3%ORDINANC 03$: ' OF THE 1§@I_4C)l‘dS and COHIIHODS 43% V _ AWembied 1n at. 639 ii 3% PARLIAMENT 3:?3‘ eta For the Raifing and Levying of the if} 4; ‘33 Monethiy Sum ofb One and twenty thoufand pounds towards the maintenance of the Sc or 1 s 11 ,3, Army, under the Command of the Earl of M L E V E m, Eff: By aMonethly Afleflment upon the feverallg‘ 1.3" ’ Counties, Cities and Towns of the Kingdom of W" Englmd therein mentioned. 25$? —. Die "foe/i5, 20. Febr. I 644. Ordered by the Commons 1n Pa1li‘ament, That this Ordinance be forthwith printed and pnbiiihed: H: El/jnge, Cler. Tar]. SD. Com. 333333333333333 333333333 Printed at London for Edw. Hwbands Febi 24.1 644. E5 eafieaeefieeaeeeeee “$3 {3‘3 % E $§:%§§§%,$%$ ggigggggg 3% Di: few} £0: Feér. I644. ‘ h E E KB 533? ,A3" /g4§ An Ordinance of the Lords and Coma monsalTembied in .P A R L 13A M it Mr. . gVAV/rt ,‘Y/ Hereas the monethl film of One and thirt Maggg thoufimd pounds, gas formerlyfagreed to b}; $§VV§3 paid to the Scotifh Fortes under the Com:- ‘32:??? ‘3 mand of the Earl ”of-Lever; ,. out of the E- $fifi$$ Rates bt Papifls, Prelate's, Malignantsg and ' their Adherentsmnd otherwii‘eg And where- as afterwards by additional! Inflruétionspfiomor abom the ninth of March,1643. by the Lords and Commons Aflcm- bled in Parliament, to the Committees therein named, Power and Authority was given to the faid Committees for raifing of Moneys om of the fevemll Colleétions, Taxes, Reventm and AfTefl'ements therein particalatly mentioned, in the {event}! Counties of Notting/mm, Turk, Durham, Nortbumérrland, :Ctlwbt‘rldfld, and Weflmerlaud ,; ‘ City of York, and county of the fame 5 the Town of Nata ting 4m, and (Guilty of the fame; and the Townflf“ Ncwnflle,an_d county ofthe fame, for,and towards the pay- - mentofthe ' ' idScmifh Forces, and High Other Force-stats; 5 then Were; or 'flmuld berfiiféd ,rby. Anthority of Parlia-‘ merit, in thefiu’d counties and Othetwifc, as then was or {hould be direéted by beth houfes of Parliament: The- faid Lords and Commons findipg, thatlfm Momysarifiag‘ r. e ox‘emntionedgxe- Ont of" the‘Revet-ttze'SfindeSa 194W. M «(E § ‘ ( 4 l . . - not {u‘flicient for the maintenance of all the {aid Forcesy,and that the {aid Conntieszbeing fo much-waited, and impove- ' rilhed; the {aid Moneys cannot be rail‘ed as wasexpeaed, nor as the wants 8: neceflities'of the {aid Forces do require; _ and to the intent that our Brethren of . Scotland may receive the greater incoutagcment to march Southward ~, The {aid Lords and Commons are refblved to raiie the firm of One - and twenty thoufand pounds Monethly, out of the Seque- ¥ firations of Delinquents Efiotes,"-for, and towards the pay- ‘ ment of the {aid Forces g'But finding the Sequei‘trations to be charged with great fums of money, fo that for the pre- fent no money can be hadrout of the fame , -Do hereby Or- dain and Declare, That the fiverall monethly f‘ums of Moo ney, hereafterin this Ordnance mentioned, {hall For Four moneths, beginning the firlt of Min/2'16“. be charged, Raiflrd, Taxed, and Leavied'upon all andevery the {Everall counties , cities ,' Towns , Liberties, and places hereafter mentioned, according to the Proportions, Rates, and Di- flriburions in this prefi-nt Ordinance'expi'eifed, the fame to . be payed Monethly to the feverall ._ perions appointed by this Ordinance for the receiving thereof. V That :3 to [a]: L o u n. o n, TWO thoufand onehundred ninety pounds four (billings. ' ‘Middlefcxand Weff— One thoufand ninety five pounds , two mfg/fer, (billings. ‘ ' Kffltswith tllC cities One thoul'and ei ht hundred twenty five 3‘ “inquc'lmtsin Km ' pounds, three firillin‘gs four pence. Eff“, One thoufand fix hundred fourty two pounds, thirteen fhillings. . . ” SW76],With South. Seven hundred thirty pounds, one milling W", four pence. Safe-'3 9 With thc Nine hundred twelve pounds,eleven{hil~ cinque—poru in Safe» lings, eight pence, ".5 Hartford, “Six hundredififty {even pounds, one lhil.‘ ' ‘ lin , (“’0 pence half penny. ' Cambridge, _ Five undred fourty {even pounds , ele- . . ven ihilling's. .- ', Ely, ' - lTwo hundred fifteen pounds, {even flaiL . I lings, four pence three Farthings. - Sufofk, ‘One thoufand eight hundred twenty five pounds,threelhillin‘-';_Hen{haw , iAWilliam. Freeman, William? Marlee,” T pita: V ‘ Greene qf' -IMarden',;-Thomas'~Millet of Marden, ‘ liani Cooke, Nicholas Shepheardg John Fagge, William biota ie’y, Humphrey Edwards, Arthur BettifWOrth, “‘err‘geG en, Philip Germin Serjem at Law, Stephen Humphrey, .,Nil?ha‘- fliel Studley, Tfiobere "Spencer-Rogerfit‘aéfiék, VVilllam Spence, Robert HeathJohn Everenden, Edward Mannin ,Thoma‘s VVhite, Richard Y-eates, Iohn Roberts, Plenry'gtvery mama 3 l l l ‘ Thomas Challener/‘quire, Ctpraine Symon Everenden. z? _ l r. t be Cit 'Ibhn Tooly’Majryr,'and Nae/,Haiorflr the time being-Samuel Smith Ed C'ozmtjngeeorder, Erafm'us Earle Steward, john Thacker, Chriflopher Bar- , . b } ret, ThomaSBaker, Richard Hartmn, mdAdrian-Parmenter‘Efi W“ - guirey,Mr.ThomasBan‘e‘t and Mr. Bamard'Church Sherzfizi, and Ike 'Sherifféifir‘we time being, 'Matthew Peekford', Henry "Wars, Samuell'Parhes, Matthew Lindley, Thomas Tofis, LiveWell Sher- wood Am! 'VVilliam sy’mOn'ds ,Alelc'rmefl, Iohn ’ Salter, Iohn ’Grey, Samuel! Brewfier, Ioh’n Cullier,‘ 'lo’hn Toke, Timothy 'Scotcow, Henry King MTho‘ma'S‘VValletE/‘quirex. ‘ ' '4 ' 7 , ' I.” the Coun- 7" ‘Sir Thomas VVbodhcfmfi thgbr and Baronet, ‘Sir IohnzHoiland r'afNUfbeke, Raped, 'Sz'r 'Iohh Pots and-'Sirilohli Haber: Knigby-.wz_43aronet.r, J Sir VVillia‘n Fallon Baro’net,‘ ISz'r' Iohn’Pelgrave Kit? I?! afil‘Barm'et, 31'- Richard Bemy Emmet, Sir [fuck Afily Km'g and Hmong; - - tr Sir Valentine Fell KR , 5t ”cream: ; Sir Miles Habit: Kid ‘1» ofr'bo 54th,5ir Will; Doily,,§'ar Tho:Guibon,Sir Tho: Gawd Sz'réd: Aflly Sir Tho:Hoogan,and Sir Geo :Windh'am, K xight:;Wil: eveningham, Framlingham Gawdy,]ohn Spe‘lmanJohnCokeJames Calthrop,Miles Corbet, Francis Jenny, Robert Wood, Thomas WindhamJohn Bax... ton, Gregory Gawfell', Edm. Thorisby, Philip Skippon, Philip Be- dingfield, Iohn Houghton, Robert Houghmn, Iames Scamler, Iohn Walpoole, Edward Chamberlaine, Thomas RulTell, Robert Wilfon, Robert Baineham, Robert Iermy, Hamond Ward, Thomas Weld, Sa- muel Smith, Thomas Southerron, Adam Seamler, Robert Sheppard, Ed Wa rd Hey Ward, Roger Townfend, Thomas Wright,Robert Long, Iohn Web, Iames de Grey, Iohn Reimes, Edward Gawdy, Robert Rich, Martin Sedley, Henry Taylor, George Hunt, Edward Owner, and Tho .- Toll, Efquim. The Mayor'of Lynfor the time hing, Iohn May 0f Lyn, Alderman; The Baflifi} of Yarmouth for the time hing; Thomas Iohnfon, and Robe rt Gower of Tarmouzb, Thomas Lincolne and Henry Kettle of Thetford. 7 ‘ - F V » Sir Peter Wentworth, Sir William Bolflrode, Sir Richard Shef- _°" ”‘9 fington, William Iefl‘on, Godfrey Bofevile,’ William Pureloy, Iohn ngk Barker, Iohn Hales,William Colemare,Thomas Will0ughby,Thomas and City Boughton, Anthony Staughtoa, Gamaliell Purefoy, George Abbot, of Coral ' Waldine Willington,'Thomas Ballenetfiobert Wilcox. ‘ “1- , , Sir Iohn Wray Kniglyt and Baronet, Sir William Armyn, Sir Iohn For the l Brownelow, Sir William Brownelow, Sir Richard Earle, and Sir Count”! Thomas Trollop , Baronet: ; Sir Edward Aifcough , Sir Hamond “W3“: Witchcot, Sir Chril'topher Wray, and Sir Anthony Ireby, K night: ; ' Iohn Wray, Edward Ail'cough,-Thomas Grantham,’l~'homas Hatchet, , Iohn Broxholme, Edmund Anderfon, Montague Cholmley, Mulle- neux Difney, William Ellis, FrancisFiennes, Henry Pelham, Norris Cave, Iohn Archer,Francis Mifi'endine,William Berry,William Wol- ley, Charles Hall,Thomas Lifter, Henry Mafiinbeard,Draynard Maf- finbeard, Alexander Einmerfon, Edward Rolferer, Thomas Rofleter, Iohn Sheffield, William Savil'e, and Thomas Cornewallis, Efqaire: ; Thomas Nethercote, Iohn Barnard, and Nehemiah Rawl'on, Gentle- men; The Major of Bolton for the time being; Iohn Harrmgton,Tho- mas Difncy, Thomas Irby,.Samuel Cult, andlohn Wilsby, Ef m‘rer; Edm : Tilfon alderman, Iohn Hobfon, William Hobfon, rancis EmPfon, Iohn‘Brown,,Czharles Empfon, Wiat Perkins, Iohn White- ing, Thomas Welby, Thomas Hall, andMerlin Iohnfon, Gentlmg; A WWW _C_ W W_ e ('7') ~ ' l (13‘) . a - — The M4705- affincolnc,William Marfh'all, Steven .Dawfon and‘ ' Brafsbridge, c/Ildermen. ' y _ . _ i F0” the ' Thomas LardGrey,'Th‘eophilus Grey,5‘z’r.Edward Hartop Senier, E gammy)? Sir «Arthur Haflerig,Sir Martin Lifter, Sir Thomas Harrop,Sir Roger l'LfiZVCIECI‘. Smith, Mafler @arlis, Iohn Saint-”Iohn, Thomas Babingron, Peter l ' Temple, Arthur bravely, Henry Smirh,T_homas Haflerig, William i Hewit, VVilliam Nowill, and Francis Hacker,,E_/quirex5 Iohn Good- : ~ man, Iohn Swinfield, and Francis Smalley , Gentlemen ;' VVilliam { Staveley, Richard Ludlam, and Edward Cradocke, Aldermw. . E 2:31:16 o, Savi—ll Radcliffe Efqeeire, Iohn Parker Gentleman , Iohn Halfiead i Lam, er, Gentleman, Richard Hoghton,Alexander Rigby,Alexander Srandilh, Edmond Fleetwood, George Dodding, Robert Crirwen, E'dWard Rigby, Iohn Rawlinfon, Ralph Afhton, Iohn Bradihaw, and Edmund , Butterworth, Efquiree; Sir Thomas'Srandley' Baronet, Iohn Moore, l and Robert Ireland, Efquireeg Sir Ralph Afhcon Baronet, VVilli- : am Afllurfl Efquire. 1' 7 I. i For the Simon Rugeley,Lewis Chad Wick, Tho:Crumpton,Geprge Thorly, L ganq°f VValter Brown,Edward Broughton,and Michael Biddulp,E/g- Tho: ra 0rd.) .' . _ _ , , a ’ , , Brough,$am:Termck, Michael Low,emd William Turton,gqntlemefi: l I The Mayor of Staffordfor the time being, Iohn Swinfcu Gentleman. www— 3 for the, Co - . f Sir George Booth K night and ‘Baranet,Sz'r VVilliam Brcreton Ba- lCh‘elflnitiiico romt, George Boath, Thom-as Stanley, Philip Manwaring, Henry E t _ _;Manwaring, Henry Brook, Iohn Bra_dihaw,Rob.Duckinfieldfienry ll” .5 . .. . ,Vgrnon, Iohn Crew, and‘VVilliam Marbury, fi’quirer. _ _ g l {it .3112 if“ A Gilbert Millington'Efquir-e, Call; FrancisiThornhagb, Coll. Iohn No.33? Hutchinfon, Call. Iames Chadwick, Captain Charles VVhite, Nicho-' ham. g las Charleton, Major VVidmerpool,-ad.Richard Pendock,Efquire:; Edward Ayfcough Efqyireg Iohn Mafon , and ~[homas »_ Salisbury, For he Gentlemen. ; _ . ' : ‘ _ _ > Can‘t"), of ,Gilbert Millington Efquire,_VVllliam Nix MayarNVilliam Drewry the Town ,Alderman, and the Mayor of Nottingham for the time'éeing; Nicholas t of Nor- Charleton, Edward Aifcough, and Richard Pendock,Efqnire: ; Iohn tmgham. :Mafon, andThomas Salisbury,Gentlemen. ' ' ,5 ._ - t - * Sir William St. qunten‘Bar:Sir Thomas Remington,Henry Saint (minten, Colonel! Bainton, Sir, Richard Darley, Knight, Richard (Remington, Iohn Anlaby, Iohn Alured,Henry Darlcy,Francis Tharp, Chnfltophcr Ridlcy, Efquire: , RichardvDarley, and Marmaduke 1 . Griml’ron, Gentlemen. :_ , A . _ , ' " th’m' ‘Perdinando Lord Fairfax, ,S‘ir Thomas FairfaiKm' he Sir Willi- l dugolthc- . , - g ’ .am fw‘bF-- ‘~ La, , - :(1-9. ) . _ am Confiable B‘W”?5§fi7 Matthew Boynron Knight and Baronet, County of: ' Sir, Richard Darleyixagighfiifz’r I‘ohn Bourcher; Sir;William SEIiCkf-z Y0“- 13nd,.5‘z'r Arthur,1ngrajm,~*Sir Henry, Cholmley, Bryan Stapleron, . Hen Darley,.Luke Rfobinfon,15‘ir Henry Faukland, john Waftall, ChriR’opher Pe meyhay,George Trotter,F rancis LalfelsJefl'ery Gale, George Marwood; Thomas Robinfon , James Maleverer, Francis Boynton, and Henry Tempel’c, Efquiru; and Ralph Rymer, Gentle- . mam,» _ -, " ' . _ William PEnwiek,Thomas Middleton, Michael Welden, William For the Shafro,Thom as Lowrain, Hen ry Ogle, E/Eqm'rer, George Pay lor,Hen- C-Oum)’ 0f. ry Horfley, Alexandér Collingwood, Richard Forfier, William Ar- befllihlgm lmorer, Robert Dodsworih, Ralph Salkeild, Gentlcmn. , ,. ' John BlackeflonJ-ienry Warmomh,and Iohn Clavering,Efquifl!; Newmmc Iam'es Claver‘ing, Edward Man, R’oberc'Ellifon, IOhn Cofens, Tho- “P0“ Tyne . "mas Legard, George Daiirfon, George Fenwickfimtlemen. ‘ Sir 'Wilford Lawfoa Knight , William Lawfon , Richard Bar— For the wis, William Brif'coe, Thomas Lamplough, and Thomas Cholmley,’ County of Efqatirer. . . .,. ‘-» - . 3~ ’ . i,‘ , ‘Cuzlnbcr‘ .. Iames Bellinghamfidward Brigsamd Allan Bellingham’,Efqairc:; 39 ' Thomas B'rarhwavte , Samuel Knipe , RoberrBrathwayte, Thomas a“ d?“ f Steddall, Richard Brathwair, Roger’BatemanJervas Benfon, May- wiii‘iihrf’ 0’.” of Kendall, and the [Mayor of Kendall for the rim: being, Alan land. Giloin Gem. ' ' a 1‘ .. 1 h , _\ The Lord 'Mijrfdr they-rim: 'hc’in‘g, Ferdinando Lord Fairfax, Sir 9"); 0* d Tho: Fairfax, Sir Wi‘lli'Allenfon,’ Sir Tho:Widdrington,S‘ir Chrifio- $2333, pher Croftmn'd'Sir Rob:Burwick, K nightrgLeonardBetfonfihmfloy}, ofrhc fame. Iames Hutchinfdn, Henry Thompfon, Steven Watfon, Thomas Dick- g; ' infon, Robert Horne-r, Leonard l‘hompfon, Simon Coulton, wilder?- mm; William Taylor‘Merchnnt. , ' - The ,Ma-yorfor the time haz'ag, Perigrine, Pclham Efqnire, Henry Kinsman Barnard, W'illiam Poples, IOhn Barnard, and William Dobl‘on “9°" H'm' 'A/dcrmch. ' ~ - i ' i 1 Sir George Vane Km'ghtflimothy Whitringham,Tho:Bowesflohn For thc Fenwick, Thomas Shad’l'orth, Thomas Miriord,Richard Lilborne, Emmy 0f George Lilborne,‘ Georgefiunny, Thomas .Birckbeke and Iohn ' ”Vilmm‘ ‘ Smart. « Ferdinando Lard Fairfax, Sir Thomas, Fairfax Knight, Sir VVil- .Wcfiriding liam C‘onllable, Sir Richard Hawkfworih, Sir WilliamLifier, Sir. "" “w . Arthur Ingram, Sir Iohn Savill, Sir Robert Barwick, Knight: ; Sir any 0‘ ‘ C 2 Henry ' v . . , ( 10-) Henry Cholmley, Sir Thomas Malev’erer,3ir PhillpStapletonfienty Atthingtonfiohn Lambert, Iohn Pater, Chatlefliairfax, Iohn Saw“ 3 Medley —; Bryan Stapleton , George Marwood, Thomas Stock. ale, 10 = Chalmlcy,Th0ms Bofvile,~.Thomas Efiofl,William White. Robert Skerne, Iohthleveter and [02m Bright, Equirex’; VVil- liam VV'eflt, Henty Tempcfl, Ioh‘n Robinfon, Efquirc: ; and ' Robert afiri (it no Michell,6mtlem4n. . , . the ° _ Ferdinando LordFairfax, Sir Thomas Fairfax Knight, Sir Mat- °“‘l‘l’ 0‘ thew Boynton Km'gl" ”“1 30'0”", Sir William Confiablc flaronet, N ”r!“ 55" Philip Stapleton. Sir VVilliam Strickland Knight and Baronet, Sir Arthur Ingram. , . And it is further ordained,that the fevcrall monethly fums of money aforementioned, laid Upon the city of London, the County of Middlefix , and city of Wefz‘minffier, ‘the county of Kent, and cities there, the'county of Effex, the - county of Surry,and BorouOh of Soutbmrkc, the ‘ counties of Saffcx, Hartford, Camérz'jgefind the Ifle ofE‘ly,thc coun« ties of Sulfa/k and Norfolk, and the city of Narwfc/Q}; thc ’ counties of Huntington, ‘Bedflrd,’and Lincolm, and the city of Lima/m; counties of Rutlwd, Leicefler, Nértbamptom Warwick, and the city of Cot/entry, and county of the fame, {hall be paid unto the Treafurcr of the Committee at Gold- Smith: Hall in Landonfor, and. to the ufe of the {aid Army; And that the feverall monethly fums laid upon the city of ‘ ' Tor/c: and county of the (Ame, the county of Tork, and the Town of Kingflan upom Hull, and county of the fame, the county of Nottingham, the Town of Nottingbamfind coun- ty of the fame,the countyof Deréy, and Town of Deréy, the county of Lama/hr, the counties of 8:41?er and Clie- fln’re, the counties of Durbampuméerland,We/Zmerlmd,and Nortbumbtrlmdo, and the Town of Newm/llc upon Tyne,and county of the fame, {hall be paid to the Lord Mayor ofthe‘ city of Turk for the time being -,‘.for, andto the ufe of the {aid Army. ‘ ‘ And. And his further ordained by. the faidaLords an.d1C6n1--~ mons,that the Commiflioners of Estciie appointed by 0r~' dinance of Parliament, of their rel‘peai‘ve Deputies, and Sub- C'ommifiioners in the refpeétive particular counties, cities, Towns and places'5hereafter particularly'mentioned,’ {hall for four moneths,‘beginning the firfi of Marrb, 1644. ‘ pay the {urn of Three thouland pounds monthly, ouc of the ' .- , whole Excife arifingwithinthe counties oFTork, Nottinga 54m,Du'rbam,Nortbumbtrlmd, Camérrlazzd and Weflmerland ; the city of York, and county of the fame, and theT'oWn’of 'Newcaflle upon’ Tyne and county of the fame :, or What more flaall monethly arife out of the {aid Excife in the faid re- fpeétive counties, citie, Towns and laces (excepting that ofFl’elh and Salt, which is appointed3 to the ufc of the Na- , 'Vy, and alfo excepting the Excife that {hall arife in the Town of K hag/fan upon Hull, and county of the fame, and alfo except thefixcife arifing‘ ‘in the Town of Nottingham, . and county of the fame) unto the Lord Mayor of the city of Tor/e for the time being 3 for, and to the ufe of the Scotch Army, for and towards, and in part of payment of the faid fum of One and thirty thoufand pounds, firlt bee fOre mentioned: And the {aid Commiffioncrs of Excifc, and their {aid SuboCommiflioners and Deputies inthe {aid counties, cider and places before particularly mentioned,are » hereby required and authorizedto pl}! the fame according- ly , for which this prefent Ordinance [hall be a fuflicient Warrant,& dil‘charge to them,an‘d every of them in that be- half-,any former Ordinancepr Other matter or thing what- foevcr t0the contrary thereof,in any wile .notwithfianding. Provided, And the faid Lords and-Commons do further . Declare- and Ordain , That when the ingagements, now , refiing upon the Sequeflrationsflmll be fatisfied, that then the lieverall refpeétive counties, {hall have the Sequefirati- ‘ ons oftheir feverall counties, cities and places for reim-. hurling _ '---————.........._.. — (t1) hurling theirrrefpee‘tive Ratcsgnow laid: upon themtowa‘rds ' the. railing of this amonethly 'O‘newfan‘d‘ twenty thoufandi pounds: And it is hereby furtherOrdained, that then the. faid feveral‘l monethly {um-s aforefaid, {hall be paidour of the {aid Sequefirazions of Delinquents Ellates in the {aid ' feverall counries,eities,Towns,and places aforementioned; ' “ in fuch fort,manner and form, as is before herein declared. Provided alfo-,and.the {aid Lords Sc Commons dohereby further ordain & declare,that the faid Infiruétions OEMMM ' I 643 .before mentioned, made to the {aid Committees as a- forefaid, for firelrpart, and {0 much ofthcm onely, as-con- cerneth the Railing of Moneys, onely for the [aid Army, {hall be nulled and made .void from‘the {aid Firfl day of Ward), 164.4. And the {aid Lords and Commons do hereby Declare the fame, as to the Railing of Moneys only within the feverall counties,cities,towns and places,therein' particularly mentioned for the {aid Army, from the Firft day of Marc/1, r 644. null and void, any thing in the {aid Infiruétions contained to the contrary thereof in any wife . netwithf’tanding. ’ _ ‘ , ' Provided alwayes, That fuch Rates and Affeffments that {ball be made by vertue of this Ordinance,.upon any Peers of this Realm, or Members, Aflifiants, or Attendants Upon either of the Houfes of Parliament, for any Rate or Tax made within the cities of London and Weflminfler, or Lines of Communication, fhall, before the fame be leavyed, be prefented to the Home of Peers, for the Peers : And to the ' refpcérive Houfes, where any Members, Alfiflants or At- tendants (hall be concerned therein refpeétivcly,and by inch » refpeé’ciVe Houfe allowed and approved of 5 Any thing in this Ordinance to the contrary nOtwithflanding. F'“I N 'I 'S. 5338 .A3 1645 aim-cum 3636