l 5 Forttl removing all A l A l Papil’ts,ancl all Officers and Soldiers of Fortune, A A V Anddiversother M I‘ A D E LINQ L1 13 NT 3 Frem London and Weflminfler, and confining them with-. A in five miles of their dwellings 5 and for cnceurage... rncnt of {itch as clifizover P::iePcAs and Jefuits, their Receivers and Abettors. ll 9 “W l “ ' ‘ t it "1 Kw ml '7r%l’t'-t V fiche‘ . l 1-” 2 ,: ,,« .. I4 «Vii »* V 11‘ . 5-” >;* W A,. AA “ M?‘ pm, ~ 9 ‘ Wu,‘ H ‘QM 5“ 7 ‘ A‘ _y~I V‘ s «MW VJ \Mm3,W\;\M__‘g~W_,,$3 45td.t;;,_1‘ V (lg )\"“’-‘V-““‘]‘ E ‘ 4!.‘ Ag‘ I V . . V V I!‘ Dietvtarcis, z6°Fcbruarii, 1649. A ‘ A A Hen: Scobcll, C1cric_. Parliament», ~ ......_A _......,.. Landon: t Printed by Edward Hujlmml and“ fob» Field, Pri_m:crstnto4 the Paella- A 4 ’ t»Amcnt'lllofEn‘gla;mI.; VIAAN649. Rdercdéy the Parliament, T54: tlzzlt 216} be fort}: with printcjdand A ll ‘ cmo A ": % ' . ‘. J :sa,£I1‘§§“a;,§adR1.‘*=»+ WA %a‘¢‘9fl5“?‘ 7‘ and %.5°1d1.¢rs .. 1(V°r5°FhQ£ from Lmo¢n4 ‘me ~ ?i~W7"/?fer, th¢m wichin five V milcs i?W.é1g1ing!s; £nAd% for encouxaggz 11}“m¢"t as difcdver PfriePcs ind % _ VA ‘H and Abcgrgrs. % , % e %V.Ma1Bat1i meat» of E .. v ‘ I fr -2' VF ~ f’ « é‘ 7: m ~ ~ - ancftak m_ , * x . ‘L. ‘ ‘ * ' " { V“ I’ ‘Va “I M J‘ “H ' ““v-my ‘Aw-3» ‘V 5 . \'.‘ ~' ' I 7 ~ ‘hi 5 . 1 ‘ 1 “Q I u , ‘ I133 ~t J3}. ‘I it 1;‘! MI lllll " ‘ .-mu ugmm 4! ‘V -+ . "- *4" - ewnfi :£\Ay é A ; ' _ 1:‘ 1 '3; ‘ W aw ,yg‘«\\" ‘ ‘ , ,‘ ‘ W 3 V" ‘ ‘ .. -at \ "A ‘ -.4) % . ~ .‘-” W A D;If&fi¢ctVaD *1 7r 4 [ Iayaneuaga v the § ondon mA¢ W V » 94* 3 31’ “ V, V " \ ‘ :1 F‘ ‘ _ ‘, 4,’ M ,‘ H!“ g‘ «A A ‘ ; ,7 % ~ « « % % 1 ”‘ “V “ «aw? m 1 A Q‘ ‘“ fi\‘ Y7“ 3 “ ~#:5m.. ‘fa;-k‘ 1., ._ . \. ‘ . ik )2 . ., \j‘, H 5;? *1: ' Ni ‘. ‘ _ ., '0' ' 3 . ‘V . ‘W J z ‘ M-* ‘ ' ‘ :. V cm’ ‘ “ ' . w‘: ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ sf’ - “ ‘ 3 ‘ ‘ . ‘ 1‘ ' . v ‘ 9 .. v \ \ ""2 fiaéms agam H ‘K r‘ "We: . ~- ".‘ ‘? ; .: mm‘ W ‘_., M & 4% _ N“ "M , ; A 1 A » ‘ , ‘ cm s,» 1 n A, , wees am Tniituwanczz (714) « A , & 3.5 @1321)? &$%if£;% flunk fit to mztsct fflflhwlbain ant: be itm 4t1)ett:%mtnyozity mt*~aet2nL;a;nn‘Jznamw, a1l1@apI'ft5 13JIj&tfD€5fi 8tA5 am: %%al1m,fl°icet5 MD A fimtmizts infi ozémne %an‘b" other %petfcVms % mm ham .;hom»_®£tm5%’ asgaintpz avlia:m¢n%t5 “cg bane A Aanberen » u%n;t.iu“ , Aoz=t1It~t}g~lp a%tIia¢n their mwmz'es% Vmtljc 1ate~*mat,bcmg not ‘ umm: C3.-= % firatnt, mbnnt %I)maftem;c%emagzflaallat 02 4 o; the far ntttance of tlbmtv mam frnnzwg I befoze the £cnt1’zt1)na;ynf LMarch,nc tljoues H {mm tip tmnmen foztpntne (02 if then annex: 136.»: aramt, twin arms have after waittefvzzrtwfi cntatgcment) Impact outéof the London ant: Wcfiminfier, anb Iatcaines municattou, am:a11otl)%er~pIacc5 . itt)m%ti%m:s" tp mamas tn”: {am late mm; 21?1i5fi%ifIf¥8niv pecron4a;a11 continuamumsmtatntatc iatj? aftwfbfi %%£aiD£I?0mtit$1)% imin tbvniflawafozcfafbaaanew v we we ozttyeirwia» emcnt,fm:b nations flialtbe apdp;eIJennenA‘4-anh 112 ~‘~» tatt, no antDuzt5vD afiDi % . . Hr‘ gm 1‘ 1v m * n >‘. ' -.v«__'§ " ‘A - 3 e, _\ n,.- ‘ amzismntttfuclioftbmtasibalhe tvatwlfi a;saue%ai1¢n,par allcbamvsoftbeivfivnw: ‘ but am: mm A fl1mifoflm¢nt:,% am: curitv foztbcit nwa*ttnrca5& afn;cfat,itDin . 6btp%avs%%?aftcv tmfv ¢fiW£f{em¢nt A xztntnmitbinthc ttmeitmttwv thtsA% a M 2‘ R . VDi@If§1&fl¢¢4Df 3¢5.3iflQV‘D¢*F&iD ¢ " z catffiflb Di€£%C%$4i{0"%A 07 “$11 en at HI; .- ~ I‘?f~‘“H," % . ~ » W -uw ~*:‘" ‘“u,, V1 “ ‘E ,v,V'>‘n'B‘D t ;c~.;,< J» ' he % % % the? fume‘ A” M %VaccIuming t-bait hs L V hi¢a*w.2annto;¢ heme ex J _ 71*’ ‘.10 V ‘ ‘ f 2 ~ ‘ ‘ . ‘ l 7 W ‘ I v ""2 ‘ - ' ‘ . a 4 ‘ _ V ‘ . ‘ ‘ I ‘ I, ‘W : "Y I! , “ ‘, . ‘Q ‘ . ‘ , I _ , ‘V *4 , d’ A - I \ ‘ ‘ ‘ "W I ‘ .‘< $ I “‘r "W ‘ fiat,” ‘flti5‘%—~w4fut'tI)etAi%9DzIJatmD¢~ aunw Eeclawn up t1j;z%utI)i32.z'tp‘afnge ib,3‘5D[attI)z¥LnzM9am2 mf mama» %ufLondon,%aLun a11V$u&tces%o£zne macaw within t1)eAfm':a <fl:itp$¢%a1?amat¢ zL%t:1es% nfitflloazzzniza nican‘*ntt,¢‘%anfi4n”f Vtbeifcneral <£nuntie§¢oVf Middle. ”1‘<‘¢55-. ‘H€‘rt76i3.A Efffix, Kent ‘1%%a:amfiSurr¢y%; am: the re:-. [p7ectib+e%%QtommiiimsamDA*apza§v,,zofectmwtb %‘4a¢e ‘ 4 ..rtfl«W5tfl4%$1)‘€?A " accommg m V an g,%%fi:’ms annanlnms, mm otim the fit %«’3&?‘Ji§[ gbéfiitb , W S .!n V ‘.,,~V,~¢,_.; ‘ )4" ‘L; « -0 ‘W, :1! mum E9" M3... A A 5 %ro#ns?% _ __ ‘ -vs‘, fin‘! "-W- ' “fig “xv ‘ ' «. R p " , I1m~A% J M an )‘ A V . %'at%1m I ‘H .v' W,“ ‘ *4‘; Q Mm‘ »...~ éé 2;‘ v‘ "M Wwg-.» .4 w «% fix ” fl by ,. ’ ,.4‘» ,» la. ‘ "R .» 11 V‘ M Q , WW *'f"'« .' Iwwmfi. “ ‘ ‘ - "‘.'”"" T " ~Ijé fimnt~w Wu *i 9 V W ‘ % * ‘ V % a W; mama awmcm; ant e» W fmnex mu %wnfi¢gfi§&fhfi%a§%fo§“&fi ”fV.c¢ii%é%§élv*tf6‘o‘§biit§@;?¢ ,9-.‘ . 5 mi" 4 -”” H“ Mr‘ “ I Am ' '1,” X ‘E! . J ‘ ‘ff‘§¢‘3:‘ . -3 5-." W3,“ -‘U N U vbwhet . ¢ % % A ? “ ma €11 zonvatm ’ WNW ‘ N “ 1 V H “ WQ WW ‘ r'_'= ‘_v-‘n. V??? ‘ M ‘ré-‘W _,g ‘ " r 3,7; «,1, ‘(V W: a 11%!“ 0 + ta mug arm nan minus *nm 7 I "3 4» . 6*» m, - »«».Ww A: W4 ~“?"M *' ‘M =*:L~. 'J~%-* .v9?‘,~:°a .3?‘ ~'“”l” mwy awn Rafi? an atmi" V ~~ % f A c max I H _‘ ‘ W “ I V‘ L “T1,, N ‘ ‘ _ Hwy‘ v a Mo “H Q%‘It£;‘ra . wt». L: §‘“‘f'?§§YTh ‘ > ‘ fl‘ “'.;',$~‘%£ ww'«;,§ Vie’ % ‘ ‘*[."\ '9 V - ‘_ V J] , V. L-, ‘ kl‘ ' ‘- ‘W " ‘ “V, ‘ “Wm ".(.;4’M"'1;",¥ X W’ Vii} ?‘ mg‘ ‘ ‘r A,’ we ~ A J -"Na. ‘ V ,. > , u. 4 z ‘"~, . “ W« . E ‘ ‘ I , x" ‘‘«u' rgx‘ -, ? ' K‘ ‘W . +;-r s ’ W : r V M “‘> . ‘ “ “ ‘ 4 _ ‘ V‘ ‘ ‘ r - « » M ' ,: if . K ‘ " “ » “ ‘ « A. ‘ .‘ K H H ‘ _ ‘ ,1: ‘ r' u ‘ - ‘,..""*-‘ ‘ ‘ « P ‘u “ 3?’. ‘ I ,( ‘ H. fl’ 1 « ~‘‘?!s ». ,v., ' My “ .,-I ' MW“ $3‘ ‘p‘n,x ‘a/I ‘ ‘ , U‘ V . ‘ ‘ “ ‘ - 4 .a ‘ ,,: J‘ \ [M Q ' _ j.,,, ’ ‘ M. ; H3u,.C )0 . ‘,V,"V, A W‘ 1‘ ": ‘U H‘ ‘V latv, - ‘ \ u, ‘ ‘ g » ‘ V ma 13 u av as ass‘ w «W is _, ha w 3 W"lW‘”f“ f I ‘ J5" W 5 “, ‘" ”- ~ ‘ ‘ #0 V M W . ‘ ‘ " J ‘'9' Main ' -‘ 7 «L t1a1“mmt:.e“ "752 ‘V fl "-A.~'* «M5-‘.7 .m.fv‘?izv P" 4-" , w.1i" %(%717) afmmaiu; am not teftcatnen oz aapeb, £i“t§)e.t%W tcfectf 1:11» fimwfanmmtt :22 v fuel) ficknefs¢azm iuficav mm» M’ mm», az they fl)aiIn0t%bz4ab1eta smug: - mamas imminent wages of life 1: mm infucb cafmmf abfencmut of we Aflatm, cemmcng my , 02. being auttmztsw as afozefam , than itljifl timntp MM next amt thepfl)aH mizm % inttntbe §Lat1D, mm he miargw ftmlt finch 1'm«-.=.a pztfommntnzvefiraitmanamt be we was tram A 1131, 02 aftetvtbett‘fatn aumbwseb time nfttap I1cmn1incD)rcpair to 4 the mask nf]mI1eIling hm: %t?bc‘);w ufuallp bcvetofozc rnaizm theft: 4 con» man abmtm 5 oz notijabtnlg any certain abomj V ayamepaivto the place Ihbm fucbneefon mag ho2n,uz%IbI)mtb.e5fatI)er nz*%nti)et%of4fucb mtg-A for; and that11¢hmcliingfinogi1aefuct)nomg 9:‘ their cumtngas is afmihars exvmfebganb am not atartp ttmcam%tVpafs o2%ven1mpcwbobaA miles fcmn t Viencegmun pa,tn?=m:‘ iiI”mztfnnmeut5 mm mane vattoa$%*h£ yau kwatzs#:31?»m1 A am: imffitmia as mcafe °f¢1iflqueuc?, t In * tnflictmupun tbcmtny ti): étommttm 0: atom; mifatonevsfoz §¢.qmacatidnmbe1:z%tI)ey% than K be, ozitljeit mtatzs lstc, annmc tD¢vv20cm»inasto be bavmma mm flnainrlt ta ams £ua¢tm4 %at1m$%catcz of gguefirm ttotiazfz ciinqueucpz 192o11to%cna1i1vam * amtu a jun; itmtactfitb¢%%mbnziw afrmfaiv, ‘mac p¢rtos he ¢ m¢m%4g4¢5gmug¢~; “mDfl‘at€IhW€b'2f m1tf)fizi$;e:II- ctieip, “to % enmtit 1 H ifiuclj an 4 W5 A agfmzrfim V fifiwtfi 0? A (7:9) » % 1 g g%%W{g mfh a215wk,$m iaé mm ?;:*E%%i¥%鑧:%a,‘%g, paw; we M ggtniimt, fiozmabe, manmwugii vzflvthmw ‘um; um: certifiz flfiiv fanw in waiting tn tD+z% fiumfggggf the gamut of the fame wdlmmw, at 4 . a1 a W mmt @efl‘m‘n5 to ijgeih :53 7§§%;t&e§u31¢-iy 3 anntij stain gummy mall” saute tijafiame mm emven¢t»1v fl3ezfauitm: %n2.tt)c uggflgf t1;M@anz,Aamnn1atnueB@D‘W¢135»%"0f $116 munw,% hp mavcant fmm tbtfinihces of 1%-— fiat mg tfliiccum o;433%umceg Hf A159axW%3?t fl-M? v am: z:muim:n mttbtutbeiv W’-?‘:"“%‘ ’“‘““5 ”°W" e ofl“ filth ‘tI.t1I'l1)%;?flJ“¢% 4f3%1'DA33 fi'»"«A '1 genntm¢on1momma1tb4b¢ W ‘~' 6i,pzam“ann n:m A 1; cm mantm » m'ous"”L‘ttv *nan¢VW3 M1919 W — J ~3ffm_”¢fa(n , %11)1)oijabmg&A iittlem ml. $13115? 4 tflfi % oz tiaugare afv?”’t0mpetznt pm :némnemmez’aun% cnccmxat "$%offlJ¢ ibamfiaaw ~ua»tz:umttmc cfz tum Wfiif W? 1”“”W7% % d1)jgjg§V1;1y5:gg%4a¢#t@%:gwd :0tIj%ermiFf}£V; $3J¢,A,4"A£1JfltAg€flWm UM? A V mt: wemozz uatwbhfiw miizitr *£ at» if:émp%% tucbvgtfw i 50 I V as ‘VD ., i‘ My mt « “ ‘ _ ‘ 3. “ I - mi» ‘, ‘ ‘ 5 ‘,“ ‘Jfi ‘‘ Km“ ‘K 49“ ‘ 1 ‘ . “ Q‘ ‘ ‘~'»»,'v , _ . ‘."' mm, W». M W -- 3"’? . ‘ IV» ,1‘ : "‘C;I,Q _ Wm ‘ ‘ ‘ I5 ‘ W _ ‘ “ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘, ‘.‘:;.’. 3w. (‘H ! 5|‘ 1 5 _ , ‘ .. V gmg% D‘ “ bate % fut‘ 311117971” ¢’&tF¢Y{’-W ~ ‘ " “H V ‘ ;,.;. ,, . "W H“ i‘, Y 33‘ ~ ’ .,‘ H. «A W A,“ ‘ “ . ‘M ‘ ‘I ‘ ‘ _ ‘ ‘ ‘; V ‘ - ‘ ,. . I .A ~ .4: V ~aM,— 1 A ~ 1!’ ' q ‘ \ V “ 4 V ‘ . it I,“ ‘:w_ 1‘ ‘ ‘ ( /‘ ‘WV. ‘ ' ‘'‘ ,: ‘ ‘ ‘ »;M“« _ _ — H A ‘ “ W _ ‘H. \ ‘ s_ _, ~ n ,‘,m‘,W,~ I4H"“‘ " My m,.'«' “ M.‘ ‘ W ‘ _ ' , 4»? 1 -t ‘. ' . ,4; , ‘ H ‘ "J V “ ‘ {_- ‘ “ an \‘ .. x ‘ “ “*‘_ “_‘~.!v ‘w°e‘“?* 4°‘ ' u “ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ,(‘ H “ ‘ ‘ ‘a (V%7‘I9). A in m cI)at%ihe1;a1f umiten am: am it-e1:NeV?=hmm,n; mljzvwtijm jmtbzt In; Vggggygvfif témft tow ufIm1%‘Dmew'nazmafinné; if. 1:11 av ‘iJ&W+ Em, nzelfe ta the n1accm1)mt*%~e% “; ?£baI1%%hznme11mg, am gim Each 1mtificatimt;.df was Acnnnng aannnemg, as 1'5 hefm+zz~1z’mitenam% l Ntettemfl)fl11m30flhi521D&tb abi’ur*e% tbzfs rmaiém-s 4 munmca1t1j;+‘%::m’ffucbmffmnet ‘fl)a;1l:$refufetu4 % A *abitm.~ 0®iwt%Q0t0 tIJeiaanenoz1%au;tmm ap; pmmen," Wnzi after Vnepatmre, %tetummtD this mmnuonmealtij mitbout iticmfc nf%4“t}I)e1%ar; Iiamaut, the .Vfmn wath‘ v%1anD :3ihiarattn+n4~5 mfitting; MDfiecmbmgtljwmflfa%to%¢bevin {um ntammcmm fozmafi 15 in 1i1xeV%cafetpzzfwmm¢by tmtamte mm in £116 35”‘ ¢?eaMf the late 9D%W€w Vfilizabcth, fa; coming a’f.1%v0@mfl1 fie: cufanm; iljattben in every fucb cafe, tljcpm fonfnmfimhmg than hea;n§u*%gena% jfelou, em l12%&flVifI1if.f‘e¢t anninfe a,5Vi%n%ca[e: of afelozm mum; ‘fiizthezucfit Aogf Cttlevgp, A amoioineu nznettimerg, A%2Inn%Vtb¢ Manual of fitfttzate igzceiw aumm * ¢¥0fiW.%mf9%VfiIn%A l - &tTfif¢AifnW'§*fl Wfintattnns, 11% filth ~fuzta/ma tmmflaail feemmect; inm1;icb%Vca€c% tb¢a:hium;- flaau uewmmn+ man itts furthec I ('3. 5% D 3 u 79 E‘? % Q S" {'3 U‘ f‘ C‘? {'5 § 3 3 5" § \ ' i ~m’swg to m£p0f§%?ofi%wawnp% facbvéttmns1artVm¢w: % B°¢7Ds“ matnéu awn mtatcenbvi the anthem ’ fozafam, was it oze£ai%n»¢3II men pmwfz mitbu&ut fvfirhnzcnybimog be%nouzm*m:tboutmam n;coniz;z m~ uf tiJc<£mwt£Offiufticeoftbig V oftljtvetfous cwfinzcn as * email banentnefic *necwaé:r nccatim ‘éj%&ne£s»Atgodaaamvmei out ofwc A E0nI9af5fif~tbk”fainfim£1B3At1zs,£hat1%tbm am: +r?'4¢Wl’ W533 ftaffs ‘WW i’~‘€¢Wifl!132itiII%9ImD€v A %tb¢,Wfisaammisnf fnmrnftnveswutc ?9W°a*?¥ Am:mama” , 95 iitmt 0; % 11ai£ton,o; mwwl , WWW é % %fitw%¢Wmamm AAW” ta , nzwtrai; ‘em, ‘ we e p V ‘ ',~ 9*» :- 1 flflfkwfi WW? imflfw al)&“A“?¢T fmgnnaayihzmmfuifoz lftiwV1:cm1*m pmti?mt to A 3 -+ %a?.'nm $$%$¥9 fi1?»fiDIl$wTl1€1Jtbmi1I?C8fl3’t1?p h%a,1fin@¢f§, A %wnf¢n2 £ucbtzmeVm’w1? fez: that ttabeiiIug,% ma gAavunt‘etummg, as+fl)a11+bc comp2mmAén % V ;1:1g%g%;i”a¢z’;n %!.,i’c,mfc:, was tbzfflifi‘ patty to pucmfw fi Willie fitmafitltwta Hf %W1m ftfmx MD fattbft1»1%t0 9013 <‘I30I1!1W,W‘¢fi1tb: M W 15 AIWJ fifiabliflwn mttbuut ibtmg (Mannie ufimzw; .m awn mm“ 1313»; her <2£%n2nnza1ati)»he”fm‘ %%¢z1)¢§fain font artists of that 1% case, 0;; any at? «wigs: mail have autbozitvhrvzvme '5 this A _ ggtautfut iVcetm£uot~t1tRc ncceufiuns, atmau Jn’fnnu¢%;~efiat.A ?-fllbfiftbifi ¢0mm0n¢a1D«%nmv ‘ ¢ hmne;mztznA %Wafmt , Viffilflnivw, mfit; M ;%¢ttAm1, Ahutdtbt ebeW%fucI)1a:et£0n \ :1: ts uaztwwcevtheta,mwtb:at De,oz)ve bath A of 2 fIJI5nz4ti3%m 5 %&“r:%D%%k£i)a11 not he aflP%%£&ufl¢f£%ww5 sate flaw banzifim ¢mma I . arm V an be ¢utm1p n e$ew%+tI)e.t % minw, fllbatwnn awn, . ¢.ate;9m; ammnen% M’ fez A J & % hzait ‘twat awwziztg tn K ’ % % fl %%%%oznmg arm! um Mi fif W%D% tum, mum £51m’ ‘Q! L4“r¢"a%i1% e1in'am;,,aitttwmg a;zamreturtmm ~ 3% V mi t)zveh1> ¢xcmntw Vfwm anvfiwgi ' -,»~2o aImt1)ing%ttbmifl fm1>'if% 113 n ‘ ,.w ‘I .‘/W‘: ' H um fig A of t ’aueAten ‘ . ‘ - . 1,. 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