,.___..-. . ' ‘ a A % London, PrintAcdf'or Edward H»/Md, Printer to th A A “ VA A and are to befold at his Shop in Plcetflreet, at the Sign of the Golden-- in-.._. a Of the Northen Circuit, AS Z E At: 73m/.24m,on Thurfday 2° /i7ugpyi‘_.,1649. A \% Di¢%Mar!:is, I9 Junii, I 6 4 9» A V Rdéred 6)/t75eCommonsaf]emIalml in Tarliament, ATbattIai4r‘ A % Aéiloe fbrtbwitb “‘ A A printedandpublzijbed. A A Hen:A Scobcll, C1cric.ParlAiamen t’. &:......._._.. Parliament of Engf lm2d, ~ »...I *Dragon,near ch.eInJr1en-Temp-l«e,A 1649. OF-THQE’ To he an V %Ac.DurImm,onThurraay vi Augur+,1‘649: "= ‘J I . .. ‘ V ~ ~ » may of 1Ba.t1tan:ent,; . " ‘ «A itvifl Dfiffhp A 2:: ' Bataan arm appaintm «us it «enacten by autbazl‘ 3 I ‘i .~ ,. $723. '1”; figs‘ ’ ' V “ Q " » . ‘ ‘ V n .- . ‘J ,‘ , ‘ U . l . .4 . Q _ 3121131: afieffionfi fez we ti;‘ -‘.4-I’;¢3".‘.'{ % L A ‘Volt!’ I‘, .1 s . ‘V be 1)o1ne‘uiannkeIptat I * 1‘ %- tbecitpofDurhamzntbe Cflflflw Of Durham mall ‘ rain ceuntz».unonTbur£ day the teconnofmufi, ‘iefion, fiat fif fljeffl Eftzsnftm¢nmmmt19lea5, % mm%Fran4cis Thorp,%an2Mof%fl)c26 M13115 Dffht $1?-=1 ctzequeta 31ufiic¢5nfif% tb¢ faiufiefitous W3 %;@emDfl)fi#t alwcstons»asat M3138 19 32 otbaflxaife, aaw atlialeas, Az»its5 H A $31) 2 % ED331185; % e (369) tebeeiefi, ante ail etbet zoteetatgs, mattete mm t; ‘f1 _ % eeleeefat Durham, mean the « am: tmtntteti} my ufAugufl:, Iéez. mat any timefince, mm are llflmefliffiflfifftflwgfib etttfl Wt Ihitiaettt Day, by me comieegef the finances, man be, we fienzu te-— I timings Dwtnb ueene tljem, arm to mat, an e we to eetteemtnetimevemaccomt ewe e ttmweefiteanemftionshtre- t that befeee the few: mm W fight ozteunbt te tent an t it \ 11 nennem Bteenmg einttthteefitwt amt tee 4 te ninth, ettnttttmte, arm ef as full fotte mm eta fectm §£tmv,te all intents ann pztwofee’, at they we ~fm't £9, arm twentieth of mugua, . me at any time fmte,-, ann that alifucb teen:-..» teat, ieae,@etttuttett,anfl Pzeteeninge in were met) fltttmt, mtiuufi, Suitfialfiills at ieiatfntz, meeenepetming upon tb$faiD @1110 mm twentieth of AuguPr, 7164?--Dz at any timefinte, fbaufiarm em: mm tefi'ettual, am he mateenen in, an met fattij, in fetct) memet ant: fozmg emu he intlje £am»ttt1tgI3?t, ettette,cmmitionanD 03383, $- 2"’ W steniettj meteteptenmngtn te Matt at its if the iTamt%t4eifmttttimtamte,obtttuctton at nine: V ntemteebain ttemtbaepenen, may nifcmttttmemte mtftwaenttnttaute, mtttm without Bay,‘ at nt pzoa fetuttgng at’ the fame, tn the tenttatga nntmte.- fiemetteg: mm that the {am jilufiitefi foafl’tgtt- emee met at them, aftetefuchttme astbeyflyatt t tjemetbe 2: t tenttetae fat tame eeetetfts , an an te e ta. Inettafuttbet @ A: aw. eeowttoftbetfame vleaeantezecefs mffllfifiiltiflg fltaflbabt tailvnetanneautbeztte at Manetueeeuettoe, ffinifl 91% tfim, M it fab man Kw mmzwt m am Mme fiyammffzclmzw 9% zzgufi, 1649. tm mm; M fi3z1ewim tmmmf mm m £w$_ ma Mic; timus, mam aw Em ma fiuwcas of we fm’n mum? mf Durmm%,+ $0 he mama cw w mt2Mtgm< Mia am am fmmwwto he gmmzewm in M the Mm mqumfi; mm fife mm mi mam Mn gmmceffi, mm; mm mm we mm mm menmmj: «sf %m;gu&ifi”ueh raga; out M the fa-A mm! mmtg f wiper zncban mnmmn 151$ Wcfiminfier, MWIZWD I138 05 Ch? mama? f3fDL1rham,mm M1 flfijfiti fifitlwttfi, W IJIJDE1? mammn;gsmmawnn,¢ mail be sgmbantt efi--A mtum in mm, m amitmatg anflvtitpms, as may tmiiiw zit mm p;m:cf5,htte£tm ta ntijet Emifl’g%famvatim muntzw 9:5 England, mm mmmw, annntijew pmceeiaiazs tnemwon aw mwnggbt mm %nn$%ttJ¢at {tub fiwtmit zowfsg pgnwmim, flwal, flungemmt arm mecutimt maybe Danmmzmmu, as in mm wtmttez upon ii a giwamcefg mm actim~nw::%nn that tbeytije“ fmafam afiigfnm ‘flumces, up what of tIjem;,j mm izimwifeA fiijmv mm mmnzim‘ ail am: ail mmm afi flmxmzwypaetit fiteafunfi, gs: Embers, em, 3m?mAm’zs, utgiaviefifiwmzs, fiwefpaffcmmiuw,fim1ts,nn1amfui 1fl”et;1bIt*¢s';‘ annyau otbezwtwetzcw mm tmmms mbatfaemt, twahic, mmvnz cummitte«m2’ any pmfojn a: par»: mi'o»W@t nam)int1)f z min cmmty‘of Dung fang ham, again» {IE3 mums MID fla 3 bf t1)i5~ jflaténéaa ma) mfwxnane azunflminw ; mm ab Ea tnmam, ms; cant: see a m1an%eIt Wt %c,Aamwm? w W W W Witt Hf Eng--5 lama; mm ¢wae msn%$zmces%wan act, n W Mmm mm?” Ev mw£t5m’%ti1in5g m~11‘I€b WW‘? ‘W f03m &» %[fl?fliét WW am WE 23¢, amc’w~ umc¢4¢a$dDurhém%, atwgk (312,) the teleas of the dttomn, etuntxntoneaeleeass, anti other meat, have ufuallp ant tefpecmaeip act: emnonehannpeefuzmeb, at anptinxe heeetnfoze; annthe iiothe mmmtffionetfi fiwoiutela to; the Qtuiionp of theefizeat flea! of England‘, ewe hereby teequieengatm anthogisen to time fozth toe the {am afsignen fijuthces of Qiiftse am) fioalsnelivea rp, to; the execution of the peemifes, fuch mm; tttttfionozdtommiiftons as in fuel) cafes into Us the: counties of England are nomifiuen; we com- 4 manning mm eufoyniug lfltemife the 9hettfi' of the fail: county pf Durh2gm,tDal5 he came feathe- with ieznetamaetontaun Imtitetobe green in an places Ibithine the fan: Enunty, as meltnaithiu iLihe~ttte£ as Ibtthettt, to all «Earls , fiatons, iantghtsgfjlullictfieafo2s,2I5av1tfl'e,9tematn§, emfficets, tniitets, aim other petfons wham- enet, Dwelling ant: eetibiugttthttt the fail: cmm-; te, Inning’ any thing was attbe fame mflione, e azhat they then ant: there attenn upon the fate fgiufltces, ann he itIal1,thingehhhtequttjttetu them awning am: aiming. film 1ali1y,3It is eermten he atltbozite afozefattu , its-at all filnmliments of llhzttingz, ‘jinntenten of any bettgem,eannfa1e~ of any flaatmzs, %anns,3£et1ements,ozheeeniee: ttantentseieine within the ram camp of Durham, ant» 3neo11enbefaze,thetatn gmaicee, 02 one of themnmting the tea: geatonss 3119 that ailfuth fines, oz acknomleneemeetsof 3rtnes,oe3Rew== titties as habeheett taken 02 acfitwmlehehhof ibannslpingmithtu ;tD3;fam_ count? nfehDurham,ee he bettueofaue mziteozmtitseufDcdirneuSPorefia+ tam, iifuine 01-1t0f.flJc tibancethv atDurhamIIt30fl tbt Cain tmflann tibvntittfjhiwnf Aréigufls‘ '6-42~ Be at any ttmefince,fi)aIIbeetaee1tatm teceiveb be the fate ‘jlnfitces new afiignen, 0: either of them,- mm the fame jftnes (hall belebteo emu ingtegenn, 3 t (am ano aazotiamationo than he maoe upon the fame as hath been attnflomeofoz fines of the like 11$: tare mithtn the fatotonntp 5 ano the fietoheries to taaen ano achnomleogeo, than be ozawn ano tnrolleo as hath been attnttomeo; ano that hall ano every other jftne ano jftnes to betahen ano tatknoleogeo hefoze the fato jilaiticee, or either of them, at the rain attp of Durham, being fine: ‘I rofoeo, aaeao ano tazoclattneo, as up the bra- i III“ Elf 5° Ellzabethai‘ Ifihflilifittfllg 3110 all COIIIIIIOII ~ ' fiecoheries upon mgztt of Gentry, oz other weft, whereupon a common fietoherp may pate in the 4 V aoutt of taommonspleas at Wefimtnficr, than he of the fame ano tine forte, ftrength ano efiect in auto, to all intents ano mtrpotes, aeif fnth a mating inoenteo hao been tnaoe ano tnroueo many the aonrto of afletozo at t Wcaminrhu-, am; fnth fiineoz jftnee Ie1neo,hano