‘ ‘ ' I ‘ 1 '- - ‘ ‘ Va, . . ';,_u , ‘ ' ‘ ‘ mu“ ‘ , ."““' ,. . , w .‘ ~, ‘ . ; , - ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ . « A * . I! r ' ‘ . ‘ ,_ , ‘ - w -6 \ ,"‘.‘ IV ‘''T‘!*'4 ’ _ :1 ~ ,3 “ : ,‘ m u‘ ‘ M x ‘ “U ..A. I ' u‘ _ b \* x , . I ‘ m, V ‘ . M. ‘ 1" ' ‘ ". , ~ , v y 7‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 . . J VV ‘ ‘A Concerning 7 A4 A A V W’ H «mm» ............w . . *3? ~ ; Hat t11eRép orts 'ofaI1 finch fines % % 31:11:! " Q “E ‘V. ~ ‘ % % W . :3 have not pafl: either Houfe, A£ha11bWe£or:hmxh drawn u afid prefented to theCommiE \ /(‘I ‘. . W - Mé “ ‘ ' vpléll "‘ a’/.57¢’« . I,’ 1/:/(7 7‘: I‘: ““""""""" man im times to Delznguemforper/eaing I/m'r"Co7)2.§ rvéd upon the queflibn by the Commansv zj]E'm5Zed in 7’4rZi4mént ' ‘ fi0nersf%menc.ionedyin the Adi, .%¢Entim1“ed%* (An Aszpre/mramg p0._L Aitionx) for theil“ approbatlon, In O1"dE,1‘T'_ tQVawfi;¢ fla1v difchargc. Yv Re/élwd, (260) e T{efolved,(_;7*c. Cornmifsionerslin Orderflof ltimegas they were let, and not otl1erwil‘€.a;t 4 ‘« , 7{Wve§’,t<9*0- V t ~ l That fuch Replerts%heingM mad%e,land the Fines allowed and confi1*med_l9ytl1e faicl Commilsio.» nets, a final clifcharge {hall iffue forthto every‘ filch Compounder; according to the Authority and Direcftions expreflhecl in the {aid Aét : And if any Compounder {hall not pay inhis Whole Fine That the faidln Repertss fhallbe made to the within fix weeks after his Compofitien A {ball bets» allowed and confirmet as‘ afolrefaid, that then he {hall incur the fullpenalties expreffecl in the aforef {aid Aétt A l M t Refolvecl, e’y°c. A \ A That the Cafes of all Delinquents Com}; pounclers, who have Petitionedlbt mitigation of their Compofitions, and all fuch whole Reports are not yet madeto this I-loufe, and are Ordered tohe f fifiially reported a (except all fuehas arefe» tljbythevoce made that 19<0f Maz,tone elude thourananx tmndred forty nine, {ha11be,.and t héréb y aret‘f€f'errCd Unto th€C0mmif$ioners at Goldfmithesil all t0 hear ancl deter me; alltthe faidCafCS;thlefaid therein’ accordin‘gtllotheRui1les trcompofitions given ommifsieners fnroceetlfng W C261) given them byrhe Houfe, and according to fuck Articles as the Compounder hath ufl: right unto 1 the faid Articles being allowed and confirmed by . both or either Houfe of Parliament. = _........ nu‘ ,.———..... _;.__._..-uuuunnnu-mug:--uuunuQ’.,,,___.‘,____‘ Die l\/lercurii, 23 Maii,i164. .» Votes befirtlawitb printed and pulvli/Iaed. Hen: Scobell, Cleric’ Parliamcnti.‘ .._...,,...«.u-uaunuuuv-n--n--~IIfl|II-....._ “““ ~"""" ‘_"‘&ImuuI-Ina:-nun--umq-u-unuugq __ % A London; Printed for Edward Hmbgnd, Printer to the Ho; notable Houfeof Commons, ‘May :6, i649, Oradered by the Commons ajfemlaled in (Parliament,~ firm M,»