INSTABILITY OFALI. HUMAN HAPPINESS; a R, V E R S E S OCCASIONED BY THE 332w) Of Mrs” M A R Y W H I T C H U R C 37L “"12.1'I'1"§,.\: B Y nu: H U S B A N D! “: ll LN ET; (ill 1‘12} ITN {)3 1‘ “KIT-- '? 18 T731". B A AI“ 11 - 3“}UN'I'IJ) BY 5. HAZARD, FOR THE AE‘TINW. ., 4. . ‘ ...-1. . a‘;~.~LH (“El->1-" 51 V E R S E S, €300 how-'- , 7' I ‘VHAT tliough my Mulb, m morc authicious days- Paid court to fame, and fought the iriccd ol' prailc 2 [hqnaéhcklfinggofhapphuflkbchnn Or l‘wcll’d her lines wih tales of real woo; \Vhat though with joy I often tun’d my lyre, Sacred to Love, and li‘ricndlhip’s hallow‘il ill'C‘ (:)il })111is’(l rri}' DNIiXIK‘i’EJ \V()rtli iii {1311(lrér llKYilIII And taught my vcrl‘c h ‘r ablbncc to complain? The tall; is mine, o’er all my foul hold (lea: To drop the conflam, tributary (car 3—— Sé‘ycr’d from all this faithful heart. could lm c, ”T15 mine, pcrpctual abfcncc now to p1‘(.)\'cl-———~ Sad pm)" to grid; alas l my lorrows flow ’Ilnxnagh days of fadnufx :nid hing nigh15(du\VCCl PC nlix'u Penfive I pals the melancholy hours, \Vhich, not fond Hope, with all her chearing pow’rs Can ever brighten, nor that SUN reflore, W’hieh with my MARY fet-—-ro RISE NO MORE l—-——v Vain then is Love, the Poet’s fav’rite theme! For Lfe’s a .flzadow—Ihppz'nefs a dream! And all the joys that fwell our bofoms 'moll, And all the plealure: that a world can boal’t, Are ever on the wing, and fearee enjoy’d Ere Death Reps in, and leaves a gloomy void! I’d call [1266 Happinefs, by every name thonor, pleafure, grandeur, and of fame : In fearch of thee I’ve join’d the vicious throng, And fwell’d the Chorus of the drunkard’s fong ; Have often drain’d intoxication’s bowl, And pour’d a deluge on my guilty foul l—- For 2/266 I ventur’d on the raging main, And crofs’d the feas where wintry horrors reign; Have rang’d from Ball. to Well, from North to South, And madly fought Mac at the eannon’s mouth 5 Yet V'dlll the (earth in this tumultuous round; 7. mils’d thefi/g‘x’lmzcc, but theflzadow found...— Tir’al E5] Tir9d with the chace through varied fcenes in life, At laft I found thee in a LOVELY WIFE! I faw-I l0V’d—~but O l t.l10lbj0ys to tell, On which fond memory now is proud to dwell; O’er all the vanifh’d fcenes ofhlifs to run, And how each foul, by mutual kindnefs won, Strove Friendfhip’s growing flame with joy to feed} And which in pleafing each could bell fucceed, My mufe would fain in melting {trains declare, But ’tis too much for this fad heart to hear! When peace return’d, when {ilenc’d war’s alarms, And heaven ref’tor’d me to my MARY’S charms ; Knit as we were by love’s {upcrior bands, 1 little thought when I-lymcn join’d our hands, When Hope look’d finiling on the marriage fcene; I little thought, that o’er the fwcet lerene, Death’s pregnant cloud, which with dellruélion lour’d, So foon would be on all my comforts pour’d !—--—- I little thought, that three Ihort years ofjoy, An infant daughter and a prattling boy, Form’d all the happinefs I e’er {hould find Flow from an union with a Wife it) kind !-- But But into 11111116: mazes 1101111111 1111", N01 111C mmfi 1101111 m1dpcr1€11ati11g €10; “I‘is \1'11011'i1itl—a11d{11611 the *11'ilic‘1fIIcaVCi'1, "1‘15 0111‘s to bear—thmmh death iticif be given E...» 1711121 13111123. 77-211,”: 111": .’ I1:11 Ga 3d 1011: 1111s t1 1c fame, 31': gix'cs, He takes, and big-1:111 be 11151111111c! 111111 was I1 me Lad, low 111 the (11111 10 bow, NM (11110 1:11'tf11111c 111 faii.‘~—-“ “"1191, docit 11101192.”... 1d (.1111 I c’cr forge: 1110 1:111 {11d {C(THC‘.’ Of 1111: :11111 (11:;1111, 111C 1111:1111 111.1119: bctwccz , “"3111 my 111\ (1 \1 1111', calm, 1'1'fig11‘d 111 (11221111, Bit-{3'11 1111111 P1111111 1 with her dying brcath’ Rcfign’d Love‘s dcarcfi Pledges to his care, /‘111dr:1tii‘_\"d the folcmn C111rgc \1i1h pm» ’1! \\'i11;11 0117: (10111 Saint, as ebbing lif‘c withdrms, T0111; 1111‘, 11111 {‘111‘2'11'cii—bid tiiC lung adicu’, .7'11'11 1.11:1: 1111' prufimCt Hit '111' {1111i C11111'111rz, 1.11.121 fin: 11111::‘11 jliSL'S m 1101‘ 011111»? 1111.11,1111111111171.11111111;.11 111110 1111145111 1111' :1 11111211111, 1r”) 1111‘ 51171111 (Q 1111! 11")"; 11111111 in has; 1111 1111 111.1 Clos‘ti 1111‘ cyc, Y \ ' _ ,,. \ 1 3" ‘ i» ‘ r v v . x 111.1 {1112. 11 111 1r 11111111111111111111111 1:111 10 (1111. ', But 0 my foul l on faith’s flrong pinions rite, Thy Views extend beyond thefe lower flgies; Hope, thy fure anchor through this gloom of night, See the fair regions of eelellial light! \Vithin the veil the ranfom’tl race behold, Their crowns of glory, and their harps ofgold Y-q- Seel; the tame path thol‘e blelt immortals trod, That narrow path Hi all lead thee to thy Co n l-—-- XVhat though a mourner to the very lafl, This dr ary \viltlernefa will foon he pail. ; Doom’d though thou, art the ileum of life to brave: rI‘hou too anon {halt triumph o’er the grave ! lie patient then-«on jl'lSLfS {ix thy trull ; Soon in the grand alligmhly of the juil, Her perlon gloritnw, and her rainient bright, Shall thy lov’tl My»: Y greet; thy ravilh‘rl light, Shall hail thee, welcome to the l.>lill\‘liil lhore, “’here no rude llrohe from Death {ha \V'here each {hall join the rapt’rous longs above, V El part us more".l :‘Lnd in perfetfition human—4m: (Ion IS Lova! V 7 ,3: R I m, L—S'I‘R 1i tar, 1; .\ gru, 8. Vi . 9,1}? all Ian. 1 789. PR 5788 .whs 16 1789 “or “W- cum” 8 CRI“I|||||l|||||||lilfl¥|||\|||||\|l\ PR578 010 007658466 Hflfllllfllfill‘l