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I ' , 9 ; ¥?9W35a 13? fD¢2fi:3lel1'z’ngtJf(1"15n»n% “ \§\ upnntnc Jfnzces of tgljw ¢om.—.~. monmealtbflibzfiebellion ms‘ Qfl11lIT4Ir<=land. the time arm Q We \ \ \‘- A A ,. \"\\ AA " 64 1 .. ¢ tehp netlacen tom mp: “ '35» ‘in 1w rr"”"“""~'>fi" %"‘w"""“ ‘ ‘W 1‘ I ‘ ‘ v » ~ ‘ 4 ‘ W/.‘,,:»z‘ 3' '55” ~>i:é&/A?""/ ,., ,, ,r U as \ ‘W .3 . pzafeb an;wnnzn , mm to have ncznzzpgmmq ant) antu’«'° .¢ anntbv; 31icb2l5fuhnu’e1JnutDe ‘ 26d‘%%4055CPternber,1653- mnnmymag wgnugzg ¢ ;e “Mummy 4EW1tPnftIJ2Afam mm1s,mwe flaugbter%n”£ ~ ¢D¢f&m¢ iJ 9WW;A mm» m " W0WD*¢fw'D [ $99 W205 Wtbtfifihzllio ,% ,‘ nvfumas might an n ebc1iionof‘% aims A g 2 % u > “ "‘ *‘ ‘Wu \ ‘ I ‘ ‘ . ‘ 1 ‘I " 2 .' ,‘ ‘ I. ‘ ‘me.'w= 2a —‘ J I '37 “*~«*:‘ I 9 ‘ T0fl13% ‘ x ‘ ,:.w - hvireafo meat, mnbictiom; UK . ‘ _ 2 ‘ ‘ "am ‘ 1 V “ ‘. _ I ‘ W , v» V‘ ‘ ‘ W ‘ “ _ ‘a V‘ “ “ W M ‘ J} :1’ ‘ ‘ ‘ , ‘ ,;~);‘,w'\,,/.,‘ 1;» ‘ ‘ - . . ‘ r, n ‘ ' " ‘ '. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ \. “ ‘ w J '~ ‘ 3*" , H “ 4 ‘ _, . ‘ . .. ,‘ ‘ " g/,3= “ . ‘ ‘ ‘ r J l w ' ‘ ., in ‘ - :« mu ‘:“%- M-~v««>»»‘4—'>‘«a« “ *=.m‘- -2:, ,_;.w ‘ ~ " “ W: ‘I’ ‘ '- r ‘ , W ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ “ 3 ‘ “ I V I‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ,~ , ‘ W ‘ ‘ vf, “ ‘ “ "4W[3*=v1i‘ *“ '1 u “ ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ I V‘ I ,. ; ‘ “ ‘ A ‘ "V ‘ ‘ , 3 ‘’ " ‘ 1/ A2’ ‘ “"*l-‘&‘«?‘*}:«;‘,,;.r «-2» 4 ; ’/ 4 . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘M Mmyy‘$%xfu‘;» > ’ ~"1‘«" “ ‘ 11:8? .1 3 9‘ 3*‘ A; ,5’, new ‘_ w ‘r"/“ ‘ ‘N I ,,J . ‘ 1 / - - ‘ jg ' ‘ wv H r. I "1. ‘ , ‘ 5’ :2 N 1 V ‘ v ‘ :4 ‘ n» .,a\ - " 5 . 1,; . ‘*1 _y “ ‘ '- “ . ‘ ml «W ‘ ‘gr. ‘ am ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ “ ‘ ~ ‘ mi « ‘ “ n V A ;%y . . ‘ ,. ‘ » x \x »m,L-,»;:r3 ., -5-. ,1‘ w ‘ ‘ ,_,,»,- .,‘,; ,_ ..‘ .r 1 ‘ ~.; {H ‘ n ».=,,;%gfi'r ‘ w kn-,~~ _ ‘ , ‘:~‘. "vs ‘I - \ “ ‘ ~ ‘ “ U...’ ~ ‘ "i.z9'<, “ “},' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ - ‘ ‘ ‘ I cn‘bcbavnftnem,nv I , , -gs, VJ % i A ES: 5 é: a (2) ntbtt5§ fa; manta fattsfactions;~. we manna afitntmtnts pf the {am fitht1s1)ant been mflignw t IHp9mnt,tn, Cb? Ifiutbntttv of atatuag mtnt) may be fintztultn, fittltb, anb flnuttttn in the éatistntganbfbolleiunn tnttwt. A % t mm: fllmtteafi byontmtt ofwatliamtnt maps in the febentttntb peanut we ldté. cxmxs, ‘arm in the ytatof out 10:35 wne tboufattintit bunD;ztn_fnuttp ont,®ntitu1t‘o,Ant A& for the fpee-= dy and,eHeé1Muall Reducing of the Rebels in HistMaje~ V A flies Kingdofrfiof’ Iraland, ithktéiri Obedience to His t1VlajePcy and the Crown of England, at igfiljlactcn am: a%znm'ntn, (amnngtt otljet tt)tng57) itbat an fad) flight, iliitlt, flnttttfta ?1I1ft,tanb12of—:»‘ V ftfltnrt, which t1)t“fat'ntV 33»thfe15,%n; awfit tljtm; 0!’! tbs fatntbztt ant: tmmtittb of Oétober, mt tbuufantn up ijunmtn fouttp out, .ban, 0; afttt:-= ’matb5 (bunny nabt,:itIa°3 ‘"3"!’ 7.L3“”5a°2 M933 fitctnitament-3,fl)m1lDtbt ffotfetten‘ ntoftto wt iaingfi maftttp , "antn%tt¢l1)nu1I) ht Ebttmtb, [t.teD",§‘;, A W In the ificall , ‘aw’ - "I/W's/3*‘ ‘ I " ‘ .::vU”1»" ‘ =3-r "’*W"‘ ‘ v w ;.1.‘ , “ V; _ » ‘ V ii “K '5 :35 ‘ V » g? ' £[}$¥'*‘;‘ “. J ‘ ‘ 2!‘/‘;,‘,,‘, ‘. mtuhgwa W 3BRi€5,&flDt ttstucctt s , ,1, ihttbo at any E1Dfii0t,t 0; mug , ms 4 rttiontijetent tube fauna mun mntttas t t fain3RtbtIIion4.ma5 begun, ann pztnttipally fotntntttl, wmtf115oft1)t1%opi£t)£tltgton;t man mamas by the fa mt. it :5 futtbvc ywnatttn fibat thew pttfotn,’ whit!) atftettbet new :05 March. flDfl¢t tbflflffiflbt fix! Dill? mm foutttt t,0u1Dntakc»cnt¢v into, at tam ; tlmh,€D1Jmat1t:. *W910; %!m¢:= 99¢ 9 V “ M I 9” t , I ~ ~ ' » A ,1! t. +23“ : w 13 . t . » “ :« : ,:“‘,m " , -- a “ , v t 7 e ' \ w [ , r Wm Into tntttfatnifittatimt M fi=w,4a11Di 1:n:ents. M M _V%gnnmnma§ aftzxmacns 1ipanMmtos4aa¢; A %A1iflm€M1"WaV¢',5n“m1?DSf*‘°¥‘1*A& f01‘ fhfiSetiihgV0f?I4L‘<'5- M v1a"d=,3“ '5¢;"“‘?¢”,= 3513*?“ 311 vcmonsof wopzfi) mitgmn, t:e£xmngzn41re~1ana atianptimgx, from tbz fitfi nf 0é‘tober,—fl)i‘I£ thnufann tip bum. % %vI1z¢'Jf0Mm=tP"Dn¢» 13JD0iJaD nA0t*tnanif¢aea ttjeii: 4 Mconftant goon Qtfiectmns tutbc gntetefl of tfié . (E:fli11!1I0fl:1bB&1tI)¢Uf Eng] and 5“ fljnuln ‘%fg;flm5 afg ?’~“"hs»A iienehtefit Min. am: by the faibfict tscontaineni ann eppzef; ren,- finninan vticienznaIifimtionBf‘tbé ram met, iibmffiimontfiannzant racy Wnfwe1901Jifl)Wlim0n,as banemantfeazhtmtt Mconflant goon zlfiection to the flntctea of tbé I dmmmunsmcaltn Df England 5 fin!) ’my¢peag; lincc tl)cpu~h1icatianof the rain: mm trim-land; A arm in u13ifuaflC3tb¢t9Df 13 * A M M ..~- ‘ M * H 3 M.,,.- Q'~~;{y‘°~v*'~‘>»~‘» §1.3,x_?,‘v‘,m ,1 F ‘ ._ #7 ‘E! 5;, ,4 3 I‘ ‘V ‘Agw . -1,; Ex ‘ ‘ hlifljcn b ;t time,p1atc,ra$nn pectons has been mg $3 we :a11°%ming ortbé be rm!) tbeaeontaa t A timv rain aonzmecxmn, Mm Dab¢~B°nc>*anD tbmbri)abt obtain nefitof the Pain uuma: - A H f0 j ‘W’ '3" W W0 Qmotfl M g 2; Afl)gumAV pm c tn M5 4,,‘ M ogcclava M’ons, mum It:I)epi)a%% M “ M = M M 1 -. ‘M ‘N M "5 :§§w M‘ ’;"”"*=2M, ‘ ‘M , M V P: M '_ ‘ , “Q; ~» ,1; a » ;,, ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘A ‘ .~ O ‘ :5; " Ni D ,, ‘ “ “ “ .M':,,,_‘,‘,,‘;~,,‘ ‘ ' < ' v w " ‘ -' ‘I ' ‘W’ ‘ ‘ ;"“‘ f"%7j“."';;‘1e4\ ‘sjyvsf M‘ “ ‘ , M"L ‘ H ‘ - V ‘ v ‘ ‘ 2 ‘ ‘ Q M ‘ M “1vfflV'.~ . :M k .‘ A M» ” ‘ ‘ ‘ M ‘J »M ”2“‘9‘".1T¢1b¢5i%€tfflS; ftlifl? tohzcomtubzfl “f mtflwftbe%ra: ’ when r omtuvtverxv ; M s’£,1*i*VtWi1?*iDt1¢ fat%%1%IDbet*¥ums%s » ‘M‘,y,»r/K» ‘ ‘ W 1 § ‘, ‘>w’1% \ vi” H 5 ,1 “ " v. V w. . Vwé m *1‘ ‘. ‘ ‘may ‘ ‘ " :y' “ 1- A ‘w’, Y . .4 w§ercni;a«: M M; V ti 4maD3f5‘i “ tr were» mm: bé \ W f ¢°W°t*$°fA mm mm ntwt>%% emtecten‘ [the obfevbancci0f*ti)cfai at % annaezoctantaa ettl%& m”tem%nV m* »%of% c2rt~m‘n meaty m % éinanceas as swag :itI)ztetnfe;e;man¢in%t1;at behalf 252 it as%mD¥ «imtecwz W wt fimltntflfififialwsf‘ %Scon1and:¢Aaim awasnenz arm fi§3.a:-.: wzxpwm fo1tannmrfsnssV EflCE]:3t€Eh?5}:2&m$f33$fiilI{ f Em? ‘one tms: amnvfima mm mm; é efiing 135 Ireland: was Wm W5 3 thatmi€mmnt?a Ema? ?iaa:®,aaswz*B?i'w £0 gijmis wzhmancasnf fi)e%fi$fi %0f Augufl, atmfwcndnficffie tembex-,fim $§3fiai'm§B fifiD %:ma $$ 333 A V 3 if »'V 1’ E fifikcs B M rm m nm~ _ % I‘ mm, as nbt&imD‘* fucI)¢perffi11s}% 5‘«vah¢fiufiJmism teams %rmai14@ emtrotmr vemmanu ma» Wit‘? 13“? 1 Q nt1Jefa€ia£m¢%@@ rims: fa % %nzénmus¢tbemfliAhzIung:g, an » «V mm 3"‘ % ‘v we; V ~ v , 2; gs V . q V 2 1 ' 1 "M ’»"' - I‘ ‘M 4 ' ,. “ ,; ‘ “ I. 9, ‘Aw 3;’: ‘ " «:‘., ~ I .4,’ c ’ ; ;. _ _, ‘v ‘V ‘ ““ * E‘: -5», '. ' ; 3- W ' IV “ .7’ V‘ ; ~ y ;'1\ = ' 1.-:‘.; Q» " ,: ‘ \ W17‘ * ‘ " ' r 3 "9 ‘ ‘ “ ~ ‘ ‘ "fa V n C . ‘ , ‘ ,. - . ..,;E *' 3‘ " . ‘ ,23.>,¥:r-‘*9 s 9 ‘ ‘ “_?_m“ ‘ ‘ . _ ‘ H ,( _ . nu-aa‘ «« a ‘ M’ “ s‘ ‘ my ' , ,1 1”, ‘ H ., % rmrFfi¢Annt; %0znn'mrthem, ghgfititm '; L mkléningupnn the famty;gg% n (9) any & f %nn*a11, anbemw petfon 53% Oaober, snafijmfiazm fix 1;;;rmge% <» u;%azanp time Vfime, mm fin, aw ma; mans; anfmizrof,% 3; upon: any amps mm 3:. atwanmf tijie lammgmmigfggnggg ¢ ‘ a%fiB%@$%nci1 in Ireland; W 35 « 3; am» 0 tyeaummmn o;%A%%utfiaaga’*5ie*4n «tgjgmg»; ¢ a mm,in; ofl)9¥%nas1a€m?an%:3 m ‘ firm me€wmmmi1mn,fis,m am av: W ya D0 in 0; %’hp we wtumz 0;». aanfmgg Z Dz mmn mu)? §A&3:J;V.m, jg ‘ % . V imam? inane at .‘ mum fig: .,=sx ’ $3’ > ,2“. gum, fizzfimmgfimfiwfmegggpgfi) %% “ ‘ %’ ‘ ‘ ” M‘ ‘ “ “ .. 93 f V 1% 1 .. - ,“': '1 . u ‘n _~ ,_ van’ ‘N I: .t‘ '7 ’ ‘ >‘ ‘ » ‘ ‘ ‘ by .: ‘ av’ ,,; . :4 ,’ (1.; ‘ ‘H ‘ ‘ ‘ l ,u‘‘‘‘ V. »- "if ) ‘ ~ 9+" % ¢ 3 ‘ “ ‘M nanw, mm unB£r~tbc gm } Y”. * 7 H 7": . ‘~ «, M W * B? fl! %. % "-7 . . jg, ‘ _ . . (‘ ‘ ,4z.=:‘ >~"v*>'« i‘ :r ;> 3: ' I ‘ I ‘I ‘ ,, ,' , ' ._ ~‘,- Yy‘ 3 ‘£‘‘'\;{ 3 k “:2: ’ E42. “ ‘ j "W ‘H ‘ '» :‘ " 4_ ; _-,‘ 2 . . V "' "’ " 3 ’ 4 ‘ ‘ " ‘ I ya-a ‘ Q 1”‘ :37 A" ; I ‘I ’ ' ‘ has ' I I M » ., < H ' 4*» . ‘ 3 g .1g~ V ' v ‘ . n. ‘ ,\ ‘nut ‘ , - 7 «'~ I L{ ' %,(6)% V 3uIrgementA as ~ afozefain , of Ttijeigog ‘ A % w%wm: mncegtozs cnnftant goon%fi°¢cl:iDfl ;.:ann K 31:, Wang cheep ,fafiJT%pz1:fun ant: nations; 1)ofe&¢6Iiatcs.%0zany vattofmbofe mates T bavcbtflfllfftsxneboz Evifmfento%‘an1>%ntD¢r. 0; otbem as afozefaibv; Zuni) a11,annmzry other, we aacbets arm pcrfonshp %t13z's tact attaintcn of Dig!) ifirzafon, Ijabz tI)etehp1nft an!) foJzfeit.».= en, ann £t)a11%hyti)cfiutbozitpof t1)ism:t.%h¢ foztbe 0: Dan 9 A 1‘ ‘ ‘ ;' ,;3%u~v.,::g\.\‘r ; W ( ‘ , ]“‘\ ‘ "A =7 ~ \ ..~ N, . ‘ V ' \.\:J >,, ‘” fl .‘ ‘ \fi‘:"’:‘q ‘. I V ‘V .“.‘A,‘ /‘ ‘ ‘ ‘K ’ A ‘ v H‘ 4: H I 7 L 1/ nzemebann aDiuDgcntonabz loft am: fogfeitm. 4 mznto lnfc ann4fo;feit to tI)c¢Enmmon:mealtI); totijzintcnts annputpofesafo;etain,fmmt13e% fail! time ant: tmentietbofv Aoéiober. one then: %4fann tip banngen fouctpnuc, Q£11annAcbzrp fuel) 4 iaonoutaflfiatoniesa ifimzcimzies,%tfa;iz%%t%H% anh flfiniszctm u;¢mi):’ci) mm mm;M:tig®%%tnV "£136 mm fithnelsh, p%;AiaaTAap:&5, ug;%V,anp nfwm gr‘: ’ fimiiunei;p,%tn,an‘fifmiwe ufeflf t.ij§cA fainwznn teaants,noztnsvemamng mi mm: Wang was of? nmmance, areeeman °®3£e1af¢,mE3§cij haw been by any of ,t1)~e fain qagotefianw fin: anw t%en+ttcm Ewing to ma i@€£tlia‘7i!l1811t;,1 £0; 1 nuiu:m1%z A£fi1”tfi:»*f-f mm mm _ ’ % ;-~ fmw‘ nemnous puvcbafen,o;%;aaen mm;e%a;%e:raAf% » M A bunngkmfouttp ‘om, of anmf wei?éctAn*pecr9t;z% 4% 1;; Aperfonsijmbp xttminmfi o2¢onm’cten,;,y name that tinze to t1)p,Iain 1% when szaewaa mmt1,az ecvzc fez 4 t1J?w’n wiwam aalitwf ‘Elizabeth 9¢mzntefs%of cum en, D! &*W25%;Wv’1anB9.oz %2:v,ct\,:‘ ""=» 4 I ‘ ;_ ' ‘X ‘ ‘ ‘ 3, t ‘ -; ‘ ‘ 3;“ “ 1. ‘ ;, , M ‘ l1D0fl%ii k“E~4¢ Mmltmbzie ¢coVI‘efmvmtimn wmtgagchi mite ‘AW. ‘ .2 ‘A I “V ts,anfi B ‘ ftu’ 1 v 1 y ‘W V139? cbiIDzen%.V nzw n 1"[%- ‘ iris“ 11 IA . w L. rmmzw ;?Jia{m¢,%ft0m,32%? we }&t§v¢0urt foz mzubt an Ire-3 laézornen amzwwmmWag u;;,:X‘ ‘ . V’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ T W)!“ .‘ ‘ W , my '4 M I ¢ 011, 0: C 3) Vaantfeifton, “ ‘D; gmcutnbzaatlce Dtfomvaing so, ET, we * John Jones that am mentmnch anfi tnin heenrmuirm Aim ti) mbatfoemr witvtnwe A am fiountiflfigin ttttaifl finttrqctlflflgfi Charles F1feetwOOd:"‘.ib%;fu§ ?1'~i¢fi€m%“3 Wncvai 05 $93 4 ymI:elat:d‘;%¢%¢ mend ;Lud1ow gflifilés ifiieutanant. neLowrh,fl:ou1nntak~emm J f%n1¢=%$3bPjtD9WD mczasuauuns, oz mclamttqnstss,annIJatb iA flaming;!)tcI),mhzv5V Anftbzfimb mcfons Ijamwnnit i%zofech%t¢D‘tDeit’L % petfonanb V W ~ 1‘? ‘Dig nictann%Ittai.ntwa%oz,v °Wfi3WW» arming . ix _ 1; ;‘ . ‘V _, . V ‘w>H~ - . .- v 1.. WV ‘ ‘ I 4) ; gr » - » _ " W "3 «*3 V V‘ ‘_ , J . .:j. ~‘ ' ' 5 ‘-,.: _«.- M A W t * .,' , 7"“. C 1 ~ ' mcten, ‘9ibata11 ant my Vvctfn aim vevffifl *°‘¢51%D1iti0lu¢atID¢; % oftncm; » 1‘: . , " is x er «V 3? W N 7 ‘ Q ii‘ 5' W» 472: ’ ‘* > ’ ; ' 'V ’ ‘»‘ ‘1 4 ‘ v -I ‘ I T ‘ . ““ x ‘ :_ 1‘_;»c~Y§‘w"“'_ ‘§;r‘:‘H',“:"'!l:\‘ v , '°+;g,s“" “ “P 3 I M“ J‘ ., 7 ( ‘ ‘ V. ' 'V;|)\‘ z ‘ 2. ' 3:97‘ 4‘? 3% ‘ 5 > E » V ‘ ,_, 3, 1 . .» 8: . I , jg‘ V, “ ‘xs V U; ,‘ ,5. / _ , .m “ ~,. 51, ‘ V ‘ , ‘ , ‘_ , ;' ‘ I J ~.‘ “ ‘ ‘ '“ W. . . ‘E ,1, .5 ».¢«.z\:::, E name annmgmg U¢‘w°“1[W33fiPDWW“§L afuttaflme, t 9 4 f°e M Walt %°“V5a 1,339?” . ‘..- ‘.x._. V. ‘ ‘ «V , . ' . ‘»\:,:~' - , '1‘ _ ‘ . ‘ - , ‘a _. ‘ R , '_ - "- b‘ui%t1)cfain *¢tmtizafn; » v I V ‘t1Ji5*?it¢»°z hPan2»A Wet oz mcw,AJ flafiw 02 zfiinancwnf afltamcm; befngetljetmee annétmmtictij ¢ men ft’ ftp four, DMB? . % man; tbcit claimm ‘ % A t¢C¢fb8t!l¢ 110$ Ms? jungenxenctntnac hmalf fr @ cmimtfi ,0: 1Jf§V$i§§DWf5 mung sm-ms quwinlmlandsujaubp bi é Dis 92% Dlifmf ‘ urn mic, V vi; Q? ‘ ,;s. . w w. M 3,7!‘ »‘ 2;» 3 x. ‘ «ya "yv - - ‘ _ ‘ ‘ . ' I . ' . . . ’ M‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ _ k ' v ‘ In ‘ “’ ‘ 1‘ 5‘, > ‘ » ‘ 9. “ - ‘ ' ' 5, 5 V ' mt ma i ‘ . mmcn mag in the pew: 9 t M ,tI),eufanp%#tipwnu:c:1::: . W‘ *~Il£E%0;(3B ‘V an m1tci)e fatiififiizté tbzivwuavnian 0; aamzansn“ ; A r % W’ r ‘m ‘ 7 .u« A; as ,2’ W . 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(15) amnata many . 4 %umztse%n _ann %'rmum:n to taufe alt am: $139151’ f zhwpztfmmflfl nations ‘*0 anncommttten £0 7 t;§1e%camnwn ®o;a1%*Vfm t: e wfpz~c%tt'm mm ehcinggbeg agmnunmtcs, mbmtve fai lamina oz pwnns foffensmg ;£l)au%AhzfD%Lm1B.. mm m: remain dbao1»§Dz1ib%cty, ”mV<15cneml ficflinnfi of we aammbicb 3911 ,fi;$3 ¢DP¢fl ta 1J:€ BflD fog we ;:i'.ain efinnty n;¢:ounucs;2¢nn we , tmflil we W3: A ufcijew of mfise, D2‘(®‘aDi‘.® ¢lYiD,\B.¢y,1” as aim the gag ‘ ftmfiof tD¢4%B¢ac¢;& in that mneml flluartet V Qefftonsof the fail) ¢0nnn1>o;. .4 mil‘ ‘. «at-I, '.« «fie. “ “ ' 5 " “Q “ f, ‘\l \.J 5;, “~,"""I‘, I -_‘%v ‘Mr ‘Van ;‘»:‘:'”**\$. ‘ @« “"-‘~‘ W em ~r % H» «s» 'V VA .. v g 4 » ~* *9‘ % ., . V . I u . l k 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ w , . ' wonhcfigwz _ & if“ W ' fffllvtm WnEs.’at¢VDeé “ t€qmceD%$0¢ ' t%*fn~@fi7€,’€f1tin”fa 4 ~ % w “firm be mrmw:.¢naufkn W rye“ ; fl:f92 ‘EfaiD,%‘ ‘bat if aft? "figtfgfi F . ww fownbict, banIi1)Bfi7ann%feut112$“§‘%gnfi wt % iaz afozzefain, uyaiu at anptmi*c:$ aim: riiVcwt?s*%*g% tiger: beingfn nifpnfeti mi: tianiilgméxit tum (nth am» pm: if tut ’0Ifii1iii1fi1ii§j3éfiitb’fif ‘ England» Scotlmdaiib” Yréland, iniiD”!1i?:t1iV%t§chfz;uii3f zttnc grzat$9ea1fyf% Ehglana, fig; that mturn; iwat than amp Iucy;5‘€ém;¢“ m1UA”W|?£0US TU’ Al7¢$f1¥tt1iflg%ll3i'w?blIf Iitéf‘if£”€’i‘§fi[‘g;;~. fflzcfatn, (bait arm is, *arin are mewra alarm ann anjungen to in guiltyjfif%V3rz10Im ant: ipon tVon1aictia‘rt; Afl)aItM;fo;; cg”; {mitt Vfwet 9‘ WW "3’ ”W9“5%A C as bettue of tbid "“’::":«‘,‘J‘;~f»,‘{,M W ‘fiw ‘ ‘ W‘ ‘ ‘-qv‘”“"l“‘ “"‘ . ‘ ‘ " W W" %ateB9a“thee11‘ fa‘; “B *wwbfe““tfifi?l.W ‘ J tiotis, the wt flair or fir ifeihfififauffiff M an at-zen tow we axnmn ‘‘,,K;\. 35, pm 1‘ M " t‘;,~ «'2 , V, mwa‘ ‘.w M" M ‘un ‘. .‘ ‘ 1' rt :5‘ jfl :‘ ‘~g,4 ‘_'; “k A“ *1 ’ 3 "A ‘ ‘fl “!K‘ W‘ “.1 7*! ‘ ‘Mu . WI 1‘ , 4 ‘ .,. V" ’ _‘l ‘ ‘~ 1 ‘ H “ ‘ gin “ _ '1 A; W‘ :9, _,,I‘ xx‘ r» W E ~ A we a .3563 D2 ' «H, , “ ‘ .‘ " ' “ ‘4 V‘ , 4 :4 « "’“ 7“ —'u " “'3” :“,«;v I ;.‘~>fi1‘,-,3 '&w*“/‘w ;,““" vw ‘ q“15“«‘>“‘ Q“ Q‘ _ "-W ‘A . . ya .»_ f» . ;.,l _ n , “wnr I ‘ mi‘ ' w J m H ‘ ‘ L gm " i ‘ Hm \ .\ " n -W, ‘ ‘\ »'.v~\: ‘ “ wig; 2 4; u~ Dz Ufif a + A J‘. 3 ma "H: W, “ ‘ “ ‘ .,, . I flf Dub 1n*,*a biafi“ A ~ in Ireland: it ifrxfla imp! *not g‘ui”w - _ ‘ " A. \w"1¢‘ V T’‘’g.: ,. ., .. ‘>335 ‘!’:“"*;4;‘,‘*“‘.,\, w ~_“ id A .1,‘ M n “X” quiten, £33 newannn,emmtneau% cla#in1e5 Imam %(18) ljati)emv~fince%meib£n tI)*e{ ‘pififitz imzfi eputy anwnuwncila of 1r'"€14ti3§‘"03é: any fttm*e%?i an B? W: the fazmg Engliih, 101? mamas: » 1‘5&¥BaI'11t£ %nn:1:ngmcfucb»Vfzntmc2A comma» xzingfatne, as totmm Eballfeezn warm as: grmwleto flvam ann gnm:%%Lécmnicmmc, ¢#mbic%bV fmiténte 4 DEC crminatinn flmfl. W finxai mm conttufibe »t0,~a11pavtie5 Aconcernm any wing? A 13L0§3i$fl A A AA A A A A annpctfns;%hm”;z bptigtsmct att%““amt¢nVn;f% high: 9“tx~3"°”¥€93%V°3%WW9 M» ¢ ‘,fi't1Ji§WW0wecantrarvi"W‘$v‘”“¢“%°t1hitv>é% 1%%znnmen fac1) fetit¢nce..zinwctémtinationhe x1zam:hewfo;etbefi?rft of Jam; newmfannfiygi '1 ,,w, . _ .. ‘ ‘ M _ A J A A, A_ A.rA;MA, ‘M A “AA ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ,5 3 ‘~' ‘ A‘ \ ' ‘ A, war‘ aw aemuzza%%A‘pm'aw flteafion, fl)ail, gnn¢ate ijeczhp‘ % mcfloAzzn%m tbcic? ifjebflfieratafl®%:te’£pz ctthchumsmm ¢Atmage55an1n be emblth tanjta e*1)t5VA£mn¢tI):m vefp%ectinc:cou*-if 3J¢¢P‘W 0z»¢conm9ame£, ventgm owwmtecs¢,? emanimz §D€tn&nDs,,A»cIaim 0: l'+18’5§f1”W3s title ozittmsbv , WWRT1‘ eoilattlffila mm,‘ my arm annex 1)%is%anDtD¢§p Afatberoz fatbcrs,% fivanhsfatnev oz —I?finB==f&tD¢t5 ant owe: W A magma: mntcfiozs oz%¢amnzenA %cerpéecttraAew» fflzann to wmannzvaf ’iLan1Iss %it»nent¢n?tr5~ ants mvevitantentsa m»m?cvih¢v¢%9ihens ram \ Ila % “I “"9 “W? P‘?‘9!W ¢‘¥°“5%‘“¢»% fogs: aanfzmen oz nem1¢n attai1ttem tbemwfpzctielv that W“ 9°5W%%&tf¢16¥mtfonai»”T% rcfvectim%films}: ~zfhv?t‘aercfi1$aa“ ’ fiwnts tmoz V at tzjznmt Wifi A W1; 02 A W15, Afifiminifimtmgs Mrgnas ‘of ..V_ . . J‘ ‘ -, ' "". ' x " ‘ ‘ ' ~‘ I W > I xv {mi 62 minus refzzettimip tn .imi)ont%fw;;x; % ‘§1La:'m§;me%€e fa a!,!ot£€B%0g affiignzn i“ttt1)‘e%ga;o;»=.» % iainttflfCormauglm 02 <fl£;mmtvmfC:1a:e,, cg ffisfifllfitué fiffibtnta W3 nfit;e1WDem%; man was t A mm mm? Bf ‘them, big man .tI)eiv 39396355 fipgcug mm, finmtntfircatflzfi arm %m’gn¢£a* vefpecmaeiy, 939% flnbmv ‘Wm? M veacwmy mm» the Mata accn;Bing1p,. finptning in Itnzfggg tg % wnccacpcontatnw aazovinevaIfo»matwemung rozeramy“ tbifi mt attainttfl 5. no; anp% of t‘!)em% (1)3111 3 ,. W ' ’ I; 9 If u: k ,, ' ‘ I ‘ ‘ - ' ~ K $14. , \,f‘% 1. 3‘ 3 gmrgg” ,«,; ' l _ --‘ ~‘ 3» ‘ ‘.'c:,$»'%l>.§K:,-9‘; W ‘ " 9 ‘ 9* W :»¥>.a,,z . - av oyannmf m », . w 4:" JV‘ V ,. -W_. 1 r .‘ Fr-: mu y: RH . ,« ., [W ' ” 9)" V‘ “ L’ ‘. , 9 fa‘ ‘ Mu" ‘yf ”-T ‘, ‘ y 1,‘ ‘ . ~; > J W ‘ ‘ ~‘ 1 ‘, “ ‘ ‘ J , . ‘ >> l ‘ “M3 ‘ v\ . V ‘5:"»'r' " ‘ . i" ’ r,‘ . V . >1 M‘ W ‘ , 1 N 1.‘ U . f vs: >‘ 1.,‘ ‘_ I . 333» A: V’ ‘ ‘ . ' 2' [ .~ " ’ ll . A —§&t~e£‘f‘I-‘R gfl -4; "A." W“ .‘ «~ I I 1 . 3 L&'V“i‘\‘> ' ~ (10?) ' £a:1t:nf%%£1J%s3wm'on of Eng1and»%VA1%obatb rm ainw ogfimm the flfaib mmluon in Ireland, $ne;,msseamnsin Ire14nd‘£1t&1I‘i"? .%mm fmm ti3efir&0f Oflobfir, ne tbmxfanm Ei;:fi3:an4: men musty one, I tame flirt? amarch, iwnetb-mi- mnb fixvijnnmenatm fifty, any wz’ngfafntiji5 mt %%§%n:m'nea $9 the cnntcswwnanzp wife n%s%twm3s$ iv%%5ga;ontnen aimam azijat amaze 0; any tljin t:fijma’n wntaineh, fl)z1!inw@;tfbcg3;;ej:zM’m’&3. €t1fySVomerffet‘ ififlgfl He1*ber.t;\A% U£W$%€€tVUAE‘»”Vfi,»3$ {MD} H enry §LUAW9» ex-be:c,ann u;ew~m'w of mg % A W{’%i all aflmliflv fwm arm 7afu$erA¢%t§)£ Dmfij %~ ‘V :96 Edwarwew1f- t;Im.§¢ fi0nav,i%mmcb Hefid%y%%ari . ‘ ‘r%W “ ' mum A r®tanDsfatI)ezt,; 0; to ram . \m 0 at’ “ _, ‘ V ‘ n .w ‘ 1“ M 5 ~ *;+m n ’'‘‘-i-'‘ M W aw W V V m‘ ‘W H: “ mg" ' .~ xx ‘ “JI"..‘ “ " V % %eau1W£»Aworeeaer balsa” when conxn:tt%m[ any “". ‘V « .. ‘ W ‘M 2! 4: W A9‘ ' :" ‘ M 5 mt st» ‘w W13 afilfi 05 W0fC€H€r; at .‘n ‘v 5. I ‘ M w ‘1 ‘ ...- W / " ' « Mt..:~;~: »y. ‘a “ ...,‘ ,. ‘ " ““ H» “ ‘ ‘M N ‘ ‘ “ IL‘ ‘ma ‘ ‘ "u‘ m‘ U 1$ ‘I “' H. M '19‘ H ‘ ' _. “ 3*" "ix: I “ ‘1"‘ ‘"3 ' ‘ 2 ‘ ‘ ‘ ' *‘.*‘*‘*~ *1; % % «2; fl *5; V. WW W“ A ~ ‘ « . ;a w “ , “ , HM ‘ L 0% m ,6 ‘avg. % 6; _gm 1 ;W~f§€°’* ~‘ W n , ,;,x-“ ‘»‘ r +~ “ ‘ ‘. ’ ‘ ‘ ' .‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘av r " :3 I ‘ ~ ~ yr‘ "‘ 1 ** H * ‘ ‘ I ‘ ‘ H‘ A,Ju '& 2,; in W a . ‘ ? ‘ .' ‘Z ‘ 1 ” ‘ r ' 3”.‘ V $3,} 3’ 43% U WW ml ' “ ‘ ‘ ‘ " £1 1? ”‘ *" ‘ ‘ mg ‘ I ‘ f, W“, I M‘ ‘ _«’ » r 9 “ , Egg 3; ‘ y ~‘ :5; ‘ ‘ “ ‘. ‘:14 " Na’ ,u‘ at ) fw W M ‘Mg. » L5 , " A ,W ;h3;;~ ‘ Hz, ww .u giiy . o'rce‘fl€rDiE5?i ¢ne:+“,i) am, M d,¢a;,t1%%,[;V;k% %~¥_rs:¢f*€r “ Difi A a.tbm:sw.z'u,’ J93 ‘D031-flan a§Lbu nD333 V utvafifik W11? mm amply, as‘ if meta: ¢°%%”F*P‘*‘°fii0f W V A 2:114 % %?V \‘ V G % » »ttV~fm:tb an mama _.’.;u ‘N » *«.§7a»;h V a L k ,» . % I I‘ gm» 4 , ; "J M Am,‘ 9” 5‘ Y3? Mg.‘ _ , 4%‘ “ W "4. “l"‘~ ‘ 5 fix iaunnzw aim fuuvtp,Jtbgiv§é2%zimfaam~m; - ‘r . “ u 145' \. ,. w. r W '1 on V .. ‘ 3, ,. “ ‘,7’ -" Ir-' . -xw éarwfifim Itt“M&iBWs%’Wfi$D;¢@fWffifijéifé Whats in .X§r,€1waf1Edh5".a;t1D"fl3a1I1 bvaBfuvg"e'éta§L Emu mmam am: @IBb£Dmu&ii$fi’V€8it€ntI $38 A % mawefieéimssnfiIre1ana,%hutA*cva.t we mamas mm 3mva1bitants,we:c fiaéztrs ahn%t»~ mmmvemv ”.fi‘?m*"=b‘¢379¥*1U‘?"3fV13133?’-3*” %mWWmfWfifi€¢t‘°ninwtU¢i%2°1JfnctOfiC%dn+ naughtflz; A Clam gann tbat ¢0Ill%fllifl'i;: émnzmgdem %Mfi2tbiM: Mamjnintéfi, anti Qttztigéagiseh by cnjemunceaafii:-exana, to e;aé:%z:deVann§[¢n:fi%% alum van» nIanv%%%a*ftv¢€aw 1"1&tiW5% Miia m.m'tem€j3V. tij2x’é£i@m'$‘S oz flBiD0m5,fa11% nnbicz we {mi muaiificatinn , am) my£a%t‘pgnpgm@:anfg’ fififianmtb . W‘ 4 a 3"“ WW1’ .\ % % % r v % % ” rm an An W We 0 t w ‘ ‘ ‘ V‘ ~ ‘, 7 ‘ ‘ 1‘ em{ magma: W V rain ‘1; ,“,.‘ ‘ H rum atwsastvetatn ¢°@ntiWa1It;énwatbt-« armm1ugr¢Bt0f¢f#fiut mm Aflnpfivztion ta Atigc km-yaoz.flit!)¢vvW0¢f%%¥D¢%;gififtbé ififlh mmmw .4 V€fW5t‘” 1 ‘ . 4? :net:tetncctim¢ ‘ y ‘ - scam rain ianmxztimg * ‘I ag aw fflfliiiesf b1'ttfimf*at*1ca féntiifi“fii’%$l3aL-[ $03 ¢ WW¢‘°fL*£et% oI:ommi1Iiohecs;&oz W3f4¢ti0Tn«of A QM A;o%t"aii!I:*4 Mans in wt %&?°nI¢$ Barrxzgryowrcannwjmufi W W ’y:’wt;‘ 1. ‘W,:: “ YE‘! ‘ W _,n‘_:W ‘.‘l.\ ‘H: L‘; W it «,4-‘,1? ‘N E I ‘ .\ “ S It? I; g ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ V " Ya “I ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1‘ “ ‘ ‘ 0 no 4 an W n t am ~ A“ 7 W‘ ‘ "5 W‘ s ‘ “ ‘ ; ‘ ~ ‘ ‘I M ‘ T P‘ 31.‘ iv‘ ‘ “7 N J‘« 53‘ \ W" X"- ‘ * ‘_"' “ W "“*‘ '4 . ‘ ‘ ‘ 5 F: ‘ «’ o-V‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ I ‘ ‘ ~“‘w-""9 "I'M ‘ 5’ “ ‘*-,.,"' “LIV.” 5' “ " 3,-4; ’¢"~5r‘ ,»‘ ‘*‘fi*i~; ‘ ‘ ‘H '“=W "~ W M’ '- ‘ . .r ‘ ...‘m.‘.‘: w ‘ ‘flaw’ ‘ N 12%“: Jp V ‘ ' ‘~u - "C ‘ ‘ “ ‘ “ (22) A M *u.:%ut¢§,0z ifl~fiWf‘W5 ‘““W“9° we ‘°M”3*3 V rz>%‘rto~titf)Efat1Dinfi5+ % V amomnen Wflrirbatafi¢D¢9iItb¢P5=°% ®th~i1@wt?5, 0: other étum fo[cam, mm aimfiflkfis W5, %%191°€9%°f Ambw» W W otijfieciztnitings ant: wings concerning mm gut? mping, flnmeafurin, ittztbution, arm ma‘; 4 pang nf the >w¢1§, %zIinquents*, ann %19“a~,;=v 4 m'&5%antvsmIrc1and, which artmzwm in tn: bannsof the @“ntbepnut wanna}, mg. any atbmt nation 0; perfmfi Ih1Jatfoe11er,fi)aiin34iti)a in tbzce flgaonetljsaftut fl)e1%@ubIication%of this ~2tctin¢Ire1and, he mougijt into,1ot:gen am) platen in fits flaiavmffifiautt{offixcmcnwv in Ireland» ¢1:¢, to t¢zma%inofv A cozn fozma fmntcc of we ctomnmn-mean!) 5% farm tfany amfon 0; minus 111%“ 93993113192‘mileit ¢uffWP,% 0: tbwtua MB? of anvotbw,” am’ of the ratnsuvbws'a%+ flP9,%"°035=A W‘1i!”wfAtIIW5 afozefaiva W0 am not my into the fatn%¢°utt,witDin the timwfoze1i:nmv,tbemmaurmvsaanvntnev we Wfiimiars afnzvtfima wait on tum mnntg ‘F€1a‘11§»Affi °‘*'W>w¢t‘¢"9f ‘"tb€$¢%fiw=toM1nvcv Web ma ¢°““1?“°&“?I"3"%“”5¢a tDA"“,~txfc0~E M n%¢rsanw6%*[ utWflj9z3=“fi¢ t:m~»—a D202 ., V « * J 4 » “ J‘ W‘ ‘ ‘ M W , ml‘ . ‘. “ ‘ ‘ " Mi ‘~ *;~,,; “ - .3 V ‘ ‘V H “,‘ A by “M7 ‘MW W ‘ ‘ ‘ 1;‘ “ M a-,‘ Q ‘ “ ' ‘ '. ‘ \ "‘ v, ‘g,_ ‘ml’ “ ‘ ‘ s’ M‘ W3“ "3 ‘ "M " : 3' ‘ ‘ “‘ ‘MM ,9, .» 3,‘ ,(. -,,\gV\‘x_, \ ‘ ~ . w 3 ' .. '- w«‘g ' ‘ ‘ “ " _ v, ‘ A 4 ' ‘V - ‘, 55 “ ‘ ,, rwg 1 F’ mm," <‘_‘_ ‘,-‘~:' ~ ‘ JV ‘1 ‘ “ ‘. ‘n " ‘u. .1 " 2‘ V “ V‘ ‘ 3 ‘ uh M‘ (150 5 5" \ mr,~_: ‘ we ‘ ww; 3 N l 5 - <23) i3}$¥i1I3aIfl3§ %Ir¢1arid I in It time bctnfi, imb ifii ¢'J§t1#*n¢c;i1tND¢tc,intDe abfcucc at cm cbtefiasuq amour, oz cfiobernours of 1rc1asid,uz; amt: tang I9? Vim hereby xutbozisw annttqnittn, tof¢tjout,“ m mate to he actlcn on tncamonntt annzsutg fgeffes of the iionm of B3-ndon-Bridg tutllt mantra, nf Cork in Ireland . fucv. 0; fonmcb of we fimnns, 3Eenement5,antI iaerenitaments tutu: ed: %tp ofCor1<, fozmmr belonging tu1:in1m;.1 m1s,as the ram aagnhott ants mutgctfcs ate 1 i {now mffetfen at‘; as arcnants to ibis manners gmmtbis Qtummon-mca1tb,ann asno notcpccen zrtztlmoailuz of two gunmen pomms, as the $ t1w%mzn:c1noztDtn he let in the mat, wnc V bunngzn arm fouctp. to yam: ant: to ijom we famk ilanns §3:¢fl9m£m5a ant: iaetenta % 4&5 tot&)z«fain19zoi)‘ofl: anbJ51ttgclI¢5,ann ] ’ iiflfixccztfozs for Bhtt, fez, Run tomathztbjc iuwuzt 017 13139 Wbiiilm ¢1)fl€fi¢5.$ 3111? PNWIIIW atianof the Avon arm faitnfut {twice noncbp; as m It-am, Lin me Im fi¢W1i°0tW.' D ful1BiI¢Dat£¢»0f,a}1W2 ~ pz ftmngf tbfifm %°m"°fBahd9n Fri 4 12!“? DP awn %.ubImu¢3FaftD« ‘nu _ am annaxyunmna . 9” 7" 2 .‘ N», .:~'.,:v l‘ 1: . Ar 3 ‘V D L A at, ; 1: 3 « I ,._‘ I ‘;‘,,.z u.VU J I ,ggaum- :9 % in ‘$99 fail! inomn W5 W0 ‘II Ilfflflfiht-v wt: ¢ of the rain mama await the; % .4 Mt if Nicholas W“‘"°““°%¢ ‘D¢5"‘ % wan M mt warm: fiwnfiant noon weed; (2.43 ..‘ "l I ‘ , ‘ ' V ‘ ‘ -v-.-- ‘. - 1 ' ‘ ‘ =mn%@$§®w as,g:..-W--j.‘«i» «A» «%g‘--} ‘ ‘ n “'9 " :g¢%:m?n:s~,emuiu‘:may manner ame@ ‘ ...<.\. *“ ‘:4 V % %~;;;«..?-; - 1» .~ - ,3 .. ‘ ~;m~g§:t;%g£%%%w%*e1@awameni:%in1;e1ana; maeen»ammtnzen»Ez tbetectihing ann A §3E3@%@ii32E%~»%§i3¥¥Ri¥A5; jfiiima °l“%‘510z¢.W5 Wsiélinefxfi 5En%gIand» mm min flange:-2 i%¢ciamgz:a;n fiaereumn aims W Va; ;¢F5n;mz'n%cnnm:nen,‘%a)a11not emu!) ta ' A Arm Baxnwe11.% mp 150" makfi waste uf‘€iJ¢f3€D Nicholas %x;£§11,y‘A'in“g‘zip#iLann'fi,¢A fienmzmtg Jo; nmv:ei1itaL~e*-=1 W M W WW5» 3'“‘“°“ 3"“ iJ;?mu.wa WU Nicholas: 01%’ Wits arm ;jC$2;5E%'§’§i'§'j§‘gfi‘E@;$i5§§1k&117fl$9§£iJ313I11¢>ffimflm arm tow :r;;;;je+L%r;;;% jg; rimnimtatljen as if this mzrcnt L. ‘r. ¥"i%i3*fi?i5?Wi1*Q*¢.¢¢ *4 WT %w%*iin%t%hsewn %mzmavv 3?‘? ‘?J‘‘‘9 ‘F? W"£9%33§¥flt2%D¢??9%f%in %!‘PW°% Mia ;a;mfi£@%~g§%.annb‘titfiufi er enamu; unsrmm am: at com. marm%:o:1i‘fittatnm oz 3tvam'4 Taazzsnmét-oir**bt‘ fan of ulxcke Bzélinaégéélyé ifi*tb¢@rihhtv% Ufcorlc, (whim 'f}m‘;'L1Iié1%%9:ém1fiantgoon fifiectfl A IJWJ hm! was of mama rm Batvzoasvt uvintm *"m*ce&fara‘t+aae:vgsvn > A%nuswac rm Tybbor nzaLvumi2%a1IsD v;.e?Wb1v%¢nib? ai1“J¢3W“°§ % iJa~n¢WI1vmbenbva h*‘%9:ett*nimm’ent5 :9 ‘r :TW V«‘v~"3-* 1% ~* “K: ~~¥*»ev: % =-.«‘ kw “ *4 9“ “)1 I ‘I ‘I '9‘ ’’-) i L. , V u‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘. ‘. “ "X“‘»1, " “‘ ‘ 3' ‘ “"rI“‘ 5:"7"!'««}‘§i"“ ‘ ) ‘ ,; ‘ —\,,‘ am M? ' ‘ " ‘ ‘M, I 3-H’ .Lmdaré, P:i‘n:e;dA4by‘ gum; H2Z£:and%‘3%b4n££2ld,%&Printera4 gm E-1zsH1ghrnefs,, 155472 '7 ':'#‘5?'. W