r> "1 I E M" 6 E 0/ 6- r' ’5; , .' "' . . . f!“ ‘ fi %¢-..\\ k-) )J‘LUJ j 1:T(EA"$3 “an" 4’77? I' - * ‘ * - ~= “‘ - E —~ . ' , - , - E A N . A N D I i DECLARATION E E -. ' . . __ E ’ , Of H15 nghnefs , f, - ThC L 0rd PFOCCétOI", E E With the advice of his CouNCIL, F 9 R An Ageisment 4 Of threefcore ‘thoufand pounds by the Moneth, for fix Moneths, for and towards the Maintenance ‘> of the Armies and Navies of this CQMMONWEALTH, r E l t E ' E t E ‘v E E s. _ . E f , Thurfa'ay February 8. 1654. E E E Rderedby His nghnefs the Lord Pnorscron 3 and His ‘ a Cour»: c 1 1, That this Order. and Declaration be forthwith 1 Printed and Publiihed. Henry Scobcll, Clerk 0f the Council. 0.....-» L0M0n,~Printed‘hEI Henry Hill: and 33017” Field3 Highnefs, M D c L 1 v. A Printers to His .._... . - -v—o...—- I I E . v. V.-..mvfi_ v—vw “A / I '4' ”A // booed. fiqu/éif,./Afi lurid" ltffi M ( ,~ at w. . F’ t ‘ S..- - .1 \ x /\ ~ \‘ \\ l .. ‘ . \ .9 ~ R“$_ " \\/ AND EC LARATION ‘Of His Higbncfs the Lord Prat-cétor, with the advice of His Council, for , “ An AiTéfsmcnt 0f threefcore thoufand pounds by thé ' Moneth,‘ for fix Moncths, {Grand to— ’ wards the maintenance of the Armies \f- l and Navics‘éf this Commonwealth. _—.._ at" mans in we . (than an!) £111th .9] mutant t1): ammunt of the ”‘35 Common W ' thin? England: 5ch- . V - ' ‘ p L I _ . ,, land, tum Ireland, it 1'5 mmffzb a m 7 I ' Thata Conflant yearly Revenue 01.111 be raifed, fettled and cflablifhed for maintaining text A z thou; ( .2 ) thoufand Horfe s Dragoons I and twenty thou2 \ find FOOL’, 1n” .55 fence and , ' 7’ "t exogma alfefix a convenient number of Shi guardm ‘tlk Sas;\belides two hundred thou 9% Wm: f0} defraying other ncccflary Charges for Aflmmgfirhgon of Ju— Hice , and 0th“; Bicpemsa , thgflwernment which Rev enuefl'hiibet ”(I 11 . ,j’ ms, and fuch other wai‘e’$ fly means Qua/IL [ by the Lord Protfflor and . , A taken awa}9r mmnlchnnortlfi? yagreed up- on for railing the e ~‘ tb the Lord Protectorind the‘BaAIament 311D my”; . as in partaaac; 0f the [310 [than ants meat! em 0 , ¢ [is nahn‘ib an 5a) a tectora c , 0 its: alright be ratfnm mare t0 :9: 900,. pic, awash ‘530%0 I h 3110 madam: h WW {an Ibibc ‘ . m ) ' 1 ' @115 by the gamma m0 9') an0 flaaabangtjefi mm by; mm Of “it” at; 3110 mm 31mm , anal} pgt 31a; 0E Em gm Eflfififihfi" ° ”‘ m" 0111 am after the Emma) mm; 0w:- 0!? DecemBe} {one tb0a£aa0 [It lamina} fifty an!) tpat , mbcrepf the pinpoztton t; ¥I};j tail?!) my Eng- land t5 a’u'0 amazing 1%? :10 {his Quanta, a0tt0 0;}:th t a faint 0ft) mfcmc I110aIat},i poan pd); agapattn, mbeafltfs m, tart, Eamutttgm 9,081 . ‘ A, . Jiécbhmtiaaaia mania: mam one adamant; WM oJ'sz'O t i, ‘1' ' * U‘ {iii (Luisa; _' ' i:-,Scot{afid1ao(ihelard for the De— - * . P ' ;. ' {hall not be . y confent of . ‘ _ (33' bpthe thoneth , by an Catt of ieatlinment; entitnteo, An Aét for an Affefsment, at the rate of one hundred and twenty thoufand pounds b the Moneth, for fix Moneths, from the twenty fifth day of December, One thoufand fix hundred and fifty three , to the four and twentieth day of June , then next enfuing, towards the maintenance of the Armies and Navies of this Common-wealth, was appointen to he 35am: , children, 18mm , ¢olleeteo, nno 19am, ant mowing to the (theta! fleets ano aazopozn’ons of the wow etp of, the 3Re£pettme finmmes by the rain Stet fet upon the fiefpetttbe aunties , cities ano mates therein mentioneb, ihat U125 on the «tonntp ot’ Bedfcrd, the fun: of eight hnnozeo ponnne. «p fight tonntp of Berks, the finn of nine hnna been that? then mantis fit WW am! new pence ' 10c em» ann atonntp of the (ftp of Bufiol , the fnmme of one hnnozeo funny at ponnoe thirteen uniting; nun font pence. i e county 0f Buckingham}: ‘32 mm 0: one t onfann one human: ponnns; ~ fihe cronntp of Cambridge , the Inmate of nine hnnozeo anb fonttyfine ponnns. ' fizhe awe of Ely, the [mum of thzee hum been an!) fifteen pounlw. ~ I atheaonntpofCheflerJhel’nmoffithnna one ant: titty ponnne. - -- athe any anb tonntp of t ,W at Che- net, the fnmme of fenentp t e ponnhe tip willing; ano eight pence. . 13¢ flonntp of grnwah the fame as o (-4 ) . one theufecnn fear hnnmeb‘ pennies. — £139 Q0111“? [If Cumber‘. and, £D9 [111111119 0f: ninety two pounbs eleven {billings an?) font pence ”it'lhe Eoctnty of Derby, the fnnnne pf eight. hnnmeh ponnee. " - 3:309 Q0111“? Bf Devon, the 1111111119 [If~ two thonfanb fine hnnmen fenenty tone patents thirteen matings an!) four pence. ' am: My ant) ¢ounty of the (ity of Ex; on , the fun) at ninety two pennies. athc @mznty ‘ef Dorfet, the fun) of am, hunmen twenty four pounbe thzee manage an!) four pence. . , ihe 310nm ann «taunty of Pool, the fmnme of mm ponnne thzee (billings ann four pence. aghe «tonnty of Durham, the tmnm of we hunnzeh thirty ene patents fifteen {billings nne penny teething. ‘ ihe annty at York,mf91) tI)e Qty MD (011111? Bf $9 $19? Bf Yerk, “)9 fauna of two cheat-ant) tic h‘nnmen ant: eight pennns thirteen (hittinge ann four pence. . ”inc £01m ant: tonnty of Kingnon upon Hull, the bnmnte of fifty anb etght' ’ ponnne. . , it!» want? pf Effex, the {Input of thzee’ thoufanb' ponnbe. ihe $93an of Gloucefier , the fitment of one thbufafln thee: hnnbztb ninety font: pounne. fihe titty arm ¢onnty of the any of Gloucefler, “)9 [111111119 Of 0119 hnnbzeb 93191: ty nine pounne tip the lungs «me right pence. Ehe 5 (s) 1118 60m“? 05 Hereford; ID! fwfim Of 0116 thDufanD mama < ihe 6Duntp of Hertford the whim Df Dne .thoufanD tmo hunDteD pounD5. 3598 6mm? 0f Huntingdon, the fum Dffibe hunDzeD thtctp tthe potDs Ch: matings anD eight pence. ' 5 . ‘ ache 6mm? of Kent, Lilith the 6ft? anD 61mm? of the 611p Dt’ Canterbury. the {meme of thtee thmufanD Dne hunDteD thtetp theeD .pDDuDs ftp flbtung eight pence. ‘ ilhe 60mm? of Lancafler ,the 111me 81'th im “COW? 0f Leicefler, tm fum 0f tune hunpteD than? tam. poms tip [hating5 an?) Dt’ght pence. . 3:!” 601m”? 0f Lincoln, 1131131) tbfi Grit? anD 60mm of the 663 of Lincoln, the 9am 0*? ww- thawfano tbm hanneen thirty theta 90mm In thiumgs anD etght pence. ache (may at London. the 61me fight t on» 'fanD pounDD b Elbe (aunt? 05 Mid Ilcf x, 1111131) tI)D 6“? mm iLibeDt? Of chiminfler the mmof one thufanb fine bunDzDD thirty thzé’e psalms fet- thtut’ng5 eight pence. = - ' fihe 6mm? of Monmouth, the rum of font *hunDzeD pD-unDE. , - " . ihe ¢0l1l1ty 0f N6rthamp ton , the sputum of- one thDufaDD two hnnDzeD pounDs. * , , I 359‘ <6) ~ _ azhe tonntp of Nottin’ am, the fnnnn ot’ teben hnnmeo febenty one. ponnos font fihe flown nnn ¢onnty of the {own of Nottmgham, the Inn: of twentpfine ponnos fitteen matings. _' ; £06 aunt? 0f Norfolk, tbt funnne 0f 13:“ thonfano one hnnozeo « ano lip ponnos t 'eteen [billings ano font pence. ihe (itp ano fionntp of the Qty of Norwich, the lam of one hnnozeo nno titty ponnos. e , ' five @13th 'of , Northumberland , . t“ gamut of one hnnmeo fifty font ponnos fine matings lip pence theee faethings. . 1 35m Mn of NewoaIHCa the {ant 95‘th ponnos ano ten (billings. the county of oxen, the finnnnt of nine hnnozen new rte ’fluflw thteteen matings ano font pence. " the County of Rutland,thefnnnnof two DWI! mitt? the“ ponnos, (it (balms m0 WM“. WW of $an , theatnn of one 'thonfano one hnnozeo ety thzee pom.” W ano fight pence. . ”(mof Staflord, t!” (on: at m hnnnzm am» fight W5. ihetflynno (onntpof the CitrofLitch field, the Inn: of mm pbnnbs, 19¢ ' C 7) int (59111113? 0f Somerfct the 911m 0f £3130 thenfanD thtee hnnDzeD thietn theee thennD5 fit ChiIIing5 anD eight pence. azhe (tannin of Southampton, with the 310nm anD @Dnntn of SonthamPtOn, , the 911m of flDne thonfanD febe‘n hnnDeeD thigtn‘ thzee 1501mm Cit Chiliing5 nnD eight pence. ihe (Itenntn of Suffolk ,the fitnnwf’ihzee theninnD one hnnDeeD thietn thtee 155nnD5 fie ihilling5 anD eight pence. azhe Gunmen of Surrey, the 5mm of flDne tthCanD thzee hnnDzeD feztn one 150nnD5 thieteen Chilling5 anD font pence < ihe 250mg!) of Southwark ,the Sum of flDne hnnDzeD fiftn eight 190nnD5 fit Chilling5 eight pence. . ’ ”fihe otenntn of. surrex ,the 53am et flDne thenianD [it Damn: thietn thzee hennD5 Cit . ihiIIing5 anD eight pence. 4 azhe «tonntn of. Wmficak with the @itn anD‘ etonntn of the Gift}? Of Coventry , the 5mm 0f fine tthCnnD fittn fie thonnD5 thigteen Chils ' ling5 anD font pence...- ihe (Ennntn otworcencr the gum Dt‘ 5Dne' thonfanD anD thitteen 150nnD5 fit Chilling5 anD eightpence. 5 ihe Eitn anD @Dnntn of the «titn of Wor- (getter ,the 55a!!! of gritty tbzee 1551:1555 Cit Chit: Iing5 anD eight pence. 5 , the minitn of Wilts ,the gem of flDne tthICanD fit hunme Cittn {in 150nnD5 thin. teen ihiiling5 anD font pence. ~ g .. ithe atonntn of chmerland, the Sum of abi‘ttn thzee 1501mm t railings . sine gm of Ang f: ey, the Quin of was hnnbzeD anD fixteen 150nnD5 fit Chilling5 anD eight pence 4: five ( 8) . fiche (aunt? of Brecknock the finnt of azheee nunmm ant! cm patents. int atonntp bf Cardigan tnc Qam of film: batman feet? fie: tenant‘s - - int Wt? Bf Carmarthcn, tnC 51%me azheee hnnneen anb mm 155mm. 3532 «County at Carnarva‘n , the gun: at 5Dne hnnbeeb febentp thee: tenants (it [bit lines emu eight pence. ihe Qtnnntp of Dcnbigh, the Sum of 31m) hnneeen that? theee pennies fit Inns 1m enb eight pence. ‘ ~ he clonntp of Flint, the fitment We hnnneeh anb fieteen 1551mm: {it fhflh’ng5 ant . eight pence. . ’ihe elonntp of Glamorgan, the man of atheee hnnbeeb ninety ante theee pannns In: Wfitfi‘fltfil eunntp 0f Merioncth; tm 5am 0f wee hnnbeen ant: {it pennies thirteen inn, tinge. ante fone pence. fihe fluent? 0f Mo‘n ; '33ch 13mm of mo hnnbeet fifty theee 150111105 fipafia' tings anb tightpent '- I)?!” at ‘Pcmbtoke, the 9am of 31: ee Maegan eight 150nm . . he¢onntp 0f Raanr ', m bum of sewn hamlet? an!) eighteen pm. , ihe 310nm of Haverfoed we, the gum of awe»: pennies ant: ten matings. £01311 0f Betwmk ti): 911m of an»: nanny. .. _. ‘ m which 55mm m mamas“ at 35c i5 9:333:31» 521m mufeflfiflflwws an. 9 C9 3 ‘ ‘ {mg by the twitches am) ethet the 333139;: nues thetet'n mentinneh, Sheath be immune?) am). amount to a greatee; math). I; name then they We at the. time af mamng the fail) eageeement ~, 0; any othet fiepenue m ghoneps than. be when m amen) to the; em: ,nt'; the @mnnmnmealth , in: fut-h; (We them that! he a :pgopeztinnahie abatement 0f thefatb filamethipmffeffment 5 ' 33%1915 ; nets the ‘- 1mm, mutate; arm as @unci ,r in putfuante of the Imminent? tebenthms‘ tide of the .efiubetmuent, I an?) ofthe Jain amazement. mm wetlamtton afoufaih, emu _ fog pzehentt’ng the earthen mm was at: team’ng fteecquartee, which mutt ether; wife. unattainable fall? u‘pan} this flatten, EDI) mam ant) Mews, ---fiha;t the rain Sum of iheeeftoze thnufanh Warm 112 gm 1%?33; gm; . gggtbs e;— cpmnfima ugh. .s—g m 7;: W . , « a of December we thoufann up hunbzeb fiftg - fmw ,~ ant) eating the feat; anntmentteth bay of. June .flDne thoufannihe ham: en fifty finer, ’ ahaltbe- flank», metre? 9 ,. em’eb , acumen mm mm , in the febetal mantles am: Mates ', in {tech manec- , [mm by fuch mam emu means , an!) aememn to the fen mm! mm ant maximums; be me heeem fat: mum ant - epazeffeb .; may ~ he ,QDIW am inmate metal (Eamuutsmnets am: nthceg nominate?) annmentioneb in the 'befnzeemmn’nnen, act , antg {nth nehets ‘ ass-“by an? "amatthat mamas; I) . his. Iainhnfis tbeéieoee women: am {3:5 mm, heme been. ante amen as hummifa fiancee , m to mm; 9f them as. b? the gig; 7“ ‘ (1‘0 ) 2m are theeennto‘ e’efpeetinelh anthoe‘ieen, as fife, @tettit‘e ann put in attentmn ail ann enetp the aenmets ants ”anthezittes foe the flffefs‘ing, iLenping , (flattening ann way; fng the pzefent 9n: ghoneths zlffefi'ntent hereby appninten ; as alfo the ateeats at at! tanner. taffefl'ments, which they: han 02 were impnmeteb t0 date an?) mettfi'e by the-Tam tettteb met, in; the affefsmg , alienating, iLemn'ng ann aeapment of the afnzefain EMF moneths mffieffinent of flDne hnnmen ann' twenty thonfann aeonnns by the mannah :5 ”Ann fee the bettet effecting thereof, the Te: metalL an?) tefpectine @m‘mtfsionets fee the {am tefpettibe (aunties, titties ant: inmns,‘ [hall meet togethet at the mutt common ann nfnal plate of gheeting , in each of the fan): ¢nnnttes, mttes ant: 1W tefpetttnety,: ' 011 132°thth tbt fitmentteth Day Of February; flDne thonfann . ftp hnnmen fifty tone. (an the wnmmnmm’enetgg n; to many of them — as that! then ant: thete attenn m be BMW; that! put this mefent flDznee in execution, fee: the imitating , wanaging, ienptng ann: winging in the rain agaonethlp. infreflfment hetebp teqnnteu; am that! then, if they fee- canfe, appm'nt a Menu afienetal £13an on: o; befoze the jfitft ban of March then next fol: taming,- to the mo the males ant. mutations- afnzefain may he an is We netlaten, tinteiy: pzofeenteb anb abfetbeb, ,fo asthe full 911m of the ma: ee 99th Wntent, (1)813: gen upon e Etmfion, 39am,19attll) ann Mammal? be at ante wholly match an!) pain in to the -t¢fp¢6flbc ineteimMEenetal at 0: Won the 113mm“) my 0? March?” ~ ‘ t on: _ (u) thonfann fit hnnnzen A fiftp font ‘,’ ann thelat; 1w azhzee glanneths ztfl‘efl’ment to he aifo fats.- .tp mtletten ant: 192111) in to the tefpectibe 33¢;- teinetsgdfienetai, at at hefoze the imentieth may of May then next failnming. zine it is .fntthet flDzneten , ilhat in cafe the man an?) manet nf affefst’ng hp a Saw-en ann 190mm grate, in mm feet as: it pzefcethen by the rain mite!) 2m- , that! pzobe pzejnnitiall am) oh: attractive to the Winning in of the 91’}: monetha mflefl'ment afnzefatn, by the times ltmtteb foe paptn in of the fame; 3: hat then,' an!) mall {nth ta es, the rain 'Qtnmnnfsinnets tn any of the {am atonnties, mate, atomns augments. tnthe {am an: mentionen, when futhmbftentttonz {hail be at happen , n; the main; part of. themptefent at then: asenetat: meeting, map, ann— ate hetebp anthem en fez tbefiemnbal nffnch flDhtttuttionsfinmoa teen awning to themott inaanb equal-map of: flatterhelntnfnthmlaces , " inthe mot: (toningflebpmg ann Qtffefstngthe t gettine mung charge!) upon them ant: M230 them, attesting to the mutations of an " zeinante eff-the (Eighth nf‘Junc, tflDne thonfann-fit hn-n; been fifty tent , to; an mflefsment fog .- so; mutths thereby appointee: :mnn the fete: tat-Ann ,tefpettibe crammtfsinnets , Met: bemwmetal, f mutants , bnmaollettozs‘, anemlothet petfon‘s, mhn ate netbaube 3m»: tenften‘ oz flfmplopen in the ztffefstng, item’s ingflolletting n; 33em’btngnt' the {am 91p ‘ ginneths mffeffmentepz any part thereof are ‘ eh? enjopnen ann require!) to nbfeebe ch W5 an!) mutations as fhall ftnm tn‘neto that hemane an!) gttnen fozth by the flaunt“ . ‘ p? ( I‘z ) ' {tenets fauna itcafizwmbytbc " ‘ " " ~ . m amnflsmmm fmtbzmwmnp _ ‘ of tbengmanmmtcmmg the wins. 1— m: mmamm, am it 23me @mn, that in ftcabof tbs inafums at mars mm thin the {am 21:: , tbt finamafimatfm tbtsmbm gnflpmnbs mmmtmu be; am an bmhp authnuscn am .immmtmm flaunt ftom t1): mammdfimmmf w; rz‘ipemhe mama's, «mics mm 19mm, ant warp or than, an can that? the Sumo!" @0116? bnmtm immffcfimmw, Quench ann wamfmfljzfam Mp flow zlffzffimut, oz othmmfz as wrath; am m gins mama mm mm, aunts ._ mam fad) Catamaran in an!) about them: mitts, in as fun anhamplz mafia); mam) pandas, as: wer‘luanuaaat mac (mmn’onw m rm tam Clot) by the {am 21:: , n; by one flDzm’nana of mania: am tmmtbnan of Jungmwwfannfismw men fifty four,- cnfltmtn,=- Angardiww Continuing a Committee for the Army, and Tm:- _ filters at War, mm imminent) ant: 2mm 00 mm: tbtfam mmmzpmm 0% t9“; germane comm, ms am: mm; mm chew Inf than , an bath? mmmuh Mama to make 931mm of ram few ral 92mm: which than bah? them mum of all am) am manta: 88D Numb; by 1mm bacof, unto John Blackwdtbe’ mm“, mm Richard Dean, chums, 3%!!an ml to; this when S»): 99W 31W 2;, itzlnd~Hall Londpléaztfl- meamdtgtpofifg“ ) _ attgmcn m t . a . mamas cxcbtqua ; m that at! am: 0:52 a " ‘ . (1;) . the Chequitta'nee am) .Czthuittetnees of the rain fieeet’bersadfieneeal for the Inhale 9i): @nneths flflefl'ment, that! be unto the fate afieeet’heesadfieneral to; the fate refpeett’be aunties , cuties an!) ablaees 5 ant to all other perform who than by beetue hereof pap any gametes unto them to; the purpefee afogefat’b, a fuffict’ent Ethcharge. ' Tbmfday tbe Eighth y February, 1654.; ‘ ORdcred by His Highnefs the Lord Pro; teétor and the Council , That this Orr der and Declaration be forthwith printed and publifhed. ' ' Hen: Scobell, Clerktft/Je Council. ———i w“ RARE KD 5338 .A3 16 54 N3 an." a“ iLL DSPC R5338.“ AfiaARE; IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 01 0-007246731