AM PmizH:on..% Fr filrthfir fupply qf‘ - rm om mifsioners &£or‘m& V Afl'efi’mcntofNim:ty Vthaufiand poundsjpermen/ém. T Com’ —~:» 3} dazfd , ohn ,Ealm~cr Bf Bampron, Qémas I‘* ctfiftbisvzcfent%at1ianWta W9’ po:maspermen[em,%i£mmmainccnance ofme mi; fe parliament for the *5 Eng. (251) land andIreland,.3éc.i3£JgE1‘/D813 (Cb tub? masts, namm in that met ant one other wt of this pztfmt 1@axIiammt,entitu12n, An Aadicional A6: for Chommifsioners in the féveral Counties, for the A aflbffmcnt of £116.‘ Ninety thoufand pounds per menfem. _ , __ ' H .‘ _,., I . _ r < .-,-» - , y§un __ — - Die Mercurii, 2; M4ii,1649. Rdered by the Commons affemhled in Par»? ankd publifhed. _ A Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Tarliamenti. ... I London,’ Printed for Edwariflmband, Printer to the HQ“ n°r=Ib1=H°uF¢ of ‘Commas. May 25» 1649-» liament, That this Ad‘: he forthwith printed J «H .4,