SIX Moneths, Fro111_7wze 24.16 =;4. for II1ai11tenance ofthé + Arm ies and Navies of this Comirnon--vvealth, at the rate of 1 2 0000 1. per menfem‘ for the flrfl three m0Q€th8. ‘And at the rate of 90000.1. per mcnflam, for thin lafl ’ three Moneths thereof. 1 V ,(forthwith Printed and Publifhed; Landau» Printed W by William d'u-GaraIVanAd Hem $11.;-,«, Prmtersflis Highneis the Ldrdvrdreadr, 1654- FOR SSESSMENT FOR 1/ ‘ I ‘ f . V 1 K . , A H n ‘ I , ' . ‘ ‘vV'. ‘-*3, 5 ‘ . W v 5 V ‘ ‘. ‘ ‘ “ ‘ 3"‘ V .. . ‘ H. I , W K,“ ‘~‘ ' my M « .. M nu C .._.—n9‘!n..__...__ ..... Tammy yr ,4 Rd€r€dV_ by A his Highnefs the Lord Ptdteélor, and His Council; That this .Ord in;m‘?C¢':‘: be Hem ScobeI1,C1er1; A of the Comzcil. sin-.——— V and Names of C5mmm.I~wealth, at rhe ; ~poundAsyerme:2femgfox Andat*h€Ara=€°f.niw=rrhovfind p“0und A *pW..menfim5for'thelaHthree mdneths. A A - W ’ %€g3Bhfl1f’fl1t)IiJfi%tiD9¢é=f aw “‘ ‘ ‘ ' , . , ‘ “ ”".g*’tf'; 3 “ ' ‘ ‘ on 1 ‘ +_ I ' -- . 1 H . I ‘ ‘ ‘ . ' 1" ‘ ‘ ' ‘ q 5 49’ \ y ‘ ‘lb ‘ ‘ ,, ‘ NH“; ‘, . 4’ ;; ‘ :1 ‘ ‘ 3* , 4, . we ilnzii ma: - . . 1 r , ‘ ‘ r ‘ “ so ’ ,. W I '». , ‘U ‘ ‘ v n ‘ F W .fi» W‘ I‘ "Y, r ,4 ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ r “ 5; - . ‘, - ~ 1: ‘ V1‘, I ‘ (370) mm mm tmen fugtbm mafletias‘, commencing tf)¢ , few» mm tmentietijhapof A onewoutann ii; Ijunmm fifty fom;,¢A~~¢ann znhing tljzi ¢11f11e%ann tmenttct!) tbrmfattfivounbs per menrem, bay of iS%3.%>:%t€='f1!3er fulinmtng; %£nIa of nmecp ti)oufa:%n%m;nnns mmfem, W tbzeemonetias W%fIIi1Ie!1t¥it‘t%tb“é faihAnineanfitilimtitw of Ssp~— term Itegmoufattn fivfJW‘°39Dfif‘P four. ant %mbing gefibe aabtmwti¢“tDDaP0f December f0iiflW1@s 11)$811%%h¢ WF%%A%»41% F°11I¢lT¢D, Ictwen mm pain E::m*,I%and% in fat!) fmt afi Dcttaftetwi;étpififiéfl fiibat is to fay, £132 fain ficft (\tbzee«;;3§inD,nctDg‘ Qiifefsmeut at one 13mtDz2nann%[tmentga tnoufama pauzms by we macaw), mm the font arm tmmtiety nne,%tI)sufannavfi ,mtJummiJ,~fift9~fuur,m fG110l1Ji1I!3av A u;;1iA tug «taxm, couecm%,.:_mJL?~¢tu atmpamtn 1:133 %¢E0ixtttitE;& «11I_iflV8W5‘,% Mmmns ant: wanes am! ‘®13ttItII5, ~S!31jflLi‘;f Wéwif ”’ H 7} 1&j *?.5%$lEE3?i§JflflBl2Xlllllfifllaf tnitszg‘ T % ag N ¢n}J&:bp %a%*ial:c %£t%afl5 :.1%Aati&tll£fIt;7, % @nt:ftt!I*¢D%‘*‘§%4% for “an AH}:ism;c‘nt;x zit; ;he «.rEite_ of ¢ oz1e%gh.un%dr€d ‘ and twenty ‘ t.ho1;fand:j3;."C>%unds byflie? M0néithi..%4fOr‘ fix l\/I0A:1§*1fI1s from tffifive égd tWs:n!;+Zet;h day of%i7ccember one Vflg?fV 71 %% %% % % % %'M%MV N%P ”‘%xv»” ‘~%"7 . % 4% % : %,- ‘:,%u;»na+g?+«»dqi ”flwWNM%§E~fiflNrV * ’ * ~41 3,; "enfumg%~tWardsA:t11€ A In 9 I‘ 81! 4 tie a T” ‘M. , , cs 1' 2'‘ ;'‘w,. \ ‘ ‘ ‘ _‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ X " “ “Z'"¥'v~.f#*‘ ‘L ‘ 1: ‘ ‘ ‘H’ ‘ \ " ‘. ’ w » - “ "W! ‘ ‘ Mm,‘ " ‘ ,,, - H j‘ ‘X’ “ “ ,1 ‘ : ‘ V I ‘y‘.,_ ‘.,A [:1 ‘j j 7 ~ ‘ Q r ’ I .4 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 2 “’“ ‘ ‘_; ‘I ‘J I - ' ‘ V. ‘ " * ~* ‘ V mu lmblth « ¢ ¢.s4J ‘LN-a:aw%v».% :~ : V % fl% _nu: * ww * W ( W , M1,». W ‘ W ‘ 9. ‘. “ J; W‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ .‘ U“ , ‘ “ .‘ ‘ , _ -W“ H “ ‘ ‘ ‘V “W. _,,‘ I , _ ‘ ‘ W 1 v, “ 5;; ’,>\, my ‘ ‘ . _ u 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ , ‘ ‘V “ I ._ ‘ \ ,‘ * ‘ ‘ (4 5 J ‘ ‘v ‘w"‘\, ;z, «.,~‘~.‘ 4.. J; ‘. ‘ ‘ ‘ -.' ‘ ’ .¢ 4 ‘cg "“ H ‘ ‘ "‘ “~ ‘ - r “ ‘ 1 ‘ , ‘ ‘ .‘ ‘ «\ M 4, w W ‘j~ uh‘ ‘gm ‘M H » . .1‘ wk. . \.~ “ ' ‘e¢n.; u '1 ~‘ »- ~ ‘N 4, ‘ ‘ ‘~ ‘ ‘. ‘ ~ V 1. ‘ My . It ‘ 3“ V‘ ‘ 1 » n 9' 7',"“’W“‘:‘ §*'W 1 u:_ W 1' ' ‘ W‘ ‘ L1‘, ‘ ,‘ .‘ B ~ 0 ‘ “ v . " ‘ ' ‘ \ m ‘. ‘ ‘ ‘ _ ‘ . , ‘ ‘ ‘_ , , r, W‘ ‘ ' us ‘ r‘ ', r ‘ V‘ - ‘ H .~‘ w \ - ' " F ‘ W" " ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘T J K?“ a. mu‘ ‘ |\ v ~. - ‘II 9 ya ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ w .. M», ‘ “ 2‘ ‘,.o 9‘, my -rim ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ , ‘ ‘ ‘ H ' M ‘ “ ‘ W v ' , ; ‘ V’ ,1 ‘ »;'.‘; j ‘ 17.’ W,’ ‘‘*;;~‘ '~ ‘ ‘ A‘ W] ‘V-_ ‘ ‘W , ‘ ‘ vr ‘ \" - 1 u I g‘ «D r’ I: W W ‘X ‘ M?‘ 1; ‘ J‘, _I:‘ ‘ J4‘: B “ V. W.‘ MW £5‘ 4‘ M W: , "W X’ ,:,_;‘,..r » ‘ , . ,3‘ 1;, 4,2 5., W * ‘I H I Q ‘ ,_‘H M. " 1 ~ “ % ‘ w .w M‘ . . ‘ Hm ‘ { Ky, 9‘ \ um ‘ 4 ‘ ‘ - “ ‘ v: “ « ‘ ‘ ‘ > , .3; ‘ .. ‘ ‘ “.;-MW,‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ - ,3,‘ ‘ ‘ti3»:- Mazetasb , fibatxibe (V7? %g:§§;:<:;3m”an%Vpfliltmfi mil“ n“v.:’nf€xn»~ $2 W i:“£f‘$€1L’ Ebzw fifwfsztiezat ta Acomnimce gfmnn ti)! g:*mm1wniz2efi)V nsf Sr:>;r%»r~:~*rn¥r>er, we muafann [ix A1§;;m:*si2:e1n fif*t%p form m tijzfim aam%tm21mrctb T if :3:)%?'€3&"‘1}1¥L3@f £321’! Efiwt ffliiflflfifigg mmflififi \ {mu mam def mam: %:%*fi;f§m2mintcnanre aftm+€a:’m mzniess {mm . uf“ri:i5 ¢o:1xs1unn;meam), fmiifm; entry % @;;.3car;*ne:ti)”f we famtmzz%unew5be aifeflw, awn, iebyeh am pm: in we febeml floutaties warm places in ~ma~g1a;:zd. mm Wales zecco2h£ng% tn we fzmtalamnzna arm pzopuztiang mtteaftev flgpggficn, xiii.%fDZ¢13fl3PQBU»H2$D of the min flaw t¢v€b2ee.anetb5:.% V % nmijt «Eountp 0'? Bt‘dfo=*d, the mm ofotté Anufaun mm gunmen pomms. % mic «mount» '31’ Bfirksn the funmf one tbm'z- {mm font bunmen pmmns. ranncixbmmzen annfiftp pputans. . £32 fljmmtv at’ Carnbrxdga. tmfumnf one twufaun ham: nunmen arm febcntcm pflfltlbfi aim tut ’€htmngs~ x tbaufxmanne gunmen pounns. A £98 finumpof Cumb6r1anAd, cm am (If 31% we funmffnupbunnzen fehenty 1:;mo%paunns mm tmfl)t1iing£;. ¢ mjefinuncpnf Bucks, tijcfum if one smug g fibc~¢nutttP~nfCI1eflm~,t112fum ofnme tum-j wbgmatm némtppnunw. % j £1.37? EH3 ¢0:llII$P4DffU.¢ WW? 0flChweH€r, V! tigz of one Dlxnmcn ant: ten ounus. . ‘ , fine mmntp of Cbrnwalh ‘t fun: mm % werumurone W Eaxngzkcn. thirty cigljt panning, fzncntm: (mg E % magmas Wm M 5 :$ijmé§.”émM‘§3aa§}mmz€%pnmmfi.,. éiaam aeigfiafijmmzm fim,yE%mmafi~un % (353) r flmazaaipw’ n;:«¢o::,m2 E3..z;amaf“fi3,m €:%,zm,z~ V A A_ 5+ g ?' V Mpmtm fiiaaaaaw mmgma’ ' af E.xo:2,t§,aa 4 man aé~*fi»m2%2%;am@zm €mm%i1>»£i5.,b;z$*gj;$;ma':«:;%;z§. % % A A‘*y::?$‘a%z;é:a~:ma%;:m:"a*s%«;~r;’mm fif£eezz%fi3%i§izagaa.%”% ¢ A M mz;;~§~:m23 fiimfzzzafi fl$~mm §m.a::a *amm'? may Vpm,¢1na.a$ mwifiafi ¢fi3é!img«5% 11 the mv mm ézfimiaiy $%§i‘>+a,:m?t*1*;‘ &‘%}*§%i§?;*ag5¢ ? M §:?é§M"mzam mfm% » "'§:i”mz%f:a2a‘® fig gmmzenas A sum mag fifimzfiaaattficaaazipi mi‘? ?"0<:*v‘e:. £333 fifimfif a$;w3.w:$. «manna mi Y<.zrI~£ 3 kg; Qimamp mf we @:*w M 1’m~&a,, the funk of "wages i*i3mfi*s%E% aim: bvmmmVanbfifllimm %Auimm5~ V ‘me ifiamazanaafinuawy afK¢:yngfionup%an V $i}s:%{1mz;mfei§g§}tp £;m¢zn%psf1zaa;?:~a5.,% 4 ”?;s*::i;;3efc mum? mg hfim fi,m"um sf man mm: {mm fiZ’%i}uiH1“»z€;B munmx. ’ faaim fim §)mm;yenpu%um3s. * A Diwififi mama T fiAfwA"G10ucfiflfi%rnwfiftmt of man 4G$1c)z,;ce-4 ‘ Ianfiutamwfl’¢Axéommfi» agmge tumor nu:znma:%:naxznepoms; T A fiflfltif? $5 i~i:;°rtf'o1*¢{,€b£ {HIKE nfmwtDou- 4 % .4 ‘ ezgm*buramm%pnn:gnsz.»' 'i”1';i9 W»01%I1¢P0f1“i1rnt1ns:-atomtbfifilmfiffiifibt nzznrm A % A wt of%Ke&nr,mity?% the my ann fiififimiiih 1'»i”°ib mums» v u'L.."ur Vnbwwzevnoun A Q «m 23¢ flaunwfif Hfi=1*tford»fij£ fangofonttbyr °f°n¢ % (5595 A fflijfi mm» of Li€C€f’5€i3flj€t_fi’!fi!I!®*f m»mmnm~ mam mm maam;emp%ums+ % W Qimanwmfi Lmrsoimp ‘MKA ‘% QVBRKW 35? E98 QEW 0? L-%m‘=3fl»% fi)¥%¢4'fi13EW‘5aD¢f Tame wmzmam fifm@uam2m[@«mmm~:s+ 4 fifitltlmm mumm- ”1?":.'i; m::aizwn%’ Lemon» mm mm Tot’ 6% mm» faanbpfiunm V A ’fi,1)e<£mamy40f h/1i«é%ci1€f€w:,mimwe Mtip mm fiiherfiy mi \’Vti1rm1fla::*2*; rm fumuftwfi tijnw faunatbmmnmmnnmms. “mas fmunty uf Monrm>=s=th, fbtVfumof fix: mhc mu tp mi" Nc2V:*tF42an1pto:a_;, tblzfmnoforwi fi,isamfatmetg‘i,1;st ijunmn puzzamm % T J % fihefinuanp of Notclngglmnttje mumfaumz ¢;I).ou1’annnzw1)mtDzen my one mums fixfm K1135; A V ftixntnuoftmctg eight puunttfi foucmn aya- rm. “ Y ¢ + [ * % awe flaunt? nf Norfolka A fi)¢ fiumm of W % fogincn: tboufann I11: burmzen mm fifxty Qflllfllifib flaw mtp ant: mrmtp of the wt? of V % awe myuugp gt‘ Nworthmxrnberlandgtljewfumnf » »vic1:a$merunxm sumo 1N9D3‘3”3 ”fU11t~ two bvmmentijittv Wnwflfifieifihtflotllingfi fafihfflmi mum anbfift? nnunns. % .. % .:%%9“ ““'°“"‘P "5 mm fnuwmce; £132 mama arm msuntp o£.I~Ic>ttin;:ham, mm A 31112 flown crf Nexvtaflleatfozw wane vuannsfifmn Ebttlinm £99 (g*nm1tynE0xongtbe rams mtei1)oui§ ®bmwrhr%Rut1ma3tnc»fum min fiftp=Apounns; Atbééfxtmm nfboué CW) *fl)aufatmfehzt11)iz:1Bzen%pn‘mm. « ‘ w ' me mum» of scatters: am: my mpnf I_,iu:htie1d, tbs rum: sf umtmufmm $mem;*; mmmunw. % *fl)e mmatv%o{S " - ‘* ‘ ., ‘ g H.‘ 3 _ > ‘Wu I ‘_ “ I V ’ _ M . flu‘ ‘. V , :1’ - , ‘an \x\ A ‘ ‘ A ‘ “ ‘ ‘ IN‘ ‘ - “ ‘ ‘ ll ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘W, L ‘_~- ‘w;,‘ ,,,_» “ 1 ‘ ‘I _-‘m \ “ . ‘w .,;, ‘ ‘,1 * I“ ‘ J - ‘ ‘ . “ -av‘ W - ‘ ‘ "‘-: H» ’-.‘ I‘ " "" “f I ; ‘, “QM *5 :vi_.‘*" -‘* - “ ‘ 5 “ ‘ " ;.’5L- ‘ ‘-* « . x y.’ A " n, ‘ w 4:“ ‘ ‘. . ‘ “ ‘ G3"? “ ‘ " “. ]‘,. ‘ ‘ in » 'u“r;‘_,mW/ ’ 1' . “ T _‘ ""3 " ‘ I" ‘ ‘ , “ ‘ gm “ . ' - ‘ « , ' V \ - ‘ ‘ ~ L “ v ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ 1“ v » ‘ ._ ‘. ‘ _N W H » . . W _‘ ' "3 "* v H “ .. V; N, ,, 4;» M. ‘ I/ w , ‘r’'» «\ “' Sn" ; ‘ ' ‘W W ‘Hy if rw ‘“ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ t» , ‘ ,1 H: ‘ ‘ “Z \ ‘ ‘ ‘\ ‘z ‘, ‘ ‘ “ “ N av. . 55! » g ' , , , n ‘, ‘ ‘ L A ‘ . .. v ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ _‘ ‘ ‘ 3-5! "5 ‘AA ‘ ‘ ‘A of ‘ ; ‘M J. } W ‘ = 1." “ i ,1 m u, , - , ;, W 1 ‘ . ‘,_. ‘ _. ‘ ‘ , .4 , M, '5", . . A “ , . ‘ ‘ ‘ M.‘ “ r ~ 1;. ‘ 4 * a ‘ .r , ‘ . ' ‘ p " > 5 F r v. 2 « R < , . anD¢fl3a11bahc,ufz, ep:etcife,"ann pttttn epeg xitizfi, fog tDc2{iIt%ffing,*mn11¢ctin5» WE, arm IJ3~?%i1T%B mefmt 1'1W;1]W L 5 ‘53‘l1'=~’ i{patn,asa1f_ nf all ffi:ganet:*2(f:: cfments whiny ~51» n A etmg as 111‘ an txemmpxtje was am: appmt r Iain “,Fl't¢“ act, ah i ing»%~&w",~ 5‘ ‘ ‘ ;,;;, “ ‘ .,~_ “ . “ 7- “'1 ' 1» ‘ w W N‘ “ “ ‘ ‘v ‘ . , ‘ ‘ J‘ . a w ‘ 4 -~ ' ‘ Q - 1‘ _ x n ‘ T‘ ‘ " ‘ ‘ "4 t ‘’ I “J V . ‘ “ 3 t V‘ ” I tr)‘ *n ‘ , ,‘ ‘ “ ‘ ' ‘W ‘- “ ’ 1 \ A . ~ » v n: ~ ~ ‘ “ « ‘ "mu 4 ,2 I as I 4 ‘f “ 5 "111 V%fefrn%ent%1) euem»a;%« mm: tn 2 V cum A v ‘M! , ‘ , , H , ‘_,,.f H» ' . , , 0 . 9 é u ‘wart at an‘ A M é » ‘ M‘, ‘~~ ~ ~.~.~a we >~ », é \ , v»,‘L‘ ‘_ “,3, ‘PH 9‘ V, )1; , ._‘ ~ I J ski ‘ in I fr,’ ‘ ,1‘, ,‘ 1,, ‘:‘,w_ , “ , “ ‘ I " M "" "V “ " I ’ ' ‘ ‘it A 47 “wt ‘ .8‘ W.‘ H F ' \ ‘) [ “f ‘ V. ‘ I F l ‘j ‘ Wm‘ "‘ v m, V " J9: ‘ xv‘ . ‘ \m . ' It , », ~ , ‘ v V . L I‘ E 5* _ . u.,, vr,,..;';,, 4: my I, ‘W ‘ H k _ ’ ‘ 9 tum wsmn‘ » ~ % ~ M, , :r:‘~ “V3; ,1‘. I A“ My , 1*. J’, ‘kw’ H1,” ‘\ ,,, y ,5‘ fl’: ‘ 5» W I M ‘ we maeift y B11113 W V cm‘ , " 4. ~st'1) l’,v'~'.“\"l,“ ~.", 5. ,@ecei11z—ts cum; % fi;£’¥fikffi3‘c‘ti)c {W flfFJW'g figfiil 1? ’ " m p Df0c’,t<>bcrne):t 4’ Min fizz; 57., 1 matte 2m:.,Vv¢,£en~n‘n¢en, C37?) L a , 1'“ffif‘?1:; ’:§"‘9'7* as ajattcnmarmp H V wt< mcutm3x,, fittanafimfi % , é “ “(A ‘ ‘J ' *3‘ “:', ', 4 ‘ ‘ ‘ M - V \ . ‘I wwu, , “ ,,, wk, .» ., - , I H M‘ vk ,. » . W " 1‘ M ‘ " “. ' ‘ A ‘Q \ ‘ “ . ~’ -3 w v A V '. , 3 ' ‘I x Q . ‘fl . _m‘.. _g_ .2j,. " ‘ , , 3, ‘ ‘ 7; l '_ L w 9,, 4:, Cu’ , ‘ v « .~ I! ,, - , . ‘ " ‘ ‘iuwaa '3“W‘° ’ “ ‘” ?f .,1 Y“ .. » z ‘ ‘I ‘y, ,,A‘,,‘ I‘, “ " .‘ .y -*9 n M (,4 ‘ ‘ ‘um " ‘”’vQ. : . » 1 M; W‘ ,4 n . . fcrmm, ,map news 15 befoma ciaren,tmi ip anv effm:tu¢a11p pgofccuten ann otafecnm, fan as t ofwefifttt tum imths %,a1:cn , upon eacy”ntntann,,1)ufm W ,h,‘‘ V _ . \ .rf’ ,{‘\ ' M ‘ ‘W- 1. ”‘n‘:d“ JV ‘mi 1? n >“‘4 I, 46' y « , «M. "V, nzen,n%ai'ifb5&tIfiMApAl%a:tcgmap be¢at,once1hi)u.:c. lp Glfiollecteijn anh payn in 1:0 the-,%... teflpccttne 11$ % *1» , 1* a Mr ‘ « « , ' ‘ ,*«>s;{g: ‘ ‘ ,:~ , s 932;, .‘ 1 ‘ W3, -3 L ‘ ‘I ‘ , ‘ r . , . M to e my % =* ml“; aw; :2 “ i fit? tbfinwp B it i5 iattth? mmmc?a,a«a*% “Ia T~9,8t.~1ncafe%ema? 02~1:n~afincvof ,5 (I5 4 ¢ - caahcnbytbefaiI1AteciteB ;~ ; 9 M x um: rzgc:;wi?c;::cc:¢ V. ‘ , ‘ah ~ .. V \ I‘ W44?’ ‘L1 - w :v, ~ :12 * ;_,~¢‘ 5‘; «W. H; V‘ ,, Q ‘in ‘ W. W, ' ' M‘ W ‘.5 '<‘ 1', , 3‘, , ,,%£fanh*po»unnr*atc in , , p. ann pbflmctine R of the men: ft; 9:19 o11ti)s t1J%¢nW,5foz ‘pavtnm'n%0~f%the mm in ,a1Ifumca;f4:s the ,‘mm,p!acz§;*mti37e%fmn _n53 V V rfigfi-§,~4> A % W A §-W‘ ‘ “J“",4':w“‘ "' =':'.“w .,—“ “r, “ml”? , ’~ "'[}‘h::..w’,_'““ .‘ 4», ‘-3 “I"-H _ W W’ _ 1;; ‘ ‘‘?‘!}w‘‘ 3"‘ « I“ "' . mm €’wfi%MA ea 0% ~ as r « W ‘ . ‘ 1.»: " ., t we “Wat at flifi " % “ % .% ' 2%" “"“ 1 »a‘n1mre% 1 tzw% * - . I, _‘ W ‘ - W: "i."-V-‘ ""‘ M’; sfiv. N 1 ‘ Am . , é «_ flaw f§w2"%ib?:§»¢1I1fiW , if e%ema%1 % mes m ; fi1:s*:v2 »‘.$‘ .. .33‘ ‘ .,, “Q. e1v9i~- Mi‘ “ ' . ,i??_*_f ; V ‘ ‘ ~ ~ I . ta aw meta Tafw fix Y‘ A em» 5 vjilfi. ii’ Iv A ':rI1 V‘ W ‘I 1, ~ A m..« M Wm 3“ ~ ~ . " %3oTEcr?Ran& “Wm _‘ ."~ /1! ‘ M \_..¥‘ w/:4‘ ‘ -M ‘X A Elgbtzflday 'f75é,3‘4hji'z7w’, ’ 1634.. A Y and ‘afé hereby conftimttzd ahd appointed Commiflioncrs for ch‘: Aifcffinc-ms, in the fevcral Counties and Places here undcér-e-. written refpcéiivcly ;_ and they are; hereby impovvrcjcl to A6’: as Com miifioncrs, as full , to’ all inmmts andfpurpo»fes;”as any the Commit1_ioneyrs+namfcdy do, by this prcfcnt Ordinance. ’ w Rdereci by His HighncfsrheLo:%d. P¥i.¢rwr<%R ansiffié Com: c I L ,that“ the ,fev‘1‘““° A Efquircs. Eamueiflous, % am we «mm inf Yorkatw the ®'“'¢ °5 Yurk. “ H A ‘AA we R¢bcf¢Berwick % jmgtbe canufitie Of C3mb*i"%g' IA ‘(£91, Robert CaP:Ie.¢ % 4: E 3 Agricola V56’ayW:*' s m$~,%"‘ réié‘ uh», ‘ ‘, M10‘: W auntie nf%W0fC%€fiF¥- . ; John Egiokca % _1olz:n§atir(fan, :Efq*uirts:M Richard Vancon, M 3mtI)7¢ <21:nuntg%cgf 3! 9«‘8%‘“- an “M15: “‘,“‘$*“' Robert Will ianfis A Nvtllory. % Awixxiamvamczor Em; Wi11iamBafTcttV;1 f M1*s¥