3 3 if’ E \‘‘.y i := ’. (,,/.34 ‘ f ‘ I / /1‘ L A /A" 9; ‘ -T /%rz= . iii Anno Regni REGIS ; % zinglzas, S come, Francine 8: Hiberm}e,ii i L Viceiimo fecundo 86 vicefimo tertio. V ‘ i h At the Parliament begun at Weflminflgr the; F Eighth day of May, Anna Dom. 1661. In the: Thirteenth Year of the Reign of our moiii Gracious SovereignLord CHARLES,» by thei ii Grace oFGod, OfE5’lgldflda S€0t_l6l1’1éi').F wince and A Ireland King, Defender of the Faith 9 Uc. : { And there continued by fcveralPro1‘ogations, to the Fourteenth dayof F ebrumy 16%;. - , ‘And thence continued to the 22“‘ of April 167 i‘ ' /A ’ on which day the {aid Parliament was Pro-3 rogued tothe 16* day of April, which {hall ——v——— P ‘. _ ' '\ 4“ .. _...4.g.._..L.. .__....._Z_....__ ......-..x ..__~...m__ _.-- I bein the year 1672. / , I if-:,i.‘\"\“ I if ._ ii .55.‘, I ._‘ -"'5 °/ geewwwws A "33" '7’<.\t. \ /I/g \\&\ 3% i x 92;-';,9i:<.;'y*;<¥ egg’? ~ 5 . i 1”’ - ' e ' /p..'"ff.‘ 1 1 V ET MOKDRO J , i M In the S/II/OY, A Printed by the Afligns of jeo/m Bill and Cbriflow Piaer Barker, Printers to the Kings moi} ExceilentbMajefly, 167 I . c‘QMP1e1v1L£G1o." 1 I *_ .L__ i .. ......a..... .- ...¢——--—“““ -.—.-.. K i , '» "'- 5-L" "‘f ‘. ~ - 3 ‘ 2 “‘v ‘ 4‘- N . V‘ v 4 ‘ 5 v \ , ‘ ‘V . , '... ' I.’ ' ’ ‘ ‘ “ I "M ' ' ' i. . . . V/, , .‘ . . , . . _ . ~ . ~.' § ="' ." ‘ ' ‘ 1 . . . . H . \» _ 7 * .“ _ -9 ‘ I ‘ ‘ 1 ' . . ’ . . .- g ; -b I \ ': . ' ' g _ /"H u ‘ I .,. I 9 \ (I 4;...-'., _ < ._ J "_-""‘~" 4 . _ 1 I 1' - _"" ;a.....‘ Y‘ A. An.‘ . r 3'. ‘.-'*~ .. “n. '7' . A _ . ' ly , ‘A ' I ‘ __>. _ ' .4 ' V . ‘\\~/ 4 , - -_ . 5. g r w -, -1 n’ F i I Pg’ ‘ .. ‘ _ ._ " 4' . ‘ » ~ -. ~' 1» 5 ‘,3 ~-,. a 3 z 3 "‘ 5-ix» .. 0" e _’ . 3' - _ 1.! '- _ . - - . Y H_ _ » . K. .,P ,. - , _ ‘ . . - ' ' Q 0\. , - ‘ ,_c 4-, V _.&‘. ~'~r n ‘ M . ‘ ‘ ‘ '. ‘ ‘ " 0 ' ;“. ‘ 4 _ >_ H, _‘ _::_. _ . ,. ‘ __.. 9, ., § ,.‘ . -, 4. yr , . ' . . ‘ . ,. ’ - _ -' »->'f.""".’.y.. . ~ , " .-.' \ ’ _' ' _ J ' . ' " CA , _ ‘L ' ' _ I’, - H ‘ _ , . n _ 1' " _ / ' 7 - ' ‘v 4 ‘R ’( " )- .‘ I - . ,. ‘ 1 _ - . . ..n..,.~ .- r-« s \ \-:~:.e I . . . , l_. _ . ._ . __ ,. _ X _ _ _ _ t _‘ ' {_ , . ._.3._ . , ‘_ . l_.,_ . ...._. '- : .Q '~ _-, g\-:Y i_ ‘-1 ‘ ' ‘ . ‘ O {N _ ' ' ' “ " V 1 -‘V '5 \" .. ~ N » < . . V ‘, _, . _ _ ’ h ‘ . g _ )- . ..._‘ Na 1 ‘~. . f - \ s. _ _ - > h‘ . , ' _, _V '1 _ . _- ‘ " I 1 - ’ I - F‘ -,_ ‘ _ -'1 ,1 -;.._ ‘ 9*- ~_ _-¢_ ‘ Z ‘ _‘ I v_~_. .5. 244.3‘ ': F -"- ‘ob’'~ \ . . . H ~ _,. An Aft tonPrévent;?then‘malifiiriiis -ing of %Hou.fes,%%% Stacks of Cam and Catte1.yi Hay, and‘ Killing or Mai«mingn’*'0f % J 4 «jg n/iamas aims Iemn anb nn,3E11,iI ; 1 _‘ inifpofebwrfonsintznbtngtbé ;gin;,;§:n}:% aaninenannEntpojmttlnnnnt of that 3TclIom=fnbjctt5,baf32j _ , , Dvbiffifi, nub 0fla%tsnn.fecvet1P';%i!? ‘ A the ni§gl)t=tinze, arm at ntbgfi times 11113911 tbsp think that méns atzmt known, frequently pzatttfen in [zbmn gnu; nf‘t0t5?Kinghom,nnlaIbful anb mickzn com; [23 in bnrnmgnof fiicks,ann émtacks of @0311 auto (main, befiroping of 2Ennning‘*5', ittmfi, ann Qlntting, fllfbanninga zixallonzmj: mg, ann killing of iaoztes, mew, mans, ann other e£atte1,tn fiontznmt of the fl anus, ~ am: the ittfnppo;tabIe;f1m-nongann mangagz of many 0611915 Qwajefites quot: ,®ub1'entts.%j;; am mehzntion mbetenof; ‘anb nifcohecygj the £D£fenmzt5 3 we ttflfittarten by tnefinggg % £9011 efimllent 9IBaI2[iP3 by an!) 1‘u1tI) flit n 10 2 fibbicz 3”’ i »;%37 I I , _‘ _ . , _-.x .4 .~ . . ,-y , _ 4 -‘ ’ . - -, y . . 7 I. t v ‘Q -_ '- -- g. ‘ > ~ ~: ..- ' . '. - . " u ,3‘ " ,‘. -"' . ‘ ‘ '«" 0 m11?P?P£°" on new 50115 afttf €38 jftflf Bap 0fMarch, In the peat $ 5 A ,;;§nv£D¥.§§3&D$?f!% L95 Fmiifiioflflp, unlamftflfy, dun millmglp msum, 0; gang: to be lL‘5m7Itt 0; mcficopeb, 211112 flicks, n Ea-tacksaf‘ czozn, ~iiaa;>,% 13; @mn,%%25aum5;* Utbm: iaoufgs an; flfiminzzwyag Liaiins, fffziii % §tIi7§}§f‘;fi{1§‘i)ti.f1!iKf!3gf‘ mitt: tuna»; ¥a9D¢~1Déiiingi}5 am, %oz;®-earn? Lang» 1%z§es?,$i;:aep., up n watte1[uf:‘anpJ'pwfmz ‘ % ,' %@..9f.ti1z%£;£mIItI%o:I5~~ in, fi &rii=fi;%I Jatfsmhltb, aim DB t'tj)”figif€i:fii§f{ uA§31g::3DteD“‘F%i~aun % oz pe‘tfous2m1a$€oe1s*ét ..- fiimp fuED‘:Dff£hc€ % than be anjungen jfelunvrann the £1D&m<= nepsfinn tasty oft§)2m,1f1)a‘lt1 Tfuffet as in mi: 0 9E3? 910RP~}~ f T ;a;anm:g . ,, t11ap§$;‘:i$l)at¢iioztttfttnmtfog B anpme £xDff2nces mam:;j.‘e1o‘np by bmug gf tijis Em“, fl)nl1make%ozmo;I: any ¢o;mpti: mmf 2h3lou'0 , Iofsof ED011381? , oz mfiuberg; tance of mix 02 iacws. % % h ' % man be itfm:tl)et$®€:1artcD% min aotciatcn; itbat in cute any patina ozmzrfons who (um flvffmfiet ‘ I13 ;171.1~AI*;b‘2' éiomafizty%o221ttamt % A ‘ by max: be ttlonhict oz ztttamtznnf any we gpffenccs mane jfelqnp hp1}sptu¢yoftl)t5 Saar, as’ afozefain (to aboznfiiuugmsutofma D; <2E1:£cutiim tlamuponi fa; fut!) lmmffcnce) E3111 nnxakcms »’j]ufh’ces; "cf. Tt1)9;;g1?9‘€fit8 bcfoze mnom ‘ 8 9 bpfiectue‘ offittjffir W??;,%ib L91‘95?9 them Eptttiiaetp Lifltalt <£aufc~*3ungm1cm to be 05!!‘ am mgfltanfpugten bepontr tbs. §>‘c8,5f to ram? ow:s?% %*aibI£’€é8 ialafitations fail: iImfltaufc€ht1)%t— mm D’tfenb’m: ‘fa ~fbe fafgi gjluiaggzttxeticfiiirq %1[a§;1ttfcu1at1;§fjgnentiontb 3"“ i9”Di9{I93;’$ fbfitfi ’. t9m&itI,:% f02* ‘W pace of ~$mj‘ét1 peawsf 231111 that in Qutfuattce‘ of; »tb%T2 fami ‘$ttng;t1t2t1‘t*55~~ tbs? . %‘;9beu& ti; fifiwiffg 05 §1flJ5f‘145,°11*3*‘?%% 03 ¢itP.i1?.b9tB ffentwc U)a1¥~hz’fo¢onbe*ct ozfittaintcn; ¢‘ottfi‘c%p%cnfzriii1?-3]ntbatciuznto b§;‘3;pan£pQt,£ Bwas afozefaib % 2WD If am» %f;tt1Jf.:?;DffmDé,E ma11,mucn::mto tl)i5*iiaingbom‘Jb;foze ®:piratt“on’nf tbztaib ?§-seven pcat5,?’be H1311 tuffztmzattj as at ie1%on_’, anbéafif no tucij dfilemon tabzfiztanfpcztfifl b€*D%W" mate % hp him. ztun. be it Jfuttbm: finatteb by zinc fin: tbozitp afnzefaiia ; that if any nation oz _per:— tons [ball in the rttglwtnxc tnaisfciouilp, mt: lamfullp ,‘%an‘u 111¢i1lJit3' Q*!p~%aim, manna; oz otljccnuitz bmtt anpi19nzf2s, §JiJeep,[n; other «latter, 11vberebp%«;;jc £a:n;ff9,nI1ers wan ibnfe am: ifagfeit unto%Jti1e 1%9,a1:tp; grieiszn filwblfi tbB7EDatlIflE9 ,11?i)itD l1€02%t1J9?I11é11l thereby éauflafitt, fl)B*_1"zmI2 tu'bc3Rccob2tcu by ztrtienof iltefpaffi, ozkunon tbs otamtafi h2%rta’a2u atAtl1z‘s2Eo:11nton ibam. man be‘ it fttttbet Qfznarten bp%%%tbe_2(ufi1oLs ;;tpTafo;9[aiD;‘*£i)L¥t«fip0n the clommamit aim M 5 tequeft ‘. Anne ‘X?§1L&‘,X§XI1I. roam of we nous? oz oootmoiniueeo in mo» fuel) onottoetgo one $%m%%rozo mom {gust oton; mess“ of Ajoeacoofigocbeooountos mat '7K¢ttlp,o fifiomnwozpozatv , o0};.t’.-iifiiace omnm o om; éflimgooo as 33?; mom oofone om tm@*.°r“m»so‘W1 ononzoo. ‘out: they Qtfé.tb9$91m¥9Qlutmllliettanb fie: W 1? ,_9¥tl1B of A t.°.oitlqlli€E.;: um:bpo’tbesa?>ati)oof~ izmeum lamful nwo, o ‘oxo;e,oE;no toriteodtotmtvsos no Qfioomts hgition ofoottcneaeo upon Qoth, oz b37;‘flt’1‘p lawful maps oz moans mmct) to them that: [own moot, of,ano c‘oncoming~anptbo flffonz (23% pofozo incumo, ano 2’n)ffot1o2rstt)otein a onion in ozoot ttmzounto, to time out-oollars i;;1uts,as molt foz the fummonmg offiurozéis, as fog tljo agpzobonoing of all fucbooorfons, as fbol1_,oz’znap ootnmof fuifpoctoo, am to take their <2Eramination touci)in,r_( the Canto 3 ms alto, to canto all ‘Illa; omen: ‘potions, osto ‘them wall [com likely tooomako ‘miftoa oerp tbmof, to apoeot befoze town, tmoto gibo Enfozmation upon £Datf), of, mm cons. c9tt1it1gti)9it knomloogo of tho aozomtffos, to as no potion to to ho Qfiraminoo by the Cato ilufiices of the aooaco [ball be etonbicteo, oz in any mite mocoooco agatnila foz,oz by too! [ouof any wifencecoucotningonabicb 02 oz 4 they man be fo cfliraminoo as‘ a omitnofz, ano [Dan upon fact) has firanunation xnakoa true abtfcooorp thereof = mun in care any pot: [on oz patrons, who by the [am ‘jiuthcos be thought likolv to 111338 Ebifcohctp, as afozzfi ratio, than refute to appear» oz to be atom“ net: as aozotitnombetng only £-buflfl"°m"° by the fail) 3iufticos,m putfuance of tbifi’ J c A BC) L 1.sH;= RE“ais:.= h 9: 3!: than ants may be lawful fa: thz Iain film msh. 192 rzftifii1.cs'; % the fat I 3 3%‘ 9 1% § -a “A . _. ~ _. L. ,1, 1 »£jéht_1)a}Ilh£ubn1itto behhfiramhinenupon math, I of, mm coztceitning his Momlenje touching the [ante £1Dffence,o; the wffenbets by whom the fame maswcpnunittep. h ; 1%zobinm,hh£hath mi %nttfon?hvnha»-ma11be puniwen fog any Qtfznce by harm of this 21¢, «amt! b(m”ntlI)9lf H118 ffami Qfiemz bg;hh;muzfn¢%L’ 1’ 0:132 2§tt‘ éififiéhmbfis [others 330; tallbequeftzonen foz the fame, V unlcfs he he pzocezncn agaiuft within 51;; filauneths aftevhtne 2D.h&mcchcohn1n1itten.h 1 - 0 ‘ex _“ ‘V Y . -. "F D ' g~ I’. ‘_ " - ' __~ _ u . . . Q g. ‘ . ' ' -c ’ ' " "K 4 "" "I '» A‘ ' ' " ‘ ' 1 ‘_ 1‘ *_ ~ y’ ' - 9 _- F’ ‘ 9' ' A V p x 3, .5 ‘- . u - - ' . _- 5 ‘, 4 . . v ,-’ . \ ,. 5 I. - -"I , .: .‘> :, -.1 . ' z - , - ~— ._.- A .. , ; "A “ ;_ . h ‘P: [9 -' . . . .., K.-.. . . ‘ .- V ,. .-I n ,-.,x 1 ‘iv: — . . 2. . . V. «gum "rip ' ,4 tr.‘ 7 -I 9 at I, 2. . ..; -3 5 . 5 _: L. I. -,4 _‘ E l. , o .- ____, An A61 for the Regulating the l\/Iaking oflgddermirzjier Stuffs. ;_ ziamas Diners zlbufts . \$»!»I ’ ann moms name nf ,,. . late gvcars been new ~ ,; ~ ,ann u£en%~+in% —tbe«g13a= , “S ‘ Bung of_§>tuE5, cauen {fig K1f1defm1nfier 3311755 ’ A “T; Imtbm the zifiozougb . “‘A " arm Wtifb’ of Kidder- 1n1pficra in CD2 45011113? Of Worcefier ; tanning to the Smbafing of the rain %anufattuce, am) to the (meat pzeiutaice of the aaublick. fax the aazcbention of mbicb Qlbufes any mums, map it pleats mat sflaaieftp mat n‘ I ° 2 ' ’ in’ ‘£- - I it ma? be finatten: man be it marten 113? % t 2 cAR%oL,I II. t. $>§*i theagings 9393 fitcellentflaaieitptetbrxeinii mithrthe zinbice anti etonfentiafhathe i’L.o;ns;,/ fipiritual emu iienrpozal, mm Qteiirnionshin thusjvzefentaearliaiirent aiiembleb, arm by the ztuthozity ofthe fame; fihat there Ciiall be thefen wne iezefinent, four atitarnens, aim fiigbt zrttittaute, an nihitb than be waftersiflileabers within the Iain zisozomzbs the jfirft ziwnnberp after Pentccoit, inthepear of our iiozn, £Drre thoufann firhunbzeb fe- nentp arm one, arm from thenceforth yearly arm every year, on the next £I1Bonnap arm’ Pencecofi, art foiireaerrbiitk 19lacB,b17 the 91%: e fterzmleaiaers of the rain zisozough, or the greater part of them then preterit. 3110 the min 1e;e[inent,€m11arIJens, arm zzifiiitants 138% fpertibelp, [ball rliithinjiourteen Days after they [hall he fobmiaowzttoflmpofeairineozf fijettaltp % WQDII any pztfon ower£onsu1i%ng“ $11.9 [am franc, ozxtijat (Dal! be umber: ti1z% _ ifiegulatien tbmof;Ai%?asv{DalinotAT<£anfo2Jm m'Etzc?.3i&u1es, fl>2necs,%m5ys1anas,Fann ma , ~ Binznces fofl9aD€‘at1D tube @3189 mm @311: fitzmb,as afozefaén. ; ~*~ j I j iaznbinen, ‘;i.i)€£t £I;%z£ain afafzge oz imnaltp apxm any nation fog not etsnfe;nung,as aa fozzfain, fifiallnm mean ti)z%fm21%:o%f fo‘u£‘t%1§ wiiuugsfazany mwflfience. V V math if any p2v€onAp;*perEons«bg:}? :is%afo;e£ztw,% ‘ta bewzfiacztt, ozirlmarnzzgfiibz‘ ;2lff:>&m1t,ann% nue;;‘fi2:atice~tbéiseafgébeigygf the z5av1ia=. oe¢Ju1c fa:9*=16vz6um1 Vf°zL%tW:vme . being, ma tzfufmr angler: % to Jéeérecuw #663 was ofwz;aflDent,~w3VF9“> to take the rain @a*£i3,+‘A~aeco:zm11§ t%ethAep,uva pm; g£¢1}gg.A$%3ut,~? wci? fuci)‘”§'m§.£n&1~fa%?i=5:>fu= % widfimut’; "'tm= €58 ‘ 19at1BS%~‘ fit??? »%za1§'5»7ot?» 0; n ‘ ’%mt:m:b. 0’i111b%T3T“'*é1?,33€?i3*’¥fW.i% tt¢%inn%%nf%gt.%im.fl5arfifi»-' 0z%8"%?%%0iH8?"f11”:t3l%*< mess‘ of ::;e%3:.s e*ace~nf.{= tbs [a19jfl53_20;!g}]~fGi$ tIJ2*%%timw2iirg3, fMiS**.fu¢i1%%fi‘?99¥hfi9f’¢? TBBD mcfxtmfiuf 3f29v,“mm1U$¢;fB2E§*1v mm? mm: 'fitm;ri‘.i:1b taiuéifiitrz fiPfl11‘b¢5£fifii%’h¥?* Z the 95 1§nH°tXXJL 33¢ XX HI; 7 the [aio ebaphfi, anoany one flnftite of the abeaee foethe taro libbeongif, on the eaooos ano Qthattels of the [am £Dffenoetbp got,- tltetshanoéale, tenoeing the£Dbetp1ne,if attphlbalibe, ano than behnplopeo ano mt; pofeb of. to the aft ano benefit of the about Szttttfitets of the [am 1’Ztaoe,at the oxfctetton of the rain esaylaff, ano any one iinfttte of the teeace of thefato zibozongh, zlno foe the better iiegulatnon of the [am inane ano fllaannfattnre, ano the aboiomg % of jftano ano weceits therein; 215e it fntthet Qfinatteo by the finthozitp afozefato, ilhat . an itnewparn ifleeleb, ano ufnallp zlfionght ano flow, oe finmzateo be the ire, to be heteaftet nfeo by any ofthefaio Tcitfificfitfi ano §.tltl’f#3u‘ZIlItt‘tDtr3 Ibithm the ram zoos rough oz teattlh of Kiddcrminfiér, oz iubet: tieshtheteofifleau be maoe Ibtthont fitano o; §Deteit, ano be openlpahzesonghtano:%o1o1n tome pnblitk Qfiatbetsplate, on the watbets bay mithitt the fato 2J5o;ongh,to be ahpomteo by the zibaytiffa of the rain Ilfiozongh toe the tinte being : etno befoze the fame be etpofeo to Sale, than be Jaeeleo on a fleet flout tacos about, ebetp flea of the fato path containing iimo hnnozeo 3Eh2eos.: e ztno in cafe any petton ozpetfons [Dali heteaftet ébell, oe ewofehto éate am’ e 1509 ipatns afozefaio, maoe oz teeteoin any other mannet then, as afozefaio; CWU1311 MD may be lawful to,ano fot the fate ibzefibent, iWc’WD8fl5,;a_nD zlffiftants, 02-km? 353310-91 mote of them, to 92132, flake, ano staff!’ away all futile beteitful ano oefectibe ?n%?fD> CAROLI 111. Rgtcxseee 97 mhichfain geatttstmtthtn itmentp tape at: * tet fetch Setaute, than be Swen hp: a Slutty oft£n3eIhe.eheneft am) able zttttfitets of the . teeth item, lithe mall be ‘item time to time; jinnpamteuen ann fittmmonen be a imecept; unnet the ieattee am) éaeale of the ztfiapltffe am: any one Eiutttce of the teeace of athe Iain efiezeugh, to appear at the Guild-hall of the tam ztsozeugh , ata etime certain, in the fate ietetept fpeclfitil, arm then am: there be t fimezn hp the'fa’in zifiapltfi ant: ‘jhtttite to tfiuquite of the Hbefetts efa11patns§et3eh, as afezetain ,annttoe ttp whether the ram paths be §@t1DBe&I1D Reelen, actotmng tethe ttae intent anatneantng of this zltt, anethe. ztfiestamsannwteinantes mane hp hettue thereof. flnntif the fatnflutv fimpannelteu am: fimotut as afetetatn, than fine any of the fate yams not mane arm fieelen , at: towing tn the tntenteaun xneantng of this ~ 2366, eaten the zspdams ant: wtetnantesmaee bpisettue thereof; ihat then the fate zifiapz lifiattnflufiite uftheaeeate of the tan: me; ,tottQh, thallfilmnefefuth 37it1B€32'3T‘l'lIB5_£lt1;31f on the ‘£§DIbnet ez flbnmets of [nth Iszoefertihge wens, ae in their Etfctettenee thauelee thought mm,etnet etteeeing the fi1a1ue'n€ the fifiepetp of [nth Ebefetttbe geatne : which tam jftne ozftftes,‘t1]B'£ID»lhntt§fnf the Iain ,EDefB£tiiJt?aI:i1§.fl)a1l‘D3P_t° the Tm 192?fi:€= Dent fat the ‘time hetttQ¢?(t‘to be Etfpofee at? e as the fate tezelinentg imtatbene, ann mite itants,e 9; mg tnajqr number of them mail fttmtnteet, at their nettLe19,ublttIt wetting; withttriihitty nape atcet taie_ ZEtgal:,% 2 e an 93 % Anne xxsj, éc XXII}; am: am mfault thmnf, tbe£aiD?atn3 to bc‘ @o1B:h1> tbs imefiuerzt, 0;, any Emmet the {am mamas , mm the oberplus sf tbs me; new thereof coming, am: the Shae oz flares Eznuema, tn he fi2t1o3.zM&tm:£am wmrm: ozzmnerz upcmenqetnianb. ‘ V % j 21:19 be it fuuhw gfinactsn hpmz fiutbos titp afazeiaén, ffiiyat all [cuts of $10 was anu éamffs maven mm) moollonew, emf woottaammbet flmtatiais within. the {am mfiomugl) oz imam of Kid€.1“erm:i‘nfl:.m:s az tbsa %:um:ttcst:l)et2of, mall beunmzc the mmet, fifiabemment arm fiemtlaticm. of £69 fatb imefineut, ’¢"ZI1IaviJ8t1§, ‘ann zttttfiants, in fact) lliatmzc, as by this Sm,» mm the. z'5p:1ams3. ant: flmuinanncs mam, :3; to bemabe by new me sweet, ozgbptm flaws oz éwatutes of this fiealu-2, are a: wait be efiablifizen. ; mm that all me am ann mafia mm 02 to be mane annex the ifizgulatfibn afozefmb, hefogetm fame malt be. mpufeb 0: put to §aI¢, fi1aube:bmugbt%ta tome cnnnmiwtv / place within tije tam zifiuzeugh ,fto he an: putntzb by the ram amefitaeut éfim 6mIawen;s?, oz tbs greater part of them, to behicmen am: [catchers up the {am mefiurzzt, ans any @119 of the [am mmtncns, ozbp am? im of the fam warhens, tntije abfcncz DfCb2:f&1'D[1B;z:z fluent, am if tbcfamc lbalt nz fnutmto be 11:21! £110 fufftcimtip fl'}BaDeanD%fl_§211,1«;uugt)c4, acceznmg to» the iasutes mm ®zmnances of the rain inane anumannfattute :; ”13..*I1m;au fuel) ¢1otms%.ann9tuff5 fllaltbe by the :fam ifizefincnt annamwm ft? the faith matnettfi, ‘ ‘time oz up anp*mga>et:nesam««a1avnms.mtus CAROLI 1x;1m;*1*s: ‘gg time being, snatch ann mtomsn accozmng: 119; 21111: if upon fact) Qzarcn ann 311:’z1h% any cszlotbes oz Qmfis, (33:31! he fauna :3; conczmen not to be men anti? fuifsctenziy mane arm ’' . Iv ' "5 I ‘ \ .4- $‘m “ ~r raw: me i i ‘was: any r¢4:éé§~,t 1 ”“ f¢11i?5’s‘HI&?%fi?Jfiflwifiwffi is eewhWn‘awtAeu;~%a:nat wrsmmwezsw $9‘E.l“f5*.‘°fl 392 f~%%t1¥i?v%F¢ s i’fiam watt ‘w?5?fifi*fét” _ in faifiiB8’afie%g+wé _ fij 5 flwfiéi‘ 9 i if. b§Wi»’&A‘??39Ivf€f M 9;, 4 up ‘Wm? 3 292?? ‘M ?ae:2&~A%:;manv:u;g Wffiiigr . , 3¢€fl,fi 'e tt¢~fiwe:enayt3e cmttbfi it atgqzeig: , f M? V 311 nsittiefifffitffizw%’iiii‘tU4§ ‘titwofiev; .otbec§cnaa<~faéu% as 6% mm . otbewpnfe atpbcrimen«%, #el{)mt"b£f»fi£ the iamgs Qlaaizfty; 19:5 ilazivs arm émcé ceffozgs in: other fllaoiety totbe are of the 1300; of the fame Evans: mun (ball ann "".*.’?"'~ may be ibebieb by §DifftB[§ am: éalz of tbs mobs am: ¢atce1¢ae\.%tb¢ £Dffenmzt oz Wennzrs , .%,np.. wartantA- illitltgav- the 1931335 W of file Elutitczgof egiczo €132‘ fat!)-zfioa toufib, 02 as ‘tetuijm ‘W mtion of 35D2ht:,% mm, waint, oz Slztfozmation in any of 19;; «it c . flbatw 3.04 % Annoo XXii,1_ 8<;2x%Xi»1;:;; Qflajeftics Qloutts of iaecozo, 11!i)‘.BtBoi¥1*; (IQ azoo:n,1azomczou,o; wamot ioawaifilol beaitomeo. o 2 ztno be it alto Qfinacteo, 3’-ibat all215ayIéff§,; ,; fiiufttccs, §b2.ti&§’.'@.-Ut1fia.~hlEg’at.1m allows: Efftcots, than be ztcomggoanoo wooing to the [&iD:1939fiDBI“_3§i €£i11IatoeusoaAno zmrgogncg, oz any of tbetn,a5oftw as they a)z111ue~;t3'o,ref= unto reqoweo 5 ztnom all muons anoVo$ofi1;g that lballbobzougbt againtt any [J,Bl?[D!:f1oD,§ minus, fox mbatbc oz they wait no Iuauce , ozin mention oftbis zumanyooto the 2lutiJ0zitI'95 obomb? given. the zttou o perfonso to fiueo oz Qlaolemo, {tbg1‘1)‘_o; ma; aowao the gznctal time of not ®‘(1iw);}gnn give the special matter in ¢Ebioencc,~Ctoma1! .. moon Double carts in ehetp (aw ¢a[g,gm,g mernto vats toztuct) oerfonoz oe:rons;oo;~» ... -..o tbflt lib!) oifilflifltifi OZ 191&itA1fiiE§Lb_Bo ' tborein, oz Eozhzat ofuttljmt ibzofecution, oz o Iu~ffetEDifconttm,1ancz s fogmtjicl) ¢o£tsm; Mn notion oz omens than have the like $3: omen? . as in any cafe Ibbete @0115 ppm; iéollo mm Bibzntofleivnbants.” fringed by _thc Afsigns of 5%; 3212, ‘and am/;,.j Inthe S4 V0 1", ¢ '1)/.767‘ Barker: Printers to the Kings Mpg Exccllcn; Iyloajcfiy, _;6;-; o D~l~_ RARE KD 7992 . A3 1671 B9 uvuuworunoul-counnu ELL SPC RRE RARE KD7992.A3 1671 B9 lllllllllllllllll 01 0-007248007