L‘".'-‘ - ‘«I.‘u_ ' ‘ 4‘.‘s ‘ ' ‘ ‘ "'. ‘ . . .‘ no . ‘ , - ' ' .—:~.‘ ~. .2 . \ ,... A ( r ‘ ‘ , K I ’‘;a v' ‘w ' ._ ‘nu’ or TI-IE % ' C15 35 C:Ol'I1l'1’10l%]S I ASSEMBLED IN I V 1 M ‘ s___ V ‘ w, I ' . ‘O’ . , —' .5 * nu ' 4'1: I I v .-~~. r _ , é - a. _ ‘ ‘ ti“ ‘\ ‘I’-‘ _ ‘ ' T 3”’ I FOR ‘ The better taking :mz;i iexpedi-- "1"" ‘ mg the Accompts ofthe * % whole ingdome. ~._.... T: A by Iwaii 26. I645. Rdcred bythr: Commons zdfcmblcd in Parliament that this Ordinance be forthwith ptinmd a nd r,,g§,§_ W Hen.Elfynge.Cler.@a7"l.Dom(0772. ALONDON, C Om moms 1 6 4; S 4 . publifla ed. TN!/. for ED. H us B AN 1:, A Printer for the Honourafile Hou {B 0f U” ~ ’ . " ‘ ’ In ‘A ‘i, "' 'u.,1u’ " ~ " ‘ ‘ n WW’, .. V‘ .. . ‘ v , “ _ .. "‘ _G.g_ -, =:r;~a..r Hut‘ :1. ~ q M U?-__“'~..“I «'5 ‘V , ' V -«v "' .. ‘ 15' ' “ .“ ‘ :9 N ‘ , . ' , u ft 3 J a n ‘u 5’ ' ‘ 0 ' \ ‘ ¢ 1 , . ,_ ‘W “ ,;. I ,‘ ~ ‘_u‘ '. ".3" ‘ zflh ‘ :_n K1,) e A f .» ("3 v ‘E ‘,"_a,‘ .- . ‘J " 3 ‘ ' 6.. '! ‘.. ~ .u*.~7‘='-‘ ‘ '” »4‘‘''-~'~.£:' .a§2=am:izM a3'§*s;3t::sEa=a.~1,‘ ‘- .~ '2»; 4 ’ 3 0 -1 * (z 3' h * the High “Ccmf£abIes, C“onfl;a,-b165,? P€tty*confiabIes,; Headhoroughs of every Hundred, Lat11,Ra.pc3,VVa4 pentake, Wand, and ‘to the Churc:h—-wardens of every Pariih, orhany of them, or to any other Perfon or per Alfons u‘-ndér the hdegreehof ahl-‘acre of this Reahne) not to hanyh Men1ber hof therf5hH'”o1ife~Of Commons V"lth1I1 15116 ‘«“Limifts aforefaidg wh(5111 they (hall thinke m_ecte, there:-- by requiring the Perfons to whom the {aid Warrants {hall be direéied, to make; fi:ri8: and dxligent enquiric in epfgry Al?'ariIh of .this VK;ngdom.<:. SV{it11i}C1~ A t.h¢.ir; feverall Pr€Cif1&S, Wh.;1t“ fumme or fu1n111es O.FMoney5 Plath, Horfc 3 Armes , hAt:nn1uh'it1'dn 3 Houfe-hold fiuffc, Goods of all forts, Rents and profits of Lands, V/Vood, P rovifions of all kinds, and .Free quaftcr 11,33/C heme rc- cciv-33.3 ' taken) crollcéfei ,r;1ih{‘cd, feizfcd, ‘or fequefircd wirhin the {aid Hundred ,4” Lath) Rzapéj Wapcntakea . VVard and P-arifh, by way Qt"voIum:;1ry Contribution, Taxpr otherwifea and by whom the fahme’1ml1 became received, mketl, Collefted, rzxifédlj fcizezimfec]uePt‘t’ed,and towhom paid or de:Iiveredh. ‘ And: the {kid perfons unto whom the {aid VV3.1‘I‘2II1tS {hall be dircftcd, fllallgix/6 notice thereof in writing, and1e;xve,%orcaz.:iZ;~ the {me robe %Ief7t,;at every houfe wir11in"cx-*e1*yh .refi*e&hive Parifh, to’ hinforme them of all fiich fi:1mme or fufmmes 0f'M°o- néy, ‘Plate, Horfe, Armcs, Ammuhnitioh, I-IouI'ho1d—- "l~h1h&'e_,— Goods, ‘Rents, and profits of Lar1ds_,VV0od,P‘r0— vifioqs of all forts) and free Qua rter, that lmve bcenc rc- ceivedggzkenj co1Ieé’c<.‘d,' raifed, fci‘zed, « or fgé-<7;ue{hfc'cI by any pez-{on or perfons, and whom pai-d, givcnpr con- Irflvuted to any perfon or pcrfons“w1z;1;17fbswer,For theL1{’e the C0mm0n~wealtI.1byway of Ah£T~7:~fi?.«m~ex.t1t or 0- h " tl1crvvi{'e, J I» fl‘1€r;WifC,Wit1?iin dizyesfi ’ifte%"r4 pe jr‘fi?3’h‘iiI'I %tiotEjcé fcfi: A orgiven, under pa_inethar’every perfont_or;pcrfons, AA whc;> ~fl1aJ1wAi=1fu11y¢orheg1igently faile; to givé in fuch Infofi ’matiVon;wixhin the =tjt1n'e aforefaids wit11O11ti%fA,rénd'rifig; a V gjuft and reafonable Caufe ofhis cjr"t”I’1éi71" ‘{a%‘%1e:4d1:e&*¢2¢’ 7; flmiil~fromT%fhéf1i§cf0rt11» be difaibledtO"denia:1d flit: Bénca ,of,t_h;<:.}.pub1iqueFaith for all fuch ,Mot1“éys, %P.&1V;£%c, Horfe, A-rmes, Ammunition, Provifiené', ?CQntriib13ti—; c.>nA;::3» fre.71»dA j C ommxttcég I foiit;1\1Le.;erh&ir :ei£Fence&‘J 5.:eeee.a;se4 Mic: COF“miC"¢¢eee0f:31£¥C¥?i¥1ePF5=f0eTi2tIe1¢7K:4iI1?§dOm; Or ~mY\ five eI~e‘t:g:1:1I1’:1*f1e,‘ {O as the fard er?- J, Egg olt§.th‘i;:s«— 3Re;rli§1;Fo1* Memberso. 'th('3 A :oAi3Ta“a Coxxulnemsg; W _ *7 And [5§e¥.i;AL'f”:gAm;:e:I*:ezs~(3_:fefl;£ii1;§d»4t’1iattlievfaid« eexnitujc £o'1f.t2‘ki ofme mhoae Kihgdozhe, and rhe.fub% fO1f%*‘th€‘., faid.*::aC:ao1nptsee refpeéfive - 1:&§eaive;;.g;I,1ti13D1ji;ty;4A they i a1fe‘.:~11erebmy7 author:-4 z<:d~ to W inqui}‘6 c;>;1?%:z~M :pI1::”’ A Qrdii nancc are appointcdoo to rjéceive t11€,f’c3:‘I'IlG, and Ln cafco no Treafurers are al1‘€9.dy‘ap' ointed, to_he11oo;un‘tfloo fuch Trezafurer as {hall byovert:ue;o thisoOrd1n:m_<:e be made A" i n osfefy: Cou.nty~in~this~Ki£1gdome,a.11ofiichoooofummdoafid V fummes ofmoney is fh‘aI1~obefound~'an:d‘ certified oto*i‘5bo V A.rrear¢,an<%. by him orrhem due ”ando~owing oupon, their laid Accomptsaor otlmerwifiégive fi~.1Ch....fi1fliCiCI1t T fectfriffl ;ty for tho paymenco thc1*e0'f,i’n nimatncr, and formo ra:£o:~e¢o*% .iaid, vvithm the {pace of.f0rty di1yos;on‘ex’t *afi:cr:*» théfiviid ~ 'accompts ofthe whole Kifigdonfixe, or oanyf“ *fi Vé " or’ mom‘ Ccrti.ficate,as byothe {aid Committee for t*a.ki11g¢’ot1'§c~. A" /=.. _ ,ofthe1n+‘f1;t§;;lIibe approvedofl f. Amifor 5dcf'au‘lc{tl1ere0F) the "faiclb «porfonoor**pérf0nso*ncg1e.ftAi;1g orlrefu “my, or fecuro "the {aid films and arreerefigas aforefi1;1cT’(notob<:# * 1 mg a. Peon? Gr A’{fiPczznt,or Officer of7t11e.houFe0fPeer°,% V 0to&M¢H1b€1f.Or ;0fi;cer; ofthco houfe of Commons‘) vfhéxll be oomm1_tted byz.thc' ofa.1d.o‘:*C;orrima;trd<:; 2 on rainoy o%fi‘y>e ‘oi-;A% more ofthlem-2 unto fuch pnivfonowoas th fligxlol, rH“ihko%V‘fit;*o there :9 rfimaln wi1:hout_Ba He or main .r*ize.;L1ntiI~V33o‘11c2or the {hill pay in the fevcra1.looo { u ntimcs o monoy.; or give iuc: oofec;u.1:1.;)‘r;,for paym en1f.fi:l:‘c=rcofi%1s aforeiizido A‘nd~ if .4a;1}f(Af1;AC11rope.rf0n 01f pcrf 0113 be Poorgzflor * ficers ofroxther Houfe o‘£oPfzrI1amei1r,othcn orlmh-ox?a1;ari;es 10 bi? Certgiofied to fucih Hotxfeosothey fhnill be-‘long unto oilmifiin 3S.:fl1;17l1oo=f€CInc‘inéCt. lfgfpcfiiyely, that fifuch fur‘t=11c“r Vcourfc: may boo Ttakicrx so . "K ~ And4%bc3t:fw£ch”er ,dmain;:.al.:; é‘I‘;l'mi}‘*.:~it%" flfzifl‘ éppeigr toxht faid ?C om mictée,or“fa%id 3812b» C <)’n1xi1it¥cé”c*€;,“I‘3y the acknowledgement» of th,e%Accompram:<, or onherxvife, that rhcfre rc"ma.in%ws4any Sum of Money ,Or,G0.0ds in ghte handsA.%m po{I‘efli;on? of any ‘Afcco-mpwin (011 b€I 1 1~*'’a. pm-;%0; Ampwm. me jOfli(j¢'.1"'Qf tlje t1F¢%"c»te%e,.“n%r:anyt :fiv”c - or nxmse Iof tfi{,~ H1313’, before thét. Tai-dAccofi1pr-"dctér1fi'i n’ed, 1jfgweV'h?efé[>y%pow- <21‘ :0 order the «payment of ;;he' fauna» %»Mf0neys 5‘ and to make _fa1cof% al:11”uch 'good§m the ufc smhd be«”r'=1cfic—0F; thé C$3I:.§1.1Il Qnswcélth ;tW?ifth.*in {‘:m5h'tiIne 3;" flmlw by4~:;aénH» liVm.~i;€<§i;: ar,,§~in dfifaiult."E1i€‘1f€0f1;:. so'..prdc%eé»?di1aLga’infl{t*this faid;A€,xC0'n1pcants aéin the préctdent!C laL_1fe is direéted, a.gainf’cv:fuc;.h ‘pt.-rfens wrhofe Attempts arp deperminewd; . Alld ’bC.» ':iw1:"7fu1‘éthcrA.OfirdzaiLiccI Tif wit] {l§éil{=«fa4p4pe¢c?i: 5 :pmo£;~£-C) rh¢:r pen-% fons %whg, is accomprablé byverrt:uc*of*1tl'f¢*CD'r3di‘i1£gn4cc$ ' For 4ta1H¥i/’e ‘qr man of them refpeéfivcly; {hall 'and*may,~4bVyi%¢VVar1'ant* under their %hands to be maeieto fuch pcrfon» « r[pc1‘fons~‘ » as they fhallw chin}: fi1::,., caufethéxperfon», ar1d%4c&ace of zfilgh pfcrftan or per£~?ons% (notV4*bcinig.4aVReE:r,. Tm Aififiant V * or <7) i .‘ . or O~fficerof' the I-Ioufe of Peers, ” or Member or Oillif cer of A theI—Ioufeiof Commons) to be feized and‘ fecu- a red, untill fuch time as he or they fliall put in good and fuificient Securityto be taken by the {aid Committee, or«St1b—e_ommitte_e,‘ or any five or more of them refpe- Ctively’, that ‘hector’ they“ {hall and will truelyipay and; - fatisfie all fuch {um orfums of Money as ih-all be found due from him or them unto the Commomwealth, up on the detet~tnining of his or their Accompts. l ‘ “ A’ ‘And be it further ()rdai.ned‘_,; That if -any perfon or perfons (not being a Peer, or A~fii&ant' or Officerofthte Houfe of P eets , or Member or Officer of the Houfc of Commons) {hall be found indebted and arorear up- on the foot of his.orthcitAt:compt ,: and lhalllbeima prifoned, or otherwife abfent himfelf" from the place of his ufuall abodeordwelling, bythc fpaceof one moneth after notice of his or theitvArrear iven accore ‘ ding so this Ordinance 2,. ' that then the Committee fox. talcingthe Aeeompts of the who1eI{ingd’oml, or Sub- committees reipe6tively,{l1a1l and may {end for any pet- fon or perfons in whoiethandssi, power; or knowledge the Eflastev realli or petfonall of fuch peafon fo found in arrear fltzilnlbei,‘ .and éxamti.nét:tl*iefaid; plerfon or per.» ” fons upon '(’)an'h ( which i”, W by vertuesof tthe’faid Ordi-~ nances , the {aid ‘tilommittee or Sub-committee refpc-- étiveliyi fltallhavelpotwer towadminiilet) for the di.fcovej-- ry of the Efiate re-all orperfdnalloffucih penfon or pee Ions fo'ind"ebted<:« and having. difcovered the fame‘, the f:iid!Commi.ttee of Accompts , or any five or more of them‘7 fhall have power to nominatelfome fit perfons i who fltallhereby have power ;, and are authori+ze'd to afeize and'makeo7_fa1e1eo£ the Eiftate teallz and“ ipnerfonallm B. t A . Rights (8) Rights and Credits of fnch perfontfo found in arrear, in as amplleytrnaiinier as is ufuall in thecafe»o~f~Bankrupts~, the {aid {ale to «be by Deed inroillediin1‘ 1.3; (I2) do "H.‘f eda:1‘fy..vQ That,e ia‘c—«i! cording if to my heft Skill andrt ]ud‘gement iha11¢ faithfully, ii; ligently A,“ and _t1‘L1ei.y demean my felt’ in the Ofiice of or other Employ ment where» in I {hallo be employed bythe Com--- mittee for the takin of ‘ the Acti eornpts of the wholé Kingdom 5! 01:‘ by any Sub Committee for taking the {aid Accompts. And it is further Ordained , That the Sub-commit» tec oi? Accompts of each refpeétive Cot1n.ty,.m_td City, or anyfive or more of‘ Arnhem, flmll have afull power andi .a1Jth01_‘i1:y to fend "into any other County or City 5 and to caufe all perfons 3CCOmpL’1b-it for any Moneys or Goods received or taken in the Country of whicfh they are Sub-committees ( not being: 3; Prcer, Affifiant ore-(E~3*fl'ioer~o«f t~h€iHOL1tf€ of Peers ,« Of?iMembc1‘"Ot"rOfi~ 1 set of the Houfe of Commons) to appear beforcethem, for the examination of their iortner Accompts, accor- ding to this and the feverrtell. Ordinances , unleife the Committee ‘for taking the Accompts of the whol Kingdom fltall give order to the contrary. And A . 4 ii e (13) A " . And be it further ‘Ordained , That if anyperfon or pcrfons, named or to be named , of any Sub-com- mittec of Accompts, according to theffaid fcvernll Ordinances of Accompts , or which {hall be named Trcafurers according to this Ordinance, flnrli refufc to take upon them the {aid refpeéiivc Empioyments , or to take the Nationall-Covenant, upon certificate of or the firverall names to the Houf: of Commons, by the Committee for taking theAccompts of the whole King. dom , thcyfhallreceivc fuch punilhment as the high A Court of Parliament {hall think fit, 1: I5\,(Is. ewwaumwwarmwww