OF‘ THE, Commonwealth 0 F W , ‘ X .‘ ‘ u x ‘ “ ‘h ' ‘ ‘ " , H: “H ‘(‘Vs.’ ‘ .\ \ ' ‘ ', ' ‘ ‘ uh‘ y ‘A"‘_ , ,w-\ W ’ ‘ ‘ ‘w-- , -, ,1 , ‘ , , W M4 V ; (W W ‘Iv, . ' ‘ m‘ V; ‘.3 ,_ H,-’ '3 .‘ ?’ ‘ , H “L, W _ H ‘W ‘ I ,*,. 4 3‘ '5‘ M _‘ :_n« my mg ‘ 5- ‘«‘\ | V‘ ‘rbrw U,» A A H“ ‘, W‘ 3‘ ‘.. J} H, _ H‘ , ‘ ’ ‘I ‘,r , ‘f < ‘ w ‘ ,_ g .» m A» J x“ M K‘ 1‘; 1“ . .‘ ' ‘ "" "'''"''‘‘I* . . ‘. . v ‘x v ‘ V ‘ ‘, ' U’! M‘ M w :1: A ' :twdPu6lz'fIwcJ. A A Di‘c ]ovis,% x1]u1iid‘,~ £650; A V Rdered 5} the %P4%rliammt,’T./Jazt tlzzlb lIc_fartl.nvz't/2 Prim‘ ¢d ? Hcn:Scobcll, C1eric.Vl5ar1ia-m¢nri;A Landon; Printed by {Edm¢rd.Hm6.md and $5130/n¢2r;e1.az, printers ‘ A to thcPar1iamcntof England. 1 6 5“.o%.Vm Fi~.3_1'S€t1ifig<;§F thc “ 0 1: ITWIW: Colmnonwealcla of England. §5gi@€W1?.-'flIIi:€?;lf0f Eng-—- V 4 .7 land fifimhg ifi zmeflac -...'° J "L." «‘ ~~-‘x’ _‘ ‘ .4“. .§' ' ‘V "mm ‘I’ :\‘~. —.»~, ‘uh: '. ‘ , ‘ ' A .~../‘fies \ \¥.'f~’. . ‘ +5" ‘ .0 R Q ., W '5" . ‘ ‘ ‘,“'w. ’ _ ‘ ‘N * ‘ " ‘ ‘ a mute %~f wefmw » ,1 A “am i , , In ' ‘la M .‘-T’. ‘ w__ _ ‘ ‘ ‘ , Y" M . q, 4.; . mg mg mefwawamnn of > an 4 H’ . V‘ M i‘ ; £4 W, mm the (Mm: ‘ 1:¢¢mnmeaM:b ha put into V t a case am; Ehttta #6 W? .. ”"‘“ 4- % ‘ - "A , “V 7 “*4 _' 4' M :3; ms mvftljzififiwpie, afzs . .4 tar fnmucbjimonn mm "A % firearm fpcnt in the obtaining tbmof, an-.= gainflthwnncabz, rem‘ mmrs aaaccmsann Emzmlts, ntmmgin tljmnfelfizsmztAuni1;mAVunnwmaeraifpecious was rflioniivitacies arm amctia tmce5,ail%te‘nnmg tn4t1)*eutW%tnmtt1);om nf the N Qafetp of the 5&a4tion:% mnn%a1”t13nugb actmom: * Imgérnm which tl)e12nctitzma?cb all tbankfuinefs A ztmpthzr‘ be mnzmfbzen £1331: mfignsuf this , nature, %s141;1u*’gi)t.p%‘ on, by ] a big!) mm met ciful ljiatm m‘M@znnmea;*r;te5 bath ufualw hlamn mm %Vb;uughtto.nougm ;,4 past gungimigtt tzquifxteflljat the@on11tua‘sm3m‘m)Kw mntmzmting tn it feif in Atljmfe nfrmajamAtcnnmg tn its own p2eiTevbaa; +ti‘fiin %%%vanD -iu$&mmm:u, 4mm cnnccimng it tum: im1tpV to make%fit£mg:pznnifintt accozhinglp, auepenbamz ttpun ti) fam~e.mim'm finohnewffzzz ' wnngunnnnz. azmeflg C2932) % a W Aging Iw°"}~$§W ®nmhvz%s, 15913 W0 $2:-*-*1 namann tfinact, ianb wit mmctzn mm wmamen A W W5 mefetzt %9at1iAan'zzm3. an}! b?fiJv%1u¢bfl=- my tbmof, ibat we mman:£3amrw5 fa; flje% I\/lI:_..1itiaK'fE.$b€f€fm'Ca1@DlI1Eti€5&m] pmwsnf Eng-% 13.0 mam ‘W ales bid) new ate, 0; bmefm Jflaali unmet nf e aippmimmahy the iaatliammt m fimte _, accngnmg to mwev of gammmmt in that behéaif, itttbeic fenera1p;w'mts mm places, aaaii nmmaeann wt in tmcntmu tbzfz finflmza ctionfi following: ms, citiva mi omn5,‘&c-i flyailnmt the Ira,” mjafainaommifsionery, 02 any tme uzmm mi«tbzm, teanfngin the febzraicnum % Tuefday m?:%ew A anew minute conmnimtpiace within ,ti*3%e1't_' reipectinc ”n:ounties ,% citizz W V13? 9 31:11“ W fwm time “time 1. 02 ¢0fW€*&1'f¢ men uw;ii;£nV rmwim mmjin tb¢i—c femtal Iimim % &c. at fmfi fitim mm place as than he in znacmg Daif appnmmn- A secondly, inc Iain ¢¢omvmifsion%zv5anD chew #05 t11em,%mbbabc nntaitealwtahentt, m:ebAe~ fuzz tbeyazt upon that Zlnuctilmz, tn £'.>un...—.« terms the latzmtgagement apointz*n%%Mby we aaatf imlltfilif, To betruc and;faithfu~1 to the Commonwealth of£Eng~1~and,as in is now Efl:aIifl1cd;,w_itbou¥a~King %°rH0ufe%%of Lords, intbfi vzcféttce f M? tbzee of tam ¢omInflsionm%smm tbcnanv tIho~oz 3 mm fiftbfim acct cam the fame engagement ‘be §uh cihehhvfnzz than. nzf any mm:«%£ucb 3U¢“‘~'““W‘ ¢°1°W15 3f03$. W W ” WffiC£t£,3Z€l3p¢l3£ 83 :7 6‘ §‘ 6‘ a vfirfws as hr the fainvétnmmirsionew nz any to mozef themtlaaii e amaninten, b? fmzb $ 4_ ID Aaptatns, I ~ common fifl _Jln¢tga[Dontth,e? attfitnnmfir % 9 g(93a) to M ttcumn with mamnzanns oz Mata 5 mm mm the main imam-wfficevs mm dtaptams mam) have mm mm z‘&i::c%csaDp mzamsniffmnatm mm wmamn of by rm Qtmmcelof mate, arc” to he wants :3; mm mf mam, tn the ram ¢ouncz1,mi);:mc mmmtfsiwnfi, if they (mm wpznbc uf menu,-, mmmnvkp” thefatn®n~mm€fstouer£, 0; am’ thaw mmV?ci)?bm‘mggma1ntw, iijm any tbzezo;AVmsm of mm mm mmmifazmms may grant Cflmnmif: fimm am Em mfmm wfficew, which awfim tuba mm; mmljctc mzmz inch aw, hymen“ fin: mm ;vc;~2,,pacttbe1p as are ¢ontmz’fl‘zqnatm ag afmeimm fa; ttjeiv zwmnhatwn, arch If may am mtfinwmn to them hp, fucb ,me1D=@fiicw tn; V m;.mm%nf tbent, tljepatém gmnti than finmmzfq fimm accozmngw. of ®t2m:,,as‘ they fee ccafiflnlintay anew; change mi alto flnlmw, 3 we fail: mxtmznifsfoners ‘ mzutenanat mloniew ,, afow, fiaptain , oz nthet fl'ic¢w‘, annput ntbeii: fitpevf '1‘ in them mama. "Third15,3 , A jyg rain % oftbem , are by all g 1-6» 3 D 3 5. 0 mm mm tum mes, am: from tinge to t(mz¢'tn take Ctifgg 3 A ft A A &fi6Ct¢D‘[3W 50115 3, pumifl3eIaA Ihhmfue w from others ‘finfozxnattns,ann»mamintimt% gefiinan, fltbat the mauuczt am am m.eatis tn {W ;!;m;_;;_%fiL_¢M atmmljicbj at!) tbwijdirkljetebp me tn ann”ii"zi“i1m) of a11¢onrpinicws,m eugtw, za~.~= we" an ru£niM£i;9usV%2* ofi W "". at bpnoozns oz actmns, fvokm vizmtzn , p;eacyen,— zittenoz at it the 1aeace+ arm Mmz1fm:en£¢tb¢ flomm nzaw), hp fgg_ggtng,%n%if- eammmrm ta am we vavtw A pctze fltthuss C Vnmizttn hwz.nugi)t’tn fiuwicz as thgp am: we cam. % . I-‘omh 1.v,*£bef&m @n1n11ti€si'uncr5’n%z%fixtymzm m smm sf tijwt, mm autimzism mm 1:mu:::vw as nxmma am {caste , fii1§%_§:m§i__fis%, mm nti)®t111;—;_a;fiecteD pmfgmgs . timi: Ijmm mi‘ mm a.pptatm:;, 02 flmiiflmsm1t§;maz«% Rims i1t$1)etviii:3?mms m agfiggw agm‘mE% 2221.»: f«s:Vrat+P&ar1i%ammr*, omgaiuft tijzpzmztt ®nj;jn§;&§g§gg§Wea*2$ &°W)e%Duz1jabe oz fl)ai1;i)niB cu;rz€pg_g§_)gnc%p WEE) cm.—%;%1V§%j%swan, the » on 0f the late %z’ng».,% 5%; my %mfi)%*s%.;2»m*$p, rmfib my what puma mg fia: xm, W“%*% W €§.3ziwé%fi@§.fi@E%»$€a uiU§.J;§§Ii%W 02 S”¢f»zw%'.;:erzz.*tm;:;;a: w;i,.¢*.~:.? ;e;€en§ ®*aim°mnam; 02; mm Vn2%dfi}a§fi 1 1&5 30133)? fimfllififi >05 mmiii;Ea3t:1341%&*z:1bea§m;A; iJ2,tm‘£a‘z, mg m1nm;4mmD% the $é1@,%*f5mg fifi a2w~ , fifiutimzfi mg finfuts $+£;:£tt’mt:5,;%%% £sDf%=:l'.';;flflW maxim to be%nea1t mitijacu c3_u;ptz:gto:3£an;9,#a1ttijm feiaataiflwlfitiigo W" FiF::h1y,i:iJ&t any fljzfifi D2 Mi fiD;.€ $5 13333 fifilillliiffi V flutters flmll gain full M’%%%,oflJet‘ a;1uD%%Qtfi%txti)DziW:"*to rcnatgzpecmnfi.i1oi$1W2172 *fiIW‘5$lt111§,+m mm wk farm cotmtvafl)%veg»citmfiumtt ¢Dw0zz1w,!3flJ%8é1?fi ~mw, IJa:bézag~ftcwestunts,mm not exc+¢em‘%tt gA¢4‘i*/W ; 151) i8 A A Itmitaféflififi 8mn% pgaiip nztiorts Igmaftzt zvtfifitfmta en tijemstfi Mara: 1B u%pt;vfon fiaallbz cbamea 33~m5*5Al%fifE1€f5%%4 Em!) 4IJ€€%éi0IE tbemrl %3‘«‘9W%%t1%4mf obutmzggmmnsper am 3[z?¢JWM%= K.§_$zm1 Ififiaxe I=T mo 1t WW. ‘,1 '1" ‘ % Z0§03fl'D§mhW5f[V§“$1§ in iwfctcsiosa Jnamesv zA£l3a*i1 az%vAvw= umzfs ,t):'2»3,% 1)£t:_n;f«mficywaifiplate% *refibmce 2i§_m, i);a$ci3 V C 9a5~D % ii1.%%1~¢€l%‘@%€fiA?t¥j¢¢ pm*.%fm!;u~ am I $10? A mm 19m;i”e .e.+~'m;~m imm£.a»5afn2ci‘m'§ by ~*§’v@ptt;z’a”u%g*ti13Jn‘; -an Wm @ma&u2m ‘ ti)%o:m'a21s;h 2 f an 4 A ifs A W WEEH W %fi4§¥>“%D*mgi“‘f¢ W n0t‘»& s mfi? L»evmm~ fif % - 'm>‘\‘ ‘-V I“ 1-,’ ‘r W in ‘ '_ ‘ ‘iii. “;."u.\‘ ‘\ m '2 ‘ ;.: W ‘...‘ » W V % WWW m‘m%%w >i3V@°@?~5?¢3‘W, itfl)j'W W Wmlflli $0@€1’W fqzm WE @flm%’%€fi’5!' anus ma &n?*§&¢%%$%;%M1936 ra?twm«%u, mm@;;an:fEtt§je firmmg %anbiWpm mmgamf ti W tflfifi W in tDfé£iJ?i€«fiWs5 $13 . % U WW@3V“1W $€“mWm*¢ % AVtIje%%~w‘:w mfetm mzsmflwuj * 5 % ’ ” fiauwa ewvtlimwfi 023%? 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