co zygtzzmv, 15 49; W An Ad: ranching tI1efirI’tA4oooVoo.%lf charge&fofi » the Receipt of the Excizc. % ~ -. % M; ’, monsglfenthlenin aéjatiianzent, %hptbczczinanwof,tbe tbitas jeentbnf Oéi:ob.164.»6. intmn,-.~. ,/3}» mg tn; mite tbefatp mm of if 2” °°°° 1' £93339 ”1:W“m5%9L>flJ9 I‘ 7 §tat¢,III'D®+¢£1aW, £atc1Je~ aw ways, late, em. up¢ é ‘F; "‘ I ' {mm 15136 A 10105 dun mm: tt)c%1@ab1iq4uc smith, might fog. an M mm of many he mouth to lerjm, % ,2 , he mum a1:im£u11zA¢moz¢uut%4of we grant: cw use in cnutfe, oz hymn ftm1J5iLa)nps4?Lann§:; A which flyouin fi'm1)appen,tug¢t1)et mitt) mtmttg may the mm»mcise, “ tbatgen aim c1)argeab1eto&pa1> tbefaivfums Imftlj Mfiififng W‘ Cl. pct ,ccnJte~m; Aprsr ;;m.rium, ta V be pain W 4 lir; mou‘et1b9%% um: I nf%“tIje p AW Wu 95,1; V v y \ ‘ \ -6“ .‘ '2 V‘ ', _ V ‘ . - ,‘ _ ‘ / 1‘ “ ; ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ‘N ’ ff -9‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ ,5,’ W ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ,5 ‘ ‘ ‘ u ‘ ‘J ‘ “ 43%?" r ,’q HI‘ v 4 “W M‘ ‘ ‘ ‘.9, " ‘ 4 ‘ *1“ I ‘ ‘ ‘” 3 ‘. ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ V‘ 3‘ ‘ 1r , V’ at A wéflv ~. .:.z ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ M ‘ ‘ “ M ‘ “v, t 3 ,4 % “ ‘t ‘ "M. _ , db‘ \',, », ‘ X3 F’ ‘ K J - "A (L git: Jkw 3 iutmfi asafn21efiu’n,*¢%~mz in ~ ucI34tmveof as tram hemmann an win, an!) fl)0t11D«h¢m'v1 mpav we £1 §Amg&a%Wv%,¢4wmu5§iu as they hit‘: Win 4 that znnmps, nut!) the mtmft than mm. flan mijewa§"h1>~A%ti)¢c'fa;ietIjzM%%fain?Lamhs,¢ the {am ¢ nfssoooo 1. ¢n;t1Jmahnuts, is ‘attain? fatisfim toti) c1’az’n immem, tngctijet mm) mtcveft ac: mmmg1:n8 lqerccntuméfipcr annL1m,% tbmtaar. 4 \ ¢ mam: apu)ouw*bc~area mump4;o”n%¢ V fourth part of the whole |*; w9%§.I19%~h€ A = fuzz‘ é M »~M-M--~—~~-M: V as at new to ha pa,a’n%%%t:n%tbeTiZatn* iuzzunmts 5 human: mt:tI3z%i¢f5%nA ay texnam a,nnhz%%JcI)atgen fin; the me sugijmwt to ftamn cijatgzn an the i‘at’?n apcise ifemce oftWe<£m11rz1mm1ea11:1): flbc aaarltazs meat taking: ‘t_I)z£'amemto1émnfinmzatiou, toga: fljfitf‘ im‘tij%t;écm~ef5ing iuecfiffiittgzzfn;*%tbzfpe;eny, I reiwvfnfIr¢1and,Eo@nact~a,niJ4£I>zham,anD4hcit A mama WE flmhaiuen by the autijngitp of this pzeifmfffimtltatnznt, itljat in mud) of,t1)zfatn 4.ooooo1. ¢4a4st’5 aiteavrawozfllallhefatisficn totljc % fa:’n1mm1:5 hpt1jz%%_%£a1z of we Iain iuzunsg. flmll 1‘mmtI)c1efsilatmcljattgeh u.pnnti)efain 3Rmt’pt' sf the waist fun; A the fmyicz of tijc; mummona he pan: up the fail: atommztstonccs in cmwfe, as is Ditz%cten intljcfain¢55ann as ought tnljahzhmm pain 5m %t1)e¢_£mn ibenpzts, fa tmp %%1mt+hem ifatifiticn M9 the faleof tbgfain WanDg‘ ’:T‘”V f“m ) é V ~ ; i%. 4 Qttm it £5 bctghy futtb er mantel: a+nn@maiu:-: en, ’£1)att1)¢fathtztuinmifstnnctsvnoiffncnuttbfi {am fnmsljztehp neclatento aunc1Jaw¢Da5» aw fuget'aib,fn2t1Jz fetbict of%tI)e 0£n1nmonmea1tb%;‘ A accozhtng tofucb £IDznzr5 am: Ebirectiousas tfJ¢9@ fball ftfimtimvtn time mzibefmm4¢tI)e dtoumzcl of 9ta%tz ; faniytbefiecciptof the pevfougozi pm fonsfo, autboztswto wceibctbe fame, ayalihm goon nIfcI)atg?eto$tIJe fainammiffinnevs. J ........ ............._....‘ —-—- Rdered,ThatthisAétbcforthL » _‘‘;H ‘ .. . " X“ -. , ‘ ‘ .. ‘-._ '3, \ ‘ ‘ ‘_ V“ '9'”? ‘ ‘ ‘ , -. . _.. . ‘. ... ._,.;“ “Ant M f°rb°rr9*Wing * I5 » cat; h chargcdonetthehEjXciZe. V oooo I. upeiti the Hrft 4‘o'o e%o o; i. he M aeeeeéxe he an we tot ,.thishtt"v2tfeutaeaeliatss ._»i§ meacten attiaf £ID;DakI'1wfi, iihetfo muthef D will 0f4+‘0o0ool- feeuteeutttetbtiheumets am e h "M meet, manethe 2,-eh otf‘thistpzefent‘June,t gt » W Rtmnemtetstnt the zeoooool.thy ®;?Ji1tew;eeef1eatt~= V 1iantent,eI:‘t1)e 1;““htlJfOi€’cob¢r‘,} 164‘6*.j‘a§ 1'5 &13l3E&DP5n;e t % that betefatietfieim tethe fainleztneeemp the tale ef the I 2i5I'l1)lJ1J§?LatlD‘§, malt tte‘11etthe1=efs fiattn chatgeh upon theifiecetpts nfethe fietemnh ttatyttcise, file the j fetbtceof the ¢ommott11Wfi1th~,%te be pain he the Qtontmtfsionets efeemise in wuefe, at re mtecten hp iitte £IDzm’nante"efieatiltatnent at the xethoétober, 16h46.tDt1)&11B been paintethefwin lettmeeiss bet they V not been fatisfieh by ~the‘fa1e of theme ttemee ;ef A which min mm there ~ is ec1eeaepfete’efi‘e’ethe met 3390001.lJ2tfl)€UB&UmW;bP fate et th"eela%Deateee'tain; emnn mheeeas the pzefettt mewzetI’a’ateg*tnecemiteest %gfIrc’1and,3JlJ;tBqt1‘i€Eaifpfitflt?fllppwflfmfimyalbbifib“ cannot hernelapee uteettthe hceuete thetamge’ea& IWW 0f1t1J€t13‘“eDf Ofioberstl 64-6: (fhflwfibheltflfii heat athmtD)Ijothfa11;Eti5e;naieten%hpem— n $2. A the;:t1r (4-3 thneity atneetain, that thexttoneiha to ameamejn teat upmethe teentt ofthefatb fltt,f.hai1 he paeneme ta teeth fieeafueee oefleeafueete as the mantel of :,i@:*tate£ha11 unmet the Qeatnf the fate flmgtntetaps * epm’1et;aaa the receipt oz. eetemte of theta: ’£eea£u: eee, watt he a mfficient auth petty mate the petite oz heefeeta Ieeemtegattlz atmattemg the £ame,to eequtte a eemama the eetpectibe {um 03 fume by them eaten ehetp of them atmatitceb anh teat, together: with me: ‘ teeett as afozefam, of the anmmiffnmets of me use atm e11m'mepn&,”mhn aee heeehe autbngiseh to pat the tante atcceznittgte, in fttch tmttfetaei the {am teeetpeettnefum 02 films [halt he lent am: anbameh, amt {taping until they haioetme tfouethpattof the whole Debt in (tat!) , but g moeeenietg in payment theteat, as taaae mmteeg”11;)a11 aeife upon the fail: gtdmct, Rim? thtagt in the {am Catt 0f the 27”“ t7 thifi metetet J an: to thetoateaee untrnithitanemz flu the eeteeht at teceipts of the tam peefun at acetone that 11) it anbattte any mm at fume name at eeee;1Je’t afneefatb, together mith theeeteiptnf thefifizeeatue \ e vets afueefain,teIh'fpt’1tg the fttm oz fume by ham 0; htthem tefpettthelplentglljalhe a fufficiettttnttthaege mute the eintnmtfeimtees of ttise, foe papmeatuf the fate peittte'1aa1aam'etteee£t. 4 t;nhegittm:thee meciaeenaem wehateeen hp aura near thoeity afotttainflthat xteitheethefaib fumoz. mms feeamvateten aetn1e1et.,x run; any rnthet mm «flmtma :iJ&fl'DaBh¢t, remaining arm itatentetg tenet ege A tame the 9m11e¢£t£i3%fl«De untnneeeee fateeeefaezlbeatte arm tthaptees itamaeeet gait L flfi’,03tW,I5f¢ttt D ftnm tbtfaihett »t:.1I ~11 M19113 otl fee ' if “ * 913 e £1 8 -—.,......_.. W eeeeeemeee, :9 332m‘ .,egaY“e" thghh iggg;9; fV tA % h _ U Oadex.-ea, fma; this A8: be:fog:h~wic11 mincedhhand)BubIi£h=ed; H 2 I»eeztiee;,Peinted by §obzeFe'eldfc$t tEtdwzir:l% Hzes£w2cl,\..Pejintettoehe Parliament of Ez1gZezezc2f,, tfiggt 1 Q A h tease; $thefg‘g4teIl,;C1;cric.arliamemf. _.._._.._.......... _,_____._ ‘ I&4rIflfl:1