u-4"~‘n,.. .’v»..‘J?N“‘sx."’A'y.‘“4",g:"“~. .,R3,_.,.,,;q.,,‘r_.‘ !«z;!~"<., 4" ‘ , \ , , . . y. -r ". 1‘. ““’;"“‘\"’y'f"‘,< J " ii! “3~‘,"::"“‘~._.a,»o'dI‘ “"r".fvX:."» 7.’-1:.‘ J "'~~-y.,)'L:,I‘{‘.,."“-‘ 3" Y 5° 1'‘ " ‘.‘,,§“._ ‘ I -» - _...4m:aj‘n:. ‘ ‘ ‘ i . 4. V ‘ \ . \ " M‘ " I ‘ ‘ ‘ I ‘ ‘ _ ’ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ , ‘v ‘ ‘ 4, v ‘wag. F R TH E A B EWTT E“ R IMPROL EMENT andAVANCjING TH E‘ RECEIPTS W AND NEVVMIMPOST; .At the Parliament begunat Wgflminer I A P”i“‘“5‘°Hi5 Hihnefs»I6As7- ‘ g,‘ 1 ‘ the 17.dayofSep;ember, .»1rz.1Do;jz,1657.% ‘ ,........_ ' A“ _Lmdo:a,%princ¢dAbyHem~yii1z11:andzo/infield, _ < « An Addicionai r Y For tI1e“ctterImprovem ent and%Advancin§ ‘ '|""‘«‘ a s . ' ‘ ' v‘ 5. «in . 1 " " ' * * “gs figfigyncfs tbéM%a+n;nAi92oteca :- J to; arm tpz 1% arltament, 1:am'ngj] ~~~ into {mans aontimmtinn the § mgagemcnts match} at pzcfenti % “ lie apnntbwzficczipts II*£m;cife ,%ann , V min f fiflnfi Em? tinnof the n%x4ctifc~ to bettwmnfi" ca1Ezanninfiifi¢€ént%?Z»¢bt> cnatmm he min upon :yza9*zon1¢.~as&%mei1£o; anntoarns tbentfr- cbatging of more %@ngagctI'i¢!1ts"¢;“a‘7£ foztbt’ ;ca,rt:17ing.on the other utgmt anti Ilzeiiingw afs the charge fatness pftbisefiommnninzaitn, annnefcaptng, R , V L075fl)¢Jf‘i&D&l3F02t¢5*tD'€t¢0f,AiflV M tmmef¢nt%w smith Spam» arm againft ma tnmnwn mwnzrg [J tDmf°z¢sAfzw¢1vcttt1= D A 3sgtpzo!a‘zmmtof% 913 t0AtD¢¢n5afuz D Avfinamn :41 ‘x ‘ H I at P ifi tfai» % A A flew amaééeetgz of we aommnanasmmlttjf of nglargg scrlanaaann Ireland. aim mnmum %anstBb=;kafitmélangiflQ’a a*nnmts psgmntaa ma limmntafieanhiehawvmnhv ~%uwmi¢v fimwa: ffiifiiat ti)? ‘iemrammzs atmfitmgw iamaftw fat hmmén we 9 £beu1é,Ji—‘arm acwzmng tome flémga nfimaiues fimafgzt ».nwminnm ,.$ mm eméip M fibfiiflafim Ram nfi}w,fl;ail be few, Viam, ann“‘"tttw mm, mm“ imwy m, min, % mm ima- cnumm, ms pmfemta 9 c¢i€;min, seitamt arm vain, inA*AaMbz0ugiJ England §?§@£m,hW31€Sa~aflfl M13 < xgiickgfimh §e0{:1and,I1f?'elandfiflD%« fijfi flflmmfi &nm~%m1nfiging,¢ n alt mm may we mm“: xaznnhitiw-,.¢ fiBeccbanB§5e5,¢:a%n%n watmfactmw, % as men fizatibz ag fazzign, in the fam gcijza.-.. o?:heriTe Plantation, aswell already 1mpC?‘3r%13-5 . porter,as%%'t"0 beimportedgm b%¢%P3LidbYt}fJ, Foreigzmxad II11‘po1“ted ‘Goods; M. I 4 ‘ ;V‘ : @ ;;v"s; ¢d,and1*e.inaining on hsmdsoif the 1m» % A ; V E,~aglz_{b1>1.ancarions5 importedaw I remming%inthe we zaanntngomo paid)» >> > ;.. “ 4 . an was 1 W in W0“ " for _a greater ‘or elefser quantity , Nine A 3‘) f 4: ¢FTO'1‘ Evetyf*Tiunof,,tiW'ine that is ‘not of!’ thcgrowth-QfeS1m%z72, or Dominibns there--N - of, as Well imported, and rernainingion. lie the handsiiof the Merchant or Impojrter, ast>o6 too Cr to be im~ported,to be paid‘ by the firPrBiuy- er thereof; whetherRetailet_ oraConfurr1pg- j 4 ii tioner, and fo’ after the Ratefor at greater or? i leflie-r quantity,Six poiindsi e’ i J, A V For every Tun of Wine of the grbwthii A andyproduét of Spain or the Dominions thereof, as well imported, and remaining irmhe hands of the Merchant tor Im-— A porter, as to beimported,to be paid by >09 90 003 the fitfl iiBil1y€I' thereof; ii Whether Retailer [, orC0nfumptiQner , and fo after the Rate pounds 4» ' Jr: For every Tun of Wine of the growthfl and prwdurfl of Spam ort-he thereof, nowettremarning in the Viiitners; ',_ W/ine—Cbopcrs, "oranya other perfon buy--' ' ‘A Shillings tb be paid b)r,the‘faid Vintner or ing to fell agaimor Retailers hands, Thirty 01 10 (‘J6 Retailer,and To afterthe Rater fora greater A A ‘car lefserquantit)7;aThirtyShilliiugs-——-1-~---~-—-g _ V finntljz ttoinmimnncrs fogitittjc ercifc ant! Wffinfia tilat $91155 fimtitss 0: fnétms Wiwfif tbtavowtb ogpainagfiz tbr ; their hfiuhsconxzmiflianeraa rtfpectihelp , 5 0; the main; partrfif either of tI)7étn,fl)a11 e,ft:o_m amt e t0¢in1c,appointt~any %1Difiter 07; £DEiczr5 , tug.-.—~. Iu11gt’t=:sgtu tbeirrfcfpcttibe £1Dfl*icea, toenterinai toetmflallara, fiI:1au1w, éatngz-boufes,‘ mars»: buufzs .. tD;9=:£El1&t§,,tDz Dtbfliepifléfifirflf £4?-t-“ mt? fllintnerrrog fictatlcr, oz ,otbcrt prrfnnor 5 5’. 11‘ 1:) onstI)ec¢af,fozto: fccD,%femLn‘§%i‘%take am» count of mm: quantttizsof wt faffi‘ M1195” ¢=~* new 3;. any fuel) pe1:fan1Jati);m ntsnanng,o; any ether pecfun uzpevfognz to fjifitlffis 31133 #11 mmt11er5» mne~¢ooxm=s, ée11crs,0z3fi£w!I= 2:5, o;JotI)ev pecfono; %pem%fnns that Ie11tmfe:..— taa any mines as we g;omtn% fl‘fSpain ace betehy re uirw arm enfovnc, qttietlv tapers mtt man I tr faih fl®Wfccr5% ‘tn enter into fiwuacs, Waning, at fcmtataflb Qtoge-cellatsgmatcsljn[25, , am» 1:!) etc to fzatcb, fez, mm tam atcxmnt asaa,” fn%;cFu’n.% A %1@92‘0biD¢Dfl}&¢fi° T¢W‘3 W m3°¢.1V?iWi?9” to bematmiuany19|3au1'z,,‘\; ‘ xr » V‘ 7“, r V . ‘ ’ __‘ -« “ i . : V. % = % % ‘ ‘ ‘ »~ v we» :J “ » 4 113 afogefath,£I)a11negl€‘ct,%we fem fe,ozv€~;~ .9 . » m} we wfiicers appninten as A4 Eugefaib ;o;‘t1;a1t notm’fcomr,hec1are o;fl)em to we Iain cmau fut!) c2te11a_ts,% warms, —5t0zE~C¢liat§»:.".S’Vi]r'k Lace and “Ribbahds; -andfor so e d hall Goldrand Silver eLaceh ‘atrzde Ribbands, for ) evc::ryTwenty, Shillingsevalue t:hereof,‘ to egg 05. on be paid by‘ the Ed’: Buyer thereof, Thre§e P or all ‘anner o Glafsor Glaii-Q . fes, and V all’ manher of Eare~theneee*e“and Ston;'e% Wares ”whatfoevei',h imported or to be im: V Ported,‘ haccordingeas they are diflingoiflxed o in the heeooe £37, cm A *‘"'\f an%nexed, for every: Twenty thereof, acccording asrhey areethfefeir; A or vahied, to be pa.id‘bye ‘the hfirfl Buyer there- ‘ o£.,Two Shillings ~ ‘ Forall unthrowh raw aI1Rough} Hemoghundrefiflaxand Towe, ’eeTahr,Roz"en, 4 7 oECordage,_hqimpotted one 9 value 4 hreofgeaczcordeing aegihcy Vare-rated in} ; the Book of Rates or Vélilesh; hereunto ~ A Porall Foreigti Saltimhported swhich % hathhnot Paid Excifeyotto be imported, h upon _h€VC,l.‘y Ga”%0n,'e to bepaidvby the firfl PW‘? A ~ a$l&l othhe1fiGoods and hMerohandizes3 A wvhatfoever (hexcepthBullion, Vi<"cu- als, Arms.Ammunition,Ordnance gfs or I ton) importedforeeh:to: ehimported, not.e|% Twentyshillingsvaluethereof:acccrding Ratels for EXC1fe,”ehto b c% Buye‘;:hereof,one bu" ;eupon every TWen§y.Shi1lihgs‘?oo oo; 06“ h fpecified or herein:-area, tgpevery oool Oqeh hhNatz"vé~ . eommon"’Brewera hh.}hQ¥ by AVanyA;7oAther ('0 5\C:2tiveorIn14zm1Cjoods;A O‘reeveryhAABAaA’rrAel «jfefieer *A(2ai:A“’i‘&1e;. abbvejh IA”: "‘4:3~"5‘iA‘§A A Shir: Shi1lingsAtl1fe B:arrAe1§bifewéd‘byth’el s A A or performs,whofhallfell6rht”aip0utBeer“=Qr A Pence, andvfo proportidnably for agreater fie A or lefler quantity, frQmand after the 7.4§;_<:if%‘ j'm2e,1657. 4 e ~ A Or Ale, 01‘und€[“b1'€W€d by hthe common V who fl-m.1lfe].hlor tap out“ fuch Beer orA1e, A publickly ox:fAp6rivatel.y, to bepaid by the A fcms asafofezfaidtefPhé'fW‘é1i5’s qua.m:1t:y, irromhand after the 2.4.. of jzmel 4 1657. Six pence ,q-—— M Ale, publicklyorprivAate1y, tobeepaid perfénsrefpeflively, TWOh5hi1lingS5iXh A 1=oma>‘e4ry Bmfel of six sh111ingsBeen~ Br ewers or by any other perfonor perfons, and lb proportionablyforagrAeax:er‘or‘1eHer .. J H0135 Eeaalifiva th€hhhun<3r€d Weight tebfl A . aid by the P1amer.Two sh111;ngs;.w5°° °’* 4;. '.~ 2 h V for every Twenty Shilwg A A 1ingsvalue5Ato hehpaWjdAhyAthehPlanter3 Onheoo 01 co Shimngm L A Ty“, A sereemyhh T»,+;éntysL111ir1gs value, tdbe paidby by the firfl Buyer or Exporteragoo ‘<:aI“A“0k§3 and is wrought into em-es, foreverjr11‘1f5f1<5r7i~«y One Shilling A Y -----A---—- l1’011 which “is ‘paf~hAt;11€‘_ FQrh;ge;hh dxfed weighrchereof, cofit§1in.ing oenehwenx A V “the {aid Brewer: drfuchdther perf0nAhe0r§>QhO 02' Q6 c A For .%Ftjr,all‘Pots,BacksforChimf1€y5»P13-t€$:n 1 V 3 d Weights, Anv54ls$ «and allotherCome‘tnodi~ ties of Cafli Iron (execpt0rdna?1¢€ andee Shot) for ~ evfifjf A hundffd thfiffiaf: e containxng VQne V hunfired A ‘ 311A .e tW€1°V€ '?'C©_ Cm mundsflo b¢;;P4idb7‘h@eM**~k?‘ 9ri Cafi€r, 13 «on the MeakingoreCaPcingthereofa fijorne éind of ‘fine; 16 57; Three ence-e~%a e for a}1 Oerdnénce and Sh0t4 of , what 4 fQrt}_ foe-vet! :. eefm-V %e‘verye}1undred?A Weighht * twelve Pe°”“de3ieeeeet9 aidebY the e 5§e:k?‘“’> ‘>00 ‘°°M ‘£03 non after the ejmze, * I6 7; vTb1‘ee Pence A A fl V Whfi r of‘Fo reign4Qr4Domefliek S.pierie.s>‘O0 V00? Q2; ox“ materialeatzeponwevereGa1loI*ipt0b%epaid e. For. every Barrel of A emade "‘Vk£t’fiEfi.'.( :ihiseTC of what {on fom»m~,;e to bepaid the M.akf:r:~earid% for pmportié Swap or fvft Soap nude» % «P?€P31‘€d difgr;fl”ealfor§ e e 02» made fit ere the Pehcew - we W M W F0x A ll other \Oyls myaldey Withinl th,isl“‘l“C0mmon~ M (9 3 A Fer all Linfeed-4'oyle,t* VVéhézle»-oyl, Blub-ll , her--oyl, Rapesjoylg P1lchatd;¢h§x3yl.,and ell A wealth; uponevm-y Tun,td ‘be paitlygyby the Maker,SiX5l1iUing3r .- A h For every Father of Leacl, con*taid‘ing‘"r A twenty yhuyndredweight.» at One hundryeél» allcl twelve. poundsjtoythe hunclrfid; to be ‘M ‘M ‘l H Paid by the Mlé.ker0rlSr1ielter,ySixl Shillings > no 06- 8 ‘ lyDa,y of fume, 1657;” --A ~ A A * “J by way pf Refailnywhetherlit be by the firfl Maker; orarzry Buyer ‘or Receiver thereof A lure proportionably , Two Shillings fix Pence A 4- A ~ i all fflr, “Of Glafse Glafimllupon M every Twmtys hn1:l.;gs value thereof, to €lP&i¢lbYlth€Wk€Fs0fl€ Shilling j .Foral15a1lt made-lotto be made within‘ anclrleight Pence, from and after the 24.. For all Ciderancl, Perrymaderandlfold fmmlhtheyfirfl; Maker, upon every Hogs» lqo 02} 06 head, and fo for a greater andlefler Mew» A J Foil all rMétheg1inl‘willlMw‘ s V 1ikéDfifi;ky3"§ rfdlcywfit by wetagjgj“tgv<~blé“*§fia* bythe Makfiruponevery Gallon, and fo r For all Starch » upon A every Hvndredllly w.7<.re1g;l1t ,2 contatxmtxgy me hundred may twelve to be paidby the firnBuy- l . yer, lftomyyanda€'tertehe24.lbayyoflejme,by ylI6rrsf7.0:1e 511i_lling+ 1 -‘-ht3~S isor flmllelbe W V A fhiPP€d 0*?‘ ceeveyedbywarer, .v ‘ ‘ ,‘ ,“ brthefirfmuyer ffucbsaltallattheplace or 4 10n~aHa1fP¢nny r A ref , n...-anon.-«.v.su-va'&....—.Jn»-.a--A.-—-I wfllfloturhwvthwlwflrj J Oottco‘ orgy; A Proportionablyy for a. greater or lefser quan—- A be tity, One Penny u Com r110m.ve.:1l‘t;hA, A and I10t%fl1ipped or ’C0%r1veyed by wt "%%J*5m11m1aer S;1It,‘”1na1d%§e><:n:a:04be,fi1a’de"‘withinVthisé I 3. A A i W;11:er,t04,bepaidAbyi% E3 firfi buy%e1',11po"nLt:héfiérflcde#_ A A A A A 1iVering5a.1pori“every Gallon :1H21i£ Penny 5 Upon ‘zzll 3:11: rakpon S a1‘z:,that is made of % A Salt .with- iufthis Co;."mnonwea1rh5 to be ‘paid by the Makerg V rhe1'eo*"au2m we1‘y%Gt11111> $m%zzxrm,.m,ugvupmw 02, mm ?Mn1js*z;t?éw ma W {%§‘27§;gntmAw vafe W W a mu mm (xi) vegzpuiuzs to mougm m as afozefaib; mm i’em%i?§ finbiés "times? to each wcxzcbanx; B»; gm:-- puma‘? refpecnmiia , tube left m%Tt_i)?é buufc at ufualplace at afisnnenf ebetgyfuw mbant 0; ¢ % gnzpozm as amzrm L: % ‘ mun mail within mmaiiefi aftetfijs %elAii1?¢.«-..-» xv 02 fleaning of fmb mam; mgpafm, afi afmw fam, ‘pay I); caulk to be pm’m’:‘s£m “$133 ireafu: ty of we muzifc 3®fl‘z':t:e, one fizfij part of mm: appeawto he wring we ‘tmmt flfiaiianw M the mm mcnunt, oz fzmountg, mama wcreupnn me; % {ante to be fuiip nficbar {gen,at1n4tbem3m1)ant or; f;?{Im.p=uz,m ttjmof clmreu ‘ann«a;qya;:;;%tte#m V 1 V’ % W % II . filijat an fad) mzrcnanwann “§n1p*azt¢r9'g as amt! neglect oz netufe to mm m to ma @n;ru—-..=—- « mttfiomzzs fa; mare, oz tljygic Qcputicmai “fits. A count 0; accounts, upon flaw, of an inch fins mgr: dfinnns ant: fiommonities epcifcame, mew ave%tci1tng annrcmainingon his 0gt1)€I'l:Da5lID$s togetbctmitbmDatweviv%%er~¢fv9ctib£1Mw puma as afogcfam, mtwrnznwc time abobewibiza am'tw,t1)at tbenfucb %ct:cbant9 0; fiéntpmtcts ‘ tcfpecxinely, than D; lpablg to pay mg fuitmy. ~cife ufaltfucbiflmtgn @0005 am: dtorxznatnnia ties; as than he fauna to titan!) cbargm in the mate 2160039 on Ijis‘ 02, ~tbm’c mccmmtfi. by |‘ en--?< ttitfi " at {B9 Ctlffflmtw DOME :. ‘ 1103 men egvtlbife cleareb by $3M am: melibc- tics; A :11‘: £113 eizpmzniirionera foz%?¢x3cifz aw nmhy nzequtwn. foztbmtb %t:;I“;’p;o_ceclJ%againfl; Inc!) merchants oz flmpnztewaaccozningas W we ilamesof efixzcimfi nicetwb mm apmtnsen; 4 111. swat nomerfcant nggjmpogtetof any fawn was oz»¢nmmnmms»*u2a1weper«% mittfl-W0 W¢WnP°°AD5 0: finuttytobiticsat % the ¢fl&DW~D°uf¢ a ‘yin? flztwitbin _tW % a¢o%m=.;~, cu) . tbxitandmmcaith unlefs tIj*etanie glamijané ‘;o;@mpo_mr,{%m fatty Blfifflfl oz. 1%cti1::nfi M by neewnmtljigs flan mm fealtbatl he nwmm tljztmntmfljailfign the cum», bpiqmt 0:. mm fa mam, in memefcme of the m mm: m ?£D%fft;= mg mg mzmfe, appointm to attcnn at we was flame bmfafoz tmtputpofe, mam the Wilma. tmiflmnatvs fa; we fiufimmfi, mm the mmmttiffis anew fnzthz fipciie, are V ijevmp tetbtctaneip tea amen a,n‘flcn;7m'nw tnV%ta,m%fp¢cial carefljsw sf) e fmm banana accrJ;mng1p,e§m*nnn *§ucI)4pwInn az P mcfmn ml)atm¢mt,u)aI1enttc? afugefiamnnz an ‘ I anzvafinonspg. emnmommg art may ctiuttmnwg mafia, 0; mw&£1AP¢% $fiicw of we mxftomcs oz mare ,“Ahut~"i1iflj¢] name M the tme ant: real 4 mp;oztetnf we fam cfiiisauns ng mmmobtza {K233 *0; [l)a1l%beo; t1)wn1aBe4¢ufenfthe name nfanp knpmnflgetcbant, oz any uttjev nation 0; “tuna c Arms mbatfueher, in an? imzt, to mlousv his 139 % nztbziv WW5.Cwbetmttthzwitbuz without enchant nzotbev W 9 “"79"” °”“°b1%nn1i13’n. Dflmffif "P031 399450005 R113 3%“ 95 filth fi€Im¢td¢ refn¢ctibe1v4s mm in ncfauit warmf wbevvfucb Emmettobttmmifuwncnwt nucfag zisfacu%unbzn:ancfozfmnfozfetturc;V was Dazmsanh fea1s,oznnD¢vt1J¢ u wtoavmconcrawto tnmuemeantng of this’ rmticle,A4t0hz1cbyen rcwemim1p.#¢hy A A A IV; % %”3I3D&€ tD¢%%%4E0mI1tifl'iDn¢t5 /6'02 4¢5fi5Cif¢ % new aiztbziswaanntbctv%nb~I=°mmiIffmm5 rc1mmm1y,% vmbv autiJeztsen,tn mum mm appoint %fiztcea:s ¢°“““1’m°n.':mffiW _ A V % M15 0?%fl)9 fiflfiiflz W¢«A0f .%V,%.m”$itW%0f « 4 mm toweazt eezcctteabteann mtnnw nxoniziest _ V ' (I3) i.*r:>‘ L % snonicie*s,m1aic§;ma:11 he cunmigtjfng if? W96; hpntgIJt,eitiJ£t hp mnnaoztw mamghzfoze mm mtw mam nf may fionns am: manumonitiw, zitbm: tmmms%o; nummacnmnxcnout matmnt, wflictm up ihifienfwbxaznen man the mtanumaifiia arms of fixwwtijm: §uh:coammfl‘ar:ma1m¢,ogmé‘ mwutpu; mpmwmf eitbev of mem, m; we mnneigbtug mg camping the fam mmmarm flmmmmmxzeag mm gm mafia that than he in i‘e“a’5a?t»2fim.%§V;1 we hgazzzufiifi m mewzce fozmcéfe um amfmimimg m kmma1e;M1viJtrcfu€£)<1’5»%*3on£ mm firm M {aim , mum m m%iw1%mnmarm kept; flwnin cafcwz faimcfiimmsi mi‘: mmxnuésnmw fa Wfeigen flml um he azmesizmm by the time mm {awful wmmv tbenmf, 11;? mm Mama unmet bis 0; tI)etc%i)ann,%noifi;3i2wne mm tmmw mama amt feisutmtnc Iain mm malt be abfuiutcip heyapntA4Dhpt1)z V A comtnttfionersdtzfpccttbcimfm tlaefainunc mm fogfmebtotbe cztomnwndncaltn , arm meant 4 flmllbefolntnenmA%AA%[%%@%an ~ wmnets m %ub~.== * woentynates are epifiitwsfilfi nneacmictv oz ham part of ttjepmwzn ti)zrmfV(all nacefiatp manta ge5%bm’ng fivft Mlmiuctm out of ti): mnnmtg m; V p1aceti% mi): account oftDe%¢1:omm0nl1!¢a1tD,3 A annttjzowiawVaau;otetpo;1;a1f:~vavtto%bwawntu tbcvartr ozmvtiesmbo fcischtbvfamz mun . ' 1'n cafm Inch <15 00135 u;¢mnmum'ticsM fo»;fm'5i£D%,.;%% ~ u;a1wzc1atmenmzcnmonzanntmenw natesmé ¢tDztmzann1afuuwmnevnftbmt,Amhv j encimflnffiflwctzunto unim his bjamann 15 flJcfaib%mnutnzfilaimev. asafozefam, wall nehm:%lcf5An¢§1¢ct0z?tcfufzAt“0ImRe it aw car xmmtf A ?¢¢¢nm:mmonevsf%z®v%ctre,o;tnm$ uhr~tommilIi0.%ntt:§-.. ¢zunt0;At%% tum: vattflf tbeut,a;c~ttmn: oftDm1»b1>fufificwntpzflnfitbgt 04-) a » A ytijafain moms arm fiantnynnitica" fa Risen; were 0; bane been Duly entyyn, ann a warrant, a 1"£icact 0; ‘§Lt’cenfc, ‘nntainan fa; the carrying oz yconnztgljingwem an afngafaafay ayjat than ti): y faindfioons ann finnnnnmnaa iiaemife he fngfeitw to we mxnnttnnmaaimann he fem am: y ntfynfen of as afnzefain. n y ~ y V. iflijat nn iactaim 0; fiijnpaeepcche para 2 nmttten by‘? Qlifitntniffinnaya of msctfe.-.ti)eic@‘uh--‘ cnmmiy1Imnevs,o; amputiea, am any any manna mcifeable, citijcvhcynnntije mas , oz to any ;ao;tmttI)1’n* this mnzmnnmeaitb, hefnge be lazing a pattictxlat note fpzcifying the quantities am: the qualitiestljeteotiannmakz may that ttjemzcifc of fuel) mobs isnain, nmjat they nmeyhongbtoffuntc.nt1)W£“3“¢13fizfibflpa n Reaper. that t)ati)nain¢£pci~fe;A% an A a_ VI. ifibat allann every waaa am: many» 1 A manna: of any @911: 0; mafia mijatfo ebersthat not!) tcanfpmt a carry any <15 nuns nz Qtfltllfllflhfa ” ttcz ifeablzfcn tI)is V name any 3 '3“) In Dneiynzt to n dtnmntonza n ya u; may y martant fog ?Lanm’ng 0; ciimrtng the (150005 0; finmmnnttics ( by nim tcanfpogten ozcatrten) on uyozcin any 90% mime to the A £DEicet fa: mccifz in the ram aynzt, appninten totzceibytbtWm. a true vattiwifiv 05 that agofihaanntomntonitnafo tvanfnazten any mva a web asafozefain, ftgmbnllt’t1J¢£I>fiic.evsfoztD¢ witife fi1m¢flft0W5”0ft1)eiB0:t:.fvontnomnce t1J¢faibfiDm,oz yffelcamaann tnatntmn thy 9IBaft¢v0zDi5%at¢s oztnc Ilfioatf inyflfa fucyby ’fb!'1y02b¢fT¢1.|1)a11makeaw hef0z¢*=tD;€°5°;m*i-7 new «‘p"":‘5.= “J” ‘°D‘55“"°m“°9‘ 1 w ‘ \ within * wavy I em%nA% m$m“ti)e min @9113 tn ‘ can were bath nwthmtiaifi an zzsoarn oz ta»: 4i”2fl"€1A 111? mg mantmnnitizs c;:ci5able~, t'ince’beAn;*tI)e1v' camc%%4~ ‘R0211 fuel) aénzt , no; that fat gain 0; mafia! math men heponh we §.>ea“%, 5‘; mt fucb place 0‘; aamt M be (bait mm _flmc[neciat:e ; anh in @1311) mg maffgi heats Beltran one 15art% of ijgetfiuow 0? 35~aP‘"Q w a.tj. 911:¢«%1?91¥2 V 3" W9*¢UW' 93¢‘? 8%tA“a*nMD¢vi Qvplit 02; Mtg’ that tbenVtbe®f—= mew fh*2»*‘~»W):ct3z am cmuimrzzs ",4 nature‘ Inch mm I1.f%“tD¢ Iain D935 +?L"W0ifl,%w ft)“ ‘he neiuwmm W11 tertfit 0n%tb¢b®acK‘ W the C0¢<11:1ecA Tran%fire% 02 0%t1J¢v warrant, 0: elfe by a %«a:ectta';m;ea1ane% amber we fieats of the mfiices, bum numb 0; what quantity of the 6500133‘ oz ?Lam'ng nImtmmm'n_tbe Cocfi qi1ci T1‘9~11fi}re oz otljet memtant, from the amt “whence i‘ue1)(g1;i9flz%1e£fc1 came, have been an é V tberciannzn anmmiti at II» anvae may mmmnn 215 Ml9TW“f %"Ie n¢z%$%215:zev , wan atnp%~tin1e1)¢reaftzm*ntakc are nf%%a~np’i2un oz ntijev wast ,% fa; iztjc mag: Bing Mam bzetngf any % W‘3l¢%, 1bt‘c1J Vhifi lmifationifi om we ‘augec;%&%z 6 uegew oz V % azm%r1n nefi;¢r;cttber¢o*f,. W, ‘WmvzifflAtW.. tymof4 twcz E ‘W 5‘ avrrotntetn%%gaw ms fiw cums % new fiaall fmfict fez enm»vA mm a mu to , as afozefaih.A¢4tv¢v Tum V e 1ewennp%:« % at 5 VJ “xix ‘ M '. ‘ ' "‘\‘ ‘V "Kg"? ” ' “ “ “L';;" I _( A amz e mman:13 4twt‘ren, % - ~ j H ‘ V L VA g as % % " 2 215% mm M f; A 91.5: 4 gcws, axmamtm cu») vxumac we mums 02 other fflmzn we ,@a1mm’flI:’onm:s @.fvame 1'52, W WW §»*é;“a:;aap. % 1. I » ‘ 1 M I ‘ 7 , y ‘ " “ W ‘ 0 K V ‘ ' ' ‘V: W‘ ‘‘ WW W H‘ ‘ ‘ “ ‘V ' ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ‘ -‘ v 1‘ , - 9 ‘ ‘ ‘ aw .3! ‘ nah,-5 " ‘ “bx; 'I«1§iL_‘;‘mh w: x:‘t:“ r=;lM ‘ ‘qm, y {H p gyk ak « ;_ 1, 3,, we , ' ‘M .~ 1. w‘/”'W7w‘. ‘ v“ ‘ =v ~ 5f;,\,‘ G '9 fl‘ " f I ’ —:~x"‘ ‘rm ,1) ‘dc v‘ “ *9. ‘ ¢ ‘ ~;i)z'sl)fl)a11 he filknlizembabflvlch, A mam 02% 4n:nwwu reifpecttimp , upon woof tbeveotf _1~nanfzN:upnn @at!)* at" one oznum mutate itnefles , 02 the %9aY??¢5‘$°Hf¢T5i°%n b¢f0?¢ ”;01I¢ 02¢%"i%I1I0*@¢ *33u3““% D5 “)9 1993“ %1”i“JiI1“ % ¢nuflt?f%€,%¢itP , £01131! 02* 1911168 L34 19e¢éfieincz %%ts1Acemmittcn5 within mnV%aftzv the Amence commttttb; sneuwovetvwwvf%tu nowtw we 4¢uI'e of all fnzebevvfucv J ( i3 the filnfoznmt, anntbc otbettotijcufc of 1900; , than to h¢1c%nie;nbv gfllfiavrattit frmu form ‘flufiice oz Siuilices nfthe,13mcébcfo;e mbnm fucb vavtvozvartics fiiaune fa fiitten, hp mtmfs am: éale of itlje p?am’4e§: c"5n%oDs,Vrennzing the omvplu s,ifanp he. mun? fuzmfatxltofnifmfs, nznot p_%Ap111enttimfémf mane , tt1I3ccon1n1it_teD tothe V nufc of c£mAzt£':> ction fugtbzeemonctljs, o;u*ntiii)zmaI£c pap’: é“1°““'3°"°.°f+ ‘V % X % atbat fog tlxbcttev fzcnrin%ganncm1e.»= cting the cfipcisie upon <15.om,+? §z’imI:, «mapper, tint: omen Q2)‘etav1¢VDifgrMfzn fa; we nlitljin. t at tantra! miftwWtws5% As» It “ ’“iW2»9s% 73”“ t~Ijat“tt)z esxctst tmmphe eqw:%%%Vp iLem’m an all the QBRBBCS amt; w::’gwW:g flmeof, flfie it sflgbainzn gun m1am:n%ay A9e1:1ti)o;i1cp% afozcm ram , % fiwat the é:%i:,nntmtfl"a"met§ afmefatnfm mci3¢, am) my % 4azM2Lo:n¢111i£fiomr5 ¢ gm A am: am %*¢&'icm:5to use a11fucb2€mnev,”nzoti)er,at $010, ®:’Im,¢ 41:«::wcv,~ o2otbcv% a"?Im’bate~fl5 atvanziaiacfia wenattf)e IBM %ann1%b1aceawmntenbptwe fauna muse oztbm 9uh%:®ommtm A Ummfifionew A «W5 }v¢fWtib¢1P;3nbtU %:¢‘l5"¢%r‘tii”i%2ih4at¢ flfiaw. $935995} "9¢€¢m5a* ~W%“?1%¢ASV5 finD”0tD%r 1'0 n=—<‘ ,11mment5 ufeh in tI)emi‘fm'”n1fingVnf etalinto . , 0 . mm m? Ijamccaufcof mfnis Wfirumentss cum, to mmanwntrancc to za1:,cAbfuz1'ucn 311*? mes, %eAucnes,@cr¢ms, «mines , anus... nn%iI1cafeof% teftzfal; Em“; ¢ snmia (150066 mm cmmnznwiez fa retscn; %4%«mzrc 0; me hear“: nn1yenww.,4anua warrant, fiicket 0; iicenfc, ohtamm fmtijz carwing oz fconbztgbing . them as afag@fmia§AJ réziiat that} the fam 050033 ants fiommemum littemtfc he ‘ fozfzitw to t1)e@o11tnmnnJmW,an’n be full: arm “ nifpofen of as afogefain. A % A V; 5531115 I10 fiflailtt 0;®1JDp‘E‘.i2¢1J€thB D€t.~:-J . mitten tip‘? ctumtnitftmms of ®}$ttf¢:.t1J€I'l29‘ub--‘ commuIz'oners,o; mputies, tuflgipanp moms mzcfieablc, citljct beponhtijc Seas , oz. to any wogtmttbin wig mntmnnmealtb, hcfoge be hung a patttmlal: flute fpecifying the quantities am: the qualitiest1)erzoE,annmam mm that tljwpzcifz of fuel) mans ispatn, A omjat they ~11W¢h0I1BYJt0ffon1c%0tD¥t£u;a11 finm upon tum wexamtnation, timanv Default bath W11 in any the famA1%>a=m tbzlmfiql) ignuzancenz mifiake,%% atytinothxr 1Jmcfi¢gnA nf ‘ 7 1'} (‘k W ccipt , ¢ Em: fain3,v,1£tices Cballbe, mm are bmti1>“xuti)0:‘i3¢D ainilifltnvfllbmfl tn mitigate fuel) jfine, 19maIt1>;%o2 fuzfmtwrt‘; asw W..f«i¢s¢.ation, the fame M nut manew: *enD01Ih1etbe%.%mmeof tnemw ¢WxciscV%AmDi,tD flaw] tnbam been mauV hf.efin¢5i,* 1:1) pab1I?t»‘$0i1fi ant» %z‘i’:I1-+-~—-—~oo A of §Glai3 ’s%iAg:cs« qA_0V¢rcd with L }1ea.ther, th¢doz¢n~—= ~ 4 % #¢L ingtwe1v¢AdAdozcn,N¢11~%v V A 02 A 'AM0ney-boxes,% .thcé.%grocedcontaini»ng V “tW€1V.¢ dozcn»w- w ‘ A % -moo D1-égwing-béxes, the dozcné ~ . Loo AMToba.cc0 twelve doz¢n+~ ,¥N ¢G1:~.1‘s,‘"’4the‘ # groce%conta.in1ng AtWc1v¢.%Abund1cs #01: oo ;dicke1'sw M AA .__.m.. -,1». H . .4 y‘‘‘ .«];‘A.(, V rcocks,~Athc«puAndw_ ;c:he%.:hoL1rmd Brick ~wflo.nes L Gal1y~ti1es,thcfoot 3 A w-v.,A- {_Paving—--tiles, t1ic”thoAL1fAan¢’.: —~« % A A %orT1.e‘ hundrAcc1 a%nd(A tvqclvePQu,nd4 5 2 ......_....._._n .4. ' . r - ‘ ' ‘ - —-—-r-—‘——v v - ‘ ‘ \. _ P" ‘ ‘ ‘ ’1,‘_Mw ‘ , V ‘W 1? ‘ M ‘ m. " n " ‘W ‘ Pound. I V’Hvr‘ ‘ in ‘Y: -m...v.L - ‘W “ ‘ M; "J; , BnApk1famAsAA M of %V$G12I75~_L¢gQye5r¢d V with wwflicker,» . the ' « T >00 ; A :00 Voo M. 0*; to 00 03 04 % 02‘ V‘’‘‘ ‘i 04. " %V:Bxi ck- 1 F;l3;.ers-tile tofcour »with,¢ A Pcones «far1<;1— ""— *-‘ V 00 A ()0 700 5,5 % Q1 0 . A<>s<>9 Brimfionc; 1:113 ¢h1A1171d1:ed W€Ai*g:h1: ‘con1:air11ng‘ V 1. /72.] d. as “ A 00“ 03 M 00 80 Q0 00 06 00 06 oo - 00 A 0; 94 do 06 O0 00 00 mm: A A A ~ V {of Hamborotlg ~ Bggxe ‘Q ‘ x M I I‘ma;1ljor » “Q5 T313 ,445¢€~“ 1» 0099 A Bu¢jg;«.§!}af Roan5Vrhe%%ddzcn- ; of: Game, %x:hc;d'ozcn (*2-2%) «fof C%ofintrcy‘¥5%4the4 Pie r:LHe w 1. a. 7 Amos “co % A 4 03 " Q0 00% ; “‘“‘O O 5 00 A A croi:4La‘ttinf\;V¢ [ {mg 1‘-’$‘1’°3¢+ gr“ 7cor»taining tW¢1V€ ()0 r-..-q-¢- i fmall gr~o_cc,4 fie,very:«J grbcc 1:A*wé1,vc&Ar Q1 d0zen__ A \ 7 9V‘7?icIWe}:['”£*A A A4 V twe1~ve~fma1,] A A ofirlk, theL.aVVgrjm:d%& groAce+'% A twelirc i7‘ma1l%grocAe« ofBugIe, the dozen L% of Hair, A theg «an: '4» v V v' .1 ‘ a A %_A§;. twcl Bxilrufhes theA«load*-4---AM % A Burs %:for A fnilfl:0ncs, I: ' fivb fcorc%M;:*-i%,4V4 4 . . cw °£“?@h¥Yfi313%‘1thv¢ dozen 4 05g1afi,th¢, r “V Vgroce %“°°Wi11in%g great gr-'0 «, he%-J dhun dozen A mm,“ " HA Ww" ‘e’ x '1 ‘l w ‘my “ " ‘ ‘>1 W ma!‘ W ‘ * II“ ‘ ‘ l . ‘ A“‘''''‘’ '::'+' V‘... .5‘ ‘ ‘ , , 4 % -4500 ce‘concaining A % A containinVg A ‘ oo 00 ; ii .03 . ufl . . ':?tW“f«*"‘»“? ‘:‘\Ii*""f7?‘”*7;"5f‘7'{-?.»,‘—** ‘S §";‘*3:.‘ A Q» R» mu‘ “ ,»' ~< ‘ .‘ :,',;, ‘S m"“ ‘ t 3 » roce contai~n"ing‘tWelV¢4 A A’ AA 00 ‘V wv wwilw--~~n « ‘Mt-1-vwvrw-mu-oouoau us.--a~«-.....-um Cg‘a.n"S) the cf:‘c%o1j%1A t:3.ir%A1i , I V‘ .. .. ‘*-hm--‘ ‘ VA‘ ,7 ~ *1 M hé , “*1 11% twelvc dozén1——-~—~ J VVCantfpars 0019 A 4"-O2 IO" 0‘o~ V b1ackA,:hcpi¢ce§++-+oo& 4 BL1g16of”g19-fi~‘:. th6P04uI1d—*%“f% A “V (A8r~éat,"th5 Poundf A _ V A f¢ed%%%B44 4g1e,~ the pound %Lace,1:hepour1d 10’ O0 0206 044 00 Q6 08 _ A 08A Aoo_ » 06 (58 04 . 0008A drcdA»«contaAini-ng A A 00 oo‘ »oo J ” A %%OL%_jo5 foo AV (0644 4 “I30 Op 1 0100 " \ .'Ga1'ds<, ’ca.‘1I'edPlaying caedtdst, thegtrocecohtain -A C~Ghadfi>ng-ddifhes ofttBmfE; or Lattin, the Chefts < ea. ‘ “ V V ‘V . W‘ ., V _ A in}; ’; ~ ‘1 _‘ _ I £23: A 2. Cantfparsgtthe Spar — A ‘- V . C3Pef$,»thC hundred %vWeight_o_ c0IM1tai_t1ing one hundred and twelveepotind" C * ;C3Ps..hooks,0r hooks ettdsgthegrooécdntaining . twele doz€n- .3. Q9 “ lVBrut1f‘wick”‘ and. ° Gentifhe Carpets , ’ ing twedlvetdozendpaifmw; ‘A .4; ‘ t Pcript :i‘1idt'L1I1'f’cri’Pt;t1*1CsPi€ce~—«-4--—-55--oo {Carpets of Turkeyfot chef’ts,“5C.t.hes C A piece e j car? etsg‘ Carpets of otTt1rkeytoi-it ’ehiJft:efli‘ott; called [etthetpiecet ' 01 ‘ “‘ \ Turkey % or Venice long, seontaifning A four yards and L‘1‘pwa1*ds----~—-‘ ' --;—~-w-‘~06 LCa1tpets of Perfid, lotw, t1"’1ePietce«4m—$~ie:=e%:’oC6 -r—-v n ,.._._ Carpets of Petfia fhortj, the p4ie“ced———“>~_gr—-—%¥—~o:». {*3 ‘ A ‘ ‘ st.’ ' of Iron fmztll or mt 0113;: & [1Of'I’1'OI11EL1“gC',)thCPiCCC'flI tLofCiprL1swood, the Chef}; ‘cztl‘1ed!;2y1ve{%er5 A L A cheneztfljtihefl “doilnddod 7 tot Coaches for c11"i1d1*et1, the '0ze1‘1;z L _ 00 so ottnpaflfes ofBraFs and Irongtthiec1()zet1——-+~.we~4--~o3st Copper, tt11e:'o‘t;ht1t1dtedWei O oppe‘rasgreen, t1V1el1untdredw~eCig1itcontai»n«t V mg 0116 ht1ndreds9.ndftwelve~po1;t!1:1d¥~%—e---e-%—=-—-———-oo wostk, the hundred Weighc:containinglitfz‘ ;""*f'*':0;f Counters oftBtrai's.';,t~the-poi1t1d+-:s--;‘~i~+--4-~+§~4-3—4w~é4:§;~>:-+¥"ot> A H ‘ Deals “*"“""'"*“""'*"""0O to o’Che11ea1”{of all forest of tCodtl1ef1eé.l *‘é§t‘Vcéptt ” » ' Sy1ve{£e”"r'and”Cdmip‘eaché:tiCo.—-. M /79-* 10 J. 00 00 00 ‘ st ‘ I ' , ‘ u . . .3 .‘ ,‘ oo 4 08 O0 10 O0 too 00 00 oo Foo 00 O0 00’ 00 C 0; 00 Q0‘ 00 V‘ ‘ I‘“""‘" :\ - It 3, Y" o =4‘ )4,‘ 5 ~ ww ,t)J«.a“ 0; % oo crshtttetrttavitningtortte~ H 4% "00 A10 02 10 074 { 5J’''‘’‘';,, 00 O0 00 00 Too Go 00 Deals Wcalled ‘{ A e Spruce Deals,the hundred hcontaining ~D*:a1s§ Difhes 4 “of China 311% A J ty, the yard {Adca¢iah,. A < ejhflwloesEpaticaghechep~o*und- ~ % A Allom,Romifl1 hr Roahchgzhe hundred %gt*¢a>t;,s1ndfma1l under 2:. quart,» the \Qf3L*" Aelkane I-W5 ; D ,.,~ ing fixhhefcore. A wamog A " . p~D.ea1s, the hundred con- Add _r.~¢r.,______‘_, 00 def W/~0~,hI 'C:;&dOZCn “ ‘ v ' ‘ /r : ‘ r M “ ~ wter ' ‘ ‘ ‘ Hf ‘ :1’ V ‘ ‘in I ‘ I M V “ W ‘ r M’, ‘fwv 3 wl~'!r»wvW' “V ‘W’-" ‘ « x .L 0 A one 1; A 6 ~ \_._.__._ ‘ ....... w—-........r ww VAOO dozen. M V u ‘ 1| « “ “ , ‘ I I, ‘ Hg »rX’j;__A; 1;, ‘J ‘ ‘ ”'““"“~" ,1,; c’ ¢‘1g~,-.;‘‘W :‘ W, . 4 Adiantum~Nigrum, the pound-—-~----:00 ;Aga.r;ic11s, or Agarick trimmed or Pa-h- red, the pound 4 oo Agarih “‘%‘ A th§eP0_11’I1d"‘*'""‘~*--00 und~—-—-———-«-----—~-oo ‘='~m; '= 33°: the po 1f n “ 115$ Roots,- A1°h‘r“¢5;Confeaio,thepoundm--.0; _AI}~(%)C;S.yCiCOtr1n.a., the,pound-~-+ e ~ 00 dddconcaininggH2-pounded 1 .1 Amb¢1'IQ€€C,b13Ck“ hreyghc ounicc -T . gchefomd e 2e ~ Ange1ica;:hedpouna A60 00 A 700 ‘ am. 1 ‘J’ ‘Wr“ W egsyrup, the pot1If1de~—---—-doo 00 V 0;: _ %:% W§' do "00 122 O0 O0 O0 05 oo oo 4 00 01 00 10 m 01 A00 03 oo A 02. 01 06 co} d"Norw7ay Dea1s,the hundred co1itain~ V 00 00 oo 06 O0 06 O0 004 00% oo 03 06 O0« 66 M00 09 04 00 406 96 as 00 e as 06 00 A, to Drugs e 01% i Borax xvefined, th&P0t1ndle 02 AA A lDrugs ‘ -—--»oo_ 04 J. on 02, 0'0’ 08 0+ 10! 04 02¢‘ 04 o 8 0 6 04 00 04’: 00 00 on 06 O0 00 go; 00 - .00 04 M00‘ Drugs! A called» “Bunkins“Holliwortlespr PiPt<':1ochia,,7 V F’ the pound— «.-I M A A A A C15 9 I. ‘[70. o 17“ A VW“%0m ‘ Cato Nuts , the Pound e t ;ooA Calamus , the pound I t Cantctiocutlus,. thepound he 9 C3.1’1Ea1‘id€S;thC Pound-‘ V A 00 1 CatawaySeedsA, the 1412. pound--—~——~-—--—-oi .Cardorn@mes,the p;uA:%nd:- A . Catrabe, or.Succinum , the 'pAouAnd4-+00 Carthamus» Seeds, the pound-~—-—--~—~»oo Cafstiae lignea A, the pound vs ~00 ;hCa.Ptote2i,r’“BeaverCQds, the pottndtuqt China Roots? the po’utnd-£+- [ ~ t A - ~ -00 tCipertA1s longus andtotundus, the 1. ~—--00 _ . Ciptus Nuts, thepound A A my mu ‘ ‘ * fig3fiW?m\f:AA::§.Yf$)V;€W(i;'A§:;1:3;;‘AiAA "'>a},r:"1 - t V t A, A ‘ V fi 4 .« A AM Phyfical ufe, the Pound----M»-—~---oo 1 Coral whole, the pound u__..... Cortex guaci , the PO11AI1d:~ oo "**Ae*00 Cqrtex Mat1drag0rat,the poundm-+eoh e CQIEAH s dAL11cis&; aInart1s,hth4e Pound--2-():e hQ11b€bS, the pound A hCt1m-5 Cicercs, White andrtd,theA pottnd-=4-~00 e 0° A ti”»tttn"£§1_...h.L;t.;;+«_7g we Coloqtlintidat, the put1d~--t—A---—~.-e----———--—A-‘or‘.>h U Coral,» red 01'WhiteA5infragmentS,fA0r a w— 00 he \ tCOI'fi.1--b€1‘I‘iCS , the pot1nd-——#~»-+—~--—~—++~oo h1tCotiandet-feeds , the 112. pound-—-r----e-oo COFECXCaporum;th¢pound~—------tA A _~4--——---400A A, , Cortex Tamarifcinhcpollnd A 00 - 070 A ,A00~ Camphtire, the pound refined--———-—e-~ooAt' Camphirfi unrefined , 4 the I” pou nd-~—--—A-?.~—-~oA0 A oo: 00 06 0; 03 +04 ;06 Q"'Ca»AfP0 Ba1fami,htheTpound A '00 oz 01 '00 1 tCafsia.FiPtu],a,.the*po"unwd ofallfottsgoo * O2. O0 O1 00» [IDA 0; Q0 00% 00 90h 00 01 O1 104 OZ ‘ 12 004 01 00 o; ‘ 0 I oo 04 too 06 oo 05 00 06th A; oo 04 A 08 Drugs A Called < 1 A Cydaménroéts, ihcpoi1nd---~ Fiod { Cfippér (3 ' Cakrlinaghepoundi 9' 7"" Diptam I Ellcborus ’Iiig'ér’;’,Athe pound---oo AEPicher;num,the pound» «W A y A ELiphdrbVi Fo1iLimIndi;t,th¢pound - A . ‘rGencra1,rhePound% A "CL1mmifi§-Tcedi, the ~ » .hL1n(i1‘Cd _é.n%<:i M Atwelve Quads; Witrago, th<=} “A’¢P°uhd ea ¢ 00+ Cetrzich,~»thep64und~jAA “ %éoo % Cin.aAbrL1m,~m': Vermillidhjzhé pd71.11}ideoo A Q A W/hit€,the% f>caunc1--r--t%~74«oo- V-asfSB‘Iew % Dantzick “or A W” A HL1ng"a1*y‘,»¢Vthe Vpound-9--~==-00 giuf"h,‘i5fcgu¢'ta Ganzbagthc 1.-—--goo C aihbé %ficl Galbanum, thcpound "+00 ,_ Gamma, ch¢%pour Pafro-" A an, the 1124 pounck ‘ fly. *3 01, 06 0; 00 oo 01 00 00 01A 00 O2 12 04 oi or 00 01 01 oo 00 10 02. 03 01 12 oz 01 A01 4. 04* 0.4-; 06 A68 04 05 _02 V ~ ‘:34 08 04: <54 06 04 9° 08 A06 08 Q3 04 03 00 00 A 04- O4_ 00 04 O04 O4 O0 - 04.; 08> "cirfny ‘Pe«pper5%the pound oo 00 e8 Granawrinaachepound&—- %oo oo 08 Green Ginge%r,‘the%p0L1nd‘ to 00 ‘GumAnimigtlxeépoundk ~%%doV oz. (50 ‘. %G1imH Carannx} the1E>ou’nd-~ Gui:n{Tragagant, : ¢ §;~;§)’iL1r1;i111itii.dr‘ A % A ‘V oo 01 06 % 4 ‘Iv ‘ 00 %#Gi1IfiAC&fam€i1;¢ . poun d1‘A ‘ or 02; Hyfpqafiié, :1;¢_pou;xd4 A ” 4 — .....»« mt W- J «W m . ‘ 4 1' H ,»‘F~ ‘ rh€VP0und- 01 oo 1000 Gi.iAm Elemni,the4poL1nd4§4~+!% A-==—-«c)0 oz 06%“ §~a¢aerm the po_u nd H oo 02 oo V%V%I1undrC§:{Aa11dAtWVc1xf%t:,}g>oux1Md~g~—-«-+»4oo [154 00 A V V 00 % 00 01 08 V A 1'0 00; 04 A Drugs , called 1‘ V {7Lapi}s~Hematiti%s,~~ thé» p011nél+:w§+¥-ageogo j ,L-apfs Lazu1i,' the '*poi1I1jd:+ : Iapxs Tutiae,the Lintifeu:%s,or Jfifylolzal/V&mi¢:2z3:h‘cT}3§oufid~=~ (19) Iv. Lapi%s ]Vudaic4us , thé poMn3~i’:;;' V , 2 A .” , an ; ..ao Vrthe poundw 43rw*w“ , do Lignum-_.A10es, the%'P0und+; * Lignum 4Rodium,» the 11 ~pm1nd--—-+~—~—oo4 Lignum Via,“ the 112; Pound»-~w--~3—~w+~—oo Lithargeof Go1d,the H1'f?0U~171<11_f' Lith2u:g¢¢of SilVf:rw,tht M-1 ¢p?dL111deéw§-~i;)4x LGGLIR, the % ‘A A_ :00 :Lupi”m':s5{ the 112 }’§>oL1;1:“xi1~?*~*"':“"'“"""?~==~—*-!‘*~**-*:~*()o% Imntils, theA112»pound¢ A Lapis c«ontra;y%cr vat, the o"t11«1c;e‘~<~—-—~—=~-:—-——--~jpo ‘ '--—--—-- ‘ «.7 Ma.dder Roots , 1-%Rubea r “ 7 i, ,2 00 +00 Mafiich white, the poundw 4Maf’cich red, the, pound “ A V I ' ........‘_ 01A V 3 "00 A Nlgella, ; ~ 01 . -Leaves053.0fesspfviolaegordflowcrs,. V « Ligitmm %Afp11a~IEt1m , the p~oL1nVd+-+~4%~o©%V .17 Li9"nL1m.NcPhrc1:icum, the poundwwbo V rum,ah¢ A % %% % % %mmyfub1imate;;thé MercuryP%recipiratc,4r1w % % Mith~ri»ate %%Vcnc:i4:e,$»%. the%ptiL;1a+~e-éo&:w .g;M:?i_lli7L1mSol»«isthe.?7proun%d ; I 9,90 MirabQ1ans* dry, 1;}'n¢:po%n.1h;da:;::4 ~; ‘tr 00 Mi&ra@1~auns~ ‘c9ndi«ted,‘ AA the-~poL11;1 4% A ’ 1;AML4sk»,nAt1ae»dunc:eJ T A A 00 ~ in 01 06 00 08 ob V 10 01 M 906 10 05 700 00% 12 00 O0 03 00 00 V 08 00 04 O34 01 A 01' 00 07. ""08 01 00 02 00 <34 05 oo 06 i 01 00 00 01‘ 10 A10 00 00 06 00’ 150‘ .98 MA 00 04. 04. 01400 . }; if wt 00 08 _ 00 A 06’ 081 06 06 brugs ll callfd Nutmegs conc1jted,n the ‘piece to Nardus Ccltica, 63°) "Nigclla, thepound A Nitrum, the Pound 4 4 oo o no V--4---~00 oo ‘ 900 on 00 or picé}RoInana,the ‘y.«.PO11r1&—v—‘-=’%‘fii;“ - V ~ ~00 Nux pini or Grana pini, the poundm---oo Nux de Benne, the pound?-- } —~— NL1xGuprefsi, the pound Nux Indica, thélpiecfi-We V V Nux Vo.mica.,the pouncl A Opium,7 thc";poundflg; ~ A _ ' A V QfiPPl1.1*II1 AHuetritl%grn, the pountl----—-:00 Orcant or Almiet”;‘f’he pound-—----- 00 Orabus»,.tthe poundxe. A A A A V Orpment or Auripigmentum l, the A V 1 I oo Panther, .thcpound’ »~ ' A ” ’ * oz. " %%%% A.Af%Pt3.I1lSj O1‘eCi~Il].1S,~t ttl1lC l A "P¢3fl¥l5€d,—.th€ounce Troy~—: Q A eAP_.cl1itorie, thcpound’. ‘A ” ~_—P€PP¢1}long, theyounde-4; A l FA3:1?%",¢n.:?-%infi"i'ilent,the pound-~--eo'o yflowet % < Or'i0anum,t11epound l we * — \Water, the gallon O on dc Coordc ‘Oyl ofRoféfflarylthe pc)‘untl---~——~-—-«f—-00 Oylde Bay, the 112,» pound A 02 r-- i Oyl of Mace or NL1tmegs,thelpound--5-oo ‘A;n0yllOf«Splikc,fthe pound! ~4 A A Oylof Almonds, thepoundm-~--—--m-oo nd no A no 3 ale Scorpions, » the Po‘u“n<;l~~—*——--~+—oc:a ’ Dlcum Petroleum, the poutmcl-»;—---~—~---ool fA Oleum Turpentine,thePonund~—-:----5-~oo4 pound , Tt ponndAo 1‘. Perroféri ‘ Olibanurn orlncenii-,: thepoundéw-----ooe ~ 'l‘=w»—ool L AOyllo£Amber,.teth¢l Pound ' V one cs l 4046 00 ’ 00' A 06 oo -l e%_e~g0 A 930 2. /2;. dc’. ‘oo 04 on 01 oo 0; oo 09 oo 06 or. 00 oo 08. 01 oo oo 08 A00 11 0600‘ A" 01 00 too 06 ‘\ oz 00 04 oo 00' 06 Am. 12; i2, ,0; 16 ‘5 00 00 00 P 01% 01 02 0|» Q6 00 00 oo A 01 Id on 09 04.: 0o” 06 + 05 004 L04“ ; 00 A «:8 l D A V cajfiffls 53 Rl1ap'onti1um, the potlndw = ‘ <31) I 7 A . [A A dred Wfiightwr M V 00 ‘AA Piony feeds, the ]:&30Li11d~—--~—+-~--~«---%«-00 I Pionytmots_,hhtl1e tpoL1nd~—~ Ai. ‘ 2% V 4 do PiPtaehias or Nux Piftachiaé, the tApour1d~+-—-—-~«-«4-~«4 A P ~ ooh PoliumtMAo11tanL1m, the pound»--~e--oo Polypodium, the pound —~—--”——------—-----—A-—»oo Pomegranate Pills, the Pound~—-»-~——+---oo Poppy feeds,the pound. V 00 Precipitate, the pound “ A oo J A Pfyllium, the tpour1cI———-«A-At-—--------—---——~———~—--ot>%% Prunellas orhPruans of Brtmelia, the pound - ~* V 00 (gickfilver, the pound. -00 .—.-an g Radix EfL112€,'th€POL1I1d-fl -~—, ere-00 Red1¢3d5 '=h¢ " ' V tet\=th~a3irbarL1rii ii at A Roffet, the }_30L1I1d?——? oo 4 Radix contra yerva, the Pollndw-.-W-"*OO Pconae,;eth¢Pound¢ e A sat Alkali, thcpounAd . 0° _.......... A l2Sa1Gem,thee potmd - A ' Sat1eNiter,the pound we «-—~e 00 ¢ 4 V A A 4 '00 Shanderacha or C3um Sandtick, the Al.~—- 4-do Sandracha juniperi , the do SandiVer,~thet112 pound:-«em A 14 A Safiguis ADraConis,At the pouhds~44~éé=--oo ’ 5arfaPari11a,the pound)" 00 A SaflaftasAAtA\W“oodo1:troots,_ fthef ~poI'1nd~A-—- 0 :3 aunders 1te,tt e pound----—--- Saun~ APerro'fen wide F1';1nl<.it1cen’f'e,hhtheht1n-= .,. ‘ Pix Bhurg“t1ndie2e, the 1:2 1)ounc1~—~—w-~-~<-ooh ~*t*0Ot ‘ Rof§1~e~vtw+«(nick) the Pounct-—-=00 % Radix Scorc1onera,»thePountlww--moo AA “:1 co t "0 (I2 foo 01 00 f 1> 01* 00A 00 00 OS O0 00 0; 02 O0 16 e do 00 0: oz AA 00 A 1:Sa1A1‘rrioniacL1rn, the pount1-—~—+=-i~—--~ti»o A 00 01 A 00 00 09 01 A 02 A00 01 00 Q6 00 06 O0 ‘O0 o; A 04 08 00 08 06 00 ed 08 oo oo 04 06 Q0 00 06 02% O0‘ ()0 09 A06 04- 04 A 04 00“ A00‘ 00 A or A 06 Druvs A 0 called Semen Cucumeris 1 ASa1done11a,e. the pound A - 4 A A ‘ Stibium , wide Antimonium Succus4Liquiritizgthep SeL111>ht1rViVum, thepoundv A Tammnas,che peound-A A ‘lT‘”3V1'%L¢mfli3§ ‘h€yAP;Q”fltn{a1, the pound—4—!é ‘ J Tutbith, the an A-dot v'1j“ro%cifci% dc Vipera, the d‘unc¢ Troy--§0‘ T rcaclct common, the poilflclw-WWW 66 u«_. 1 ,.v ‘ TreatC%lr: of Venice; theP‘t:»u'nd— .,,‘ ,,r A “C50 PQUfld“”“**"00 T ‘J. s,_~. TL1r%bith &fh%ap’fi at, the irL1fIfiCI:iCk;t,he V pdund .___..._.. uu-—....... ,,..... WOO Prus,th€P0l1fl3t% the hundred Turpent1nc: tcomrhon , Talk w11itc, t11Aepound%—-i~ . “""" Talk green, the‘ pound VVerdig1-eefe,'t11c pound 4 ta t . . (-00 v t Vitriolum R0m3111.1m t A Vcrnifh , the hundred and twelve oundww —--ma , V V. W A M -------A-07.‘ Vc:1fj:r1Vi11io11 , wide CinabriL1m,Tthc ’ pound ~ _ A . “O0 atrthe POunCL"'"°’0 V an... ‘I'‘'' _.._....... -—--— ......_ u---——~ ' ‘mg one hundred &*=W€1V€ Pm111d%°<> vircugt%eramus,thePmndw oo WI1ite Lead, the hundred and twelve ound | t t t*~"t01 \W0rmS~f°¢¢ds; the P0uI1d~*"-~*‘t*“r<>° Z;edoc’ati§a,”t‘hepoundw~ ’ 4» «-—t— t--oo A L tttt%gE’°‘tmd """" rt Elephants t t*f50r¢~"t** Emerie Stones ~ one hundréd andtwelvfijpotmdsw Ebonywood, nheTun “W00 Teech,chehunc1red containing five: atheliundrcci weightcontainitng “ ‘ t~*%oo _..__._... flwfans 00 oto A TL1l‘PCntiI1C \Qyf Venice: , AV Scio‘ or Cy-t— O3 2. /7;. M 1'00 02;‘ 5 Oi 66 O2 70; t or 00 01% 011 00 0; I01 06 "."' % 01 » Xylcbalfamum (tvideL¢I1FittfcuS> ‘fthe. , V I my “_...tt ;QQ; 01 03 O0 04 00' ‘$0 It‘ 00 .3’ 61. t_ e 06 (>4 08‘ (55% O0 .06 oak and twelvépdtind M 00 13 0,4. _ 4 004A 06 oo‘ 08 too 04 504 00 108 034 OO~ 00 00" A _Furs calied 0+) riot Corn, the piece -~ e~*- 00 Fans % A for Women and Children, French ma.~— king, the dozen A A-:--‘02. "ofRuf§ia, the hundred wiveight-~—a—.~-—e---01 nigeéthers of France for Eds}: ch; lOC‘)VV'i.T.€§gi1t=-L-»0~;s1r * A A yofofiriche 5 ac , I: epoun -----—————oon _ A 1 Sgwhite, thepound--4---—--~oo Fiddles forAChi1c.iren,e’nhe grace 9 «W J ~+-oo F11es,ethe grace containing ti2velveid<5ien--~w-moo _ ‘Sprujce MafcovieaA«nda1lFlaxun— Haxcanedj kd1:e1i:,%thehun I1‘11ta,we’d, the ti’xx1b’erceontainii1g forty skins A _ V. ?Té.wedte,: the ti:mb'et:e containing forty skins ’ A oo oo ~00 .....4. iBla.ckmw,thc‘Askinr%e‘ 4 :4 Eslack feafoned, cheskin-----5. Greyeraw,AAthe:sl»°£in: ’ ‘ A AC3reyef3:afoned, th€1Ski.fl'-“‘“‘““ V‘ 00 ;[%TaAw‘CedsA,AA*A rtzhe timber 5conta,inin“g A fortyskins ' ‘A A ' -;.w~oo; fortyskim‘; V V. Voo A A(_SkiAns,Ath€Pi¢cc~, m:.r<" we r or e : .7. " mo; “ht fimb€rA contaim; 1;. thAePa1mor MantleA,A 09 : < Gills; the timber containingforty Askinfy , A A” no A A A Tails ; _, the -huxid rcdA conca-ming .. J01 too conta.AiAning A 1 A~"'_"‘93 2TaWed;ihc I:imbcr'c0ntainirig,,fi)r~ t Uncawed , thetimber Ounces ' e:"m.blcsAof :11l.VI-arcs, e;€he«timb4er4V»cont2;iriing A A » A _ fortyskins{T1[%AM +1, 4V A" A i 3 We3Az.ieee~esek1ns,.eAtheedozen A % , Wé>1f«§ W°1vcri*1gs,vh¢Piecc 1’{AihS.§ Tawcd;A the Pi¢ccA - ~ 33 éuI1tawcdA,< th€PiCCC44 A Amw. Pours ,* the Pain er Mantle-1-+----—-+-o<:>e:%.e MN I M 3‘ M V ,‘; ,_-,L 100 A A4.—»oo%e A 30A 1,. /7;. 4’. *- o8:.o4;, 1-2 M 06 W12 a6 16 A 03 0;, 00 044 00 0304 .06 A 00 A 65 00 M00 00 “ 00 A 00 00. e 00 go Acid (SQ. 12. go A 40b 00 V13 04 00 % A 00 C50} = 00 00:” Q6 A 05 00 06 00 7A00 00:04 A A 10 AT 00 0; no «M +00 15AA~AooM Ga11yA A Difl*I‘cAs..Vih%Acc1V022¢cI3 A V Windowsw A 4 called A V37} j.ran1n;raam;aj511anabyg:ah*Eu*a;»::;::u ‘ %’A3n"s thAcAA«vpAiécc¥ ceh%ic$j:1i,rig M x“3.\ .,“* ——_..—.....-uunuu M A .. ‘ M. \ ./A . 1*“ 1: -Barmi»1lians;th;piccci%contaidifigwiwq % J%y%4:vha1£'Pi%cce;~s~»»A . -V) r A «.9 s. W A I‘ .s._ ‘ »*::LAtwo half pieces V . .1... A - V A ~ ;. iM~1llAa1i:1. FuPc1:ans%,; thcépiecc %cpntA'a.iii¢jf¢ 1 : *%iAngtwo w~Ha1f?Apieces ‘ I A ¢Na4p”~lcs FL1ffi:11iM1fVaAJp“Aé V¢I£1fr¢ AA j1#9’%;i¢n‘*, A %~.:ofW/cazc1,% the "Piece tofitaiIj1i}1%gV’:c}2vb ; #1; half picccs A Malia; v mg ‘ ' «. V. ~~n . . ' {I N ‘A ‘ ' ‘ "H, K L?_ ‘ ‘ _ ‘ \. ‘ ,. r A ‘ . .‘_\;yfi:a-‘»‘~.’.<:~%xx‘v1‘ ' ‘ ‘ ». & A 4 hundred and Vtwclvepotmd A % 4 A of ~Cru«[:1—,thr;* grocccohtéxining‘ t\x.r¢lve , 4“ d0z¢n,¢[..%%%%4 . A+V;;...;:;_._.__:._;.._;..;__(A,;, Leather A,%e1vc dZ3Z*Ac§%rA14—4——-—A--f¥=~’i1-4*-1--f’ A- . . A- 1101“ VA;Vé1vcc; A ‘:‘2BurgunVdy‘WhitcA A A A 6 3 i*?ori1iand§‘r white ‘ W .' n 1; . 3 Gfélfi for w A 2’ ‘ an-, mm mnupmr F ‘ ‘L. >. " .- ! A $8. .31. 3" J-,3~\ ‘*‘~v- -- WA‘ WV ‘ ‘ . ., , _ “ . , '_ V raining . i L; V V’ « 4 ‘ " h \ M * 'x~‘*‘se",*'7“j'”"E:? mu .1“ -~ 1 thc;.picc:c ccmtainiAngA=x ’-‘pi 3i" 4 2,,» V,‘ ; '. -m. 00 %0% ~ 00 . ‘w. “.»M 3 4") +aauV1s%A, A wcightcomaining Vmm c.‘ |K"W£(<‘W“ Al 2+“ . In‘: v,‘A‘,“\’ ‘M ‘_w 1,’ an, “Z “V W a‘ 7‘ w M 01> ‘ "*:;«; ‘W! I 0 ‘ fl or on ‘M A‘ ‘ 'xV-,:.“\“‘ .“"£(“LIV 5 "v 97 a N‘ ‘.,v‘,‘ 1; -",_‘ ;V !' 4 . ‘a “ 3“ I 3 V :5 u .3 \ ; ~: g. __ luv .4 00 09’. §‘,.‘.,. 4 00 00; he w agfu‘ ‘"'"*”' 1 oawrg ‘ 1 . V~g~ -: 335, % r ‘J. _,9 V , wads; ‘ ,,., . _, 5 1;‘ u T $ ,\ 1?‘ ‘S!’ no ‘ r "" 1 ‘ p %Ao35_ ~:~:-01% 10 00 A 10 A A"O“f’II13IlAC'1AyAAA golou A1‘"é’id, {He A 00 _ea 4 [ % & ooow <,« C11"1le‘nFuPc1an%s, thc’p“icc:c’ 6 j A ‘ "Wt '2, ‘ ‘V , ‘V,‘¢»’' 4. gm _ r a \ ‘ ‘ ‘ \ K ‘ V43 ~00 h». E ‘L 2. ‘an . gr ‘ % ,r ' - no i:.«;:4».. .. ‘\ c;1a,;rcs §IéflEs Gka.£°s:Pii1€s%L ” eLob¢s§fi**° * A Ggrofiéry Ewllw tlzyound 1 V9ni9¢J‘drinking glaifwhcdoztnk % Drinking A Flandm %d!fi11;1£ing¢4gl~a:fFes» Vthé >g1afi“cs % d§¢dg1afl'¢& wn§aini£1gfiv6 {com-02. called iand French "cIrinki.ng g1a.fl"cs,A*1:he 4 T A t hundmgd; cont:ai,ningL five {core-50: glaffcs, the dca»z@n~—--»--4-+--+~+-:-oc» 4 Bua,"1m~Flafl‘cs , the grocc containing m§1¢d_% V ’_‘W¢AV°Md°Z"‘3“;«% A _« % A '. AA V191§;» ‘ht £19 ang5?%fcom~oo ~,LWat<:r glaflks of all fort,%n;hed&o,zc;1+-9-vow 1 -. Loqking taifllng Atwc.l3r;c% dbzcn, AA W _ on 4‘ V1:?.rg-‘fin-.W.-1 L A A A 00 rof Flanders making,co1irfc, the J I A ‘mu.’ mhau , -._........ ......... x Hour- glaffcsai grace containing:elvadwien-62* Venice making, A the doienw--02 d6zefi% ’ #00 "fma11,:hep¢und % , ‘ ‘ ‘hvwfl » ' ‘ ‘ __.‘_ o,il, jthc ffrx1é.11@ rocc con!;a.ihFing twelve 4» ¢ cm ’ ‘ D1ttO,th¢d,QZ§C.1‘1§ V A ~ 5oo Grait1,or%¢S 15owd%%r;:hc‘po1ind,w;J% [co ‘ ‘W... .1. GriIi31c~1*bn9s,,%« the Chau1der— - "r u ‘ .‘ ~ “ ; ‘ ; ‘ ‘ ., ‘ u ‘ M0 4 .4._...L‘ W¥fl911‘d$§¢¢?1?A¢%hfindr€d% 1% ;‘;%;tai%nin3m-PoundA .lA«9¥&1f€¢d5%»% tlwhundred weiAghtc0ri~=% 'W'3.1‘CS ; 302 V65» A“th¢%%%%P0émd+4 + . p-¢._.,%. x.<3‘iai:s@«‘i1ts.~.»v.t:h<=@%hundxed—%écomaining A ‘ V flame N » aoA ‘In. “ “ut..A\A.‘ “ ' ‘ an ., 1. ‘ ‘~ Weight“.con«} to 10 X2 m. 0; P €113’ @115 P¢n¥ Ware, rim ¢$W-"*3 EV ’ as 03 10 :02. 0; A 00% on 04 01 O3 04 10 no 06 W, Ciwlafwédfiqngg_%%%%4%p1ates for: Spc£taVc1es,Vrough,A thé); I 7 O0 . ~ 00 b0 cm 00 M ‘ 00 00 ow 00 oo 00 ()0 09 00 03% oo 06 A 00 90 0.0% T Raifineie Gr0ce:i'yWares:fc:a1lei&’; ~ 1 GingerjritheArhu~nda5e:1Iew%‘cieght~ ‘contaiem . A ; ing m{1”e*?hi.1né:1i*e&e%2;er1dAetx2si6&I€re§ 20 Mace.s, the pound W3 — ? % ' ee;.vM;g1eagaVRraifin%s5 the“imndreflgweighiz’ cgfi-f 5 V. mining‘ Ane .__d._ A ._... -..—_._.., ‘PrL1i1es3teAveeeeehu:ndered*x“veie and » nwavcepound oneeee hundred an}e=tW¢i'1?V§ po‘y;1n1% oo .o'o Cow-Hidels of Barbarle’axiddMt1fco~ % ‘Cow or Horfe-Hides manned, 21-.he~ 4 Hides» p‘icce-—»—~ W - ' l BluFl'~hidleslthéHidc—aVl -4 A 4 V on 1,0 00 vi2i,the hideinthchairr A Q0 07% on V -00. 10% loo lgallefilllndiéw-Hidesl, "theliidc § A ll —~—ool 07 oo _Lofll1-Hides .,t:hc pies-c» - f ~01 00 do ll'lR€dlor MuFcovia~l1"1id6stanned; L Hide‘ A V —=;}:ooo9[Acao Hoops ml“ lfron f(§rlI’11:csor E-Iogfheads, rhea ll » -~hu:1dxfid3llweight(;o11tainiI1g 112, I-_3”lO‘L.1I'1Cl~““"l‘f‘l'.‘()ij. A 90 florfesanii AMWS» théflorfc Gr Mare» lea oo * Hmrfés oi:Woodfi:lm%glxoc¢, Containing12;ld,Qz-oo 05094 ..: l “:1. Vl M00 ‘Jars ¢ . Inc: A Iron, Arnys, SpAani{h,ASpruccand% Swethifl1',i:h % V ‘ pm .;m 16 oo 00.- ]uyccofLcmmofis, the Pip: » W WI 04 oz) .00 A €41 I % I? /3 jars oafChina of all To/m:s~,Vthc pair or Job’ %o lé l1nwrougI%1t,‘djcApou:nd« ~5fi~=~i fat) or; 06: {:4 M\.W1"oughc,flthc dozengxmnd $0; 00 Q0 &I_m:liico ofaI1fo£,ts,thcpound A=~»w~~%}-;»_.44i 5-34- aoo 4o2.A 06 A ‘ $00 01 Q6 % Inhdico dufi-,th.epbL1nd 1 c. {VTUIR v+——+f“‘*< K3 "Butchcrsknivcg Adm dickcr contain-«L % ingtcn knives mm -——~—~=----»-~—4-«-—¢-c;»o 0; 0,0 .CarvVing lf,4a11 10* co jog» called ¢ .Ataini;ggonc 4 :%A;d1‘¢x;l;ax1d* ‘/ ».'’, dLiu%nes,chcfi‘%do%zj%h . » T 4~nndwwmo6"oooQ4’ §§-_3«g;em~.. m~ ,;.,,;: .; 09 % Ca.l1ic.o’AsfiI1e&o%r:Acou“rf¢‘g*fl1a¢Pi£5 W994 Limm Iinen Cloth, or 1 “I [Canvas V called IL M1 Cam‘ ' {he halfpiececontaining 6;¢,e11s 1:he»Pa.+c:-1:ec—i«—- - I VM A 'tablinge,:a;being an .e11“and ha*1'FaA % quarter.» andmywnards , 0.0. 60 00 00 a no A. A afiaeeayards- e oo oo 3 ; Ligmen CIOACI1: Gr: J F C 4-7) V Working Canvas broad, the hull?‘ {Tabling of Holland makifzg, th A ~ wyardw A A —.....-.w---- 13 Tovvellingand Napkening OfHa/» a___ A j ‘ , ./and mak1ng,thc%y2Lrde~—--~--+-~ 00 Q5’ 00 lrabung of 52/Wmaking, ' mask A ~., 6 Towfiliisggizseclyflracfkening of Sile/Z.z}O - % % In :1‘ V we . “W '-‘”W”‘ ' frablingofna//m1mak1ng,che .1 4 Towfilfing ?nd”N3Pkém.ng of Half 00 01‘ 0'8 A J lan€lmak1ng,the yard --_-—~-------- 1 Dia€£Na1}:))I:)1:eSn0f¥-iomlffznd makmg, the} Par V‘ . - . A4 _ M , Ofyifitifl mak1t:§“Tabl1ng,rtEci O0 02% O6 ?ThehaIfPiec§‘c, o,;¢;;;1§ngs1xE1zs} ,,,,¢ga,,ha1g 00104. .Aa-——-4 my _* A OI ’c>”5: M 00 The I’iece containing thirteen Ells ——-02. LaWn5»..:.Callzco Lavvnsjthe Piecew» A % V A Fvencb Lawns, thc‘+P;iece-4 " AA S/etz'4LaWnstheP1ece, Containin* A , 4 0010 co K ~betwcen%fourande1ghtyards---—-- - r+Qud2mrul,7’4 [Flan5Ief.r AA ‘fanrtfey’ A Gm/17 anda1%l other forts ofé IO 06’ ; %—~o.I C10 00 int f A Linnen ( mrrom hunclred Ell % z%;%gyz;c;mah, A4:he’Emndred"El1s; cohtai;1i1§g1 O 2 A 1 Lockmm,%rhepiece%bmaAc1 * M 4 .] .r r 9 10 00 ’ ?ad6J¢Q>0dT ¢Locks.L \ gm- Madder ~%_1?at~Maddet,the hund1i€dvv”c:ight,%. Maghus; thchundred ( :49 3)} % « . JWI?Q1a724ia,% 721/§:fg;'s,A£imzna'veg<:, Lu?-f”-J": $ ‘ 56%Ck,V riarrowm, ,Sletigz 5, n:a;‘rOW V .~AnarroW plain 1\Tap,k::ning , ; a;ndA all I <>rhernarrowc1oa:h% of High-% 00, + Duzclmwd and the % i therwifr: rated; *thc:hui1dred A % El1S;.‘COntainingfixfcore --9»-----~—~’ L A A wSt1'a:9orougb or HaméaraugjaLin-}Qd_ 03 66 x men the E11 W “T A V ' A ‘Ba1d;ze;:or Hanging»-LoVckS1 V fmallg ?_ 4 ‘.—_._.__. 9311651%0=2r:zd»-~~+~r~-<-~~r--~+ V”/1ulwMadder, I156 hundred W W€ight,Containingan hundred A k,Aan“dtW€1v¢pound~ Jwéightgéontaininfi ‘.-« L» Mae “the %"r0ce' 7conta1ningtvvt:lveOI" O0 O6»: Gmc:e;, Mcontaimng twelvegoz 00 " A % 01 com‘ A y 2anhundr@daVndtwelvepounds ‘ %asks 0fV¢1v€f.th€D0Q,2..e1= -~:~ 0400 44 ts (5') % For ShipSafII13l])thC1\/l3”fl‘"'"”"""““""UI 00 O0 Manfls §Mid.dle,the Ma[1=~+4' A -- Mon; 00 oo M. lsdL Great‘,the-1Vl:1f’c—-=-——-V~—--;«~é---~a-—e—e--e--—+—o5'A cm 00 A };Mats called Dutcb,t.he yard-“”--*4-—+-o0* 00 06 containing an hundred and: twelve A nlvlelafles or Rameales the hundred weight, 01 oo oo_ 0}’ 15 “ 4' Portugal Oyl, the Tun ~—--~»--=------ pOUndS”j ’ n e~ -2 ”» wm Ru]]?a,thenMatA e e-=—---—oo'~ oo 06’ fldoccada En<:1‘s;. theDo'z,en pc.)L1nc:ls---------'------- 02. 00 O0; Mittins of Wadml,rhe Dozen }3;zir---—-- A -------% A no 09 oo N. Napkins F7-mch ma%king,the Do'zen----—~—~—~-~—-o<:> 12. <90 Needles "5€Wing_NC:€CU.€Sa§henthnQufand----moo 01 '03 11 d M ,» Pack Needles, the thoufandm------woo 06 00 ““«~€ sai1Need1essrhe rhourm-~«-:~-oo 03 ea Oakbam, the hundred Weight, containing an hundred and twelve pounds Oars, the hundredaeonraining fix: fcorc 410 e 00 00' ’ Rape and Linfficd 0y1stheTun- so 4 oo oo ; Si'vilOyl,e MajamzOy%l,~ Minorcag " A . " co I6 and oyl, Apugzia, P1a'vinceOjILemd called ‘ Train Oyl of 3 N ewfimml. land,» and L thelike fortaethe Tun O1ives,‘theHogI1uead« 08 oo 00* n TheB"am:1-“%- ...e..ee.ee em 0304 “ions 4 St’-633% the hundred .Weigbt,e [con--E A Oundn _ «V —-«— ox-C1331, the humd weiggt,cmining an} hundred and twelve pounds 35' oo: . TrainOylof Green/and; the Tun----08 oo oo A }06 on not The hunc?Ire<5IBunchcs------v-~‘-- 0016 as T A miningan’hundrecInandtweIveSo4.oo~ co Oranges ca ‘P211.wnte’d Piper, the Ream 4--—---~---4----01 00 00 ,:»%archmem=,¢o%rzca1n1ng:w¢xye 5» A V V 4 A A I S d Ofangés ai€1dLimc3ns, the thoufand -—--’-=-::—~4-OI M mo 00 0;{ec1eVw,the-D0z€n*pound»A . » Q2. oom0_o% Pans%ca.lled Dripping and Frying Pansstfm =‘» ? ‘hundredvw Vwfiighta Ccntaining . O‘n*€ éhun-% %\dredVand-tW€1V€p0uI1dS~ , A ”FB1uePaper,VtheReam; ~»>.oo4 Iooo Cap Paper, the Rmeamfi —% , "00 07 06 ,Mgrla4x Paper,theR€am ~ ~- so 02 06 1f;P§pcr of Came and Romzaordinary, the Ream ’ A — «- Qrdinary Printi_nga;idCopy Pa...}O00M6 00 0,4; 06 /i . Papasr A - , O0 %Lt:'aV€S‘ m § Raclgel Paper, 3.3 lar%gef;;s Dér12ywi;?fa —~ Prcfling Paper, the H hL1nd1'*ed%d 00, per-;theRcam— 4% R@YaWP€f»th¢rR«¢a!fi-~rr~w~w0$I 00% 0° ow. 11.4" ' H x N ICC} Q0541 A 0;) 00 09 oo. %As%heets . .4:1uumnm-uu.nIuuuunI-uniofiununuwnnunuu Dizmthe Rqw1,com:ming fix Do7,‘€:n -e»---4ox 10 oo 4Pins,th€f1Do2m tbouian%d M \ '1 .:’ -gé<">I I2 100 i’iWd05 01‘ 5‘ “[550 C”»P*b¢&fd*»C13fhé5, the} Pipe wrot t I{.ogsf~hctac:l»%11I;é1;»res', w: hund1:ed‘1f Pincersand,P1yarr$,A4i11éD7-é*fi4 T $0 05 co A%o'3T Q6 Q6 pxece ~ V —~—- ‘. u ;‘ '3" « A cpntainxng fix fcora Aipe or Batrtel-~P:aves,dthe thdufand 1:5 O0 00 _»P1pe$forCh1ldren, the_ 4G,;:gc¢conta1n1;,_.g}OO 108 % g“§3tBaflds0f:&¥1‘&11¢Bé111Si~‘mt . "¢*o"n"tainiflg} A . ghreethqufand Wexght: ‘f“5~—? ~ - % A twelve Qzen . A ' ‘ 5‘ "€’V’*“"5*%}r2. eoiéo OI “I6 '0 ..a-.-u.c«-«V»-snu-A-nu-I£' O ’ p _PIa»nk,f 00 .<=¢-“ Brownhpcr, tl‘1c.5rB4:.mcile-e--%*---4-—~+--5‘-—L<[Z>o 03 [Cd 5”‘) % % a-«‘ . Planfiksofffiéland, the hundred ‘op A “,2 % ~ Lattin % caflea A Doublc Black 3 the fiarrela “ME (5 Q9 ;1:s.e=m G V taining five fcdre % % Planksof Cedaratbfifflfit V491 9° %r‘Smgle White, the Barrel?-'*”"""""”“f*‘°”5 0° %P‘1amS A4 three hundred Places ? mining threchundred P13?€5‘f:#5‘f 4 Pumrsifioncsa téhc A " 09 Double White.-. Elm Barttl % 00 0° 5ingleB1a¢k;the BarreLC0nta‘.1n-}o3 IQ § (3? Poinegranatcs, fhe%hundr§;aé pontéigingfiie : 5:. 0% A ‘M ”‘ E ‘Earth or Stone A .»w,, } : »".v . * 12+ “ xirw called %' ing fiv&;fc.:o;am': 7- W M’-*1=1mgP0ts for Goldfmitflsathe 4 Péts ‘GaIl:,*Po:.*s:;the *hum:irc:d,centaini»7; 5~§ J‘ _r&2fl.x L wtkingkj theDQz;:n~ :~ AA E ’Potsh%and Kettles of Iron; the A ., i j—-—- T D0Z€n ==‘~" A ‘ Pullies," Pu%1V1%€%°f Iron» the r°¢°=¢on~%%¢ %%ta1m.xg twelve-_ Dozen% V “ _..‘... ._'1l ww Of Earth or Stone covesgmd, fikgékas V . . > - ‘V . ~ 1 gt A 63%“ Q " £51 ‘I’ '1 '“ ' 4 . v ‘ "W :, ore—v-~%¢%* u or m o‘9*'" A }1ur1drec$nand twelvepound A % p u (53) A . R I s d Rape bf Grapieg, the Tun; 55 Ga 063 Rattlés for Chiildteng, the Grace, contain--3 W A ing tWeIW:"ADozcn ~ " .501 0° 09 Ribbané7.of' Silkof an runs the posmdmoy 00 Rice the‘ hundred weight: containing 3 F A, 0 hundred andtwelvcpoimd j . ‘W W_, I 05 W % R<>2.in,A the hundred we ighr5 Containing an} A. . Saflorc, the hundred weight, containing an‘? A * hundred and twelve p0undsw-w-—--wm- 9400* +00% SafB*ond,thc pound: ~ am» A Sal?pctei'_-.thc hund4redWcigh~-1: c0n.raini.;ug an? A A . A, A v. . ’ A .02‘. oo 00 hundred and twelve pound .—A A % "‘ Sszalcs for SC3-b.b3.I'd§:a the B l1nC“C ~ A 007 oi (yd Scam0ty3theVyard~ —«~ -A * 4 fig. Q0 03 Scamoty,the Pxeceacontaining thirteen yA;u:ds-~oo4 03 mg sCifl3“r5::thC GroceacczlmifiingtwelveDozenwo3.$ 00 ad 00 dd gm Holly no¢cs,w:hc +p¢unam- or on % Shirtseaflthe pfliece------———-.5 +5: s 4-" - no 03 067% .‘3ia=§€r :&riz§P€1‘rya the Tun?‘-* —- * A -94.. 00 ed 5111; A , $31194 r'Bal% nia, Naples and 0rganfi2w~Silk, A A A % W jg t Ac fmalAlV: Vpound containing or ()8 od 4' Lfiacitecm %O1mccs ‘V A _ 1; Ba§¥aé2,,P’zncemzza, $071.0)’ and Meflfiza “ as “ ; Jthrow*m$il%ks the ihmzll pound--A A *1 &' "‘ A" --.4 % -w—~—- % - Ferret ind Waiter $111k; the {mall A " V pa%Lmd—%~V» *4» “ M NW: thrown silk, the fimn} ,..; _ , X A h‘! 1 -wot"-I 01 64 05 Wgzag Silk &o’QbAE€a the wfm311}Od~wo§ _}0<5 I6i°‘of .1; Q9?» 05!‘; 4 <;54e) A 95. I S d #33322? f°?“a““‘f..i““t’Aloo Raw /Jrolm S‘flkath€ great Pound-—~—-—-oo 14 ca RaWBell¢dine, Biaw and 1|/1'e[fimz 01 A A Silk the great poundmmm A Raw Bmgalia .SilkV,- the great 3%“ A poundw A ~ — :A- 5». Eu... .1. 13...; 00 co; Raw ChinaSi1k, the great pounddlcm I8 [14 ‘ofallforps _ % 3 ~ -M-5 A f Raw Cai“p£tanSilk3thegreat pound--oo I0 00 Thrown Silk dyed thVeAPound10: ' A containing fixteen Ounces --------5 ‘A 1.. rBar»mcoo2m'Aax1d Bombaziflefa thf-E A10 00 3 finglc piece, containing not 93% 00 0Q A above fifteen yardsthe pxece-—--~ A .Bu]fTn;; .4 '7: 0 __u.. . Afiftfiéfl Yards" Buflinx, gMa%ccado; 01: Ly! e G1'agmm‘.r)‘ * J brc5ad_«;VAdtlie.piece notabove fif«~§o3 Q0130 7: éteen yardSA A A ~* %‘%i4?1idg8J‘ 540$: Leyde71,Rae.r,thw€€ A 4 V A -.——sr—w~A _ , 7, fifteen ya1jds% : ~ W f "Ditto, theAdoub1e pic:jcV:c*:%-------A--—--V4-A~~@-4-:------06 on Moo’ ‘€hc)l,?:2f:113::jI1aw1;mf; I-_-‘:§:flP.i1.»;»,X1‘]‘a3.P1f“ Si1_lm'eJ thcfioo V 05 A 0 4% Cbézmletxof Turkiég the yard ---»----00 04 oo Vtlie yard%A ‘A % ‘ w u ~ N‘ r V N. 4-» Wrguoht % % A Silks c2§1,V_.,;%A = A A A V Ag; M led A ~ A_ 0015 oa .;RaW Maren Si.lk,the great pound---——oo. 09 09 A o «‘{%narrow§the pxecejnot ab vs 02 opAJoAq V finglépiece ccxnfa1ning. about 0 do 00; Vcloath of 'Si1veranF1, of ’Go1f:l,}@I 10:00 C1oathRa{hes»~»th€ piece ~"“*****~rJ3 00’ 00 A u7"ki¢ath€7ard""*"<9°V07* 06 J Of aples ;Si1k; broad.a¢ NA. 4% 5 A H {J " tr ‘ *.AAA’A ,; ;.vw ‘ 4 (559 _'7“bdir, ’ the y21r skinsinthcW/oo],thel1un-2 4 A ‘ 2 ¢hC}6o M ~'D0g-fifh skins 3 for Fletchc-‘:rs,}0O O0 06 *FoxskinsdrcfiathbDozen --——-—--- --—————-oi 05 00 on 15“’ogf V AA TannedtI)¢_Dozen* ' 02 004 oo fHu1§e skmsforfletchersa the skin---00 oo 06% 9 oo "}o24 00 A00. fired, containinga hundredandioi 05' 1 artugazi ‘ Smalts the pound ---- Sflpgs.-x.‘e§; the "”m’icle:l.l5e*g thewhundreuzontain-—} 3 §p_;«1r$; fina;11,r } l“llui1drcdac‘:lntéziifiE”§g 4 Stocklingsof Wadme1;’thc pairw»-Wm ~»-—--+—-o'o l Stones aal.1ax;=; l‘ Partugal skins, the A »03Z€n ' ’ " Sal? skins, rhellskin%:++ V 4 W pr ’ A Shamway sklinsylthe ozen lio V F‘ Shecp skins% in- théiwlool, the skin—oo O0‘ SheepM~«skinls-lllbluclaf France,-th€}O2; , V;._hZ[en_‘ A A % Mi‘; ‘f W % TV A V lRa.bbct and Cohey skins of all f<.;>1‘:tsa7 the heundréd skir1s{lcon~ V61 1 i lltairiingfivelfcgrewwww-l» ” , Squirrel skins5 lthetlaoufancl —A-—r—---==l«—-»-— 05' l\ pani/in Snail; 03: Cbrdavmzt skins,}5. A % A the Dozgn ; 7.; ;\‘l" } T . * l~~$’}77uce."sl£1lnStaW£Cl§ the Dozen-mm oz Slud.¢fiCh€p0und.ll..l...ml.mW .00 O lllsl ,, . ¢_——.—-«m_“,.,, to 00 00 w--....—- w an‘ Snou ting, aliax Snait, AtV'V6Ej;lVC pound l X ; l_ '10 orldmfl T the W 0'76; }o0 05 ............_.._ » l ‘ } 0 M l 00 "V'''!'7''"'''T Q} 00 pangl€s:<,:>f ,Coppcr_». the thoufand -e-~+-~--~--~oo S‘p,eélacleslw1thoult Cafes; the Graqcg con--}O tai,nm,g tlwelvle Dozen 4 A a -* 01 V M m mm. 0 A ( ’ St€el\5‘(/ifp 01jL0ng9lpelrIFagotor8 Stcel“ . l . pexhlundrcd weight containing Q2." 00 called: ‘:1 hundred and twelve p0uncl-—-A V 4 lGadl~%Ste€lathTehalf B:xrrel—-«--~~—-—~'L4; 00 GI S £726 {lC;>l-mes 00 I0‘ ' H U Dog-A» »0fl€S5ChE La ,conta1mng 4°“ 5 Pairtothé Lifylll J 4-99° ‘ Milleflones the Lafla containingl A lI‘s1x.1le:2llones,l«~4:he fair ~ V % 4 ¢..fn"Tf:nM3ll‘ the if ‘ ‘. 4 ’-r Q ' . v '1' . 9°, 02 cl ea 09 09 od 0:}: 00 oo 00 06" V06 ’ 06. no 00 00 00 ll 00 ‘ 06' 00? Afgtugg-, of pm“, all forts mixed with Silk, fromthew P*mioA=s= the}bo 01 A All 0ther~ASuccadE.s,n the potind any as») % s 1 1 d 'nLASlic1<~{"i0nAé:As thenDoien7'7 :00 02 on A I—Ia,ir,h0r \Vorfled,.the ard A 0-»« ound A * 0 ____._.._u 4 A~ ‘o0 03400 0hundredéndtwelvenpozxndaws» 5 V , ".4A.'vvith I-I£1i:,thaFlemifl9E1l*nA A00 °3AA°© Svvith Caddm, AtheA"Fl EIl--¥-»-=~+~+-’=~Oc>A 06 A19 A «TaPi“fYZwi:h Silk, the pzmfiy EAl1A-i--A‘---~——-—-A=i-00 10 oo withW0oll,Athc.Flemzfl9 E1l----;--+o0AAw$o3 00} gfarras 1:116 Bnarrelwm 0 3 A 0 A A fmglln and great aBAand;¥ the 0Lafljcon--I taA@ningtW€1VCBarrels* A A A ;7l‘éz2,el*é, tAl%x:e1:l10ufan.c10n---0 03‘ 00 A frBlack_Aand0nBnroWn Tlifead, the} A A AA A A Dozennpound 0 ~ _ fAI‘hreadn. A nnLz'am‘ or Pan? 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""”"""05 V I<> nu. *.-———.q.w.. ‘ 14 ‘Cat or Mohairtyam » the Yarn .dP°1md» dcofitalnlng 5-mend 0° 03 At t Ouncesnw 4+ + " “ X ACotton~yatng, the peund.-----——--~ I do 99. 03 00% no I O: coj 00: oo 00 co‘ 4 W04. end 00 hoe 00 AOOM ‘ A Gto-~ ( 61) " Grog1'ainF}farn,_ the {mall pfiiindlé 0 03 O6 conta1n1ng‘fixte:nOL_1nces‘--*-5. V ‘ Cottonwyarn of Turkze , the $6 or 03 :5 V I Spruce or M ufcovza yam, the hun-- _ A hundred andhrwelve pound-- flu ntfjet dfioons impnzten, not imam mm: 1 s‘ :1 Am dri-'-rd Weight, containing agoza I31‘ 04., tiomn, to pay matte, accngming tn the true has: me, viz. tmzlmpcnce in warty tmentptbiilingea. as my ate mmentopay ¢llfl0I1I95..4.»