Die Mercurii, 2.5 fulii_,' 164.9. Efolved upon the queftionby the COIN» * monsaffembled in Parliament, That the Tenants of Sequefired Efiatcs who are to retaxn their Rents in their hands till the Firfl: of flugtyinext, {hall continue their Rents for fuch Eftate in theirhands tilithe Firfi of Septenzlzer, except the Parliament {hall otherwife Order- A 5ZQfl>l-need, e’9°c. W That it he referred to the Committee of Gold.» fmiths»Hall, to confider how and by what means: the Rents fo flzaidin the hands ofthe {aid Te.» the State, and Repertit tothe Houfe. L V nants may begotten in, for the befcadvantage of Hen: Scolvell, Cleric. 7’4rli.4menti.d 1 ‘-"wrvv-"F" Londonh, Printed For Edward Hmhtnd, Printer tn the Par»-_ ‘ liamcntof England. July 26.. 1649. A