Engla a and Scotland, A N D other Felons. % Atthe Parliament begunatIVq/iminy'fe)* A :h¢17““dayof September, flm Dom. £656., —~v— \ ,, % '/ “A4 .. u--.- ‘ 4... A 4 Printed by H EN: H11. L3 and I 0 H N I EL D, A Printers to Hisfiighnefédthe Lord ‘ For Difcoflvery of Highway Men and 4 I ‘ Y , -3‘ , it :wt~v " 1 " .. ‘..._ _..M+ A . __ , (1) " A A4 ‘1Forth6‘b§ettcrSupprél3ingo£ A % A Upoflthe Bordcrsof pg Englar1d*andScotlan~, ¢ A NDM 4. - of M-‘W¢ JMen anfl % T " other Felons, A A < J may the iiifibaihitants of hot!) % é flattens, that line mat to we ;A§}IBOI111t&m5, ann inmates, am mat, mntieatnetma ar-zazmns mm unm% Lfwetal qfinmrnments, anncannothc bzongbt» nfi'fu)mt1)eit oIn%em1ann gaccufiomeu mance of iLi§ntng, by tcafun of the fcttuatton o4f;4tt)m:d agahitationsannwmellingsnearto tmgvcac; gmcta; arm ntbett nbfcmtc places upnn%tbe magnets, having been A mug acmfifiomen to ‘jlnlcnefs arm 226095 anngwmtntains , ante ?Latge matte fizfimttlbfi h¢tIU€BI1%EnglandV 3110 Scotland ,1)fl NflE; ~A tbmhp%fucb nmmztunttp,notunc1p¢at¢nometn% bibs:V%tbemi"e1mz%annatbm: 193217 nz2J5on”ti“ti5of ftn1lett ‘-* Y' ,~ . ’ ’ » 7. - m‘ ‘ ' -. I I W ‘ R . 1 V, r W‘ 6 “N : V ‘ »n.~. " ‘ . T. ‘, “ N‘ ‘,.-[.{ v * 4 N a ' = 3 j:, Ir C3‘) ' eellene ehete tefpettihe iieunngemmaen at g hettp mithiet the eeipettibe wountieefihitee arm fitheeiifeems efozefain , whereof they ihatgibe atieait fentteen nape metning te the gnhahitantsi of the time aim plate at etheie §itting,hp notice to enety aeatiih tnithin the tefpettine mate, iI3nnnzenog@wif1en,ann el.-=.~ efeitezeelatitetien in § next @ateet==3£nmne int when arm full Qgaeket time,Ibheee at the place to appeinten by them , they that! heme pointe- totau befoze themthe etenftahlee ee Qtblllithze meeeens, 0; either teamthiat mam: 0; met tire, to give in tlpflfl :3Deth a IWUf9Ct:?Lifi10Ee; thejiiemee efeil futh peefane within the ffibta tat zine tefpettitee aeaeiflies of the fate (means: tiee, fihites oz gheeifibortieme line iniy, ann tau give no goon account here they mamteitt themfeines, rezthat ate esteem fame, emnenet haninganp hifihle mftate, tea! at peefenei, tee the mine of mite htmnzen tetanus fiteeiinge ' gwnnep, which mapeennet hints; them we ipenfible; aumhithpetfone thefetib thatch: meeeeneetm <2£unftah1es3,etothet®fi°itee anti. wfiicees efegeietin, ihallelfe upen neeteant i feematip at the rain filuiticeafunintiin te ape veethefoge them the rain ‘iiuitites at the time t he ant: place be them appointee, atmtee being iththem aim teeth of them two fufliitient ttteties , eaehtebebounn to Ieieiieighnefe; D83L0;D1%zl3t€CtDz of the ¢ommnnmee1th_of England, Scotland arm Ireland , A annihig gutter: ~ i fozegine fieeogieanee,h'uet etteenint; thefune; efjrittppounes fez, each fiueetp, not the item of in htmngee peunne ifotthe .mI'1'lC1{I3eaH38U#f finthue tube fetueemnozeunnet alien pent thine‘ fneiieeehfiueetp, i 11:02 urge 4 .entee'u Hr‘) fog tI)e%:pe'cfon mm {march fijfltbkfl)flii.h%f gonn“2J5ebam’m, arm umn any mcafmn f:o41:e~.«.- %qum’ng , be mm mm flmfi Emm timetm firm make his p£’l3f0*flf‘&i fippzaranwmitbin jimm- teen naysaftet we mliiaeetp sf the mamaut of ampfiuftice of mate fa; that flymmw, %m’ttm to ijimfeif, oz ta eitlm af his %mcm5,w:equt.~= rmgijinz m tijzmm anmm m any flmxfmns‘-9 Q9Bumhzw,&RnhhevAée§, jfelniniesfng mm 9'3 “:3 muwmmza mba.tm1m4=, mifialjicij ffiecognia aanms the {am flgtftzfczfi nf 1%zaczintiJzw was [ fpzctim riuuntiefifibimefi azm®imit‘fnnn13,’ a,rz%hm.hp mttljogisen to mm the fimnoma lengmwnt nf,Anmea1t1),nutturetutn%fmIemnWW5 m‘timuzaa‘cenfe fwrn his a¢gig1Jnefg%¢hg;1,om .-I ‘ ‘7 1 a. ‘ 192?t3%%4=%‘€CtDz%Dz ‘hi'§;§a1I%CE€fi02§,LE1‘mB$"Cb? »zna1tp ofjfiemxw? + finfiincém any WP? Dtflbfl “W9?”-= ¢ ‘ was cs )1 e,efenemaheeefeee1e~ee. eeeeeeeee the fihfi heemne piece eehheineen , heheng Ea hen ee hefezefeeh ., ene the {wee 1:ehe’fiee“u hmaeh, fihat ehen thei?e;en:@1ei‘tieesnf ee fleeu, em eeeheeebemthezisee, aeeqeeeee ~ A fimpmheeeh to peeeeen aQaiU[t‘;“"iWI 02. h e them he hefegefate , mhenfeehee he me they man he feunn arm apmeheneee. A , 4 me new heeehyfuethee venaleeéefl :3 Ella: ehe fem fiufhcee of the qeeace ihail at the ezeyct fiefftenseeg the ieeaee e(aftee the tahingef 41 feeehfiecegnisenee ) neimee all emu eheee of ;ehemee ee (wee ef the aeeaee fee the few flmmtp, mg @heeih’hem,1b:he ie heeehe eequieeh ee flee up the feeme men a we , arm «the femte f&ffE’.§PkWIJ; flnhethae thefam flue ».fie’eeeT mere meet me take aeeee flhzee fljflzz eiitlfifi fg eanpfueh fiecegnieence fee eneene eeezpeefen ,V mheeeqf the one Inmpetp fez them: A efeihes , h the nthee mepeep fee the cflleeh of the geeeecefe; fiieng am keeping the fame ; that cyeeefpeettiae titfieehsenf the qeeaee male e »neetaee emeiaeghepeneefog the fiseeech arm hleeeef any eheefenfi name, arm the namea of his meeetiee, eufianpethew; {hail require the ihnzeg, neee that any fueh peefen ezpeefonee a hehemmhp mecngxxisemceashefngefaib)ma he puvete the teemale De ehaegeef fieneming 1'5 02 theiefihewhnisgenee «[02 efiecegnishaneesfi. ;bzetthefeemete eentimte of fezeeh euviflhtieeie h -iLine~e,eeceet ieeemfeef ,eaIeD0fane fitteete ‘ ,?lJ2,"@t1W$i€§ , ezetheie heeiating tbfielvnnnlflfi ‘A nefsete feemn;1engeevhWI1D,,exceptthe ‘Eu: A ei~i;;l’C€§ eeeee fee; the eefpeeemefimuntezeeei in eeeeeeeeeeeetbeaeeaeeg ,0?» <£emmifiieee W5 Infyeeanhiwemiecrrat ‘Wee §9H¢;¢?fl1;;d.5a,nela e k e Qelmeep, ’1Nhhh‘€m’11§e§?i: « e an ‘In in rflrtminal fiaufes in mete eefpeeti;bem’t~.~= eiifiew,’ the filutagefi ‘mf émfise, oefltmgee A miss, 0; fame of them, wail finne we came ea — eeleafe fuel) fieeegnisanee oz Becugnisancesg are: erm em am weep of the fam fiecege nisances flyau he caiien ante mew peat 0: oft: nee (if mceaffion than require) at the eefpectihe pgmete geffzfons foe eneep efinuntpfiiaunmeb, u iubettp oz m’ntfmn,mitl)in any nf tije fem eefpeetine muntiefi 3 fibiees mm % saberifinezxtg, arm the peefonfi haunt: to make that perfnnal mppeewance, the Qtleek oz «liege er nee eeemg above jrmw penceefoz nailing any em Imam. e W em be it hereby further’ czenaeten hptije mebouep afngefam , filjat if at any time o; times hereafter, A any peefon oz peefuns than coxltmit any offence e; nEencesmitbin,tDe3Bas time of Scotland , which by the flaws efetbe jmtien ef Engiand 1'5. are, A 0; than he neclaeen zahmngebtobe petty fiteafon , £LBuetI)ev, ansflazegijteejelontnzxs huening ufiemlfes ‘l aum mu, zmtglatp, aaobbing of ieeufesehp nap, fiebhemefiijeft oz fiape, mm no, em L flyeilflte oz efeawe mm the flatten ef E‘ngla11di arm be, 0; man he apmeljenneemitljin any sf fljtfafll finmnticfi efNorchumbcr1and, eCumbcr1~ 13nd~W€fim€r1ansLq2any DattS%0z¢11Ihetsoef e tbefatne , oz mntbxntbepattseozplace lyingé 0fl€D €5f‘l02fDfihe oftneflibeeu f”TYI1¢,.CU1":é»' ntomp caiien ozknonm ngretye namesnf Becié lingtonfhirc , N01-hamfhire arm Iflandfhirek,‘ the e ifiihn A ann ¢ount1> of e Ncwc°ai’c1c upon Tyne, enbtbe £omnofBcr~wick» upen Twcede, may V eitannxnaebe I thezemmneanneznemcesweeeoe, amttbenA it futfnz the flzeiheesy of : misc, llttijret, an: fiflisie 53*? ififi a»i32m§ti)e@ni%ite5n%f wag?‘-..:. mmwat thew wznceaf the m zimmzp , ma any fear 0% mm 3 3 the: 2 , % many mat of them , umnbue; fin’ W amawin fijeit mam! Maw V mm aamrz ezemsnzinationgf the fainwfiencef ‘ fiencw in open %ei!wn5,annpgegna11,t1 ammfars sf ta farm , wmarrant unmet that ,m wmann ann fznn an mm . w 311 fimmgvé mm A «%mmn flf Scoatl, fljwt tuswcm’m tijeit fit?-a aifw am? the‘ mam afmcfain W we tmte mm it isbmhy further mzactcn , Eat if cmnmittw. intmtbe. at any time 0; titms1)m ftemn p n as Vp~erfm1$1_1)zdi summit any Emcee; wfiencw A ft 1)m fiatinu of England. W we I3 Vii)? Jaatien mf Scotland, 1'5 0: mail he n eciaz°m mg agagen to ‘be away mmfon, ‘ mfnufes mp, 0bW?I’¢ $0953.; 02 8%; atmha 32 man qgaafcape intntbz jfiannizf % at catlandm n=,mfi)a1T1h¢ap 4 9Dm9 $3 up A flf Em mantras % 39 % .3. V! 3 , .' u- (M "' ‘H N “ :“ » ‘ 1 u“ 4 “ I I __ « 1 4 ‘$? % " mar , jfeiouious hum-.3: iaufw ann um, zmtgiaw, fling ‘P3 A A fimevivsttfiuf 2 ¢%rWic:k5RfiXbmugh, Selkirk,Pebles,Dumfi:eczc 0; “¥%*’igr0:n W mm m 3? in WW5?%31¢3% 611? , fif gT‘djgm. ‘> zawfztbe A H £5 A _ 3} fimlnfet mm mamas mm we §%t—a'm% W V England , tfijage mmm mm flw at ‘Em mm mg Vgifimgm Aafmi‘m"i:s W mam tijmsmis % fifiwifififi V % km "Em ms mmamm mm efiasmai mica: aw mm ‘%%w$mm?mn mf ’£im'm%% mm iaarimja ' -433,1‘: 7" Q9331, Efimfi maamaiw Kmfimiwziiy W € fifmafiama may mafia mg wmzmm fimi at am xzzam fifmm mm af'm ma mm mm menmaa am? My, fim ffijnuamia fix fijmmgm fifw mm, mifamwwtm mw‘§1amw M mm m mw mt;-‘mm wffaemc W flaffiésa, amp pmm that Ziaaam wmmimm i? m; Emaaméfi within Eng-T lgzxui , S<:;Qi;1anc1, mg Ireland , MW 3§3m§3h%’p ml tfijg mg fimwgmasy , m EEmt§iiJati)nz;flmiiA :%mnz@aaifi'é‘%? fmmmmn amp m®mming—.:huui'e,m f:emn:%az~$1 mm: mm anpmcia imam, nz watt m"¢%'$an§9 mmmw imam MW mm , oz fitmi may 2% mnw ®m%s,anh flaliflwmjmn m caufe éwjmemnmh fuel) fianmt 5 upnn cmnme $*m;'m mffazm 5.-fifimmm Em ammmmmn upon —mfi‘fi)g%§;»a’%§i:cm3e2:s12,LA Emu ‘fi)$mm%wJam affimt z3¢..:w;:mm%afmz m1mpfi"usU flfiefamm in zmmeijéenna yam} mnmum 5 am am am mew @§j£m'fi mam @§§m:a‘%fE$e $5 $33 wfibectmz cflmnntiw oz, %m%@ammm §;%hE‘:$; ma; cmnmmun {bail he mm iw%vmm’wfi wénnfijt ¢£mifitat¢ uftm :%§§a‘a?B‘i%§z3?m2 wnmwfm mm mmuze %n==¢ we mm W mmfimia A 311% TIRED Cflflhis gm ta ap”untM';m:h nation :3; W mm fimgfme W fi?£‘s am afun: é gmsmng fm mm mm faap: ‘ \ ‘ ‘ “ n‘ 1; ~ *' u ‘ ‘ r 4‘ Am H +«- » “ ‘ ;‘5$".\ *‘w‘vIP I "*5 "Vs ‘ . qr "‘ "- 's‘'‘ 3" fl. ‘ 1‘. m ‘ - ‘ 1 * ‘ +1: ’ ‘F "" TI w 1“ f’ ‘ L * M . ', <.‘~.j;“I; M ~ é V_ , ,,‘ ,'~"'ut , ‘, M. ‘ 5 ( “ ‘W « . ' “‘ “ fuifcaec arm avmemnnruct; % map; mbmfzwifcubemp {Itch,' £Df~.=~ mtm, am af the aaubitque %oners ,","é1acunw:t in tbs cmsljmuzr; ('9) wmnm mam my my in that (minty, anfi we fame mu m ammen mm hint upm mg Qfim B? it fiwtbfifi ¢$fl&C$€D am) V @€C1&l?BwD,:% “mam ma? mama mpwfonfitbat flyailmfcomt any amen mg jfewflfi Cmmirmnly caiign mg izrmnm?fljz mum at’ Mo1”s-Troopers, warming awn the ilfimmw nf England mm Scotland, up % any TOI‘i€S in 1re1and)miJB upun fwd) EI'fCflflB$Pi% % mam m avmenenmn aim wrmicten of any some mm jmmw ( mm mwcenp anew mepteh ) flmimpmx tmfatn cmwistinn mm the like ena- cmumgmnmt nf flan pmmns; mm all anew tifis nffim Mpmzim cmuntiw mm the jfact flmii ha cmmnittm, mm the may mnnicten, man ntampamnent tijetcnfaccoghingly; wwwwwflt fit “afieéfi L0Nfi0N3W % Printed by H EN2,H LLL s andjo I-IjNn F1‘ E L 1:, Printers to Hiéflighnefs the Lord 4 : P 3.0 T E C T o R. 116 5 7. A %%%%%%W "69 egzegxgggrga P 39 .4, "3’ %%%$%W%%%%