AS 0 E V“JLan}Idm VPrintcdf0r Edwafii Hfl_/Ziand,_ Prin.tcr to the Parffirnént offnglafld, % and are to bc;fold athis Shop in Flcetflreet, at tbc%Si7gn oftzhefifloldcm A S To be he Ca Upon Wedncfday the /i’74.«"’,.’ , It /1 ‘ M ‘_. N ‘ ‘N o . SK "~. 7”»-«,_ "M "“ For the Scfsioms of {He of Lancafler, Ift/I 125; 1d and képt in the jthday ofSeptcml2. next cnfuing. ic Lun —n_..._ _.._..._— ’Rdcr;ed the” Common: a_/flmilrled in ‘P A8 be firtbmitb printed and publiflaedy A ADragomncartheInncr~Temtrlc,1649a 4 ac‘, zsjunii, 1649‘. Hen: Scobcll, Cleric. Parliament’. arliament, Tbazma» . ‘I I ‘ ‘ A 9‘ 1» r ‘I ‘ _ «\ ' W ‘ W‘ - ‘ww « “ «. \ “ ‘ A " ‘ ‘. ,. . ‘, I‘ I ,, m I5 II‘ vfva. “ U‘ “ 01*-O‘ ll - tn 9 qlw‘-~" . .. ‘ H ‘ «Q-‘ I _ - ‘ . , .... ‘ “‘ '-v- , ‘ 1 w .- 4 ‘fan. ' “fiat-A ‘ '.'u“v »b’n'.a d’.'. g ‘I ‘ 1 . ‘ '4. I9‘ ' ‘ " ‘¢ “.....' .11 ‘ N 519 . L mg, ,-n .4 ‘ cc‘ «‘ ‘U-0 ‘ was no -; 5 “ A‘ V A‘ w “ ‘ ‘ ‘ . ’. 5 ‘ 4 4 » ‘ I ‘ ‘ , A ‘ ‘ ‘ II . For the Sefsions of Arms To be held and kept in the CA8 TLEdf A upon Wcdncfday the 5"? day ofseptemb. ncxtgnruin _ .,.. WI?m5?tbz$elIton5 of _i «. d2£ffi5c,3,annfoz1@1cas‘ . } cttritnttmianndtnmmlan ““ ‘ ‘ :1Iw8,(fa11 ntijet pleats 4 W Vfaztbc atountppalacine of Lanca{’ccr“,‘ Ijalncn at the ¢Eaft1e»o»f‘Lanca&er, ¢ befozcwv we was T, /,¢“ 3'"‘W5 Wvt W the ” * ' *“ famc;oun»ty %$m%bz+ ,4 I % I‘ " % % gun upon umm» - in of A ieut, being the t1)itmntI)Dap%nf March5Anno Do; 4 cnnunuenacdic mini} tboufagtn fix bunngcn foztp -éigbt 5 ant m chem , tilltbc 1-/-*1‘ nffitm ranwwomcns an Award: Wu nap we ran- ¢9cl1'tons, togctbet:%Ait1) au¢+pIcas,pzecepts, Ihzttmpzocmtecugnfsancefigarm aflbct things *%co%;1cettniug;Ft1)zA {amt fic£fto4Vn§ meveanioatnw; Mann appnintcn“to%mDn1bcn Aann4kept%%at:1: g %¢w1f¢ufLan%ca&er, anon 99 u%~twartm% ta tmzntictbnap Augu ff» ‘tD’mlmptvfbI1ni11; A gt‘ _ “ ¢;««“‘ '{lvu 'w mm _ ‘. ;1_btcn may effionsg getycc%ttniaup1ea;§;:ipzec€pts5~ " f %H2.4 A flnitfi, ‘ 1133if5$ 1920t¢f§aV¢CE@%1 (316) isancez ant: an other tt)1ngs‘§o%ncetnt~n4ti)e£‘ §»efl’mn%§ mztzfwss wet amou1:nm, mm am;ai¢nten to be ijfllh en. mm t1)e'fain in tbcfiffl) m.IZ3&k%0f %r$!1t.?t1)€11 nearztcnzinmlmclj Iain bcirions 1aftabohzfam,by teafmzof the men not coming nf~A.%kt1)2 jlufiices of 215:; ea (fa; we Mjlioztmitlt *®it£!;1(t) t0L3~fI‘cafier~,v cuuib not than be gamers, ma; any abfour‘itm¢”utt1)en mam, flu ¥ti5a.ttI)c~ matt¢I:s,%+ p1can;7in:g5T am rpzmzemmsss in the ¢L%ommnnmeaItb, as other fuitzs betwixt pan: 4 ti» ant: party. were nbiltucten, ni£cnntinu2n,:amJ putitboutnav, to the % great pztjaiwas men ;%_of%%tbe ¢ommonme_a1t1), as tb~eA‘3In1Jab%it%lt1ts‘nf t1JcvfaiIsV%Acountp,. am: tetatning of “tlJzvpubuquc { qmeansof ‘jluflice, by the imamn ibams %ot:t1Je VL%W11%: fmtemenpmbztenf, *i':mIl «f!J,t1) $ enntijait A :%~mz‘3In1)fibtt;untz of the ¢ faincoutxtp.1?a1aci.r;¢may Ijafie aim en;¢apw¢tbeit omen pztbimeges , arm pgceenacmzningtn the flaws oftljifi ifflatimt, %¢afozcMt'am W @i11&CtED'; fiflB it is . % 1. 7 ii ” ‘ % gamma n alamg towtbz ctzeningz uf¢D,%I;I%it1)in 7 [f?APa1ati"nc GE Lancafiér 5 it ca 5 § ‘Nun a WW View cmmwfi; amt? PWW-tineof J9a%fier,*%;W1i he L 0 we ¢ ayt ft 7;m%g %4*nW RWME L l ;,,u flu £333. CILOQS, j A I ‘ xv’ A A may to mg I aiiimvntfia ¢ott%»mtionA at? A W tiaefamc @cI1‘t‘on5,,as_ men fog ann conmnmg ¢En,acfi¢h vvthe autlmoziwef %%tI)ts:.pzefent 19ac1tame[nt,3Ebat tDe»%fai.n. c Q Ijgnapofi scgcéz%ib.:¢nfus ' C327) that all fad) pzuces,p1eas, nett7ttt,rt'jet£anb awnings tnemrp fuchactio :1, actionsfiutts, 1n?A. fnz pifimtfi,which.I13€1?e.Dtpi1‘¢Bingattbctimeilf the fam anjournmmtawof t1)ci’am%9vefimug, apmt fi)e%fatnV¢tgbt arm tc$ntreti)w n‘apéo£ Augua, any muunap in the fam% jftftlj «week of inn as a»;- vaovzfum flyaltiaann g;oonan%n.eflw'ectuaI,+ mm ha pzncemmiu arm tum foul), in may mane; my fmtn, am he in me fame plight, mafia, tnnicton am am: , am If the fame nzfcoutmuance , A om ittnttinmazljinetanceflbanncbztljappcnmzing um John PL~a1cPcon,one%oft1)z:3Iumce5 nftbe ®nmmon- flaw * n%tfm:1+timxauce‘, mifcantimgance, puttin mm); outflfimxannatnt mufecutjttg%nf we t';z tmtp nntmitbfiaubing. flan be it further by eenactenbp tI3e”autbo~;ttp afozmm, iwat ‘1¢_”agA.a(';A We9cminPtcr, mm ‘ Ff ra». ncié$ Tharp, nnzginf %&t‘lm§¢f tmpuhliquemscijeqtm, a)"a!1A:bc$ ?f tD€;f&1iD Qetfinns; antrtljat the fam faaffignen, oz one u;ftbem,AVaftetfuc' *tI)e»%%3Ews as mtazcjijtm W 4 3 befall powerammut:mztty,to 1:uttm¢it:ga ¢t§:,wT fam191ea~s annznce¢s,+;anb* things that nzpznn an ta:=yeaz:,ann V wtfijep an on: of “ them that! mg Byffiflif ~t[i11e tame pleasant: pm: £3 = fi'naily?%wnctermme t1)m:eapau;%ficmhinLyman A *ti”l’ll3afl’ C¢5 1 fnetw % fivzafov % fiuutss iothet ‘”%v&tce oz utticziz of ism £aVtn% tong, m*fazetsI)e ram amutnmzm5Vnf:"t1)e ram Iietfll @cmns]at Laucafier «night 1)aneiauc,%,an1ms In mfg t:I)mi3ab.t«mt bmumwAa11mutton, ;nifcene at wmtng V%efv:It1)e4f&iDJ% uflriczs as afozefaw atw:Tt1)at'tbep ’tt)m“fnzc==a1’rig‘mn 31114 aim, 0.2 nzwnvf them ,3 fl)aAt=1 mu‘: beat: a A mzallkmb all ma evwsnf % tea rmtmzs ,; I % -m aingflaugbfiawg 4 V “$5.3 mu ,. (328 D sums arm" tnfuricfi mblatfnem: n%"n:mc cmmf nttmn%b19anp%1perfon a:pe%%t‘fnns mI)atfozcr,% 3»- Afigainfl the @tatute5 EtHhL$.ana5 ¢tI)t5 amnion in fuel) cafes man-ean:B pznmmn,;%nzagainfl: the %¢ommn3La55V, awhilegw&‘i1m%4¢umus as 132 ¢£at’n tnfuntp Pa12tinc..%% emu p2ot‘eAc%ute'o %By any * % % er, fnzazintbeinamc f the fieepetz of the i!m.zmm"es ref England p ‘D. '3 {'5 e--: E? 3 0 ‘HQ '6 (V -'-'-’-a :2 73 N. W 9: 5 C3 antbozitp of1B%at1iau1mt,;fm man the behalf of tijzmfeiacmnzany of tlmn Vania aim to make oz caufetn be main a final: ®eiti.m:p there, accmn: tngm we flan: am: dtufinms n fVtl)i5 Jmtion mm tljattbe fafiJ%3lu£tice5, %ozene¢oft1)en1,. than acme arm pctfuzm a11wot1)m:mattAct4s anntljins, as all co‘ncccuing¢timtna1 as o.tun1munp1eas,;% am» all other pleas anbypmcea 4 %batfne1wet,? in may manctannfaztmaz any otI)et:?jnee:%oz3u.. an-,¢g%offiffigeg_at%Lairca{’ce%rI)ab£ufuailv nu annpztfezm Datamatimc,I)‘m1:o%fn2.e:may thedEI)am:el1az;n£% a of 02% time, an Ijctcbr gt autb*oz*i3%en annmamantuten to time fo2tI)to%t fainatfijgmn flf the $2{fl’i34‘¢fi ciimtpiafi a nzéfattgfoz the egzccntim-:1ofitbemes-% mites, incl) flnmmifstongnz mmntiifion,asin in an cafes yam 1193311 bmtufn;_¢ iflt1J4.’e%£)aiBA%ktn~uu+ %tyPa1atine vttfw ant: accut?tnmenN:A%%a1I at- £ba%timdmztts annimnces mithin ‘t fat hammtp,at‘Ambat: natutc oz I-titmz Jroenw nmacmi bc maneama{eaten unvetxtbecuumté A ‘can: annJmctcb mitijin ti) A V ‘timt aummtice to be given in an piacesitijm the [am ezmxnty as mm mtntn atmmes as itbmt, in an éfimm, fimxansy iamgijtz, %a-- jam, lmiiffgg ®memm:*as, macaw, flfiilxifizrs, mm mam; fqmzcts Ipljatfoebet, nnpelltng anmea fining matijzn the fam comma, babmg any that m an attfije {me fitzmmw ufw1‘z’3w, that they then mm were attexmupon the (am ‘yufiice 02 f3]ut”cices, {E be in all tbmgs requiftteto them aim-.= ing A anbwaflifiing :. $110 the min ollbancclloz oz mice-étbaucelloz are hereby further: aufljogtsen mm a19mJtnte‘o,to ifsue fnztb fucb dtomntifgion 9; aomxnifsions annex: the} fiqal of we faiia cuuntp Palatine, fog making of filutttces of Oycr mm Ter- miner, atmof ttjcimace fat the min county , in fuel) matter am) fozmas babe been betetnfozz in 11);; rain ¢ountpPalmnc%ut‘zn am) accuflomen mu-- natismutandis, Rm? flaw, fitatutc oz mmmam to theconttaty inaxw mite notmitfcanntng. . V‘ ‘l“ ‘ \ ‘Die Lame, 2.5§‘unii,1649.‘- A A Rdered by the Commons affembled in Parliament, That this Aét be forthwith Printéand Pub‘“h¢d- ‘A % AI-Jen: Scfaéel/,‘Cleric’ Tarliamenti. % w ‘ _"J.. « v-.. -r-«.‘. ' ‘ “ , . ' ‘ ' , ' .,_, annuuuna