_ And there continued by feve’ra1=Pirorpg;sitionsi, Anno Regni Q . R”EG‘ 15 I eflnglize, S come, Frdiicioé Sc Hibernizé, DECIMOi N‘ONO_. % ii At the Terlzzment begun at W ejlii1'ihflei~ the Eighth day of May./Irmg pm. 1661. In the Thirteenth Year ofthe Reign of our molt‘ ~ Gracious Soveraign Lord CHARLES, by the Grace of God, of I3_fzglandsScotlanda France and Irelemd King,Deféfider of the F9.ith‘,cZ9’c.’ to the 18"‘ day of September; 1666. then continued to the 8"‘ofFel2rz4etrj fo1lowing.And thence Prorogucd to the 1o“‘of O£l0‘l2er,1667'. -——j CAR LI II. \ i O a-’ y / - x T Q ’"°5 ;£i’t;‘;i1’~’ 0'5’ A‘ W .;.t /% i iI.EV Mo. mté;. a h In the A I/'0 fl‘, 13rintedibZ"ifheZXffigns or grab» Jszzz rifioplaer Barker , His l -; and C * Ma;jefH‘ers Printers. 11666.» e —~s , e e‘vMA PiR'IVIc'LEG‘1t0i;‘ - » . r . ‘ . .. : V - " «- ' .54 ‘,4; » ' '. ‘ ' ' . , .;'« ~_x r ._.; 3 - . ' 4 . _ _ ...V - . ‘ ’ ‘ . 1» 5 . .4 ~ A._ < . ' ," . v... ..'‘..V’ . . : .. . —' . I ,, ~ .- n 1- ' 3* '_-_ 1.: . -_ 1- ‘ ._ - _ ‘ _ :3 , L " ‘PI -- H . __ _. \ .> a " r _ ‘ a V n ‘ ‘ ' - - . ~ v 4. " . v ,. . . _ A ' _ . ' ' « -’ . , ‘ '. . * ‘u’ .- .5 , ... .~ -~ -!"—Ir .' ‘ ' ' ’ ‘ ' I’ ‘ ' ' ' . ' " , ' 1‘ .. ‘ . :'- _ . .. .2 ., _ —: . ~. 7. . ' ’ ‘ _ ‘_ _ ., ._. _ .,._ 1. -. ., . 1 ' " ' \ ' . _ _ ... V _ __.‘ . ‘ _ n _ r " 4,, _ : ~..' ‘ a. an . p.» v- * 4 I ~ . ‘ , ‘ - . _' _§ ' I . : K . ' ‘ 4' .0 . , -. ; .. . I ' . _ V ‘ . ~ v. , n . . -. ’ A -. __,~« _ . «~ , . I "' .7 . I . *4‘ -I - " ‘- -!"."r' -I ~ . ‘ ~ '5’ ‘ . 7 v 01 ' An A8: an ggmng TWe1Vé%hu—11d¥.ed fi&$?‘5.fiX r%1ir§i2fand :hree*hu%ndr¢% %fufcy%%fevenpounds ;, :hir*ce(énfl1i11iI:1gsg to tI1ebK.i11gg%N‘I3.}i jeny, tgvvardsychaPMainze1aaa&‘Ee GE the prefent Wa:“.=A; L < l_>, I ‘ xv \“"fi« :7 » «: ¢ yawateaseanm . J ut:Eut.% atw;:.iLupaz: . rx?" , ,. .- / V. . ’ f P $«1*l0I15%,% f mmzntm itt 4 ~ §s%iFMt%!tantvm»&fwairma . " ~ %fl%IWi"§g§t§»%.%v2z=% 4‘ % W aM’“F‘"“"> Wihvffia W “"9 W‘ “ P°ur?tnn&V®:beum1t :%“'““3t§§a§’t%"E.3? ‘nmmflfiv tbo% , 3 &3“®zB11::zfiou:ctp.§$.Iah§n~ manna tbnttecn {Jam >. //5‘ 3 Co & ittfifi r%w*mfva:€;w nun‘ yawn manmt‘ fuI1on1§3;g;:;.%; am mi; % flti 2’ . yntofi 144 ANNQ DECIMO Name molt lauxnblh befeech pout %ajelf? that it lenlapfheeflfinactefiseefitlbhbfieit «Enema by the l aemgs ee1tID,'fij§f_ by am: .itb;t!3£ele e amzns éapteeleala flleeliefietlr: mans in this we en % arm by thezluthogitp nf.the£ame,3£hala the Sutllof itmelhehunbzeb fifth fir thoufann thzee lhuumebifonttp [even pounbs thitteen tliament aflemblen, \ umimgs, man he tatfen, lebien ante path unto hmllt Qfiajeftp within the [pace of eleven Qwonethsgn mannec following,» that is htqefah 5 | ,_ i whereas in emit by a certain art of 19:11:: liament lately pafleb, gltituleb, An A9: for granting a Royal Aid ‘lint eke Kings .M2lje{’cy of Twenty four hundie threefcoreeeimde efeventee-n thoufand -and % five h e dred pounds, to be raifed, levied and paid in the {pace Of;Three years, ‘flit was amougil nehet things Gfinatten, ihat the mun of filhzeelcozeemn eight thoutzlnn eight hmmlen mm nineteen pounnsahts rune miliingfi‘-,{§;b? the slwoneth, foe thzttp fu: Qaonethafconn the fine am: tntentxeth bag 05 December ,h£Dfl6 fljflllfaflhg fit fine toux,u;ov.1n bB‘&fl95.@ita”§5iWti§¢9bi lehien emu pain by tme¥§Wjflfi%mir1P vars nnents, in the Eehetal ¢ntt1Itf$3a¢i,tie5,, 150$" rouglls, fiiomnfi-arm places mithitt_Ehg1ancl ann Waks, arm theiromn def eBerVF’1eCklI1)DII Tweed, aecozhingto‘ etheleefeb zeal Elliatee earth. 1E>:epo2tlnn§,fat1h la ltlch>manz:e1:;ha§iI1fi)B. Fame an; is 91’/P.l¥.flED3’ mun *mhe1:ea5.:a1f0 in! @1113 he one othet 31:: of aeatltamiente pallet m the azaleas ifiatilantent mew 11212 ECA ROLI U.—R i§c;1ié; %i4§ fit’xf0rd;L’@i3€i$¥.l1£D; AnAfi for granting the ;SL1m _ of .;T W€_1V€ hundred‘, and fifty thoufand: ;4pounc1s=to tI1«4c.;sKii1ags Maj ePcy for His prefeziit:_»%fiuf»% L=;4r;h;c%r ,Su‘ppIy,%.5.s 5¢1!1l0IIgi’f ether. E:et£?,;w %im1mn,£l3at the gm: of mcy mm timuisstm %fnmi‘cu;z amt mm panama‘ fir~.a‘§n11éngseigE)t pzme bp%t13cJ 5J3nnzt§),fo; iimttttp %fa:uc%;@m12th§ ,” hegin1u’ng% teem ti)?" 51,32 i%!‘1DV}kf.t11?E‘h§f€B‘IZ§j Dec_€mbcr, %L®m them?!” Wimnhzibk WP} mm 6% gflxnuin he iiamzzfeaifcfleh,.%tam0,%‘cuIizcmi; ‘i1.E3JiED an?%B%% pain by fight :.Quartzt_12%p,a'p: % znmtsg in?tI;Te%1?weca1 Qtitis5; zxrsozuttgbsg :3Eo;mns at:n.piaccs within J%Eng1gga¢,jamn ~ :\’W1es ,. aim .;ti)zl. 'Z_['Wcedi , ‘£316?’ ml % ‘ at 'B* ¢fh2wfw»z % mm cw ;t1sau£a® B.£Tgb-ipvi-ytjrltttic imt: 'zmn ninzféwh;-‘p;anaB‘5.*iinDj1tifii?5.1I)i1= tings, as%V:.a:r:am:mon to, arm incxaafz of the " Catt! flfifltwflil? -2tff¢ffx1rwte_;’L :i'attoztri‘tjzg ’~*m *:&I.iiDfi§fti anbé,¢etg1;t;%p§}1:c¢ *6‘ xthz 3BfltB{5*‘% W9. ifizflvflztifififi NEW ¥¥5fi€*J[ i§9?*ii¥i3 t0%§¢t11ét fltl1Du!I£%uI1t_Dl)‘Ei9%I1R'I 9f~—,§®fi¢yunn;¢n~»gng tmsnt?:me $3:zin§~n;zfin2’w* ant» two . on, % one» the fan: Sum of .pDu1ID5 fifceén-'%Ibj11:ng5§ mg p§;1p%q¢bp§Ftp¢. ,. 3 flfionztn. m1nLna L§)¢Tt‘2wa_zg 5.; ’ ‘ant 9. V 3 Tutimt» 21:: at afiatlnammt %pz1€féDitI:t11f£;f64f;W% Id % §‘e££tat:z,@?&:ti£stI2n, Aé¥%£or"LgpAgng;;§fgfi§§;1*;¢ ' Moncthfy A‘H.cH‘ment tcg His Majeflys . 9,fl**I9f?3Wb“"9z°5§ja1ifi‘tIh. ume iJ%t1W3“3,.§E'*f:111s%% W90 i,lI)it:.- €¢££1n¢ut,° . * men Day of Dcwfibu-. £Dfi'é¢t{mufann~ Q 0% i)_::%uu2en‘-‘ 33 ‘I98 wk-Q ‘I. GS‘ § fit 145 AmDgE:%;IoNo‘g“o _ imnmm firtp mm mm, mm tubing upim $1)? 913.’ R113 t'l1)mfiBfl} B31705 January in 1 Same pair, fimum be aflazifen, tam, wllsnzm’, Iehizn mm path in the; f2bera1&€zuziuttcs, (fitting, ‘zsaznugbsfiinihats awn p1;m_smttl)¢ 1;; England any \X/ales, am) the flown of Be.rwick upon Tweeéi, ‘accmnmg »;t0 the cans arm pmpoztionz t_i)BtBitI erpzzfffcb % % fit is new f1wti3zt%QEaar1:enbp the rams. Ictmitp afozefatn %, 3£'i)zu: the Stun of £Dns buzmzen any fomtteén ti3e1gfan%n n1m,t)unnzen ann fljittfw pa-nuns eight llnlttugs fine pmc2%balf;pc1tp by the Qaouztb, fa; ‘Eleven %onzx13s.,‘ beginning fcom.:tije $:'):~_anD twentieth nap sf Jargua @112 tbnufann fir imflnzcn Lixgy ann fejbf {hail be affeifw, ta.m:.,~ 'wug€£%-5-1 gieaniwiganb =pau;~ group payments, at we £z%b%eAra1’¢ountte§; «mics, Ilfiozimitfiijfis £dmns%an%fip1acc5 mttinn Eng. land imb W ailesg mm the L1Tai1n1 7 of Berwick W011 W ¢‘5,§¢ aecoaningtoktbe firms, mics aim ,p2opn?zn‘ous , auo in incl) An1azu‘t2t“a3z& Qeteaftcr :s~%&r%12e££enA::«3Zbat «'3 to [;“?>‘ ‘3Fm than? thz;%%atn Gfijefben nzonerns, tljej j%¢EBi3ntp céIFo1¥d‘ , %%tim% fmtat 1 '- fI;’t%P*lI1D$;.§!13;£t1’?4"7iii¥¥fl§§; pence Q » amma or B¢.4¢,%a,gm... of temmy tbwa D §né%tzi;&buttn2sn gem: W fmfi 313% tmeé favtbmwif i¢oz%t~bc%¢VauntpoEB}mks,’3Emat1;aufama A-Ilunbml tm %%Dfluu;n£3%A?£utttttm- W93: 13231:)?» W for (3ARoLi IL Ram; ‘£4? jfnzwc czteuztty mf Cgunbridge, £Diie tbgu: fanh £m:z nunngzu m'netp%n11z pouxms eigsp I rréu 1I;:t%1iing‘s we pray I)a1fcpcnp. _ '%5FDfz/t1)Bjflfl,B§fif+_ fly‘, $zt_1d)ai1zbm; amt: Egxnttcén » piuznfis . ,tImtré1t% - fl1%:t1::1gs% wits owns. v . F ‘ §:3Fn;z the <£omtt:+pn€ Lhc&er~,«% 9.9112 thoufattn. tiI)z’é_é Ahuttbzen %ti)itfipfeh211pduunfi am (Dita Itiags fi.bAzpznm ? A » gr my: QEttp:Lt1j?i)._@.3tIn £p‘ o€.tI)z.€itp of Ciae1£er,flJf£: Iuiii ofifimcéfcozz mm tm4;outmg_ {chm l1)t1i,itig‘_scigI)t‘1J’cncé. 6 ‘g % gm znzjcafiuntpsrof cmm»m1,%t1)z [tun of 3tmn.%%mou£ann'£a1m: t1umm'n am: __£ebe:t , pouttD§ tmn 1§2nce%fa1:t;htng. . fez: tm @ount7?y<’~’af Cumberlanci, tije tum of 1TlJJfi‘i)ltnDmIi niuztgikmn am pouuns% tijitteftti llnilingfi fs2utAp¢ncé£ar£1)it1§.J% A V jfozfl tbevegoutttpph of Dcfb’y , tag tmn of £9112 tboutann fim Ijunnz-an ans -=6£tseéa poms %onetI:t1t:ns ‘tum’: ’;ae’nce% tmeé % am the wovmtv 0* Devon ».tbe mm of java tb¢iut £mtiJ lfh; buhbmq tenancy‘ _m:’ ounn-3' five 1I1.r11mQ3 Eiefizn pence late bin§~° , . a am thé my arm Qlomttvof tbs any of ‘.35 hi Exori, 1:32 *fu1'11%0f 551110 illiflllltb‘ énfi tom: pouubsé zigbt fimlings; {irpmcc t)a1f4)eny.% fa: tnawqntunffi gm fmfief i*iL~mo thoufimn %tl12w% bm1bzen”* ~poanns W30 D‘"‘¢’"9“w‘f‘1"“3’*5;% ‘ ifs: 1:139, ifimfi ¢3!%Dj£nu;t V e§j¢1?’<>9L* tn: mm of flstifiténmunw % iumgs elem nmce fatt:1)I¥¥E- - . "' L go? * 348 Dg*¢11';";5% Noazo /jfm%‘t!)s fiozxntp of Durham, the {mat of fins i)unmm%.%firty Bight poutms engbg rem mii1mgs%i;t1ho p2nc2%%fatti)tng; ’ A am the aétomttp sf York Iljittj‘-.4'the_%LoftbzV¢Eitp of 171t¢_¥3fi¢1d, the [nut 35 fimgeutv £1119. nouuns fittwnifi)t1iéng£I1insp%encz fattnung. % £98”@DtiI1t?"Df—fSomerfct,§ijBf1ml,Df3TDlIl3 gas nf Wight, we mm o’i£i12eé woman tbnnfazm eight ljuutmb {my sight’ pnunns eigiatwn wsllmgs ten panes tljzeé fats fins Qtitvfléénn Qount? of A%¢2£i£p of . miflol, the mm of ibzeé bunbzzta ann fifty Ibuunns fir filillings ftlitmtce farming. % I azilijé WDRIIIQ7 Of Southampton,’ §)JitU ti]? iaamitannvtoutwp of Southampton ant eight CA R 0 L 1 H. Réeziers; 1;; eight: Ijunnzeh my me means 11:: flmlings e {even pence. e dim fiogxntyzef Sut¥o1k,.£i)B fumof fiitei eimufama fehen tgmmeen nmetp four poems fifewit Qetllieegs meet? liezeee farming. , éi’§;ee<2tniemep :3ifSurrey, with tine moemegbfi of Sourlnvark, the fun: of man tijuufann eight buutozetn mm five pouubs elebeu wee tings fir pence laalfcpeny. aim ceountp sf suirex, cnefumbf me tboufann one imunzeh tttneep new peunm ;fiEeee7nfle)i11m§5 tme penp fhzee favcmngs. % fine «Count? of Warwick, math-emeuey ant: etonntp of tljeéntep ofCovémry,_ tbefum of in»: eeeautannann mnetp fem pountns fifteen miliilegs’ arm eieben pence. Elbe muetew of \VorcéI’cer, etbefum%ot‘ Que eijluufann eéghe tjuttmen fifty one pmuths ten fieeiiéngs amten pence. e V me @1317 we efloeztnep of we eezitp of \Y/'orcef’c»er,e t§]9%AflE!HIMfDf j$72iII9'fP'fBT3E’fl 130N135 nine wattage area fatthtngfi. 1 A "me eeauntpyef Wilts, the tum offibzee tbmefanh fem ehueenzen fiftpfihe pueuwg E2: iaeu Efiemmgeeoae gene iaaifspenp. % flbemuunep sf Weflmerland, the [met of Ema ijuzmzeagaeeb ei)2¢e~ pounvfi feftén fink tings eightpenceiyalfzpenp. 3312 $118 Dfm A11gle—fey,~e*flje7?2e*£um of JTIBQ {gunmen sum twenty peunns fifteen thus 1iug§anDtenpenee.e I * E-."2.[)eQZo1,1nt:mf Brexmock, the tuyzipf feat bunmen 11111813? fut panama Exrflnllzngs ti): £532 eounte as Cardigafilgfijfi rumemue * imam ED 152. 1510 %~%DE:»c1M;o ¢N1oN’o ; ijurmzeh 9i;gi)£Y fiFJ%B§0m%fis fittifiifiéfiifiiiigfi arm elebm penceti1mfami;éugs.*% A 3582 flaunt? oEACarmarrhen,t1)e tum sf 330% butwzet:A mtnfchentp eight mung ten (billings £23292 pence i;a1f:p2ny.\ ithz ‘muntp .335 %C‘agflnarvan\§ $119 mm ‘Sf 35.1130 ‘ bmtbzw fifty fziasm pnuxiw amen willing tbmfamtijingsx [ 913112’ «County of D¢nbigh,é ti):§3 mm sf fines lj1mn;m.ntn¢%t2%Atma gummy. tmtmn llsiliings tight pants ijalfspenyv. % . ¢°nuIIt{?A af..1?1i:1t, tbs fun: of fine; «- '_> . bnnnzza aim %s'igi)tp3t1nDsfi$£~9§tI. wmaugg I time new time farthmgs; % 2 M [um Uf $1131):-1i1IJzzD arm firt*g{fib2 pouuw fioiwwfn flnlléugs one new tim’; fartijmgs. ; 535338 (!EDutIt? I35 1\{Ier:io;1€th,%t{]AB%£lm-I DE ®ne bunmen [zmzntp [chm pmmfis am: willing ninzpmcztbzeé fattijtngs; imétountp Bf Momitgomcry, tilt imllflf Siam: ijmwzmzn zightp fiiJ2pminDs%zigi)teén flltiiings eigbtpzmc. ~ up % £132 Qtount of Pembroo,1< . we min :35 SW’: ‘bunnzzn febmtp ti)Ql§l5;.:p°unDg,£1833“ 3311111133 %£efi2up,zncAz izawliings. % ibmmnt ; o fi%Radnor, cm funwf flute bunmen arm pmmhs fine l!m1ing{5.tmn pmcz mm fartbings; 35193 .19 um?%VHav¢;rford-Wefl, ilk. Saw Tot azmentp ‘manna ant’ t13mzznA%a1%i1: ‘WES? ,1 maybe it Earth?/c Qfinjacteh bytbfi Katha: “tit? afozetatn, inst: auanb wet? ‘the pet: ‘ Eons mI;o* A " A 1'! 1' 5¢4,?ifitiiiiiT%9.‘ti%é‘%?%$%fif ,. [ ., % %ve«'m‘Lréna ba‘¢a2fimiwammfééigfuz 05 this mefm§.fl9I.t:s~= %~£w2r*a; / E E ca? '21. T6 “ _. . nfé %tb6m3 “ :3??? %%%&;1i §3&i‘>9 am1execu:e€ %':nz W WVW?%%anb 3vu%IwW %zws%an%%twemng; ;&fi2fim§; mi Ieainmabvéng, ifiectim Vffiafim tnvfa%U*.nz “imam arm W30 iitlfiwb an?! A%fi9;tIfiD:8; fail‘! 5% ‘£11; &nD%T,NhPV% ti)? W 3* i’Wi!?%;£,%% 4f01W3:‘PSz _ wing flfl %ii1z.e%z§t.N? 9190-t sign? imtnzzn aafi %mneww¢ nounns nine '5»-v.-9 W9 I1 91 be no fi1&1I=be;I:ahI¢:;u11tfis‘ ‘ti ceenwoz !.!??&P10P9§ ,3.ff@i1ItIsI»’ itmsitei3t’I¥*§sfi9.¢¢19!t1§o2..v&Z ’ng;atw the sanfiansaa¢s.. a1I6m’auces' arm {ng ,5.-, . . Q I stnavses, arm 61811 ht fubiecc to like 1) ties man fozfctjt as I cafe of anp::wglecz,oz 15,4 ANN o DE”5.1M:.o:ss Ndfio ‘,1 tefufal ‘ to papsttmc t9;£pzrtii:%e gutetsments, oz to pzrfozm ;tb&its refvesttibc Euties,as any 0t0st.nectonsnz nations liable iWt0)" oz was ccmzn, o;tmp1op2p ins tbs .a£{e££tn£I.s coimtc inssssiebvins teczmms ;sn2sv8I?ins sunset ti): flwonws by the tam fezmer 33{£t5iifl1P0f.®a ottsbfttobabz, 02 he fnbizct unto; as fatty arm amply assif%;t1)e fame ¢1au[es,mattzrs ann wings babflleétt iI17tlJi.§‘_:3f£_{ [Jattzi£tt~1&,t=‘ T 1p_mpz;1t£b“axm €3;3al't_ED.f A in the can tbatstbe fazn ®1vbm:%t3,neu;s Ip zttettmssnts §3tantcns~s,byi hscrtkuz of this \ Dzzfent 2m, m,ay§.bs nmpaufmmnann pain in as» af0zBfaihwsi~ 2252 ._it:"s.fu1;t.bEt. filnmtcb, s ibatthe;ss£¢h2ta14§nn1titit£iaW flmlt meét together at the moff’‘utua1.annssscommon « ' s p1ac,znE:’métm‘g, as .i’tt‘.':tA-t)‘el Iain fitft twitch ‘ 21¢ His mmen, on o; befozc the [man u Tjucfday February, which than D: in the spam stout iLo’zn ®uz tboufana (ix bunmzns firtpfebzmss 10 Put tmmc: i inemllttcn ac,»- cozmng tothcbcft of t!)'2tc1’ungn1e.nts emu nttccmonss ann than tnzn,1f tan» is caufe, fubnibinz as well tbcmfclbzs as others, as by an Iain act is fuctmt birmeb concern: mg the [am fozmet 2lgff21Ilflfl1t’3 flan fat: that, ‘itbat tigmnteét at leaft snaaiks befuze tact) apmmt of tbts Iain feimat teirmznts, oz the pumotgsrafozefain. man A mat the rain papnumtsfl-“DRE £Dm.btmD2cp anus fouctzen tnoutaun two mtnhzen annsstbtrmn manna zigl)tfl)i1iing*s»a'1‘33fibz«j3911€~9 bails 93'‘? hp we %0ne:t»,.tI)a11 ac as-mg, BIRD, .9 igmzn, lcnien ann MDT to me, f31i;%_ec%z:iae%1?.Dxf%ti3z I,ebevat¢ount:zs appmntep,» M11 %99o:nteB=~b?~19i5 %a1v&Ps— arm bx? £mz,vzn€t%%path%% :nm%1a::s%sI9a;e%&:¢s on the bays git times bmafte: xnmtuomqiufmtn ‘ 2l3[)2:c—ff8hf.3::~i215BitQEtiaCtBfi%4b% % the 2£ufl]IO2ttP % afo2cra:u;:'*3E bateitllfi W11 0 iimu nunnzen lil1$!ItP;’£f§I)t.%tl)0%£Ii*flIiDfmw13111132813 fix v6nnbs\éfittzer§A111“tIIiug~s%§nDmim%LPmct, hz\tzm vwivnt fez %t1;2‘£itft £1333 %n!i¢t!)3;.so.f:? tbB?}3fifi);2fi1i?5 Siwnetns % hereby i11wa£cn,% ayaui be amen, c%q1i1p_;tzn, WW3 ant W“-*‘° :J%*b?i*5;3ib mcfiihfirz g[3nzc{aLAL;ef fiIth;%[B119t&%l <2Zounties,% Vmbfl ate hereby; tequitzb its tmnfnttit oz taufé the ianuembz W0 into $915 %a:'ei1ies iflmtpt $5 #1919’ firchequcggn o2*‘3%°50:~e 13l)B.f‘fitfl3 ’nay of May iustbe. pm of 6m: ion: £Dnetb0u:= farm fir%.»t)u1t92eb.li1:tp ann eight. mun tbs Pam of 350g: bummn foam» two woman at bunbzeb nnfo%uttg;pounB5.fibz [billings font mace 1)a1f=9m?s*‘%%B%i%n§ the fecont¢pap.< meat of it1)2=[a%iD% 21’ztIwcn 9l13ouietl)g, on 3;; by; 5°39 fl)9W¥i““P i°§%’:A“S“‘* fhjt wan: of out 1020 @112 .‘tIj0uf;snb .%fir;1;uumen grip ann signs. faun tb’e%%fumo£ itbm burimeu foam» tmott)ouIantt an uuzmm anufo arty pounbs am willitfgfi ems A%t)a1f»:pejn;>,‘ hm tbvtbitn the fam fioneths, on 0; bpfgzzktbe fiat gap of NO-A vrmbcr iIItbe%pzar of out 10211912 mug Sana Ii: nuunzen W2 3119 fight. am: the Itmt of ’£t1222bunm;z_n; faurtv t~il1o=t:bOl1f&ttiI- fit bunnm attDfuu‘¢tp'13onaD‘£fiive lI)iIlift1g$” Lj 5 . , 03.13 fll1at1be%app6intcn b”;¥;4£9i§*%‘a*i9fiPs_ *aiiI1‘;n1I;u fauittmnzek w'I;6 Aiv“szg % 9% 1:2?» »£ e a«3mft~ ebiumzw 3 T A- V '» « ’ I 1' V 4'; .3 . .E;.gf . *. ‘ "U; '~:~~'-'«‘é'9‘=-1"-'» ‘+332 5*? "“"‘3"" . ‘. *1: ._ A ._1_. ‘, ' ' " ‘ m£°9%tmv:93a;zap,‘arm:xb& otm2s%. 2-‘. 1;} ma :$@l.i%££m1§s;%az utbwémc % @%e%um§::; %‘£;’2 i"fw5 sag ‘ ,, .. tm1:VeVr, mass ;1Bni:ttqu2 an @nzps=z£a:§§; .- h s 3M2 tQ§_:Qi£l30flfi?3 :'j&F!;fi sew ~» wt be 4. »%;&:c«e:ufZ£bIz;mi;hitaz1:62:tiJe=mc%etp%§;§ 78 . 0fi‘i’52Bmk 7fiz§ifitw,§::mm3ica;attfiaorwyg % oz v%&1avz»abI9 fimwafi % b ottjm:‘% % kept. in %tb e;f wazmait tiazJ%£$xc:n ‘r,ae:r::§ wmi am :.im:&.m¢ ft°m%La1r%%o,:r1’ L \ . — x E E3 "to '6 Sr} '—-3 0 % 33?? at-£011 - I _. « ..';~ L N E w‘{2 W 6 ‘*3’ '5 5? S :7 $3 W ’ ‘I -2.. . ,-v‘-mg: . _ q. %a;ju;*:;znecs:a:i§ :wm£meaw;mn a:as:ztm§ wamnw *3 ta % Im’fli°n%ts%L$ fimmmgmzme ti§nb‘b_B%-‘ .».~.a § 111$; 503 *‘P“I’¥!i¢’t1t .6f’~~aI1;;a;au*; ~2mp:*fatn ‘of flfifimrs ta; wf;;.:l3..3I£0f1'5§3~: : fez? Wfi :wm;¢pm,«nz§mmuazs i A ‘ % V ~ ‘V Di 9!? C A R GL1 ~11. REGIS, I37 ethet jfiaeteitaelea heaght, at fihlpa ilxireh, ez ether paylnents hltetteh bl’ §?0;nt yetty, relating to the éetmte ofthte mat, enpnn the flhoneys atlfing ann yayahfe by this 3&1; Qslnn that notfiaoneys lehtable by this mt he iffnen eutef the ffireheqnet, but by inch @met at ilallattant lltentielning that the fllhoneys payable by inch flzhee oz imlattaltt are fat the ébethite uf pent sllaajelty in the {am mat tefhettihely, nu: ting the [am mllanflhat alfe thete he the ltlaezlseon oz fiegtlleypznialnen anb ‘ehthyl the lam ztnmtoz, of all Slfioneys’ pan: out, 0; lftnen, by. hettne of. [nth mete ante zlzaaetants ,- man that it lhallbe lawful fez anypetten at petfens, willing to lenn any moneys, oz tn fntnifll any mates, fills ttnals, fihipe, <1‘5mns,nt othet jheteilatles, on the Gttenlt of this %[tt,at the ntnal times when the QE13£?)EQl1~Bti5 01pm, to hahe attefs unto, ann hlemann petnite all at any of the [am zismns, to; then: tnfolmation of the (late of theft fllboneys, ants all ingagez meats upon them, fat them ‘better intnn: ragement-to lent: any slhnneyfi, oz fntnllb any mans, mates, manuals, Shlpg, o; othet sieeteliaties as afozefaih: ztnb that A the tzlnmtoz of the iaetelpt, DIS Sbepnty at ’ Qlletla, (ball he alltttant to [nth petfonsl E02 7 theit bettet ante fpeemetllyfatismtt t ion in that behalf. ztnn that all ‘anb ehecy petton ‘ arm petfons, who man lenn an? Qlfifinwfi to ymnyajelty, ann pay the Fame into -the Jhecelpt of the tfircheqnet, wall nnmeniates ly have a irally of afigoan (tenth ft; the - U 111% gs % Amgao Dacexm None % tame, am: an meet tomes eeeapaetent, bea; ting the fame Date with his flail? , in which £D2i:aee wall be~ am; ctmteeinen a %”, than be euteen in tmzete attoebtng ta these eh eetzbe Ebatess emu mate of the isms sf ~49 ems abiahe mmtifi unen, etthet fee iLoam3 of fllfieueeg, Sup: plats bf mates, 633135, flléttuais, $13195, _ 0; other 5K-Zeteflatses, oz by tpeeiai eieettteu, {hall have ptefetente me hefeze another, but man all be euteen in time toutfe atcométtge to the Bates at the ‘flames, we tlimetsef heinging the fleetéfitates, arm the nateésf of the sinners foe iéapment ngwrtw by iaifi fiagefiy ,,as they are In pmut of time etc Cpetténeip befaaze each nthet- 21119 an arm ehecvvfitfon ‘aim peefons {hall be path in toutfe atteginzug as then: meets [hall ' item!) entteh in the [am 3Regil‘teeabm&,t ezfie it Embers fa; zeapmentsh Diteflieb bpihis Qhajeaay, pg fa; Swamps lent, 0; fat <‘:zLaa1:es, ctonunemtzes, oz other 5i*28£9[fatlB§.filtl1ifl)¢ en as afezeiain \: fin as that fljattperfeftj his (Execute es , ztznnmzitttattoes ann flfftgns, ' who wail heme his amuatcant oz ®zner, mam.-ants oz £DzDet5 flea enteen in the {am back of fiegéttep, mall be taken mm at: temaptets at the titit peeton to be pain upon the Qhoneys to £01118 m by bettue ofthis mt; man he at they that that! hahe his 02 then: Zmlattants 02 9311213 , fimflagcaagiag £D;net neet entten , fl)a1theta3en gnu ;acs tompteh the fetonn petfon to be pain; am: . to futtemhelp am) in centre. mm that the fifioneps to come in by this 21¢, lhailht in the fame owe; liable to the Iatisfaainn ‘of the [am eefpetmae iaaeties, their fieecueggy 16_o ANNQ DECILMO Norm zmeninifimtoes De zifiigns, Jflatihe at tjfoeeignee, fneceifmely, nntbont peeferente at one hefoze anothet, ant: net otnetmefe 5* ann notbe nibeetime tn any otnee nfe, tn: tent oz pntpofe, npon any ateompt oz eeaien mijatfuebee. emu that no 51%, fiewntb oz clfieatnity, Directly oz inherent?) be nemannen. neta_nenjnf, any gvone Qlanyefisefi énbierts fez emomntng oz. mnmng fnen 2159935, - iiiegi&ees,®1teie5,miem5,$eaitcmiettifts rate, in— 02. fee payment of séfifiney Ient, oz ~tbe flntetelt thereof, 0; foe payment of any n money ‘ npon any meme , npnn any mans trait foe ‘mates nun mane fnenififien to tbe nfe ofimne fifinjefiies jflaisp anb fiztsnnnee ~ asafaeefain, bl? anpnf your fliflajefties ®fs fleet oz >3Dfiieets, tljeeemepnties oz Qtieens, on pain of payment of treble nannages to the patty geieben by the party nffennéng, with tufts of fimts Etna if the mm e bnnfelf take at bennann any {nun she 02 me; warn, then tolofe his place alias mm if any nnnne pzeference. cf onebefoze anntijet wall bennane etti)ee'in point at fiegifiting tonteaw to the true nuenning of this :2tct,bp any fuel) Qifitee oz. fifiéeees, then we mete . nffenning amt b_e1tah1e hp ztttiun of went, at on the I § _ , mm be itfmstlmédfinacteb‘bptiavflntijroi my afngefaiil, ;’£i)at sharp perfutwaz pevfnw to mmm anp% ‘nzmzcp lhatlbv. ntmhp 11mm of this flit, aftwzfrmarrant oz ®}2EIZ1}-.EL1ttrBb fa; pap1112nt% ttjmnf, his ‘!ErBEtItfi255” 2&1): r znmtRtatoz5« oz mItgtI*by.EnBo,zf2men.€ of my must 0; manta , n1ap%.waff:gn am transfer n£5.‘%%ntt€tcft am: benefit of Inch ?E§Emtta.11tE0€§;t1? otim‘; % n3b§ch$ being twa- txfim, anban @nttp.anh%£I3rmozéa1 thmtenf am: make in the fair: 3R2.gtiw?‘ fez was: rants (mhzctytbz £Dfficm: wait an tfiqlltfif, mit~hsutj‘més oztltbarge, a c%cnzmug1p:1:ah2) mu mama fut!) anaftigm, ms Emu: :qg,sV,Vztmninifitatozs arm fimgns, tu me b2i1»Biit,1I3i12,_;m$f, iann payment ti) etmn-z zmn [ltd] Qlflligtwé xnaw aflffgn again, j‘&II3J%% Toties quoszics; f2{flD§%%aftgc: nmns it am not ht. m _tbz pom,et of may patina oz perfume: Inna have manztfuci) zlfftgnnwnts, tnnzamboib, reteafz omits charge the faxnz, in ma moneys sijmbp im%~ :3; any part tbmnf. aazubtnen aways, am be it flltttbzt 0511:: [ men by the Qlutbozttp afozzfain, iiijattbz mm of £11222 imnmm ant: eigbtvtboufann .m3unns% fl:au'%;bz.ct)argm%&Jaun-rzgtittzn in we Iifigmk 3fi‘fi9g~ift}9t appointzn by this 31:: to he keptiu%‘ti)z flvfiice Inf ttyviztanttozef the ifleccépt of the ofircbmuec, to banana to the mea£um~,&o£J:1;e 3I*2ahp}fo;L.tI)z Ltimz heitzg, out ofthennonep%1Japab1efoztbv‘ 1811 Sim mamas of» the ;@1ehen%.mon2tl)£ 721% tetzment gtanten% hp ti)i»s:zm,$-£azJ‘ the mo»: lattes mm wages of fucbflfficets, $281: mm, ‘CA R o L: 15; %i1ié11, £E3r§11zts%a:i§ {\g<’=’:"~:>$*:,z%iEéz:ts, wiaécvz 3; wall be %tmg$1/037233 mam; ,?D%Ujtg€ zfaaggsifijgcss fiabp fioz tiszss pz%s;£§#;2::.$:%T<1“’af‘&,1.s;a‘n‘::m;‘, hs:gsmzmAg at $1)? fitii 3&3? £;f]'a11uar}‘5 QM tiéfiuiaam %‘u1ImB%B' fim fix: ?mm afijafzgizh gmgm sa”§.:a&§’2:= ages 3Té2ai‘v§L Eu; 3%} 2, ®;~u.mt§§§i:, % in ms ;fA2;::t of mu: imm;2Dm iéymzgiannfix imnmm Ext“? Ewen. ii)? ism ’fL3Ki}3?;B ijmmzéfi am %t%jsuianE’gpé£zzz1gvw3’ %'t32—m cbargszm MDT re;5g§i’i;’£a 35 afmiasa, m tzzfltner mm fem: Emmy: mg : ‘(’£E;sa$ is to my <’m1?x3>::it mews fizaii be flea tzsgiftm fez hmmgm‘ ‘zi)u}1tfan?é3 pmmnfi Em W fierhicz sf ‘$132 Max, tam bat mm onto? me mane? amTfii1g“:z§3on‘t§3z {gm fiennzmwms in came, as fig mr thégmt % memes aim pzefcribzfi ;¢%£:{)av£%ti;é~n,a11mm.: Tmcmately aim, one 0; mm masts wail hermifim fog the pamnmt sf ’£n\efi’ buns: % men tijmziatm pounfifi, piatt sf £132 iimc imnmzn mm eighty tijnufann mimins {mum aimttéoneh, 120 the iteafwcet cf the" many, to be by Eyfazaimpmpzb fa; tin paying! oftm wages of flfiiczvs, % 9I3ac.inev;, ficauxeu ants ésouméew, as is abmJ>z%11tetItium‘n.% mm mbm£Dzfi2rs&_fiJa11 be %:¢v_zg%ilf_ta;enL%foez Que i)unnms tljoutann psmnns‘mozefozmc mtnicz nftigz mac, upon tam flan mouetbs 5% tljcn arm immcmatzlp aEw:,on%c 0; mm wms mall be tegiftren fun; the {um V of @112 i)mm;ei1 tboufatm pawns mozej in futthw pm; of ijmté mm mm eighty tt)o%u£sc1m“pimnns wane mmtionm :\ sum lhhen wzzts malt 3132 regimen fog 9:12 bunbm ti)s3t:r£annpo%uniJ§ inozz, fuztijz swmtice of .tt}'9i3’x*l’1Il1al: 5 ‘tum ‘ sum as 164 ANNOVDBCIMO N©:f~I0“ am tm-nwnéatziya-fast, mm 0; mega masts $22111 he tegiflreh fez the [am of fizgwty thnufanh puvmns, in full ofitm ii;;zei=y un«,« 0390 mm eight? tiwufaflb nannies above mmtinuzh: misfit!) tam Imus of » mun ijnnmm tboufann pounbs, ®ne nunmeib timnianh pounnz, arm fitgbw tiiuufanh pmmtwflzali be [MED in comm as may V fianncegifitzm ‘~accu2néngtn the Tmmtfi ant nétettions, anb mm the pezaaizzw aggnn we >3Dfitczrs of the ®‘:chcqu2r,%t§3m E2: puties . ant! ‘marks, pzefctzibm zmb wtififlinz: an in the aazohifla of cuts as: fa; mggfiting am paying in comic. if tbs fitmfam of the jfzanp as mm: 02 tmplop the Iain {£11322 mamas mm eighty %ti)Bt1£a1th¢ 62 any part mm it is lamb? fmttbet fifitamb, 3-Ehat thereof, to any ufz nzfermcz mbatfaer, other men to; age nawntmt of the %aias % tics am wages nf inch ®fia‘ms, was man, flfiactmzts min §m.1inim;s as Imii he impmyen ahoamjn mm: 2n9m’:&»s_25 flan? a5 afozzfain, until me {am atmaggs arm éalavizs am: he may arm mfiéwi‘? arm’ niichatgzn 5 Elba: £13211; arm in f xi) cafe, be than fozfeit items {the Amlmsf the‘money%.Bib9tms%a;A»,inm1or~ED wnmw to the intent-%:«Lann; nwwinfl berm?» £0 ht monarch inpémynf 19:5 fiaietties mmts“ at Wefinwinficr, by Azlctmn sf mm, 2521:, Ezlaint oz 31fl...f0zmati»un,V.1bhet2in+na fits a pa, aazotzttioax, wage: of ?LanJ» W3, magma, 1Bzthaznge;% Enjuttctinn 02 $3: an of iazlhtatttt than be £11‘ W? I \ A Qtamten C A13 0 L1 R & %%gmnm. L aliailmb, ’[ any an out ,3?n1patlam~2* ‘@112 :a:o%mav@“mews ta ‘the to man as%:fl9afii1fim%%&fe;zwe % fame, a"nn¢m jgmawty ;'2Itp,p;mt?c19¢ir5carm mute»:-uzrz. L ‘ ifiznnmi-fia111rat9$s%~$annbut by A % we 2mtbaz{t:p mjas —mi;asm:mc A ifioflfivfi ‘ GW1] ¢b?W3flfifl§s%% iflzfflfi 530?? 015 * the 3£.m21hzvtmnn;en ann;~§ftz>V“t€3m1 fmI1fi ~ ’ pauntw gjtanten by ans an; of ting “gzsffimn 1%arIiame~ttt,%‘!Entétu.1zIa, An Aft for ‘granv ‘i:ng~.tlac fumof -Lhlindried and fifty%th0A1'i.—« !fand.‘pQ11nds to %th.c Kings if0f¢;hj-s”fp>ré- 1 $ "fen: further supp1y,.;:gmacng ym:papgng« in t»amEz%tb2 fiénemi %mms sf nimmy 't2g+ii?mn ’ t_%izVtbz9m1icz sf:i1z=pzz§21'itf5“ig;tante ‘by this flu, mm'%pLaips V able E02 any in the fi?ti’tt.maitvzti3t ¢tE1mzén; amen: tianen arm %g;tant¢Des.3f?TIF? fbiflfi ‘i§I, tilifi to ’tI)EjcI3tt~tl3at3}9 in ’ am? WW %nafim:tbfi&fi;mng. 2mtobe«i£ mans: mzaccm uycmz%amna%= my a7fDz2faiB,“£iJt1'ttijB irgatum 1915 % flfiafemes §f*2fi?3?,> f0z%i)it!tf2lf,? W epmt2s% any 'QL1z;m §, G981! tB£8fi,JBf retain éB%tIz1?{?: at9z'~tm%11»ef‘J%ene pm? in t1)z%vpf¢1mB, am an ' nmgez may we iLimat%z‘nant%Auz %ef1ass%aieaAtes ®2btta~%nc;Iz;.zfa2bizbt, ztfiill, i@iaint,% oz . stint Enfozmatiun,'t,11!Im2in;%no ffiflopn, % abzsmrmiz, gcwaagw 236 mm, 3;(tn,5%19_;ap.cc, aazihiiznge ,4, ‘injunction _, 0; , Qznzt often {twins £23.11 hem any mite pgapeh, gcamm cg allomm, szazanp arms than one Empata 13flC;_B_. “ ' V * _ 1 mm he It finacten by the flwtbozatp afozztatn, ’£:i)at mince? any money wall by hzrtue, of this zit: be aflzffen uponanp "Sin; bahitants 02 mass, bung mitbinany