; W‘ ‘ M as ‘_J'f_“ E“‘.«‘ ‘Tin’ ‘ M 'A v , w { "With a Camlmggue of the principal} Founders and fpeciall Benefafitors of7allV the Col... ledgegand total number QFS tudent:s,MagiB:rates and Oflicers therein being. A And how me R eveaimssvvs {hereof a re and have been increafed from time to time,Aand Whom? With Bui1~dings,B(mks and B. avenues % as no Uzlivcfiticr im the: W<:>rI& cm in a.H points % pztmflcl. : Tlzcfizrmca the NLx1“£?c1*i:;s 0f H.644 ligion, and Senxixmries uf;vo«;>d A A A V I...itt¢.‘;“1;‘L’m.tKlI’€3.;. .. «. Alta £9" }<7zc fifizfliter. ...... VVIVI ..«.w»m m-ww,‘ LONDOM Pmmted by/Li. 8;. for “1£m2mz:.r jezwzera 2-md are tobefc;.~2.d at his 8110 p, at t he Semtbw mtrzmmofthe Iéfgjgezlm ' A A Vfimbmge, 1 65 .1. ' AA ,. ..v eeeoooeeoeooe 4°-dl°‘i6d?e_ Fel1o”d?s,Av A it ” Schdlars, w_hichjiSAAArecordAed‘ to be tthCAfi’1‘P£5”_ :i1,idt’IhI‘1”C>Ptt‘ ‘éfihéientljrfiv av: endowed tfldfledge in this Univerfity, as fame late I—Ii{’cdrians}r(Who n1adeiithen1I4.,>& gavei 1ooohpounds"that%two Fellows ihould be eleé-’ced out of Schogl toithis Cdlledge fucceflively) D=c;&orA jerviee, Dofizmf e 7e_/5p, and thclate worthy Warden, S.AHcm*y Siwil Knighn,Pro,;~ ;v,off ofEtorz,A(who founded two 1nathen1Aat;ick leéiures inwthe Ilniverfiry, which Aheini %hiswperfon- read publickly for two terms, by whefe hprocuirement 2mdca1~echis Qolledgc hath been .., niuichzbeau tified and en1arged:iwie.h fair buildings, beaks , and 0,rnamen ts) it is much enriched; In-this Colledige at ehis pre- fem: is a Warden, Ag 1 Fellows, 14;. Schollers _, be~fides' cnflieers » and efervants ofthe,fOund.1tion, with ovthcriif’cujde1Arts:heheiwhdle numben‘beingL8io. i M &-_¢- A ‘ 'A‘A A ‘ A A A A. l——' I IV.~ther0rnahmenhtsh.- in which at this pr»2i;'<:nt:4hisA a‘Wa‘rtieAn,h,Se~ venty Fellows and Scholars, ten ChapIaihs,'th:~ee C]1harks,honch Organifi, fixteen Chorificrk hbefidcs officers and {ervafits of the h “foundhation, with other ffudcntsg, being in al--1.: 37;. 7 ..B Q <2) A I VIl‘l.Lz'ncgolrze Col/edge, fozmded, 1 2 Q.=v H ‘Rlcbard Fleming born in 'T“c2r-}v\ef/7l.'reN, D'o-Eco: of Divinityi, Bilhop of Lirzcolnel, in the eight years of the rcigne of King Henry the Fifth, founded this Colledgc by the name ofLz'ncolne Colledgc, which he endowed uzilth lands and re--« vcnews for the maintenance ofonle Ppe&our_..,» fix,aFell<:>ws,,v and ~ two Chaplains. Afiter,RoberltFlemirzgDeane of Lirzcolne, Edw lward Derlgie Arch Deacon of Stow , endowccl the fame Col- A A ledge‘ withlands, forlthe mailntengmcel of thrce'?‘Fcllows5j‘l.u“-*~ ll peraddrd to the number of the: fou:frclation;' Io/an Folrrefl V D'a32lfl¢/ of W615, Tlaamas Beclzjngtorz Bifh-op of Bath and WeI:5' in j’o/an Sam/cam Arcl1Deac0z1 Qf Oxford’, William Fyndern ,» AEfqLzix~e¥, Hem-_y% Pihmufordll Cardinal 1 “VBi£h0p_:of- Wi7lCb€fl€T5«_ Iobn Budget: and ;Io1:»21 amaze au-g;_rnemed ghc lamb. annol 1 Thomas Scor,al.ia.s Kotberam , borne in Tarlgefbigre, Fcllbw of xKiflg5lCOll€dge,*Chaplain¢ and Lord Privy Seal to King Edward 15 the Fourth;Provo{l of Beverley, BifhDp.of Rocbefler, after of 4 Liucolrze (and than chofén Mailer ofPembrokg Hall in Cdmhtidge) " 1 T Ilrcli?-Bifhop ofTor«l;_e,_l4Lord Ctmnccllourl of Erzglarzd, Qhan- Vcellolur of thetlniverficy of Cambridge; ,* Sccnetary to “foure Kings, when he was Bifhdp of Lihcolne‘ did much enlarge “,’ and J finallypepfeéithelbuildings of thclfamgaddin to thewfolrmcr »?};I,1t1'lb€I'fiVE fellowfhipsy. Since Waltefrfiates, §/V . illzfiam A Dagvillg l A 'iIfiam Atwatér lBli.lbop of :Lincolne,w Edmund Au.dIey“, Robert ‘ Traps; Richard Kelbie late Rééior, Iobn Ranldql; gthc Right A l Honorable and Righ tfievcrend F aihcr in God, Iobn Lord 131.. 1110? Of 4 Limfollle, Sic. (who at‘ hisvgrcat charge. ereéted a fairc! A l Ohappeljand divers other. B€nef.;a.8co;’s,l have~;much ‘increafcd llthefamc: wherein at.thisprei'en t” is" lltma R,¢&pr, fifizpcn Fcl- .lows,tWo4~C2‘hap1ains, and fourelScho1ars,,befidcs officers -and fervants omhefoundation, wix;hl‘llother {tudenzcs being in all ' vomhundrcd andninc. _ A .1lX.. ’A1z.. e i(~~9li..>r iIX%.A!l-Soulnes Ciolledge-,' ti 4 337.; ~HEnry Claicbely elloetor of the Civil Ltwg, flhetaeeiilcitin of Sal%i5£mry,'Bi{hop of Saint"Dcwi:{5_,% Arch‘-Bilhop 05 -'iCartterbm;v3 in the fifteenth year of the reigneof King Henry the Sixth, foundcdthis Collie/dge by the name of 2411 Soulrze A .C01!ea’ge_, (' procuring the fitidliing I-Ie-my to give thereunto I n fourePr1o-rites Aliens, namely Aiberbury , ‘Rmnney,~‘Weedezz, PirzI<§22ey,and Languenitb) the building whereof he pe1"fec,tred ' in fueh forme as it {lill rernaineth, endowing the fame with . . lands and revenews,rfor the maintenance of one Warden, forty Fellows, whereof‘ twenty foure fhouldlbe Divines, land the rell Ptudents of the Civill Law, appointing by flatute that the number ofFe’llt>ws {hould never be augmented nor V 4 empaired; and that once in every year all places ( by death, A . : or otherevife void) {hould be fupplyed. He, alfo ,.gave lands and revenews for the maintenance of Chaplains _., Clarke and ' Chnriilers, fan; number. Since Reginald Pool Cardinal! , an“cl +;Arch -~Bifh“op of Canterbury,‘ Sir Wifiiam Peter fometitne Fellow _. of this Colledge, Privy Counfcllor to Henry the eight_., King ‘Edward (12,:-eneeMar_y, “andQ1,cen Elizabeth, have been bene- A 4 factors to the fame. And the late Qgeen Elizabeth of famous nienxtwy, confirmed by letters Pattents to this Colledge, the A Parfonage ofStm1ton Harecourt. In this at thieprefent is one 3Wardejn, forty Fellows , two Chaplains, three Clarks,fix‘ ‘V A : Chori(iers,- befides lofficersw ‘intend iervantc ei theifoundation, with other lludents, the Wiiolc -nuniber being 70. A X. Ma‘gdaleneiiColledge; *ffaunt!cd, I 4.59. A Illiam Pattirt commhnly called tWaz’nfleet, from the A i A‘ P lace ofhis birth, having been Pmvoil ofliton, jux» 4 ta Wiefiar, after Bilhop of Wincbefier , and Lord Chancellorl ii 0fErzgfand,‘ about the thirty‘ feaventh yeare cifthereignc of e -King Henry the fixth, founded firfi Magdalene Hall; nfteir that A tllii A ('1 0.) ‘r I 1 this Colledge (where S. Iolam Hofpitall had Formerlyn been fitu_atcd)dedicati.ng thefam-e to thehonour nf 8. Mary Mag» dalene, endowing it with Eandé "and revenews for the mainte- nance 0f one Pzefident, forty Feflows, thirty Dernies, on t Scho1ars,—fi3w‘ Ghaplaitnes, eight Glanks, and fixteen Chotilt flare. Since King I-Ieizry Ihefzvemh, Thoma: Izzgledue, Chap- jaine rd-»th£'.FCh-.t1I)d<‘r, VI/,z'Z!iam F itzdllen Earle of Amndel Knight (}£~th:f.‘.' mofl noble Order of the Garter ,: who rnarried. A ?(I7!€'da£.1:gf1t€f‘ of RicbardNe72z'l Earle oFSal.vl2£‘sry, frottxewhomatw A the reigne’ofKir1“'g I-Icnmtheeighht, % aII_.,.andt Colledge of BT21 fen-No /I: [but he .i'§Iinea1Iy dee{cendd«.d"the Bight Honorzgbele, and my fingular good Lord Tfsomas now Etzrle ofAArzmdeI and Surrey, Eérlee 1 h.?VI:3r{ha11o? Ezzglmzd, utfupra; Iobrz F orman,D.Hz'gdeIz Prefident Io/an CIagmo:2d.P:‘e1’3dznr, Robert A/Iorewerzt, mm Mullins Arch,» -‘ Deacon of London, Iolm VV:mzer D. of ‘Divinity , dD.eancn of}. Lizcbfieléwith fame others,,h_a%ve been liberal b€I1€f&&OFS5bLlE"~% the mxxnber of Fellows and SChOI3..1'SyHtiChCI‘ hath been, nor: n xv may be incre;1{ed%}.In “which at this prefent is 3 Prefidentforty F e11owes,thirty Demies, or Scluotlars, four Chaplains, eight 4 Clazks, flxtetn C.horiflers_., School-MMafie1*, andan Ufher, . three ‘Readers of Divinitymaturall zandmorallnPhilofophy, . dbexidesddiverszofhcersand fetv:ants.of the F oundation, with « other fiudents , being in all t two hundred and twenty. ; A XI.!‘Btaze2z-Nojé Cofiedge _:, founded ""1 V 3 *1" 5}. ‘j Illiaén Smhb, borne at armoutb, fomejtimes F e1,1dW' * A OF Pembroke Hall in theflniverfity ofcambridge, Bir -A {hop ofCo~vezztryand Litdafie-Zd,tranfl'é1ted to~Lirzcolne_;,fir{’¢ Lord A Preiidtent of %VVale,r, and that for many;ycaI‘s, five yeares ¢Ghanc:e11’0F0fFh€hUniverfity of Oxfford, in the firfl year of bundcd this Colledge by the name ofKz'ng; 1ive.dn"o1‘: Vtonfiniflih, the fame as he intended) in a place where f1~€lf£EOfOFCVdiV£i’$‘HaI$ havetbeen fituated (fome whereof flill A remaine) namely “Rama Aula ’Univ;:rfltati:te'9'Ezzei-Nafl, or A £z’t_t1erfZ/jziverfity ands Brazen»-Nofe Hal,‘ otherwife hca_lIed_ the tmvzgs H;tIh1,d tvithnmny more. After-whofe death Ricbardnw 'S.wo1z Efq_t}i1*c, tooke upon..him;. te1.E_erf.:& theafame , which he. h(11) the accontpiifhedg, ‘wherein he eifiabliifhed -Ada P.*incipa"1l, and A twitlee Ftllows, maintained partly by the changes of the ,Founder, and partly by his owne charge. But Iinceiby theii- ' berality of William CIz’ftc5n,Wz'Iliain Porteglobn Eltorgalias Edie?‘ u Humfrey Ogle, Edward Derbicg, Talon Clamorzd , Iolaiz William fa-rt, Brian Higden, Alexarzder Noel Dean of Saint P;ml5.in lorzdozz, e effoyce F rarzkland, Bichgrd Harper ufiice of the Con-1u_aou pleas, Sir Iobn Port Knight,Iob2z Lord A7 ordant3Do&'ot* Barr1flc3r1,Ge0rg_e;‘ i1’aIz'rz,, andother good benefafiors, this Clolledgeis much fbeautificd with buildings andother ornaments _.,.i-for the par; A ~ V fe€’ting whereofthere hath been» expended great fummes of money, within thefe few years ipafi : and at this p.t*efent.i thet~e arein the fame, aPrincipa11, twenty Fellows, befides Shou- 1ars,ofiicers and fetvantsofthe foundation 5 the whole num- ber being 186. - A A A A XI I; (Jopu: Cbrzflzf Golfedge, founded I 5 I--6%.‘ 4% IiCbardiF Doft. oFLaw, Agent in France for Kit1gHeIl~ Q , A ry the feventb, Lord Keeper of his Privy Seal , p.t'.iucipiaItIi"_ Secretary, and one of his Privy Counfcl , Eulbafladorniuto Scotla*2d,Bi£hop oflifxcefier, Bat}: and Web, Durham and W'ir.zi-.. A A c"befler,Godfathietj to King Henry the eight: , andthen choieui MafiettofPembi'oI{e Hal in the Llniverfity of«Camln*idge,1..5 no 7.; %_ founded this Colledge by the name of Corpm?-CbriflLC01ledge, in Anna ..li 5-~ I 6. which he endowed with lands and re- A A vencws for the nnaintenance of a Prcfidenr; nineteen Fellows, » twenty Scholars; ‘two Chaplains, 2 Glarks, :111d\CVVO,Ch0Ii'n- t Peers. To this Colledge Hugh Oldkam BifhopiofExcefler,fom,e~.~.,} times of Queen: Colledge in Cambridge _., Chaplttine to the Lady Margaret Ooun-tefie of Riclamozzdand Darbie, Sec. contri-A-i buted fo bountifulilynhat the nexoafter the Foun der,l1e is en-~ ntituled the principall benefafior. Since by the libfilfiilfltty of Iobn Claymond firii Prefident: thereof, Miéfffil‘ Morderzt _.,'C William t F raft‘, Mifiris Moor,D5&or Reyrzaldsfiir George St. Paul;Knight, A e e and other good benuefafiors, this Collcdge is muchbeautified audtadorned; (0 as there is at this prefent in thefame , :1 Pre» Btg ~ ' figflflh ‘ cm) 4 _.fid'enc, twenty Fellows, twenty Sicho1ar*s,i two ohaplafig; e two Clerk s, and two Choriflers, 'b€fiCi€S oflicers and fervants ' ofthe foundatioxi, with otheg iiudenctsg the Whole "nuugheri -"‘bc.ing%fivtnty.. XIII. Cb1fz'[i- Church Colledge, fozuzded, -m.1:54i5i. A Home: VVolfeyCardine1l2 Archbifhop of Tor}§e',8zc. grow- Ting toward the height of his hono’ue,laid the foutndatio-n a ofa Colledge, which from the name of his dignity, was to be i called thecardimzlrg 8: this was done upon thefite of ground, A A where formeflyn had flood the ancient Priory of St. ~Frz‘fa~id .3, ._ cawhileche Cardinal was raifing this building he was pulled ~ downehimfelfe, and Fallingiwithixl the fiatute of Premuzzire, his defigne for “the Colledge tailed with the Founder 5 where- upon Henry the eight, King offinglarzdt Frcmceande Irelarzdflfc. having in his hands that which remained of the Cardinals in- tentions, added thereunto Canterbury Collcdge and Vine Hall, otherwifi: called Peckwater Imze. And having tranflated the Epifcopal {Ea from Ofmay , he placed it here, calling this his new foundation, The Catbedrallcburcb of Cbrifi: Cburcb in 0x. -Fford : whichbeing endowed by him with a fair andeample re. an renew, he efiablifhcdi therein a Dean, 8 Canons, 3 publick ' Profcflors of Divinity,’ Hebrew and Grflfk, 6o fludcnts, eight Chaplains, eightSinging men, an Orgamfla tight Choriflers, twenty four>Almfmen , and a Free-School forscholarsg __the revenews whcrcofltby a vifitation in Qgteen Marie: time, A were converted to the maintenance of forty ttfludentag Mmore, i ~ to make up the full number of “a hundred, as now it is. Since ithattime Otbo Nichol fimonc of the examiners of .,the Chan... ccry,hath in bui1ding~and’furni[hing ofa fair Library expen- ‘ dcd the fumme ofeight hundred pounds. In which at this prefent arefludents of all forts, with officer-‘s and fervants of 1 the foundaticzn, to thenumber ofzzg. V ‘A.Tr*inz'ty V (31)? XlV.fl”rirzz'ty co1z¢;Ige,founrded 1556. l V .. Slr Thoma: Iiope Knight, founded this Colledge, in then‘ fourth yeare ofthereigne of King Phillip and flew Mary, dedicating the fame to the holy and individuall Trinity, where aboutthe year 1 3,5 0. ‘.T/ooma5rHatfield, Secretary to King Edward the third, afterwards Bi1hop"of Dur/9dm,Ahad formexlybuilded a Collcdge called Durham Colledg , which was endowed with certaine lands by the gift of the founder, e 1! and Robert I/‘Vdlwerttla Prior of Durham , for the Maintenance e ofeight Monks, and {even Clarks, fuch-as fhould be thought fit to come thereunto from Durham :which old Colledge e beingbyrcontinuance of time exceedingly decayed and ruina- . ted, the {aid Sir Thomas Pope Knight obtained to er~e&* his new Colledgc thereon, endowing the fame with Lands and pofleflions for the maintenanceof a Prefidem: , twelve Fel-- r l lows, oandtwelve Scholars. Since by the liberality of their A late Lady Elizabeth Powlet, and many other worthy and well eaffefied benefaéiors, the fameis much be-hutified with build- ings, books, andother ornaments»; for the perfeéting where- « of there hath been expended great fumrnes of money ; wherco A in there is at this prcfent a Prefidentg, twelve Fellows, twelve _‘ Scholars, befides officers and fervants of the foundation_.,with l ~ many other fiudents, A the whroletnlumber being a hundred» thirty three; A M" ' V l A, XV; St. §‘obn': Cafledge; founded '1 557;: A A ietbu s . Enry 'C’bilcbeley Dofior of the Civil Law:,Chanicc1lor of ii Salisbury, Bifhop of Saint‘: Dapidsg, Archbilhop ofy‘Can- A this Fabrick, and called it t‘SaintAB8TI1§§__)A:(1J Colledgc. After ‘ its ‘fuppreflion by King Henry thecightf it was in a dreatne (uft tradunt) _fhewed_ unto Sir Tbama:VVbite Knight, Merchant Taylor of the City of Londtm, 8: thereupon by him -builcinew in _ "to_thchonourlroff S.lIaIan.Ba1rti/l 5 whocndowedlit ith amain- l -t “ r ~ " l A o , litenancc-' ry, 8cc. among other buildings laid the foundation of l o ’(-14V) A A finance for a Pre{'§dmt, fifi:y.FeIlows ‘ and Scholars, a Chap; A laimr, 2: Clarke, fi§;lCl1,c>,2~’ifle:°s, A and fou2*e:Silnging men. The company @f'M£~:rch£=m£ 'T:aylors i,x2llgcncrall~, and divers of them inrparticular hewle been lallibvmryobenofitlall5 hmlorle cf?- pecialhly Sir V V illiam jcmverz l{nigI1t , Sir ,VVilliamrPada'ie‘ linight Dofzor of Phi-fickw, fom+::::imes_ lCommon«cr of {his - Colledge, hath given htowards the buildmg of the~Libra1‘y, _i:and‘no't cm‘ely~furnilhe,d it with a l}m'l£'lI‘«f(l books‘, but alfo lpm‘c‘haic'ci pmpetuall patronagrss, of Greela, tllrfffif hundred ' pounds, and of Eagle} :1 huhdrcdpcunds , Aercéhrd. a faire pairs of Organslin thc:'Ch:1ppel, .gave,twcm;ylpoun~ds per ‘¢m- _% mzm fo 1: the nmintenan cewofl the O:~ganill,«8cc;Ancllas this Col- ledge was firfi begun by Henry Arclxbifhopiof‘Canterlmr_y, fol it! A A is now enlarged with a Fair and fpacious béé'i:l{:l‘Coux‘t cnxbacy A tled,byWVVz7Zliam Archlbifhoop of Canterburyl: in which Glbthls prelént is a Prelidcnt, fifty Fellows and Scho1;1rs,ac.Chaplain, ‘ 3. Clarke, lbefidcs fézrvantis, Commoners , and,llll-oothcr'fiu- A .de11ts,bcing inall 1 to. XV.I.?,7efu: Col/edg,e,fo1mded M1 *5‘ 7 2. I_I7/glut Przce"o€’cor ofthe ,jCiirill~Law, trcéifi1rer,of Saiiit a David:, procured chelfounldation ofthis'Collcdgc on thc- A ground where White H4171 had formerly been fit;uat<:‘d , which ' wafgivenowich the €'dllZlCCS«:l'flld gardens thereunto lb;:long-- ing by Qyeerz Elizabeth , who is the true Fouxldrcflie there-- A A ‘of, being [23 filled in the morcaiain, by her confirmed 2.7 711- njz‘ A'(m,_za regm‘ fui 13.. Gollegium fefu, infra C ivitatem €97 ‘Z/niver-7 fitatem l0.1cozz. exwfunldatione Regime V Elizabetbw 3 wherein: file eflablifhedva Principall,at:ight~ F fellows, eight Séholars ;,,and A A Hugh ,Price;is oncly" fiilhcdlahenefaffcor, dvcrho, bL1lld€do0Ih1e'“p&Ft , . thereof. [Since by the bounty of Herbert Weflfallz'ng‘Bifliopl of V Hereford, Henry RowIczndBiIhop ,of“lBa,rzgo,r,,, Grzyfiirla Loyd; h of Law, Grififb Po*me?I,, andllobzzl Williams lDo'&or,,oflDivi4 nliqr, l e1coe.Principall,,f lS‘i,r,Eu5I4le Tbelwel Knight, Elate hPrinci4~ pa1_l‘0f:he fame,who hath tnadclla Clem in a‘m,anner'ifolure , [quargbuildedanld wainfitotted the Halll,perfc8cé:dlthlc Chap-4 pell, l