V London, Printed by Edward Hmmdand ‘ h M ' With further INSTRUCTIO “r0 THE‘ . Truf’cfees, Contraétnrs, Trcafurcrs and Regifier, h an fltionxae sale of :heLanas and Poffefsionsnfthe h V T late Deans, Subdeans, Deans and Chapters, AND nances and Inf’cm€tions.made concerning the fame. , e ’ nnDieMa1”:tis, 431 I649. ~ 7 Releml lny the Parlhment, That tliz? Qdfi ‘ fartbwitbiprgnied A h n andzw5hflw'd- A V I 3 A Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti. K n I A the Parliament of England, I 6 4 9. NS For the better and more fpeedy execution“ of A the former A615, Ordi- gcolm Field, princcrsheioh mm. F urrher InftruaionstocheTruflees,Cdncraa¢rs, TrearurcrsandRegina»£orche%sax4e Potfeffions of rate means , ¢Andf‘orthe:better and 1%no¢¢re fpeedy execution of \ i‘t1VV(": S%, VV V A 1¢~gia"tc, 5? fiurch-?‘*6r’* V g the former -Aasa V-‘V(.)rdiI]1"{I]C_CS Iflfiruétions I madficonccrning thcfamc-V. I \ a ‘ ‘ V ‘V .‘ JV ' an ‘ um “ ‘ V\V VV V V ‘ . I. ‘ ‘ ‘ , ‘ mu “ Ii’ v ) -.4-I » V , A. an M M . E u 0" ,.‘ finacw by wig the flint aamimnzeut ., ‘.2: ; . ‘ I . « W - V g .. : ' j 7%)‘ A ‘W at V I »,l as» V }\V M . .... I 1;- i: V‘. .1 4. '4 " H," ‘ ‘- V 1 I 2‘ NA '4 - mL_.I‘I«~VV V 3-...” I , ‘V ‘T . . w.,p, ,;.;._VV4, _, ‘ V ‘ H , »“.,am , . , ‘ A V nu Au» » ‘N, >5 / ‘ “ V . w . ‘, A ~ . » ,, ,_‘ ‘ 01‘ e _ <31? Q ‘w "‘r ' ‘ .w’ ‘ " ‘ ‘ ‘ , " , ‘f" ‘ - “ ‘ ‘ ‘ ".‘~‘“' ’ .2 r‘ , “ f’? ‘ 4 u “ , ‘ ‘ ' ‘ M, p:" \ ‘».vVV. V V? w‘ JVVV V / V V A V) ‘ V V ‘ V V _ umxuuww , ‘,«,u.+,, V @ , . V ,,., , ,3 ‘ I Q .10 \ . ‘ . u , ’ Ir g. _V . - 7‘, V , V V . Nu v _; V. V ‘ 9 -- 4 ‘ mg \ 2. .‘ "*',.., ‘ “ , ‘ ‘ ’~‘;' , . *5 ‘ " V '3" ‘ I 5 ‘ ‘ ‘ A ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ v ‘ ‘ 2 ‘ * . w “ S ‘ ‘ “ _ ‘ ‘ ' ~ W " "*2 ‘W 3 ‘ ‘ g “‘v€.4;;,u:¢ " ' V I‘ Y5 " -' ‘ . ‘ \ - V ,' ’ 5 -V N 1 V ,. ‘ H.’ ‘ ‘ ‘ _ ‘ ' w ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘- \ . “IV ‘V “ m . 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W A‘ 1 rw .4. . “ T ‘ l ‘ \ Lu) V ‘ ‘ H - ' V V “ ‘hr ‘ yl ‘. ‘ V . ;* ,1 V « ‘ « V VV 'V ., .1; ‘ M .5, “ ‘ " W1 ' “‘ ‘ “ 4,,’ ‘ ‘ . ‘ V \,. ‘J ' V: . ‘ ‘ H ‘v‘ . ) . V 1 V IV M !'* m 4 ' NV “ ‘ 4‘ » ‘ VV ‘ Q _ 4 ti 5 A ‘ ‘ " w VV ‘ V v W “ ‘ r» ‘ ‘ f M as '2; .. 9‘ vf ‘ ‘ H In N ’ . < g 3 ~" ‘ 2 3" “ A ~ H .11 M -C: ~ nmmfl % W F Wu?’ Fr. ' harms, a ma cum V‘.‘V ‘WA: V_V;, W “in V V C3. ‘an’ % ° M “V V ‘ 1*,‘ " x I - ‘ m ‘ es? » ‘ “ ' . VVV .» VVff«,V VVVVW VV.. VV VV V v Q.-a V‘ iv .U »» c»ngw1 V‘VVVVVV,‘.,l. V VV,,V M, u ‘ 4 I" &te4§V1 L w M , cm) W & “W85: attbthz mrbibpz attnmrnmzmf tljemmnnijm ants tnziwms mm %fl‘z’g~ns,)a u fwmljznczfmtbboln fat!) of thapzemtfem .. hp fatten annhcitenitz mm) mm fut!) aggifie at.znz5.;. mans, ienmwtttm mazemtammtg by the {am much mt new in the {aim fivzmaeg am: that fiaetm, as an the «min anmt%mmtz’etLb nap ofatcb ma paftnmte Ijgmmn nf mwmmfi. monpetfnn 02 perform by we fame iflcuuteg,‘ Emits mm 9erniczs by which fame were ten _I)¢e1n ; annmallftam bertccfn Ijjmln all the Wflflftllfi W01-ms arm zczniflm, srmm tbofc mm are ijmby, as tljmfe name!) up we tam racism ma: atehetlcn In (em in the fa‘ %t:utm5an‘ntI)*att$ciw, uftijemmg of Ea,H:.;. Greenwich 3:cz u ammmgu ggficmgga bl, W» W“ ‘W *1‘? W’ 0tbM=~ tenure: ¢ " immmtt‘; It that W? the rain a::ru.=.- ma rhino; mu fawtbozwf them, W %fl11D¢W1? Wivfiyail fwm Denczfuy as aiiimefam cijotbzr tbtfxgs 5 320» tbfi 11585, i11tm lI5 V A ,8! ‘I! »‘y.. ‘ V ‘ M ‘ .9 "" ‘ “ 3 wt <.; , ' ‘ . ‘ ‘ n,‘ ‘ ‘ , .» , é 2!‘ ‘I %_. Mfg , 0* *1 3;: g zé 3» X ‘ ‘ , ‘ . , k: 59%“) V an Moi a V“ omen are, 4 (413 3 mf4tbctma in them repofen (atmA: not ntbztmtfe pwnimnfoz) may he pain mm fatiafim; arm at: tam the fan1afl)a1lmpain mun fasisffim, they ant: we fiuwihnzsazm Qautbiboz uftmm, mg am: fijfiit fl m‘m%fl3aii ftann feifmmf’t1)e refm me of we pzcnaifw than tzmaimitg * unnifmfz B nf, % fez the me am benefit mfl the ®un:mmtmza1tb ,% as by we aaamament {ball he a&gmam'n$w. C$tmJu’t i5 ijzwhp furtljw mama inalltijings (not i)mbp+ ntbttmife mmcem mljiclj cnncem the pzeméfes ‘ hereby mm arm fetlemntbcfam flmmwaub tbzttrmiw, arm we fients, 3111125 arm amofitsA t%}mnf,oz IlJbicIJ;Da1JBIlfiffitlzttce tljmutxto, as in, am: bptlje rame%nfuc1):o.t1)ct Qictifi am: filnftwctionz a5.1)abe“¢enfinc%€t1)at ntancozgtmn, gttg mmcten*,%cuncemtngthe % ' %anazs,?Lanns, fienemmw, iaerzhitatnmtg, mm ntI)¢$tf)mg~»shptlJz fat’ fitm:e;cjiteD mt: mm W an omt1en%m tiJa%t'ain_‘£1:ufi~eesatwtbm Maw, J anJutmfiB-ents,‘ilffues annaazufiwtijetzuf, 0; my what fiijmgin tzfm”n%c»z tijertmmto; mun ti)attbefainfirnflcw,®m1ttactozs,% £z:eafu:.- tn uzitiw 1 A 5% D flfilfl tmpnmn% to A ~ at 1:3 ante tijiugav in tefmnce t%n%%t1Je%4p;¢.,4~ « mm‘ arm mitten temectmeip, Aarm + alIputcI)a»: %r3mz%n% ntmw nJi)m1titIn¢otiJ«nz ai1Awg1cetn,;% atitgm %:1)s1meV pnmem*,%4pgtnaenmsjmmaua I tijfltgfi, mate alitlj 02i~..=* me fat; an $13 arm $11 fu%ci)a1m % ‘ ‘ I ‘A, L ‘gm 1 “ ‘ .‘ ‘ 7 '_ " ’ ‘ ‘ W“ “ ‘ s , I ‘V 1:: = % % ‘ * % ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ‘I ‘ ‘ - I I ‘ N ‘H s ,_ 4 ‘ 3 I ‘ '5 »_ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ 9 , , .‘ ‘ pm , g , ‘ ‘ , “ . “ ‘ .,‘ ‘ ‘ “ . , ‘ ‘ —. ». ... mug“ . Y ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ n 1 ‘ V‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ g ‘ V, W.‘ \ . H 5 ( f‘ ‘ .. w.‘ Q, ,, ‘:‘ ‘, " M w; Q3; " ‘ if . 1:1 ' 3 ‘V ‘ V a 1% ' 1 w‘ “ ’ 1 1‘ ' .- efiere) V we mnteaeteea eeamen in the fate fie&eete’tetn? met, me nee at aeteze the jrttfieae of became- her , wee tigleufane fit btmneieta foety am: ene_.,te % were 02. their own etgiet nan, anleemm bat!) at oembiti) heteze nzfteeee , that ae execute; oi Aateteetntfleatneta any Dtijet’, ban imh ya 1 the am» legal term in any sf the pzemtfea tjetehp, 03 he the Iain fitfl tedtee mt neftee at the fate fltuflees am: that ieette, map Aputchate the 332: metfwn aem fin!/aetetaace tijeteof, Ihetaeat era tutttng any of the engteiteeeee eepeetfen tee the rain zltt; ant: mall Dahtemb eaiey fuel) arm the like benefit, Dtftbatgea, iebetteiea aaeaeeaaa e tagee in eefeeeme tbeeevmtn, ae aeep eettjee eager: tbafet of any at the pz’£ttII'fe5' map, me name eg have me enemy, Cane them in the fate fire teteten met to the ttnttatp notmttb£tanning.1eeem’nen in W tbetateeatozefain, fihat tneéfimnmtttee at we: e mlitioflfi,-e 0; any the oetmnzt of them, that! A make the cztonttattatttozntng to the finite aem Wiaiueeeatn the fi'tl1‘.tetitei1I mt menttnnen : flan pztmtnen alto , giibat tee elseateactee ea eeecaeee bimteif to he an etettttn; oz mmeeetfeeatee me «frame oetoeett, thereby to obtain ate teteeete at ‘ afienertmne at fiehetanna tn hetome a aeaeeaaa I3”; am: it is hereby futtbet eaattee, await therein amtfieeee. we 4 tattme, eeafntete emefitgi eve eta ef ‘net-meeettea met, an aflfltfl WB13tfIJtI552fiDIJt!E5i3 Oimqtwflflll‘ am. V mete. emu watt? nft1)em,fba1l itttefeeeate e tn V tljeepzemtfeebetehp, eptnetaetea teeeten e ettetteneztetlen atbeafatnfilt aieezee, an e 4’ I teeee aematae Iltemes twweee teefeme. me‘ , tm have tejee hettefitefi e tflwffittefflll was r ‘ . ‘V ‘ , \ w- ‘u . e , v w. e e *" « v V . “ ‘ ‘ ‘e w m ~ I a . (+20) eat the maze rozmeeie Iimeeen, arm new tteaeeiapfen, fne‘ebn’ngt;1g in of the moneys tube tmubien upon theceemt of the weems am: fihaptew flemne,£t)a11be enlaegen, emu have M continuance untnthe ieft bay of A.uguPc, mete thuufann tn: htmnzen fem» nine, fez an thnfe lfiiilfi in London, I]; Ihifljffltillfilltl? 1111183 Dmfiziht ' feom thefame 5 arm untuethelaft Day of September following, fee all othees of‘ this jliateen, oz eett;-.~ emttheeem. J h A h ihat all peeljons, zhenies‘ aenlitique e an!) me-I hpneate, mhofe metteyeeatmemcee foethe meechafe A of the meets flames in Ireland, are ahmettene to A hemzmbien upon the eeeniteof the ram ED eeme am! ‘ ozhepteee ieemne, who habeoefhall mtthtnehe times eheeehp hefaze Iimtten , Double the fame; ant: being in their moneys, (ball have allowance '. fee the fame after the eate of eight pnmme ‘pct ccntum per annum , from the timeof their fitfi eta: “name eheeeef, emu wall heme theie W115‘ hchartem *e“"¢°%“meir+ e eetbeiv eefpectibe C0:ut1“¢£§f0?~ eeeeeere I a eheelsibemns,;ann~.te gene iaece ts we autheoetsen to reset!» 6 monefleaflfi ea, upon the epueehafe nth cefaihfiebels ithat the aaeceipt ezcteetificate of the my rifle oftbefebeeaicounti-e5 ants citee5e“e“3!l!’e foethefpeebyeebuciw Dfethe flebels eme e*eneemtre the33eceie t oz eetteee ateeefeeevs at Groc¢s~He1lhI>eeedon; e M effll-lnunal’ atmattlhifibh an“ eie; tea: (4.21) limes, Define mm nftI)em,fiJe11:hee¢ fl)?&€.%?&‘mt~tfl5 eI)eefm‘n%euaeee to emeee’eeteefleeem1eupetmeiieee mganee aetije fieeeeipeei 0; fieetameeee ef the e fieeameew at ebéefee mmeeps at Guildhall, mg j@1£IE13§§3D2 Df tijem , eee eeeeceee We: eneennee ¢gm. 4 A 1V~ . Mme aiifueij @eeef)met:&rangee§, fiwareia new we ntijeefi 11330 an mmeen emeps fozeetbe eelfefarmkrpzefeebatenne eUf”I1'eCl3fl'a:;i_"3.113%epaififltbe e M femie in1eotI)e'<2;hambéer of London, in the mac ewnetbozeefatzn up ijtmmebfnztze two, annetbefe mfisgtts hzingt’ng unto the faine ieufieesaes eeipt oz Qteetttieate foztbe f,&1n1e mmet tbeljaun of the mjamheeiain of London u; we meputy fa; the time being, fl)a1i.be,aem hereby (gamut: ten to Double the fame, with the flnteeeft there.- of, upon the creme of the faiazeflbeeneemn fines mew flaw» €mDfbaIIe;ba1wi‘utD allewenceenf Slzeeeeefi, emu we like emihglenges annalmanza tages as a ought to have. p otbeesanmigten to Douhelebabe 0: e flbae an ixeljpeefons Infie eazffen ozfuenif1)en7 atwieoefe.» ftb D2 Ihitboutdfurniture, fo2ti)e 1)2€flZtD&fI'Dfi‘Df:w¢.‘U§P¢Df¢Lond0n,IhDfCbm¢l3E mien aamaiuenep e A A A QatpyThomas “Walker, ant afteemaens rent 0 intoe $1)? nubtiqueeee: Ems M111 “M9 contimwnoziefta flml«lfi."t‘:Q1,D‘V~t1‘tBt[x:tt-ta,‘ ebto t1Jei1met5, )d“I1bet1Jex»nfe1be5 oz ziffimv-*9 upon menacing totneratn fiettificateebeeeofunnee tbewann nftbe «Esteem 1191 B1 @ 8% B2 OfefD¢4;fi9£IfIIWI1t 3 02 eeptainoe “W” thee: wmceeeofe tbefltoov I11DWiI1»tD¢‘ ¢ ’3 e%e‘eAW:5m“”“ a“3°“?¢‘"wf‘P‘9b1“19° 9‘””“¢5’ Lecc bee C Agii J bcanznim to V nnume tlje wmtewdt mum; fain aka um gum jmtuituw we batman by {am ¢ontmitfaty,Aa5 :11; amps «owing upan;t1jc puh1iqu¢ 3faitb,upnn the mutt nf the {am gpeaug emu mjaptets ibannfi 5 am: tbafi ha may at»- inmancw,%D;ini1engz5 aui; anbantagwazrntijeé pctfonfi anmttten to mmblmg ham. y , I aznattgemgifiet n2bi5 wutv oz anpof A1J¢5Vwt1ethrg,%«%fl)a11notmamfnzttjamiaaatticulat A %u;m.nany % auchey, fiat upn%u£uc1)une1y agflyau ‘W °“3°”‘”.“7°+ A be %fi7ttt alive" .31‘? Fiwh” 11? fD¢%“vWm: <15m¢ta14; ~WA3“‘+%J A %,!%‘F v;%4~%*!;V1?¢P5 $0 at io%énfann.» ugfuch, atttcml A what the fintitmttfizs 0: any of them than mfifltfia aflfidfitifltt arbacwe¢antra%cc%ozs any as»: ‘nit mo: itotmae any ' tmnttactixpott any fianzticulau Imzmanzaun A4 but~£ucbum:1p%a5%3allbzVtit:tt tigucn hp tbeafic-:4 gi£tet,nz ijt'5fmmnWeputp ; am: eiama 1%attt'tilt=:: lat fnmamz arm ftgnen, than be a gonll: ants flIf;= fitizntmattant to the finnttactozs, oz anyfihc 92. mm of them to contract upon, foztbe {am of a11wl!amé»aup Inf tbc3Lann5, itnement , mt ¢m’ta==; A Jvx 11."? \ Ja ‘W3 "mm “*1” 913 ‘U9 ‘V "“‘ , , "W1! /W-1 \ . ‘[3 I - ~ ‘ » 4,. AM ; ‘ 4., ‘ ‘rx in ‘ .... ,.4 V, r I ‘ ‘ ‘ » ;¢_, ‘: ‘ ‘ ’ . , ‘ " w ’” W ' I 2,3 é a«;:I»**§':"9 ~i,x :2 »=*.m«1;u..w ‘~ ~ M» M»; v ~ M M M ‘ flow ~"“::~ W ' “ M ' ‘ 1 u ;, ‘ E .. ‘:1 4». n V A U n v )4 r ontvact, m gtmreiucompztren. my worms: maue%upon¢%>:1:_* <42 > ee