A:' 5' L' v .477 I <‘ - ‘. r ‘ f r‘ j’ ,_ rev-“M z; .; 1 ‘_fi.:‘ ' , V _..,..-‘- ,- --- ~ ‘;‘ '3‘“ T‘i‘ " "fir": " " ;‘_'.‘.'"\..'-\*.;v-\¢-ul-7-~ ',‘ ' .,..~ ~~-.; ' ‘-;'\~~ '44; .-.1 Anna Regni _ G ULIELM I , ET -. . MARIE, : REGISB: RE GINZE} Angina, Statics, Francine 65 HiIerniar, Quarco & Quinta v v“ At the Parliament begun at qur‘ninfler the 1'ch- tieth Day of March, Anise Dow. 1689. In the Sc- cond Year of thc Reign of our Sovereign Lord and Lady, WILLIAM and MART, by the Grace of God, of England, Scotland, Fran and Ireland, King and (Luca), Defenders of the Faith, (fa 1» And from thence Continued by fcvcral Proxogations and Adioum. ments to the Fourth Day of November, i692“. being thc Fourth Scifion of this prcfent Parliament. 4” LONDON, Printed hy Clinic: Bil, and the Ezecntrix of Thom Newtomb, Deccas’d ; Printers to the King and decns l mofi Excellent Majefhies. M DC XCII. A .1" L AAA: {($75}? 3'2; New . w -;pi\w,“4 h "DDD w /é7 V546» " " “ D " 1‘ g( ‘3 $21.12;, fix: “a! a": ,5. a _ , ' .4 . ff? u-‘l‘. A, . "V‘ 4».. .. ("'2‘ z: DDD DDDDDDDEE