/‘7«- . (I) . s ‘ ageaaaaeaeeaaeeaaaaeaaaaae fie UXB'RJDGE DUPLICATE. 0r, ' , tbeJ-eDGE yafléfiy’d. ‘ OME ye ,Minifiers all ['0 courtly, .. And ev’ry Impeachment Hater; Come ye Writers, to keen, Who f0r Roéinhave been, 7 - Th" Engm'rer and Confiderator. Come, ye Countrymen all fofurly, Who fwear there is need of a Halter For the Folks who betray’d Both our Laws and our Trade, And our Portmabon and Gibraltar: 1’” tel-l you a delicate Story, Whlch will certainly move your Laughter, i. For the Comfort of all, Both the Great and the Small, Thatlhall need to be Rogues hereafter. . There has been a mofl fad Profecution Of a Sage, who, it feems, has a Brotber: The World it agrees They’re alike as two Peas, Or as one Knave -is’to another. - This Duplicate fly and fancy Put’ on flyre: as an ,impudent F ellow,‘ With'a Paunch and a Gown, ‘ And a Strut and a Frown, And a Hatlike an Umbrella. - The One would go to a Prifon, ~ When the Other lhonld have been there-a; All thdfe who know both . Will declare upon Oath, [That the Man he is Copia V‘”: a. '. Soil ( 2 I Not only your Eyes may deceive you; Bur your Ears: thehrfelves they may lie; You wou’d own for 3 Fee, ‘ a ‘ Tho’ a Traufcrip‘; he be, Coucordnt mm Origiua'li. How convenient it were for Rabin, When he reckons for Publick Money, ~ ~ -' Could he yaniih from Sight, . And fwear ’twasa Bite,- _ “w And thought but an Error Peg/“nice; ‘ ' Then a Fig hr the hard-Fac’d Switzer, And his Midnight Way of Trading; For we mufl needs declare, There is nought can' compare .TO the N Don-day Mafquorading. mew-err @@@@@@ 0n Colonel F R A N c r 5 co, Rape-Mafia General of Great Britain. ‘ 0 O D People-debate heark, and a Story I’ll tell, And unlefs you beKnavcs, it will pleafe ye full well How‘an Accident flrange a rich Rafcal befeii. Wbiob no body can deny; Who would raviih, forfwear, and pick Pockets, and 7* cheat, ¥ . And by Nico was oft beaten, and Womendld heat: A Favourite worthy of BOBBY the Great! Whicb no body can day. His Fellow on Earth to be fure there is not, But as little to lefl'en your Wonder, I wot By Name he is C Ht-.-...-..... 8, by Nation a Scot, Wbiglo no body can deny. . For a Rape he once fled from his own native Crime, And with Piflols but lately attempted the Crimes ' Sure he ought to be hang’d that is caught a third time, t‘ \. "b." I: obodlctm deny. ” r ’7 3 At 3.“ A. ’1 ,J \, J ’12;- ‘ilo (\‘3 ’1‘ a \ , r C; 7 I" " . he I :x‘l t \’w ) , 3 At the Age of 'Threefcore he no Wifer did row, But mufl ueeds try again for a F rolick, or 0, Like himl‘elt‘ being willing to finiflthis Show, Which no hody can deny. SO a Maid he attack’d, but we here {hall flop (hurt; If You’d haveany more. you m‘Jfl'go ‘0 the Com t, Where he once in his Lifetime has paid for the Sport, Which no hody can deny. BOB told him beforehand, to give him his Due, Dear Col’nel, a Jury may make you look blue, If of Engliflzmen all, that are good Men and true, . ' Which no body can deny. But no Jury could frighten out Col’nei fo bold, Being fute Tyhnrn-Tree, tho’ fome Hundred Years old, Never yet bore a Man that had half (‘0 much Gold, ' Which no hody can deny. But whenVerdi& Was pai’t, he was down in the Dumps, And for Shifts and Excufes Sir William he pumps; Ay,‘ and Bohhy the Screen too was put to his Trumps, Which no hody can deny, The fame that for Huggins Was once in a Fright, For Ehom Aflon and Bomhridge will {wear by this ight V . _ ‘ To a-Rogée in Diflrefs he is flil’d a True Knight, . Which no hody can deny. uoth the Col’nel, in Hands difafieéled my Store is, he two Sheriffs of London are violent Tories : The High-bailifl’a-kin to a Bifhop, that more is,’ ~ Which no hody can deny. .So he bluflets and {Wears in a terrible Coil-a: Thieves! South-Country Rogues! how my :I‘reafute they fpoil-a! ' ‘ ‘Come and help good Lord Duke, come and help, Doflor (/24! Wichita body can deny. a 2. Now ‘ ,- ,. . t L y e 1 K gWHdfih € 4) Now Petitioners plenty our Liege dd liloumbep, . . You may think Sit of Norfolk is one of the Number 1 Ah Bah! thou thoultiftigo amber N 01“” than North Hamhr, \ 1 W huh InIo hady “3” day? The National Folks they fall wifely agreed, - u ’Twere a Shame that a Loon of the North- -Country Breed Should be jullify’IdI ever on this Side the Tweed, Which‘m hIoJIy cdn dhhy, Tooth and Nail, otte and 1111,15; their Brother they ‘ . .,lland - From your Garters to Pedlars that travel the Land; All but thofe that ha'ye Iflait in the Palm oPthefir’HaJnd Whithmo hodyI can Josey. But Pardon fotne Stats for the ten may attone, Who for Honour and Virtue would Jufiice have thewn 0n the Plague of 011: Realm, and the Shame of their Own? ' ‘ Which no 'hoafy- can’ dchj'i If his Majeliy’ 5 Grace will let Villainy fwing, 0 then all honeli Hearts they will cheerfully ling, Boys, hang up the Col’ nel, and God was the King, I Which no hIodIy can -cI{erI1yI. 88933888888888a88%8838888838 dn Hifiorical Ballad, humbly ihfirih d to the D U U M v 1 R 1. F U L L Forty long Years has 0111 EnglahdI com; plain’d Of Taxes of all Sorts and Sizes: Much Blood has been fpilt, much Wealth has been drein’d, Yet llill 'the good Counfel defpifes, IS ( 5’ 3 if Crowns {he confers, and Kingdoms divides, With which {he has nothing to do; . Yet no one can blame her for oft changing Sides, ' To {is awn King: jolt fo the IS trne. To 2: 2.? ciown the Franc/1, to 22212:" up the Dam}, T :23 opaniard and German to five; ‘ = , ' fe 222 § erfelf to do nothing, for Others too much it not W122, at leafi, it was Brave. At length comes a Peace, and France is carefifi’d E or France 15 a faithful filly! Then Gern’mm are riais’d, the Spaniard opprefi’d, And all this without knowing Why. Our Admii-al nobly the S- 47/?ch furprizd, Burnt his Ships ere a The did begin , And jufl as the Powers more potent advis :1, Poor 5 AV 0! ’s tnrn’d out, 'and tnrn’d in: Then, Gem“: and Spaniard: united the dates, And enters nndaunted the Lids; . 2 1 '- Secur’d by the Heflianr, Old England ne ’er fears, And Great Wolfi’nbnttle’ s caters’d. ' ,- Qur Trade will be 1012, all England wear Chains, Don CARLOS to [tabla fem; NewT Taxes; more Troops; employ all our Pains, This fatal Défign to prevent, , 2 2 Cry- a-M‘ercy it {Ee‘tns this 1s a Miflake, ' For Int’ refi. the Don we mufl aid; '2: .. Our Ancient d/{y we now mutt forfake, Of the Enaperar only afraid. Such Condufl muff lead us, 3‘02)? only knows whither , Yet Order may (min 115 from Confuf on ' ’Tis Peace, it is War, tis both, it is neither, Efl‘eas of a Big]! Kw ----- on! ' O ROBIN! O HORACE! ye Brethrenfowz'j}! Who Matters of State to well handle, ‘ . At leafl take away, we humbly advif‘e, The Taxes on Soap and on Candle. . .TQ ( 6 ) To your Honours it is fuflicient Pretence To order Repeal to. thofe Laws, That our Ladies no more (to fave the Expencc Of Warning) be'forc’d to wear Gaufe. ‘ Their Maieflies- then, whene’er they'defire, With Safety may ramble at Night: Nor. tumble i» Ditches, not wallow in Mire, For want of a Halfpenny Light. fififififififififi‘fififi‘fifififififiifiifififi‘ifififi Tb: D U E L. A Ballad. Tune of, King John and the Abbot. , . ' MEAN not fad Treafon or Scandal'to ting, Of tllée Queen, or the Duke, orthe Prince, or the mg: ' Nor yet any Riff-raft“ from me fhall you hear-m0, To the Tune, and that all, of old Lilly burlero. ' Derry down, die» But I fing of, a Combat (‘0 fierce and fo flout, . ’TwiXt a Youth that is In, and a Man that is Out; ’Twixc a ’Squire that can ufe both a Pen and a Sword, And aLord/ing who is, but may be a Lord. ' It matters not how this Quarrel did rife, . With sz5 and ----- with Mafler, and Majier and Mifi; Or whether a Coward he ihould not be flil’d, Sets his Sword to a LVomqn, and Wit to a Child. It was whifpet’d full {oft in the F avourite’s' Ear, There was nothing but Blood that his Honour could clear; And ’twas h0p‘d the bold ’Squire the bad Fortune ‘ might meet, To be murther’d, if beaten, and hang’d if he beat. , Af‘ter long Confultation, a Challenge there went, To the Champion’s Renown, and to Knighthood’s . Content; ' ' ' . But the ’Squire cry’d out fome Folks are wifer than ome ‘ ' ‘ 591 {han’t’budge an inch; if he comes let him com;- o ( 7 )' So the Comtier he Waits on the Foe to tbe Carr), And their Wrath it was great, tho’ their Swords Were but ihort, . . As if little Harm they intended to do, For the Blades, had they enter’d, COu’d {carce have reach’d thro’. . When their Weapons were meafut’d, to Battle they ' rulh, . . ' - - And with Wit and with Anger, they parry and pulh; Nay, they {horren’d their Swords, and afrefh they begun, And fome Mifchief, for certain, there might have been done. . z ( But the Seconds forbad it, who rightly fuppos’d, ’TWas high time they were parted, when once they were clos’d; So fome Sweat there waslofl, and fome Blood there was fpill’d, But they both were [0 fpiteful, that neither was kill’d. Now there needed no Surgeon at all to be found, The Lordling to drei‘s, or take Care of his Wound; For Sir Blue did the Bus’nefs, as Members do tell, ‘1" or he flroak’d it, and kifs’d it, and fo made it WC”; Then he fafely got off. Sure» he means not to fight . With all that are Foes to the Blue Ribband Knight; F or htszorlr' wou’d be large, he might meet Hand to Hand - ' *. ti . 'Ev'ry Man without Pen/ion and Place in the Land. Dear ’Squire, you were wrong to letBullies alarm ye, You may tilt at this rate, with the whole Royal Army: Any Scrub, with a Sword, may require t’0ther Bout, And may .get a Commiflion, by fighting without. ’Twitllbe mere Woman’s Work, never done, as they r 2y ' Have yoh reckoh'd the Thoufa’nds abroad in our Pay? Since if Great Britain’s Troops thro’ the Guts cannot run ye, hVolfiwémzl: and HM]? may be drawn out Upon ye. They (‘ 8. ) . They have Odds then _at,Shatps, let your Pen make . them fmart, . ' _ F or that very Stab peirc'es home to the Heart: Let your Sword refi inQuieg your Combat has (hows; Tho? th¢igWeapons are blunt, you may bleed ”by you: own. ‘ ' . , . . At leafl, ’tis beneath you with V3113“ ‘0 fight, - -. Go and enter the Lifts, and SaSa With the Knight; Tho’ your Conquefl will. fmall Satisfaflion afford, For ’éwou‘lid vex Friend and F 0:, ’thonld-he die by the . W0! 0 “F _,‘I N 1:, PAR: PR 32 0],. . 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