« __—— Anno Regni GL1LI4ELMI MARIXE, REGIS SC REGAINAE Ahglm, Swtiaz, F7‘Il7Z£icB E? Hiiernizz, PIKIBJCL On the Eleventh Day of M52)’, A’rm0 ‘Dom. I689.- In the Firfi Year of Their Majefiies Reign, this ACT Paffed the Royalfxffent. ._ 5% e_, Z§S€§.$ @‘3§3g§3 ‘ 9§3§§?9§ 5§39§? 5. oz» LONDON, Printed by Clmrle: Bi! and T/Mme: Nemomé, Printers to the King and Queen’s moi’: Excellent Majeflies. I 68_q. i ___.:---O‘’ 41‘ é » %A AntiQ Prixxii)‘ GVULIELMI sc»MA%12;1zE. _z _A‘_ J ,—:—o A&,- Thai: the Simoniacal ?motion of one Perfon may not: prej another. ' J/{Boreas it bat!) often f)fi.lJ= much that petfons fitmos A mack . oz fitmontacaltr montntcb to zfiemficzs. oz — 0EccIg&aaica1fl.tbings',babz , , 1;. A entom) the benefit of men % % innings many peatsmnb tametifllss an their iufcstimc, by region nf;t.l),s:fu;:e”;. wama (of fact) Simontacal maximal 5 w2t;_np ate: the beat!) of fact) i&tmaa,mckj§p;2tton,zinott)et patron tuna: tent 95 inch ¢rmu:, mm Ivoztbr of fat!) aazcfetment, being pzefenten oz pzomoten by ;m1n$;b‘e§ taatmu innocent gain of that autxtwngzczl ¢ont,ta;ct,babe been trouble: ¢ 3 3 an 29:1. Anno Regni primo tum -tememj,upon,pzg:tez_n;gfl¢f itapfe ( oz‘ ‘ o;i1’zLj1Di.['z) ‘:0 tbs %11'm'11ADi£B Dftijiz ‘ittflflé (2.21: 3,‘£»::ttc:1:‘%ALi-11 fi%pb2t&a21, :.;mD £sf%1)a'5¢ \£C'f£ti3,1)Ji3Bl:‘£b? the «Entity- go away njitbx pzufit of ms Qiruxte, ant the Fflnttocent , .‘§DlICCff§Dit1g"13;1__t’rDtl.,. nun fbgs (Elm: are punifijtin ce11t’£at’?tFB a11‘1zeafon ant: grub cficnfcizncz : . % cafe; n,mhe\t1t,io,11 mnmof, 252 it finattzng bvtm meg ans \m:zzén’s,tizgtmce11spt Qlaajzftics, DP anb with the Qtnniwafifi Qtimfmt of £132 102.115 Tfipitfitfiai R110 ’iZ,§11lD02al,_anD Qlommons in this Lpzfffiff A f 4 xtaatzéeamxttsxahatn. ;nnn_3ap%!Q);1Il mitlm by um» of Tutlc in iblcabmg, oz a’u~tm0flP.19.&:df—eDf$,£lztB.332}.3 me: iB2§33§1ctzD;il1130fl D2? _,. am up $C?‘»9$i>§Is €13ctm1o!t% % 'w'tf€.l1_;11~.tfs' tlje,t1c:rfon»%:£ia R xutoumcamp gazztamfgn, 011): fitiotfiliéifi fionbutgnof fucl)‘“fi>‘ffrnce & z;n:on:i’La=I1!. D; foxnaficclcfi , A $c‘at:-zfitmit. sin the 3;a£,x;£c;tu::¢.%_ tt_1;e‘pcr,( j ‘grgxtoutacls ($02; mntotmcallp _ :o::;oteumzs_%1a;m¢n:cn 5 6'+?{n)> inam gs: syratutc tn ébe cmgtavv :I!1(It1l),i§«bfi-‘i'tllDil1§%.’.‘.' ‘ V"7 V L; mm; ;;a.it.;:1£oa.azobmer5;3£j—ist1a1ve'o nun , 4 smcmrcn by 19': ' fiutboztfiv % atm/irtbg ti the want: 9" Gu#lAiel1ni & Ma1“i2B. 2 Ebat/no iieafe 02 flames, realty aunt bona fidc mane, oz ijmaftetta be nfiatae, day any fuel)? nation, as afazefaiv, Statics tuack‘ 02 Smmniamilp pzaznotw to any %eant2’» imebznn uzgaatfonage, mother tficclcfiafiical 2L52mfice oz %EDign~itp; fez gmn arm valuable Qlontfnetatimt to any fieamant 0; {action not being pzthp auto‘ 0; having jrioticz of fucl) 9¢111ony, fljall be filmpeacbeb oz Zthomen fan; 0; bp was fon of Inch 31111011175 but than be‘ gum ’ aunefizrmal in flaw, tbs? tam simonp notIbitbftanning;J » I EINIS. K ‘, ,5.‘ m._m.. :.;'.+a...,..* « ..§ 5 1.: .h.:.:.ar‘m'o‘<. . BARE KD 5785 , A3 1689 S5 /J/:a: Ifii[§?iIii:mm O0