Efiazes , fcimrmcrly granted by an Ordinance off is , _ . \ .. ii‘ . 9'. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ , ‘ ‘ n - ‘ Q I INANCES§' op THE ~ an .. _ V H A 9.‘ M 5 .,ords and‘: ommons % A Aflémblcdin A ' PARLIANIENLT; Ww A THEONE3 _V w% For Compofitiuns for VVard{l1ipsin the Court: of A’ “ V‘ A Wards and Y_..ivc:ries.,and for Signing of Bills, and pafiing of them under the Great Seal. % THE OTHER, Am “'4 For taking awayn th¢ Fifth part of Delinquents — Pa1*1i:u1*mnr , for mainmining of the Wives and ”Ch:11dren_of Dc~1inqu:s-ms. W ~— --n--:-~~——~ ~—~—- ———-~-~ 0“lder€‘d by the Cos-nmem:-; affcmbhz-d m T’arli.-Amazzc, That EMS be forthwith printed and pubshflmcd. ; . .‘ n H: El/3-age, C-lér. ‘Pmrl. D. Com. -_....—.. an-tuna-now-um —“‘—"""._............._ .......-—.n.-p-— -u-«——w--- any Inuavllutuunn--""'~‘ V Londnxa, Prinmzi far Edward I;ms\bez7:d, Primer to thc Honorable H«.o»v.{'e % of Commons, and arc to be fold at his (hop, 3.: the fign of the GO1ckn~ " VA ‘ Dragon. nczcr thii Inner--Temples N 0"»'07?1b- 7- 1545 ~ V “*9 n \ w n éf’ I S“abbathL1,.tNove1nbr. ._An Ordinance of the Lords antd Commons aifelnbled in Parliament, fiat Compofitions for VV_af‘d{hipsin the Court of VVard?s and Liveries, and for Signing owfBiI~ls , and'tpaffin ‘ of them uncr the Great Seal. "' .~fietcafihibctfiffllompflfitifltlfl 2 7 have been Ijmtofozt mam mmtt ann otamttel of 19:5 amtieztt fimtvtuf 1EI%flt"II$ arm W:-c bfitiffi at Weflzminflcr , fl); fljfi fiflfflfé a§¥El’fi.z§ attbfi ;; -vi fume fltf am ctzmmtttutms, camimtahte %mw moutp bat mm almmy pt ta V amttto btwtfis %~ut tn gamut manta at the taint mw pg am“ If page tmmt: the 2 A 6 t-gwfifi ® mt, V‘ ‘ ‘ ‘F \‘ "v . ‘ ‘ F. ‘ . “ ‘ M H ‘ " I‘ V V ‘ “ ' > I M V ' ‘.,w«~w %:>¢~'-:‘:t ‘.5 :3» . ~ 3': 22,7: ‘F A ' * '* ‘ rt. . A . % r; tit by funnw“ p€l3f01‘l5,mft1] that t am nfttlje "ofiffig. of mbwz f tam .m'“.‘ W W11 9»tgnewnT bmis % aw: &y,m;écbin$¢1)efc tinaaes*n€%sntm:astinn;¥ wczmat be ovhmz’mb;;2i5p mzainsnfljma 3%,‘:-13¢ fatn petfonsmbu 1)7&?13?€alt(taDp fa. wmpsmmzn mm fipasih tmit mm; $ :2.zmawg,,; §%$zwé mitigaut fiJ£:V fmz:t% at’ % fi}ca’r% i‘m’@% éismgpafitimw ,” mm “aim- afmmithnfembiclj b,a;1Jz co%mpaum3¢D . emu: 1J~am xmcwyet% p’a€*D,: as mums 1&3i)icb.a@¢@2¢fl&tmtn wmpmmhfm ~ i‘mm:aii m%arB%fl).ip;S 3 me fa: ma team fans afmfain, nifcoutagzn to maize were fe:1»cm1Icwmmfitiansmwpaga 1nmts‘«1hit1) the rain %afl.e*c am: munceihfihz 31.02115 arm ctumtnsns afiemhlm in iaatliantentmn tI)m—fu2g% hereby flziaam mm ®eclar:z,*;£ba.t all. arm chew fucf) min 02 2151115 az‘ i3e1:,ea,ftev flaallhe $t’gnm by the ms ’ ark arm-% ¢.1e1:kV of £112 Iain fiamt of maths annibibetiw ft): the time he: % mg, nntmithftanning fljeiittmti being‘ 9t7gn¢tI.7hp-$.15fif£i1p5@alI.nh%zpaf=s: Ecn umber i51)£‘gtB&€* @zah'n»‘fn;m4ufu¢ a11+~;‘.fluD‘tbg ¢nmmnn’fstmw:z»nftm (53) " A & fail: gteat mad fez the time mingme 1)etch19. cequmn annfiutmzifen to ' paflbibcttew Wttentg in mm ufua1l§A ft2UIIl~ time tn tmzeuamet the fail) great mat mmw the fzmntsm mzm tzmtees, 0“; fitanwefi 02>? the £33 swim-= % gweftljafam teemmim mama», am A cmj;m’ng,tn tbs tmmzt awn sfimof the“ ram "2154il1fi«f0J Eigtwn as af,nzefm’n: 4 finhwtijifi wmitmncc flmli be rim: fufficient nIm*ranjt in tijat Wijaif; which imttzrg amtmtg fa paficn, 11)a;11hecfizctua11 miaam , aJccu2m’ng+ toitm tenant tijermf, the amt fiigns mg tijmnf by $15 @@z11iei1wt.n3tnaim:: ftanhiug. mm it 1'5 alto wznaixtem by the ?Luz ns arm fionmums amzefazign, “£11211: tfije wwflec; arm cztmmceii of the fair: fiuuw, {halt n2uceen~iuz;11t1)ings heinngmgtn fU¢31utifbictiun uf that murtaccozm'1~tg%ta ?L.am.»¢ A _ “ ‘A A V H*:E‘lfynge,Clcr.. v i _ M X., AM an Ordinance of the Lcrrdsand % % .Cc m_nnons affembled inVPar1iament, : Far tfitkinag away the Fifth fpat%t~Aof’ DelinquentsEVPcates, formerly gran--_ 1 ted by an rd1':r'1ance‘of. I’arliamen4c‘,, fc9r%4 maintainain of s e Vviveé A and Childmn of %7>e1;ngum:;. mgfifigggeteas by aim mama 0? $eque.fl~:ta¢tion% t’t is 31¢ W A mung otbev%ti)’7mga§Dz~ ~ . §2§e§;?§4«,;§‘=§« c1arzanB®znaine,’iJZbat the wmmitms of the fa» nasal: cmgnties than ijabzpumet ta affig>rwi1taz1:te~mcrz;:emmnftbcibanng of wz1inquznw+j , to ti) zit femtall A 113 ims mm etbtlmen, foam the fame » % mew amenttotétbcfifti)+part%nfti)c-imam 02 6130113 to éaequwcw : firms nniavzrm as by nccafiw 1):m:»z0f , hibwfi :35 M gansnwiaiinzen mane £5 may %?e1pto stain fafib fifth part, am: am r%z%a_iap in am: iii nmpes t the agarliemxem fiiaz A ams an ®Jmnan5o£n %$?2;$£M§Ei:4‘€fta.1'«;l);5 % fat , 2¢mn+%ot;1)ex of gytg w qfxcttfitlaho flafafi [0 ntvfizom Nth Bit %:n:mtt mhxtatmn m we qmwanxe: ®%D%%I'%” wax: 4 $11 % W19 ~ bereaftm: to be main use fact) wife :3; z%nam%,p as ozzma Mn 2;? ;:my% mlimms ii» W U}. jmtbcts % V iansav V‘ , fmtn 381113’ uatterfi , “1J:a;t imfzo mi i%tbrm.t cum 1% I)a11$%¢% ,I)o1n am: im’o1>aupjfiftI)patt%% hp t1)$¢*fa;1?n minancc: mm thmfozc tap ma» . M fiflflw — mjiimen, flyaiihc uttetlpbmfn. mm if anytupb mztjttfln 2 o;vM4(£I)Ai1n%zm flgalirctmtn fvom the istingg @uat..»-.2 tats, Tbitbuutfiifiafigz of hp ti) %9 nufes :. £38 wepuw-fiteutenauts arm «mm» nzimeea mgeg nf % avuamms ix‘: mu cmtmtic<§,Aa; an?tImofti}e111, 3;. fan? of ti¢§¢izz 3 Vme ijmfip autm;a§m aim m.1uiveh%tatakecatc5%,tDat he cnmmatm an to tetumhack t’n~to~tije fiaingfi muamm 5 mm ifi: :mp%%a11 Imtwmtw, txpam%cnmnaanh4.;gm¢u ta —tI)em by tbs ’mLepntps¥Lizut znam:5LAo; ¢m1m1ittee,m azwtibn of%tI)’%c1m=:tI)”ey A fiyaii i)Lmbp.i)éame p1mm t