r the Admitcifig of the Six Counties of W A ago RTE.-WflL ES A For {their A Dic~Vcneris,1o’AuguPci,1649". \AEi be firtkwitbprinted andpubli]l2ed.4 P A A V &I|n—.. n._..___ Dragon, near the Inner««T¢mpIe, I 6 4 9. A V w-—-.-—- General Compofition D ELI N QUE N CY» W ()‘Rdered by the Common: ajfemlaled in Parliament, T bat this V F 4 v% Hen:Scobcll,GIcric.Par1iamcnt’. . A Lamlan, Printed forEdwa}d Htefimnd, Printer to the Parliament of England, A andare to be fold at his Shop in Flcctflrcet, at the Sign of the Golden-{ % H » V 71t1'ng0fthe SixCounties 0'?» A A m A V¢ U7ale:$t0 9; Géncrél c om PO s1 TI ON{ ‘ Fo19thcir ~ din Montgomcry, Dcnb§gh5 mtcay we fim mung tim Of Northwales; 1>i@A , - *§~.~;~9 Flint,M"erioncth fifth Car» :11 ' M «-3- ’.”r;:“';""' M . W" ',‘;‘~'f:a:'::-'.-u"‘l"5' M M ‘ 4 ' 7 anti fiuuntp of Angle- 1 :ta»?.‘~"» ‘ “V533”? bW“f°3m3"? ' , ’”""7'":',1~'?‘;_”“; ‘ """’ «- ;';«’ peats.t,ogetI;)~e*1:,-,fimt ¢ 2; % cvebegtmung ortwe V - . .. %. 1att¢¢macs,mboI1pun.c.- ' V whentbcpumwnf tbs: Iacciamgs mmp atmjf of, manp?ine1l~afl’ectzn%patrons m the aaamaz. mm; by teafnnwbzm mm: mit*izttm£atnmummies; I)am%hmufo2cen t1);.Vnug§)snmmaifiono2feat, foztm ahummg of pmsmt rmfttctn tbzmtclhw annjF€mmtez,.4 to. ~ A cmazpip mm) the faiiJ« jfnzccs tnunmatmntablc acwimmmzgageinents,mljmhptbep arcbea% A % some immlgmn in a general gum sum ncfection, fmm flaw at1iammt,arm £06 W351) Daft? film”??? % £132 mrzzmmns ufEng1and &fl'embi¢Difl“19a*tiffia‘ 1 ;m¢n¢ (at 1:132 hamblcann eatncfi; aaequefl of%nia i Maw new A (44z) mwmftljc fiuijabitants of the fam countim tamflgthz£a1n%@ into feri.u5~ confimmtimlg; an being mi1ting%t1m fume biftm cttonmap mnane beam: fucbnm: actihi mg a wPzmmo1;;itp of tbs: min mav:.%ann tbsm%fiJat etc nwhc»%%w roams ijahzmm emimzttiy . Acmfitaim nzfea1:to+a cun:p1mce%Amaytiaémzenzv,being , . V1 ,n . M n M . ‘W, .mm¢t tljm: pow, an are an . mw4n2D ta W have tntbz flntmtefi of tljis ®:<:m1nmtmm1ti3, as new tftabliflnn 5 ant being iiiwife was 1ing,t1)at fucb money as is by any mamsmmzg :1 oz £1Dmen: ofimtitamznt cijmgzkni mm: the $5 ann of we fatnfl aann ~ wary of tmm%% (mfi, fiateg of new meituqgmnts in Northwalcs mm ~ %t1=:aficctzb to the §%aw'a=.= ' ¢ment, mm to the pzcfent flnnfiituttonoftmfig papamc to petfnns mnmwnmwltij? aynuin be pain accagningw, m J eclmccanhi zbam, be it flzbainw tenactzh bwzhtsmifent 1% tliamwt, mm by fllmttp of the tiam e, % ¢ : ”I1¢at% itijzf 3!n1)&bitant5+ sf? tIJefa%inAfibe counties :15 (Viz?) MOW‘-~ gomcngyg D«:nbigh, ‘Flrint, Camarvon anti Mcrionctzh, mmwz count? ofAng1¢EY, nevtmw as are * beteafm in tbifi flttécmnm) 70? am: am mtrév anmitteb to a gmerai ¢ompuf:tion%; aun.gVtbat mcaxrwumntbe fat Afaib fifiann ¢aun%Vre%0un£z2 of VAng1cfey; tbat is W %fa?. rt tbz comm of Montgomery. the mm tljoufann pmmnsg étt the county of mm of flbzec %tb4m:$a~un warms; : A A % A Of/VFlint,¢tD8VWm?4‘0fA 0 fl3m1f&&1m~% A % ’ fig“ t jmmi V rm :1 I :: tbcfum of fem; arm tmmtp tboufannpounbs 1) A , 4 9- ¢3f%ibecmmttes,% mm tat W W ' w»m:'n ten weeks aAf$e%vV%%t,11%ega£ft%;a%ig o?fétA_g@ at1;:n’tIje BtI)‘¢=t momp %mg « r » (443) % mm following (that is tov4fa?)tm: fi’e:iw1fl§2$$ ax» nomttingtnt1)e*fumo;£f.weAla fisfléfitifazmmam w, m:2%§§¢ pawns, to he paifl mttbfii mertvemJ5£?:wu% émE¢% 33%: fifimvn 5 A V ram nauntrsis tom pain to.t1J®%te&WW$s&£ mawsfaz the mmzz, mun atehmbp autmzf54€*h toteccinetheefamcmtzv any tmoofthetnamgmz \ main, In acqu%ittauce,s unngttbgit ijanw ms feats to: the fame; mi £atn mc¢? £5 0; a4cqm'a=s tancefi all ha a ftlffizctcntnif fltflfia £3 all in-:== wants at vumofes, to the fan: téf1ie¢cttbccounties an fiflann, man unto my aMb%w fimi amnm‘nc to my the fame, accoxmna to tam intwtwf this cast :. mm to the can the fatnlium 0? mm am: mmntr tbovnfann vounwv may he m;@oé£mz» annmnterwtw%taxen, mtmo;ti:n%ncnaxm mom mmovnvtm v¢f1Jeu':tm inhabitants af tbemm cmmtiefi, unto whom the bznefitof wig ta ta cxtetm; 2152 it futtbct emacten by we autbflzia t?V&f0MaiDa£?D&t Thom%asMittA0n,J9hn I0n¢s;Jc>hfl Carter, George TWifl:¢E0flz M45:>n,ThAomas % drin,E%dmunA GlynafiffwgRob§n=VSCutlAey %¢fq;Thmi14s ,Ba1a1@E€l-, JohVnP¢9k @1715 Richmi5fia1$n¢§ 458% Ed~—- % Ward Wyn itfifq; Cri915l¢cy‘%%mt.fiDanicl % Amt. Watkin Ifiyffin %Wi11iam4¢VW/yn aha Anwiwfqswamat ..«fi§rard Barbour fifth Gruffith Glin Lloid etcweirick ms Am: :.J%dwardM%d9r.+ Rger VI-Ia cram; m:JmIrcyor ,¢ ¢ % A £;47wz of of lébwe Mmtlmtt , V In ,,,,z «N M 1 aantm J ohn Pu- l«¢~f’:on A my‘.-,¢« “ ,2 ~..« H.» %1£&8, M;J<>hn Aldcrfify Wm-. % A % Luke L1V0id, Humphrey Dymmock,€5fC[§; Andfcw A 3 ~ J 1 n ‘ ‘ W ‘ am. at H» A an 1 A ~ « (444) chard Gruflirh Robert Gruffith , Rice Vauglnan @fq5"; Samuel Big (J5zut‘*EdwardOW¢en Df Callle-Dail, Owen Salusbury,®fq; Gruf5fi:hlNanney, John} Lloyd; Lewis Owen, Robert Vaughan,l®fq£;eeRobert Owen, Thdmas V Michael,” exit, Williarriwilllliams Gfifqtlftfi, be mm Igmhp ate cotmimtenaun lappainten eomanie fiancee fm‘tI1¢ fainfebetal we eefpecnve came..- tim mm 3 {mum inlaid) fem€enmttfl‘:'n1ter5 oz mwlfibelof teem _., have berefhg fuiiepomeeane antljozttp to moan am every law act mte‘eet“3 eeemay futthm: the mating mm ceiizctizlg ef ewe ‘ mm mm of mbentpllfour tljomienn peunuzae the fate lrefpectrbeclounme arm ?§ fllee.,m,el all meme emu pznpeztinn afngefafin; mm tee eemeee all me am: nbmuctione, anbnctcLrmme ml lief: {muses tljatmwp timber: we effecttzel ezelfmze dtmnnf this mm .3 mum fupermfel ante tegmete V meeceeflmge tntijwefcoftmie inngemente, as}: we ceswmgw the true itttmt: mm meantngof wig l Provided zallwaysg That nowelafleétedperfon in any of the Eaid Counties and Ifland, be compelled to pay any ‘ Ra.teorTax towards~lthclra1fing*of thefaid fumsorl any V of them.» Provided alfo, T'hat this A8: {hall notextendl” ‘ to difcharge or pardon any perfon excepted ffoml‘lpa4rdon, A or V from Qompfcxfitien fer hisEfl:ate—, elzsylthe Propofitlions M l 4 lent to thclateKing -aceNcwca&le, nor by anyAél:, Order l V”olrVote of Parliament not yet repealed. A A eNor any Member of Parliament’ that hath delerted V l ' A V hi§Trul’c;, and adhered to the Engcmyg ‘1 e otherpa-rtsbcyondthc5casg “ 1 . ‘» 3.lNot»anyperfon th hathal?~zil=l’cedeth'€ 1rlll1RebclIion, A ll heldcorrerponaency orrmelligence 4. Not lanyperfdnthaltle having been in Armslagja Partiameneaoch reads in Franccor l A» 5«NOrl +455’ A ‘Npranghyh perfontthat hath iven‘IntéIIi‘"geet1ce7 tti; of t held cott1‘eI‘pondeney-in any thing againfl the%P*a:erIiamcnttt, V withCH AQVRLS STLIART ‘.the1ate KingsSon,‘ort his Adhea ‘ t 1'entst,it1 any of theparts beyo;1dtheeSeas.5._‘ h e t A , 6. Not any DC1iflC1AU€I1'f,h-O1'OthC1‘VVifiZ&3ljd3'10l]S'Mifltinh‘ flat hr Clergyman (as to Ecclefiaflicatl PromotianstoneIy’)‘ tha;taisalready'duly SECIUCHZICCIOY$€qUt&l‘abIC,%I'ih;)I';1EaaH II V at to pardon fuchof them as have plotteduor contrhihvedthe Revolt of athefaid Ifland of Atnglefey. A mentfor their non-conformity... 7. NotanyPapiPts in arms, nor;any“o~thet_:r Paapeifis for the twoffhirds of hthci’rEflates Sequeflred or’ Sequefl:m~.. ble, according toformet Orders or Ordinances of Parlia- 8. Nor any perfons that arenow Prifot11ersof'\Y/'ar.aheh 9.fiNor any perfon that hath publique" Moneyin his hands, ‘for which he ought to accompt, and {hall nothdifl cover and pay the afameh to the Tr‘eafi1rers for the Army, fortheufe of the Commonwealth, within threemoneths A ttahzet the pafsing of this A61; Previded further,“ That . thishA8c {hall not extend to difcharge any apengfon that hath Fine let an eGoldfmiéhs Hall, from the A pay*.me«nt'4bf am e , fame twthc Treafi,1r1ershthe1'c accordingly. Pmvided afisfzr, A TBaEthi$! A61; {lull not extend mtemakchany peffof1capa~ hie tobear anyOffic1:eina the Commonwealth, ccmtrary rt’) any former A6’cte0rtOrdinaI1"c?a of*Pa1'"Iiame'nt,Without confent of Parliament.’ zohiménliatmtfe, ant» be it futtijct enactea the aatijotitptafozefatmh .fiEl)at all ncttmts was me not “tau mutate tmtae tljc atain mm Ibitljin the min ttf1)tctib£5~£t01It1tf€5mm Efltrmm, tbatljamhbeen mgagtn e a met ce~mpzi[zDt?fbtIi flJ¢tf02WV Wczattiflflfiae mualificatitanzozdttimtagtu tI)wi£ti3acgit1gtt;m;z at pawoningt1)trcofet1)isCact¢ ie not tMme*tte> any in ‘?LanDB ffluv ; nhoutthhhaptr A t:1t1um,Vfl2‘ifl:~ petfmtalttflatt jfmtpptnm‘ta,arm~ t e 4'1 fl?5fn*tta¢t:5e 02 amae 1: tftchhihattltatztettt t any von,antam the rain 4h 3e"n’m%a:%ttt if811?P9.tf0 446’ \ any five of them, then; fitm tefelutteeee, faith- fully to anhete to the Intetett nf thee flew;-=h mnnmealth , that! not be ‘teem tee cemheilee “ t to papanv pact of the fmnfeme t '£meee. tptfoue thoufann puutmshuee here» heeehg feeelp pathmten am: A mfchatgen ef ethete e» tlinquency£* seems heeehtit futthet mmetee by the autheztty afeezefatn, filhet all the flztheettaeeee in thgz Iain fehetal ann tetpeetzine cezmtieeefi Ivlontgorhcry, Denbigh, Flint, Merioncth a1mC2*ferna.. gflfiI1DDfAnglcfey (tbflt bah? eftates above the naluee are-gefatn methe fate tefpectibe counties) 0; any nfetthem (except the patrons hefozetexcepten, emu ttompzifee in the tam Emmet fllualificatinns, tthunte whom the her:-" mat of this Catt tenet to ettetm) aunt flmileuuly pay their pzopezttcms of the fate mm ef fimetttp font thoufanh pounee , taccmtzmg to the tme meautngef thfz Catt, «arm cnznantlzeatm faith.’ fully anheee tokthee pzefent ettahlithen mteeefi of this Jreatieen, be we ate pattannen am: at--I , h quittenofann fozanpeact of eltnquemy 02 h nflfencehcommittebnznoneetmthem, oz anynf them, agatnft the aeaeliemeenme the time of the parsing of thisiact; mm atethetebph‘peemtttenh teeujoy authett fe1aeta1at.nn,refpecttbe eflates, withoutmuleflationetflallintentsant: vnwofee ‘ eheatfoebecgfteeftomeanp ectenone oz tnhenene _ ;a,gatn[t‘tD¢fll,02311?OftD¢IH,h1?1'!€UtIW,CD10IItI33‘ ‘ V‘ 3 fez fiequeflmteion of e;Iinqt1ents V 13*“ ¢Dm°39°”¢%’fl“.D 11° “3¢"a“¢1' an bpthe Mautezit 15 no % NW3. em eta ~~~~~~ ,, e of any %Ict,2tIinanceez @:nerohf;1ear~t t e*flJc*1at¢ fiinsxef°1te%een2eteleabiete9e;e1Wr=W Itcatten maietbetatn revere! ecttve e tcounttce, mm 3flaunorAng1efcy,tozaneto tn (4%-47) tbalttefttfe ta pap ijieng ttbetwzfivflztte‘ ‘ ee wef e J fame fballhetaten oz tapemann apmohee et we e the fate mmntttetnetz, many fitment" tbetee 4 (t'omeensetI)e taiftngoftije afotefam jftne)mttt)+ in the time Ijeteinitmtten tee tije petpmmgge Ame? fame, fut!) petfmtanp petfonete eetufing; eeev at to have any benefit eztnmtuetttp by this meg 4 but ateleft to he eflttualippzeteenee atg§éam£t, attaebtngtn the febetal wmtetancee ot%eeue-.1 e ittatiene. man be it futtbet vetnatten be the ant..- ttjozttip afozeI?atI%1,‘£l)at tfutljfum mm futm at %nney as are by amp flzetreaute oz flmee at aaatliament tbatgen upon the efiatee at mew @eIt'nquente in Norchwales, mm napabie tepeeae A fans melt-afietten to the iaetttiatnent, arm to the pzefent flonltitutitm of tbte dtommenmealtlj (not etteening mtbembnle the tum Ufjffum thou- tam: pnunnm he attogning tn the true intent tanbttmeantng of the rain febetat wzhtnmtteei am: ®mete,patnemn hifdjatgcb out of the min ‘ fitment itlhentefout tbnutanu peanut. mun " the itteafutets at new ate autbegtsen mm termite!) toepap emu nittteatge the fame atcom-s mew mew to the em: tljie pzefent Catt, arm the fenetai tozmet wzntnantee of ‘ %equefl:eatz'mm maybe tbehettetputin exetuttott, eat it fut»,-.~ J tbet enatten by the autbezitp afoeefaim ‘iwftt A the fail) Thomas Mitten ‘, John Jones , John Carter, George Twmccon ,ThcsmastMaf;m, Thomas Madrin, EdmonGlyn,t;- Robert Sontlcy, " ThomasABa1l, John Peck, ReichardeBafl‘net;Edward WyVnt.,Thomas Crichleyj e_ e * , Deanic1‘LIoyd,tWatkien %Kyffin,e William Wyn , Gerard Barbour} , Griffith Glyn, Richard Anwyl, $3-.’t ,ptaittt*}t V * Thomas‘Pugh,»Lewis «t.Lleyd , Peter Meirick t, atop? Edward Moore, Rogcrtflanmer , %it John % e ,i]ohn Pulcflon, Thomas elkavcnfcroft “,4 ]ohn4‘A ld‘cr- " 4 A 5 Luke Lloyd, Humphrey Dymmockt , Andrew. H h hh * A Ellicefi .... ., A the i touching ntloiantet nttttee tit n1nfntitt)e~i)ai1.t & manatten up the antbzitp afzefatn , fizbat tm i * onnntfeienete at any fine oftljem, ~I1)eti nn Itetey bee fnlt poet ant anttjozi in the netntte aete €443) Eiiicei Tliomes Dtyff1m'ockt, Daniel Mathews, V Courtney; John W/itttzwirong, Evan Lloydi,I*-Iugih in Prince.’ Richard Price, Ricizhairdt Gruflith, Robert iGifnffitih, V e RiceV3.ugha.n,,Sainu:c1 Edward OWCXH C£tpC1€- 1 Dail:,10.vvcn Salusbury,» =Gtruffith Nan-ncyr, John Lloyd, A Lewis i0v’ven, Robert Vaughan, Rcfxbcrt UWEB, Thonias Michael, William W/illiitms, at any time in rneteot them ,fi)nl1 be ant: ijetehy ate tennitnten aim apneinteeiteee at nmnmittee, fee the mtttntg in eteitntien ellnnnenety the mmntazttgee of Sm qnefttattene of meltnqnente meapflte ettett, attezntngto the true intent ant: meaning of tbtg met, ant: of the fainifebetnl flbzninnntee; which Iain mimmtttte, at any time in meat of them, are berth? nntbonsen» ann teqntten to fieqneg flee, etcaufe to he fequenten the enatee finial antawetfonat stem anti thew petfonenn new t‘fen5i'being welinqnente nz1;Bnpi[t5)n1tt!)in the i {ate tebetat wnnnttee arm ‘Man, mtjefe efintee by the true meaning of thin rem nngnt to he ft: i qnenten, anti unto whom the benefit of this Qtct is net extent 213,-, am: tijefain ¢i1flttc£t'DftqIlt—.=; A ittee, tn nifp feet as by the fehetnl ttatnantte 02 minutes of ieatlteenent in that betjnlftetea qnteen; ebtething in the etecuttonet tbeezentta-= fee, nun fnttbet mete annwttetttne es fljtp at S‘ ta % C? 5 \\ em from time tutti tie mete from amine Qtnntplainte, asietltont ea Bi¢)?< \‘ mCn‘t*5 £03 U ii GU59‘ 4 it ttee , 02 flmiw Qinn be it fnttbétti ,;%g:1¢1imni,i mg): 11¢ ignpggm e T ‘ A 4 . 93 annlnie to than ’£enants in tcfpegct of «&m’5&~nD in? awe: fut!) telizfitijmrzm M that! m agmable ta x fiquttp mun yuazcc, V In to we tum ‘intzzm: arm meaning of wt femrat mimncefi M V¢%¢a~t1%ts:.~;-. meat in that behalf mans: man be it futttm €511»; acten my the autbmttp afozefam, mat we ram W flflmmiffimwts, nzanp moftI):e1n, in the fail) tfifvemm cuuntiaa, fl):a:1z1)am vfilmr, mm are ljerchp sautlzozzfsw tn cnlmt em]: teceibz of tlnt pccfoms‘ tbat5‘;;a»§z to have hmefit by this mgra mm-.9 i’IfIOI‘WP swl%t1willn cf::a? the nccaflhrp charge “Hf pzorecutmg this ferbicgz amumvfien, fililm the tame mzecn not the {am of was nunvzen pmtuns in each county :: man that no om Warns.» mifatonmt be allowen 1302 W charges, in att¢am-.~ mg t1)¢faiDf¢t1Ji£% fibm’. tbz vatcxaf mac flat!» ltllgfi pcrdicm., fl): wary W? that {)9 wait in actw ally tmplopcn In fly: [am White .1 an be it fam then: fiumctcn by ttgse axxtbmmt afozefain? mat $ all tmmzt fufpmfigng ¢qnear‘a¢tinn%s,1§taa¢ I31’ $f1:TbomasMi«;1dJ¢:t0i1. bA13£!:tu¢ 05 any nancmf abariiamcmg a~nfl,)o;t5i1tg bin: £q#tlm, 9:11 tnabemv anpJotm1cdpAzm;'mnuz %ne~tfonsimp1up?en nm%aufl3m13%mtbmngntabv an mramtcz 02 man: 01’ ;;9ar1ua,mcnt,be «pa m tin fewicz of we arliamcnt iutbsegifb mafia ct, «v ~ [ taztxmnm emnof ‘nuns %;¢fizct, mun hie itfnrtmr: + Mciacen mm mmctm lav t41)eaut1Jwo2iw atom rm, film: tbcpapmcnt of any part of the ram m’ne,o2 of any nwttm. fumnf money by any of the firth mhttautfi at memn¢ H M 2 3 ,1-F. ‘E5 W at ._.,., ., ‘EM ifigv W . hea~£uwcm1[tmatm: bf enmmce 9; come fnz c ma1?act;i mt nff +fuc»136¢»?mrf:1 to % yam Est any thing agamft tbeig arltm 345 £91; Thomas VM~af1%nm:fuam¢ hi? this km, flaallnnt ¥J~£%%V£9.it1v:t1m., oz takgma 1 M A % A ,VF__:%'chard I5rce,f§wIt; . Thomas'all, arm i‘?.ichaArd€1hc3Lc‘1lc6fq5 mm‘ V C 450) ” new goat. aae fatthfui termite to the fleinmaaa V A at , fame at them hahtttg hah thete haafea A name, aan their whole ettatea kept teatn them fa; nebeea pears bathe enemy (tathete total tame) €02 theta: affecttnnta the ieatiiament; be warm whereof the? are beeume incapable at feeetngthe¢ontmenmeaIt1), actezgntng tothe teufi eepofebttt thengunlefs they receive fume feafcmahle fuplyeann reparation temaens theft Qitttaw, abtahnrfements am: fufiettnas; flee it thetgefoee enaeten by the authhozttp afneefate, ‘W azhatthe fumof fimethmtfama pnmmseut of 1 theatieit money that than hetaifen by fiequefiea-u met If, 0; dliotnpuiition with any new meiizte quettfta tn the rain tnuntieamofvatnenenhy this %ct,jfl)all be Difenten of mmaene tatiefactton of thefltteats, wiahutfementa, arm 3aiehpata- ttmlof theloffea ann fufieeiugg of the fatb1aet:—. fans, as the aaaeltament . fl)a1l heteaftet omeet ‘ V ‘ . I . e 3‘-‘ V» r 1 V ‘ \ , a . a, "“ r w _ ‘~ ‘ 'r . e a ‘ ‘ N’, I M" ‘ \ ‘ ‘ ~ ‘ . ‘ V mg,‘ ‘ N f. e ‘ V ‘ ' . 1 ‘N t‘ a . N ‘ , ‘ ‘ h ‘ e \ -1 ‘ ..: ~ 4:. in ‘ ‘ _.,, ‘ ant: appoint : rann liitemife, ihatthe Debts arm gfgagfitilfitltfiflf-.V§Villiam Lloid am; late high - eeifi of the county of camaxvon,uom neeeaten, nnteexceentna mm theufann pmmns, he aeeozbe mg to a flliete at the aemmena affemblentn _ aeaa 1 meat, of the tenth at June, were theufann t fithamnzentozte eight abifcvateen out at the mate; amen: ttflmnofitione uetinfam mm A meltnquentanotpatnouenby this tact. £Die Veneris, IO flugufli , 3164-.9» e}Rd¢r;°dby the Commons in I,’arlia=ment” e W M affémtblcchett primed and paw erhdmeenra abacethis-. Aéiv be forthwith -......... . etSwW,CIeric-A