__. ‘' -~ ~ , H l .‘ ‘ l ,» _‘ , _ , , .,,‘ ,.r .A,._,._ ,,‘.,., .,.-.“...-m.~-~.~\-u A A A /kg . f ! ’ ’ - . , ‘ V . n ‘ ,A 1 ‘ - - ‘ . . ‘, 0 A ~ ‘ .1? A I 3 ' . 1 . 1 M . M _. ‘ ‘ ‘K x A The Commons in Parliament éffembled, ‘For; Salt of the A 3 Honors} M anorséc Lands» Hérétoforcfielongiifig rd tIA1AclaAte AA KingaQL}een 8>zPAAArince.A.A ” AA A‘ Dicls/IA&Artis,I"7'°A_Iulii,1A6.».AA}94.A A A Rdcredéy tbe%P4rIiczment,”T/Jattbzir A 6; fort}: wit!) pfintcd azgfl A A _ pw6AAli]bc2l..A A ‘ * aw.» .~.~ Prit1tedbyEdwdrdf:TA}§]bmdandfqlan ma; ‘Pxintgrs co thePa'rlia-.~ ;: ' ' M Hen: Scobcll, Clerié. Parliamcnti. A I men: of Englanpi. "164 9., A _ A A A A .........-u._..._ ‘ .1 “ w ‘ ..- l , “ ‘,1, E ‘ , W ‘ _ ‘ - “ ‘ V ‘V’ ‘ I’ I \ ‘ ‘ r it ~ '7 “ ‘ ‘ «u ‘ x , . mu ’ \ ‘ M I ‘ rm 1 c . M ‘ ‘:1 ‘M .w‘ ‘ M z~ ‘ ‘ J’ M “ ‘ ‘A ‘ ’ ‘ M ‘ ‘. ‘ 4’ , ‘ wt ,4“ ‘ ' ’ . , ‘ ,‘ N ‘ V!‘ ‘ 4 « ‘F M‘ “Q.““ ‘W I ' I ‘ “ ‘Vt my M» “ " -_ m “ :\ - : Av‘ ,‘» ‘ M : ,v ‘ \ ‘ ‘ » ;‘w u‘ - ‘ ‘ my c. , an ‘ n ‘ M v w. n '9-v - 3‘ ‘ ‘ 2 .‘ ‘ ‘ - A “ , ‘ ‘ ‘ _~ V ‘ :'" > M “ .9‘ M‘: ‘ ‘ .‘ “ ‘ ’ . W." .5 L ‘ yw “ ‘_ ‘ H , “ an‘ ‘ “ , ‘ \ jv ‘ “ ‘ “ n l .‘ J“ h ‘ ‘ u‘ 1 , ‘ \ ,, , [x w ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ ’ «,“‘m‘ 3'‘ M F‘ ‘J M nu“ -. w “ N ‘ ‘ 4 . -‘ ‘ ‘-.w..,,m . V «w _: , w \ . W \ , pm ‘ - “ ‘. “ w- ‘ ‘ k 1 “ ‘_ .: , ‘ Forsalc oFtheV Hd’f1@rs,Ma1§di*s”andffgands here; £1)‘: wucxaltp up we A ‘ 3‘ik $i”WRfib7m3. A xofore 1+5e1ongingtoVthe lété * % M‘ “ x , . ‘ ‘ K. : on . .I- ‘,, ‘ “ ’ In t } I ‘V W‘ « “ H. I ‘ ‘J n \ 1' , " ' ‘ ‘ ‘ l ‘ ’ , K‘, % I % ; % % .. ,~ x H W.‘ at‘ u f ylv’ I ‘ “N ‘ “ .\ H‘, _ t 4 f‘ . ‘ ‘\3'''«. J ’ ‘ V 9”,‘ " " “ ‘ 9 u ' 1 ‘ Ad »’9"U a W.: " ‘|‘\‘u' “W A H ‘ “ ‘ ‘ “ “ " I ‘ 3‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ,._ ‘ \ “ UV; " (‘V0 ‘ ‘ " ‘ ‘ ‘ A ' ‘I "“ iv ' ' ‘ ' L" ‘ - “ I ' . ‘ . ‘ u »« ~\,."~ “ _ r ' = ‘ -~ ‘v V ‘ F qr‘ ‘ ' 1 ‘ %:13ts Aamfinf mid been %Ibfni ‘en ts: 5 W”9~‘?: xummm ’ . ’ 4% f £mm1% armies fiaun i ........ -« ¢m5,% by maftm NM tj~;¢%At“bts an[%hN+wnceimng nuntcactms mwp4.*m:‘A tbemmnzsvmgagmh % y A V 130 n.mmImeEfatififfimtionmttoail Mflffiliwfi A mznmss f/D2-$4‘;V%d%tD¢ft%A2{tr£m* s,mmng int0,£fli&fi% e-a1m¢mx:fmm;,4w4 time 1::m~ flm; Fairfa 3-, ~ ~mai)% Wm-»fi"° 1 4 1) *1 1. .‘ ‘ ' “g .9"*-'.' ‘ ‘ W ‘ ‘ .. ‘ ‘ 1:13:11:uuMm»;aitn%umc¢, ants fait1)fn1w%%m;bic¢%fi 6ooeo1.* titp fozthefain2£jcrcatE;'tbeflxb V onthe fecuri-—- % cam) is putinto acm5acit12offi"¢tIi11fl’tI)e amame nfwig % afiatton in, %anfi%mto2ing$tbemuntoAwetc%j.:;t:a §Lt.hzn,ties%% ann jfmqomzm+tztnngmbmagwe iatt %%%ing, the % ,at1D fl)Bi t;;AtlD BIL @331, 4 33¢ W11 t1J¢¢tDi¢f%.%%nt1J0z5 .9ft1Je We mam aflfifilitflfitblefi; byihtjom, in Ib1)ofc‘bebatAf;‘em;n to; where ‘gintmfl zinctpatly the fame hat!) hm uniuttlyratfcn, foment¢D%. continue!) arm tw'm)- éfiaflhh tljmfoze in’ia1l ‘ilutticc mm aquity onggjz to beat the buvtben oftncgfafimzhtz, am mete mlateg in tljefita placetu%bzapp11:m to mac woflfatm Dtfcntttgc,Agtba%% fame, ,t¢being the bum arm ¢fv¢cia1:catc, anD$i1.D.c4;.nz4.nfAthz iaarttaa meat, iwfit tbt 1mop1*¢ a)ou1;ts:é¢i¢not in any fun 113 ta .83 i&i¥D%¢ fit3%¢D,% but .in%-cfifcz of inevitable mac ¢tty,4 ann%%nsbe~n otDBt;I!J€§19B am: means ate wanting: man fozafmu astijz aamtlianwnt, %%finbin*g tbe£Dffi’cc of ray ” mg in this flatten» ta 4 nammcn fillnnicceffaw, ilfiuvtljmfonr arm mu: gerons, Datbuttctlp 4‘abu1i£t)cn tljc fajn fltngig wffice;imittbmfozcwactebanbwzvafnch A imnts%p2ctent aaacttamentg. ztutbnztnzv. nftbe fame, ifiljatfoz furtljcraniz hBtt¢t Q WWI \ nnmebwozta §,‘,‘,”,§;S,-3;: fannpounns, Ijmtofnzecb m w 3 a C9 :1 5 charzed ofaa acuamcm n£MtI)e%;#fourann wiuau"c c ntietb My .,o;.msAa.ofocccmbaz,f1647VV.Inm:m the iaeceipts of we cm anng1mpoa,ann owes gecuctttcg+vtnJ% 2DiflflflC$:f[)ECifi9D,A% (‘Db3.“nD1UIWD;°5 *0?‘-'¢ } Wth¢ I1, " g b%ec4%mtt fut urwcranD otbf trumsof m0MP.Va£»4I!% be[fmmDvim! . H M nae unto% tljefefoz non: A,*%%ttJat- 1) +%tvonrann Vow” ma3¢%Wss"vDA%“5 a 1 fatisfactton oftIJe%tma:sn 2 macs tbwto [be ntsjyanvev, %.necea‘atp,. Vgfullpzm ra::s&e¢annpav tlgmcncreacs (ball fmmbentcfoztij t1ann*an”n be shaman swan ” tywonozfi, %ano2s.®aI1Ie!5. $outc5,%c1Iua.—= M5.-.' flmfimb 353"“ (9PF¢13¢ fl5D¢V¢W¢t‘A%¢’ifl tats ct is cpcepten farm, pzobincn foz) mm W axzemtmnts ante fiamintaments , floyalttcs, , aminaehges, ftanchifcs,gmmunities anwlpa pmmuauccs tn t1)e—1Z?ainIaouozmwatmzs, «ma: ales, 1Bm:1ts,sImlIuagcsVann ilaanz, oz anyof tlbem, belonging oz appettamtufi»Dwerctofoze lawfully urea, nccuptenannw4¢Acn~jnv¢D mttmycm nzanpnf them, as part ozparczl tbmofi, mm tofuzc bfifltlgiflflg ""30 the late %ing Charis’ D6: nftbeit 3£enant5.,mg am,’ $21: onVtI)c3flr11% nape Aptii; scam, ache: in the tight of the Mama; :3; of tI)c@ut£b1? Bf .Lancma’f%cr,d‘m*t1flt0A Henrietta Maria,‘ the fie1ict,annlatc%4 2:! am: .2 Tail! Iatc iatugg. oztmtoCharls4Asgua*r%cthat cine $01.1, zitijct W 1%9un*ccf¢Wa1es,mukc ofCoArnwa1,%omar1 of Che-‘ fler”,4o2 Antljctibift bclonging%%tn ¢tbcmV 02 any of wemsann which mevcm weccaarreranozpora f¢fl’f9flD%fw44fl)¢mV02aflP flftbt ‘X m5ozotttmcuza%n2 mmcerzoztntrtersw, a mi 331 ‘mg fa: their nfego “ zVatW.0ftbBm. ncttibourann tiptjunnz cu t13trt9fibe,o:zat 1j,afiP in 91055}; ozbamotbwtfemcwcnwe faint epeatafozefain, nz Aanptmwfltp L 5 Wm tn upflgnaflt B» V fftflll [£93535 Di , A a)&11iB4f0l1% # M A A fall tN1)8f&iD1at¢Wug;, maven, ann weir ctneammortbem arozefatn, fiVAAVz4““*mm“ f“3tI’*0“i¢s hams, bctrcar ofnutinzvg Am fozwbicb they t;amncmau~ mu i‘LVfl“°3,«fifnDf5fi!lDimcfittaments CD W°1%fi:Ifl1*@"mP 05 ‘DB unto have «been jump belong: er asts ¢V¢&ftevepnz¢ff¢hV‘iA The names «:35 % '. she Trufiecs; lit j (362) % fan*tw1aMeA efiectmi fiecmitp jfi” M afngeflain, awn wnvactabby mttihmitw afmzzim, f_£h5fit?i an ta fem fionow, A watmzs, V %afi_%1*e=%, films , efl'%!flW 5 %‘$D4&f8Ea iwmfi afiw IJm:m¢£t ct exccptm mm ): mm +aii¢jmVmetn%z¢%[ ts am: il~3n1:miita;gs 3 pmxtt2tmncw% to we mm full? aw f A 4 A :91 m, atm%amuw mm rem m+zz:m MD ‘-Wit B k &¢‘W;‘” §"° w in we rwl”[.:5m1 %, A W » % m :.%«g. ' «;:j'~; J $1"; Bofca: V . vofmp in the c7mzz1w~ Bf’ the cmmw A of Landau, \ A mm, 4m llwmfoze iar ftbem, oz ‘V’ ‘ a flu Vr, ‘ A 1': e» it‘ «i ' JO :3 . V’ ’ Al‘ .4 _. A-%-a % ~ . H1am gamma J A£;;V%mg~.-.=mi 1%:;;‘ye tvuf V t‘K1‘€ ?1i”!J$”fi5ji°§¢‘9f t3 % ‘A A _ 3 1 (‘D3 .110 ant? . M“ ¢ A @uwin*w ,3 ma annAemtp,o;%auy mm % of Tho,mas¢ Qakaaf % A M H % mmann fit: ¢ . ‘W -. ,< V x‘ ‘q::‘ ‘ W. ‘F , I ‘ W, n ‘E W : M’. “ E ‘ . I ‘ V ’, ‘ i ‘ ‘ ‘ I ‘; xz‘ _‘ I ‘ _ V ° " " ‘ ' If, y.‘ ‘ 7’ .7” ‘ 1, 1‘ “ ' ‘T’ ‘ L -‘ I "s _ Ea, :* ‘ ‘ : “," ‘W, ’}..W "' ‘ "L ‘ " ‘v _u“ " , “ ' ’ ‘ ‘ V m? T . $3» '5‘ ‘I ‘ W V :\ ‘ 5. ; _w ‘ «, ‘ ‘ _5 ‘ ‘ g :1 ,‘,,y* :“ ’ r ‘ 1*" mi N ‘, ‘WA 1 ’*. 4 ‘ 1 ‘ , ' Hf ‘ I "" ‘Hr; ,. tc I 4 5 4 W D “ 1 . $‘~‘ *5 V > ‘ 1 “ ~ "A ‘ _‘ ‘ I ‘ V‘, , A K Iv‘ ‘ _ ‘ .v . ‘ M » / . ‘ ‘ . “ M ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ I ‘ . J‘ ‘ ‘ ‘49 . , \ ‘H M ‘ ‘ ‘..,~ Q" ‘ , ' :3‘. “ w "‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ 1. . .‘ ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ , ‘ ‘I R ‘ ‘ . I M “ A '_ ‘ pa; “ ‘ J‘. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ,. \ ~,‘ ;: ‘ 1’ ‘ ‘, ‘ V‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ _ ‘ ‘ ‘ u “ ‘ u I4 1' r u 41 ‘ ‘ v x. -. .u 5 ‘ « - . x v H \ ‘ V n . ‘, x , ‘I ~« ‘ - _ ‘ ‘ ‘)1 -n , ‘ ‘ <. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ f,‘ 7 ‘ “ . , ‘ H ' C-F ‘ ‘ a mu, 1, ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ I ‘ ‘ ‘ " ‘ ‘ ‘u’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ fl I ' * v F’ 1: M ” .. ~ ‘ '* M I M 1? _ ~ ‘ ‘W; W » I‘ M M = « . : s s é_ a '4/I 7&9 ‘ E T ' ‘ - NIL. u ‘ ,3 I V‘ “ -‘zJ!V I Y‘ a ‘ L ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ L a ‘ > J‘ \ ‘{3} y ‘y r “- “ ‘ A . , I ;‘ M , 1‘ ‘ ‘H ‘~ “ ‘.4 ‘;‘ M ‘ “J *{~ “- . .* % E % % -:5 r!‘ ,4) L. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ W '5 . .‘ ‘ ‘<‘ ‘ “" “w ~ V a “ ‘i ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ,‘ u ,‘ ““‘v*S‘ ,- ‘ -I‘ n ‘ , 9» 4‘ W ,’ ., _ . . Q. I! W-= ¢ aupnf izbmt, tints 1:? ‘ arch, the mac n (33,) V‘ e }x ann tmentietI)#A 079 ff auniénm, tzbufatm “ tiwummnfzisy outwit igbt,itie,3jnteve, 4oIfefl?ion¢, Btgbtfi ujt gm 2 Matty, finttics, V A %:ev£nnnitiw, tttnmmnmtges, areas, ant: otbw am fitgijicbtljepm any of them mam bane, amnf mgijtznugtjt to yam mm wimp , hzfuze the fam fiifif mm tillwtlffitb D317 llf March. .1%2,D1317JtD film av, flijatutijig wt, 02 any win tbmtn com: V gmncn, Ilwsxmt in an%mife: impeac , make both g;;.NI;1l1 311?. W1 ant, utmtt oz «mate, mane, gg%cantenozcnttfitf1nen, oz. meVtm'»oncnAA ta he mane, ncamen 0; confivmm %tmmt: the M1: flcat of \ ¢gm,¢ \ A wceweteuma %heIn;nging,% tbczxettct England, by autI)1m’tp,ann%i%w ant wnlfwtnf £1115 pzefettt 1aay:1ia$k enc[. amommn a1[I),fl1JatIIJI)~¢It6 any pmtfan fio%,¢pmt£on$% no iawfuuy claim any %it1c02%ntetcftV,vmfg in amt: to any . a£eog¢1@am,wphzvtua uzm tig t ofvatw e bevifinf i ceamn, bzwcvtucof its f:i,‘:‘;fi‘i*‘°“’ oganpzntng _ T M , A I, ‘ Jowécl cmn@»cmutamen, all ware he *’*°‘°.;I‘;f;: or V qf ftwti) waft, A fitbat V.in~¢1m:p fucb cafew tbefaih gym %vufi¢w,0za«nv fib % A , , »btI)e mutmctozs ,%%oz{%Aanp am: 0; u a; tbem,tnmtbe§ no = than in ma ant: cunfilmattn tijetwwf, Acbvauoauce to chew term anagram A A V 92 mm n it = * axhfi ‘ E ’ 7 ‘ ‘ ‘A ‘j '. 1" r ‘ ‘ »‘ T A \‘ i§5m° ,9?“ %‘9‘%*f,“‘”flr“*“”5 02, In f V &“5W%+%:V¢°““W‘!35 beA'3¢ntevVe£t5,% to a5 m: V m of the I:BD01¢"» Ev V "I: ‘ "‘ H ‘ being Bflftfiupftil fimm‘?f.133~}€1"J§.i3 em MID fijfifi in %4+cotufinvc1:tiwafi the {am a11~om;ancw 5 we annp:etmns, Lain at.¢£,¢m:n.th12s5 “I'%1J$.e>% %lit1e.afl“D wffitfifi .05.w¢I51?%ftJci)w1az1:fu1t%? mm annfiffigtwgfl)a11ccaefcAannncm mine Vann $138? mm 9‘3€Y1>%0f $119111 fbflii WfD@”¢W€flJ¢Wb? Vcom1unzn%:am1D¢hamn%*%funm qmakinganpg£m::;; tI)m:%+aa:my mil‘ mm amfifln mm mmfmw am am! he 1% urcijafizw me‘ we mm flaws arm nmmfw,02A€%1%P Bf Wm; 9153 it mmctw, wznatmn ant: ecmm imbc mag.-... tbuzttp afmefam, fiiijat the EeamThomas Coke,’ mm mm the among befogmmmm fimwm, 1:I)c@umm.mm mm gamma: 0? tfijmzw, mm mm mm N we f?a,m9u[mmm2o@f them, mm mm mm m l‘cifw0f%AlIfltm fiaummt we mm xagmtai.-y. its better: azm em%€n tijematm timw iamfi am me tmmofi afozefammntil We mm cmwev ma.nztmt0t‘ucDvvvi‘0% "fl!E".\%m£®-ffilfifi. Immw gang wsmuenz aoznozatmzaz1Vv¢vmciJamoz awn cbafewtljctvflfmoz0fAamHmtttmcof, fcnzfljc paving mmfau5fwngtbc4%» irveam Imetuwe refmctm~z% flfficzrm Vamfl mama appntntw ntttvfitwanw aneawafix bi aitw mmm%h vywm mm W0 asafmtm'm 5 mm uf tb vet1W%%ev ; Vtuwms faggot tbzmin ¥Lanm»:‘a? mm wvzwfitifegmmflyafm helcftuntom, Vafm Ma fmififafifiwfl mane mt wfitffiatfifafi W29aiDwA¢tofllc fmffbw W W10 llffifiafi 4fl)R11M%D¢¥¢af¢¢BhA¢%AM't4iavw W “M auwmzitv afnz.e£amA»;Aann ofA%:AtI)cv% met” at Enema. fageus mtpngwfltije n£e¢aunbmefit of ma mm: oumza1ti)..CI;*Inn be%I'tfutt1)w wmactw mm CSID gn amen, fibattbe mm Barium afm®mentinna% thaw fimimfiafizatxyfimwzmmzfitbemfiaall bavzpomzv an%n¢autm2iw tonmkmAnmmmatz A am:avmJintfwmAttmet0tfmcghv 2it%it1g~Ai 4 % jo1's,Bay1iPE's , V the Aexecuting % VA % ‘of thisA&. A‘ “‘ (366) imfi, mcigag may am! think fit ta mtmpmt mnifwm any Acuump oz cmuntiemf Eng1an%o; alesymbfl MB DWW? enahim amzthuzim m 3;f:‘§*f;‘;“‘ W mwofmvmvafoz tnctmntrwmw Court; 05%? tam fijingsconcmfinmm mmc;annm§)~u%m:e Emmy aautlmziscn, amhim armreqtaimn tam: {me annmw in rellatinn so the min imam, Eucbmuiw, mmtmng arm ‘yummtimng, am we firxrnwcw mf tbqme wagons flaamsam ammmtm to nnmm, m relation to we furhm in of tbs mm Imflyew ibannzmm are zxuzmm z~mnnze1muu,mm an zntnance of amtliammt, mmwjc gzxtzemb napofNovcmber,nengmufi {mm fix ijzmmen fem: (W, entimieb,A An Ordi‘~ nanccof the’Lords andCommons%afi"cmbIedVAin.Par1ig,..% the ufi: of the Commonwealtbztmp a; any fljzee of tmmate patchyautnmismannmahien to mam mmpnt in mwtffizt, fa: % flzcnnmne MengforappointingtheSale of the B_iflmps Lands_dford mg tm memiwiwozanpacttljmcmfg mu m WW? 31)? mmwann fam amyuzsf of them may 9; might have nom,f;%o«zcnn~ ii’! 7-Wtilfliiw £3 H‘ V‘ M A m»nen%~¢ ;%cieugmm;a aim mph‘ xmfmus, are nmhyuequirm to%he1am§4%w%[«» .‘§heri£¥s,I‘v1:1- % pawn AA .11’? ‘ Iuflices «0ft_hc I’eac:moafl1fi: " % X Survczyors in Ham 1; n 3%~”1’5“ >%‘°*”“ Ia A L itizm V mm: 3 tbozittes tbattbcafmw tam aw %atw5,uz%anytbw¢ W, by hevtwofaup A i1®mttfi’m 5. fllmitwfif 339 Watts ~ gafftmng tutbe tam @ m:h4ay25 ua%% (367) ~ 0;: any fimm lmw M mam fimil fippmlzatz mm ad; El 1'5 further aemmw, mm we Em firmms, med "adx11in ifler 3171 1 mg mg mm mg’ mm of tum, am limb? ammm: 03:1; to the tifiziafiflhrmzwsm m amammfm is all ma mew l~_itffi§£f&I'D‘ mm;l%nmmz:5 (mlmawg lmjwmn (:0 take fljgmmg) jam flaw in liacc verbag, (v1z..)~ ll 9/1. 3;. clo fwear, That lwillbythe llelp ol’lThe9u:fe3*~ God, faitlllllullyaxid t1"uly,acc:-mdingto mybell mom skilland l:n0Vvledge,execute the place of Survey» ?or,l~l accorclingé to the purport: of thr: Aét, End»- tulecl, 1172 1%‘ aft/9eC0mrnpm in ‘Par/iozznent afliéma Hed,f0r of 5/36 Hanqrx, cznow and Latmly \ /aeretofiw lmlmzgin l-fiat/99 /we King , Queen and : Trince: V Atiuzl all ufci my bellmncleavorland skill, to difc-over. tlj1*eEf’cate luemilxul mentioned, an d ave.» rypartxberaoa vvhfclnflmal begiveume infxlclaarglea-. and lofinaeullcchecru e Valueslax1d¢ixnpr<3vc«-J "meats ithereol" :: , thereof {hall m,al;ctr11é 4 S11 rveysl, Waccording lC;C)%< my bell skill anlil ycun.-.-L nirttg: andthe Famdfrolntime l°L‘lm¢ t0 cle1iv’er» o1*7§f.gu_fe to clrzlivmrecl in writing clofe fealccl up; lUHt??thl¢llR€gifi€r For tile timelbeing-in tliat“b€-" halfaplpiimecl ;éndalfalt‘t*u*e Copy’orDulpIi» lcatétlherccafclolé {salad up, uritothelfaid Tru.» A Pf€es,~or : two 40ftl'1em: l this I 4 {hall jufily anld‘f-akhful Iyexécuc‘e,vvichoutany giftmj V 1*€W3’dfl)a1~I11 fit atmneceffamp.% znnitvm atmapm 3'£'.D7M ; mt amt! nn~t$e1:mm t the pumngn y Qtmavs of armaihcrties IJ\2dEvJutts,owzot1)ec ¢%annmane W 112% mztboztty of aaatliaa 1 cc I ijtime astm tam iuhettiw, Wtfitba F,pmfitzgannal V fiwfiem all a an» n 9% f At silfiz 7 ‘.3---~ ’éet3¢fi'cient, n8£li9enta.% aft 2%.. is Wvwev%¢ p1a¢e,aind m’tcc3,0{2armt“i1ne mmmef ‘them, atzijetwp autimzism mm timam rim»: amofift upon tIJemmn“feg; £.atnMf %a1ww,atm am 5 ant-tame arm mmcing A % ‘33WV€98mDV#= Wmam arm he in W barm5% Df A¢ 3UU?afi“1D3h¢flW93@W“M= in a~uce5%a4A T f CW”: 55* ' mz4€aiamume%*; any fivwz tlmzénf “ffiéflfi? flialibabziikeafiowwW Wltbozitvgannaw s Mnmmv vequtsvhn anB¢autbozis%~en to ob{m1efué¥j ) gum arm twctmits in zmatinan m flJ&em.;e;,¥ ;ut€e§5 as we "imam fez ithpg figngg might oz may whim” mm mm inteiatwn to the rm 35 Fm famihfinhfis 1JI'cDVate tmxtmmen in an wzmnance mi we {mun of DecAA'emb”er, ®ng tI1uu£annf:rs%iJtm2en £a2tvfehen,enttcu1m, An Ordinanc¢%for removing Obfh.-u>‘a;%0ns in thc Sale of Bfi».-1 {ho Lands; mun mamas hp teaitngfgm many neglects mm imperfectimm in 1339 Wfuthimm ‘ df tljelateimayops £anbs,$m’faazmfw¢1'am¢% Ijatbbmt mucl)retat:nem jflmin Em m7w£a1tm9m tbimof in the falcLo£tljememifcs, 3% :5 fat: that mtactchan fljtfi mt, a’cz~.imehp ¢ntn1m¢jn~A foztbtty znamw by the fimtjnggt 3‘*W173m» 33‘ ®utvay:;wmeraxotau tmtam pzémifes, mnfl*7pr1Ge“锧1fi tstmebv aw;amen?ann*ceq:tmn tonbfmaz %3”I1fl3€lI+£wm'3‘ vozsmwcaz 3 hi can the ~ A VVV¢ectm;%e%itA®nacten,%at 1) Hit Abetcaftev app ea 6 a 3 W$’§tD¢ ¢ return 95 any fmzmp ram M M 1!} {can tIJVe%Intmt0t1)cfai%B nvtalwbcrcometo mew vms* _%’,€;I:1’€1»"af1’.; \4 1-fig Ahé&id~Swrvey§;«GcncraI flwatlxacrzchin M &j31Y$ Ihfiwwons? ‘ma-Ft¢rh¢f.&¢ an of the raid 3urv‘c;ys,,v«e1yor. Gena» “f¢“¥?mM“€‘@ 91311 return them back to Reglficr: h > ;f'or:he Sun...’ ‘V { %iSJa¥1@Wance V gm»? ‘ ,3, ~ 3 » Manet William Wcb*fl)a11u fp:g-filfflfii” C3703 Ssbon&1y;,aIf%the" Su.ifv‘4eyor—~V4%Gcricltal {hall finds th”Ve%’$ur~%A vcys infu ficiant fort0¢on‘tra& upon, Than he.Vfl1aH w‘iftha in fix days,aftmreccipt the1‘e0‘F, tran‘fEribeiB%%'rnuc11 of the Sn Way as is i;mp%erfcé3‘;:, %retAL[1 m{ c fame funto the m£pe&ivc Surv%eyors,mud Wcenifie A:h%cmthecaufe¥s of his excegaions , %4who.%arei} [hereby enjoyned forthwith to. amendchc butif aghey cannot, colcertiffiehim the ;;a,u%%fe why theyr%cannotAamend the“ fame 5 4 and in, finch cafe, notwith&andingM ch: impkerfcétions , the SurVeyo1+.. Gigneral is to return the Surveys to t:hcTruPc*ees andA@R.e’§ gifier, fo thatch:i:mmediateTer1ants%%of' anypart of am prcfpifes exprcfl: In Athe;S%L1rYc)f,‘may progew ¢t:oPur~gA4 j ”T hi.rdIy, faidS urycyo the c.¢;1;{en:JAof any three or more ofthe, % “e¢sfi&; es errors % an d A other .matt7é rs: %fubPE3nA%ce} .i n cfafi-:s”Whcre by credible inform %%PyoQf fuch4%,amcndm7e1:i its "can be made, ; without 4% anyfgi. tfitht flid particular Surveyors; A Q Egurthly,Whcrc any pcrfon orperfons could nocVcime11 make¢hiSOI‘ %tht‘=irEfl:atc,A}& or Eflzatcs appear unto, orAJcr1terMT his ortheir C;13im,r W¢ith4%thAeparticular Su rveyots for that: place or ~iZ2‘éou my 11 which J‘tAheféi;d;p rcmifcs ‘ Ii Abefoém-V Surwvey*s thcrcef bereturned as aforeléid gvyct {gm %o§7p%::rf0nAs {hall cnt crhis;Claim=, and xmkwe his *B%H:éztcf4 a by d;;1¢P1io0f7% ath%¢»unc4o¥the fai Su rv‘ey&4o1§-»% Geazaeml, all)’. I§.idiTxufiecs: (Who arleéé; hereby authOri_Zed~ to 3d1;i1iniPcerV the%,AI&me) within form d%a‘ysAiaEt%V€rAthe ;A1:«c:turn‘ ofxtbc faid» Survey , That-wthcn the V ;more ccrtifiedto the cgif%erafidTru:{%e§§w;,§ tveyma G cnerz{1 {7ha;Il gum Aandwalf yaw; the X # ,1‘ (171) % their refpeecive imployments; and how long thefime flmll continue, and u pom. jufl caufe to enlarge the fame. Sixthly, That the refpe&ive‘dVSurveyc>rs% {hall from time tdtimc certifictheir proceedings unto the%*Féaid%“ASurvcyor« VA General, and keep {Jab correfpondence with him, as that he may know in what lace they are,:u;1& upon what am» \ plwymfint. A V zzam mmtm mm mmmw by we amtljmziw §§;ffi§f"'””” A aftmfain, final: Hcmmy Colbron man ha ficszmim 7 mm ikacpmzgann man have the cnaomvarw Emma mg of amfiecnzns, mjmmmninzncw, (mum £0115, fieigwafilfiuokfia mingfi, mew BE gmcnw, fifimtaw, flmzfimm, mm mm fbingg M m; cmtcmming any ta mum, mm- mm , mmew 3. % mute % , 25 , «Mm-Kw, 1mm,, mm ficzmnenwtg mrmtmnmm, oz otmm the mmniifwfi DWWI mcntionm am up: pamtw to in mm flan aw mm mm to mm M afozefatnmitbet unto the amzwcbafzv azqmm A c1)afec£af%%tmfain mcamfw, oz any mvtt1)¢re».=: M M, mob aaecmm, mztfiingz mm minmccsx as % mm mm am I mtfm, flmmmm mm mums of an annemw cmmn we pmmfw by mm m mm; puvcbafm : warp fluwwom of the ma fi)¢inm‘mmm EWWW5 ma than mm from V zimetmimmo mm mm mgmmmna ’ . mctificmeganm mm mzoczeningmazfljat mm mwyhavijiazzmfnz mtg alltw mmpg, fiifim Wfimehe mnwenhp4wv9I1vm1mm mt” ‘ . the pgMéa'a,;s, nzmw tum mnoze of mm, U923 in ?“i‘?: &M%% A g V tfiffli I %*w ‘ ‘ " V ‘_"'°y "‘~. « A. ‘ ‘ ' v ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ‘ 4 I whytbz %umwmz.#®w:am1:%n ,‘ man we make fozm, ¢ name WWW mvacwzning tu me tam *l7uwm@ ‘ W 3%“ ail"; $9”? W“5iWW 3IW“4W 4 % A if fibm Vz‘iemif¢% awn WM tb"€m%f, an: aw mtmact in mzzw %ct%%fozmiéw §‘. ‘ I. ; 4‘ Mfmm timem faiiawflwifl _ mmcp sf :e::i1a am mm mm fiummuz arm ®mrI-~ " tnefatnmgmev flJ&i1hahe,D01b,emuteanhm»-..: iwfije mm mm m mace of aacgtaeg may ka72) oz atbemtfa mat! oz $5 as news 0: ma; @ eh fucbpammiaw fa rawmhaluen am it time hm» mm @ fnfficiem gmtmn ‘ ‘kw mm autm fijtsficmz w,m2 tne¢o=u$wac$ozs appumm by wmnm we fail: fifiegifiem Ihai make tmct5,atm Mimtvzfitawmgs tbmugmn ; mm V imww, by ijimfeif 62, big mffictmt mepzmw, mg. fififlfifi, may A B83 gflfifl chew % Itmfflnabie mwanh arses fa; mzitin gnmg of me {am %pmt*ic“3at fiflflamtiffiifiwa aimfitbemlifeiflthementionanbyinifcbmgeof tam pent: {beet % % & i % Twa in the K "tp~t}1c‘Reg1-. % ,: % ‘i%er. _- % A ‘_:*é%* %1W€€iW3Qi¢ Iimh%¢sa1e of Bifhop kw mm WWW lhfib $319 P¢afi2AififeWQM Dxmmm flEWflhfigfiflv3MQAAOWt7i{flfT%t%% eceipt5,wt5 mm wk emfoz ea the ram amines an wands.azrs2:enwanuA%ww~ .1 famozefimo the 513%?“ - t.‘.¢-:1. '3‘, yautb0zi3zD%%an at it z. mbgajail anyfim»n;mmwftmmx pszmcm ax E’ ammnuea arifingwt “%ife5, Why we her an { nuary,% arm the 5rtvm£JuIy,1m1f fiqflfii W’3fI'0fl $;‘WJit1Nam me sf @133 i)unmenpnunM,t1)%e fainfitrzafuww we mung miquiczn a%nhantboz%3mn my accomingwwsann that the mquittancc of the fair: fie gi&cm;az: tfcijarge tn the fair:9Eteafmetg%azan pamnent ham mm A mu tbeuw sf A h (373) ‘V thz Qzninamc of ahatiiament bf th:; :6 of Novem: mm thoufann fix hmmzen fnzty fix, ehttwlenh An Ordinanccof the Lords and Commons affemblcd Vin Pa.rIia.ment, For appointing the Sale of Bifhops Lands For that ufé of the Commonwealth.}... flan be it h furthm muactenhh-pthz authngitp afmefaihhfihat 91% Wiiliam Roberts, John Humphreys @111; Thomas TbeNaméa* Ayrsfififq; John W/hits @111; Iames Scockal htffiffh Ed- ?ri1d§’c'lh:sE0n:. V wardCrcfl}:t(I5m1t, @112; Richard Salconfial §3n)1'gijt, Daniel Sear! %WC1)i~mt9 Nicholas Lcmpricrc GEM; Ni... c:holasBond fifq; Richard Sidcn-hahmhtlfifq; ahtmhR(Jbcrt Fcnwick «Em; than he houtmctogs’ fog htheifalenf h the memifesa man they 02 any am In znnmngfthcm {hail have pmnmmzm authogimannh are hereby imhmmtenannhh authnziaen to treat, contract ahh agmith amp perfnh nz petmnfi, ilfinmeh qaolftique oz wnghogamfoz the tale of the ram pm- matey, oh: amp pact thmuf, upon fuch parttculmt, ggmttificate arm haiues as than he iamhcccin tmm thisfl ¢mh~m,tw: the iaanfinf the fimftrctbv ctrtommatwarmappointnm, ozhty ézvcpuss ty. 1hgohinen,thatthe tam @ommctn;5&)aII*t1nth twat m contvactxbith any pittfnn oz petfmw, A 131? aholitmue oz tfingpozatc, othevthmtheh im-»; mutate ’£mant oz ‘flaunts offuch of thcfafb tefpcctibzh ibmms , fizenements awn ihmzcnttas: of mfpcctib'¢ivs mm in cafcfuch ‘fienant M ’£¢=-«~ h wants nztimu: cmmract u h mmts,.txc¢pt19arhs am: peergfigaimnt be £010 Imhet imtms am i‘9mm71?ammtsw upon a~iLmfe mg mm iLmw,Afl)éa11%1%nt be fun) Vtmlmzitijm p cam aim aI)aif*s*1mtch&5afe;v arm that a mine Minn f the £m’hm=2t111’.£e~5upon a«?Lea;fefu;tbm imnts, than ifigfltfihfifnm%$%zmmt tmoyears mm am ' I)a1f5¢ pm; ate mm mime atw¢1’T;Amam: ngflmmztts mi A any the p;mnii'w,A cimint mm mm a 1:2’ ‘ - Wbtm M96 as flufmmiatpfiftatemfiem1tfi”on5 oz. bytijz cm»... Rom amp ¢gt:antn;zV nzagz aeafefi fm ibifa 0; zLtmg,%% tijefiziaerftw [baithefolnAd%pzopmti0u«l aébiy £0 tmfi £11139” 1 film 'tD€fi'aiD @fl1Et¥Mt02‘RiA L flyzm not feilafiemtfinn of we fain p;mm£es%anm on a am fog 9mm p‘ms,A utmw§*itAP¢er5 anna ijafis! puvcbaxfe azmtijat a3&§e5aeMi onup—:4 A mm izmemg3rmmem%peexs, man mt mama A unim gm: peers mm a qzmtew pmtI)tai‘e~; ama% fit a¢fiwetfion% upon a ‘ieafe Em’ we mmA b2ez4ymt3 ai1%nt§)ev men m:t‘mns% uprmiheafm flaaii “E MD P3“I3“m°“? % »h1etn %mn%it is father macten , ‘)‘|" A ‘ ¢“3““i3 :5, W,‘ ‘ “ . ‘ . ‘ ‘_ W N‘ g ‘ A ' I % jg of T4r.fz2zment,f0r S4/e’ of‘:/9%e H0nor:,+M4nors A A *1 Ml? 451$? 5! <1-25> I/1.3.dofwear, Thatl will, gaming e beflskiiland lmowledgeg,faithfullydifcharge the Trufi cmnmitzted unto me, 1' n relation to A gmcl Lands, beretoore fie/oirzging to tbe late Zgng, !Q¢ee:zm«zdTri;¢ce; Afnci that I willjnotfloi‘ favor or afFec9cin,reward orgifi:,orh4opes?«of reward orgifi;,brcakthefame;. %i A % Vmmtm mm mntractow atz4l)mhp‘antbog risen mm mmiten toobmmmch when flnnugf mmm as we tntentintmn in tm3m&mcnmw%nf A wefam witwfitegcnmctning the éflnzutmctum, faztiflfmeof2m’a;upMmnna.. mun it :'5 meg.» tljetéfijnactem. ’i£I9at‘tI)z mntmctmfi bmbp no- ’ WA mapper M313, W11 awmay, %’m,D%% $11? 4AA 锢‘¢WVm€11w, 4 w1tD402‘3 9Dfi11:n*1?m11i'W me wk 1i39#€af¢$‘iwt1)%atflJa11%DiwD9“ h¢fo2eAtDemain%% 2 cazucwnmg £113 £am~‘¢p;enutfe5,;Vtn ohfmzbz, putin uvcatm mention," “tbeimc pumcw amnAawt1J02ix= tici5A~tmttb a tmnmtrattnzg fm~z»ti)»cfa1.e2J5ifi)DD$~ ‘ ‘ .u ‘I M5,‘ \ ‘ ‘ “ ‘r, ‘ ‘ " V _: flu’! "‘ “ 1‘ ‘jt,"é"" W’; ‘ ‘ " ‘J 7‘ r_ , ‘ 19' V tam» at gang mm map nu; p mrtuwfan%AI zninauce % t’.li&I§Iwt nf ti)»: fecm1nufDccember, ma 4 ~mm2en fmtgr fawn, @ntitu1eD,An } ¢~&AmV¢mb1€din%Pa£~ ‘ "0V%iI1g H2:E&rF1.&im,.h'.$7V\A.:L‘ %t4h¢;&:Vy%a1c‘ doVf¢B WW f3 M13¢A4 .4€f%W d33*«13.M2’m§ "011 0? e,, mt ecwnactwg flint “J I‘ A A fab? 7=C?iuf$ able M1 w?faffi§"“;Reg;£cu m" ‘ fir‘ IE‘: ‘ ‘ ‘ “(:42 . 1 ‘ " “ ‘ u ‘..'u,:: ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ' .2 -- . ‘ . w ' ‘ 3:, g ' J.“ 1 ‘ H r ‘ H ‘ Q: V «V é , é wr . a‘ W I .. g 34 :- ~::é-.,, , « W‘ V n “ ‘ V "x. appoint a’ Afuchvawtbe w““V ‘p5\‘_“ ix" (Iv {M M ‘g H %m.~z D cctlp, M W H J 55’ 9' Clerk to take mentioned in M W; A ' . 1 r no: to pun:-..% chafc. A‘ D J) M . , n. W ‘"4’ = .. V “ ‘ u g .V 3‘ 1 1% ~24‘ ttfgttjznybzanv of them 2.. pzmtxfesg m4; $tl)ep £1 5 * ‘ m ‘ . ‘ t » \-u U‘ x V ' ‘ ' M; r' ‘M “ <1.‘ ’ ‘ ‘w ‘ I ‘ s ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘I “ \ L A “ M,“ .‘ « X“ " “‘ “ ‘ ‘ w » «M fl)&ll~*Dit££t]Fim0; 5 %tA.tD ; ftDAatA “)3 4173159» T110 ¢m&a$ the 7appoinn imommn, the fiflJP&¢fC¢ih€D ift me ‘ya ‘ ,. ",3. ‘L ‘ ‘ W ~21 H c » “IN \ 3‘ ‘ .“,"‘ 3.‘ ‘ _‘‘;n "‘—,:b ' V ‘ J . V ‘. , 1 4; ‘ \ , . V. . ‘ 942-‘ ,x o~ ,,wm"fl ‘ :__ 3-; ‘V ,. Q1, if ‘ ‘ M5,,‘ \ -' 1 “ ‘ ‘ .,'» . “ , ' ‘ ‘ .9 v, “ - ‘ ‘ 1 1], ? "hp t ‘-"f ‘ ‘ 3 " ‘ ’ H , ‘ ‘ L x. .‘ 4 :« . « ‘. \ ‘ V‘ »d V ‘ . 7 mm ‘X1’ .3 »‘, - , _ I . w , ‘ ‘ w. « ~ ‘ W‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ,,.‘ \,«‘§,“_w H, H ‘ ,,,,_ . > 1 ,M % . £277) wzmnansc of aasuzixament V flf tsijz mug mm cmcnmtia at NAovember, netnourann 13:23) fflztp eight, For Vruc‘?cion%s the saleofifh OPS L3.M- film heit.fuvtI)zr&tt:1ctzm any npc1;eautno;itp afmefain, emm all a 13 map 216 onpmzfiontusiaulittquz m mg,-.v..:w,.u, my of¢tb¢f&1iD%1%Dnn2s:. alums, puma i1I%En8‘and‘anD Wales. (ball IjzmepomctB~di=51°e*i~ ‘ V ‘tique of Car- mm ciillacitpyafin are Ijmby mablm to ca1g¢,W,r M ann%pmrc1)flf¢tntt)emfeInAc§annfiucceffom,any ‘°P“"‘ A _ A V auD£’3~ $331195‘?- mmts, Miamnitamentg annA192demife5,A tntlbczm ‘¢1?3¥5 3110 their égucctffnm fozebzv,#An1tt3nout fgttng fem) any ?1.’I££11f¢‘ oz iiccnfiw ::vfm41ie1AI,a-,.«,~.~ tint! oz %0ztnnattt, fin? iham, fimmzeog Matter to the c£mtv~aty¢ittaIw mm numiithm fiattfimg. mitVfuvthe%t *aE~nactw by we “tilt;359,5”i?‘f°?¢W”&751J?W0¢W035WW5, oz ‘ %;g?’"'3° °ftf)¢fI!a lllall 7Ji’W~I30111¢taun %%vi€mADaW new Ifl1l?”0Ibm:eIa,%% mltbnaa-n 1wVmHvw to mm? the nzzmttm “”°°f> W ““W““+°@ f“1¢ 3' mliwa %*““°W:“!3 ‘P W“ 9W“‘‘:» °1A°fiJm1’ifihruwlv £00110: fuffictwt 4%€onbwance"attn*4 zz11'uva1xcz in tbzitarb. any mfon oz pawns wbatraenw, M ff #3 7m to-fucb<£ontract 0z£01tttagt5«ga)a%11 %4“l’?‘J°4E°t1tvactozs, 92 €mPfibzoz1flD3Jé ‘2‘1J&tiall‘hamatn5 0f fialc, rm: %"W‘““‘5~ »¥"M«°:A~a4"P filmfi 0: _%W1Wa Vwfiflzflffl ¢ 10 ftIc1J44‘:— ea) mynetbnufanhfix%t)1mDm1fozty an en; % 311 it ifurtI)ctA¢<1£tiuact«2n b1?:Atb%l¥a"t1ftI)fl:-"V titty a@fu;efaa’,%hat$itbt¢ tuficw namzn in%ti)t'£ % fmctfozcmazping«nf¢ti3e £aihAp;zmtfzs, atmtijz V :fi‘fEbaf¢tAfi% ?:a.m1iannoz.x5,% n¢:putcI)am$iof$al14m»a1wuftijzi ¢anuV2z5¢%zwm5, flemmmts, oi %>eteDita1mwtfi*Wfipzzmifwa nz atwvaflz nf,flJm’t mm wwynf their mm mm iamgann » ' my, arm the Quccelfms of Qllfifléhififis om Purchaferstu matnf Exwglan by uthnufty of Wiia==::5:;‘;::“s::» tiqucmm mzmzm, fl3a11bam;%Dw1h, ufeLatw%¢i::,i ?:3ifi‘;: % wjmp,a11Vtl)m’m 21$mefiwfizimlenges,flights, ‘§xi;,§;§;‘fg*;;;. A Wagw t (230) Wages awn wtaaams; mm tmeenaifetamz an Aam«=»~= hamagw, hwefim of coumtions mama, fay: % mtmzg, oz mnspztfnzmamcz of ¢£nh—enam:£ , V fintms mg fiécttong, 5 tbefatn mug, macaw, t1)e£ain’£cuftws,n2; any am 02. mum af fljzm, mg; fuel) pm.:foAn oz pwIJm;w as may as afmzfmm am; ngtmiv tram me€t@mét, ommpnfc1m’Ham'v5a mg fimceflngg at my time main ozmigijt hat aim mg mam. ‘man wit ftwmem mama , %m€x‘:'i auttjwozész minim in en: zamfi arm gems, G;-an; A fimtt% camget fog we fame. 19zom‘Den,%t1)at ma; 0 tljzfampzcutitcs as am gtagptame hp % pp of fluuttsafiail, accozn1ugtnA the tfiltllfmtit at O The Names ofthe Treau A furers. % 4 arm fumg nf maflwsfi 8&3 fcomttnte tomfme tmgijfi nxatteaiteafe oz ¥!;Vezs.i“m* mm mmttfw, 0; any part,tij€t€0'f,, mmafij be out of jmafc, , i‘7n";M.“m1n pear: to peat, oz. fog nmpeatmglem; amp ms, ti11%t1)Acp;zmu*fz§ be ism, tBfetlJ‘ing, the new »va.n1>V$.onn;«o;Qwmtnz, u;aI1hcbc1nif¢bVbp mm) 3%’ mutt finii m‘pccta'm1y.%un it is fmztijzv ®n€m~:. en, flijat Thomas Andrews, mm warm: u:i’t*:’:—;:).z city of London , $113 John Wollaflcm §£a‘.Itigl)‘$~i'1"3:fi4D AA man, Johxi Dethick Qfililttfmflfl, arm Francis44 A mu; than hzizreafums fog the faumfmzhicz 0 that they 0; any two of them aw Vy itflsfi ntmaerenazm autbogis an to receive Vail ‘fucijfum tube‘ pain intatI9z.$*i£tzafuvp by nmstue of tms , I)ic1jft)a11hzifl”uzi:I@atm pwén, accn;m’ng%1:n; 11165, Ebimtiflflfi aunilnmucttnns A i‘mt13z;§2£ct arm awwzniug to man (381) A Infcrucftions for the Treafurere. W e Het the faid Treafurers fldall hot iflhe Outorpay E35‘-1‘*i&i°*'i‘~‘i5 A .r the Trea«>l»_? A any of the Rents, Ifihes or Profits of the {aid pres. furers. miles , but according to fuch Warrant: or Warrants as they {hall from time to time receive from the {aid Tru-. Paces ,or anyfive or more of them, forthe ends and A purpofes contained in this prelenc A6125 Andthat: the Receiptof fueh perform or perfons to whom fuch War» rantisdqmade, {hall be ea. good Difchargehto the {aid Treafilrcrs. film 73¢“3fuI3tb9I?@11fiCt€tl, ibflt Henry RM0-V1‘-I0m*y Rabirz;-‘ ebmron fiwrcbentaatt bwomptmuen of a11@:’£;f:;?:1i2:: centtitfiwfiecctteeanneaeepmmte which {ball he manctuowy tbcratnazccatuveresanb than 13m-3999937 h‘1em° e3“tD02iW~hP Dimfeifozbfeftlfe ficieent»eputiwatfikeepaccontpt emu Eunice,‘ tecttaneehwa fiecciptmieepntents, mcfaittatiene anntfw county Illbatfoww, mbicDl1)a1l he nmne auto 0; hr wefaivfirzefuccm :2 eecnnhxyemtnenme ptmlm atmbfsmcputicfi flmlimcutcetzjefeine n1eac%zDf ffinnwtrolleet in tclatinto memes pm ntif¢$,accoznmem efucb ilufiructinensennhie 4 the miim tube <flI0mptcoI1etfoz we fiecziteofzletpsh e amJe,. bpeauh:®2n1t===‘ eencenf er em of No. ereiemenz aftbe evemeber, @112 tbfltlfenfixbunnzwfitp an mm mic fttrtbwfinactebvtbeautijnzitv afozwé rain, ibawvenh ailtnmccomte fez weave of 4 the dfeme’ niemittfie mice, J3me “Mm mm” 931' tifiw me!) than be meme of etljeiate ieatthmtzznt centtmcu , An Ace pre£f;er1t:e,eExamining and Stating the AQQ0AmPefiyj one menitnz mozctljennneee bentcrfflmng» mm of tmpounw 1mIueuzunIJ¢f»4 aim fu agfoz&IwfI1mt0¢t1)e balueaften pane eennmewve. they In rmt eowniere timefee veiemene then at two mam %onetbs_;,. fmm Wteeflffmb mbenteeei wbectiieelzeaee nee fumtbeeeeefwine .alIm¢¢;i, em 211 in the ieuecbafeofametbe flaws‘ giveeeeeeefozee beecue tit? effitteaees ztllannebeexeefmbicb We benteeeflaaeil be fiigneb be was an maze Ant the faib imufieee with their refpeeteee mines, emnfucbatempe 93 3mDz¢55§°"5»i?"3D»¢‘ 05 tbeie 9W5 M the? {Ball @1102 s em” “M11heeaifeeattefm fitifieteef mhenteee emeeee hisemfley e ibe mam again to mu; '“' , "'3 2 = . VII} 5: ‘_ ~v -V , .‘ ‘L . ,;4, ‘ “ ‘ “' ‘ 2 ' ‘7 * “ ~ -- .3‘ % if. 5,3“ 5; *3 7 2% , . ‘ 1. Va -* ’? + V “ “ ream!egitnent[ A m. 1“ -L ‘ j. > ‘ ::“« > ‘ :’ ‘. H “ '5 ‘ 3 ' v f ‘ "‘ ‘ h ’>'_ . ‘Y V: -c‘ ' : 6 2 > 5 7 x ’ V‘ _;.H V ’ ‘ gs ., intents, 0: A‘ K A “ A‘ ‘ % catwfisa ffartfwrs t % 3 V . « ,_‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘MA . w.’ I 4 .. H ,« ."s 4 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘J ‘ ‘ g , ‘ , ' A ~ . V y x 4/ ? 5;: W33 ° an Fix ‘ 1)‘ ‘ -",‘+'_ ‘ m »‘I_g_ «‘P.__ ‘ ‘ R .j ‘ ‘ V ‘ \ ‘ _ ‘ H 1' Q “ , 3 V’ V_ " .v _. __ , I ;~ -, ‘f ‘ .3 3. V.’ ;y‘ , < , 1%.‘ 1 . ye ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ " g. A; ‘ W ~ - :, ' q '<1uH ‘ A ‘ A 1 » ._», A - - _ fit, _ x - ; “ “ ~. : - » . r v- - ‘ x ‘ _' ‘ ‘“__ . u M ‘ - 5 3‘; ‘ r ' 7,“ ‘ , ‘ 4:5‘ . < 3‘ . ,,;o_. .,,« _ ‘ ~ ,4‘ . :‘- ‘ ‘I ,- ‘ ‘ ' I‘ I ‘ A 1 V D 3“ ‘ ' 5 . V’ 2 a» H; \:»}j‘V .' ’; " ~ . ',‘«; ‘ ,. v 6; 1 \ ‘ f‘ “L” J‘ ‘P , ‘/.9‘ - . ‘ $3‘: » . 7 5“ v " . « , , u ‘ » ‘V 1 4: s , .' ‘ ‘-:1‘: “ _ ‘ ' , A , . ; V, 4 ‘V m ‘ \ » 4 ‘WI M nuar R5 A V Afilimmc $13373‘? 5 mnm;%by V *ynf tmfam film W I W1) C335) flit tbzfm times fitmn t£1nzt‘ntImc%fm2 that nm:ufaA:mt.ndin;Aca to ¢vemcuw%%0z ttanfmt%%;‘te,{ 11:1)»; oznwetmife% wbe Difwtwr¢¢‘% ¢A!3vfa»m 4 A +; may cnmct annammn% my mm¢,£aa the mate mapn0~t4mflJzungfuiip ci)mcgcn4 awn ti) %% W . aftet inch cwifinQ¢ mm zmmittwguf $1)? f2u'n% aHccumt£,tmIikecheaters fm the c1m%ax.».a we aw apeamt W9 Vtbemmon to fact) @fi°iaj ma mrnfi omieta my we intnc gjetfce in 12...: y, ctmutaun fix bunn:en+foztp fevcnmu bcgibmut in fuel) ntatmmnn fem asafozkfain vefptctt aim anfoz fuel) accnvwag bpbsevme at’ t1)cM”o;efammct,azmftbc zneymfaamiaa % T gm-,%1gf%tI)e’;E%’uagm44w4mentmI) Di‘ June, ufanvfi, f1‘P"WaW 0! flmi 4I)z;%Qtnmmittez fo; the mmm new mute fametVtbefatn "cu amztsvmww%% W-%tfuvb 6 fnzefmv;~.fa;sWtlN*¢Aiem: am: at iflw4vAA¢mW M amttltame ‘ : J‘ ;. ‘l ‘ N ‘ 1 we‘ “ , ‘ H ,. ' 3,, ‘\ zz la» 9% A ‘ ‘ I ‘ v ' ‘,1 ‘9 Tu ‘ 1‘?-“ ‘ Cm M 3‘ " ‘ ‘ .‘ ‘ ‘1 ~ 'é‘ m r ‘ N" ‘ /‘ * "V "‘ ‘NV “ ‘ “W ‘ . J ‘ s W ‘ I ,. V ‘ ‘ “ ‘ I , .‘ * H I 4 y H *4,» ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ qp , .a_ ‘ ‘ 0 , v %* came a man enema mgifi Iw ffv awn 4 t mm‘ ms: D115 + at the mfllt {If A A _ % % cE‘i“_fl"g*‘5 V bemfifzfi EWIiI011!54¢ff!2CIl£iJ&’i?v>¢ “" b be_ntef$11erc»a «f ‘ tofore given I r: Arr:ea.rs. A (386,) fi"I£'m11;fij$fi’t”fi of July , 11¢ tI)oufatt”n {ix §3ua?mgm zflrztp um matm fl)a11taket1ta%nn ca,t1celfl}a2fm”*kwJ,; «mm in man. fl)et:z0ffo:tIJc¢L A :wVmr mijicb ti 2 fmzzg Va11%gm+e mass m mail wmamz in u Atljwér ¢.fpc%cttmfumant aw we rmecttb ffi‘cets%mm§ %oIni»ea:g4j;gymt‘m Maw» mmt1J¢Wff‘W» mm new emmm ff;i§*1r:;;0:;“_ 92?» 1l5fi1;;.‘3;»’, ‘[3313 in%ftIt1J mail“ 0} fmm $5 ¢ffl2TAfifDw 1-‘ears. %~£?1W»i9ra°$$~ M£A.i)£€ zbefoze DiW£;_tBD1 D2 filiflmfifiigdfgg .a#1mmchmemntcm the {am fiegiflet at e*;-.-.- A A H1339 aim uimzcteh fa: 0tIJcI:¢%a%m:eam sarm ti): fame ‘ compmmr Aafimtmtrolger t~£ba1Ikeep%.:a“ciJcck:upon. an the V mm: in t>n%%bL‘z<2£bargen $anD4fiegi1‘tttn aa aims- ‘ n h £i1J£t1> A%tI)z.faiDAcheaters t7ob¢gimnoutl11vtI)¢ ‘W0. Muttiwmbv flatten,-.4 “Mat auatm %Am¢%¢’£%tu%£t¢es ayafnzcfaiv.-. fozanp fact) mmcam "Iiueta; fuel) of tbetefpectihcfficcmnzfiolntew, mm Ijiwtag been in the aaatliame ts ficwicz Vmi;tbtn% this flatteniLn%¢%%]an%uary _., wncfljnufann fixijunmeljfoztp reheat, now am 0: mm: ma ttmznf mbinnouttbcfatfimhettters, ibali ha cflgamzn fnz be 9913mm uf IreIand,m% nzcea1t‘m,, I 4nz*hemg ntznannen aznmp mtfc1mrgi¢b,nqca;gwuz i'fi)V0““%WJ9'3 Wwflmifi %Ifl°P31.W3‘?" A “J %@‘~»“'¢ fi"°.m5 1%, vi A 3* tgns, mu bear natzrvomwt g: was _ hvnertuc .‘.;‘ ‘:1 ‘H’ ‘ ‘ 5‘l_ . J V \ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ mmarecs: a%(It€¥?J% RNJAAVW Wt npzma ‘D n It necaourmwunmzen ram» nitw We; A 43”? 0 ‘D913 9 ffi 53 55,02 §Dj€hEflt¢13fi‘tD4 1'3 £jflib€fl”A 011$ ¢h?tb€4 » Ecamber.metbnarmunti% ucbotmv Dzitgafvzefaivs fin? cu (387) mm ginmous y %tlae1m'n4 m new mm egi¢?f:3;3;;n':§ arenas afnzet’ mflaau m ctent§m%ecAcuai~;gg g;_ to cbavg%c44 ma cfionmwnmmm) Em th¢%Buz¢pa A % % % % % vyealmlj with meat of the fwmfl. mincmal m:raeam"“*”‘““““ mama efikiieflw mm W femmi mcmwzz tbmin tgamwai In mm Qifitgns wfpecmvma to he fatifififihfit of the fail: 3.LanBfianm mmiuifw af£z'gnwVanbfct1en mg fecuxitpj tljmnfmm mat M the mnw,3fi’nmantsamofimattnthepzncaen upon faIevn£4@tm famc,h¢oztbeAbefaliten Aumnx tm taunzcima at any the fatnianw mm memim W3 afibereaftcr in tum em ta airmen; tngea tbetwitlyjltmrefifm fact) at" tbz mwipai ts, m. facbparp m pattfitbfittwf M than happen 11% to 1m tatmaenoznem1h¢aw; hcfm the few ml tim£fi$¢t 4%e;%fatb®ehenm£ to be ltmttm 5 afuzefm»#%ftnnwmnaim: the fever: ttnws tom tmtotsbctfmc mimw of actuaimum tnozn¢cfa1htnn of the farm mfpw W 1?? tmtmlmv Mmfaing fifihat ithil mavhciamfn1,toVan fnz anpaf the ¢,i%Ven%it%Mm pwfonfiafmf gtmit 12lfl‘tgn¢¢ tgmwf : 1 [ £t%tD¢k%faiD ??£.*amusanD mm:if¢5;mginmfiz f¢cu:+ W znomcbtmfanre ate, uzhv%hettuLef5 , ifi 3% $3 fiitig mm 0; {ma a 1? we, 1 ma n tixrnohwiitt emcahi At t ‘M’ 13% 02tb¢ivt2’fec”ti%é mm fog tbzfamc; many pzrfottagipzrwnsljatfafihex Rum t at ifl€$ 012 ‘\ V gnaw ft); the ttmecm E mm m imam sf nmney nag nzzgnf hm: fu%c1mrf:n¢¢;mm mmmvav aliignuimc 3; 3;; zfame many tfi§)zrperfnn~;perfnnz 5 ann¢» ;c patron. V 1’ %¢ 4 , A A (288) as mama mwwmters mg we mm%ggg 0? mm, mm W m mm, fa a€'mi‘m?m,am em mm WWW” WitWiwawsecntozfiafiznimam. "mm 92 fiflfi my ,.f”r0au%#fim¢At9Atitm jém mm mefi'4t%ann"%%iman;= it imp fiigb’t,»4 mgmuaitiumenmgaun pumofegjgg h «h f W thifi %£ct,$ ummtmzfa ism; maxi m :§’ue,“"§$.‘§ itfumtmt of rigbtheimugmg ta any the afommw zaaamggnag renttm 0; mrfmw, 0; mm afligng, mmbg nactw emu wmmmm, flags if any we afmfatu menmmnz pwiimzmmym v*?v9WaWWF'W 933W"'“WMUw, m the say... mm 0: affimnew mi? EDWIDZ MW 0% mm, m Wham any fad) mm m fmnsof m fig flmilbe nus Wag ammam, amt momma a 19%.. thaw? flmmvtbaferfi of any we pzmmgw mm %ct¢a:ppm'ntw to he [nun , fimw mm anvfucb vmtchare that Demtbepflmunmm as ¢Q¢fiJWfl)&11uvonwarm? awn? fa mum; itvtbau flififimflp h®iM1Jfi1l fm ti):£31;4gf¢21nw¢,“._ W Hf them . to mmgm as Amman ¢bevy~n; any Em!) mm 0; mmgnf mgmmp M man he mm to him 0; them as afmfain ,% upon. ¢b‘£tv'_"~q=,"3 0*’ W Tm M1198 mm pzemifes , an an A wmnfa if, the rum oz rum to mm em;§nz”M 35 afvwffitfi fbali mat meentbciammf mg vW=Dafeso2 if it 0°;~4tbenAraénnumtimes: M imnmlaafcatltwtmmt unto; i%2nmnw,wat ( : tut» "¢Vfa~m ’'§:;1;ga{“n;gg4;~_g§n% ? hofebmz mm 1 “: sum % $33 (389) m afcermin arm scrum m tmflmfurew mg maimipai mm, tbatat tijfi mna M Wmmnt fa: we xmtciaafe of any the mmfw pm*mm$e%by A may at” ma afamam cmamm; m pwfmw , up we atfignw oz afligmm of any M’ mzfljmi be mm; mm may cnnfimmatmtzw mf fa; man titm oztimm, mm at maéifi %$a:%m:$° as Wfljifi Qicfitw’, 0?. mbctmife by we auwziw afmfam fiifigmfl be aammw Em tncwfame; fa msttifiks We as fimifitmsfm tlvemme, figznmng m of the mfpzcti;a ebm-tww oz film g:g:;=;;s “ fmtbefum ax fumg mijmmf mfatmtinittyaii 3;; he nzmamnm, 1» he a mfficicmwamcant f0z~upon' the mm fiwafuww to mam ma {mm upcm may $2 mew qmmtljafc 0; that they 0; mwmftljem IIJM1 mama? the memifeg, 9; any mitt thereof. man we Tam * % are bn;cmv‘aut1)u;i3¢n mmreqvmen m min the my maths {aim iaegirtzv: of cancel the fame, mm enter them tum R that tljwwfmnz imgmwvefi mam fame ac%tozbingw, mm m the in fuel) wfmctinc A camera, tom canceflzn ant) bacatco; M10 than tbqwnpmm ebcnmss oz 251115 , arm mmn : K fl.Cb.3tW§‘£+-‘A 0f$WA_cnn:pt5a3 fatmfien a%tml: mat tijmm fiavbiwamw mm mm @ztcnumgement5,z15e it ' , _ _ % % M V N M % % % thrmpm n . ‘fl )a1I»;am ann4¢ceceim 1m¢zm1tcr:in. the them“ % Wctmnn swzbaémnmwe matbozityafmw mt eawonccactm rum in mm swarm tum vmailfucbfl.am15,% mdzmenm mm mm mammmmts u bid)l1)&i1%he4cI3itz%ttactm fox man ambptbet1t,”ann catthepewcwnzim tin tbmcat¢$ bicb wt? lbaI%bc£ninfo2;mm tmtwc mt;n%§m~ ' was at 1:» 2 am: wmim mjsmjencz m ¢%*w1zae¢gV wan to: a1Ifmb~uftb¢tain»?Lana as"tmpaa1I ::::::, =% iimmcoomtn .. m tberaws mg bu” at V A %m h to bcpa.‘ mo (390) e be men; ewe ehet the1’Ieeaheteesha1tzee e”eeehe‘e °e§ee,fl)ei hem, ants may nenuct em; efeiie nzeeeeye ’ ae§3§3343i‘ eeceeheehp thenyeénn aifo nutflfflilxeemeehe te he eiiemw Wtbemuvhwean ®efe1Wimw fez eee eeecheffe memeofheetlaefainileaneeseneewe mehe ph;mene,i ectumingtnthe flutes foemhefeh j thewemen:ife5fl)a11befn1h, fez their emu gear. 1aep,atenhaping their «meme arm fieiiew: \ aeeemen, ihat the min menuctime he euanae 4 e h eaeemmg ae the pmzchafet pepe1'n,ozI1efa1e5 weer «W-puechefe @ene1>, we not nthemnfe. mm ehee the fiutbepozafienerai, fee the team peenufee then A e§“&”iZ,h§;’.‘ heme foe I)I'5jF¢B,'f02,i)Inla,nD1)Ifi (flexes fee the fate mehtce, the mm of wnehmtbeefn awe fifty .pm1~t1I153 feeenne mheie eeaenom next mining, ( paechleoutnfthe fientsann peuceee efthefain hpgntifee, he the ateeafutets theveof fee the ettme being, on thehjmltef January, aim the the arm: Df]uly,‘1)aif?¢m:l? hp equaIpet1’one.e%rm that the fam mnnptrnllet foe the fam‘ pzemifes h 3;; mgnw than have fez his 5Fee,foe himfelf emu hie meeee foe the fail! eamvice 1. fiihm ijutmzennunhe b_ Cerxhtrollcr VA % 4 % % 3’ AA A . per annum, payable atthe nape afozefatneefflhet e fnmenfflbzeeeeewe,ifhisaetmcefieeilf continue. »%it11J“heitfvétthettmeact¢1':§..~*W2Iiain;: eneeeaereneeh ms at am» aengeeaen, ewes emeeeeron em zeroes, eelitiqueeanh étozvflzate, who t1)ai1enteemh_ct at tneenn memtree, lball pee in ibtmwkfiaftetIjisetnnteectj 6. of the pur- ‘ “ chafe mogey ‘ ‘H 7! \ rm H’ 1" 031 V ' (‘$113 m!3P¢t?e0f 39¢ Tamfi,-»W?t1J withifl ‘eight A A A he e A e ‘éffxiiééff meted mauve \ hmtm 1'18 thefi*1:fl ttehetp cafe his putchafe%e1h1eph§, A One rxwjrcty 7% h‘ in C291) tee tmtbep ttje pgemifee within t!jefat?n eigijt meeefia 02 egtejettestfe be emu they flyailt ttttttt the penalties of ttitete %eteuttete as ewe menttotteii men wmteeetette ef tee ibzee emu tmeutietij of March, wee ttjeeteee tn: Itutmzen fnttp fe1’aett,e‘et;.~tt tfljulgfl , An Ordienaneeeof the Lords and Commons affembled. in Pa;rliarnent,e For the Explanationand better Execution of7fortnet Ordinances ofPatliement forthe Saleeof Bifl1cxAps%La11ds-inEnglcmdtaendtwales, mugfg be at thee meeeemrefvom the £eiv¢oI!tree tweets: empeee ez maze of tljem, upattgenn temfe theme, em: to he etllemenhp ~»tI)emt,et fietttfitete at .. ceetttfuzettes fut futthet time A to petfett his eetbett elintttneyemte 5 lhtjttb mettifiss tetteetm fuettjetltteetfenz,1iteniTee, the fate «Eons: fillmmzfitafitélffllltfilih ate ijetebp atttljngeisen tti giiae.ee an the We ®Jttt*ratteze emu ’if:teefue Vwfiiflilmeh ttt tbte met A tefpettibtip, ate latte»:- be e amen, eutbotieeeetme vetmtten, eeftbeee eeecutten, attemtng to tnemtent aun~tmeam'ng fife nee thereof. wee be it tfutttjee €fl3fl&Ct€D,h1?tI)£alte t trait!’ afozetete, want what oftbe e192i£mtaz t1tt1Jetfeet et etw the few ibenneuz ieeenttifee, nznftemp peet tljtttnf, fl)a11"bepm’D to ti)eefat1t’iJ m Qfiflmpt (except fl): t’f)€f€lI71Jfl41?:: lttatttc tn I t) a? nffib eeteee, ant: 813812?‘ ntt]1)em)emn £9 F: I gtfiet otteftontt te pat the fail:zmnietalltettin efiflmpttatlltetofwntttemann fie- In:bat£1)a11 etteeemtte tome utttn tb‘e”*£etDt«£tteet::. fate, be tbe%eete,.eflflmseen iezeete of the em" ’fl30}lH1J’9 teteffienteeee A eterw tmeet oft» tern, fetetiteue ttoameene tb ties, eeaeteppeettheeeof (etftet the ttljewges tttbet5ttebg:”,teemetbetflttttnettteeitu ttjtsfete eftapeetjzettmtlheiflueout hp neattetttte l7at“fs”fetti:;iiJtttt of e tuweteeetee, fete e ems ante etyeeeaeeetteecgen aéxte 1 , on this Aét. (392) I52, tube (:1)? pntfiijfiféw 5 CU€'WAft1)Ef&l’U ficufiew fimfi bu, of all mgnugijataut vzfpccufmly ca-5 %umep comes in) any tijzzt tijeotljmt bait" (M maze comm im W arm gm amfogefain mzmn tbz fainflanng ftugegtg an menm‘w, as flyaii war; he mfamm by any d‘b“‘h=“‘g“d mm ate’1j%a@zmvaut13Mnzi3en mm vequitm m.€em'£=.- fiefiuzfi the out haif of aimnmmw fmi) meats in iatififmg of the femml moymts, limit ohm mm tbecmutfc emu met i)m:mftm:% pmcuhen ; via. to fatisfie hp ma 1'm’n%1'e1>em1 muapm’c:s the refpectme wehtfi ; :;g;;§;n;:},gr«~v jfitfllif, mffmzb nftbc zfiuai mcimzs, :2; mt fatisfied. fi)gw%affignc¢ oz, amguees %tefpectimlp, §15 arc mfmepagn1tutfi)a11 beneceafen. g a .3 £35‘ v%,offucUafibvDfShaming,oz111itb» m1’£c1)atga541)am, ¢ 02 efazwapmmt flyaii yanmfttmtc mtavptecptce, am: am mat, Lo; t the timenzttnws fog fuc1)%1)apttwnt%%fl)%u11 not he nf fimmate. timesfmfucijpapment, flmfl‘ he inthc Mm af I.r¢land, 0; when fltnpmpmwt fnzi1:_ 9% fétliaw Amtrmr % f ms imam. ~ ‘j 11'“ tmufac .;‘;’:—:‘iZ‘z:‘i:§§ ~v¢f13€¢t¥%W?1?»¢13¥f*% I ‘ “'1' m V‘ "'1; "V ‘ “ “ * ‘ » “>" ‘7 “ ‘ ‘ .|,' "9" ‘,3 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘,‘ ‘ ‘ “ H, ‘ y. m‘ ‘H _\ ; _ >3‘ 1‘ ‘ ' 4; “ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ fl‘ ‘ " ‘. ‘ '” W war -‘ A‘ " ‘-. ‘'4: ~ _‘v«;“ “ ‘HH)‘.’A>“Y ‘ ~.‘-_‘. ,‘ ‘ ‘ ,‘ " \‘ ' ' v ' ‘ ' ‘ . .. * 1 . v ‘ ,‘ x M ‘ ‘ S» ‘ N‘ g, "H ‘ via» ‘ ‘ ‘_ H, ‘UM » V " w'_‘ , w _ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . x I . ‘ ‘ I . “ _ ' “ , - ‘ , on v _« _ ;e::1:Za 6 W‘ ‘ ; ~ nrfiuwwrf N ittotmt péubttmw wise o;‘3mp1opnmu: uzgec» Aatljitnl , at {tut} swam, oz befoze tI)ct§1j11;e%Voz 1?, of fuavw 1VW;£‘,t1)ttifH¢0l,17i31W5 % J kynwnt) be In limit? 8,1‘/I~C~¥:»r*w92!V ""m{J10[?II1¢l1tD; 2% meat lhsltbm (393) M m the I rm: fericmfso¢mt13e flieutetzzmwemai J mnnnmnmm in twief fog the time being, emu tflouucei of mm mm; mm tmfitumw, flreasa invests , mm the fiegifm of mms afnzemin, awn mew of t§mn4('afI:m me!) nicccttnzm tecmseh aw afnmaihy fmtije mm pubiz’qm%atm %c ¢vtai1t4 pmwcningaccaznmg tmmmto, in famfactintt 06 mt tam fetneml mnpetiw of tbempactiiat ~ mvtfita the ram fmmi fngwnf that wzigznat «mcnitow 0; theirffigns,nzmijoihfucijcumtm fozapuhiique mm mqam imifiwnf the fail) fem: mlmehts , zxpzzftmg tm wvwfe amn%o;1m: in“ which may femmup am, u;ftottzti1%1wtm’mc mp, fiteafutzw “auumgtazv am he pswahie, mm mum fat: the mate 0; my mf themmfpectim1y«aw; nzfttnm titm to time fl)afl he fatisfiz,«AeAttb*euhp fucljizftkations, wife % by pa imt in mcijpopugtmnsg, 0;; Vet: awn wwtfz $ afrmt'aih§ M W zniname flf 1%&$1iai{mm of % nzefctibéfl to 11¢ obfawcn mm kzpt by the mnwmtmef¢t,e tmfittfuz weamars cmnpzzb¢mn¢n[ tI3e‘%w. barks % men tbmzfatm pmmhs 5° cbameia b¢t2 mfz¢V%fm; V %ecutjtpupnun the fixciszs In as any {action now: e belaom a V arm @;nauwnwmm:"utI* A g;ts~tm:ne+ £a1cammmn$ ‘pm _ .) ‘ ‘M .~f s=‘ V W-~“v .‘, J‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ;.;n.,‘) W 1, ‘ WW tbs? mama ¢ amt ammittmfo %%tq$»h~ea[,ointc M afo;efatn,%g it am an m $ “ my 11 ant» mpg %tum1 MW‘ “ _ fixer‘ V " ‘V ‘ ‘ ‘ V ‘A ,‘~ ‘ ‘ M .L . ‘ , ‘ :3 : Av « M ‘ my ‘. ‘ 1.4 “ ‘G ‘ V‘ " " ' .~“ ‘ N , ' ‘ ‘ ‘., ‘_ " 2;; .~ ‘ ~»' ' ;, H um» w ‘\ '3 J 3; T” H ‘ W ‘ 3}‘ “ H: ‘ " A mtnrvs W W fig éttwfaz wntnmi of .®btn£ti.'£Es'1f&ion§*i: AA jfiatceptions /of '-‘ fc;vcra%l Ho- -7 fli1?es5 Parks,-y 1' if‘: ' I s V % - % , ’ \ V % % % , r Meauagcs %lee.x¢ rhc%:S~t:ables and Bmvns wmmo n¢1y' cal % refcrvedf-or . the ufeof th'€"{a_ 1 . ‘ I ‘ ‘ ' V ‘ ‘ Y: ' ‘ ‘ ,1 “ (39¢). A flmpfi ‘¥Lmm §, acuflzhing to an wwiuance of the 91% mm smmmm flf November; @132 tijmggmm A V [l’fi3',b.I111wD39;DVffl3t? fight, A tfiflfittlmh, fin AOrdinaVnCc-: * of the Lords and VC.'ommonsafl'embled in Parliament; A Forthc removing Obfh‘u&ions in the‘ SaleVof% Bifhops Landmmgijt, film? ozougbt to D0... film the QE:m—_—..- tmctozm ittufiees 5 meafuvem, fiegmep of + wmtm:§*atm 9urmpm:.:®enem1%, namen in w tijisfict, mm all ntbet perform impmpen in 0;. ahmxttlje fail: fimnice, are requivw to obfcwz fmtb fizzms am) mwctintw M from time to time: 219 fl)a11r¢cm’bz ftom the fam élinmnzimc. mint 2 fail: citommittezfo tube appointen, [ham an «nap atlumall incinmt nbatgcs fax the catg %vyizugoAn‘tr 6 17am fievhice. man be it futmev §£;:?;::‘° fmatteann mnamen,aImat W/orcefler«hourc.oz place vwhere-~ % if ; ' «man an ,4; . , . V % % % % * servici-fitbtnk fitttug, amt he the mace but: the ram 1 izharaj pevfons Cbgdl mm um? tmnfact the min %9evmw,anDnutznexecutinutbis mt. mmhg zciamy anacten A 1lB«pziflt€bi’mD paw A*%?T+%P1‘0V"ided; aI%Way$, 1?%$e new ‘Park ,4 1:: car fiicbmond in the Cumy cxfdS”»zrry 3 not to the Park c0Vmmon ly ca.11cd,Hide the? County of Middlefix; nor tothc:.4‘%P:a;r%k com-~ -called, %Corném’y @ark in the County of“0;:x{ord 5 nor to”4any the Caflles now Garifmrd by the hPa.r1iammts 4 Forbes Ainflngland or W¢:zle:%;t1or to anyflafpitals or Free... V thc%% Accomlatsof the gpubligucz VR¢vcn~U€A,Cm.1rI;s;:i%iof Jufiiczca, " Pri‘fan"$, ora‘my‘ other publique Ofice belonging my the co%nVta;it1%Ac3%; fl'1a‘l'l%not cxtcnco any Tidm4b%m:, '~ A A thcufiainddfcrviccofthepubliqucNayof%4thi%sAComm‘m1« V miics % A whichVMfla.ia1[;¢%* ;'Tfufl:¢ ‘esn Vim‘: 5 ¢ 1. Schools 5 vnm:VtoJ any 05:1: W, S%tom..hmu{es,4 A Buildings, Yars, %A4m:ks,i%VBAa1*.gew houfcs, at A othflr fuck 1:oundAs A and p“1an¢s thar%A%»A%no%warc,4 %andb[y th ¢Afpacc%of t4Wcmy4ycarsIa& pafi,.hav§been ufcd an“.a»“ccuI%odmcd 1:0 be imployced for Evy, ~C-mfloms , $66 of %rdnanceV , Receipts mt fcrvice of Vthe‘AVSta%tc. T Provided always, That this Aétgor any thcrctin ¢ *5 1*ec$ fm: We:”alz:h»,L which are-AnoWA V oW%ingo;_-ivgmgWm1m‘%fifiige4fi Limbfil“ 5 “ mbeftfif thé faid%A Ti7mb¢1'T tees by thcm,fnm W~eyda'ndmarkcd ibvyfuehwrvcyarfsas thc "4‘%4ommAifi*1oncrs {dvfthe«Navy {hall an d Vjtaint :: And thA¢fa.i, Surveyors are todm.A Vma.rkcd as 350 Vcfiid. the P1m=~=S Where A 4esA do »grow,aJnd~Ot11 ct: their "rocm:li4.ngs§tcthc A % thctcnt A ed é‘ carr ‘~¢aVil]fc1l4=an red away, :%aawmr¢=&And in “,‘v:“ I u Y‘°f 21” hem C 397) A that uponsulrveys rraacle an re-turned,as iscforein this" A6’: drreétccl, it {hall appear that there is notfufiieient to fatisfie the Arrears of the Seldiery mentioned in this pre-J fentA€l:, then there {hall be further provifion made far 4 the remaining Arrears not Iatisfietl as abovelhid, nut of the Forrefls ofthe faid late King, Qldeen nr Pritnece-,or,_ otherwife as the Parliament {hall diteflr. Provided, That this A6i:,or any thing therein cntained,‘ {hall not extend to grantunto tthefnrefaid Trufiees, any Fnrrefié within this Commonwealth; nor any tManors,f Lands,Heredit,aments at Tenernents, withtin thetottlié naryand ufual Limits, Precinéts, or Preambulations of thefame, or touching fo much thereof as are Within the A tame; nor beingany of the Parks beforementionecl, and hereby intended to he grantecl to the {aid Truflsees 5 not to any Improptriatinn, Ol.'3P3.I'fi)I'l3.g€ appropriate; nor to any Advnwf3n,Right of Patronage, or Prefentation un--‘ to any Parfonage ore Vicarage, orC hurches Donative or Prefentative;norto*any ~ C;rown,, expeétantvupnn Ellate Tale. Provided, That this Aét, or anything therein Cori? «trained, {hall not extend untotthe Hmafe called or known‘ by the name of VaaacImll,e not to theGrotmds, Houfcs; Buildings, Models, llrenfils, or othetinecefllaries for pra-5‘ éticallnventions therein containeelpr thereto helongin butthat they, and every of them, {hall remain andeonti4 nue.fnrth'e»iufe at thecommonwealth, to he imployed an1Cl§C;llliJ*fECl«»f by:th”ePar Iiament, as thteyfhall think fit,‘ Any thingcnntaienedt» herein, or tin any mac: A51: to the contrary thereof inany wife notwithilzanding. V % Provided»al Ways, That this A«Et,noreany thing thcreiri ] 7t:rotntained,fl1allint antyewif: extend to the Scite of @’omfi'et~Jt " Cafile, rthe tI-Ionics Biuilings yet remaining, a.ny~tthe Parks, orotherrthe demeafnLands and Appulr~ tenancesthereuntoe1ongin,ufi:d and ltnployedtorthe valuettnf three -hundred ponnclte pt-f annam,trfd6red, the %VWla"tldt£W€I1~ticth of March, One arxthan.dlred ‘nu-mu.-» ‘ evcrfinn or Remainder intlgc A Yyr amt C3987) ibttylnine,‘ to be cbnveyed unto Maj of General Lambert} his Heirs antitfitikigns- A Provicied alwaysffhatneither this A613, nor any thing theiein contained, {hall extend tntheManm- Houfc of Tarkijt not other the Btiildings andGr0undsg within the new/ails thereof, adjoyning to the City of flark. V A A Pmviclecl, That this Atit, nnr any thing therein Con-if ’t‘aignetl,.gli1allin any wifei extend , or caufe to rnaltevoicl, impeaeht, or We2.l