4‘ ‘N fl -wv 4» ‘ fly w ‘ W‘ ' ~~ “ .~'.‘fi ‘V "P 1 7WkwMW';:f"‘”& 3 . , *1, ‘£23 6‘#1..hwr.‘,4;'\”""_;‘“‘§f: T .4 I W ,, A I . - . ._ .. -a,‘ .u- -, * .,' _ V , . '1 N}; ‘gm "u ‘ ' V’ ‘ W ' ' V ‘I V .;'_,:k, K ' :, J; 3&1. H .> . : . V, "1? . o as ‘ "=—.:a.-M M 4:555 *1. ’ .‘-1?; M , - T %*“'r| nu ' % wt % V % “ k V” O R D I N A M C Eat; ‘D e.a.?v:‘°‘ 5!! OFTHE' % L 0 R50 S 5»: C 0 M23/1j0 sxgs .1 37",‘) .1 .3 $9‘ .~+=.gs_._ A {rm 4.5103 in PARL I A M E NT, 5% H Authorizirxg t‘heVCm11n1i'rte*e of {ed 36 whole Bufinefs, as to thofe cndsand pnrpofes A ?",§: Lords and Qionamans far the A R M y 5? m.% ,d @ -‘ 5,, .;43_ an TlCd1Ul‘t"IIfI‘S at WA R 5, ‘.3, V For thebcttcr levying and orderly iflhing forth of the Cfxty 3:‘ thoufand pounds per mcvcfim , :z{TcITcd or to be afléfléd by vcrtuc of an Ordmancc of Parliament of the 23. §’xme E“ 5‘ _~3:'z_, lafl pafl, to have the care and managing of that ..~.~‘¥., a J ~ 353 A in the {aid Ordinztnccgand in this prefcnt: 3335 Ordinancc, are exprcfTcd. 7‘ 7 5%- ‘vr 1&7 ,\-{ 3% ' Ralered 6] 2‘/ac’ C ommom ;zj]}mé/ea’ “'72 ‘7’azrlz}zmmt.7~:/: 1t #9155 Ordimmcc be fc'»m’,~2rir/2 I’rz'nmr1 mm’ I’z«:é'l£/gm’. I , ' 3 , 5%; H. Elfynge, Ckr. Pm. D. Com. a’;«,g,~g fit - _________________M we *1” A 35*’: ‘fig<§ 1; 0 N in 0 N .- .,1f,_,, #4}; _. _ , £9 Pm;-tcd% for Edward Hmémzd, Prmter to the Honorable fig Houfe of Commons»_,, Sept. 2:;:;. 1c“;4k;. A 5.3% H. ’ «"7 «W V ».~~ . M. -=: ‘*5 JJ“ ‘ t’ 2.3 Sepreavrzlar‘. I 4.7. O RDALN ANCE o1:THI:‘.tt A O‘RDS &COMMO mg: W Aflembled. in Par1i:2;rne‘11t, For Nlembers of both Houfes to be 4a N 4 Committee fdrbthe A R M Y , for"dti1‘.. e pofing of the ‘Sixty thdufand pounds aeMone'tF1,‘ mttawptanwzninautz of fmatiiamgnte of 1.13:: fihzte aun tlhmtietlj fnf ]u 116 Iftfl? paft (mtituleb, An Or- dinance“ of the Lords and “Cbmmons 2 aflembled ‘C4 ) a.f§'c:f~::c?;:alcd in Parliament, For the raifing 0% M.:;»ncy's robe employed towardsTthc maimcnancc oFForccs within this Kinc- dam, under the Command of Sirr'172o- ems Fai;jfc‘zxKnight5t and for the fiaccdy % TI*anfpoi‘ting4 0F, and ~pa_ying thc%Eo:%cgs fin‘ the carrying on of the Ire- land) the flfimzetljip mm of éixtp tt)mxfm2%h }pn~m~mDs £5 to he faztl): mm: Qifiieffen on the 4 refpcctibc fimzmtms, macs mmpmccs there: in mentifin.cD~,im‘tI)iu the iétittgz mm of England am) zlbmninion of Walef , to wutmfue fox fimmm ££Bn£wt§3s‘ fmm the jhfve tmn twen- tieth of March lafi pafi, r647.mttfl the fine emu twentieth of March xmzt, 1648. but no patrons are no: nninatcn mm appomtcn by the: {sun ®;m'tt.attc.c% to receive am time the fatn £1Bo1tcps;‘3En«t1)c cam pomten to be fiapen am) ibeicn tbtrzfim mat’ the Qamxepy’ Tani: by 1zpMt’:i)%2 {min Qznimmcz of mam, zamp has nmzz mim:ip‘afe£c:£:%é;~ hm azmiatitzzzh wt, ’£m;§gg mm fimnmmm in flmiiamtnt af:-* fexaxbiw have fimaimn , &%.ufi"b€ it £IDzi:aaimn by Cziuthuzaftp of awkw- iimtt.mt, ,®I"l3 John W011-sfcon §B§ti§.l31fW, Thomas Adams, John W/ar- ncr, Thomas Andrews, M19 George Wi- the:n1,2umm1e11 of the ditty of Lon- don, Francis Allcin, ant) John Dcthick of " London , £fBcrcI)ant5, fl)tflI1 b€f izreafmcts at m§1?§fD}t?j81:e;.- ccibitijj emu irrmwzggmtb[of% autn: woncps to be affcffen, iehicn ants path by mvtuc of the min £IDzm’—:. name of the 2;. of Junciatt paft, fog tbz putpofcs Wtljzrcin tllmr. ttoucn , accozhing to the mircctz; ans ijercafm expzefltn. fztnnbe it iikcmife flvmaittcn, azhat the rain izrcaftmts at wars that! 1:2: some ftotn the funeral oliouectazg an 06> arm mama iwpaitttzn mm to he appmf;a;£a:rr% hp nmctuz nf tbs‘ MB ®m:'m=u1'ca ,% an rim sigmzwrs m?» be tam , which %mm gmm iw im:»;% ;% 1. mm m EM? igéaem em tijc Eaafifm i’s*:ma:suA fmzw mi V <‘:J:~;‘ my Iimziaij flm im flay tmm %m‘t:z’“~:.:A* mm by nmrfizm: mi tfm main mmfis” 12mm ., ta: i”.‘*£,' rm f52iVi1%i’§Ztta,{'u« t$a:r2: mum rrmw tm £133 i:1¢t:w!:§a man‘ pu%rpnfer5.%t1)ztzin mcrm’onm 5. “fi’iftB* the cijargesittcimm: tn the fatm,:L%%~ mm slim: amt? %(£u1:mw, am», 2159a rmmlazm Vnthm: mm, n—x.aw be.ft.:I—A~% lpJafIm’an,accnmmgto W: fima by >ti)£fa1iD flzbiltéflltt flfAt?.;)?I 2;. flf ]Lme7 ‘1a&,imis:menta: be mm mm at; fcffcn upon tijfim imtn in ~ca;fe%‘ t1)m.fl)mun he Default in any Anf we atomymifsincw axppotutcbgp A t 6 7) C % we gflznmance, in tbemaking of £*‘i%;B= ftmb ’£m‘£fi'nzr*11:.t; oz in atw Ginammv, may , ?JIi5fl2«:w;§;§;ij) mg ether: geiszcc in ;i:am’11,g cf tin iéitmm affefa fit-2, m :0 M a.;i:‘Esi»?£T’m, B2 fzmr mfgfiia g;*z‘:iw aw; t;~cf‘m£it m sz1:%y’M£1cfi::z,% Qmiiccmz 132 ID;-tbw :£:ii'J‘£fiu:*r, Qfiinia my 02 figmt axgnmetutcn 9; m be a*m:zem'1mh tap trWmAm mf we {aim flD2I)lI‘m11C£5; mun i"%n2t&1)iz maze rzfa ‘factual carrying an of the: whale mm, 2152 it wznainen, 33II}8itt1J¢' GE 8131 flf North! 352: nf Kent , 44"((E’*aitl Rutland, the ¢=am of Pc~=mbro1”* fifizg-2: mt’ timzs , .m1)etc:0f few: to" he :m,;». mtrg uf [either :9? tm mi’ 2.%2’i?:i§.2‘m1£tIt, that! have cm*Ac Emhii 1zt27£mzgra’n_:z sf ffir: tzft’m*flA%‘t:§ ~ npnntljz fail) flDzm’1tm2c¢ 5 mwM:I;c better hzntgingw in ‘of t1}an::m ts:)2%,e.? a11'e1'f2nfm2 to: bai€:f£cf5?2nt:Vi31m,. m Esp U'9l5 I3LI£,Df.f1jC rgm Tmiitattcé, fa“; [payment sf the fam jfmccs metre» in tttmtionen, awn of Em cI)m*ges‘ jncinmt tI)eremitu,;1nitI) ail fuel) ]19o‘nm*5%ann %utI)o;z’t'i%cJ5 to them 02 any of t1)cm,“gA:"nen,iinuteia men eyzpzefficm in i1~1‘L®I.BI'tIi’t1I£8 of géfisaxfs % V _ limmnt C iiammtbeariag hate me fiftemtij naywof February:,1 6 45- fink the fam. mmntittce ant: flt*eafm:r«:tx5, :3; any fim of‘tI)mn as afmefam, wall babe full name: , am: they are Ijatelw autljmisen in as , full arm ampiz maumzg, marl imenéts mm X putpofes, as are gmen, limiteh oz mentmtren in an zn z'nanc:z nf aaatiiament Batch ”t1jc’iEnaetft.Ij Bar of Jiuma 1. 6 4 5- unte¢ the %<$-wk mime at o1bfmiti)s%"i9%a11fmscozs mtfatw, tqmaxmgetlje ®LzI1t-naucz 9'f1%%¢¢’)€’ '£1UwtI'¢t1)¢~$0f F¢bf”a*y.I 644 - tu%%@u:£z% full arm fpeenp afs fcfsing, ceuzctin arm bzitzgmg1’n+ wf éfl); fam*.men¢y§, 4 jeéitbct by ma.-.«=; mug i%mi£paz A N §oms[, 4nz%%gm§11g mirtctia~n«§ 133% A 4 r V B2’ Dfljfifa mm to ma£é%‘roaeui¢m»tam meta 3’ IQ "wp1’m;mg of as to tI}cm7?ifiAfl)%ft”1bi¥n-mzis mm “EH0” °*‘¢t'¢ti01¢‘5 w?§ll£e’4em umgit: 't. % Cm) fitazm c:v%;§2‘Diera*t,“%.2s,* it by j’r'im rs‘: $221992 i‘§,fm%%:A1a_zsz%e,$ 13$ m.t‘£;2f£'££ rfla: Ea:§w,2§:tg» ting fiém ms mszcm'tt§3- ”£”2%%:1:W *g2~*3%i»%m53 1 is c*22t;;zzfiDa°i£i:*tw, %’i':§)a?Lt ‘tbcii;*’»%£c2i‘pt of £*1,?«z',~fszm’i’?£ts:z::.,— 11138175; ex €:m2%t11J%:wft11en¢:,% than m it fttfficimt fitfcimge ¢tu%2mw ‘mime: 02 3f1)¢tpc*£fai1. ;t13gm fi)%1éilI mi? in. Jim? txumcy mall be mxcn +Icn£DAzmnj path hp mrtnc 23$ ‘;tfi'6\,'[.a'2:CAfi7__,,#1; %;.IJ»¢f.tiJ¢. iijztz aim tIbm;tietb¢ of Junt mt fipaft : 331?: t1)M¥ti)€1'&i13<%¥m.hBtS9f the iaaufa of mu::xtIm1s,oz.aup fillrc of tmm , than %11abt$ nnmct, . am: ace hereby ;%a1utI)oz*i5,%¢Dd tn» gins m%at: ;1jamts:‘tn g:13¢,V’Ii1iAD% 33:veafutets at I.W117a¢ 03*, f €111? £93 thz ifiuim fmu) «of~+fu.£b%moncps as they wait t¢CBt'1_3€ by 11cvtlMIc“%of ftbz‘ % % aim ,2"3%:i’;鑧::.a:;:?;cc ’,:%2v;%3 in, 5:32: fzzzaze nBaaa*mu%;£ at fiyzsszfi he cxpzaim fm ~,;~;.:m:‘p»3~$*1“£ tnmmzy %e:*‘..:t~:»:,ire&¢;m~ cu in %tYz3%e?E“a;sm ta: i§?:'u.w : Qgfiliifi the {am 1mw:am"§, mitia a. cmzt. thwczmmfiz mmm'%t"§;)z i‘33au::B.sf tigfaz %pax £12 tn; flviififill t?.}£fa.m€ z’§“;,V*}m’r*=’»;'£t:;- mm ‘M yam, oz. i)§'£‘{ %£=a:'g3;ce,mz ’fl!'7£;iga1tc;<.'sé , fl)aE1 ha 2:1 fmfitfimtt ‘W wéfcharge tn the ram ”i£tca.mtc?:,*3 Mann warp of tijcm, fa; fo 1mwb%z2%g tbw mall Ttlmrexxpun flue * fnzti). %2ttm;v1‘t Aisalfu mznau:¢n, Bfibflttaii V ti): rzzutmvstaifm .02} to he raifctn by imtuc‘ of the ram wzhmaucc, . than be emplup an unzip fog the put: V pofzs , ‘urns arm intents tljztcm mmtioneb emu exmeffcn , am) no ntimlbtfe : Cant: no 119 mzrant than be mahzftom thefain dtontmittcc, 0; any ntljet, “T02 ifflfuefi, ’t1)au be % *obep¢n,,but'nneI12 fog the putpofcs afozetami. ‘ 116 2 Ly 321110 (12) 0 ”%am§:: :5 arm f$ax*tim flznaincn, ”;!Z.7';;§j:;1t.t“§j£ faémfitcammtzrs at mam ’ fa; tijcix Elfiimg in mce»t’m’ng am if- ftzéug feat?) M an tm mmxwg rm’: £23 02 in he tmifmmm reczibm by Dawn: Bf the mm tzcama mm: imnmmm £1355 pzefmt wminance, ant) in cnnfihemtiou, they 1132111 epa i acute the employment: pf tI)c£r‘ea—- 7 {am at mars, fl)a1t%i)abz time pemtzfuz emrp puunn tbsp (1)111 receive arm tffuc foztb of the mo: . new imam“, which arm painbp mm: we 13!? tljzxfain tccitznwzntnancc, 0; this pzefmxt wzhtnanpc; min {ball am) mmz tljm pmmns fine fl)mingsi fmz~.: pmcz per dicngn, tube gmsnorm of ag tbsp mu znmuat, fa»; the papmcntv of fuel) .mt:t'um~§ V urea fez ag_Vfiypfi)a,1ltbinh mat to make km %nVnf M5 - vet at mam, mm all uxhwsrtbarg. fie ” % M "fljm f§g*ii£t”t teem» %“»«=.m“*u1¢*§2a%* n _ ,__._.——«-“”" A (13) QM £1113 39 to flit? Gilbert Gerraxgi M ’£E”E£ifilt£B at am, am) €t)a%t;I i*i‘,~*v.m%zz :x1;m;sys far); ti) 9 fmnz mitfje mm: t’i)z’«;i: fig. Afi$D£tAV¢ attem- mtfiafiigw mm aiinmwccs to be pain tm:%amjE‘p.% % 4 mm in it fartim; ‘wznatuen hi? ma auA:*1;a;ttp awiozcfatb, fibat %t§}e fmh ®o‘n1111it‘t.cemm fittcafu: recs Nat 1% my my tttaizebueallnma auc?*ei‘#? _araD prmzzént of: all jfccc-s dqzmttmt tamttu‘ by :a1mv%%tI)e 1Fime~5 nwnt1'm1cn‘m% tlazfwv fimbinancvo Iincc tbs: rain £1112 arm tlnmtictlj ‘na§V ‘at? I\"/I"al1‘Cti” “tart , attn ‘alto’ from ijcncvcfuztb to M taltm [VtIjcm, 0; any "of them, accoznmg» gtmnllucij opoztimts, ?mi_Jin fuch manct as they 0:. fW‘°ft1J§T¥I mi;D.%:&11o1ntbe tame, oz, caufztfi-*$v~J13ew‘-13aiti‘%%zt nf 93% C 144.) @a’a¢ cectzfong,‘ mane arm Eznnaiuenn in ttmt behalf hphotl) ilaamfes of {Bars liamimt, heating EDzmzntI)e £1):- mam Day of May, 1045- R6/Ozzved, H Hat fa/an 33mm/lz}2'Efquire,J V A ‘Peter F1/Iaer Gentleman, 5am: Damon‘ Gentleman, be hdded nas Commifsioners in the County of Stflblk, to themovrdinalicee For Threefcore t11oufaend pounds a B/loneth, fornthe Affllies of Enge- lzxnclandfréland. “ ‘. n R§[ol'v%ed;. &c. V R A That §‘o/an Brand/in Efquirc‘; d‘Pe£er Fzjlaezé Gentleman, ,. e.9\J4A ‘“*1mél (Is) n1/ml Sorrel Gentleman , and R9. ‘"la;='rt ‘Damon Gentlrnan, be added as C0m:niC