A ‘ A A Landofg A Printed A by u ~u—_..._.._. . 1: OR T H E v . Committed upon, or beyond the Err» ‘ ‘~_. -‘,' ‘ ‘ ‘ ...-n-"\( ‘ 1 ‘K - -.__.\~_ ~-+: 4 \‘\\\ -... ~ . ‘N. K ‘ W a V1 \\ .' I ‘ V ’ ‘ ‘F 1:. ' \s« \ ,o‘ « ' .u_ ' y _ N3 / ; H ~ , . / 0’ "' ” M... ..w''‘' \ ‘ %Dic Jovis, zo sepcembr. 1649. IialeréaléytheCammansflémélcd in farliwmeent,‘ T%-bat M»? «/16? A beforthwitb printeglarz puélijb ed. 4 W mcnt offinglmafl: and are to be fold athis. Shop in Flectfircet, at the A Goldcn«.—Dragon,w near the Innezf-Temple, 1 ....“ fa/an Field for Eklward Hraflmnd ,w Printer to Punifhment of Crimes 4 Han: Scobcll, CIcric.Pa.r1iamcnt’. * ‘ ...._r-ups ch%c&ParIi‘a-4 f thcsigaof + z : ; 2 -ease» a.:.=:g,%;r- Wu A ar ment of Crimes « 1 AA Committed updngoi‘ be‘)/Vonc4Itl1¢:?'< i 3 ‘ . ‘ ' l ‘ ‘ .‘ \ ‘ "", I ‘ ‘ ‘ ' "“‘ “" "“W‘ u‘Iam-mun my ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ ‘ w'- ' . 5 V . ~ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ . 6. N I ‘-3; “H. ‘’v‘ ' " ‘ “"' ‘ “"""“'*!;‘ - I , v H ‘ V 7 I “ l ‘ ,1 r _, 1'.‘ V 2 u ‘M, ‘ , ‘ . 74%;’ n ‘V _ ‘ ‘ - *1 av -55" " * M H ‘ ~ ~ ‘- J M H M “ -*‘},_.,:A ;». A, ~~:__,. . 79 - 2» .5.‘-V’-'.‘::n~.§~:'«', ; A *+""~-"‘ ..“’ ' 3' I * M ‘.;:;. "" - ' . . .«‘. A mg '- V ~ “_,. I 2 W mmeam mmmm: .1 pm » ‘, _ ' ya "' ' “ Y '1 ‘ ' "1 '4" ’u ‘ ' ‘| . -' 7"‘ '=‘7,*t‘>*7,-“\2'~. ,‘ ‘ I ' , In 0"!‘ ” 1 ‘ v ‘ phi-mg~“v. >...‘\.’N' ‘ ‘M, " V 35".‘! 1‘ ‘-.9 .u~-"3", _: . ‘I ‘ . w ‘ 2 ‘Up’ ‘{'.i:.m '1‘ ““‘ “ a \‘:‘'‘-’t' ‘ . ‘ ”“ ‘ V ‘ V“ - . “ * , ‘ . mm 4, ‘ , , ,‘ ' =° *‘= 4% ‘ V “ ‘ ‘ - . n . ‘ ‘ . ‘ - . . ‘ V . . 1. ‘ , «.~:~=:. ~ . - ~u., - 3-; ' ‘ .( 4 V0 ' . ‘ ‘ ' ‘ 1 ‘ha . - ‘~. ‘ . - +4] . % V. ‘ .J‘ ‘\ ‘*:~ , ‘»U 4 , “ ‘ . .. *._ vwl‘-H maé , «M. ,A ; ‘ M 1 "A ‘ , ‘ , , ‘ .‘ . ., . V , ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘:3?! ' ‘ . . ‘ r"‘ “ ‘ ’ - 1?‘ ‘ ‘ A ‘ ‘ I ' ‘ u H 1 + ; : » ,,,, -Tm‘ ' M an. r * ' * .1 - . . ‘ ‘- ‘s ‘ . ‘ ‘ * ‘3«'’\‘~\; \ ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ 1 fl;:m:... ‘- \_'fl " _, ‘ . ». \‘r_“~:~‘d. 1| u\” G q. ‘ 5\ T’ ‘"V‘:V1,;‘L|.. ....j-‘W, ‘J’ 4» “ _ m ’ I ‘ 4.“ “ ‘ ’ ’ " 2.‘ ~"*”?:*.7*'”; .4’ “ 1 é ‘ ifimct A gg W %‘.m3”3“? “cf $133 Wméfiifififé 5 Q} iaw3“95*:» fiwjbbfi‘-= hr flomféwacefw tij»£ V ‘ *4 W ‘ 1 ‘\ ‘fr I " ‘ V‘. ,1 q M . 5‘ 7 «aw Q r‘ ‘ ' ,, W. ‘ ‘ ‘ V’ " \‘ . ‘ 1, ‘, “ ‘ ‘ 4. ' “ “ ‘ ‘N’ I v a, H ‘ 5,: . “ ‘ ‘I , ‘ _ ‘ ‘ ‘:9 '1'“ ‘my. ' “t, I ‘- f“ “ ' SW‘ ‘ ‘ V ‘ ' . ,f .y '. 1 “. 1 -¢ 4 M 3 ‘X N K I’ } 0 . 4 I ‘ : ‘ , 1 4 . I V I ‘ V‘ , 9 "‘*“ ~ A . .. 1 ' ‘ an pawl V ‘ ,. - .p'. _ ‘L I ‘ ‘ ‘ k t 'v ’. 1 ‘ ‘U’ o. ‘ ,, V‘. ‘ 3 \ ‘V; V I ‘ 3», 1 ‘V ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ | 1 ‘. .\ I - . ' « 1‘ M I‘ « ‘ ~ . m I ,1 I ' ‘ I , ‘I,’ L “ I V ‘ ‘. " I ‘, B ‘I . . V I , /' ..1;‘.,‘..,__~ ,, ‘ , -v-'1 ‘ . ‘ .,;.. ".'x~“:~, _ H ,5 ' V ‘" w “"1”3*¥m.:%Ww1?¥m A 6 new %a1rmz;; ve,%:uin%mtt:m acs:, fifihfimaf W?fi¥1*!€ fi1W¢~fb€ flfme mm % V (554) imtuue nmoatj mmanceoz 2ifim!mWfi"=C& mflltthfozflJ¢AI311h11qIW%§ motes otwe ;fu£lJ19lace§"a D tmplnymmt, annlhit utiamfui \ fm any ;mnate%mmfit‘”of%tne @mnz‘cs>£vofix% % warrant arm authnzity farm the pubtiiiue “ta A 32 ‘inch vz§mt¢ xmzfows v¢fnecttbeIz*t % M “ mm mm nihtaimn; flab all Qljuttijct T flaugijmtg ,cqn1mittgD h1>VaVttp?A of tbs; *:I12atum1”“ iwigbs of tiits 5r'2atmn, ummnz agatntt am» of tbegonhpzngic of the fan1¢ inatw tI)z~3Fn;@teig%tt paws mm; mm usher (upon atwmattev, caufcoz neg 4"»- mfiw rmginaéilzr h eginning mitljin this iL+ann,nu«.~.= I ting fuel) time as fuel) pmtfnnfiban t1J¢it¢abnnc mitijm tbefanw) £l)a11he bencefnztb cztquiceablc, ttiahlc anD$netcvA11u‘n‘ah1c hefozc the ungesaun filufiiccfi 0f0ycratmTcrmincr,A,annn c.£5oa1scAi:;; % new in the febetal am: tcfpzctmfi §1J1"cesa%,n11 ’ I . mtts at” 1:13 '1: 4120 ‘ mtffiuns, where‘ a p ta 1) 05% A “ fB1’i‘D et§AI1)afl:b¢ futmjn : mm: the ram unges awn V‘ tIJ¢II1I1iv¢cttzij,’£l)i111m1mt1)~cfamein thaw % V time as;%t1Jw.fl)a11b01n that §>¢I£iuMw ”33uf*tic¢sbz21wztt1wIJmof,atm of the: e'maWom- xniflfmtw of0’yer,%%T¢rr11in.eraamJ<15Da1::€WBW%* A 9 I7 4‘ émgi‘ §1JI,I:r¢.« taut tf am’ *AUzmct11>.ntfpofznof,%ozot1%an , mament oztmr; nun mum iJ2111AAb¢%m%% atvfuc of £uch e eoee zo seem. 1 6+ 9. % I Rderedbythecommons afTen1b.lcd inPar.... liament;.,Thatthis Aét be forthwith printed h 3‘ of andpubmw.d« VHafiz30053146/ericeT“”fi“”’é”"i' .___.......... y w ‘u -wrwlur «"7 --u ~—— ‘ I V , ..._..————-