human»- A l L-ml C 9* W A of: afie N A C EX P L ON A /In .45? for Selling t M I- For the further ANA TI Of the former I 7 Entlitulcd, # ‘ ‘ “ » 1 ‘ :1 ml«.%,;MWg,;;l‘¢, '1‘s‘,_”;y Wm mm 15 4,9‘ V!’ r, on olflntclyof Cornwal. Diclvfartis, 1'3"lAu"gufii, Iago. .mIea-ed by we 1’4rlz"a2nent, "That too: no one fartowzzo pnmemd * PW%%o n l ¢ I-Icn:oScobe1l, Clcrifc. Parliamentia ,. loo Fee.-form Rent: belonging A to t/ae Connnomaaenlt/9 of England, flormerly pnynéle to time Crownof England, TDntclo_y cy‘ n London, A Printed b y Edward‘ Hnabnnd and §»'°ob‘n Field, Périnterslto W “ V V the Parliament of Englnnol, I, 6 5 ca. V FOR4 + The further Explamition of the forxner Adi, % : A 4 A “ V E11Ci¥7L11€d,_* A An Aétfor felling Rentstbeé longing to theC0mmonwea1th of England, fortf:;%aer,lypayable to the Crownwf %Engl“and, V M Dmchy ofLzmcaz/Zer, and Dutch); of“L§mz‘r2v-al. .* m.,I 1..., Ian: M A . ., “.",,.“ _ ‘ ‘,4 H _,u _\“ ‘. ‘_ I I , ~ “‘ " 2 t e airman mm ’- 4 ,_';'4-um :‘, J, J " . » . 4., ‘ ~; , fa,» * . ''.:..~' In 5‘ {M . ‘ ~""W:r U ' ' ”"":-“""“7r-vl #351" V.‘ 7"" .‘ I ' I % . « "' mmxhw m M; am ea» ._ ‘ .__ Hagw . ‘ . _ M A 6; .1‘ I v .4- ‘ -. -. ‘1 W _ . v I V r ‘ - V‘ ‘ r . 3'-‘ N.“ ' , . * .:.. L »" . 131 MI 0?. HM? amflfi zwmt ‘ x. K 6! , A - ~ ' t a mu mmm: mt - ‘ V ' 3 J, :1 .- ' ' I L ' 1‘ 3. ‘ . A w; — ~ W 4 ‘dz 41:55 “ ‘ ~ ‘w ‘ l ‘ . . * M" mm to ti 2 mm at max: _ 3" ‘lfifla ‘ V, I at " ‘ _;/ ’ k _ aw banmfimbafen. 0: .. ‘ ~ j“ agwalltmzaftev 19ut:ci)aEe any of ¢ we jreegfmrm .. 5 A aamts,o;%o:nen things ‘ A 7 5‘ ~ A A by this 0; tljzfam V % fozrneaz mt are 0; than hciawteb mg fetien in we frames nanum in the «faih fozmzt an 3‘ mm mat fucb1%uvc11am5, aim time iacirs anm%w4%%f;gan5?g may heme hztm fem: rm m zniuy ma fgmw in témvtn come te€p”zctg’h€ip, accognmg to tm.w€emva1jmmIJ%af¢5, 21M5cet¢£u:.~ A mm; by. mats‘ nmfiezat %§3rat1aament,,atmtl)e mums titp tbztenfmun it :75 ijmbp mtactm,» filhat all %jfee~far1tz mum. fiwtljs, m amnts manners, NAo%minc»dccime, iRz1tt§upott?Leafe§, where the fiehetftou 1'5 mzantcnamap mam, §D2p:~ent5, % iflutng out of may maunzfi", flanps, iicatemmts Lo;utbetAiB¢tebimmwt5 mm 3150 0'5 &f%I*iW«tflz~? ‘ V %5X+)tmnunn11z am: C953 finamazim, ‘MW: 2%mnugb»n2%wJ1I 1 mm, 61:gzpmatinnsgjfvatevtlimfi:.i%1mD2€33:.~fW‘== thaw, %;mgamgca g mm iLz'hz'cms‘« aama ai£u%%fi)e mm zfimefit att.n%flWm$flQ¢% Rf &11¢0b?WmWfifiB \ uzauyee them, azam?B t1m' Wi'ifitI 02 nerfmw rgp mnn;m few we, been smp%ace:u&14 /masher mats , 4% Wfiétuifih. An A 50FP¥°V‘d“‘i 0? A m aunt W: V. ‘ " AS‘ "*a;“ M‘ “ A E; mam 0: any of Walt, oz tattle NWO: in ‘W Wvmatz ettberin am { remix, aaeneramu,% mmammv, rmectamvnz baggénétbéfgmfiivftnflanuary,wnethfluféflfi ‘ eéfin. mg a‘eH.n at t then ml) fe¢;~’f3MI1~ W mm, 11 f 7 ; 9§;g}¢;ef fog Preachim_~Minj:fl:ers,&aVnd o~thezwPiuS11f§$, § A Um’ “I <. ‘ .-1 " “ , V‘ . ‘ M“ -‘. \ » ‘- , N V; g ‘ - ‘\ "4 {-3 ‘ “ \, ‘ ‘ -_. » .- % _ .144 ’ W V , ‘ Vié H 7 L x 1 g 3 w, ;‘.,,.,‘ - - _ : 4, “ ‘- 3;’ 9.95‘ “ _ v“:' ” L ‘ W ‘ ‘v ‘ \ ‘ V ,,, H ‘ 3’ 1 . ‘i ‘ ‘ ‘ ," ‘ H ‘ l ‘. l‘ ‘ N Y ‘ K p _ - 9 ' _.-“ ,< M gr‘ ~‘ -‘ T-E‘ ‘H " x; n. V (4 h 2 V “ kw‘ W” fie‘ I‘ 1 K‘ . .‘ K‘ » 1 \ \ ‘ " ‘ g . . v -‘K ‘JIM “Ly. x‘.""|1“H“ .“.g"‘ _‘ ‘ W “ Q, ‘V “ ‘H ""#“‘ ‘F '7‘ N‘ “ W ""‘ ‘I ‘W ‘h _’. ‘ L-‘ ‘ M H ‘ V‘ ‘ * ‘ 3”“ ‘; “l “ ‘ F ‘ .. ~;£ 5' . 3’ L" 7 4” ' 1‘ ‘ P‘ ', ‘§"”"\' L ' 1 “ E ‘ ” ~ V’ ~, ‘ ' ~ v :»& 3 g 7‘ ~ V I v j K ‘i ‘.9 - “ .1‘ M‘ W M -‘~ ,x V M: Y‘ ‘ .;~ “ . “,* ,‘ W I ‘ £53 11.? 4: I ‘M V . “ ‘Vim ',: V 1 u .. fifiiflm , I M ‘ »_ ‘ . ' 7*‘ VI \3'*:: ‘ ‘a_ ‘ \ w we “‘ ‘ ‘H“- ‘ ‘W ‘ W W ‘- X?» X‘? 43; x C 987 D :%£tua1‘iBWeEsémn‘ mm “manna: érhom Cook Mk; atmtm amen: fl)j€4pi£ti'mt:§%1laflwDin fibeimn % & A%f1fr&mmmnenfiictm be flru.fteeg._, mnnfijgic ‘£9 963:5, upmn mci) sum the mum firms mm (Emma diwwcwfg mm In ‘Md; mm the famz inteuw arm Anuwmfm, asm, fog mm wmetmhg the jFe;%e- A fatm flmiéfisg mm other mmgs in tux mm i%3‘vi't I m:mm’mam%ct am cmmifen 5 fivanmg mm afii ~mtMmw mwfozamm petfmas, timt 1;mw¢¢%6x:; emtr.r2;£ mm mauénifitatam, mm mow zmmm $m);m”qm m Q‘i.':mmza!tz , mm may @ucce*::;’€mz.é3 (fifimt than we fmn latzimzxg , ijési {min was mama, mu their {min @0213 fhfiir 0; any M fiizazmz 'i9m“.*£g «*mmmz.s, oz mnnunsmatm, @@K§[M,”1‘£E[-5 mm, armall bawng oz c1a:‘nnmg in "mutt, mm; to the aft of mama: any nifti,)tnt%;Vann"utbev£t1_mn % . Inch pm‘on arm pettfnnjs as babe 0; clams, oz fljail 02, amp have m claim any of we pmnz‘fe§,0z WW- flate,’£er m,.mwwflmzM1326tbingtmmmfimm, January, ¢ mama A fu:ci)i%mc.,= flute by 02. mm: them 0;“ Nanp»o&f¢t13ann:,m>town; hectug ofmp mmmi 28W» Ginnhwaucc, ?Lm€eo2% Itlwfiifimt to them manz*f;’m:c£Vt)z fail: xw M lit fig ’mvm_,w@ at S? 5 we :9 5 ("'5 Q 3 ‘ill N2 mutt», nmma I 1 ~ _ g emnaza 5, fi1%1Jfc1)t1Jev in am: zbwm#mc4rm Wm hefnze¢ tmra¢n3rév£t:% IR? flfi V wwmze fif mam, up 1! fmb1BavaV% zwiatm *”attacumc5, mvtéficaffi 02 mttI*fi’£at‘cs fiptbfeatm, m January, ?':U1fE,EL V 0% uzum@~W W vzwtifw m any 5 them» as re A Mm ~mt_iJaB 01 mm. mm hcit% A? It ~ flaw iwctzn g mam fmg)“ WwaII;%en1zmh2ancev éftbcfirimmal t “law in ifs: It var ‘J i£bt5t‘w *'»W% flaws. am-fits,¢om: tE3%umnvwc bunimw fwp ém,1;an ' %vwéfifiutbozitvafnmtamznac minim-3 rmmen mtbz min firit n1¢uttnn%en! flipper mmm (988) $iE@m3t£@,&M$%fa€n firumw uzatw.¢fina oz maze nf tmxnfiWi%mmM$,aamp put tn fiaie, fireat, { %fa§m fifif mem~€mtmj3@atexpzm’€m,n2 any of tI)mt_., mg. mg? gmmstwz pmtcfii mff t1)man;amp“mf 4m>::x:@z%,za~nto A A my g,wEm§ m%i'n*ns,ti)m’t &1“én'i‘Jfl;v1l";s3’z@'Ka5,fiz w my mr;;3~:m;im’m m;2.m‘é;i%;p ififlfiétiafgm, mm mm: fluacefim %; mm acwmzafm tn ‘ififiil .mmmt’t to. mnaame,awfmy:%i3 ffimutmegtzs ms’ ijei-mac heenijma am f téfmemam cm aggtije fiam£:h;tzyIm2$ unmet we mgm A pmfifi iMtcim’%;¢, iwmzmang tn L a%*am'ctIM18«v%02;% cficevtfifimw Whereuvwn Web mttra £5353” V4WAWg ‘ 33?“ ®*yw:§3??3m)AV%% fl)3}“* Wm? 91’: awn m2;zs:ann mahian £0’ cnnmp farm VWM~w?mi1a, m«t£je -femtai %p,ecfims by mam m,am 2M3n‘§§@m1jaiffu£b (mantras: Ijatij a%imwz;f‘i)saEi ha wmm,~- amhtij zit iaezfvg *0; fwzfimeectébefivah? %.n‘BEflAtutg,‘flf llfsamgam emu. &vu'cc££== V mamt Wenmixnfier, 0; thmi°pectinm%u: mm; ha%."m;@W%§3maaat@:e {mm mm mm cijargmgos — <~;*T,mafit%va.£t‘fm‘ mm é®zj£i5 imh aw hmh,p% autijnzmn am mmhiwm pm w%aie,”£atmt, Vtfimatmct fog, $2211 aiW;%&h mm? ti)epzmm’£z§ 4ijzm’n,A 0; m the M 3 ‘§;%m:%:m'.*faan, ~m.hp my M1331: éfionmpauce oz; %1fi‘fm€&1§%¢‘%iVWVmimtmfibfiv ; zmntiaacmm»%ruc1;4<2tun:.-V nemm atmmufutamca fl)a11hagnuLua,nn efl°ectua ;t¢ izaaimm; main intents émhgmpofw v2¢nn$t1)at4 aimatn wary D/D€ie§jfl2' 215nm: aaohtiquz m @m:..- vmate,anDtbe:c *9ucceifl‘ozs,%%fba11n!z, mm are A Uewewy%d%%mahm: to mwcijafe m 1:i)em€ewe5a&tun% W vii'mD ¥n2etruifv ?9:W*t»bwvmebafeh ’t1Jm’v»®ucce11"O+2£ ,; any of we menxim, mitlauut ?I,§I,;Licenfz%nf ',m€ena»tion in w $1391’, MD &?11W:D&m€? 33 main mm W%%W:ha£ev%a:nn % 1I%t01J7aW3 fiffifl WKWSA WRWD5 “J91”, am mg aitt%D%tiJ9it§Ww% MB %&‘§%%x’gn§, ¢fli)ai1 ¢fmm ant: ti)Az a’c" emu x¢§dVm1t:r£i);aa€e€.5 thmaf, i)n‘m=an.n* s afimm he¢n%%u;.;wa1I W of $11% NVWR5 acme mcnmpts mbeeeuuee the Ia“m~eeeee' (989) eee anynf them, are eagemap he i?fiPéwi€4"V%Ab}1.‘efl£l3fll£ ef 1:13:59 01 of tnefam fiefeaneneeonenemt, e mennf an Suite ant: Eemaeme” Ijm) may me me.» hen , upon pzeteucee ef Qaiee at u.zmee~mmg,ee am all ntbet maimeemn memanem femin fiujebr as are herein hefoze ram -.2 am} mat the peemtfeee e ajallnothe Ipahieta, batman een1m’e1,weet’ we aim be to the renew! arm eeflpectihe aeeeeueeeee t1)eeeof,tbeieiJaeit:5,* ueceeifeze men meeegng we fpeectihelp, feeen an m’£ei)aegeneof mm from an mhaegee emu ncuntbeamzes, bee, mane, Dune, my arm mtsegne eefpectibemtt I ytaeteenittee, out of any of f A ‘W W"e¢e.e”? 17 “E V commtjtten me ufieten , up tn be new, mne, mane, mmmxtten oz fuffeeen by the men izeufleeeee any of them am: that fact) of we pzemife as wall hero wunepen to any fueb aemecbtee me ueebae fete, {hail fmm tjencefoetlj he anfu%en emu ta: an to be in the fietualfieetfin oz feioewe may aeuecbafee De uecbafeea erefpeeemeeip e flaau A pueelgatetbetamee man am am eerie me Ht:-.:: eijeefee oe1eueebafees,beisann eie mix: ,®uec1e£«.~ v «mw&e; time to time enter into any offlje W025, ~. ; wages, aeme, ienemente em me 0; mm any part tbeeenf, anneueuaeegm e 5, M % rnn’gb5,¢ itnmnz eepoeaeee oz eats, 02 other A h9f3v9 " 7- fllti0“1WD=Wl3¢ V81 ii-13¢‘ e 5-: e N in nefmacoe payment thee E, — eoenseeteeaewveefee, A ” " e “ v , R semen of Mae neat e we feoeof aneeuwee V eieenementeefieeehetmeeee ~ 10°? 7% wen we am an (990) V tees, hie am: their 1193115: aunt %f5igne%,.e‘f“eany jfee-—-faem ifients, 0; other mute , mttiee an t gums of m)aouey,payah1e ozieefeeben mee infamy mctoee Elmpeopziate, ieutenzen, zeeiiemiceflsie beetyo; jfeancbife, fl),i1:t iaefemit we payment t1)eteiJfe(at the election Df.1”l!.CDi%_li’}i?£i)&=‘- t‘ee.oe aeuecbafetsg his am: their teens = men fifi figtis) entw intin attvflf ¢D€£TB&fifii2S,9B¢ffu8iQ?5s amine, ienenzents min fieeenitanieeetstemitijitt England emu Wales, mheeeof the wmttee effect) Sfiectoeies flmpzupuete , 15 uneeen ,=2J5ezi1ymicit, aiubeetzrozijieanebife ieiieisenng pofiieffen of, mm (halt aim ntew may the fame by ihayenf Ebiimeis, aim fate of the worms hifttainen,‘ oz. fiaalleetnay being his am: their ielctiun of met iaflaiitifl flflifb 2IDmnev: ‘Mb [acme uecbafee emnae §Iet£1)afBt§,Di5 Vania their ieeies ants %fl’iQ“5u)&i1..a,11fl belie; ttaece aim life t1)efame,fuc1)nztijeiittezes enefitsteeten mnbautagee,e£I3eau5,. aezueesann zeeiueeenings :foetDe fiecmaeee thereof, as any 1eurei)eaiee ee ieuecbafers of any of the jfee-teem tfients, ca; :ntbee tbiuge menticmen ozintennenin in; up the e iminfinit mentionen em, map, mete neg ougI)tAta babe 0.: taleehy fezee arm neetueeefitbatmet 5 arm fl)a1I,in eefetenee tntfucbofwepzem~ife5’a§1)&33e been, DZ*1)&1lbehp theme eeineetibelvieutcbafm, il)abe»fuct) anntbelike afieepeifes, i1t:eif;uetI) aim the «elikei. «rates, as am’ ieuecijiecifet oe1e*t1eei3aiees~oE agwnfitbe flames oeaeoifefeeioneoft1)81i4t¢e%1¢tD=’- 11If1)0D50e1J5iflJIJD5a ozof am? of mutate WW5 ;ann¢2E1)apitete,ieieefeeentetof1Jto£e; iieemflfiaimav, might M 03393 W Dfiilfi 31? 13¢‘W.1Wi°feeei1“P .%tt032Dit1auce of aeaeiiament behalf mane ztnnit iiattbe fame perfume ; men eptee rain Ifientinjem jet ate autboeism to beta ‘W**e= « it Wtteeeinf vuttioue, he,eamJaveiljeeeheiumtie e VflWJfi%l¥tD0%2i5¢Dietfi‘“ 13¢ a fltommittee efoz. the fit-.21 A moving ~ mawf fmummswwm”ainfiw:1nez»m:nzmu o (9971) A gggwfiaimfg gf mawaczmng in tmfaie uf tmpm: maffwbmmfi xiwymlnzwfimfis fem; mum rxfsea A ;rem:z%t!jwmzim.%u,%fi3aEiv ijame sum emcifcafl web? mm t’i3ai€m;~ mmw W am mam ta azup%]@n~mx V ~ca:5m;;hvy may *Qm;at»%w%“mz flmiammz of Vmmlw; 2%tfi.;fi$§)?€fiE;¢fi) 6 W'%h¢ fiwfiaes, M mwfiém [ am pawns fifijmm amzay cmwem, fl;.sam;anc the iiéfiie nmevmm mtigmzms, %attB‘mz*1)emhpAm;= q_ut’m;wj;amm awtimgigevu to pmceen in iz’%w£*ozt, mm in uni'mmLtm Mm fiamcsvamm wmcttons in ma-— “awn Eta tigwzetmfeg, :15 in tbefam firfi nwzutionen mat am wmmmm cmncemm any nf tbsnt\§r'ee.—= fmmifienvts, ogomcaz tijingtijcmn nuenttnnen. Emnninfenaimapsg am: 1'1: ism» tt)zmu.tI)cm’tp «A zcélmwmwev e1znactzn,*£bat [MD mm fmtmcij nftm; fainjmemrnz fimw mm meanifmaun fuel) many; at’ Qmnw , Mifiwwi wfnmc , petpetuai a%zn£t4on5,@tt’penD5,9aIavtes,£${nnuitie5,2flm§, A 4<£EoztoniVe5J,“amofitfi anDC${ilnmancm,¢ as at the ;tm1e‘AnftI)aizmmngnf the man firli: ntentimwn > Wtmm mm V02 payable; ozmbicb are cm 2:: about 9; ®;i)n1iat5,1%zcacbet;£,n; ft); 0; ma , tijetepatagtznn of any twmzcbg <£EDE’tz3peI,Vwz'gy.¢ abiearmgn, mm mm, 0; mgmstzo he paiau; mmm to am; the mamtmzamz of any dfizamnm A map, fiaufewmf». ilfizingfig ficbnnis, mmflmaz: £25, flaities, 0ganp¢utDetfll%fe£, %uptm ngnmnf, Afizf02t1Je%vWW5 0: any 0f%¢thmm% Ambich¢hptm’s mitbefamfit&4mm.tinneI1fiesawhefien 0 z41’etim mxttmue hewtn a»nna1ln1m4 4aj5,t§j%ep were have aemfJ€t£mfmz; awn £136? we mm A ‘ 4mfiw5 3113 ft b?eitVi9eits; 1t1)ai1¢mann ¢ . ~s»rufizégaccbermpamiaozisemtfat o:w;%cmaBe%y an aflfuvz%$tmtm3r%fmI) petfa:zxanv pevmws , %. mm $ €beit4#ia?tip§,Jiifimififiiéolitiutwoz<£o;pazate3 arm ._ wnuaooony « mm sNmm nf 44t13smx$.,; ammu,fi% mm wet? nt1jea:‘pm:Mfmt% the {am (992) their hueeeflbzs arm mtgigne, as $9? the fame ieufieees than theme fie, tn henna, the the peefnzm.-—.. mute et the ulfee afoeeeaen, oz hemp of ehem,fucb ee ente, mums, ozemme of steep payable as a€oze#t‘aa'n , as than hanmuue ante amine the flame to chargen, ltrmftene 0; $1: lumen to 0; E0; the ates oz puepofestafozefain, may thing herein contamen to the contrary nee; ahfianning. " A A _ e than foe thebettee execution of thte arm the fainfitfi meneianen %tct,iI.'.he fem 3£tuiteee,=ozethe ma;§oz.pattof them, are hetebpanthozisentetake to theie afeilianee fur/he otnuucel ileameb , arm: nthett wfficete as they than conceive eneceffaep; arm that they oz any fine of them iibaii arm Ina}; make in {mttoanee to them emu thezje me. tees: in; oyen tnthie lieemee, am: fpe meinene chatggemnutnfehtheeuneyfi te.beeazfen by fate nftne nzemifee 02311? namberenfa eetnee,xmien the appgobeemn oftheefam mmmtteee of £Dh;e aeuettons, flyali the-uh fi't,-, arm fneehavfment «tbfittm offeem time to‘"tt'me,h to maketmeateants tiuthe azeeafueeeeapphointwbe$18 {ID 458% ttwntioeuetl‘ men, who ate hevebyh eeqmeen aim a1§theee1f3eneh In my the £am:e.ecn2niuIy. mam aagaeeeqme were eommafstnne of he maze, ‘ifllnq a etfitinheneeeinee eons of ®oneee1~ments, Diverse aeateuts habe.;f02s menu» @ea1,feimw mw2e.e aeeuee ahteenements, azmeetzee aunhilaeeehitae :e A ‘ wees ~feewffitm»3l?ez1‘3s oz eeutsehae heeeeeefeehe, arm fem f «mes : h_ 1- hozee A h e « A e n W’ , ‘ a *6‘ "he '7»; ‘ 4 ‘- “eh ‘ hgreme A eetieeaeieeteié iL»€$tev5i%vV%%mw%tsA%, %mmmupAon swam notw%nm1%%*1mm by t‘ (993): but maumv flW_w:fi§m5,%V 0; by Emma mffmw” A A ezaargem V¢fWW»9¢s%%?i6£ ft thmifflzfi finmim mm» ifmfsamnzr%§fiW$A%b¢gm %w?t§%, hm hm 13$ mung m ~mcaww*ew “inf 15i)MBé1n02£’>”%,flAW13J75flz *£1mnem£% emmamm mg 11w11ti:m¢flvt0A~ bz Acyamgam tijmmiflj , [me we jfflflfi 3WD ?£W$if€$ DDa1?0fMarchA,"flfifbflilfafiih” ¢ ftp: bunmeb awn tljirtp, ibat " we femrw £m~m not bmmmntennut by the min fittumzs. mums tljcr, fiiiljat mbmtmnp patina 0; pmtfnnfi, 2mmm 1%iit€queoz<$;.m2af6 vane hm W %mwzs, $ if/z¢ms%,; iliemamwtfi up iaevemtatnenw, flmfimt to the papmwt of any jfwfamt mm n;Am:1m» mus, which bat!) hem u£ua1'lpV path 02. aufwmb by the mama mg Aw ccupms % of fw:1)iLmzDs m cijatgen : mm that by wlmw oz pmetm of web ¢;aasmt Rf fflflfliik A ¢ut,A A02 Abp metmlie Bf fimna ~J1m’£m’mrw fa; Mvctim £i~t1¢$%mm%.¢of wt farm ibwmm ‘fW.9 at saw» . A V4 M; “W3” 3 I U1 9, ~ W03‘ A m: em my men» anfmwen,¢ an ¢m“ ktm wl fifitfiflz «£Dc¢I:%=. flew A A 136. inch ;£a%z’n Aifvfy M iWfiJh£m4 $11} 5 +‘ V} A A W'W: 4 ' - \ , ‘ V : ‘ wt \ ‘ r , ~ 1 A “ V‘ “A AA A AA, . A , \ A . AA A \r A l.AA..,p A A A A A 3A , AAA ‘ . _ . A A A ,_A‘__,_ \ ._ “ , . » ‘ A’ ‘A ' H 1" _ ‘ w‘ M’ ‘ _‘ “ mm,‘ Aw- W: ‘ "‘ '1 , A.w ‘ A . A A ‘ A s A A A 1 A ",A __A _A ‘r A ‘ ‘ r “'“ “ I ' " S ' " 5 ( W" ', ' r . ' s.’ V w ‘ t1)®W%a¢i ¥L¢&IiD‘5~W£3'iW*3W“*¢ ,1a“W* mtmawgn 5 fiat in MA:ea£¢‘ti3e%%~f%m@fia *£mav him mm 212:: amermiz am berm mt m‘é, i m:gc»w £1);e?$aéI'Di¢~ fignts :03 “mans &%W3%;%i’i}Wfl t e mmwADaV€a . Vfl,!A§§w ,_% % A AA_A_ A % . t*mfi?e%s¢% tfiem mmme:c%;%t1,1z fiemmtbz W 3% n$%»¢%W&L1Wfi$3V«»£flmm11tii=== 4 £a:'t1A;emAa%tz%iWm®%%s»~%%w¢. ‘ Mam fwazze A (99+3% %fain imfieez amen ‘ fa the ram firft tmzw imnen %Ict5%:3g any fine oz. znoge of tgmz, mail mm 1@m3m , awn are I9”1%vjeby%a1$ti)0gmw to Eat :amm’mpe$e a halueyatm upon A aliitia unmwz, 2:3 a§1pm§w5,iLm attics, jrcamcigites, *3x%eteciaatia * mm, fimmfitionz a~tm“@uhenantl5 mentionenaxm Vtemmh in any tflbartetz, 1%at,entsaLnD<15m1tt*£, mom tug mtnt 12 all oft1mt% ;jungen1cuwV,(c fucb ‘finfnznuations as they can have an rename wu- certtiugtijc true arm teal‘ baIuc%4tI)9.teoE: firm tlja tam fitutmz, ozanp fi‘beL oz maze of tuna, ‘, at2_D€teb?" aatbmiszn am: enab1en%t&o tonttact "fog, {wane contwvtlje fametmto% any pctfouinz Apmmzz annfitbcit ¥5%cit5«; 0; to any Wozpnzatimt 022150132’ m1itAiquc~»aJnn that §ucce~I1’ozs, in may manev, annaccozning to fucljmatwasbefoize arcincclareuVanniiimten1 %;f1c 05731133 part of ‘tljwzemifw; mmntt f 4ct¢nacti¢nbVtbc mutboztty afozcfain, iiztjat t1)2‘fat%Di£tuItt¢§, mg any tim;oM;~moz¢ of Atbetnt, man not tell aupofi " tljefain fie¢z;3rarm%33cnts~,% mm utbmttbc pzemi- 1765, unmet eight years purcbafe, arm to zopnz-¢ v‘ttmzabIp fozmmrfions unoniltfc oz %i£.im5, 0; %anynumbct nfymts. man be It further miacten awe ztamoztw afozcfain, am: the ma A ¢1tce5, 02 any fibco; %mogc of tt)¢m,tbzitQt1)un:= [mavmwavsconcecn ~ we vzzntms, may pm there-. % cerannragentsbv tb¢manvoit1fte,£ba!I”1Ja11c 110338?’ %311DaW 1Jmb1’% ?W1J01i5tDf€0!l% milk W “meta maBe%% fmcbes, aflhbteih a1Ifucb$mr— fW2DS*W1"3m*!IE%“J9 TOAW 0f4L°nd0ns#N¢$=* ~eI)eqmt% Eice,%¢19ipz £f%t’cc, t1)%¢¢»&ic%e foftbz 0115 in 01:I)anczr»p, oz clfe:IDD&¢te,% B “3%“’§‘“i mm; allwanbméapmkearmI)am%¢%om1e‘s +3303? fflflwfit 05 4V0m,fi*°fl%% °m”9aA nmr%% %eestvzrtfoz‘e« 3 % m2a,“rc.:;~.= Tammi:A%A%fara A @fif‘z’cet:o; ¢ C99s)% met witmmhbp tm fin ciwzitp afazefmm V’£fjatA mum any met’ me fife:-«,%azm ,m:%zw;,. mm ntim tfijeflcnm mime ntIent=mnwzn,i%%%aiEm1nfcim'., ma.» iavmmz, %mwzmg ia;w 3mznc1;:res,a;a11 bgfmmn M m be in ci)m:gw:%% mztrm 0; “$m*oiiw befme‘any wflfiwrfi m7aMIfiAebA£v of the ®xth¢~4‘ t quw, oz amr»vot1)etfimlttof 33660212; Even: in ftzci) cafe tin fc1t'n%r::me£.:, 0; any fibzm mom of t!)zm,J€1).~?m mm uuw mm to fad) %1Dffi*cet oz wfficersfoz <$m:tifica1twanD particulars mm: ; V at’; mlattb ®fii’cev mm smfims {bail armare btrebprequtaxen tionéelimr we fanwtipnzt fl)a@tb to4t1)zAfain fimfiew, Amijn arel)wzbP mabicntia '%D1Ilii1m¢€ tI)efm1w unto’ timu; mo mail am may uptri: t:c%~tm:1t4t%;1_);mof nmnetmto tbem,%pzn.:: mm tacozm:act,¢ fell mm convey the maze in ~fuc1)ma,ner, as by this am fl)z%fainfirt1i11zen£t~.=.- fibamllatififimt (men mtis nitrmm armzwpumtcn. mun bait: fuittijec enactcn by t1)ev~;%aVtD0zityafozefain, ‘#1 P vet rm Wvtuny mbo$ fbaii cntvactfoz any Oftlje pzfinxifgfi. than pawn big , %urct1a.£m1tottwwithin thettVmesItmttwv¢fpe— ctth2‘l.p, in c1;eratnfozmc*r Vtfmceafgumiefs he 0; they can pzacareftfi tbefatn , tmm%ax?¢?1)2rzbgiatzma:gi3zntm:giiaz,“‘ be {MD tjmtice, mm m mm fljzizt Afiecamtg mm tfimificms acmzmngiy." %t%umzm,u;*a:wfibe aza3m;%c nft*i)¢m»,upngnan % saute fl;zm2x+, an§1nto%be ailommby went, a (Em- tificatc oz <flZc»*mfi'*£atc3 ffiz¢;ftzvti,étAs€t time tn pap in i 4¢tbefaxm,_ mm to pemu: big 0; their conveyance; V IIWCDA !£mifi£Mz% armfmtD9::%i£enfe 02 an: % d.cmfw, titzfatn ifirufl-ea:Ammv%fim%%02rnoze of " * mi the g%a;g;oV*bm’u%i1i1%mm*;anmm%it% futti1zvmxa‘t£m by 5 atzfimbmziwamefatn,7‘mWif W Wi'm4~02 ‘pmmw, zmnieg §@nis’tz’mwn2 mzmzatc, Chat! mfrxe ta puvcmfe anvswmmm mt, mm of wetter, 996) %93m ?o ax ntijwttjing oz nut? in mm mg. m ms». met flwntmflfifi aim Emmmfi $3 $3 mm, €%fl of tbmmne flyaii pwum a Vammfim m ma‘;-.=$ ficaw, am tijéfame flmi he unm we pmiazzw 33%?» mm? mm fl)i1hn§,5 s’WJM mm 1W3 mink cmaMrm+zmmfimtmmiug amhrmm am @m..«.—. an by mm "§~.marmm, 02 any We 02 mm M mam, mm a Msmorandtlm of the thing, mm tm A A wflatz mm gun: fm which tmfame 1% gmmw; tjatfrmn tfijmwfnzfij we mum {mum MT? mm: 1? mm ittlincb imircbafw, am the fa man be M gem mm ¢ei%cma1 a clfimm mm % mfumncc tijmnf, mm the aauzcljaimc to have an em iikc w m ‘v . ’ "ta \ ‘ ‘ w‘ amaaumagm Elf aiipmalttes am Nomine poene’s; mmfoziaacnhcw of we fame mm aumumenw tmvetmm, as‘%%t£fi)efame has been by am» jfmu mad 0: ibegal affmance cmnbayen unto {um} ura- cfijafctjh-p+ we4fain3£rum25, accfinzntng zmtntijw mtbc fuzmwmct; In M if the fatnflmb new patticuiarw mentmnen mm gmmw mm fvwiji aguacnafw, in mm by this am the rain fozmw mgmeu nztamn. 4....- ML %w7)ie%1MartiI,v13° /i"14‘g¢¢z’i,165o..% Rderédby thé Parliament; Thacthisgct beforthwithprintedandpubliflwi A ”Hw‘§a».-Sooéell, Cflefic. Pafliammti. %¢ ; ‘ I . \ , 4 V‘ ' ~~— . ““ ‘ -‘ ‘ ‘ . nnuummuoua 2{ct,fo; which no arzefifizatuity oz mmm wan.