I I & Cufioms. »F01‘taking0f the A’ PM (3 Be ongingto the A Pirs 4 A Aft be fiwtbwitb printed and pulzli/lied. Hcn:Sc0belI, Clcric.ParIiament"‘. 3 Lcmdofl, Printedfor Edward H:4jlmmsl,Prir§tcr"t0VEhc Parliament of Englwfidg and are to“ V Diemercuz-ii,3Augu&i,1649.. V A A -0Rdered lay t7aeC0mmor2: affémkled» in @arliamerzt,T/mt :15 b..._...__ —---——--nu, be {old at his Shop in Pleetfireet, at the Sign of the Goldme A Dragon, _near the Inner-Temple, A 6 4 9; 1“ wk ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘fl"""""' % % Foftakingofthe ‘ ‘ ‘ 1‘ ‘\ . B‘1°“Si“8F°‘h=m ‘WY &Cup[OmS_* PT 3 ; ‘f ”*’ %¢WflE fl}%;933€C¢i1) l55R0f the finftotng @ flung v , iinptttfingumn 630% V. 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