~t§,§,,§4@d&4§&%W@M4bW,% ‘ g é§RD 11$} é Q -aw 3 ®§§°° @§%* E The Lords and Coinmons affembletlfi V in PA §L I AM E§N,f1'5 4 4 M’ ®’;%%@-=~I%%% fl JQEW %%%% ¢?%% A% In thetcaunty ®f.x29\1i6/5//£3/Ex, A "For thcmaintcnancctof Forces f'ot tht Defence W of-the Cities OF L ON 1) o N and We 5 '1'- M«I.N«s'rE R, andCounty of . M I D DD L as E. x._ %@ of B n 1 DAV G wt, and prcventingofthe-Incur&~ fions of the Enemy lletcafter. A ‘ Qlidcrcd A the Commons in Parliam , That this Ordk . I ®%% %%%%%%%%%% A A Printed for Ea’W.PII«IJéot7¢a'.r. Febr. I‘~;:W.I64.3~. A » ¢% 3 ‘V ‘M I ®§“§¢ FOR trms, RAISING OF ?§m‘:%€:‘:’.f"1;hC ”Cm1n¢-«V “ty of ./YZ/idcz’/4778.76’, mall be; and_ are hercfiygzppoimscdzmd%O»r%daim:d "tQ«4_b€"a’C0.n1nj_§iEt§€ for Voluntxcfrs of the find Councy,and~fii«:h other b%%rce.s.4 as; re or fh zdlf be Araifitd and%‘i11ip"1oy“cdAfor the p1*cfent d”ef¢A1:ce‘¢ ¢QF..the‘fai_dMCb},:n)ty an;d’~City,“ W, the ’O°rdier*a,n;d direflioin Qfthc7§I)cé3- . §§fty=~Li.€"Ur€;!L?.i$1fS f<>f fix T % Cfotxfngy ' Ar1dJ that the ;(3o;ftmitt€&:*, kg;»“;“beVma;or pH:11jE bf‘£f’1€m,i7l‘13l1{’c?z1Md may xvx;i1Aal1conv‘cni» r},, Vap;§c2;r,_in forr1*?:‘co1w&':n%ic13i”t% pm;-e or places Awithinrhe 4§f4,id -Cg§é7é_t;g;,;,Vt%he%V1‘rc W §oV%1d.ers,aind other In.h.1*bL1ta;ms of the faidt come A rt fuch V+3=oAn7tri~bu,tionsr3:o ~rh~.: Him and d:t;fe%nc‘c;—.o£’ ».4:!21c:f"aid/ Config- ‘t}‘v"",“%‘w‘i1%%o:i*i*’¢“aBIc“_A:o bcsar o%.r'“%fi;1de Armsg, of €07 «gamma {:6 tovxz~a\Mré1‘s»?tIie §«.:amit‘b3 ~miV‘:.&ie*gnx A e‘13a%~guemaW, ‘iaaabm *~Ei:*£:n?1‘fiJBL1,~'€T3'3f2:“ki$l mam V f‘j§35ii'2;»$:{i352‘u11 ,f 31¢-=:’£)‘nA $92332-£13t%:‘:IaA~ijt2=*‘r, %ZmI?%i4AiEia%11t ‘4flr:n1~m‘l~i3T;AAAv'% -’£%§*z‘1IL1“2'.2: A f'f:m':.nE;% 7ar:::§ "tn %%Vp1‘Qpé%u::d Lzméo crzkni ‘t»l1¢ ‘p"r_éf€ m and men :2 ;.J_A A dLu,1gct" the wzmte 1{11ig d0nw,and% ivn‘p%a1"£ic:c1I*ar%thi§ Cq1xntyais&%;;;~ f11fm;n%f,%% by ‘uh £3 w%14ck md T‘rayfe%re not % the Rm 1 of "tW€fity ~f11i-H: ngsfbr off:::a¢é, ac»Vbe&»1ev;»eg1jbyd;1%re—{{e%andM: W % ' n%F%t71i%e:~~C%ffcndéx1§*&go:;qd«s,*Eo.jth&Aaft:h4cI=€ih}h";€11ti¢:‘ned; iitydfcsé *.3;5s;:; fiifh i1fipri‘f0nxnént Ext-ve%e;dc*V110t¢V t?hc%f1§%aCe of win ;day¢sr, T01‘ e.vcr~yofF;§ncc5 “(And fbr the%doipfgof”*aI4l things Aclvfc, V n€f:*d;fu4ll %’fC3r thc p;‘efervaAtion; :d;_-%~fcz¥*:c<*§, and'f;a.fct.y of‘ the fiud%Vv*Co%unty; ‘%And for? 1:he‘ b€ctcr m‘i{"ing A and Pfsi>(:tIr1.I3{?, *of‘ money fo%2*?%~x:hc: leyvymg and»»m:unta1nxn$g% "of" “I3UV1fC£fsj‘as‘£h"a"1l‘?:f‘c *t‘"£&ii1;'df0.1“’t;f’1Lt’;C(E:’EH;1 ty ££fQr“§:f’:1id1.% % 7 % _I"t is fu rrher*Dec%4i;ircd;~a1td~ 0r%dai~nVcc} ., ‘%tAhaAz: th(:"f:1‘id Cc>n*:mi1f:3ee~~<:»rt J may ~fcv'eVn?qr4m0r“e* ofthcm {lull hm: poVwVcraa11d an: h&:rctbhya1%1t114o~ rifaéd to Afleffc aIt‘1d‘°l aX,.‘Of to n0m12»1a¢te{VAm:fl~o;*£ ¢ to Rate, I'M, and AL¢vf1~€,»~L1‘pm‘nThe‘ fi‘1‘Vf'3~t‘2“;§t‘r'l'd* 1€&fp€~c"fij'é ~’Ij~Q\~grx’fms, * To \#;*rifhips‘, I~Iam~*-~ Ices,~*Li*be1*t%ir~:s;PIaVcs:$9,T’%€:x?1f<5r19,and Inh2tb7it*ah‘ts wit},'ii1fi"thc {aid ICc~-1m«- vtygin a;1zc'qua%1fway a~r:co‘rd¥ng wtheixvwfiffatés gmd *.rl~3i71iAtic*5 ,andTa->c:»A %’c9rdijng t.otj11em oi'1cLzftrallpropmtion o‘f’FAR-M25, in’ the lafl: wéflkeiy A’fl2:ffment%sAcher¢; fuIchf.1mmc: and Afi1,mmfe9* Vof 111%r:s*;1e}*, as flumbe by“ ‘ them jtxdged com/cnxcrxt and r1ecei‘I'stry*Mr%‘ the 1*afi1fi‘t1g,~ arming, sirw ~ Vr4:iyi;f3,£_{,frt;xini;1g, d%ifci}1%li%niiT1g; and [~maifitaé_i}‘niVngof dtIié’f3idMF0rt§g;y% ‘*p1*ovid'cd thstatgjkijfi6?XC€’€d%notthefi1m1‘hC 0§9tW0 Hu%1%:dx”éd+andmfifL§r “pcmndsby t»heweekc*:Aand a?l{’o that afpectall‘ care‘¥an:d refpefl: be A bad (in allfitch R‘at:*e¥s)o%fCafingfuI;h,a54acc0rdAi11g%fo their dbifitia A ‘*and p,owcr dofvoliztitarify %comtr1bu.«tc Ho+rfc,;Moncy~, (yr ~Armes,, '61“ ‘that {MP1 Vwoluncamy lift thernfelvcnor othertvifdadvancé ‘%t:Ii#Ac.fI§f?_x~‘1-%- ~- *pl@yment: aforefajtd. . And; the {aid ‘Corrimittee or**;111yV; févtti ‘ of them,~wi1:‘h rm: approbation and confem of «two fir %~mo%1j\':}%7iEi_;1 "r1:*1v¢¢= 4 ~ 7 over plus to the 4owt=1er and towners thetieol" tefpe&ively§ Andgif" any Dept-zty Leiutenantse of the fai.dllQot11tty-, {hall hays power ~31-131; A _Autho1*ity etonomitnalte and appoint: CQll€&Gt1‘SI fo 1“ the monies j [(5 f , ' d ‘A[F.:{1Efld.‘ and Rated asafotefaid according to tl1isQWtdiné‘nCe,tvhich l 1a,idCol‘let°torsthallcolleél: the fated monieesweeltely, or Other\w’ife; d V and pay the fgmclllnte fuchlpterfifon or eperfons whom“ the‘ {aid Com. _mittee as aforefaid {hall appoint T reafutet o1*eTreafi1relrs ‘thereof; and at finch times and“places,as they flaall r’ec‘e£t'dedmite&ion from the {aidCohnamittegwhiehlt‘Treztfutet ordffreafurets fhallf pay ahd ifihé d forth the {aid money, as he or they tfhaeltl receive Warrants froth the faid Committee oreany {even of ‘-them, two whereof" to ’bce'D,gPm;_y Lieutenants of the {aid County; and if any fo.f:he fa-idle Affeflorsd of C0llf‘,&01‘Slha,ll 1‘t'2ful,‘CiEh'Cf'3.id fetvice, ,or“‘ptove negltgentthetcin, the faidCommitte or hum.ber asiafotejfaid, fhalllltaxge power mfg; A fuch Fine upon him or them as they {lull thihlt fit, no[t”“e2tceedingten~ l pounds upon an Alleflot, and five; pounds upon ‘a Cdolleetoer, togbet leavied by diftrelle and fale of Afuch Qtfendets goods to the ‘dfes A hlerefn ~mentioned:; &Anhd%jifany petfon otl perfons who zsorare l chargeable by this Ordinance, flaall tefufeltot pay the fem or fitmmes A A .”l‘lpOIIl'l-iIl'l0t'_tl'-1f2‘1‘I‘l Allefled by vetme of this‘ Ordinahee, or "fhall not pay the fame ugson demand made by the tefpefttive Colleétotsll l theteofi; at the place of his or theirAaboad , or where fudch Affafil ment {hallbe;mag1e,thatthe_n'thefeverall Colleétors {hall rett; tn the nameslof all fuch perffons unto the {aid :tCommitteev as "afovre1'a'id,who fhal havewp ower andtare hereby Authorized to grant forth Wtarranf; in wtiting)tmd‘ert their hands, onto any ,Ctonl“tahles orother Officer: l (whom they {hallo conceivemof’c meete) for the ieavying of the {aid 1 I fummes(taxeddandeltfetatndl byt:htm,rce£u1"f¢deor n4egleEl:’edl_to‘"bepajdV l l as afotefaid) byway ofdiflcrelfe and falettdof the goods of the perfon A otperfens fo refufing where ever the fantefhxli be found, and telling fo n1t1t:h%asmay fatiéfifi and pay the Aflellment, and teftoring the ’ C perfonor perfonslfodilttained, 01‘,0tl1€I‘5, {hall make tefiPcam_:e,.t tt: {halland maybetelawfulltoeand -fot‘ the fitid lColnf.’cablest or’ other ’ dOEfieers, or any of them as they flmll fee eaufe, toeall to theitfa1'fi- Pcance any of the hTrai11¢d Bands,‘ Volantie ts, or other Forces with-V--V in the {aid place or placesjwhete fueh_[refi£tanCe~{hal1bcmade, who 4 ‘Date hetebyhrefquired toibe ayding and aHifii‘ng.11nto__thCm inthe pre- miyfles,‘ as they“ {will anfwtetlthef Contta,ry’thetcof§ And in czifet no A tdiltrclle is or mavfltbe found, wherebyto f:1t_i5fi€ja1‘l1Cl‘pay,th€ fummes Allfieflled as aforefgtlid, Then the {aid Commihttee or any bfeven or more ~"lof'then1,.l.vvith» approbation a11d.alient‘a‘s aforefand, lhall A‘ lmlvel power,‘ and are hereby Autheorizged_tolSequePcer: theljRems and other Emtzssl A «v of, all fuch perfbn and perfonslfpl’ refufinlg or7_11egl.ec€’cing to playlthe fame luntillldheh trime as the {aid Rates zmd;A£'l‘eflh‘1entslll}1all be h fill» lyl fatisfied and paid,and all'oethat_leheir’Alr.mes— be ltakenl away and A feized by“ the f§idAACo%m:1ni"ttee. orA“teheir*Age»nt.c,for the i1fe~janddefence A .+ Vof the {aid (loll-unty. 4 performs {hadlfinde him er lphemfellvesl ;1g.1~eevled,and~can make it truly and 1ufl:}y%lappeare»:ha~t he orehey 13 {mare ov%er-mated, fuch perfofl or perfovnsat: alnyrtsimel befc_>reA ldiflrlefler tak*enllloFe+ his ;or. :'fll‘éflt‘x§ goods; And'lbe:itefurther Ordmlelzl the: perfon or A A may compllfaineltoc the Comnulrateeefdr theT«w~eell{l~.}x Afi“e{l”ment’sdol' the A {aid-bounty or any ‘two= of them, llw‘ho»are‘Ahe1'ehyl invelled vdtli A ppwellr and.Authority to 1*e.leVeve;1;hem as they {hall feelcaule...‘ ~ And helit fimhen Ordlainedjarld dec¥lared', that whatfoever {um-3 A sf nnoney are or lhallibe. l'etA or ih1pel'ed» bym vertuze of z:_his ; Oeddinanefe, I upon *é.ny«L‘a;ndlollrds,l,fo:r orl:liln*l‘relhecSc»ol£; any. La'n‘d:¢,~. Tenemems 0:: ~ Hereditamentsheld of them by any Tenants, the fame {Tums of Moe- hey {hall he7.pa§id‘:by; thl¢i‘r5feAveral7l a'ndTrefp_¢T:ixke Telnlants t for and on the hehlalfofthe laid Lan%dlbrjd.s)'lWl1iel1 {aid firmds ofmoney(heing~ psa.-ldkbly the«f:alid’«§17enanif9~A:)vtheg;Mflxall Vydleldmff and def%luwlkelloL1t7of “the x1exp«.R:e;m:s lpayeahlelhye tehlehi L1z?zroftheir%Landlordes”zand for fade» ing,; the faidj?» T:e11ahfsllhall‘ble «(~ by force ofthis Ordinance) vfaved ll1i;tmelefl"e,ll. r; 1;. e V‘ A T I 3g A 5 A A ' ‘ Andllbeflt: fi~11't:.l1crQrdaimed7and‘Decl:a»redl by the lfaid Ldrds and A V Kfdmmdns «ix;x=e=I?l;t.ifl'ia»11i»lez=i~g:l,;lthatxthe feidlChmmifteel and Treafi-1_1rerse by A tA;c-hem appointed ‘I Ordinan=Ce%;ll,«fl1la.I»l lfr'oml‘tx'me:m ri:rn+e» give ~-anl~}£eelmmtlo£ _‘£lld«\filA§(3ll‘fl.Jll~’n5 money as"flialVl theme 5be~~Lcvi’cCl Jagad amifed by" ,hver»wel of itllliis»-’ rdinance; «amid how iflfued forth, A 1 xxntb n theflommittele‘femhell weekly Al-l?‘:fl'emeg1~tsTforthefaidflounty ll j 7any;, two . “bile gfirhenl,‘ Iw hereof odel7tol~ll he « a=5lDep1iti‘e. W Lievlren<.mr,’V ll‘whenll:and asrofcen as they lfl:1a.lll=flbe2’lbyl :tl1em‘calll~edfif, hé.reunro;A l : ’Ax_1d it islfurehein ‘(led aihnedland.DeeIared,that the {aid 4 ComVmil:tfe'c ~ appA9lnAted by this Ordihnanc e or the major part of them fhall rhave Awpower and..au.theri1:y. to ,AAAad dc: A11nceA[A:hlcmfe1m-‘ssh {such other truftic per-~ fonsto beuoftheir l Committee, as {hall :bhnominatede»by them and W \ approved of"hy,both Houfeslldf Pfafliament,A and fl+rall‘”have Fewer to apppint «Be make out9frI1erhfellv§fuch Shh-Commieeees as unto them» l lhlall {ecxn_e2~;pAcdicnt, cmty Aef .whi,<:h Snb—Commircces‘lfhAall and may -aexercife. and 1&':ite+cL1te fi1cAh.Pc-\§*c: an-dmtlthority ‘ias;-fihalllbc Adelegaigd: V 1; _. guntuék A "berm: Expeditiozz arndA.Exccuti¢am Q‘: "the: prcmiflézs. <8) mute ihqm,«By tE’&"f.§if6r,ws‘ ha, '€‘i‘gf3_,r1f€,d. and‘a1,1;Q_Wc;d~!t@(:e"4&vh€ri1.‘5y%at;hi$ prcfem Ordm~ance.$ ' A 1 2.; 1 A %‘ A A ; A A v And lafily itzisgordaincd , and dL*ciaredf[by A::he‘;fa.id~ 1.9-rd‘; and Commemin this prefen:~‘%I’:1rliament Afi'c:m‘b.Al.ed, that Lbs {aid Pnrcbs ‘xaifed by vc11tLimf:::%his Or.d‘i%n:;1i1~c%e;V fi:mv1*l;*4I)e ;rd:e~rc_d Gama rmd,Ex» «ercizfed and difpnfed.o£byTe£hcA:AfaM.’ Cmmmijttae orvth ’;%A1afm:.%»pa%r£= of them, by the Acwice:1ahd;..diner£1iion of t:l11c;}Lo£1ici~LieuuemammrD:¢pm:y Lieutcmnts mac {aid County éf jIx[iddl¢f:rx A air an thme of them, for ch}: dc"fénic'e and fafdty o?f~ n:heTfa:i%d”A C0u%nty5 a.n“5 Aflfialal i*wtrat‘ ,any time bVe%dcaVwne%outwf thcfamc i ?;'sIi.thout*”t:»11Je%irA; C0fifcnts,,:%A%'as aa%for¢fai‘d»; -Provided a~l:;w aids %th;’1t%tfLf13chi§fRg;u;€:$ and Affefifcincnts Ms fl§x.a1;1b,t: wmade iby vhrtue bf x:his.Ordii1 ance uponmyw 1Mcmbc;r%s;., ‘iAfs~i£’cantsAA«oAf%A An»- =tr:ndants, xzpca-17:e‘iitI1%er4o£the Houfw of Parfia-tn¢nt,; ~fla1l~1* befo;"m'% fnhe A xfamie be“lcvied,bc p rcfentcc;1t=o%VAth7c rcfpeétix/6 ‘honFcs,wl1ofcMmnb%¢rs, .AfliPcants, or‘ %Ar4tcnMdants~T;fha1l.%be.Vc&oncé:tnc;.l»th6:réi41=mtefpr:€aivclyzgfxnd by fuch refp ctéfii/£3 Ho11%fc.akl#idw,e¥d and appreivcd sof fit «:Ar1}J 4:t§£1iz~sgj:“-M1" vtfiis‘ ()rdizja*nc6 £:*'}ntai%hcd%4%t0*th~1e contrary ’nbtwithflandin‘g. “ Ln .. “ . -—._..... an--v-W , H ‘ ‘M ‘ ‘I 4 ‘t ,. M» ‘ v , . ;, . .; ‘ m ‘ . L» .‘ . U