01‘ S 9 af1OI‘S A Lands, . . .1 1 ‘ 0 5 W 5 ‘ ‘ e . 1"“ ‘ “ ‘ “ ‘ J‘ ‘ A g E A E C . 0 . " ‘ ‘ ‘ ' an ‘ ‘ ' L.,_.»~«”"“l?¢»-"“-’»"—"---A k ” ‘ ~ »»:‘:*‘.»;.‘F“ ‘ ‘'_.,.n" ‘ ‘ u' L _ _ £1‘ ‘lg Av‘ "»‘m.|H ‘ \ J ...;"~ 0‘ -n M * v, , , ‘ VII‘ ‘C ‘H . ;V 'Rflc1€r€c1A19}!t79eCommanmflizmlaled inCPrirlizm1e.nt, T/mt tliia A A 178 fircbwiilaprinted arzdpubliflaed. A % A A AA MM ‘ Law»,1=rinced£or34mdHn/ma; 1>ranccrcoVzhép.%u~1iamcnc of England; A f The Commons in Parliament afl"cmb1cd, A “ For Sale of the v AA A~ y.%,4 VHcVret0fo1‘e belonging to the late V .01 _ H H. w W ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ * . "u. Die Martis, _17 Julii, 1649. -«Hen: S'cobe1l,~ Cleric. Parliamcng’. :_..._ _.._.......--n A ~and are mbe fold at his Shop infileecfireet, at thesignh of the Golden, A . W A - ~.u»—............_ < A Drag0n,neartheInner~TempIc, I649. _,,m . or TI-IE Commons 1n Parhamenc % ASSBMBLED, % F01‘ Sale ofthe Honors, Manors and Lands here»- A tofore belonging to thelate 4 >QlC€fl& P1‘ .ii’1C€.% ‘Es :-._ ., it H am ._ 3- I“ ,.‘ * 05 England haw en nmimsatela , fax them A111“ 3111‘ ifimfui n§I>e::= fence, ann%p;efevbing 3 of £132 flaws mm in ‘ hcrtiw of this jfinnon, M to mifenani) znaintain femral firnliws an ”"‘ ........;;:~=_.'~*"’":~:: : jmzczs, by mafia “ mhmflf, than have contractenbmtygteat mm; mm cottmning tijemfelhejgengagen hntbiniilammzaflfifitlfiicez, to makennc fatisfactinn unto anti fifficem mm fltnmimtfi fez meivflzsreats, taking mm cmxfinea n A tatinn tha nImw great ann faithful %*¢15‘hiwsi, V‘ }Imm am nnevfmtnenbzrn wnfe 3?azcMa*n&1m%mfi2e " tfImta1.I'phNi3e mimvtttmmz tijemmnzannnnf, n V ‘ 0wFairfaxs M which weanasxmmwt 4 % - W7? tg puti11t0‘&ta;pacAiW“ffetim flatten in ., mm rcming than mum fim‘*c43"u% iumrticas mm jftecmnw : mm mhmag we late fling ,4 we mmn,ams their cimrfi @021, tgzwebeen the Achief %utI)o2£ oftbc late wmsg mm’ '£tD1«11fi€§ ; ht’ mljom, in mi)nfeheija1f, awn (M0 J fm music games; pzincipa11p%ti)cfam’1ebail) bin uujuftip rattan, fm1zmtm,c’omimwnanntenemfi cmanb therefm in an guinea mm muitp ought to mm: the bmttljm sf fin rm mm, mm wen: 6liatz£in£I)efir11»p1acatn 2 appipw to ram offmm m’fc1)atgz the fate, fit being tbz mm, mm efpecial can amaznnzasbm at the 1®atita-..».- mutt, item the iaeopiz (mum not in m*apmz.t % he taxen aim watch, but in cafes of Vinehitasblu % zteceflity, annbcuutI)%ct”Inaps mm means are wanting: mm fozafmucb afi1:D¢19a1:l"tament,A filming the mffitze of a imug in tljiwléation ta have been mnnziccary, %ux:t‘1)zmom am: @an%»== gzmus, bat!) utterly atmliibeb the fainimuglr» ¢ " mrm; 216:: it tbewfmz mxactcn arm wznainm by tijig p2*efent1aaa:1iaznznt, arm by autiiazttg 600001. . charged on the Excize, now charged on the Secu- rity of this A.&.. % nft1)efam;e,%~£1)a*tf zj fmztbct am: hettw §?ccu...~»=. my fog tljfifaib name rs,t13e we zmamg aim A aixbjunmentbouw rm potwM=M1Jetetofm+ t A "menu? Qibzbinam mt“ imtitanmtt of t1)e.fontann tmentittlj hay of December,1647.¢upmztbe:fieceiptsof tye flan) amseanngmpénfi-,a11n otbet Eimurittestn the tamzhtnancefpecificD,%tobe tmplopcn tg maths the fatisfactmnnf ttjefimars of we; ;@umvz1unmatp fozccs than to he nishannzn,“ . atmf tiara fhatmete tljm to hecnntinuen,to~ s:rctt1er11vitbfmb1fuvthetmm fltfm {mu emu fumfiuffimonw, az aI1beA fmmn tenitit¢atm.4 nzccrp, fulwta fattsfie am: my tlaefltteatgg nueunta wofefaz mbon: mat fit; banana ttjaufanb pomtbz xnas afstgnen as atozegtnfim C361) all from mncefaztljfiannaunhecmw¢Di1n=n:3 tI)cm1toz5,%ano;5, ¢amw,iBmtf¢5,%v%£~fiua== 4 gm, ams mm 4¢§Lan"M tmepmw ijmaftatin tifiafictis emptm ants pzmnm Em > arm ail £emntent's ann mswitamwcs ;, mpameg, i%w;im‘iengw, jftanctjifes, $mn%Lunitz’w annfipm % puttzzxmtcw tn the ram mums, flflatwzg, flan-«.~ mes, mums, %eifuage5 am: aanns, smug of them, belongtugnz appertamng, nzherctafme Ialbfuilp aim, occupien mm wjoychmitij them 4 flew, wfiiceva oz %€gI)t;, oz § many mf tljem, as part nzpmscel tljrerwf, i)em=% mime helongmg mm: the im imng Charis am-% czafm, mm: in tbe iaigbtnf the maxim, tag at Hficfjpflf Lancaficr, oz untp»%He11riettaMaria.’ k tam fieia‘ct,arm late flucenaftbicfain iate‘2*fR%iz1g, amuse ’Char1s Stuart: tbfiit filmfi 913%, either ag i@1iiE£E0fWa1cs,flk¢ 0fCornWal,&%n;@at%i of Che.»¢% Pccr, mg mjetmife bclnttgingto tb,emJo2azxy at mm ; mm mm!) mm in tijzctualfcifixt mg 39% M of went 0; any ofwexita 02 of 0; any of their itenauts ,, “Agents flea»: fez their ufe, " oz in tent! fozwent 0; any f them, on firftnap of April, in the year at max flaw, wnatbnflfanb fix Ijunmen Vtljitty am, 9; aVta1"a w tinmozfnz mbtct) they ljahchcen mm Imfits, have otbetabifevecfletfnen the {me peat afozcfat, V 02 an tinw fitljemtz,-, mm V uona1ilti)¢ fianwgigljtg annwmnicamcnt5% A all mnicb upon aim fame? of fauna;tballbzfmmbtn have been fampmlnngaa % fatv1ate fling, muc’cn,jwannttjett: A as ’ ttjnufang N W. u BU? x 113 Df f new is4bmaftere£fev« ev%mztv 3, am are Difvfealfi of ntotheimmt (362) A Em mam am» he %efl‘ectua1%ecntitp fez At1jc%pur:~.¢= A gawiwafozefain, irseitmmcteh by we atbnzitp afnzcfain, ’£1Jatflll the fail: mnozz, ano2s, . «mans 5. %0*I;fe5 , %:¢fl’uage5 , Mam, aaams mm iauw (except as Ijeteafm is mzcptzn arm pmhtmn fcmann all fitnements atmztem’ta.~.= ntcn%ts, %pa1ttes ,1%zibi1enges , ‘gifttaltcljifcfi, gmntunttiza am: ztpputtwauces tuttje fair: mums, wanozs, Malay, w1%at:ks_., QB efiaagcs mm iianfiaanb ta all am: every, 0; any of them, %%hemnmg ozappettamin oz bmtefme tam; map area, occupier: mm znjoyen ibitmljmz, oz any of them, as parts; parce1+tbe1:e,nf, he atm are bmbpbelien, am: fatten, arm amungmann nzemzn to be ,} annare match in we veal mm §‘2i§"i‘?2:‘%.actua1 nmfl'ef§ton$aniJ fet’1'1'n of % Thomas Coke nf im Pedmarfhi11tD£CB1mtPflf Efl-ex, mu; William Bofe-« 4 ‘ vilc fifqs John Smrrow nf Ge{’crop in 131)?! CDIIIIW Of > y A%E¢ITex, afagwilliammnxick of intbe county 11$I tclierges (26) A éharges in the executingof the faiciplaceandfi officea % “”*uf*cest° min tijefaiin %:u%i1Vcz5,aMn19fi?'emzmozé call to ac-. mun; M t1)e12z,atei)Verehg>anti)zififibfmm time to time to can to accampt aavgmtmym oz, vfummaozz, oz otijm: mfficevs by them namcfn atmappninteb; % « atmif they flmll-firms memo; anpo>f%fl;en1~»mfi- mac, mgiigeztt oz unfaithful in nutfuanw of % Atljenutp oz mtflin tbmzrcpnfets, t1)atMt1)mtIjcp flaall annmay temune t1)em,,~V oz may of them; which they (bail fa finbz Deficient, n2g7iigmtnp unfaithful ,~am:a Imminatc mm asppmm Dtijew. in t1)citt’wab. mum: is futtbet @“actcn,%1)a£ M vTrufcees :=.u- AA ‘V :§3;3;“;,:?, are hereby autI)o;i3zn¢ tnAt$ak¢ unto them fact); Cowl“ ~ ammcel-iieatnen,tn anntfaupontI)w;e[mtfe5 lea:-ncd, and gypoirfifuch flllflm fltmflitlfffltb fitfimfltbfirflf ..§:;‘%:aff‘ otljwfficets fnzoz c0 nc¢tt1*ittgtIJefi2,¢117iit'e§,a§ ‘**i“”*~ atzpfihe oz rum u£t1)eu;+~;a11 wink n"eceffaw,% ann-togim%Iuc1) fem arm xnakz £11123 £11011». ancesto them 502’ any of $933": a5 that? than W fit,a11nnmaam ~~1B21'.IhiDzD almapfi, fififibat 4%tbig% ism: 0» %aufiuMtAcxterm we Imttiflfi mm of mm J iliiiiifni %t¢m&€D‘50fVfiW ?Lib¥?fi ‘5‘0z¢°“'“£’»s 0:3 9‘9¥3'rLA formarha ffimfi fazmmp appointeh pan mane bpbc E °"“‘”“‘ meat’ any zbinance 02 mutbozity4A%nE1®arlV% menfabut that they than continue att 0¢~Ahé,nnting md)"Vtinzea5 tmfainibibcttiwwouvtfiafln 01% fic?es%fl1a1mmatu, mm in in the bantmnftljeta rcce% arms: man was wemaztnanaa rs »f¢«¢£._,132flfit5aflD[Aa11V flllt¢£3::3§ 503 ;;%V A % 4 AW thing -wmtraw n%atInitI)ttan;ning; Aemws. % mimeflJ¢%@aiD£€11I1z¢5 faifh ®£fims% mficte‘t, n ntfa ,‘ “ ’ 1tgzn%t,_unatc1amw V ‘ u , x.‘ v!"‘ ‘ *3» ‘ an tmfuct (369) ‘¢netatb*mu¢cfi3 ‘Oz amwmz mbmé tijéifig? Vamu ha um p net am: gutiggitp , anbarvc‘ mtaebp rmuirm am: autbmzzsm to mhtmzxe mm fimmtsann mimctinus:in'w!atmfit0 wc%%pzea ~ ma'£est,%?¢a5 the“ “mamas fa: 1i51’fl)ops4£amJsf {might oz army anmm am: imp ._. in teiatmnm 4t1)ez~fai¢nAf tIjzfm7rD,#‘¥Lam'o£; mbicmwe coautainim mmaatwminamwftije fecutm of December , ug wo.ufanD17ifi3 lmnmw foztpfemn,cntit‘uIem An” rdinance for removinfg Obfirufiionsinthc SalcAofBi»- may Lands‘-' mm mamas by reafon %ofh%¢t%”bz many % mzgicctz ants iammfectinngén we fzewbeya cf the late zlmflpops fiauns, the fade of the fame” bat1)Amn4 much rctarmn 5 mom fez nzmution tbmnf%Vm4tbe falc of thzp;m1i1‘es,%”tm fut» t§w:% vzfinacten %anin fimhainen up the autbnzitp afomiatn, ifiijat atolazmel William Web a)aIi+ be c.,1.;,;>»;;z;,g,,; %ur1a zyw arm at of all the fair: mcmmy, be ::*§g::1;:;>,r:, isijmhpautbozisen anntequitzn tombfetm the flnflructians fnptbc fiuwevnzwfimeml Amen; ztunznmézms met. :u:tn%:~e tbs-mntm gm-i «ms mybc fpe2biwA;~tmf¢ct2n, %cVit¢nacten,' mtfijt *£tnfit£5 anb% egiftetr I3ereaftemap~ A =4z'nten bpt1)i5%Aat,atz 1)c"t¢bP enjopnenfogtty wwaftefcftbvc remnant any tummy oz furmpfi unwVti)em5to%+fen%n them unto tmfatn @uvmzmz-—..= Aaetmral asrhepcmetotljeirbannfi. A M 4 A Sul‘Y‘C'yUrv“(3‘CflrCEr3lQ&fh%% A “ A 4 A 05ti%’4;i;‘ . VIA M1? in ' A 7”%Ir(’E,dd“4Tfie#faid Suervcyur»Gc1icml within daysggfifiiofif he%fl1_a;ll{cx4 rAccmvc~any; bf thc~ Vrfazd S11. rveys , veyor'~Gc+ ext ’ "‘°"’ ‘ 115 Lb:fi%n%d¢%chem% Aflcmrua 1>m.rcha.rer A A A ~ X '30) tSeeofidly, Ifthe Surveyor-Gencratl fhall fitidetthe Surl‘ .tvteytsttir1;fi.1*fficier1tt for to cotntra8tu.pon,Thatthe fllal Within "fix ,‘:da;:;)rS’VaftMe_r receipt thereof, trantferibtfi F0, n:1uch of the ,Su“lr,v'€:fi‘y',“ as is eitmperfeét , “ and return the fame tuhto the treff>e”é’cive Surveyors, and certifiet them the q:_aufesVofhAi;‘. exceptions 5 ewho are herebyVhhehnfiynedegtforthwi-Eh to “ amend thefitme but if t they cannot, M-to ccrtitfigé the A eaufewhy they cannot amend the.f21i11e 4 and E171 fUQh;¢9§:f€, notvvithftanhdeing the imperfecitionsjt the faidASudr”veyotr- General is —totreturn the Surveysto the Trutfteees AandR_e; gifietrg tfo that the iflmmhediate Tenants of any part of the ptemifesexprefl: in the Survey,‘ ttnay proceed toPeur+;t chafe; A h h A 1*” A A A M V t 1 Thir.dly,Thefé.id Sutvey()r~ Genera.1 fh a1l4an»dmay,wit»h th.ehconf‘entt”>f any three or; more of the Truftees, reétifieh and a mend miftakes, errdtsatidw other ‘1I-I1att':.€Ary‘su~ (that me nestttteof fubftance.) inflcafes vvhere by credible in4fot11ta%tAi91t or proof {uchamendments cart he made witehouteany .. t 1, tetmitt »teo,theefZ1tit ptattitue1at&e~S4urveyprs;at w vv. . , ‘ ‘ Fc3t1rth1y,Whéreany perfon O1‘[P€rf0I1SCOfl1afihOt£ime€’ly make-:~his or their EPcatee_=or Eflates ea. ear tin to or exltet hi‘sorthcir C Iaim, with the particu1aI:‘P5urV¢¥91;5 F015 that? place ountytin,Which¢ the faid pr¢mhife$:tt:lieattb€For¢ht‘h¢ ttsttttrhereofbc rctuee as%af0r§&;id ; yctetief fuch pet-«M f0etntt°fPe‘€rFi>nse*fh9~11ent¢reh1S' hi appear by du’€tPfé0F uptctntathete General, withtteeany threflh0fh ttfh‘§:VfgjtcléT111fl:;駧~;}é(W1);QTi;ifC hereby a,utho‘rized to aelminiflzer the fitrrie) 1 within forty days afmf .;hh?thCwhA:h;i.:7Ctuh1'n ‘Of ‘hm thc f3idJ51[1_f V¢7A0%r~ Genetaifhall enter 4 ”and all?dvi7ht”'%hthehfa.meh5A h A A Whlfch ‘bVAeing_b~y certifi edetothet Rtegifle'thhh?,atnhd;Tru It (VI. 763 gaogrdétand fi1,fHtci;»enttttgt ufie'd~:ftee:the 11R eAgttZfthetc©é~ A gl A A éaywandt xti ’ Ag; . ~1icntrhhth~=*”e¢*r smcratl, V zany C371) ‘thciVr% rcfpeckivewimploymcnts 5 and how Iongthcfinw? f fl1aIl4continAuc,andupmn L11’: caufc to cnlargethe IZm1eA Gciucral, and keep fuch correfpondcnce with him, Si1tthIy,That the fefiacétivc Survctyors flmallfmm time AW \ to tiAmccerrific their proceedings untotthc fizid SLirveY0r-- as thmf 4 bcmay know 111 what; place thcyarc, and upon whmtima ploymcnt. A m it mtacten am: wznataev by tf)¢‘a.tttbogitp a,mLycoa.,m afmzefatn, fibat Hwy Colbron [ball mfizgttm R"g‘“°" annhcepmanb agallljabz the sauna an A mg Of all 33860203,<&ZI)attem,®hinen§c5,gafrg-.=.» £0113‘: ibeigemfioolm, 1mttz’ngs,22z5mmg of fiurncy , entalz ,, fimttfimtes , arm otijm: wings of 0: concerning any the $011023, Q3%a..--» 110:5 flafllw , matey, %efl'uage§ , warm, A ammsg iflatms, fiilzncmeztw, mrcitamenw, e. \‘:1‘ mf,1‘ucb mamas ,m;m.-.g; am, amen oz ntbzt the pzcmifes Ijmm» Amentionen am: a .-.~.« minim to be foltg : fiat: fl)aiIA‘fwm time to tttgc f°3¢W°a fifiilmwfltfi A ’I1tcbafevoz am: »-~ ¢ pvttyregz tncem tzjememifw by hint 0; them purbgafcgi @ ‘S’ 1-: 33. D F‘!!! as C!‘ (9 5? ‘F0; 9' B ‘I-«II 6: =3 :. Q mnntyatait am» am 9:11» ,.. mm, than mac tbetvpvetuc5z§§?’§:1"§n%”§n‘?§§ "1"" WWW” fathers bytbcmtakenrcom ttmetzottmc to the rain egiItcr,wbofl)a1lmak¢ “‘tWh?m’"mf°35l3“9?Dffll1fI1€l?;9utbep£, ¢mifi7catc5aunotb -I moceentn §“”° ”“¥¥”mb? tbgefiuggzgozgovng 55¢ Q 3"? 33333 A .02B40f*tbe&Ill_, ht: "'W‘B¢9Wb¢voz vmvaix any ; Wifmm fottbs. taint, AWflnflfitflfU&¢W11fart1zp5 D w"??tf9“W. v%='- % “W5 9* %?Wt tbmof, « :12 an new mast ; antmcss to; We ‘ ‘Ix '4 w- ‘ \ I % (372) ggawwmifie—a1I*o2i5 tn mijsm 02 zaaammc w A flaw pm muiaxfnrsmm,miuewaxmfium, mam fmnmfiimam time Aha flsmmD€H'uffi.£i‘mt gmmm nmwmzitv, fwa%fl$8 %7Un¢ma£W2fi ammgw W AWE 2:a?w..,m WP “fibem mnzzoftijem,tommzmaoz A immgggminglyzfinn tbefaim IRVBQIME11)aiI%maiie mus? of am am we9:pfuc1) mtmmt mm¢*,oVnm xmmmg, mm mm pmcmmgs thmumt; mm mg min ifieifiw Q13“ ham, bnm,+execute ann;%m= ‘m_24vfl)2e mm wffite 0: Race of fiegimvaam iamewa wiJintfe1f%v&nz wsufitcieat ewwg. tn: gatimvc with tfijzyearip aim at’ ijufimggc _. 9 M, ~~pavah1¢ utof fifieawcfiivwa mm mm emnms twin I?mt%’0;f tlfipzmtifw aim the @%mm M the teiMuwm¢5i)e$zzn% m¢;1i.tionm,*=nn k we jfitfifif January}. $iftm4¢f1J®Ar‘5FiwW flfJu1Y,baI§ 5 y%aa:w, hp Wwzgmiw ;wflicbfaivV3fe¢% WWW Kjuzmw pvunwa awn meaiams avesberclw raga":cm%armAAautI3qzV[%%% w rm e,eccnzm'ugIpatzn * ’£1)%attiw c;qzxz'jt:¢€;a®?%«c%%e%%?% pf we ram fiegiflm: ml! L mmgmw mm)avf”gc;“m the min fitcafnrmanfn an @m:€p nftijg/mfg; tmspapmezw tbmuf: man A iW%f&1€fi%%% an” 139M139 MD %t%.%tW It Wfiwf3wzitingatatftm amt +fi3*tW¢§ flffmfaibmvticu1at%annmwticttimts, mm WiJetI~bi.f¢intinexemtion anbnifchargenf WDAAffi Ffiafifithe Mmmittec appotnten by” fif %%*at1t?&m¢nta r%€1inWi mg of %bf’cru6'tions 3aI¢%0f»BiflvosLand52A. @'a11¢%tbiflkfi4t¢ annreaa I$en¢e %%ifit1aW. Aiézobihen, £Dattbe~faTiD Wmaw tlbaii M,“ i““’”““‘ f1?¢*;W¥mI10%11"3@9 flJ:W'E9% 1191*?‘ 313%? a)$9t:.f03a. A W t mm .‘ @€5»‘W‘9°?? “$.93: 331 ‘D9 33¢Em W V 4 %*3JW9%W m‘ p9%? ? ¢;tDa 3113D%W3¢DA tum 4€A¢Q1li€ W '3m“°”5¢§i”93?“W?”“W39$39‘???3#:“‘flJ¢f&1¢%40f Wt 09% %arms.~ ¢zcp2.¢fi’e:iJan B, nmtttnnentn cm we flzmmance af flit W/illiamkobercs, 1 Ayrcs @111; John White @113]; James Stockal Qfifq; Ed-trafiors- an %zobinen,tIJa%tt’l)e%fain mat oz contract mzwanp pzmfnn uz pwfmtmzlfi 0:5 iitiqut oz cuwnzate 1131Jatf0wj[e t¢::zwvA4it is%fw€t1m im?fiJAEfBDa \ , ¢ anyfAtI)e€atn?Lanns%oz n&etntf¢%5i~4n¢primmz, Cm) " ariimmnt Hf W216 4: NOVEHCL wmmmnfaun fi bunmw mm fmwntitmw, An Ordinance mi? the‘Lor<:1s and Comrnons aflémbled in Parliamgnlg, For appointing theV Sa1e of Bifhops Lands} for the Ma of the Comn31onVwcalth..; Qfim mit futtijer muactm by we antbmitp afozi&%faiD,£mt John HNu%d1phreyszc?ts,4, fl)a11%nnt%4hz%fn1n 1 j} [ $12 W5 MID E ~ql1il’€t*€tB‘[Jl1€%V£DV&fE 5 that afie‘cvfiunAu%n0u a ibeufptim mm V1J’l«,’m:D&f¢;d at1DflJ&t%WEt 40n.I1:~%' A tmentppm§,fl)a11nntbzIolnnnlm flhm meta wtcDafe;%~anBa1101:crmlwrfiom 11911 flea fozfimtn‘zfwm= mm.-. fllaittre£olBimwo2t%Wm a%hIettn tbi5”m1e;%% :g 1Eu%ct1)zu% awatt1)e%"$£a»tnwantractozzuamenin amnzamne einzé 1?,fD3¢¢0if“)¢TfiiD V1'«l’¢1W5—.» hmvera-,( 07$) V ,/1.3.daswmTha:A1w1x1, according to my “ rr_a&ors Eh¢;c1‘.ufl;; rrxmittfimifl 151fC']g§ffI1¢, in A felatiflll t c9fTarZizzment,V%for Saleaft/9eH0mrx,~ gngm ¢nd%Land:5 /9eret«9fr)re‘5el0if2guing,t0 N26‘ late ' AM WE; QM” 4nd‘Pi’i”€? ;%-A “<5 that,‘-VVVi11I1Qtf0rf3W1iQ1“’ A afFe6’cion, re7wardor%gift, orhopwesp ‘reW’aI'€If5I' gig; b,ea"1nh¢ famm W C % fiat: the twin m%ncractn:z5A$ are new a1mj?{a*"; M5 an a1mtem1itent%nv abm1“s%eruch otmv @n&*t“Aug m"m:z:5 agywce mzntiuzwn in the @n.flru+*£tiati%§%VAflf ‘ t1)AAefm‘n gm'nat1ct,cuncct:nmgwe ¢;m*mract*ow ¢ fouvefatefWfl90vs?I~&nnfi»:Mhit that afinacten, “swat the wttzactmg am-any flu»: nmmm ann appninftw, %fl)d1»1»~anbmay, az1:nifm:¢ imam: ensamm, autho;c5dm%1ann éwmumtum “W 53f¢3W“3M WIbanv%t’Wfnze'%tVwu, “1 0? can cm1itI%= we faffi‘p2emtf¢$;$v&%, t:*a*An,m’ctm,V pm%i me am “;e7c;ccut"ivo11&t1je um %purbétzMa;i1n autI§j)ica¢2Ai4 H mm sijattije finntmcmm fez tbwfale of M3095 flaws noA0W2%1%awr 00, W Wfllcv 0!? fiitzmiflanta VfV%3&?é’tfI€fl 14% mt $133 {£08119 Bf D€ce%mbc”r[3 A ¢1J‘““f?1“%I)”%);1W1J""’3?~WWt? ?i91’¢"’a f%¢'W?“l:*13»9%%é&‘%%: I V\ 4l~ia:,me~m:, for Vyremfiovi Hg Obflruétions“ in 7 the?‘ S 216’ of‘Bi'f«- % % a paint V aP€1erk“. 4 szifter K %yfl)3“*73é% u befis1Timponm:en, autlmé-; . Ui3¢Dj mm tcquiccn t:un.:’.c nI1,begVV?..';t B.pgeflmtfkfi , >1‘:-V03 Vanwart tD¢tm,f,b:?b?ttgaiti%{ D2 ffilfi.3IWiDl%1”cIl;; goon oz fafficient 4 mafia, attaining rm rash % res; nz:a.w.Auf»%Vtb¢m,amezszwtion at aflct, cw V uctanai mtmIV:[ iljicij A % it 2» am no b tie f in SW mm 3] If 3. V «T : 4 ‘ X‘‘‘ '14}; 5‘ % lit mm; foz;atw’ xv ‘ ‘A. ‘ ‘ 1"‘‘‘fi3‘‘'. ‘ Y‘ ‘ ‘ H‘ C “ rm WV ‘ F” ‘ " ‘ ’ «E ‘ “ v" ~r = 4% jg -_ my % "”“.,.~"“ ‘ ‘ . ‘..,; ~ Wren ‘%%e%na1eh 91¢ a%ta;a~I1*he*np1)m: menmpurctmen, nifcijem % %%‘fm3:n1:«g11%a17m ' ¢ ~£i)at tufuctjcatetmtain plw"C1Jfljl'M ann W-:£iJ?4%~== O <;79> ‘mi we mtmifcz, that! yzreaftete ehiwmn mzwsf §’;;:;_;i:3f€:: ~ V any part: of tbeVpzzmtfw,%hy mrtuznfafiw ‘*9-?s::,~{,*;3W~ mat, ifiitle oz flint-mt7zm nz mam} mmam -ffiéfrmoneys. feats fowicteim, Hyatt ham mu mm nuzfa.tisfacm’; nn,cecammnce arm aliommm mane m muuamn than fogtljc moneys pain, anbatmn nzna*faAm:= 0115 ibanns magtjtto b b if tn wit; mzut,wfl)a111)ctcaftetpai5fozt1)¢fmflfiw z zztnifcfigazgwn A WWW tn assuming to this mt fuztbe i"m’nm1vcijaf¢, mm tbatin ft-an maxim: as is bntelttw by muAz»,»..- nmanwnf wartiamcnt, uftije was mm%4tmen,~: twtljof “ Novetnber, 11¢ tboufmm W flmmmfi fm—»== V tmigljt, inlflw cafcfi as the mwcAcmm%»» m€ atwif it betequtrwbza tm puzzcmxftm m pucijgas: fccs,nzan1’ of t1Jwt.tIJw: 0: aw Bf that , oz ztfsigns , 0; wt %ucc¢ff0z5 of any WW5 amumquc oz fiozpozatea flDn¢o2» moztcwflof warliament oz iuttfivfi vwttfi “W? W .‘L‘.l§,“§1:‘{f:* E zmt mm of Eng41andbvaI1flJtmtP D5 19&€W=fg;n;c;gg:r4 I.ct;tcx*§ %I’%a--~‘ ’ A % % W the _ ‘ _ A A % Premifi“ , (fiuzpazatetequiri11Q«fl)8 WWW; in” we 13 Eu Vzcneitm mwasare appuitwb W %®2%= mace ofaaactiamemA$of4tIJ¢%1Jzw£anh t%e%W:i~‘ Mctljfisegccimbcr, sDnewaufan fi» f vi£v“:afwfam, filjat. 131% %*Wfi1?333¢ V %> “"¢W5 % ‘ A Ai;034dCDflbB?ingV¢fi £313 ,2f9_m*fW:a met annouccnacewsaaaam mtD"'_%gfWVfzfl".,. ” %t1)etcanne1amv oftmivittfvttfii ‘ i,’gns,%%anntb¢ fiuctfifmfi 05 11599“ 19°“~~”-‘‘ "“"°",1{‘:*‘§i,:,§’ 4 1sann ¢u;pngAat¢, fball name, D019, the 3 t§.'P%n%head. mi mm, fin it isfim?tD¢W;nfi~£¢¢* hf? film " W 05 t W %m%‘” an V “ r s s. $¢1g%¢m;aJ¢ mm mm pzemifé§,¢%%i& ‘ '1 a b:;:fit as; 113“, mm :a—é:.i;;r~“¥““ A C280’) fimaw,-; aumimm wfim M’ conmtimw mm, fog: wfmnnmm M flmmmmfi, mmgm mm mm vantages , hm feitutes, oz nnazsw mamas omctimns, astijemén Wang, mama, nztijeit famelmfi finn, 3; any M mm was 0; oz.em‘np Qucceflms at any tmnewum 92 tmgmtjam am: my mum be it fqttim finactw, iijati the rain flmmcgm an ;fim 03 mm M‘ them, up may patron oz perform astimv as afmcfam £t)”a.iI autbflzise mums tijeit iaatmfi ant! fieals, than 111 part tbmof, which than he Aunt nf iheafe, fog am pm mlzffi, ann to mm mm: to gm, 0; ‘ 1em;% tilltbcmamtfcg be rum, teferhittg‘ the heft copy of finurtssfiuil, accozhingtufijz mm:-m of; any mun; oz %auo2,fl)aI1mnmzif2nbp copy of 7 “”1%h¢”Names; H ‘ ofthe Trcau “ filters.‘ _ mu: tlmmau getfoz t1)e»fa1‘nVze. 1%2;onmw,¢ that mob of tijwam pmnifes ag are gmnmhle hp ¢ouma3.e1I%tcfpecttclp. mats fuptt,Iw¢finac7t—.-..— en, %iJatThomasAndrews, non) ways]; of the city » 4 fifL0ndon, 9I't”]0h1‘1Wllafionifitligijfi arm Qflllktm man, JohnDcthick fllbctmano mm Francis Allen ®fq;l1)aI1hB itreafuvers fax the ram fmmiccazm that wave; anp%¢tmonftbw: awijcrehp itm % “pommn aflbautljozisenta recemeall fad) tum V mm fums of@mn4n¢1>,, as fwm timc~m time ought tube patnmtntbeamatuw bp%1m:%tue ofdtbis» % %ct,IhI)icb than hcilfucn ”a1mpaiB, atcozningtu ttyemutcsg.mtrccttous am: 3lntuctioIt5‘11IBl1»..a ftifinen iutI)im£ct;anD flccflzhmgf0T11€DflWt1)%6t V ‘fillies am: fiiniiaitlttiflns a5 jfrowm time totimz 2 W“fl}3““Wm3 ‘ Inf*ru%”% We mam an am.» V am a?Lca£em?Lea£es ‘of the faimpzzriuifmoz {com *9”? W‘fim9"¢a‘”“’? C31) % Inftruéti0ns~fr the Treafurers- A any 0? the Rents, I[Tues or». Pr 4 ” ,'(H$t thcAfaiH Treafi1rcts% flmll um iffuc Aout, Act V fits oFL»t:Ahcfi1id premM«fiW$~ , mifes, but accobrdingdtcyi fqch %Warram: or Warram:s~ they all fro%mA me to ti1fieA"VfCCCiV ¢.‘fif4Om A ch”cA faid #T r1igJ Pcccs , or anyfivc or more of them, for thocnds a.ndV Purp@IvEs%contéif1¢d“inthis »~prc{Erm: Aé’t~._; Andn:hatth¢ h V Receipt of fuch:pcrfon ‘or performs to whomflfucb % mztttw, mceintsann ifiavntcntz which mu rmt is mad: {hall bccagood Difchvarge to timid Treafur§rs.~ J m A “ ’ % mm hcitftmim mlactzn fitjat Hfinréy Comp binlbn etctjam, %1?t)a11be alomptttmter of a111““'“":‘:’.;i1e.; humane to am» tmfain ’£reafurerz; am that! A have Mwmoet mm autbmttv twbimfeif ozbts £uf- V ficwnt »zv%§¢:m$?a»t¢;BA¢;¢naccamt0faIl%®ntries,% ;mif¢§a $06027-WIQA flmipt5a¢ti0nfiV’4 annia Cfitmtfi _W}fi4t¢f0¢W¢a%%;DicD:%‘fl)&1 119 mac unto " nzbptm %faiD£tea1’uretz :; “ man the fail) fium-«.= vtvoflcv ' W3 his @9W“¢fi.fl)&1l¢?3¢ClIt¢fi)¢ fm; v1ac¢’0f fionwttntmriareiatitm thcVfat»Ir me: ta ea vcctfoflfi asare ¢ifien4t0the®mwtvn11ectn; tbcamccints of 2!%5Avi£taopsiLa%nns. hp; an%®zn%iw nameeot 19;arltament of the 92ixte4m.%t of§No~ ¢ vember,"wnetbeurann tipnunnzwfnztyma. tar: baitj£uv?t9¢t¢Enacteb%bv%t1)¢%y%aut1Jfi2iwafms? atuv%nna1itDe atconwtsfozamavsVf ¢o2cwtn fivethatces which&fl)a1IVbe ms % cettificvbvmtue the Aiate 7 %l'»$A Wf8mW¥ (¢11¢iW¢Ds44MW %A5taring ” 0m 1 c s inthc Par» liaments Service Withiqn thisNat1on) an fljfifltfit;-: ’C“""“”"7‘L“"""°5 tificatefi ;fiVH>lRW'°“i % 7'm,% W C"0n.§3.W3v”§ filth 'r I o §5=Ar§3?33=53accamptg armattearg ”bp‘m'ttuc sf tijafam mt ’ he Trun- V. %%(¢T131Ju:1) atmtnt a1r2Aan;y fiettatjnhw itpgtijfi _¢mIls== eiwtmtfiioncrfi fox at J wail '1!¢V“WW to £1)?iafiifittIfl€'2£;flvWifitéDV w4Att1m mt ;:%%&nfi an vim; mrmtcates M“ afififieffiibg, Vmmc1;npnec¢~. me4%ni’ t13e%fain act, *3: the :9 MI mt o“f*1B 8Wfr*fW11¢ Loemriu amt tmmttmjof Jam: tum» I ivzbunnzetv fmw “W5 W ;fi1£W? rvwwnen % to the 4¢mIImitteAefnz t1)em“mwi,“ oz ta+;t1jz%*§ain ctnmmiflioners, thailhp the fail: dtnmmitm%nz% mmnztammcstefmctimiv.hz%mmfmfttenmm tctmmb tn tmfame rufl2Am am)“ W mu»; vans, ozamz We 91 m02¢Jfif ‘Wm: M ififirtbv au:nomw%annvmmrw W fivv°'“‘?3~W W310? ;rr**i:;::*g.¢_ pawn %~%1av A “W (W W of water J Sm. Dc- of wk %%t”ets%)bJ fl)%ap1tv%%¢tzwibe,;tgiflm: ant! J "W" fafe kmpf the ram ¢ettificatef3‘, am all mcomptz a1m,%%mnt nce5}%Vtncemmg me {am atteaw tmnfmittefl t W4 E MD‘ 9 W0 % W” % %*vumw Wt% W%¢~4W W E5 &M¢£$%i..fl¢ A an? we W, 02 W fmv’¢mMmz~¢»vz% iW28¢he%Ai * ‘)“ ‘, W ‘ H_ M‘ ‘ V - , x, “ xv‘! 1 ‘ 1 ' .¢w._i: .\‘m “ U «- inn yr. ‘,~l‘ K M f: ‘ “ I vi VP. E ‘why i ‘ A ‘ ‘ “J N “ “ 3*’ ‘ 1‘ “ V5” ' ya?" ‘ ‘ ‘ "R ‘ r V H . my ’ ‘ '1 & 1‘ " « ‘~ 3‘ ‘y ‘ “J . ‘ ‘w I V‘ ‘ '.«~.*‘ ‘ \ meg :1 V ' ' -“v ‘ 1» rt?‘ Q,“ w , "’ I qjk vi‘ ‘ ‘ “Wm. ‘*~“ flv » _ fl ‘ , ' ‘ ‘ ‘ “.,‘_“ V ‘ fir ‘ ‘ Vv$f‘>.~‘»,. ‘ r ‘ ‘ ‘ G Ag ' y _ ‘ V. ‘ , V l ; ~ ‘ ‘ .4 ‘ .~ ‘ ‘ ;: , ‘ “ ‘, ‘,3 M‘, g .,‘,‘9r’ya”‘,\“ .~“ ~ ‘ ' V ‘ ‘ 1“ w ‘ .‘ » ‘ “ w :4 ' ' I ‘ Kw,‘ ,; 4 J1‘: . H M : w ‘J ‘ _ ‘ ‘ . ‘ I ‘ :“':‘\‘h ‘. W _‘.» ‘z ‘ V ‘ J :4 , §h$utA m¢bzrp Inch ebentwbtijev Aflmi 1¢ci)atget§);e fmtttbettflf "1 he allflmeh iIW1€9‘%‘¢¢i?%‘ $13 6 Wtclaafe of any the flannagivm fax saw mp, of¢%mteat5 ; 311a:1B%$¢Wv$ ofiillmiifi W [ bcntcm a;a1x4e s.:gz:eVn~y:no: men? 1132 ran: ¢rufle¢sit1J%,neivres‘activeJams, % um oz3I~:zrpzem'ntzs in tmamit fifttm re mm m» tbefam % fi¢g'I3;et: f cantata er IJiwan% 2» amt (384) aw: alfoenmz ma flew? 115W? 3% he1té€m311P agmzm that puwflfm. $1)? ,fl1m“£Dfi11§W 1“ “G3”? cbm:,g;2 fmb®¢b¢I1m3, with we 3FMm¢*0f W memitmw-, i’m@ 31)? ¢QiWmM%s%’fi1’“°P» W ?m”‘” pang nsijrenf (amtfatBi*A@¢bwW1J8I5fiADr= mummy 5 gm a1m%t1)etimz ozvtuuw %fl)mm W miten fox 9 iwrnwt, arm the Jminfififif V3)? ”1WW= am figmng me {am tefpzctmmv : mm tijz mm wehentets beitm pwfecten, n3%amm1tmg,1nane nf them aa afozefaiu, fljall fa; the smfficew mm mama 135 the febzvaA1A fimimmtfi , ‘firming mm flnmpanics, be DEm3£WD23l1t tn am? mftm meiwotacees fun the tefnzctim 33~€§ifi3fWWa W m we mptamg fox tb¢%t¢fWWW flwflflpfi 9: mnmanzfes, oz to fuc1)Motb;w pcrfmt 0; pmmw, asé by we mzuuels fog the ugfmgmm 3.;Msi== mwwmz W ti)? TWraI®a,fiffimfi%fi211W‘ W“ ftzectinc mnmvsuzfinmvanm ;fi*1:WWuW m tectme the fame : finn fm tljazmlccanwts ante cmificatw of amaw to he‘ rmzmmgzg mg muga$i“== mitten totI9c‘£1:m1cw ag afozefam,to2£uci)$ M; ficew‘ 8miD%1W”5“3 13° 31”‘ WEWW “film- tbefammftce§hefo2¢%t1)e gtmttgfi out ot.2w. bcntetstbemz10iB’IIs Ilball emmtncauvrmfe W fatm, mg c&»t%£a!bBm to %bcexanmiml1 m1wmrWifc$& asamefaihmt"mm?taammbmiflmfiawbW that B¢1Juctin‘s[‘f0z“5f?¢B“W” b¢*iW WW hatmituft rmmngann an #1 £3‘ :3 ea W «'1': E at ca ea» 5%’ ea 3 8. ea \.—-I’ § ‘ ? S 3'1. 93. 2?. T9 9'?» 5 .4 1 % an % games me oftbt afzwt 7&(fi0ix3W D913,“ %A ‘Ww’%T"vv i“¢".*a? u ‘mttI)e1'ain%%:uflzmfmmvttmetotimefoztbat puwnmun in wait :0f.anpm:mz in we mmmiptfi J in returmta 0; tcaufnzitten, mbicIj% fl)a1i%:tA%+Vetebp% , tnzutijetilaife benifcnmten, flbzfain flmew mail 3; tmay comet mmammm ¥t‘mfame,fna5i 1:1)? %tatm1ay zmtm nawflgftzilp ctjargcn ; anén ' afmt fact) miifing mm cxatxuininig, of the {m4 ccontpw, the We webcntem fnztbecleati ’a1:a=~ mm appemttn we tbmnpzm to A Incl) fft-.=.- new azmwommsemnmxetn the fiamhicc inja. nuamme tbnufatw fix ijuzanzwfflztg fc1m1t,a)aii he gimsn amt in me!) mmm mm foznzzw afmzmimim tcfmctdmip 5 m*m fa; ma!) accnmpw iwbp bmucw M’ tijezzfnzefmh East, 02 nfmtbe mm: of a:mw=imia~.~...-w fijmxtannfix ijuttnzsm foztpnimg,ate‘n2Afl9alIbe when mm ttaxseubp the ctomAmtt1:eVc foz tummy, meat, of the mm: mm tmztttir: ch tJ“fJ‘um, Mac A $2 the min Aetommiwioznéw at Worccfleernilauufe; $ themum faifiorm 6! all mime in: me xx ¢%; 2» tbzzenz mum, at’ fim f&iD¢nmrnittw,‘og%;au mtwm m im'¢c;tiW!’s mm! a:mifiet%I)eftr‘*:Vc %Mb€“1‘ain V%¢tuftew,{1)e than tmreapnn give "nut; in 4 ~m¢b¢ntzt5_ as aw fmfatfn, fax the aIza.tart€5fi.v§’f0Cmffiw,4mam fi3w&*atrca% Wfnzw mm 2mm‘I1WC¢0#f i%vA1fWI¢ni5, %:,tb¢ 4ffl¢iDA4 "VIIW-* z’1J&?3,¢¢®!‘1’*¢%i1 fizflfiilfiiflfi whemer£"f2,u2A vanctaan cm cmwv mam cmwevnz is 1:4 fucna¢~s¢aume:.~ ] m¢%:tuDeIiv£€w h¢tb*%mco%,Vm1ntstbev¢of ta , % fi;;cmm,,: 5» am Trnfl fies ta bearers Alicia % « . . : mfamgivcg ¢ m19?w»f11E Vtiuif’, 35;“ Am, from 11 in pa. t C1 V (386) y fmmtiyfe fi‘r&mfJu1y,®t1et1J0flWW fir: amen mg%nme, annflmlltam:m%annc$mce1the fame ; a?ménii1tIe;an tbetenffm tIJ¢J3¢fp€C“lSim mum of an; mm, Ibljicbattm tints nfhzmging in the fame flyali muain Due tijmzupon, {ball give out to the tefpectitm~~A ®fficer£ anbfiolnters therein £:§;..113méiJ,021:0fl)¢i€2iTfiQ113sTt“D”¢m fibmmfi M benrergom 02 251115, am: in fucljmanzvozfoznxas fog other Bigls 2-zwtmts are have hefmenitectehn oz mxomw; vfogd all which Ebebmtcts the fail: fiegifiec of ¢mc:.-.. haunts ftjallmatte fintttiesmnn macaw as is afuzcnitcctiwffaz other attmts; mm the min cmaiex aumptcoiler all keepwachéck upmt all the %eht5 In to he Mjargenann imgimen 215 35022:: 1=c.'23i"€g‘“ fam... mat: is Derebvflcwnactm, £i)ata11ann% every the rain flnentevstu be given out * by the A Iain fifitntmz asafogcfiain, fax any inch attmtrs hue tnM£uc1)oft1)c tefvwttncfficew mg geintewg »DoI)sming been izytije zaattliammtfi évettbtceé Ii~u'£I)in this jI*2ati011”*‘iWwJant1ary; ®ne tbaufann fix Ijmmgma foztp fem.n,%1wm ate, ozbefozcAtbc7 ttme{«nf gib4tngouttI)z. Cain mebenttw, man he Uf%I 1"¢19~nd5 02 D€CE'af¢D, 4 ~ BzbemfiBffbanbw01Du1yDffcbMgeD»hncofitmt % mithmtt otherpubliaueimvifl?-mcfltfoxIh1JiciJVv I the tatz a11%9wz 1%av,nz tmivrefmctihz %1fligfl8,a1I”1%h¢av atefrom flJ¢firt1ofJuIy, g 9iDnet1J0uf8mh#%fixbmtbzc foztvnmz 2: cum: to; anmmarsnue toanvAotDet:®fficmoz 901:-V Bi¢mé%tbeWbentetsé mmgibeunuthvtbe faifi 3 1. ‘mg; ‘v ,‘ nffiyfljis at fl1fwmA firnw; he §ih¢Ann%nv Jar f .‘,,‘ ailibear im¢tz Itch 0t1J¢ttitn¢0ztim¢£V %»6%DA%¢¢¢mb¢r,%wawtbafamtallji L4 nn%eitfuttber M %¢t¢W“D¢¢1W’~D¢fiflt 02if?af02¢f8fB» A “matall%anng;mcp%ftw Vem t¢ubWeugn en mm % an T W W 3“ b*Pifl)~F$ fa. me am: :0 mm» fifiz». msafuzmzan, fl)aii:Vxzciammm efimtxmi Charge the 3 the W>s1*nn&mn"m%mj fBz_f@£Bu7$‘ pm; 53 [am fir? Debentéfd % effecflual to memt oftm mm: mm’ mats» cf a~xmearsW“‘“ wweitw m:pz2ffeB,%%~zmt~iJAma fmwai flrmitagzz wmin tzmmn, oz fl)m't %mgns tzfgaasztibaiy, m nermtmiaenuucat the rarniumns mm pzemifw afiignw arm tetlenfm fecuritp tljmufmm out of ~ the ficnts, ‘3i¢flu~e£amm1mnfit_£, an we p20mn« upmmfalenf the fatm» , mm hznefaimhupon tljqputcijafe of my4ti)z fm“m4¢ \¥Lanw~ a,z1pzem;§s 1'es‘%”,,¢asi)emat'm%tm:mg%ctjta hmycten-,» mgea tllcvimitb fintmfi fax %fuc1J%nftIJe nzinciva%mbtm oz%fm=IJ part 02 varwtbtreagf afifllafi bavwfimt to he fatigfim um efalkm at 02 b~efmz t~*l)eefe1ae»*— ml tmzesm we Fain mb€n%t¢rA9 W iitnitww afmzeftb, fmonmrtbfaftcv the fienemiTtmzeflnfiu he ifmfizfla Wtafbetitnmamxw0facttza1mMam V mg, fatwfpingaz mfal ';ng%.f £13‘? ifmtw reins-—..=» . cttbe1p..m:m beams 110 %3D5f5;i~11’¢ A ‘ an up we anthem fzer tt»fi~2&ii*aW maybe Iaful,,£oatmfesz%amp&uft1)c¢teM~wz«3o4z~ pevfonfi afe;e£amg= mm 2¢fl‘t7g:wc mz4~_Ma‘gmw% of my run: ozéftmw af nwnay, “ tag :i)im~hp this met the faTin¢+ imam an$D&wnti€c~£.arcgihwfoz fecuvitv, $ nzbicnicme» W vwmw of tbiwctflaaii bapbatenttb, am manic to fatmfic oz ¢WP as afu«2efaih.A t:0%;18tiflWi D1303 tnervamwtaazttxe Anzfiinterm tn%V§.ozmupfr%c~b% rum oz rams atom m'm%aztvemrcfvmim¢~ Ivtmc, aim: %annAtw ob¢viTivvwtahW 0: tb¢ivL%r¢%£veWe menma the fame» D«b=nrw~s % “ , A @131? fuwffltflwflé WEHI5 us!) III 02. V i£fl¢%5aflWa93‘[“A999?” ’ ¢ znzvfonss an of 4 VIM? any may win 92w»vm’o1w. attache: mu tbatfifms (388) fad) wcbcntet oz ficbeutetfi fflztijgfanteas mi « fozcfain, am: wary of them, arm his u;tI)eit:,4 ant: warp of their ilazicg, ¢Bxzcutnz5,%fimiui1?cm:.= tom 02 fifiigns, fwrn time to timeflyaii Ijabe V was iubmttp, flight, iitlc, mmfit mm finnam % tagc, to all i11tEflt£&nDpm:pOfB£¥, M mwemw of this A Wt, 02 otijemaife i5 0; llljau ma mm, mm of right belonging to any the afomfam flbziginai mzenitozs nzperibnz, oz tI)ei1:afsigu§+ man he it further (matters mm @zIJainm, flbat if any the afonfain memtnzs , uz pensions ,,¢tl)m fims,% fixectltnzs oz flhminifitatozs, nz t1)¢M==‘~ fignee iozatsigncw of them 4 02 any Qf tI_m”n,tu % mljnm any fact) fumoz fums of gm-‘nev is 03 than be mm 215 afo2eNfatu%,%fl)a11became 3» 911% V cljafetuz purcijafets of any mepzamifm by this mt appoiuten to me £011! , ‘mJatt1)m it that: annmar b¢%%AVlaft11 foztmm %annVcmw oftbem ,4. to flefalkm netam warp 92 any fuel) ram 02 fums “:36 $01122 as mail be we to him 0; them as afogefain, upon anew 02 any fuel) pmtcbafztbat be uztbep au mam % 1?? f1J¢“f3‘D”7LWD5W3 ;D3"11iT¢5a% 02 W? Imffi “ A %MA41:mceof,if fljefuntoz» fumfito himAnztI)e4m$nua 33 afmefain , wall not mean the bait“w¢ at’ the vI1veIJa%rc;Voz if“ M swm fomucb wmnfafi ”t13¢1mtciJafc%l1)a11fim°"1W%W¢°+ 19?W'Dm.tDM %bco2‘tD¢v€1)&11unonebetr02&atwAfutb vtmtham vavboibfltntbe faéibfivwfntetfi in wmv, fa ‘mucljpcrnnunh of bifi 0: tbetvihljnw nm:ciJafe,4 lfistbeallnancesfoz the ruaees¢ontc*a= % fi¢Ei?i¢t Bf¢¢11€ntc4t5, annemp of‘,/m ms fvtctinelp no ¢ozt1)a11"a‘ mtntAnnt0;fiflD'tD¢ R9"-= n;ifl¢v‘¢ufthmt¢U4A A 4 1‘ ‘l‘\ ti e tottmeganb asoftzn az I1¢¢D&11't¢qtIi|;¢;5 in 3 ’ isijetcby atlfiy oztaen4$ann%a:equmn ftwflm mm fizavvntnte az afpzm (389) W FEMIEI W mtfie to 4 ® fitmsfmAVm%” pzfiwmal *¢~1W:» tsbat ttm 13% M?’ #mg¢4:m:m mg ytm gauccbafie of any we 9g22ni:m5ux¢c%:am?as;v2 any :05 £1): afazefam Max:025 mg :mvM%%.£¢ w~m: % V 9 V . we afiignee oz a-ffignges Mnfi any 05 mm fl;.+m!’im wflm ; my wufmmtatrn of fimesafi fa; ” fad) time 0: ttmw, arm at f»uc4I)~m%tm mg %%:~w:§j.i¢g Wt 1%, 62 fiwetife by the ambozttiy afmefm flmi he aucmoen in: the farm» % M‘ @059 @@M3"l'fI's A tawtz m ¢_e1:.tifi'catcz fog the fzufic , mm) the we mowing mt‘ the t:e»fp2ctt'm¢manfikwozti19E,%§:::::é;?~==A * £02 tm tum oz fums ijctmf Wwfmamttoax %;a:a%1 ;;;~M'::%#*‘%r‘?°€f the Iain irtcatutcrs to wow the fame mm fain I V camceltbefame, mm zntctljzm be ncmanmzn, {ball be a icimt ma*.2:wzm¢fm "’ gmymenti any An: an up aautcijafc up aamxgzms mm ’ % In any of them all matte of tut pzJem‘iA*£Tm,_ any part thereof. man we mm *meMam~ *% awbcccmv authozisen atmrequim fame fifitfllfiiflgwa an!) m take in fad} afi?Mm=&N%e ®mntm:~5ozi1la,amagm flgcm A A %% A %% N %V c£mceII4en an vacatw ;g« &« no A » V A m ;" ‘ W3 49' . mcamd1atsas fatisfiznan.z’fc that the vttffin tmplovw ¢am . V X A h % $uctT% an amt arnn teem W4 pnuvm fog“ all wfucb flr;flhD“£¢ v Qfltbicrfi may have we e¢;n*m«ura 1: «name ant: znatm ;;11vT*tm%au%ta~¢‘ ifbi as tam, bat we ¢on*tractom¢ sgm three P3110431"-n the psmtild. eentca~mwtambtcb W M » «mt jurfw W33 W “J? 4» “"0 “€°%"”°iW%.a‘ I°W’!%*‘?"‘ ..:§.£ $4" W ,@m”4¢;%fU41n f?;&fi«fiJ%flfl : fififw icbfl) -11 W¢¢aflD»VWW1% '/If o V w Ctfizbifltlifhcratfififz V Av. % Treafu % Cczmtmfiors . ‘ % mun for A xgwlip 1.‘ §,3**:,1::*°“°”f0z the fan: mvnice ,* 3EDzcA‘¢%+Dutin2w4an Clerks. per;annumfigpayable at%tI)c 4af0'2€fiai%D fin :§;P¢°n£:;:,itD*u%¢% h , ~ I , _ _ ,“:;:‘:::;;::§ ‘ bin €.°“‘1$“7"”¢" ‘ %4yd¢pz¢n4ftcute 39°) hzfnIti;.anntI)at%t1)eJatr be auonaw hp tljemupun amvE©efaV1j‘kattmn5%f0; any purcljafe maneofflfle famimnm, mm pen? Aafitretfinmtt%en~itttIJi.fi Treafurers mc1:,fl)a1bam$,ann%tnaphmu£tm ut%nf:agfi IIl;0*I1§~B? 5 _ one peny In % % , % ’ 1 W , V . % % % : ‘ AA % t£h€P0t3!’..1'!:d. xemmn hp tI)em,antoa~lf mmf all %aueps tits at we puunn, accozbtn;gto%tI1e @mat¢§ fox Vwijiwr fljefatb mntfcs £t)a%l1%hzf::ID%g.%‘f'0;z Vtbm Dnjflfifigz V latp, ann paving was warm arm flattery: amomnen .-,.3I1)&t ;fl)3%faii3 ¢ % .\ \ accmntngag the putcl)afev»payf5 Ain, ozpefaiIssI)i3 M... nurc1)a£c % nncv.“ am ttot$!o”tIJm=I1Jif€.A $241133 that 3*“ ti): 9uthepga®cuger%al fog the %faiDm%e1tIifez Ilyafi Surveys Generaland bahzfozbts3fee,4 ‘ :~D2'bi1u- annbis attacks fugflja 7 ’“ °‘‘‘''‘‘' 4 ram mtnicattzefunt of ®n€1Jun?;D2e:D mm fiffw 1301111135 fozmw VWUW¢4P9&” “M21! 11%? turning. apahle aut%»nft1)e%ertt5 attmazucetn of the fam pzcmifcs , [by the fitreafnm» t;I)e:tco~t'% fez the »ttm:chcing; on muction be mam: it 11;fl*f~J4a nkuairfif aauncm I ¢ M . it oe%Ju1y,na:rmt1p%bp equatpomus; A tbattnc mm aI:at1rx1a‘ttn’IlzvA¢%«f13§; *t13a%[4fain pz¢tnif‘ej’5 2:;:;,r:m'aaa11nane rm yrs arzee,%rozbtmmmnntsmev n team of hm ifbts % ccmtinue. fiiama beit%fnrtbw en am: mctacen bv*%tm WDVV matce~Aa11ro fir % A D? 7] T fozaupofwe mopzemt fes%,JaI1~ my in 023?: 1* ‘mm: mom»orntas[:pmcbace @011? ‘Q gt ‘7 0110 4 [»tet“¢t % ' : ” .flEaua¢!?.4Jflg¢$??5« % e¢ehsAaftec=«roman: , ‘ . . ‘ ‘ .. ' » “ “ ‘i-»..‘~_% ‘ 5 ' _ é:‘lV.:~“‘~ :p a ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ,4, W :‘ * \ ‘x.’ “V ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘ N I ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ' ',« V9’ 1" , " ._ . " - ‘- w 5:‘ “ ," Wit ' w ya H , w ‘ ‘ “ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ‘ mj. ~: “ W -. ms“ 4-. - ., I ‘ -~ - ‘ .;, ».‘ ‘ ' ~‘ ‘ ‘ ~v ""2 A w H - 1‘ “ “ I ‘ ; " ‘ < V ‘V ' ‘ ‘ , ‘ 3?: .r _,,M W, , ,‘:‘_‘ ,3; “ . H “:1. “ V . . r_.‘ r « ‘ W ‘ ‘ s‘ u. 4 ‘ ‘ ;‘ “ '<1m ‘ 3.: f.<‘,,w:‘ _ ‘ €‘,~“= *; W ‘ 3 “ ‘ ‘ ' :‘V<: ‘ ‘ ‘g ;‘;fJfl’““L$'Q‘,;*"“‘7‘§f,"{~;‘3"Ck ~*"‘ “Z W ' 7f"h‘>*‘\ :“‘"“' to cmwwitm nzemms4mm: W Vfm was I "namag, o;%mhzwm1'zVhearm tmzv flyauincuc pmmmw nf ftu:1)¢4®efau1tez:¥5 em zm ixtgtwinnefi in mnzbmance of the £~mee%anu %¢V%Az;”zt§¢tI)%ae4f March, ®nz tht‘.mfanD% fi¢cE}z.mbzm fmtp mf%emin,®11- ttt%ul{:fi ,” An Ordinance ofthe Lords A1an%él“%Commotis ‘a{Terx1bled in“P3.rlian*1cnt,“ For the Ex'plzm3;ti0n and better‘ Execmzionof former Ordinagncesoff P.a%rIiamentFor4th¢ Salcof Bifhops Lands in EnVg1andAan,dWaIes, vutalfefg be via; they can pwmm: fmri1~AtI)z’ffa.tn ®nt1%m:.:V atom, 03 any am 02mm of them AVt1pmu%‘goa%B% cam 11)c11m,zm;nm he auomenbp than, a give‘ %mmt1)c ram cmificatz 02 cettificatw fog mmger Ai:tme4% so perfect tits oz theta ficzxlazysutce; which c¢mfi~: catc mm fat that Iiwzxcz 0; iimmw,t1):efainmanta tmcmm afi afom‘m'n are Emma aumjozfis mm 4 gomtmrmw ant: %1:mfu+e new nantw in tbia met wfpectimlgy gate I)Vem«~." A by c-nablen , autvljsnzism am‘: _W£?{ul't:w,‘ mm itljm a;a411+«m¢ nccafion, to v#ut%t11cfW_D fllwnance in execution,%.acco¢zmng to tbein% V mftfanI1%1 ~ waning thereof, mmae tljmitp ammxn,» %bat~ WIJEW of tbmzices ifiurcbarm 095 M77 we tam £533050?I3l"91mfW$A£ W L 611 am ¢ 0: ma; my mwttbzvwAfa%fbéL11Ab¢ vat“ tflAtv?‘%faiM mcafutets in +01%!’ mevtfnzfamah: Ionmuces tn the rain %t~nfiW5 wntractbzfij‘ me%atums,Awontptcoimwof wntviw,a1mfié~:=“” gimrof macaw, R113 611913? 05 tD€m~*)1%»afi5w naijatfbail otijermife cmnzuntn t1)ve+faintza~ { ‘ ‘ _, .‘1 1'um>,¢»~%bv V e3i%%efltS.-»@flfi%e%§"“ 1%2o%fi%tsftne 5'F§WU¢i’iflV‘%W"‘3 0”)“ 4 jWBA%;4+'% _ :- 9313"?’ t 3Wh &5 fimilnotbe ncfaimn by any hncchafcrfi 5 whereof the {am 351711113625 than be, g;;§ne?r:o ann awhetehh smthozisenann tequicen to ram: :;,1’;i°sha1‘i‘ amasm one halfnf ailann chug» inch Debts ;‘;‘*:,:i;h;,%?*‘ thwughnut vefvmiveirh ( as meg? comes my ant, than the other half (as mhlm names In) ant: i~zt:rfatisf1>hinguf the fcmtai mogmttw, mall Obs? term the comtfeann om: hmafm mefctihen; viz.tu fatwfic bvthc fatn funeral moyettcs the ¥,,¢f9C“1W mbts ${i§iZ3§:°“ mm, at web of the wziamai mnttozs, ho: remecztn h h. 1vV3::.. A hefoze payment than he mceafcn. hf%econmp_., of fuchag bpnisbanning, oz with lawful nifchatgw have, 02 bcfoze papmenthlhall hmscltfttheit %fIit&Wfm:hi£€, annarcnot, 02 ‘‘‘‘*‘***“*°‘'- th7eitamgme oz‘ aflignees tzfpectihely, as are as fitnfl)? tifmt.oztimcs fogfnch payment than not be » '» amps? the fitatk. iflfithzrphnbhltque flfficenz ‘jlmloyment umm: W azhirnih, of fuchv agate, oz befoze the time of ttnwsfagfuch napmeut , than be in the fictbice of Ire1an,n2»othev ‘iimmoymenth fflz thgfi waning tttem mttnf tbifiihanb. ’ V V jfautthwanf fuch as than (atthz timeoz times ‘fxknlz-:;‘.V\.,fmc‘:vblpaytltcttt) 13¢ iflmtflw 9"?WC¢ 3 03 vtbtvhvuhliamflmvlfivmwt 0: fiwefit hitbm 1;hi5h5]+)attou;h h h 4 h .- h - ‘ ‘ , Mn 1 Eh,“ ‘I J‘ ‘ ".7 txsr in tncfaibfmw fevetai orhu z t °D'i{;::§;:* A the‘ Iforadsea fl »1n3];1 cg .. e ‘ an af m*131¥D¢fl13C¢10f r:«at3‘”A asthey am: cfozhfucb as allgt h A n rozcmpacctcuxanmummy ozlmnf ta; ifimwh in tuflzw allhobtctbchfuch 4 {momma hibow ,e (393) in tbelriflmfeeice) ft0n1$1)8iLi€Mene*eeeetee:;‘gg:¢m)1 e oz fiommanneein chief fee the mm eeeeeg?~e,ee~eeaee% e immteel of mm: were 5 arm the ”£euiteee,’£:;eée:ee4 meets , mm the fiegifizee ef mm ea,fageeem:, mm ebeee of them (after fuel; meeeteieeee eeeewee as afeeefaie) fez ISIJE maze pubiequee mm eeemm zoeeening aeeoming tijeeetmme in faetefaeeteeze 0f the ram febeeai mepeeies of fijeeefpectiimg mum to the fair: feneeal {mes ef we amine! fieemtoze In their afsigue, oz to now fact) centre fee ea smblique am: open aaegiitee at the fem: febee ea! ebtfi , eepzefstng the em,ee€e flIm.mM;Bein which they febetedlpaee , ex feom time to; mete man e payable, am: how few the mute me may of them eefpeettbely are, 02 from ttmetotime am! he fatisfien,eitI1ee by fuel) nefalieatieemeneeem: 11? payment in rucbveepozteonmezeeeanecnew A as afmefaw , as by wzbmanee ml’ aeeaelietgnetet at" wee mefceibeu emu appeifltffi’ to be ebfetben emn kept by the etemmetttee ef the meaty ateeafueeeeee anbefiegetfiee eeeneb ~neap at any timeefee jnmhae cnuefmgxn V oenee ttjeeeepmene of the fatneefeheeaeleeetee to be eweeten ,eanh Ibbaet m we ee ID? V 3VWW5 D " been ttjeufann pnemb ,V~ei)m:geD beeeeof0e2£ev%;fm: fieeneeep upon the maize; few as any perform com 1% § 3 9 as thereof are to emcee the efatiefiaeetteneeoef were e locket!) foe. meme itefuetme fitmetee am: I zeatneneebp the a"ee»ebeztt1e eefoeefatee, the Qmmmittee £0 _te ~he;aW~h»ineeene as eeefoeefa % well be a mmmettee fee to be appoing evzl ‘ be Ad e A “ V A M V A A N . 1 _ flru ionsxn 1|(”’ 'i:l," tbeefaleema ,“9W'“fl o ;‘::.f:&:.:* the feeeeeewbtbeatetbev e e W Mflmfieeee We flew-fees, eeeeneeee IE1peeemeezmanne a new new ex. eeeeuree,ee.aeeI2 e fie : eeeueeeoesmeeezeaeeeeeeeere ted for remoa _ (394) % amps i!.anng,“‘aciw;mngm an zimmme M the 90m mm 1; IE: mtieth ofNovem4be1~, wm muufatm ¢fix1)umJmafm;tp eig1)t%,‘®ntitamw, An0rdinanc¢ of t:heJLords and¥Commons affembledin Par1iament,4 » For the removing Obf’cruétioI'1s inthe {ale of Biflwps A % Lands, might, may nzaugijt tu no. Aanntbz mu- ttactnzs, %:u£tAees,,‘ fitteafuretz, fizgimrof %chetttet5 at1n9utb2p0z=<fl5em'mi, namenm A V tbifimct, am an ntljetpzrfnns Aimpmicrn in 02 abouttlje rain fimaice , are requires to obferm fl1CI)z.Dfl35 arm Emctmns as from ta'meA to V time tljevflmlltecetncfrotn the {am @nmnn'ttee.; man the faiitumantmittez to to he appmntw, fljall annmap alto!» all imment cljsameg fax the :cm:=.»..- . wing ontbc fam gevnicz. cam be it futthet }};;;l;£?;§;;,*:m mtacten awn wztmtmn, fibat Worce&m~—houfe, mg ;;;;;;gt1t;;$ fmmco4¢1jetpiaws. am’ the lfain '§Ilmmrw than tijink “fitting, fljallm the prism mm the fam femra1pzt£onsVu)alI we may tmwufact the ‘ram % amuse, am: 1,-mtm‘ e):8£ttti0I1fl)i§2{£t..[ mm: 116 it lamp mtacten atm @2Datnen;,, flbat the {am flruftees no foztlmoitb came tbifi pzcfmt zmm ”‘1’.?~‘"“° 3”” 1’““““)‘”+ Exceptions os41>:ovicI:;-d*%always , That neither this A&:, norany’ {everal Ho- ‘ nors,Manors%, % Huau ,%Ca "A H A fi1csf“‘,,W; jand :1 by chcnamc of ’I’VA’I2item Hall; in checoumy of i?:i‘:“%‘Z£E *sdazg[e5c 5 t1or7 tothe Stables and B:;;&is:[commpn1ycalled rm the The_Me:a:, and other Buildings thereunto4adjoyningar1dA are ofthc State appertaining 5001' to the Buildings Vwciallcd; The C<>cr‘<%%i¢; «is-~Courts¢ Scotland.-Yard <, Aaizid” %thc§ i‘ui1dings ;; h€‘*V4%+¢?fl4 \ _ V! A A 4, V or A the fam 45*, The 'Tilt¥..I'4r§l ~ or . A to rchdards , Y cV~ourtsi,¢*AVcrA% V%Bm1¢’”1‘des Io % vV:hcflid 6VfMiddle/ex;nortmzhe ames’$~~H0wfé',l‘ in iltlié fail} ‘OF lMidJlé]e'*5t‘ ;.‘n*oll‘ l (35) may the 2:11d«;;u:;~lH3filéls_lvtlnéreuntolladjlya-e l l A mg and 1 app‘erltaining am im thE7ll‘l Gll§arJ‘en:s; r¢h*Mdl5lll_$;l’l J Ya.rlé1S’l, Co‘ul*t*s;, or lB~ac«kfil%des,' bélo ngin‘glltlIé&.:l'W::iith V tlié fame 5 not ml the Gardclnls, Orchards, Y"ards,C 01*-.11ltSf*0I’i B‘acl<;fides bclcmging U 11120, and now nu {id alnldlénjoyed with; the: faid Houllfc; nor to’chclHoufl:lconhmo‘nlyl called and known by t:lmln:J.lm?cofHamptm~CTour!:,‘ inllthg: fziid Cloluntzy, ‘ 5 110$ l 130" lB~£l.l“I'lS, lSl.'3bll€S Gtllfif Houflcs chcrcunto belnging, and noxvldufedélandcryjoyfcd A th lthc lime not term: 37 the Ga".rd.ms lz*¢li“a rld mhcr 1mk’sl, jcaL1cd;l~Tbe(,m.iddle Warkg, and 9323? Wat)?/<5,lI at Hdmptanefourt Witlrinlf lthle; Cotsmty 3 4nlorlwithhethe*”Garl:1c1j1sl; Oré:hards,lllYlarv§,lCou1:ts qrgl ? Baék wlith‘lt—thclfi;i«llfloulfe ‘to; th_C,l‘l*"PaIk I adjynlingl §:o%fill:lltL1:x¢ll4 'fi1id%lHouIé; lcommonlgrl ~ca1lic?d Gr:émmicblll‘Pdrk ; ‘I10! 00 A Caflclal fcituatielanldlfbéilnlgiwithi11thefa,i*clsPaIlI<,l% knawn A themmeof Greenwiclaltéla Wilthinl?t*bcrfaid gammy tl}fl5c‘cs:tlier¢u “ml b¢1°fi=iI1gl;;fl°rth¢§ ‘ Clafllc commcanly called or known by Elm name of Wmdfizr V %ll[7»E@nz3bn, pxtttenatiécfisg A Caflle, (296 3 Ca A ze-,1 ou~ntyQfLs@Merk:%; we Yard nc ¢:1'2§&- % {aid 39:16, mmmanly ca1ied.; Tim aim» V 9 ¢ ufx:%a£1d zfifijfi fl. * th:.~~%u. Wings therein , dAhcLIctpfQ;rc and “now }?'3sd‘;f1.T thc”0CerS,. the W0IkS W<::ngin¢ m.;m;}m% %1“ai%d%CaM£’:M,vnor4. to the Park adjpyning% £9 thefai 6% 55* «E Caf£1c,coVmmonly ca11;c, The little Wark 1101‘”tV0V the Park c:ummaI;a1yA ca11c%d,AATbe new Wrk, r:=x¢arA % Richmond in thc Cunnyofsurrey 5 no;x.f to the Park commonly callcda was P4fik4,:AAA%i“n thcCour1ty%of Middlefex; I nor: to itfhc Park mm-. mmnlyVcalled;4 Carn£m;yTark in the County of Oxfizrdg not mu any 2 the Cafilcs ‘1mw.Garrifiancd bythge4dParliam‘cnts Fumes. in England Wales 5 not to any dfioiinitwals or Free» Sehodls.;%z.nor: A::m4,%%~an%y%4Hou1?:s , Storc~houfi:s,A Buildings, Y1mds,Docks,A Barge-houfcrs, 01: other finch grounds and pkzmas that x-mw arc; and by the fiaacc of twentyyears lfifl: p¢a.f%,havebecn»ufedand accuffomcd to be imploycdfm cAh¢~N»é£vy ACVufloms.,A Officc of Ordnanm, Rccciptson A¢¢omptsm‘f thcpubI*ic1uc%Rcvcn11e, Courts4 of Jguflzice, P‘rifcms, or , :anyA other Pu bliquc Hi ca Abcl:onging m _;h¢ fevr5vicc‘Vof"&“tBc7Stétc. % A 1 A A ‘ ,% “ ”ProVvided% always, That this Aé’c, or any thing thcprain comaidncd, Vfhfll non cxtcnd to any Timber Trees} fi’::%Afor V thksufiand fc#r’viccAofthc%*publiqueNavy 91'” this Common- ” ¢:wVtAiIéh, :mJ\wt.dgtwixn orbcbing within fifteen miltsawof an%y;1 RivVcr4. fit%A»forAc0nvcyancc of {pick Ti‘mb;c_r; 4 Whi"ch:faiTiAmbcr »Trccs,.V flml1~b"c futvcyed 7an»d mélrked A S%iirvc“iy%ors44=as th5¢C ommifkioncrs4Qf%thqNavyi{hall r,a4;649;V n@’fii~1Via?te1 appoint v:Andchc, f%.idAySur;Vcy%gQ‘rs. A.%W,%%1‘C+~ W ;‘timfd%¢:hejnu V%1m~o£ %uhe%;%fiid TAi:mbVcf[Trcc~s4% bythcm furé *¢¢y¢gmamm-k¢dfi$asgabovefiia me, p1a.;¢swbc:e Lraid ai:d%%r¢tiirncd:, mam tau: £e1¢1aa$,an%a yr vrfuch «my % ‘E 11: apmxim":A~&A *imber»% reewwgrawsmdothcr their,pfd¢dings, % Lét, mior[be.fom:heA,ecquash» V Atvéwified, (397) that uponfiurveys madeand returned, as=*isefiorehinthie Afidireeicd, it {hall ahppearthat’“ thercis notf.1f‘fiicicntVeo§ f3tiSfit th€AtIfears of theVSoIdiery,menciQt1edA in this pm... fE=.nt:A€c, theethcre {hall be fudrteher provifien mafiefor the remaining Arrears not fatisfiedahs ahoVeIé.id,ou;;" of the Forrefis of the faid late King, Cmeen or Prince, or otherwifc as the Parliaznent {hall dircé}. Pmvided, That this A6’c,0r any thing therein contained, Ihall¬: extend to gram: unto the foreIEa.idTrufl:ees, any Forrefis wiechi11thi»s Commonwealclxg nezrany Manors, Lar1ds,He1jeditan1ents o>1:de_Tenements , within the ordiu naey and ufimlLimits, Preein&:s,A0r Prcambulatiens of thefixrne, as touching 1?) much thereof as are within the fame 5 A norhhbeizag any of the Pa.rks beforcmenetioned, hand hereby intend*ed,to be granted to the£E;.id Truflseegs 3 norhto any Improptiation ,h or hParfonage apprariateg I101‘ td any Advowfongq Right of’Pea1:rhonage,h 0:: Pre[enta.tionun.h to any Parfonage or Vicarage, C11” ¢;3hurc:hes Donative or Peefentatives, not to any Reverfidonor Remainhder in the Crown; fifpcétant up0n*Eflatc Talc» ‘ 4 Providc[dg.ehThac this Ad? cor ham’ thine thcfein 60114 e rained, {hallnot eAxtende‘"hunteothe Houfeecalledeor known by the nameof Vauxvballhg; nor to the Grounds, I—Ioufi-:5, Buildings, Mbodeeles, Ilttenfils, orqtheer neceflhries forpra-V» tihcalh‘Invcntions therein cantaincd, etharcm bheloning; than «they, amdeeeverynf them.-Jhall remain and eemne fgoi: thcnfe of the 9C;or_%nmonweaItfh, to be imployed he anfdiefpoffid 0feAby thehmrliamenc, as they Ifhallthirikfig ‘ V \nAyye,—thing C011tainedhhez*e%ir;hoer in ~any,othcr A61: to thecqn-_~_ ' v « txzaryfthereofeiei fa my wife nn;rW,ithflmding- A Pinvidcd always, Thatthis Aéif, ndrany tbiflgh thenfcin C<:rI1Eained,efh3:‘1e1« in anyhewhif¢heextcend to the Scitfi of ’l"0mfi€‘* cmmhor the Houefe's andh euildinse yet remeaining;eeor an“hyethePareks,h. brhhoethferxheeelemeafn Landeeand Appwrm tenahncfifi them hbeclexneginga eufheend eimplflyhfid 110 (the va1e.e F wens per :r3crh¢¢1 11116 IE~;ve,za1Aaenea twheextieeth of hMm:b, h0nethou£aI11dfixhuhnd£¢&« e yyy h* h*®ny »(398tr) my nine, cenveyed unc"o”1M2§jbrGelnetalrLa;72ém; "hisfieirs rangdAt£signs.t *~ ; Provided always, ‘fll€itll¢fll5l1i‘5 A83.-.”7' 1110f af1y~thing therein contained,{hamextend tlothe Mlafior Houlfelof Turk, nor othertthe’Build1~ngs1and Grounds lltwlthlin the Walls tl1ereof,e~adj0yniTn"gt0‘Cl1€CitY0"fYork. f A P 1-ovided, That this Aét; nor my thing th erein 4 corn- t:1i1‘1€'Clt," flmll inany Witie extend, or caufel to he make» yeid, in: each", or weaken cane Leale,G1*t£lnt or Demiférmadel of A -the Manor of Stockton Socong 3.liaS Stockton Socon , the Countyof Norfblk, and other thlngs contamed in a. ‘pair of Indentures, bearing date the Ninth day of September, inthe Seventeenth year of the Raign of the la%teKltin Charis, to Sir Edmond Mmzdeflard I