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V v, u M ‘g ‘ ‘ r w ‘ V,‘ . J‘ aw’ ;w , vfinmurages ‘ mzut%atm¢¢n4cv¢“afc at _ ‘ .;{§’_;g;:§§?i:z'2§:|:';"£':‘q“;.:,‘_:f. _t1;4ug§3ngm[¢ngg mm % V » H « mnza;tp4 of 4 mm ,,' .% “V Mtljesanbanccment h ¢t1)zf%9zotcIta[ut¢ new “at? ‘*7 ‘ *1 % J gtmt Wtnlmlaml; 4 I wniclzeb izbk jams \ WW % ;4g"ntnt a late ~0n*Df»Dub1in¢ « I‘ ~ cf A & rmng, emf % % A % in Ireland, W/1l1hih%a~m.. :*'%a’:'.%1’~l-e;@f'5?i* inIrelandfmt; itMV ‘M A%%Robe::t King (728) . ~ ‘ ijmbpfztl A , e&ab1iw%%%iznvAkanggeflen in arm ttpntt I-lstnry *.JA3m3mW 05 MUAHPWI %q:o1:m:fHen;y%romwex, John ~ ”4htt%nznep mneral cb4»ct%cV1&Venab1eMs,fin: Cook am; manta; ; enry ED o’ct'n2 Jonathan A Goddard, fiultfifiicrotfie5é;n1<%Y$?31D.0ctD2*JohnHarding» James ‘W%hitc1o($kA%¢%fCl§‘ifL»J0h%n‘w .%A0W€n (UBtK , Robfirt % Staplctong anI© fin otnt¢%.,%bv A I3fll1E=tU“ AA §\\lcE¢8~atxn v 0” W? 'tW‘df%3\ 1'1) ¢ t “ 11:‘ ~ L, M ‘ ‘ «uh “name of mtg £+CD°11atsanD$fficers % m,«r zk.ma;%marten fizrufle es aazrmvfinem mmz or them, by mm mm) tncv content. ann%a11k3zuhattou at t1)¢i’bmn fltentza i!.icutenant:%Vnf 1;‘quemoecaozs,areuoms,.@cno1tacy*annwt: ficem ; arm m appointfi‘ unto Wtbzm mm mm’ inf them, fucb Pearly ztuomaxzces, attpenm an *%a!arte£* nut#offlje‘ mcmifes A Daring theft; terpmme tibia 5 n; fm fact) leflet time 33 A ya in4%I)t'5 fuilfififllmt (1)311%tI)tnBfit¢»¢;%¢aIm Iikemiffi to % temcmeatm tiifpiace ‘fucb¢of%t13em%a5 he saw any V mm tl;aIIi)‘s’IIJ eyzpcnmtt 5 am am: up We 3% am taut in mzitmgu11n’zthi5 ilaann anD;®m1.-.tn came raw mnnepanccs,‘ ®mnts,atm fiffigmtiuns of tbe pmtmtfes nz“%a%twrpactof ‘tIJ2I1”t,tD mnnane by A the fem: a:maees%o2 anpgfiheoz 1'tIm¢¢nf %tbem, unto fuel); pmtfnn oz.“ Vpecfnnfim as Em Vfim mm iiafatmantbp fLlCf)¢11B€£tm!;It as ?&fD%3£f8‘i§D flmil ftom ufnuc—%tntimetrtrect any fa1J7pm'nt.** izizmtne faiD.v’iEVvmtces, ozamy fine ti; maze of t1jcm,% ace “becehpautbozi%3w* annapmn':awntu% maRe%4fu.ch “atontmm‘nccs, fizzmw %a:1h¢V“2tIIign£m’on nftbe 74 zemifw, amp mitt tmvflfsafi itbezvi fl2a11Tht 5 4 ¢ > 1znAm%tim¢%to»ti n1etmzecten bpf%£1)2fam,;il;nzn imam itenant% #a5‘afnzzfain:% 2mna11%£ucwzants, * «Ion-.: iacyancwattn 24[CigfllIIE1It5 am malihz mm by t1)c¥}faind’:mt1¢esasafoztfaim,;tfl)a1iytte:goon sum Vt:ffzctua1iimI)z~fl.am». 1flan]tbe»faw?£tufiew, oz A am ozmozznfi tljmnf. byjanitn mtthafijecoufent ‘ V iannapnzohationnfi the WI!iLIJzD=?Met1t€1mnt~%%f « ,I*r¢1a%nd,¢ ¢ugm'a'+en hp.4nJzAiti1tg& m1IJevbifi 19am::%%a:nnM 4 14tfl,[ %aVt’¢”w1)¢évcbTya*‘autIjn;i5%cDVr¢:a%Wn, appnmn::a{‘ t A murmar nf5a1m mgputjmm;itmg%;mcb Smtilweg flivectiaiw,‘ %4tacutés,"%;nt% %ancc5«,attv %zzm:u;»; titm as they in ttierc mnsemwts waiitbink 4 fit,fmtI)e”ctzctt’ttE,fttiing,%maintaminganD ®o..s~.—= , hemmwt of tljzmtnffklniiletlitvg@o1ienges am: % veg;9c1)o%n1,% armor tIjB‘*af*fl3t?§, 1aub12’que:.» “X 4%;ofe1I’om;%% areuoms ,cI)uI1at5 am: flffitevs } % time, annmtn he in tijexnéann~V4gi;mtpkofgtljcm;V agm tI)eV%famc to :f¢ft,'m’Jzt zmzztmg to tbeqmvlzaa % ammt of¢Eng1;md,%. tI)e%v:c%.ti:!-t¢C¢iYJ8 {WV ¢aW”a“* fllifighmttim III; cnnfmmatuzm 5315 $3? mam ma wt .Eg1~ana flmii be 1:bw§x1)iéyAfit;% AI Em ' “E; Cg : :.r‘_,,“; 3 ~_ M 4 A we mean time, “um; tmti1%“ my Vaimaatim zMu4g,»,%;c1?£a%§$v" *£z'm’a£% 0; »cm.rtflrmatmn tlyamaz mane~by%t1)e*%%“ amsa % 4 mam 95 .England ¢tt)e 1‘m‘%iAazn %+ieu:want$»nE W Ireland is: ijmzhy a;utDou’3enfinD% _&p1)itl£.5 hp m atcant in muting uttbttbifi iwtm mm ml ta % nut‘ i!;W$ti?EIFltifiII an 0; any oft1)efiI11¢S;§'vc;.§: ttiomWattltéfiafizhiflvtfices aunfiinfiwuzctiiiwa as than beta agycma um amn puttu muting a; A mfm¢~m:%€ba%¢ mm the fame fl)a11%mmmn annzfie-s cmaitmfijmintentfi aunpmpmigfi afozetam, mam amen timer fa; tbz aittfatinn, anm'tion% 0; cnnfir: nmtion ofw them oz any mf them, Lbzm he gxmtrby we amrliasxtent of England afi afmfax’ § always, ’£Ijatt1)1'5 mt flmil not warm to tam afimp t1)e%mig1)t,@flat¢ 0: @nm¢%flnf any new {mm at: nations Ijatfnehmt, other than nftljcfain ggmin Smmgagam; tljczaatlfamz t w %muE;anm:tt ia%tzmcIj1ai£t)op, iflynp of Mcath, am: of tbcfain cam W anDV%aptev%; mm of W tbatbabt 0zM1?bm3£D%* t'f%1§¢ ’ ‘ $1 * mfe, ®2aut%n; <$nnbepancefwmAtn¢ fmmatz imccnbtuyop, uwnpuf Mew-a, ozifwm the min mgan, man ann%_AMm)aptar, *aun% fcflm any that ~;ahAt%hm»n agamfti aaatliamfent, fuel) fizautg, imftbz @fiu1WvRWA 11am W11 ma%¢IiW wt grim my%uf06to,ber,tntbe W ”f““W~02W¢:nD» W fbflflmfm W1J“1W¢D’ W5? WW1“? f “.f 4.1,; M v MA...‘ 1 ; ‘ 1 . « E , ‘ , ,\ ‘ I 4 ,. , V . ‘ ~—.—__... V ‘ \ ‘ u\ ‘ It 9 H I‘ ._ V ‘ ‘ ; W Marrii, 1649. t ma. L44 ‘ ‘ ______ E —..m---nu---— WW A AA . , Lfimidan, %mty_1tehc“I.by fdzm Hmjband find 70/viimeldg A1fr§x§t¢jr§A%tf0%Vth¢Eariiégf & ~ % mgmsf EvM4a4x 31 amobitmn 33. M , ‘cvfljett moi) miju claim 13? Aaflmg ”f0Wh~£ fl Sc%eAl!,Clmc.;¢% V *