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W . _, 3‘ ‘ V . ‘ , X 1 , ‘ , , fc%fiifco11tinuen, uz, put %mitI)utV&?¢ fmtmentzg mautfittons ,a.ctio1w,i fm... ¢7Kefi‘crs s V tbm~¢.si‘:¢%~ V , 1 rucceemug mtg; 1 ,y .;.r ‘ mtimw, iufmtzamm mt {gutsy 50; WW 4’ fr! V fences cumnzittw m2;mmAtt1%flJ£ ilwmnwf ma mm law fimng, mzfm &I1»P%Iue;ht MW W L mam, 0; came mi Vmtimt ‘oz fiuit nmm, an mm am ha “ha , mam, mm m¢’p;nfzctmm’n ma jfmmc Vuf¢tm ‘Jam tats iamg, 02AAm £1324, 5;?;ameuf we mm mm mm ‘am: an ?§nfM:é~A+ mm, ’~£bz;f&mc ‘flaattheljan, mam,nnnmnn4=% pzufectttan in t1)z3I&amcWan nmz tljebebaif nf= fl]e “fa1'D%Keepcrs4Aof» the L4ibcrti6S bf dE”gWdVby Au....A V % chomy of Parliament, my. in%t1)-we 5r+2_a~.me, ann fl;e31*2a1*r¢ewnf {mm“3t1fo2IIm,%M $1331 CW‘? ’ flaailrequim in {mi} fazt,Ayt1~I1J1J¢Wi7ViI£1J91Df»~= muses atzcnmmxittem ~?J€V¢fiT13C1)A%€v&tIf¢% ¢ 0: V f flew-m%AasinV»nnc%iflQs%um 2, mu tijc“ ’ 1'wmnz;* 3]mJictm¢uts , xozcfmtmetwa “"1 actinns ,infn;mationv5atIh fuijts 1,339“ ¥”0h ¢% I)an,nt yemtnmzmemannt1JW,%1fl§$£zm¢;* faningtbatthz fall’! "KW W am! he nam en in %1:1)e~:i*tc%aI;aAtj1A1:q p%1mi::f tm an be it furt1)Aewt§amn;% 3% Q 79’ 53: Q (Hi 5 93 1'?‘ § :3": cut § W 1-! 3 S.‘ % 3 % mac aez£11~o7*zttg#% ¢' ca»wt5 4imefww nwntz,in quifitinns ,, :actiDn£54A ifif0%maWmf5%A mz1‘m't5"fm, any wmcnczs 11%, mm «W09 ‘fit-m%;t1)sezat1)nf$tm=A~fam mm 02 a mnt,%mtz2n z WA %» caufc ;n£L%act:un%arts %A°l%‘1J¢1‘¢W1f%:»%Ai9 M » A » z Ma ‘. / ‘ “ .5‘ W» 1. J‘ A ~ “ - / " ' t ammin;£?Ws% bah , imahe , gut‘ at1I’!i‘” T A*f8£11i5d4¢;v:D;4 tv _ %C35) twmw mimeflw m gm mtnmw 9 any fucl) Jamfcfi, mm in am mm @&t§)é%m Ema; in we flings ;BantemMmm¢w*he ism fama ffimiim gz:mmn$E3e§1m11%£ mf The Keepers of the Libe1‘tics0fEnglarzdby Auiihwoxity of Parliament, mimmofthe flame sf t§)EKing,. %tw%fl.aX ,