. ‘, ‘ ax , .« ."v'-W.“ V ‘ I M _. (34 M (H H)‘ ‘*§P;v\»,u4 ‘l V W my A; ,&‘‘,:‘;‘N‘ ,” -‘ 5‘. V.” :~_h/S H? l%.:;glW,(‘r ‘/(:"‘“:‘ .35‘? .$L“§:;,_.;.‘}. ' ‘- «.1 1;; ‘ ‘ ‘ " “ ‘ ' " I V11 » “ rw ‘ J ‘ H '~"‘u3 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ " ‘ ‘ Forthe Continuance of the thetwenty fourth day of fume, 1660. % ' Frotnthelafl: ay of February, 1659. Until Szxturday Felwrzwry 2 5%. f 6 5 9.‘ A Rdercd {2} the Pdrliciilieilt, That this A6,} be fortly. with Printed and PL1bHfl1r:~d.. A Clerk of the Pdrliamczzt. w.--—-—-—----an.‘ ....--—~»—---—.....-...——......._....* M .._g LONDON, - W P2.i2JAt*edTAby;%':7Y073;va Sweater,” gmd $511371; Mac0cl;,V AI?1‘i nte1"s ‘ to thc%ParIia1nent. A1659. _ THOMAS St. NICHOLAS, E?<) 1“V the Cdnti1iuar1%ce of the Ci.'1ST‘ow1{iaA":s and Exc IS I-2, From the lafidayoffen * « % ybrmzry, 5 Until the: twenty fouwrth day of _. ‘ ,a‘” J ~ -‘ gm, u‘ "".§‘3:'35.‘,' ‘ " '.‘«-‘am’ “~‘ W.‘ ‘ ;, 1' ‘.1 ‘-1 " V ‘ ;, ‘,,‘‘‘_', - . “I. “"71", 5‘ 5 .“"" V . ,_ , ‘I-‘ ‘ ‘FY " H ‘J .‘ ,~‘ men: and the Auchomy thereof, am: % fume, i660. _ E %It Ena<9red‘andDeCIared, A1‘1d?iAlZ is Enaa Eted and Ordained by this Prefeht Parliaf.., % A W mums mm %3Re1mnu2s of we firctfc mm fiemflntpmfi , fifluimamzs emu fiuhfimw, man, be m avg ijwicbp vmminum mm V min‘ by all mm alum» Wm mun ?1@etfut1s?,V¢:vm:n we rwnznnzxownreatxtj at Ehglafid zmmn scoamd ;,. tbmmszmiu fix nzmmm féifw awe; ?untt1-tI)Ve“Vfm aiszm twmtmia mew mi June, was mnuimm bi $113 Ireland? A mm “EB: W13 m mun pg mw mf mmnV hemztgiu , fmm arm am; am mm mm twmtfieti) EDfipJ%VnfFebnuary, A ,4 mmmm mm imp. ¢ %1timi)atoit?e%i‘itnf1tiJi§ 13224.5 fem gaamimsaamt, finmuiw, An A& fm~%¢$£urc%he;:?4 (30ntiAz1L1a11%c:é?0f the Ctlflomes :in"d4%_4EXC§f»¢75, V am: am @i)mW% mar: , W amt?” W 755%’ wzmncvfi. an WA mmmm Q ?3fW >Wi1‘D KW? mm» 033?? 1$i!1;.3@W%=‘~i‘. Ef"‘§Em@ margin ¢m1min%en, Zkfizmm $3 *§*§£’£‘é£m? @usL A A‘ rebihm, gmmamgen zmifl mmm ta‘ an; V fgliatémtsaana ganwuies, in éimh uzannw M by’ i:mfz‘%i% 2%: is zxgazeiimhgxntflzfm fatxfia;rt%i1i€Ii11:1£t»»§i A A (4) tint!) may uf June, @112 flfimufainh fir ijuntazen am am. zmnmneh mmaps, am he 1% newt.-— tijcizis ‘finamh mm flmainsn, Em? as may 0; @1111; mi szgimmy {gem ms, mm mg mpahlz fog the tfiufimmes 02 music sf amp @*z.?‘m§;’§;@%n mast), amuoiim @tumtugs,“+ag fitufie Iumt z':mo%o;u2n EH13 §LmIIY~II_ flf T-139 %3»i’E‘l1fRlTWC$ Rf gland, tip: an me £t&1tfpo;mt1o114 warm? mam; ngjhlid into Iréflandg U;?‘&I1p%:flJBA fiflztfi $39? $38 gififi, [0 as tbs%f€%n1e+hcfmnfat1D am by W We mf Ire1a11dg\T mt tijmw irianfmgm tn m?,'MTUzta;£g1‘; gamis’ hepmm the mag, but gm m ism: mam: u2c;fm?,~ am if the fame mm m mfg .if'%;°$I»l*I1%mt ta mg m, Eiagla11d3&i1}74%$»ME1fB3.?ZL?%m> ‘*~EJluAitr:11zsag fiznittawm m ti}? mnmma mmtifit m Imfs ; z1m%wii‘4i)ftaniDiitI:g» imhénsu, mm it 35 A ijmmw gcm1:;m;% film the fame mamzmigimwrs, fig?/I-T 'Mm2s%,*% awn ®m3;2t%nnms sf figze mm mm €m%fi; @vm7mmes., 1bi3zTci)~ibm:s ‘3;zum«.:a~m in h‘c}a:‘At1 ma; fmmmip, M :3; twat tbs; mam Ci‘ z1&aan¢gmm*map sf Septemm Wt *“0ufanM&x m%t1It2a*m :Eat:¢:*2?&%fi $11‘E11“9flJ;WP Q5 ]¥1:¥1‘§‘ . am: (my; z 0M‘%fiB*Qa1*w&?§;v mm EB $3} may fun éfixcij mm ;mm , was at nevv2%avemnmam fisxizxmwxmsv mpg) qguggggg, ag us. nf»t.i§a 5E mic €t%(!Eufim1w5iu Ireland £0 am §i“mim3?,*‘§§ 5: as {'99, Q any tijmg in tija fawn. fin: £23 32332 :.a%§%a§;$§aw amt»: % flflifbifmthfllg. QMD flJfitW ii}? mm @Kfizn3m?ff%W==V n2t5,@n1:lcrr4n;s, mm @one.mmt#am’ 3%’ A arm fiuftmnvzfi TUa»11<$fitintt2 mm: Wfi II tbmxaimm by Vtbts aazlent %%a;t1éa«mmtt mm £122 Qézzfifimfiy A t£r2of.%m€1zn2m1”ib;et5 ?£mm*,oz mwffisisniiéxfibfi «I»-£3 b%*a%n2> Ui?%3mtVd51tfln)fhEn fttch 37% fifltwtaififi -‘Lg: % 1% mum $912’: Mfiwt W :<$mI1I0nA?152BmW5mf tiiéfi fiatsm» filfii W W 2:211mficcmnmfmgfibfifiascéfiia 22% @112 mm 21%? % %<¢ 5’ ‘> F fijént $=1b;zzm;emA 5}“ a%A:afi£.:e:7x aim Wfifflt Tim ‘* x°;%1§”€~i§: 4@§5%fl;Z%?%§?:%%@M WW i; vtm%1c-*?: am; 4a§gWa€aza‘%‘a?&m; ’ ‘vwlr ‘ :3.‘ .‘v V "_ "|“'."‘ W» wt. n M" ‘d H , M .3‘ fl: an; anufuctm of Eng ‘ ,:. “ an _- 9:4 J “ ‘.~{~”‘Ml ‘W “ z“. ‘ L. : ‘ .j. Y x . W . V I; V .l _ r‘. .1" _ J, L‘ Tm fl“V‘-‘fl cm .3, 9. ‘ ‘ > . J; 1) ‘ . ti“ uh I‘ ‘ “ :" ., M’ wattage F W ‘w m_T ;5‘ V ,9 ‘4;‘ ‘.2 V: \ ‘ ‘ 3 “ ‘V 4 .4 [. “ ‘ N v waszmet~%a9autain¢ntsmm1p.:memm % A ..Tét1iaxiielMant6n‘mj % mmmen mm zwpomam unébf Eb. mainm Ian, mitt. E1'§}§»£V§7:;i%fi?§‘fii;*E,’ % i * V ’ M awe: yxnpmmmmg;*”m:§.:; v; flu ’Vni}1%1Ew as 4m!;w%m?$z’$52?a**%Afi‘i:£J*W$e 3 m E1 % 4 ~ A id is hereby Eluaafefa 1'5 §j"e%M4‘p % Wfifiw flfmfi . » ‘E?’ ~: : - ~». at —::t::: “ “Provided; = .,,.. , xx ‘nttfi .503 Excife in tfijfpmm W Buifirode. flhat aptam John Stonfi he mm gig ‘Em:z«~;w flonihftuttm anh appmnteh um nfwttije tsflmamaéfg finnew fa; Hppeais, in the place mf mm. Adam A Baynes» £0313 flfiav» R+0wbert%$?9W¢n W mm E5 Emmi Acnttigatzn%«$‘%fippfiin¥én:4tiz‘nmm M A fliimflflilifi m1JflBfl‘1KAY'fl»t1)8fDifltEA%flflfifllie Rf-o~=-A ?- binFonJ ififils %‘ Icrvés ‘ci‘h4n;etVV‘§£Emu§$&£,§3E ‘am: ififlfitehy fionfiimten $flnfia¢1I@Dmmm mm M? A tbs ~m¢nzm:a1Ion¢cs %fompp’eeai,w, in ma pm mt“ m:.Wi11i“amPaxker; 2£a;an%r1;at$%i3gafwmBua~ firode be am: is ijembp m’i‘cba.mg@h fmm fiaevsinggf . one of the ¢Enmn1éfi‘in1wr5fozE;xcife, ;; twat fa“) ftztaptmfn Adam Bayn‘€S, Luke Robinfong am: Hot. William Parker, he am am ijmzmp Msk xsbavgfih ftmn hejng.<£ommifltunew nf mapeaiarg’ Slnptbing in wig 02 any faz11uec%stmtijma1;»; ~ W "$taW%fi0fW‘UW§"“iflg; ~ A g+:Hnn,%*eitwfuttljecfiftatten , ,.~ ,, “i1W ?~ififi§£3.i§ at aim ifiat fiivermatfi F“V€>¢7”W=m I 2‘ :arm _Wi1I1a1nfl;fIgrr1ngfom,'} afizg Eémfiég} cm %mebpnircI1argen~fcoa: bzittg aommtamnexsy foztbe?€u£tome£itttiJe1902;ofL9ndon+ man that Edward Wingate mqutce, be arm ishane "A «animate? one of the ]®+um;uta1p»nec s %£a1; up Lsfliufiumes 1tttI)lt1%02t»fJf;L.ondon,ttI tt,1wIaceAo£ the fail! mnerman Lovsifinh that Johnswima. mama; in am: is berth? mnaztaten out at the <2tommifl'io:m?5 foztljc fitufinmez in aaozcue London, in we place otcm%%ramn .v John Wl1ite_. « fifth that Saml1€1'Vé4fl’ciiH nzazm is nzccbyannmcutcn we offijc mun miwoncrs fez the fiuftonwg in tmwnzt of may % don, in the mace of ti): Iain % 1.01.1: ’fJJi5 mt In any fmmet xct A W 1'11 fi*1‘_Pl13_if9 flfitmitbfmilbifl % .___ _._._ 4.... ’ 3awrdar»Fe&ri««r3»z5~ 1659- Kdercd by ,tbe Parliament, That forthwith Prillgticd and A ,:i; W A “ T man As St. N: an AAc:V>A’jAt, Ls; % % ¢ Clerk?!’ ~ W? % LONDW; %3E’rir1tcdI3y _7pI;#Stréater,and john Piihiters the