-as -as ->3 gggssssassséggsssasa m1>.:2md for jozanwrzg at the Kingsflead ‘afi- ..¥s.a;‘* An ‘additionall L M“ ~ as $ 1 -us.’ g OR D I NA N 0F%'I*HE 3‘? %;LRDs and co%MMoNs:;§: Affembledifl 1 . PARLIAMENT, $3. $3 FOR :§.The true payment .of TI T HES “% and other Dmies. 3° »% A Diel.-unae9.%Aug.u1‘t. 1647» A 3 Rdefld %b_y,&.tbg Lo}-dr Aflémlaléd in P4~rliazr/'ze:zt, A "That . t “tbz':7V.ziddz'ti-anal!(;rd2‘1ianceVfir;%p4}ing af wft/2e.r,Tbe fortlwwitb printed «and pu1al:ffl2¢d.. ‘ V L o N D o ‘N in the oldfiayley. I647. vzh%®~mM«%@M»«~%»%'¢=;*::W&¢«xw%@axv» §%‘§*ss&%~%s.%%aww?et»= Y% A V DL_:wz..2 9.Augufi. 1 64.7;. .. ............—... ¢ Additibnalhl% Ordinance ofthc Lords and %CommonsaITemb1c_d in Par» A.L h'am~ent, for the true payment of~Tithés _ A ‘ x A anmd _0therA duties. I 421 Aha ve. been raifed, A kw Hereas ~~ fome Mdoubfits _ ther Minificrs Put into A Livinfis and S(:queftra- . 4 tidns y Ordinmcé o£ *raz~ed by:hem,% ?1~;cVcomprizedL44 wirhinzthe % » 7 {"3 4 M ‘*0;-1ngnce1y eight of owveymbel‘, A L % «Lowi‘% 2‘/[mated ‘rzeiazgf; (A 2 V went bochHoufcsof*APair1i4- Q ment, ;or" Committees thereuntoauthor-A Pam merit t-be Ar;~»;§;;a)$;;ezz: Ti'ét32m;aWv— a7zd*1Czz (1 $1’ A air . ‘. u. ‘.,g.'‘ 9.‘ .‘ v . . iih~ereo?, n er of A Peace ought tO,;'% {P"150¢€€d %1l1P0i1'?hC 131113- . The L0; VWEAM n«}oms%a£1”mj:u%b1ed in“ Rar“l§a'1ne11tV {gr prevéintion (:if% I “ [T¢:;=;a};e»s», dc ~»’LDVec%]ar;e,V h~ait% gm». 4!; “ in 15 %a:nvy »P~:1Lrf'%67 na*“ge,+¥%I§5e'@to%r'y ~.V14C‘=1yI‘ag€:°Y ‘ Ecclefiafiicafl‘ :Livy;1ig, by ,@Wa%y pf‘ %S¢que~-1 1:‘ ‘ wxwfi L ;EhéHQtr vth bY%fb °tih£<>f eithfir {as q£,%*r%a;:1;an1ent ? T “ Va * mihwrity. . (If; .'any *%V3l~im‘1r10e’v;0r 1*" ”‘ a ‘ ..‘.,M.' f‘,,;.s' ‘. AV.‘ E “ “ «L W ‘ ' M‘ ‘ . I . . ;_‘ “ ‘ ‘ I M A Pm nVenrt’%. {hall ~ V’ nda: W: Ibwfil ‘ ‘M 4%. at u ma ‘' ~ ‘:3 \ ‘ \ W W ‘ “ I . H JV L“ ‘ , .M ‘ "1 ~ ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ ._ y"-»i,,;' ‘ ‘ 4 ‘ ", y _ ‘ z5§.’} If;J0l:»..t«‘ _ 19 A A f9 fie %7Ti»i1iés;*“ and o»the1~: D¢ufiésAby%‘% _~.v‘)€~§rtw§'1L ®”“'f"‘, tgcgFa:d% rélrdmmanccg In up "no %%%1c~map;1€rté§é1%1vifl¢§I¥¥54“4NV ~ fl . e: um} ‘ ‘ .\ - ». W M, ,,,,,,-«mm w ‘ ,3 4 W‘ nflv ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ . ‘Q * . “ _\ * ‘V *V _ ‘E _ ‘ '1 “Pm ~ ‘ I I 3‘._. ‘ W‘ '., , “E, "; , . L m , « ;‘w \#;»r»,*» ,‘ l 1“, .:% f .;: * ‘-: 1:1‘ u 7: W "e- - -6 “ ‘ ' ' . % ‘ ‘ “a 9f% Pé;z¢e‘111“?Iw»©1a;¢ ‘f"- h‘ ‘ 1 : d~2%;1::z:e ra;d¢Vor;1;. %A¥~4ét»lic~fi %pe:4:“2ax1»x: we *1%o‘z~cI1%~ % A '5ii?fai1"&:f7e," * iriiii1i‘ecIiatE%y% A?3z»’it«hm1t54%‘dt~IaAy.V~=4AiVfl‘tie b‘1é4s,‘ o:~V%oth4c%r ” fT1‘;:;a:q-~95, aiumfiola p~%m‘on or pc:r*;€bn*s wzhb 1am;4 hemim man flare ta 4 %”i*I%heis,,‘¢, A¢a;tes4¢% 4% 4 *r : ts‘, "(Jr U‘-5 er*D‘mfi7E%s,4 to 4‘ p¢,art%)Aé3‘fore»flf;*en1;%'ia:u: L€l1‘eirne"xt*i1i01i€* %Y‘*fh€€fzh‘g‘;%%§r if5° I1€*1Ts my ‘ «- r’ fi1%i3’Fiii‘iiif::§,V‘ fwd :1 M 111*”? any Minif*¢£°r?thcx'P:rfon Wh§tf°%ef. Afi&3~“if£‘éaiE. A * ~;~ ;, ‘ if . ‘Q ':.r«,,§.;&.yi:AA‘m: “ ‘ r‘ “ W I‘ ‘Q: ~a-M" W fm fhe ’Pa‘rtij;:;s« mu sq-3: L “iv*és“ the ~ r‘ \» ii % ; W"' V 1 ~ 2 4 2 5 W wywi. M '» V V I ~ A A S A (I'““*H ‘ ' vifa“ xw.‘-‘:1 I " V » ‘ 4;» H x , ...:~~‘~,.., . k P 3 vr.-' 3:. ~.qx«;u“§ wgg‘ :3“? V1?’ ; “ 4' » . I a ~.* ,,‘ M! 4-(‘Ta £4 “"5. J" fimwgfi , "tl"“k“w'I« 1;!‘ 1%,; “ 9' :5 “‘%J%"-«,fi‘ ~. ‘ “VIM .1 +'‘''‘‘ ‘'-»I'\‘ 3% 7” ‘ ') ‘ . ~ % . _ ‘ % 5 fix I Q ‘I “ ‘: ‘ H mi» 4. v ~ 7’ . 133 paid within thé %timé“in"rhe T1id.()i*-»M& fiinancemenrioned» thenrhefai«*1JtiIii~ 4cesfl1a1l up%0ncomp1aintto them made, fend forththeirWarrants4tO th¢,Confia— bles, Petty%-Confiablés, ior fi1ch"othc%r fit perfonsa 3? fl1‘a11Tbeby3the partAiefsA named, “ ‘ -4...,“ to whom%any -filch mmme Orfummes upon A fuch r]udg§mAent%:fhall%be due, V to A WdifiraiAQ¢dvf;i111 and every,‘ orlany the Goqds Vand%ChH=1tfitel~s of any“ p¢;{LfoAn%§or“4p¢rfons4fo ’ r<:fufi1‘V1g ; and tc) difpofedofif the » A faid% Cioodsand .Chat”§€1SA ac‘c0rdingA‘t0 .i1ii1P0 fcfflfih ' Fines and Pe’Ii‘a1ti¢s,¢ n0tfexceedingAt_heA%V 4 fumme of forty Wlitiasfia th<=..C»011A* 4¢fiabl:=s,P¢ttdy~Cwbnfiablfig and Other 05% mmwilfullyref'ufeor‘bcneg~ th?¢ir as M 9 r W ‘ [M if :." ,; x ml? 2 ' , ‘ ‘ , 0 ,, ‘ ‘ ‘ H ‘ I ‘ 4.» r ‘ ‘C :w%‘‘_‘‘ 1.,’ hr: ‘N in aw: 1" éaw :0» ‘zmzriv W ',~ »- is» r ‘ ‘S ‘ . ‘, M ‘Y ‘N K: 4, ‘ex _.,...,_' J7. ’ ‘n‘w “ ,‘ “ ,,.v-,’ if .33 * \ F.‘ ‘«w' w w 7|: “““’# ‘MI’? 15;‘ W!‘ W” " I V ‘ ‘ .1‘ % W % % CCQU C final ‘ % 3 ‘C3 % are * 30”‘ I ‘:2 ‘ - g‘ ‘ A ‘M 1’ ' L “‘ 4 ““2"7 Jr IE1 1'7 “ ‘ X " ' «E3 “V W I" ,‘ F’ ‘f» . ‘f ' ‘ .' 1' x3“~'uw. ' «W '-" . " ~ v ‘ ‘ ‘ ' .5 .5. .‘ . Mj;.,,‘,$.,;, ‘ ‘ ' ihfé jfformér for Tithés , i*a€herfor V vexati-~ evcytation and delay ,thenotherwife5 Be it therefore Ordained, That4noeAppeale {hall be receiv ed’ qr admitted ?thereup- e on untill the party appealingfhallléay 4 downe in money,either with the faid Ju- fliccs of Peace, or in the eCou%rt‘of Charr- ecery, the full value of the Tithes adj ud-~ Ii ” ged before the faid jufiices, way of fccurity, to yrofecute his Appeale with efFe&,' and to render double cofis and damages to theparty injur’d or delayed by the Appeale , in cafe no reliefe be gr‘- V\ ven upon the Appeale to the Profew W ‘ u cutor. Provided that this Ordinance ihall‘ V continue and be in forge from the fame and twentieth day of July, 1 647. until! mare day of November, which nun “ be in the yecre, 1648. 4 FINl&e