O \ _Printed i_ V A 3 ¢ “ Commicgee o~fSafeI;y,1659.A A W R‘dered, N Publiflued. A ._.—uu-s.u--I-In-v-n_.-_..__ DECLA1§\ATIN E11:-:C01nm«1'ttec ofSafet—yof"theC0111- * znomwealth of Eng/;md,'ScoV ' and Ireland, % A T0uchin7g A the. Rayment of ‘the Duties of’ Cuflome and A Excifz. Friday, 1):cem5.9. 16\59.V % A" at this Declarationbc forchwi;h’Printedand 4, ' WI 1'; LL R033 t/anal, A INson % 4 Vclerkvtbc committee‘ afsafw ” by Hmry’II2lI.r and $012» Fz"eld§., Prime ..__'4» rs to the W J0114n<%iaAg€;&C+ $3933 ififlmfingfi _ % mma an a manic in theft mn;ns , mg. % By‘fthe C‘or11‘m1ttee 0f"SaFety§. aratint0iiC11ingVAithe Pavment 05 utms of }; ' omga,;1 Excife. A ~‘ * * mag in am Etmfifi mm ‘ 5 K C" \ ‘A _p "\‘.'~.“ aémiianmwfi ¢mmm went» mm J‘: “3I::;,‘ ‘ 4d‘w‘Mw.v ‘V ‘Z 3‘ 4 “ 1.. ‘ \ 0 - V . V ‘ ‘ ‘ > N A I. “ ‘ A ‘ ‘ I C T -, ,~ . ,‘1M.' ‘ ‘ . ‘ V ‘ ' xv”, ; R ‘U: Q ~ : u 7' ; , . ‘ l 4. M W éfimxnfier W3 femnmnw . « \ A ajy I pptfim er, mt flu; I. mun W fimmzw fifty fx’pN$II*~= * “Z N "5 1‘ N. ‘ “§‘~.‘\- H, “kit ‘w H. " _,k_:\1Q‘-2:13 * ‘ ‘. y A tituien, At1AA€tfor the4contiVnu::;f ingand Eflablifhingtlié Su;bfic1ic.ofTonnagc¢and ct tijinw béreasv the 9-«flaw W ‘WWW W112 men ffl1%&$1iflm€11t,DiD, Ul1AflJ£LxW¢ntD of V December, in the me Aofflour ) mm mm, $ mm fiiwifl , “ M W “ 9; mtmn zmnanw, W1W_$fl1¢fla:% I‘ M0 ' ixi’LiPa1jIJia%ment, for ef’cab‘1ifl1i:ig.oft%liNe Subfidie of Tofinfige and Poundae» ‘fig of Rates; fit W as: mntm I >93 ‘ 9;? W mama 3 ‘ fiié ¢ 9 Q1Jit,.f;z‘t§iEWl1%tint¢mbiwk M I 13 . . r M e . I f_;, ‘vi g " ,, an » }§ .:2~;j;e x ¢A;nnyaup%% Di 91 WEfifl5‘”A Q. rm mas, «am; a $ecutf§t9VJfif Acme. owem==V '\ ‘ W I‘ ' ‘ M , ' U “ "-1%‘ > E I n % s’“0‘f%zv7cmnh warm ax mnmwmzw fenm,¢¢%mak¢ rdi“nafiC€OftheLofds2ihd%Commohsaflernbled V % e%reo«rn%we %%of’%Man:hA5L%«&¢¢fne €1Jm1fann « mtntVtam’ng the %s**Ate‘en.:tDwovfDe%v~= A % ire A mama tmrefnb m&tit(0tI£Dm54 mm) the fiinfitnctienfi :I)e€mnm~ anne,m:n,¢ emnau arm many the _3?.€!',£E£3;,.%gi’lfll3I1(3$.(0!’l§, llIat;£Bt3V5,4i’£zD€t5§1BOIh¢t8,maB¢befoz2tDc rams. s2%*Mgg;,;w,;659.mzrmc¢,fuse my§ng,3Lwp.-= ing,1E.¢¢em;ma&nb mtectxng the rain mmesfof ¢u&nmejwpVsif$A$ as mm fmtimc c come, from arm afm$h¢ mibxfi may of January nexst, wand! mat £ittI¢;a'§ amine aw atone half atone par ccnt. f0; we §3€B¢fltPttDnV+0ffiatitibtfiafltill the arm me%cia.rema ”heinf:u1fo;ca.. M fiat fo2aVfmucb as fame %%¢At£ons,nz&rous to intecmm: (rm J1Bavme4nt at t %%¢%§min V wastes ( upon tbwucpapmcnti whereas we camaingwnn of we 1‘am%2.4,mv of Juneahéé:at:ci®na4ct¢n,%ppBmten afl-W5 95we%¢0mm0n~ib'witB:.afmeI1ingnaw % “MBW SEW.-. ‘W f¢ttIt:ifl@ tbwefiranz mm » ‘&erWtfineaItb,a5 tbz fivmiggwann flm#{ fiogszs‘ tijettzof, nafl);cDtcf1p4% nzpzn} V ym,Jann% n~o%mmamut to pnffemi tb‘é”%*mmms of mm that the ram atiegkatz ta minalp % . W we banger my mamun §nm% hpamv+ V’ iii“? ,, ‘ 1 *Amgxmtcéegofi Safe ix damiz'fi;,ann;nm be QTEBA ‘V ~?ifoi}cfaim®n,tp; bnemtf art »1$m Aywaaentiatijmp fjzme, ®m‘ti)nufa,nb% fipbtmz 6) $3 $338 fitfi Sf January fl2£Vt,C0§t1$?t?&WEfififik mg of fl)2% lafiz z:ecit:nL.% ct~,’ méfi any ~%mns to % remain may sf $3 3% mum of ufinnw arm mzcifz mag @ % jazmry gum mnga2¢>c,%fam@g fi¢fi ;t3E€?i9€«'? A % 4 fiwg saga %e;:mzflp% a%nn¢fu11p :wnfi»rwgmu~2%_limT at any ii't1nimfi0I1i fiE%timz.%4 jroztijwmac iamegq %’&[£$inu nf»%«§zic11 m.%vfm1s*,v {min mzzw mmm:mLansv,% znw he [sham any %uu‘m3% amen? as unamatks‘ hgnxtgne ur:necV: we gm»m,!e.».-. £z’e5¢ f£t“afiDImp0f¢b"b{? the rammcm fa; ‘um WPtmntA%mf Libfifm’ an all etfmw* mncm1e%n2apA “mutim tefpcctzmzgip, a;,xm; fir fiinatz tizfufaI‘o.fpa;v:;u¢ntnf%mem§ . ‘ . W,’ ‘:.\,‘..uV . "'2; “E ‘=1 9. .: 9 '\ . : 4 « ' ., ‘ l V‘ , ..a n .,, _4\- “ “ HER fl ¢’ ‘~.« per tiE%b$P%134u7b%KT I‘ % a B fia ‘st W25 sf %»$%m%iib,nmth2c1Nt tm‘%faAin$ f5ut”anmL an 4;2’mD fi7c&‘p,Ai.aw_mm’fnmDmm {mm m be mm :$m Am 5 annpumorm afngcfamz wata;1}annznerp %petfon mm pztfofigtijemn W . ' : ¢cl%aravtionbe forchwicl§”§ri“§;i%£éd andikpfiblififea. name ; mu m1lpJp"aptn¢”fam mamas? m:%gA.=.é mg mznf¢nen%a1%mctsmftncp am bvcnzratn mtsam-2 2nmmc¢% fztanvitrivofen ffizytwnvawmnttv¢mf+% Deceméw? relby Rde 1/I?3l1§,¢rr;RaIfiin;[;w:3, *C‘.1erl<§4Qf';7 Caxmnizzec *5 gmm’ M $ $Wffi éntmreig % 5 % Ma. fiffffi I W cim*t‘;; % sin naf‘*mpt€1>e’5witaken by: m%m;,: