*<—-—-n ~%: ,__...,..-~.--.._._ A A I j__ V .. .--........—.—..-...«-..-I-——« ~---.. % Anfidditionali ';"‘" H ~v» ».u. ‘ ' “tn I~4 x, « ' a ‘x Tuefday,Fe6mary 7.1659. * % Rclerecl by the Parliament, VThat this A63: béd #4 A E forthwith Printed and Publiflied. THQMAS St..NI crioLAs, I A ¥?”rin U€Pcrati0ns. } ‘ % A «1 % A K‘ . 4 C16?/gqf‘ tbegfarliamenta j§LoNpoN, vn-.—....._ A......._a—-‘ ted By”]’oim Strez#t¢r,and7obn‘ Ma-acl;,Ptintc.r§ % I to t?heP4ar1iament;V 1659. . aim ofihttfi tmtmi 6%” €{’Cm10'ns~ wan:1m:—e£~%¢1;i1ap;éfznfi Mfiforsequem-a;tions, V%Samue1Moyer. ’ pmzciavfip umgyw , V *‘atc mmm em=nagJpmz1mB manzttiffianexfifmg ua‘:fit:zm$a'm@§, a mg mg any fa at 0; mm n~f4mmww@fiimmp%1,mmmmmwfirequiten tn %fii?£*ti‘é%a.,:ra*finmvimamm mnsm’na%f“e mm;%appm;;m‘fucb mus as may 1% fliifmak M, tmmsmm €emm%au mam aim i"m;)Randa11 Egan ifi 9% § ‘ii 3 cm %' $3 §' 53: fig? 23 3' am’ Q (""5 r’'\ Q Q‘? 7 f‘ ?t0A1:%1, Rgfberf "VV_€rd¢fi, V .GeorgcA Bo‘oth,% imhi *.f§?‘t‘¥€Thomas%Mi%dd1eAton5fl; %?&szp¢%n"f£mm, 0; of mi%fw;mw ntmwcv %pz~m?n mm £‘€a%aas..=.-fig, mm, fime A v%»$aefm: 2:tzf§a;a:i;i:1m§ mxmmv mm in X iéavifanmefitt, @mimleh,AnAa; (23 J‘ A ma min cf, i}ahet;mm11m":m ammf tijs am; y m*aIE%m*zh mpmtiae fitimw cz wfiimqtmmm 1i)am’n”pac~ttcu1ar1p§mfim 0; nefcmhan, fig in % man bytijs Tam fict, w1am’m% tijemmto ham « hmmozeat iarge amanfi Illthmt tijmgg it new fiEtiDflI&$?a1);!¢€{«13 2 it? futmwfimacten bvtbifipzefcnt amcifaxxzeut, mm by tijzlCHut_I)ua my tljmnf, filjat tljmfain fionmnnimouets, up imtftms Val 5§>~€qLwfit£D, oz any of mar 32 1nm;z%’%uAE fljam, [ball ljabz, emetic mm puti11%3;ccutt'q n all fun!) {antral am: tea »ut1)o:itzw, Vannflniituctts {gamma ammzcfi, “ mug mijatfnehzt, 1'n,fuz,u; any may mncetning the mfcnbettng of, arm pzceemng agatnft, an incl) §%m;1”nn5 oz nemk weunquents, ann of all A fuci) t1)e mmtes, mu fnz, oz anptbecmay tbnmznittganmttbzt matter: o2.t1)mg” mbfltfflm ehmgatm many flafz ozcmafes mijatfocbemnuxa thing 02. anpmap’1:elating unto anpof the fail: A Q‘? 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