Thatnthe beginning and the obflinate ‘ purfuancc of this accurfcd horrid n___ V. O zxm 0 M M'ERCLIRI‘uS CIVICUS % T 0 MERCURILIS RusT1c¢us: Q A o N 3 go NFE s~+s1~o~~N butt not nkepentanccz saswxwa, " Rebellion is principallyjto bc afcpibcdn to Mat Izcécllivttd Cityn, '“"'”"'”“"""""“.Ezvz qub clycordia Ciw.c:'fJ Perduxit mifiroxzn Virg; Egl, I“ , Printed, ‘I 64. 3 vv/y';"f"' - §ireiv‘I’;!:»T~«'.".'[,iI‘7.'.?-‘:‘("“‘W I ) ,,en.‘.‘ . «*5» M - fl I I Q wMi%%%é%ai.w**=%W%$W*g5 i pnnwvn «K -‘ ‘ .}*m, ‘ J.‘ .v,, J,‘ in x w fin‘ A I ‘I I gmm gamma: 2‘-fiK’.2:9ii'.%$ was i 1* ‘x sw-nu am ‘mm M} w “ ., Au ‘_u L’ ' V -A . T ER R OM“ MfiRCVR[.VS~- CIeM. Inwhefm, Vutienflimvm, <‘W4lker,and «atveryfiew more) Comp1iant~"wirh_ their indewonrg «they laboured be -al:limeanespofiib1e., no introdncenthac~C,‘iMm or 2 cxcreflwnv} ,0fthe Clergy cd1ilie:d"" Zovilarw-A.r over their Parocbiuill .J1d’z'm:fl~tn;r heads», whoiemaintenance being dependent .(‘y¢m ‘fpotftion by double ileafes and otherfiacralegions ideviees flolne ‘from their owne - Parfens, {'0 that the barrenimeuntaincs?-of-'Wala: r/afford notifo many poore, “anti as Sir Benjamin» “liudjer 10 call them.,fcandalous‘%Livinge together, as are to befoundvwithin the Walls of‘1‘Janblan..) mu[’¢§Preach fuch Doflrineag .mgy mmiem; ;difl'oya1cy,_ and infiilil fimh Principles ‘*in€o'their Auditors as may "fil'I:i:d"ifpofc zrhem‘ Mandi aftetj ingngesthemsiu Rebellion, “when things wei'e~ri'pe, orelfe theyfhalliwantwbread torpru~«I:"inte , gjieads: The Truth is ,3Brother 'Rnft‘£cm,, chef: "Military nprcparatj, [ ” Qittanecs were.a11_oygg_d go ;he elneumbcnga, ihoys; thq»ro%’d ‘Pa- ans had cffefled»t1c ,% had -n9tV the {ire «been ,; given -from the * “ "nchbeedufe they Taw‘ihow‘Succeffefull’this'Cou1:fe’“WM«s» ‘What Ptrange efleétsit wrought-in our City, a Fourth defigne was, :10 placefomn-:of their 'Emi{Tariesin a1in~*Co»xpom¢5om (theft Nurem- %)'fou d «very few «if the iS‘et’len."c‘la;g9. 2 lies of Sc;-hifme and Rebellion) andin themoft eminent of » =.~the”Kingdnm; Qfor this purpefe a mofhfpccious and pious prcre me his ~he1*d“out tovthe'~W'tn*ld,*fhe buvyin§ in sf nimproprmiaus: Feafim rare appointed‘, men ofpublique Cali inga, has Olergywmqn, *15anryer.r, vand fittiizenl, jwhofe -imployments mufi needs render them iknowne to many. nndmen of noted izealc in t>heOpin»ion of the ”:Worl'd,’ ffuch asit~was thereby’ n?t~o~ gnine th€’l‘cpl1tati0n of":Re1«i.. :§ion to theunciertzkingie thcleflznrers (iindmhevetoo) diecc-ivcd 5 y the outfide-of this ‘Praic&.., ‘fiirre ‘upthe -Ric‘h~*a'nid‘*We1l afie. &~ed to‘Contrihute1;ibera]1y to this fo reiigiounsnan Aft, -%~of'redee- =ming'the '=I.ordhs“«portionn out of ‘Lay-hands, and amongfi ‘the Jail: =Counfe1]s" given to the dying ( and then community they ndieepefbimpreeiiion ‘) This was ‘never forgotten A: by-thiemeanec rgreaffljummes were advanced“, and the Worlcf flood at gaze tqfee ihe great return: which would‘ ‘be madeto the chumchnfitlddr which Sacraledge had made a L4}-Fae: after any vwcre § ~» V —«-"e~ n ‘how long the revenues were held =in“the’Fec5fi“eens “lmwdsy in :6) tar to pa)» ‘Pam’, and efiabiiihed a Letfmre perhaps in fomeiavrzzifii W with the Tith ofa Parfonagc in ?Tork?fl’ira5’0r thc.1ikc,apperta»ines ‘name my prefentpurpotfe. _ I A e V The thing that I (hall ob,ierve unto you is , the great care and tart ufcdiu fitting men for thoirfervicee, . and then ditjaofingéanad fecuring them in .their~Imp1oyme__nt, From any Moleftarion of En. clefiafiicalrl Ccniutes. To this end,Fir§Z, they account it nccelffary. to plant two Scmimriers, M the A "an Initiar]; Senximny, to this purpofe they projeft the,b,uying.of a Hcadfbip in oneotthc Um‘,- wrfitkxr f'or"fdm.e eminentt man oftheirowne party, under Whofe Influence their Novice: mightbe-trained upin their inzwzgraex: though fome hon {es in both Vaaiverfities were notioriousi enough in thiskind‘ before, and might: have faved them this I.abour,‘ as Magdalino Hall and Ni‘»"2v.- Inner in 0xfard,and Em4nm!l_ Co/ledge” and Kat/aerineeilzfa/l Caézzéridge; Thcfttwd ‘Wasa‘[.iiiPmE?£que Senzinarjf} ahdthat was at.S¢.e/{mi Ibo/im: here in Iondongand did in Spsrimaliém anfwt.-1': to the A1,-.. xi./er)» Garden, being a place to mine upitheir young 8mzflar'z'g;,ii% i where they might. take an Efl"ay of their affeflions and abilities,” and by I:hcbCW1tChmcnts' of gain: and popular applaufadecply, ingago them in their Fatflion.-o and from this Sensing?) wcrgiiigntoug” of their new boughttlmpropriations filil’d.i And as theyhad their-.. Salary flow fo they were iubordinate to a Claflix or C‘lera.[,;ic,,/,3_ Konfifiar}. who had pow er to tranfplant their mofi hopeful] I m pg’, eitherinto their purchafed Impropriatiofis, or elfeiintora.tLe&iurei.' imfome of theimoft po.pu»1ousplaces of the Kingdoms, mainttainedv A A by;Vat;borrowe,dtportion from an I mpropriation elfcwherc: yctthis Gopfifiorfii did not in their choyce, flriéliy tye themfelves to the piévntfs oi,r‘their+oWne Nurceries, but if any man had been a Pfmda... . M9fl?‘l”}f*':f"E'}r.:hhCit caufe, or hadeibeen fentenced by the high Com-j miffifoufor. Non-.C0n foflmtya or by fame Notorious undehrtakimx . t :2 M hadrevidenced and dcciaredihii.mferlf’c, andirrevocably without". apparant not.<:.o£ Infamy and Levity (ifhe retraeftcdj ingagcd him... {eife tortheir pavrt;r:t~,ot‘l1ad Letters Teflimoniail from pmma White of D0’ 5545"’? a.M" C to’ ’ 0” OFB 9/5-071,01‘ the like, ( for C4149»): oandqjllar/baIl,~were,not,as iris {aid of’D::tlaan and Aéimm, as yet fiznsam imbe Cangrcgatapnge, This rnanawafls ha c:hoicc,p1“amand 5‘; for Lthcir ;So.yIe£ W V _ '< 7 l V '3'ét0nai{j, being iplanteiid abroadithcif fCCdfld C31‘€"ii;W.35 ;‘ fhfitl V whatfoever they Pre‘ached,though never fo derogatory to em Governmyenteither Eqclejiafiiaall or CsruuV,yet they might be free from molelliation. and Preach on, without danger of loofing their ‘ maintenance by Ecclefiafticall cenfure.» To this purpofe they “at- s decree . tempt the buying a7Commifl‘aries place flaere, wbaretheyp inten- ded to make any lfpceiall pltantatron: who being after their own hearts , might twinke at their irregularities, and though the Church-wardens Ihould by chance ibevfo honefl: to regard their 03:555.», and prefentthem, yet by the purchafed or bribed »Com- ’ Iniflglry they may fecure them from the dangerof the=@oun, i l Lafily; for feareleafiany oi thCitfyCrC3t‘Dl‘.CS flaould‘ fall from them, anddefertllthe Caurc, as Tome hadidone, when theyhad got What they looked for; wifely theysprovidc, that their «main- tenance {hall be dependent, on the pleafure of thcll.‘ good‘Ma&c1-5 the Feotfees, alterable by , addition, orrapfubfliraéiiclnaaccording to: their merits, or demerits , and their perfons fubierft to b'e'~§;’a“L. fiheered if they Preach not to the advancement of their holy eaufe, and according to the directions fem unto them from the‘ Conclave oftherr Elders at London : ‘That {o as much ashumane Policy could invet-'rt,the-y might ( to ufe M’ Foxlie: own words fpleakingin this argument) Eflaélrfi I/76' G06‘]5elllé}ia perpetual A When all things were now ready ,_ their Emighrie: shaving prepared the hearts of the people to Rebellion .. hrli alienating them, by frequent (lain-dring the footflzeps of Gods annoyntedg, decrying the {Government both of Church and State-,‘ Fomenting » the cauieleile difcontents,and aggravating the nee-: flities ofstateg with the odious names of Tyranny, Aréitmr} power, violation Of tilt: Strbjeéis Liézrtj, and Profcrtj,-~and likcwife pofleflied the credulous thultitude,tha.t the conformeable Clergyhad made}; Revolt from the Praia/[amt Religion, and had an earn'el‘tintenti... on to introduce Paper] ; at lal} ‘was Fulfilled that Prophecyof dicious M . Haalggr, towards the end of the ‘Preface to fhat incomt. l a parable work of Eceleflgfiicafl To/2%, T/Mt after "the ‘Puritan? l /2406 fir]? refalrved t/Mt arttmapt: for iffipline are l4‘nvfull,1'a 723221 ‘follow in the next place to ée differed", what we 5: zzittdmpteda at. gdinfl Superior: which will -not ~/M?/c the Seep: er aftbat a'zfi‘ip/znet . " B i - it ride . P (so irate drier hhtm? * Whiéh Prophet] fee éltafily ; fulfilled in our dayes, for the Puritans havingfirll rebelled by a Praxey, they then thought it feafonablc. to take an ellay what eixtertainmenrlthe doflrine for taking up e/Irma: dgainfir the King would find a-~ T mongfi their Diiciples. : To this purpofe Doflor Downingga man fitted For any ha fer im- ployment, and one that ( what in ever he counterfeitedj ever a looked awry on the Church,i;r-1 which (being fetled and in peace] he could never hope to advan-cerfarther then Vicar of Hackgngy, '_ was to feele thePulfe- of the.Citty : »-while therefore di-{contents runne highrin the Zvartb, the Scot: having in a hofiile manner en- tered the Kfmgdome, the People every W-here,efpecially in Lane» dam, {l;rrr’d Hp by tome agents to Petition the King for this Parlia- menr,‘ D. Do':a7m'7zg_ Preaehin to the Brotherhood of thevdrtile. r] rG4erf4ien.po.iitivelylaffirme , t/aéttfor defence offleligian and Re. firmatian o_('tlpe (barre, its was lawful! to take up arms: again}? 5 . He havingthus K indled the fire in the City, for Fear: of being ; queliioned ( for as yet it was not law full to Preach Treafon) are- W tired privatelyyto the Earle oi'I»I/arraricksphoufe in Ejf2e.r,rl1le com- mop Randevouz.;ofrall Schyfmraricall Preachers. this Sermon in el- very place adminillring matter ofldifcourfe, People cenfured it,~ as they floodlaffeéled, which gave occafion to the Ringleaders of r this fat°t1on to enter upon a ferrous examination,» and Pcud y of this at cafe of Confcilencre: «and itfeems, coniulting the Iefuites on the one {idea and the Rigid Puritans on ,theother,p or indeed, becauiez. - t;.a,i:rhout,p,adm1ttr{ng this docftrme , all their a former endeavours . V;£f§iuiCii_. _vanil7ninto fmoak,- they flood doubtfull no longer , burr cl“a;i7¢£i;;§a;t§1‘th thefe two contrary Fa€hons,yet fhaking hands in this i r pqyne,oE;Btebelrlion,and. fuh§:ribcrd_ to_D,»D o2rm°ngr_do&rin.e, as ~. ’ ggnf Eva,ngle_licalllltr.utl1;= -. W . r. ’r1»,r:.Andrthi"_saEig3athisl may.not be thought to «fpealt P as if I were ',;Par1iamentvmtel;llgencerfiill, forthe truthrof this; i I appeale to r .StcpIg:u Marfigilhirn felfe, whobeing preiled by M. ‘Sivan-711, tzhatyheretofote»he.w.aasof another opinionnngenuoufliy confefled ~ r itybtrt Withalla&31l4l3l§¢§5ia.r.£hat,0n, Downing; }Se1',nwn, .'having a thingy given themy,y,theypp§B;r;ethren did enter upon anreagamiination of _1h;;_rypg¢l;rrn¢;and_»upon: examtaat19ln.lound.rrt;_truye;~,Though the r..-..L ,4. __-, .,.,,,.,T,..,,,.—»..~....+.m»»..r..,,..,........—.....—.-.....,im.... ... <9‘) tryuthis, they whifpercd this dofirinelongibeforein their C_on«-1 7 ventieles,but never durft proclaime it in their Pulpits, before they faw an army in the bowellsof the Kingdom to make it good W by the iword, and aFat‘tio_n in a Parliament comeing on , that Would Authorize Rebellion under this pretence, by~th€irrV¢t¢$ l 1' and Ordinances. ' i i and then avowed by After it was once owned as a Truth, and a Truth, firlt fcann’d,' it Mar/Z-all, Galam}, Downing, and to Colonel] i Carm-[ma Emtger, and the relt of their Elders. T/mt for 1%: 6'49/3 i ofRe!1:gian it rm»: lmrfzallfivr the Suéjcéi.‘ to Mk; zip cw/Irma: agdinfi I913 Lmavfnll Saveraignc, good God‘! how violently did the Peofi pie 0fLondon rufh into Rebellion? how plyable did‘ the Faétion in Parliament find them,to raife Tumults ? make outeries for )'u- A (lice? call for innocent blood? fubfcribe and preferre Petitions a-is gainit the holy Lyturgy ? and the Hierarchy, Root and branch, if Doétot ‘Barge: did but hold up his finger to this Mz'rm£a'ans? or Captain Um {end his fummonis by hisWifel, to alfemblc the Z :3 lot: of the City 3’ p l i But becaufe all other attempts had been to little purpoleg while the power ofthe {word remained in His hands,into which God had put it, the Heads of 4 this Rebellion confider, that it was more feazable by fecret praftiles , to render the King unable to withliand them. then for them openly to op pofe the King; there. fore their main indeavout is towrelt the power‘ of the Militia out of the Kings hands by degrees, and to put it time,” aw/acre they i might place the greatelt confide~nCe. But this wasa work not eafily’ efifecfied, great Changes could notbe ufhered in but by great preparations to make we for them; hereupon the Fafhon in Parliament make it their firfl: work to make this City wholly tlnairx, that one fouls as it Vverg might “ animate both reprefilntntive éodie.r,That ofthc‘ I("imgdome,and this of the City: knowing thatit was in vaine fiat the Farftion in Parlia; ment to Comriwunleffe the Faflion in the Common- Councell in Londonwould execute : for though there were fome flourifhesi made from BM€é5flg,b4m~=f77ire in the behal Fe of‘Mr. Hamfrdm, and from Lcicefierv;/hire in the behaife of Sir Arthur Haflerfggc a stand -the like, yet the {landing Gua-rd,and power ofthe Faftion in Par-e iiament, onwhich they relied, to affront the King,and {ave them A -3 ~59» -[elven .t new felves i from the 1'.ulticeofth¢.L1w,es , was; that fixed’ here-Aim .I.qn4{0rz.. T e — A ~ g And beeaufewhere feare doth»pofl'e{l'e the multitude, it7mak-ck; them work not likeagcnts,but like inltruments,and moulds them~; to a T-empenfit to reee'iv.c impreflioflsa from thofe, in whofe will’ doms or Loves they repofe them felves, making them pliable to alldVite_<‘tions-tan:i Counfells, whichlhallub-e giver-1 b‘y-tl7%!m,1v};‘g;,,., , they elteeme Patriot: of‘ the Common.wealth,and Aflértox; of the Liéerticrh and fhfetylaf the People, alllpofliblc aft'.Wta5,ufcd to: pofleffe the Kingdome. but efpeetallyt theC1ty with_;lh-angc 1,4. ‘l,_&IIjt'e:Jand,Fe4reJ,and therefore befides the oftefn-gineulcating the ~ fainedintcntion of introducing- Popery, greatvpteparattions in; I-'r4z'¢cc,and Denmark; to invade the Kingdome , to inable the a King to goveme Arbitraril y.,.' to thepfubverfion of the fundamen. tall Lgnw: of the Kingdomhtogetbcr‘With-the Liéertj and Pro. p:,rt_y.t of the;pSubie&_-:; ( did continually poffcfle both the Pztlpit and the Prefl}, which how true, though mofl; jm- pudentl y affitme<1,the World now lees.-) each day did produce a: difcovery..of fome ne.wT_reafon, and to indeare the City ghc mom. ; itmult begfo -contrived, Thatain thefe monllrous fi&ions'. you fl-tall“ continual-ly.filnd the Barliamfifi and .63!) {aimed to be involved in 2 the fame danger». To . poffelfe the Kingdom how mortally the Px'zrlz"am-mtand‘x C‘1't}e.( the two vitall parts of‘.:th.e Kingdom: as P/rmcalls them): were threatned; in the.time.of-the Reccfle they-stake oppo‘rtuni~ty«-- oftheBetitiondeliverede by the Troopers fromwthe North, anci- b.yl;a.n.oetdetfroml the .Committee, they appoynt flronga “watches to. , he kept in all high-wayes Villages, and Townes within twenty ~ mil.-es offlqmdan, that Travellers ainto all parts-of’ the Kingdom, paffi-ng;thtough thefe Guards. might report when thcycamc-» A lsiomedu hommueh danger thc*;.P-23r.'li4ment' and Giglwerc for: ttheirfil<'es.. , L’ i “ And that tlie-Ci‘;ed'nlous People might not think”-but that this». was done on good grounds, 3 Letter is ~ written from -the Parliaa -l ment Coznmillionetsin ..S‘c.a:land,~‘ Mt Hampdeu, M, Ficrmcx «ands the.rel.ltto M: P}rEw.:and«-the. clef}-Committee here , toinForm~ them ofa {trange confpiraeytdifcovered in Edaméxfcrg/9,“ to feize on 1 A lthcpyrlons ofth¢.444rqz¢a1[,é Hdfllfltvfband the E‘¢xl’J.of:drgil€;'_ ‘ 211d ‘:3 ('1!) and'L»zm-“rz'c/{e : "the Committee wifely confidering that it was no Itrange thing fbrjlireafon to makC_ at 735?. 0”‘ 0f 5"”l4”dTflf0 Ehg-+2 land, infiantly provided againft it . C it16al’t_fo they would be thought)» by pnbliihing an Order commanding the Iufhees of" Peace of‘/I/Iialélle/éx, Swrrej‘, and 5”"’I’ ””"k" " to fccurfi 315 City V and the places adjo mingfrom 2'11 déngcr 1’? “T0133 glmdss W611 i . ‘armed;and_ give thié reaion for their Order’, hfiecmg/E I/Ia‘ /74']; akieviamt dcflgxex and oonjfziracitx I432? ‘Q./0096794" in Si'otld7¢d.7 againflfome Principal! and great we are , 5}’ f0?!” of :13: , Pa- pzfl F afhan, give: fzzfl»oc‘mfion tofufiita; f/M1‘. ‘bit-J flM}~m4intnir.Ir aarrlsflvanaiency/were andprafiiflf {'75 10%? .'”‘,f‘,’’_‘’fi’- ' j‘ A Pr: fently upon the neck ofthts M- 17! -‘MC t° thcgreat d€-'- triment.oi:the Kingdom and Nation)’ 1_s 1fld3"€¢"¢d by _a Contaglé ous plai{‘ter- of'Plague-fore, wrapt u‘pgtn_a letter and dtreéted to 2 him: but God be thanked, the in eéhon d1d not_tal tiny, are never: returned, by the Con{’cant cullome ofthe City, be."bre the Mun~ day after 7_‘1r.elfe- J4}: not have power to {it in - the Common. =€'ouncell,~or,conenrre in doing any aft, before the Inclentnrca of i , their Elc6tionlb‘e returned from the Wardmore Inqucll to ‘the $9. V’ (A ‘:6 TtbthetS'eriéantlof'the’Chamber,l to Summon them} Yet in tlie: A Year: 1 641%. the (mall {pace of time between 5- Thomas? day,and the day 0 F this Retume, was a- verylafli 22: time: and that which ; -layd the Ground«work, of that Revoltof this Cit «, from glqm I_~;oyalty to Rebellion, which prefentl y fbllowed. herefore I m .. , patient to Pcayr the time of their ordinary calling, and lrnowing the Necelfity of their prelence for the advancement of the worlt in»hancl, when the King ,. gave order tothe Lard /llaior , for calling that Common-Councell held Dee-eméer, 3 .1. I64. I , when the Lord N:-zvéurg: was that from the K in , to give the city no. I race of the late Tumults at VVcflmim'i‘er, an I/I//sire. Hall, and to , l‘f'C0mm€Iid unto theme the Care ofpreventing the like diibrdcrs, ) for the time to come. To this Common. Couneell, comes Fowér D and with him, all the Tribe of this new choyce,ancl mingle with t the old; which being an Intrufioza Withot1t.prefident , was (‘.2112- neftly. oppofed by them, that lovecl the ancient order, and honeur of the City; and fbteiiaw the Innundation breaking in upcm them , yet out of‘ liefpeft to it the Ifingx Melfige, and that Lord Ilia? brought it, the com rovetfie fer the prefent was hufhed up , and f A generally,, they applyed themfelves to ive difpatch to the A 1;. liver, which they were torerumeto t eKing, which wggac, «t:ordingly_done,.:mdl the Anfwer prelently after puimfhsd ,1-nth Print. . 50; 0“ W? 5' - "F 0”“”"“"]a being; the dayafter the Kiizg Went to the I~I:>uie of Commons to ciemancl the Five /I/Iemém-,‘ :1 Com. mom Couneell being called bv the Kings dircfiion to the Lordf J jIxIm'ar,,.ttu which himfelfe in Perfbn came, to impart unto them the reafom that induced him t0 zgoe to the Hoz.;{f;g;1-Kg» day before’ “i 2 and te at;l VI/A//qcr:,Ta}aur T3721‘: 0 1/Me/l, was tlnown airliner into, or very ncar His Coach: Infomuch, that thofc few fric:nds,which t.l’N: King had in the tilfity, were hartily glad when they hazard that the K mg was liafclyatrivcd at VI//site HM: for I l afliwc you, Hisiafti friends here in the City, has the ncvertcnough honouredfiit Ric/mid _C]m*m=},and Eli!‘ Tlanmtu Gttrtlrzer the Recor- der ware in great danger, being purfucd with olutcrycs, asR:- meméer the Prat'e§"t‘tttio;¢ ,fwother5’ calling them ‘/m{fie ‘Prattfltrt, ._ . g ._C 3 A % i i._ A Nay, .4,” ‘ -V‘ w_v~,,,u. .;;W.M ‘ w my cl;c Lard Maiar had his Chainctomcl from his neck by_a Z‘: .4 lens Sifler, . r % ~ _ This very day, the new (‘es (the leadetrg In both’) thinking tlaemfelves unfafe :31: P752/I'M”?/%ér33flfr1ghCC(’l with their xpwn an 5,’ 1-clblve to rake S:mf;fua:ry in Lanalm,.l more Lawithenzwhat» wasmade this Piarliiiarnent) fittirrg‘ in the Cha yte, w1d«them¥, that§,i it 7?M&"3 again}? the]?-‘edolarbie and Li; éerty qft/5:9 3”»/éjc&,.21aa*t fa permit tbenvi (without any Let er lam»; r:wptio;a)te}:ra/énta tlwirgriezzanae: in paper to the parliament .Na , foififearc they fhould Want: work,there wasan order pubiiihed in Print by the Hotafe of Eommbnwt fie tvhattvaery fiutpofe; ye! Sir‘ G eorge for mak-itngtufe“ of rfi~e‘fat’fie Z_3ifiert§r,Whiel1"ffiewfelvesthadu prociaime~d*, is; fentenced Thus: Firff, fined in three Thoufand pounds. Secondl], disfranchized. utteriy deprivedrof the Privi- ledges of the Ciity-. Thirdy, never to beare any office in the Kingdome. Foarwq, to be Vc:o‘mmitt"ed»* Prifonor to (‘ole/gaffer Gaple For two yeares; and Luff/j, at the expiration of that terme, to giveSecurity=for‘the good beb4vioz¢r,fucb, as the Parliament (ifthey then fate) {hou1d.thinkefitting , and incafe the Parlia- ment were di1To1ves:l,fuc'ts as’ the Lord Keeper, for the time being; fhould approve off: how will this Sentence , for ever Iufiifie the feveteft, that were €V€t"giv'et1,~ eiitiier imhc Sum Cbmthr, or High. Cammiflicm, That did doome a man to mine, for no other fault , then what themfelves had authorized", and Iudged‘ it againii the Liberty of the Subjelndition, that .M. Y"omkg7m',. and M. (baloner, be delivered up to their pleafure, and murrhe- ' red for allrange ("amjfiimcy called Oéedicpc-e to the I('z'ag, but be. a. ing dead , in an unheard ofl' barbaroufne{l'e they prefle into the houfes, Where their dead bod yes lay,.before their_Funeralls, and thinking they could never be fim: enough , of to great a gm’/rt, they willnot beleeve that they are dead , unlelle they force the l houfes to fee the bodies of them whom themfelves had -murthe- red; Infbmuch, that to avoyd further violence and rage of the H‘ Citizens, they were fame to fetopen the doores Where their bo- dies lay, and expofe them to the view of all, that {o they lm1°g‘h.t glut themfelves with beholding tl1at'fadfpeElacle which them- '_ {elves had made. y . That the Kings Gratious offers of Peace have been fleighted, and reieéted, with fcome, and Contempt, and His Meflengers that hrotlglat tl1em,[c:ont'rary to the Law oFArmea, and Nations" Itmpr~ifoned;'7‘[m»t thofe miferable ciillraé’ci0ns,which have ren t, and tome this flourivlhing'Kingdome, are fo farre from being Clo- fed, that they are rather made wider; T/mt the-{word of Warwre, folomg devouring, is not yet lheathed, exceptin one anothm; ‘bowells, That this Kingdomeis flill made, the Scene of Muré zhers, Rapines, =Oppreflion, and ‘Plunclerings, and, wherccm all the horrid aétsof rage, and I nljullice are every day atflecl, and the Nation put almofi out of hope,‘ ever toinfoyaher fbrmer Peace, and plenty, is our fault and cam: wholly: Had not the heads of "this Rebellion been animated by this City, and Incouraged by promifes .,_,.t.....,_ «mp W... GIN‘: ‘tr which as «it,evidentI‘y 11-xewca _ . _% V. “ Peace,~~foit isthemoft defperate’ dzvehih (lander, that ever yet: _._-. _., ._ A ‘fhfitomifesbf moi-'c"f7upp’lyes of ~ men, and Monieéji They—had‘Ion’§ V ’ before this, laid downe their A rmes,a nd comewith halters about thcirnecks, andtafi: thetnfeivcs at the Kings Feet, fubmiflel y beg. t ging thofe Pardons. which they have prefumptnoufly re1"e:d.~ n Tirne was,‘when the" two Hanfl;-I gave a. Law to gthe Cir}, nowjgg ' iscome to that ‘pafle. that the (‘try prefcribe to the Relzquer ofthe, two Houfes’; T hey muff not Conclude of Waive or”Peace, with.» out confulting the J City, if theyudoe; Hoflce. « 3 J . , ‘ _ i =Nay,—though Fairfax beuttetiyrouted in the. North, and W51. liam, once firnamed a‘ Conqueror, be totally defeated in the Lfigfi, n . yet they can neither be perfmzdea.’ —, norémrm into thonghtsoif‘ Peace: on the 2o*-hofIul}“1a1‘r,’ ' J I -t (fag 1-_h¢-pfintgd--.Patp€I~’ telils yon)_preferred a Petition to the Houfe i no longer agoe, many Thorxfaxid ofCommons , pre-fenced by? M. N oréary of th'ea‘“rsdotficc, andfoim Hanan Atturuey of g;"z4i16l-1‘_7T.é3r’¢’ ; both pernicious men: thelr Obfiinate av“er-fion from durli iooke the”VVorld in the Face; for tirrvfi theyhtell the Hotlfe of Commons, and in them, the World, That -the Ifing tpixiam » any touch of C anfciencc, and in defiance of God, bat/2 r'azj”ed an Ar. A V. . m} afpdpijfn omlawes, and T-mitor.r,_. for I/96.11‘ aééing, Burnigg, Murthkring ,“ dnd"‘dcfz‘fo}-’i;g‘g ofVH/13 "Réltgiom, ffariefl, and we'll -* meaning ‘1’°eo)>le,'?And thenknnwinginot on,1ytheirnInte’refl"£;¢, . ‘but thtiit‘ panver war the Houfc of Commons , ‘theyjdoe not {'0' much Petition, as Command them toacceptfiof their affiftance, ' for the raifinga new Army, and in expreffe Termes prefcribe un- to ti1Ct‘n,”¢md linait-itthemto a Commitm of their owne naénz'm;;;. tan , forfthe feizing-and receivingbf {i1ch'§nrnm~es; _as'the willing ' :fl<.a1ltthinke«fit to offer -, or they {halt thinke fit to'cxtort from the unwilling for tthislervice: And that you may [udge of the whole .4 a -Brunch, by fome , --they "name Tcnnmgton “the pretended Ldrd ti ,Major, ’S’i'ro:m", --one of the five Memmbersh, ‘Hairy ‘Z1/Iazrtinz " rPIundcfo;ni;éfaii 9 and §‘Dent;t ‘Bond Btlfgéflfi of”ZDar. wire-fier, M and Patriarch V}>’laire: ‘own difcipie, to a'at11anroaf_Va'dou; .b1e Capacity to beta Rebel} ,and finding themielvesj more ;‘m- in o 2 jtheie undertakings then they did imagine,iik§:1deTper'ate:i'raitors;~ t t-they callon the who1e'tK1ngdpm€. ‘at one man .acqor_dmg to the Q. E ‘ "'i”31’t7fi:5€i§‘£ 1 they reckon Without their .w" ‘ H ‘ intent ofthclat e Covenant, to ioyne wicrhrthcm inthis “ RcB?cHié' i on. And having: thus mk en a _,_couric to raifc new Forcr:s,on Saturn day the 29.05 fu/].at1aC0mm0~n. Hall, tbciy Voted Sir I/P’i/Ziamro I‘/'Vfz[!er, Cjenem[l"o:f't31rcfir new imcndfd Army, whom to indcarc r trlmmore, they interrcfi h-1’;1n.irn the Gro«v.ernmenor ofthc City , ho- .— ping that being as mad as his Ladiy,he W;ir11h0.ld...up,thc RebcIlion,. II asflong a~s'hccan, and thenbo oneof thc§];a(1 to runne away: I . mean notrfroom ‘I3";zttt/4', Eoij in that he hath {he wed hirmfclfco as for- ’ ‘ward as the forcrn3oPr,bu,tnfro1n juflirtg. anod the due reward 01” his ~ - diflnoyahy. By all whi¢hoi=t~isrmo1§t cv’idocrnr,r.that thié Languxfiing Eeficllion-1]3d»b€F0rC this day-rrgafp’d its ;la’Pcorrand given up ch: Ghoihhad not this Reéelliom‘ Liizjo by. its owe-41:55 and,_fl /{fl]t4itfl'a'¢J, o_ fotnented Ziraand given it Iifc. If therefore Pvs‘3‘erit]r{‘}+za1r1.asI