Qinn when {metal herfuttshhanzh yoynentogzthet tohatmance a cam “ iimra.Iefumhof mmteps , fa; the purchafe of mans in Ireland, emu have iuttuftenannfnxanz are of the namsmf fnnu: one 0; mozeperfonoz mtfonshas firuiftzw by teafon of which the hmhulzh mm atmaitcen flanns chavgen, as if he 0; thzp htzttmllcn were the ouch? atmancetoz fihbatlm mfitbmafh, ihatfuchpatticnlavileum: :3; itenhmthsmaphabzhthe benefitefnoubling hi; oz theinmotwps (the certifi"cat¢ of thzhpehtfonhhaz pctfns tntruflen as afozefain who itanns charmagputchaferh in the fllveafurmh fax the ‘vzczmthafthzfam moneys) ofhthzpmtichniar tum hthat auyhperfnn atmzntutcn ashafozefainA, that: he afuffictent mamtauttahthe ”3Erui1ce5.,.tnaIIm1a fuch pm‘ou oznetfans .113 noublehtsoz theft ma» A uwsupon thehcrenit thzfaih ianus : 24111: mheveafi Tamra”! patrons ham::h1opmn tagethet h tapzhowteanhaifignmmtoz affigttments fwm "any of the immzniatzhahmtchafecsofthe min §.anbs,at1Dhahztahmzthc affignmcnt oz aaigng A malts, ftththz namehhof one ozhhmogc patina in fm&,the cettificateufhshim ozhhthem ’tnhhmhhnm M fuchhafiignmpnthmas mane, ugallhhhcafuflicient “ warrant fo2‘¢1Je~3:mfiecsto afiow fmb 1per~ ‘ fun ozhphetfenghjtommbtehhiz mumps as aim: &nmJ3$CifCl113'l7 ithanp%onpi1aIitiumeho; QE021J0z&_t¢,' fa: tha Uhaifinffflf any anew him: the phuthchafitzghhibanhshh % in Iefie¢18fl<3,4e oz ijeweg 1.31% (284.3 be we ef thew 5I~?2ae.eze§ixe twfi fez theta, five: a%eeetifieate meme: :1) e ea! e V of the fi1iDe¢;D2p:2€1ti£m0?> 225mm? 1eoiitique,; efimii e be afnfficietttmaemtzt fez age We: e’£,to L anzmt fuci) peetoueoeperfume to name tijeie re- fpectibe farm upen the {exits eems 3t17Die?;(¥I«D&:: peeve ¥Len‘ee. , % 1.@ZD11iD£Da, flbflt if filth Détffllt ital! nsake appae mute tljefain ilhcuitees,etbecettaitt fimanf me? that be 0; they hati)ieut,at1nme ttufien mtbe jflmne of any $m:ozpnzatton oze 2150131» zeolittque,*i£bat.V we fail: fltuiteea flmllann may aeunit fa perfenee petffotts to e % Double their oneps‘ upon tljeefain ?LanM R3 afezefain,_fea2 fuel) perfmt oz perfeue nowyine his oetbeit flmcneps weenie ten naps afteec be {hall heeamnitten,ann pzocure ex cettificateeeunnet ~ the 9eaInf~ (act) fiuzpozatienemaitbin feet"? news after tijepaymg [in f the {aim neps ; emnin ~ nefem1ttbereof,I)ebe they 11,511fuzfeictijeet:efpe~..= ctibe futtwnf « gmnneps pain in, uttlefs they flaali them fuztne 1’ uttcaeuete unto the ufieezeijanee fame fttgttet: tieme gin enti)em;1>1~vidcd,tya1: my eetfen eeperfcms efljat are {mm eniatee cou1J¢1?,oex e nnfnfhfifibfieeinttuenani‘eu minus to pet e ‘ % flfligngee :9; M mfligzie ,:Im in: ietfentip“ * A tijet epeeefan W are fee 02 Um “mi . Ar y ix 1' \ u ‘ e r * V I - ‘. .« Mi nu’ ‘' . e ..é _{ .~ » 3 gs . “$1 1€ , . 5 4» Mg; tlf ‘ 1 9 ‘ “ . ' e ‘ ‘A. ‘.1 I ‘.‘.. - ‘ ‘ '5". . ‘ :2; ‘ 3' 3‘ K - 1:’! v‘, e > ‘ v I W V‘ . ‘ ‘ ,2-‘ J, ‘V ‘ V L2‘; ,4. T,» \'i_ N.) .‘ : _r ., ._V I I ., V fl. 3; V We 1 4;» . e e. E ‘ ‘ ’w e ‘ ‘‘§‘.w ' ” e e .r ‘ ‘ ' ‘J “" ‘ ‘ P‘‘‘‘’'‘, ‘‘ ‘;{ ‘ ' -.«%“\“,E "X -5 «V '~ ~ se e‘ v i K " . ~ 2 ‘I " “W-‘.K..x~ ‘U ‘W E»... ..a .. M“, 4. J "\ e w ‘ ca. *1 ~ A AV zvg‘ r \ mm ‘ ‘ 7' (23?) ~ agemeut of the aeattiamente futh of the faiio eaomames that have aohattb MW film to;-~ _ matoo thetaifing of the rain flBbtI—nD2£B t1)l3It: taut tenant, than he aomttteo to ooaote the ram tent bethemt at afogefaio, auto than he aiioneeo filntetefl, attoeoing to «tight potmfoa percent. fat the fame, ftom the term that it mae pate in to the ahambet of the altttp of London: moo mhete‘ any pattttuiae ahemhet of any of the fate tom:-.= patties hath aonanteo V vane tune of %o1eeee, foe ant» tothatos the tatfmg of the fate me httttogeo thoutatto pounoe, watt ttaemtfe be a‘ottee‘tteo to ouhte when the aetaeztte at the tam fleanoe, ant he auomeo ihttetefi at ateeetato : flue the mt, ano any one marten, aao tnthe aofettte ot thew aflet, anpt17oomatoeae of the tefpeettte Qtotnpantes, (hall tettitieia to the ahamhet ot theeitty of L or: D o N, the flame of each flflembtt of thettt cttompanp, who hath been at ?Leuoet as afoeefaio , mm the eattttutat firéeumfo Wat; anvtbattteet1Jammriem of the any of L 0 an on, oz hie vzpepute, no am: £ha11jtetttt'z'e the fame tae alto the grate tame teeth? the patti£t1Iat¢Dtnpaflit§5 unto the fate fitufieee; am: the tetttttate of either of them mall be a futfittent warrant to the fate eaeee, to allow the fame, upon ooooltttg on the ftcmfa th of the Ebeane anoaihaptett fiance. fiihat an peetone that line mtthm tmentp 1112185 Of London, MID ifltfillfl ID Dflllblfiaflfl DRUE’ the anbantage of theft filntttuttioneafliall being to then: moneys within thitte have 5 am: others that line a at aftttthet otttante, by the tenth f July. fine be it etnatteo arm wzoameo, flijat all ants entry the petfon am: potions, zeomee to: ltttque oz dtowozate, theit teecutozs, fiomini-—» e iteatoze ant morgue, who ate aomttteo to oouete am] @ A (286) manic by berm: sf chefs Anmmtians; wait mm mm m§optbzA%itke benefits mm abjbanwgcgg .aum£ent5 aim; tlfmfes in tbemf c13afingn;;E gm wag an filjaptettz 3I.annz,zgszjft13e nan mm imitlfiflittfljk act fa: the abuhflgmg was “$5 in Eng1and%%at1D Wales. " A ....4 _.....T WW? ——‘___”___ -ar-u-:--.--—-- flie Martis,V% A5LI¢mHi£,&I64f9. :Ef01vcd (/urpon the Qxpfiion the Comm%onsV aflémblcd in Parliament, That ten days furch°ctV rims; bgaddedm thfifiv"C4iIn¢" uI'I1ittC4d in the Inf’cru<9ci;- V %P&{Tc£1L¢on laf’c.,% allfuch as live within twenty Milesof London to come in, double their mm;-aeys on; Deans andC3haptmrs Lands}, andtbatAth;c& Tnftees ‘andTrcafi1rers 0 admit the fame accordinly. ‘W-‘F " flie Martix, 5 Izmii, 1649; Rdercd by thc Commons affcmblcdih Parliament} ’ Th43tth4eInfh‘u€Ci%0nSforthcTI‘I1fl:C€$%for Dcansmd I Chaptcrs.Lanc 1‘s,% be forthwith primed and publiflhc. Hen: Sca l2elfl, cw arliameaiti; » A ‘,- - . ’ " ‘ ., ‘ V ' , , . ., , _ n -