D‘ E y . .....,,..,..,.,—...p... .. W... .,... , . I g ‘ I ‘ . . : Prefltribing certain Times to L I N Q11 E N‘T For pcrfcéting their Compofitions “ Effeétually, Lmd¢rfeveralP@na1ties. 0 /v hula... A 7 andarc [Rdered .. \ 3 . .1 \\ x‘... \ u ‘N I« A . I“ r.«:'A »» va ‘“:~.:= ~ 9:’ K ‘ "1 ~ «¢~.W ' H . . A J » ‘h ...,,......w .... -‘ ~12‘ ’; . n W‘ so ._‘ ’ . VI N~~“:.~»?~ "“""' ‘R ‘. s ‘H ' ‘ A,,-Q‘: ,_‘ x‘ W.‘ R‘. M . ,. ‘ ..;‘k is. “.$‘ mm. w M“ . 3 \. -.‘I » * ' ,, ,,_ w- . a . » * “a, va. ‘ I N.‘ \ V ~. ~« . 9 ‘ \ ’ M N -2: . ‘KN. :.' : " W ., . I‘; ‘ i ' \ l K , ky ‘.v' r’ 4 I ‘V I.. ’ ‘I E» ‘N Tamas; % * by the Commons aj]E'mliled in ‘Parliament, /1858 jértlmaitla printed andpubzg/bed, Hen: Scobc1l,C1;gric. P3;rIiamcnt’.% % mu-..L..... :%%Lo:é.dan, Primed for Hzijbzmd, Printer to the Parliamcm: to be fold at his Shop A in Fléetflrcet, 4% at: the Sig;-1 of 1: _ Dragon, near the Inner-Temple, pm’! I 2., 14549, _: of Englarfl, ‘5‘°"'m* *''‘''''’''''''''*''F''‘ i pr-"vn has an. " ‘ " . I I ‘ . ‘Q ‘ ‘ ya. .. , I y I O ‘_V.g ‘ ‘ ‘ :0‘ 3': .’.‘‘‘,J‘ ‘ _ r HM‘ --... ‘ ., ~ 1 ., ., ‘ .1“. \4,,D"u.» .h k = -2'0-vr ‘:¢"}: -'3,‘ I ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ - é ~ +-_,;. M ..\ -9 . _ ‘ h A Pref2:ri*bing certain Times to BL I N (111 EN T s V Forpcrfcé-‘ting their Compofitlons °f1Bm:liamm of ma ‘~ W ‘ i 05 F¢br~uarVy,L16%4%¢W5¢, 4:. ‘ , ‘ . *5,» as. . A‘ V . . A % . 6 v V‘ \ . 44 ‘ ~ A , k _ k I > .‘ ‘ , - A u , . 2 ‘ 3 ,. '3 "1" J“ ‘L, F3 v ' “ , ~ " , V __ I L . (. V . '“.. M ‘ \ " . . ‘ V. \ 9‘ 4 ‘ ‘ ‘ 7 "4' .153 ‘I > ft» ,» ‘ ‘,5 ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘ L ‘ H -;m \\‘$ _.N, ‘N ‘M: ;, , E ‘ ~ 3 y , ‘, A H ‘ 3" * :1‘./I fr ' ' ‘Y ‘ V “ ‘ I 5 7 ‘ ‘ - .1 ‘ “ .‘ E’ V _ N '’,n.,;:'- __ ‘ " ~ '.- gm r‘. ~ ‘» * I ,, ‘flog’. v Ax * , I _ ‘ ‘ I . I ,’ . 4 ' ‘“' r ‘ v ‘ .‘ ‘ . av" " ‘ ' n '1 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ \ ' all 5 v. , I ‘ ,‘ 3 . ‘ ;’ I‘, J : Y‘ s 4.\ ', vs ‘ ‘ ‘ 3 ‘ ’ I 1 \ » \ > My) v ‘ " ' ‘ ‘Q I " M ‘ ‘V, rm I » " ,3; ‘7 \ ‘ .. » A ‘ \ M W"* “r . , * U ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ,‘ 8 ’ ‘ u ‘ A 5 w . 1» v ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' . .‘ v’. M . ‘ I .,, ‘g ‘e! , “ 1,‘ , r ‘ W _;A . JV; . J‘: ‘ ‘ . ‘ V ‘ , . —, I “ W ‘ ' ~.. _ W, .. . J ‘ ‘ A H ,A ‘ Y M 4“ u .. ‘ ft}. ‘ ‘ fl ‘ ‘ 3"" * )7 H ‘ ' , 2 ‘ 1 ' yr 1 s atfieai, n,’ ‘ rm‘ 1,, - 6! mx’ ‘ q A ’ “ A 3» A W ¢ the Mr ,»aecu2mng tafitbepzummtm mien, fa C Mg’ mt» 4 ” m 3 gt; “ “ ' on ‘tan he fflthutb ‘U%~n?u£¢££ 133imlfflWnt;::j3gug 4 v % U %;ipag%% ~ z 1:gma,9t M , - ; H I i I 1']: ‘O 9) “ ‘ "9’ "N, , ' " ~\"';,~ ‘ ‘ ‘. ' . M‘ V \ Y”, I 1 x ‘ ,9 A‘ «. , _ ‘W. V‘), J‘, I \ . as: W mm? fa; C136): n,efittonshaeet been fet, ants aiieme by hethe fieufeenf aeeatltament, habeeenot path inethefe-W wnnhmepetp efhtheiefain flomptttionsf. aecem.-« tag as by the fegin tninauce is appoitttheb; 1312 teafe:nmhet¢n;f; thevtteimmnnibeatth hath been eifammtnten at there nmnepe htthmeee ite- ttflflch ftofm the fat’neteafmtp fee the publtqm fewtce ; to fupfilv ich, the iilteafutets at Goldéet ~ fmiuhs-Ha11~ have theeutneceffitaten to take up at jlntetefi great fume at money upon the creme of the rain tmoentpefitions foe Ibhtchthe tam fieeafmzp ttaunetngagen : 3L'he dtnmmone at-..= femblen tnaeatltament being new fenfible, hem much*the faineemntpennbets have atmfetn the h fails mtof dfiztace, we ethetefoze tenant arm we»- claee, " izhat this clemfe anew in the tan: pzobifo Bf tljefatitl evroinauce (vhiz-Tether everyfuch perfon fo I compoundin, do pay h in the remainder {cafe his faid Fi%n c Within Six weeks aftcrthcCompefitions {hall be allowed by both}:-Ioufes§of‘ Parliament) {ball beg, anti ifiijfittbi’ mpeaieanemenenatn. mtmto the en!) that a pzefezxttupplynfmaone5 maybe bzeuht in to the fainiteafmp, 3! t iseetnaceen ann wtnainen by the mlmtnotnfi aifembleb in P A R L 1 A M E NT, fihat all fuch peefonsnmhofe mampefitions heme “*9”: ‘¢th*°e3 $1100. *? flutes Df e19Wia~ ment, altpaptot tube pain in tothe rain fiteafmze befoze the titth nape of Maytjetn the the fat teebtecame aneneepayablet temet W*°"eW‘"‘+ ‘U8 1 gr‘; « e ., e e I M “ e ‘ “ V V 1 x _ - ‘ ».,,,. ‘ ‘ ::'%7;,a~ “ e _ e M _ 9 e 532,, zwtgfrr» M ,‘ ’ ‘..«=»»:,;;‘ _ ~;;‘,i‘e>" ‘ff’! e“eL,¢..‘$J‘f& M Ar ?“ ..,j M‘ V “ " “ mp (‘ ‘ _ . 2/ i ‘ ‘ wk ‘ ,4 ‘ ,, e, at? av ‘. ,‘ . , ‘ v j, r.§L;,‘., '1 ‘J W ‘ ‘ ' '”~, m gm 1; , \ , , ‘ ' J. than time; tegethete ttheue fbettth ttttpatt D01? W‘ 0‘ “J¢“t V*9TP¢¢“b¢’®°me°Iif ““‘N*C5 newton: we rattmmnz I) taaat ef authozitp nee teen e 16‘49.A he tet: by, etbe W “i an M (137) '= V euttjneitp affizefafin effihet all tract) perform; mljofetjfmez ezfietenpefmens have been fet by t1)%efam fiommiflieneee, arm women of by the %ettfeof QEetmnnnenttel1e,fl)al1 pay 02 came to be pettem to the fate iiteafuw, befeee the tmene ttetbnap of May, 1649. the fuflfum of tbettfein jfitwfia? oz to mac!) etbeeeef as eemamz me upon tbeitfain mmpofitinns tefpecttbelpe; e emu iIIVD£-E fatultetbeeeof, tnpey filnteeeit fee the fame,aftee A the rate of et e tpeumae peretcntumgt fenm ant: - after: the famgtentietb nap ef eMay, 1649: tugee tbeee emit!) enet tfoue ti) part maze at’ the innate fmtteoftljete eefpecttneQtompnfitiansgeeastan en: nitiottetlfine = mttnetljat all fat!) petfonz Inbofe 4 fmesfoz Qiompl.fiti0t1£Dabi£h€w= fet hpetbefatn finmmtffionees, hefetere;tI)ee‘tfeneutlj Iaap*efApriI,e 1:6~4 9; but hfifflltf we faetteenep new e not been ee: poetee eaten, oz altomeene e p the flflfllmflflfi aflem-e men in aeatltantent, tlgattpazee, oz taufetn be new into the fate iteeafuw, tttjebfne npetp eftbete A tefpectibefines, befozethe fiyetb nap;nfe.May, 1649; (if meet; npettp benet: e ateeant epatne) am! the etteee opety tneteof,;etitljneeeeefip weeks aftjege tI)et’r: fem: fmesetetefpectihelp aielevhe all Ibenhzr the ram mmtmne, ne fucljgeeteebp tbei"teeautbe». fl3%‘fl)l”Mi1hB autljeziseh eemn appeinten tbeteuntegt e ire,mhefaultteef futljpapneenttwnf the etenee nf the r at rate etfeeefatnj pap $‘II;et€t£I1f at feenttljetttneoezetettmeeeeatt Inljtcbt tDf£..f&1171B% tlball, 4 (ball he becometpapahte,ehpgheetuenfeettljis tgee VI tljermitbtbeiteee e K t~tiu~ne,tta% éanaeneittnttal tieetafl fllcljei terfll Abate 65 alt W M .i?flffl2Bf&iD,te»ee.f;e tenet!) part ; oftbe whole mm of tI)[Ei13f:eW e ctmeceompe X ee 8 w ‘ W ‘ \ x} , .. A ( 138 ) MA W » fact) btbew my man he by the wmmzzmxz in £urp,tbc n*24ayetyof%£uc1) ttjeicreferetmz % neg , mm fnuttem mpg after: tljzfcttmg thereof, am be tntber ogetp twin fix memg after fut!) tat“ fzmrai flaw that! be $330: e %n€b@t1)e«®nmnwn5 in 1Mt1ia%¢ mt aifema ma as. fozefin m by fuel) as by ti) cw mua timzttv wall a Aautbaziswzrn arm apinten Atljcm. at tire faibrzmrai mics, oz either % % I % m 0; t «at hvtahtrag § 1 + J ¢ auto 5 mg »§tbe£i”R, in nzfault f jsmclj payment (-1-: 6-8 "3 3 "5 mat, m Ate 1ik~zpmaivt"p as am “ .: ‘ V. .‘ ' ~ , “ x o » ‘ , . K‘. R fl ‘ . _ , ’ nicmuaifi’ mm: it w 5 a HI «-1» ‘5 &' 3‘ -5‘ § 3 (W E a 4 no t n3,a5¢a11aIw mzfljzt énactcn wan ms ‘ -tliammt affcmblen aptljtazisen ttmeunto, aupap mcaufe t he pam?tntot13e4 fam£rea»~=%* fztfatn, om ffiutfl) vttmzg stmbnlke winch, cf: any we %petfous~ahnnz~% eminme?n,1:!jat J :xK ; fl {aw *e~£au%lt 21:5 an until tI)2y¢ tzfpikctimu qiamte~«n%, M 4 12 a azn to ‘ p‘ 1' Aw’ % am 1refau1tNiujpapmg in big; 4 34it1]%in ffl‘A(:i)1tt1uc ant: . :5 9’ u A mo; ,\l: " . ' % (I39) i)*WW, 190!) V W Dfitebp tmuiteb to¢;{obw%gmn petfozm the fame: mm am <£5uncrno‘zs7 of fia».-.5 tifons, ant: %ut1)m: wfficew annfioibiem in we fetiaitenf 1@at1fagnent,arc Ijmbpveqaitento 12¢ apntngannamfitng unto tljemm tb!e%epecutinn ‘ ti)etwf%foz tijz putpnfzs afnzefaim mango; we maze ¢fl’ectua1 p2o£ecutmg% of the ‘ Iain gequeg. ihsattnns, filtisfuttljetfinactwh gt mm" V ,5 tit1vafo2efatn,4¢flbat the rain dtumngiffgoneitzfjgz A am’ We 02 nftbema fljaitannmvap 4n:amt;.~= .6 mm’ appoint, arm autljoztsg ; % annex thmi9anns,Aa mzlicitaz oz 9o!icit¢ng5?fm ‘ %equet¢rattcm.s in‘tI)zfehera1AcounttmAof1~:r.g.. landannW/a1cs~,to pzofecute tbefeisiztg, team i?trin.gann fecuting the meat ann1g¢;;fima1 @, 1 fiate5%offuc1) cfauiters as afozefatn, arm emu); of fljettz; arm than anntnay appoint a £011 H2. @9111: ctozs fume gatbc1ting% mm rgggfjyffqcggé‘ flan nzamn nefauIt.~ as ahobcfain gxmgafilifues mass of the%a.anns,% % : Vmmtj W¢i9evem£an1cntsAoaf ti) 1“a“z'n; @iicit%oz;s;Ava1zn finllectozs than fmnm % to tiiIt:!Z'%0bfevb fa CD zine1:g i - & tgtgnttez, in fun!) cafe where the fairs ottntttifa than the fain% %%nmmttu &w foz fatvrcf;e%f1§3 W»fifif bavzginm fflzmct ®i1tcc%‘”ttnt1¢§%.f W ab s A ctibtlm flmiiifvtwrn the rain atommram%2$ accoznin ‘%4\ ‘. 62. ms‘ ‘ ‘ M 4. ,- # 5‘ NI 3 ‘ u , ‘ _ V ‘V. 5 " ‘M1 mi‘ 2. “ rV ‘ ‘ ‘ «,m; -1,‘, z >' ,v > I ‘ ’ , ,. ' 43?": “W ‘ ‘W I’ 4 . % ~ A , X» “ “ ,\;‘ H $=; ‘. * » 3 3 § . H 2 = .,; u ‘ .\ \ - v - ya . a,-‘ x mn*t#s%Lozct£7§ kne1wgc;% % 9 % 30 } ‘ V em -, (140) tip IheeIe;ee‘eftee the 9equeeitrationtIJerent (am) efauitetmtenf, fuel) finlititoetflaalllefe the heuefittetbie Salary. by this met to him ap- pintebmnn after efucb return meme,u)a11eeann amp, mftijtije abhite, allmubattnn. emnnitettinu of the tefrlfittibefiommittees of tI)e‘tCDllt1t?a oe any tbzee of them, fell tbefiuobs ef fut!) pecftm xfanta petfutlfi ettlge heftteteoz1)altIe'I)eoz they tanget fez tI)el'ame.e mun tgtlje ennwat the tmommntealtlj 1116? eteteibe tljeheuefit ef the fieqaettratton, ‘alt is mtatten anu mznainen, e mat the rain onmulltenees, oz 4 the fans come mttteefi toetbe fin etmnttees eefptee‘tme1p, at any tbzee of tljem, (hell we mp, am; ateljetev aw; « tljegififibann enablebtu make a. ?Leai7;e oz fleafee hp §Dee‘e.3lnI3enten, of nythe anezeaflennsg. fieztemente ez ieetehitametzte at fuel) epeefeu mm patrons (fifififballtltake Default as efozefaim 02 any part tlmeaf, fat fat!) number at greats as tljtpfljflil cetnceine tllemmenmealtb, etetethingtlje be fient they 1 can get fee the fame. . aezemfeen ee1meme,t fine H . ‘, ‘ “ e u . V’ :4 , ‘ on *- We ‘ ' ‘f . e ‘ Au. \ ' —,* " ' \ \ I ex = » ,w e ' W M , ‘ ‘ H‘ ‘ A] mm . ‘ ;“ 14. ,. mm: e ‘em “.¢i’r7,.; W ‘S 7)‘ . fir ' «A A. ' ~ ‘#5 1 ‘ e‘~ v, . ‘ ‘A e W 4., n « (j t M . _| 1/8 9 avg?“ P ibeafe at ibtafefi to to he neatne, he not epceentbe ftanbantagmus totlje V term’ of tbeee years, twee he mane tn tI)e eltu- v eecnnoeetn any to his ufe ennhenefit C21 n in it fe eettmttumztetbe ei fete!) Zleafe to e meeelp anneupen integ- D pmtof tljeteaftmbe ten the fame at rein cimmtiottetee at A : wtwhe tmffin 0 mum teetmquentee , then _ of we _ Eefauitets, A j tbzfiftij part £03 mm J an IDW£1’l3‘»P mc¢uuragw ta fmbeam: an ( 414-:1 efmtmwg an be pain m the {am £wa_furerg* mt’ ffiflmflllitljfi-1%.}! , to m nifp~ofennf to fucb ' mm as the aBa¢v1i%anm2ntfl;eaiI I)>m:eafte1: appoint mun mnmzcas nmzrs ®e1mquems have fuhmita mum mmpofitizz, arm hzountm tbetvt pac««~= ticulaw, but has nevglmzm tn p2ofzcu.txtb¢ Afamc, 31: istberefmc V<®¢nacm arm gnatne, T -bat alifusij eiinquenw than mttym tm~c,ng W ctuaiw V;%ofecmztm.“ir%fain fl%mpnfittmts, an 4tn%n%cafauit tI)ztef,$ {M11 in ft the hen cfit of Ms W- pofittn, ann main 5 atzs to be Jfinaflp comma cats, am: as be nifpnfe of to the am of rim mmmnnnaealtl). 1mn1eA almm, 3£i3m%tDi5 fiat, mm any thing tébcrzitx wmzaiuw, amt ex; nun tn mm away tin mmfit of any $.rmie£ *rmt fozfzitw , no; to pm» the benefit of any mm'ciwfn2feit.zn; Wm hecaufc m’1o.et5 of tljm are itmumzn mtljz {execution at t13@cmzW Mnéanwmeiatin tn %mumrat1ns, no fufl'evm— em eAitwqumtz to nail in their mates, mm tbcmfeimw, oz fame to tijttt Antes, ‘€111?-A405 we fiequeftratozs main mums aim i£=2m- inmw at in arm eafiz ‘itavt-251' by wraafiuri I)m°a- mnqu: T M mtg allow V M, mm hecufie fad) 17025 ant» %cbiImw, mm A beam thzrit ma1w,nsfi¢tmM, fit ta tljzmfozt aniactw. flljat we fammmmtfltomzw, néz tmiaiifl «mum- inztttees fog tijetef actmz cpunttw, 0; any tljm oz mm -1.’ tijcm, fl)%dai1wen:n1a»e um ftt)?eAn1Izf- _ mu of tiljm mates mm iléamas fad) m.linJ- *.quevm5,.oz anymfljetg intmm fi 1: anm EM mam mail mme in arm ¢pnun at 0; Imtijm tm: napsabube lttttm mg s 9. § {VT 3 air ,%% £1124 efliacttng %1Jver¢eoi£, I ohetnw ofkaw fouzmmanlnizmtntbéfiethicenf. I c , tp 4ztgI)tnay5 afmtbc femzntl) of April,1649-Vefs-. (142) LA ‘are requirentn beainiugatm afiifimg tn the ram \VdEommiflioners% arm ¢nmmt’tt2w tzfpectimiy. 24:11: it 2'5 farmer mmcten bytljs aufijmiw aafme~ %fam.,i:bat tt)c%&femta%1 am: tefpzctim finiiciw tow fa; %eqn2ftratimn5 implnpm the % mm %¢o'n1xt%ua‘ion em, 11) all aniicitozs %fn;A:%% zfieque flzninmtce appointehtntake take tb2%famz mu; mat rations am by fmmzt i;ic13fm*n atn the fam aomzniflioners 0;‘ any tbzee nf $132111 are Aijetehp autljszisen tn anznmtfievw: %%n¥D tmttV:tbt A faibfimxzmimwfag 9equ2%mtimn§ inf; tbfifffir fpectim@ceut1ti25, fog. tI3efl.zating out of ®eIin-: % qkuettmfifiatefi, anAbt1)c%fain oatcitozgsmnam. ceibetsxmp have catcnuvagcment%fiectuamw pwfe%cutcAtmfatn famine, is!) many mtacten, v£I)at4tI)9cfatn%tefpectim aomfrtfttces fbau have “fog warp tmetty agiliings fimt Vrefewen upon cbew%iLmfz eaten mun %sm2erVe~n by the J mt @ot1mu’ttmsas afozeiain, fipfip use in we pmm“u;; :9 ~ mg egtheitt aazaw, fnzfflmy % that flyatlbe mménto*tije mm fiwafumesi mm mm? refpectim%o1icit a;au%m paénfg t mty flmiin mama of the famjV*fieqmfiratmn ,, the fmnaf time pmcz in the pamm; am we tefpectim «au- iecwzs mail mm mm -swim fmljis am tljmz gamma, the {am nfm1q?p2nce%in tljepmmnfaz emtptmetpaytilins pipintotljz fain flea»;- fums= % aware to %a1iM1?, arm V make papmentufac—»- % ’ isfurtbet: masses, WafIWB1?5 flimii%Dafi9=AmB8alfiltfififiim “ nfa11fuc%% @onws as)a11 1w*vaiv in its 17“ cuzmglv. nf ti)?“ M geatijing ijicb min febéta1¢fum5 max min fiteaa 1? 913$ wen: bvnertuekftt3ts%h:t,tI3eIt°tte Iarpas tijwhaiiefa:0f1J¢1iL[ fiflwflfififlfifi pain in m them.& %nDmI3m:"m5the % 3 am 3' 1 tI43~) we fail: etomttetifiianets flmuln buy in fiawzfia.-; mtatiuns arm flptbes at mltuquenta that flmuln cumpuna Ibttt) them, at filth eatea as they tbnulh contract fax the fame gm puefuance whereof, the {am aummiflmnets bane cflnteeacw en ttbfenetatpetfoens fox mtbee flnhfilmmg- pziattenaof the nalueaf fien tbuufatm manna per annum, in tbeteaheuta, fog bit!) tlje fain atommiffiunetaljabe ahateti in the whole out of ‘tljefwttal allomofittunaae tbtfum at ®aeI)una amen tbmtfann poutms; the attate part at 1hI)tcI)filmzapziatton5ann fietbeaaee not aa yet fetlemaccozning to onset in ti)atheg)a1temave, at is ttjetefoze tmettmefinatettla arm eclaeen, t itbat all fucljtperfonataa have been ozbeten he the fail: ¢ztammttItnnetat,anz any tmnmmitteea there fun that pepefeetasltijmtseni, to {me any a ectaap, oz %ainteaaace out “D? any mctnzp, qaatfauage oz fiptbea, fozembtctw thee babe ban allowance ants abatement in were am germ, than itljin might weeks after the febenth nay M of April,1649. fetle the fame twuen incl) ateuaeea as the ram mmmitfianeets fi)&l1&D_pl}3iI15affl2fl1£U area as tI)t1@aI3liatII£11t {ball Deteaftee Direct :. man in Default ttjeteufyfuctj of tbeefineltw tquenta as have yam up patt of «their jftntfis . 4 annlje tljeteupou obtainen flettets to fufpenn tljeit fieqntefitatetona, than he faoztbmitl-) ttefea quefiren, unttl:’rthee te£peetibtl1e malt fette the fail: fiectezita at atnttname ttfptttibely as afuzefatn, am: pap fuel) fiattetagea aa babe gton;nut1‘mtetI)e time the famtlhete uznettfl we all fat!) I e to be fetlen by the ram Mmmitfioneea :: an eetfmt 5 limit from teeth be fihtlttfie efetletam’ fonage oz fiietma ',§l;‘n‘1’ mat L aftbem to the aft T 1&3 “ act 2 t cam, tbeimakiztgmf C1443 % at was after the Date of the fam eig % M {me the famjatznmt tijefamc pmamw mm F afazzfam. mum %fozammc1) astijz gtmt mu fineffes sf we ®j1tumowmcaitbn%% as yet ljizmw wazw][ ~vnmmmrma't13s; an gt is m» cfozc%%%7®nact4e3 fiijat the faiD%i®um~ n1ifl'tn nw 5 fzv%®mpfition£", 02 any fimnz%%mme Vnf$ALa;-mi wt flrimnnnew paying in of the 0¢pe§w*IJts fit>w,4 In fatisfytng tljeéfame hp fetlzment fatty f fiectzie5+ oz itytbes , up %an1>a11nIhantz out of warn, ant: not otb%ztmif?e,y mat!-nag zmap grant ti .17uc~1) <21:ompuun*mr%, an mm tn [arena the *Vequctatim1 ofijiss we-..— ate :. mm upnlfis %uawnm,w An: hm fatisfpg A 11-19 as afoz-stain the when fine, ’T1?’D”’Df[l53Da$Q.B ti): wan: fvmazqueramzm 5 mljtwfatnznéazs N rcfpzctiimlp a11bc~4e“ %c1)ate%ftont éadequzfirattnnfm mucljas he hath ¢cc1:uaI to fufpen oz Bif- "¢compuug1n¢b 4 am mlaeteasnimts retinas being %Vequzftreb,¢ o2Aqucmouen fa; mclinquenac ‘Cy, igam mane tum %ppeal51mtuAt1Jz Ian mzmzmittce uf *3?LIJ2D5v Jams dtmmnns fm fie!»-= queittattasn5‘;%%?” am: mncmcw a fufpenfinn amt tbemmns tn Tau, a1mate+ Ijmby conitituteu ants appnmten onevsfnz mmalsw in cafeof fieque- be I; dtamm ‘of men: @equeara.tion§ ,% ann‘t!3mbp enjwen the benefit of fltbeir %4®tt~ates, ante ymeafnn tnctcof no not wwecmatip pzmcutc tum ram lmpptatgiflwt istbmfm J celinurt at mcbcqum “mmifli Incl) ctfons az afozzr t1)j5Vt iunu the rain ~ ~ v .121 E‘ ‘ A‘ L: A of tijtm, ‘flaali eymmc nmetatmaut1)n~ my tn%A%daIl$%intent5V%mt‘nputpofez, tn,w%take cvnga *ni5ance % E mmeals a.11:canpAma¢5 aim to AL:mme %ham> ac mppeaug at’ 1izkitmc,% annm % ‘ A “ A V J%e;;amin_e, ‘Amman maven, ¢ppcals,n2anptnAn;mo;e ( H5’ eeaaeeele, heataae aeteremaee the tame, ant ta yzncteehln all things ill telatlml theteta, as the latecyhoatmttteeclt flows aeea mmmmta fa; ae- queltvtattena lamtlllly Babe we might 133539 We etclleihetce that eleyelc by Iaectue t’ any $3»- htnaeece of aaatlameat in that behalf mane: fiat that all lath yetjlna that have alteaby mane leech yyeals as afozelaln, am yet have not effectually ymfecaten the tame, they ann ehety at them are heceby cequiceh effectually to « penfecute luchtheit refpective Cllpyeals befoee thefaln Qtontmflllmeeta foe ppeale hereby cnnflttuten, mtchlatme nmaetha next after the fehenth nay o:fAlyr1e1l.l I 6 4 9- 92 nthetmtfe, in cart at t‘atle;t.theceet theuughmclful Default 0; mega lettyctfllefath lyecefen appealing , thencehecy fetch a fafyea ;‘t~cm:at" hit at thetce fieqaeacaticne mhfll-..-.: ceaaaathzefain celyectmely, mall teem fljwfita A t amtmccltteceactll Cfibfi Cmllltltfi Bf England aim Wales, ace DBWDP teeth he taken ch”, he Null altn“llhm’D. mm the Qeqtteltlcatlona in the Wfflfizs enjcynee thereupon to cefequellec the mlate of ehecy leech lveeliaqaenta which if they flgallnega A lect ta no, he take efiectual azhet foe, then the {am aemmtllinneta foe ficmpofitiena, 02 any fihe he maze of them, are hereby authoeisen ta no, me tatalte nehee fee the fame. mun that thta‘ mehmay the tncee cectamly annlyeently Dene, thefameolzoncmifficnecafee appeals A are emhyceec ttomttme ttime to cecttfie, we cattle thele meta to cectlfife to the lehecal mm-—l mttceea fee the cefyettihee counties , the flames of [etch melinqueata , am: entry at them, may halg lath Default cg neglect at afoeefatn. amt ll it ta hwthet anaeeec , aha: this Dlcfentillct he feethmith yeinteia arm ublien; annthat the ctnmmilfionets atcee/lain no toethhcith fem: the , /. , 1 (:46) the farm m the mfpectim Qfimfis of £132 rmmi %cnuntie5‘: offinglmd mm Wales, are bushy‘ tmuitebtn }pubii£1)$i)c tam: in tDeti)ieVf atiwt fioimts uf the fat counties, on the next Qfiaw ketnap after the z:cvc2ipt1)>erwf%.,.nu the A na9% ofaaublication l)e1teof,to cetufic tot1)efm’®mxz.a mifl'iom_wat 0lbfmitI)s~I9ai1. A . -__._.... . _. . Y>ie‘1lwm,9»4pril.164- Parliament, That this Aét be forthwith prime and publifhed. V Hen: S 60561], Cleric’ Tmfiiamenti. 0 Rdercdby the Cémmons gffemblcdf %