A A »~AJ~:‘;p A A AA A AA A A ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ x"‘.‘«‘«” % m ’.rl3'w.._ .,-€79‘; W {V 'A ‘ A .m£ , , implpyed tmvarfis thfi‘ xmimmmncef of And fan the fAApe<::<‘Iy‘1”' ‘ A W”«M§ gazayirxg theForces&u?1* fig % 1 M me A ‘ :» A Di£:Merct1rix, mg jmm. 164-7» 6 AAA “L0mlm pri11t&*id4»fAm‘ foim z*igi9t "at the AA,5'A:*!AA’V ‘ A ' (fa/v,!“q oc="‘«ou"'o N "In; w - a21wsT§?~!:v*%g“e~::,:%;vs“'itI;$v«*%'1s“;3e2~ ;”i*:'5"§* V ‘-~M.«V “MW WWW 459$!» ‘sf’ ~ I A ‘ , WK ' “ , ‘ wglu . V 4 9 ‘ r ,,fi.“)h‘ ‘ W I ~ 21>; :4 ‘ . ’\ ’“-' . 2 (’ ‘ . , ‘ . ‘ 5.?‘ ‘«:;’i \ ‘ r r “ , I “ . '4 ‘ w_;~‘ V -. Q,“ \ 5 .‘;&._:V‘ N :3: fl A A AAA " . ‘ a v ' ‘5 U4 “ N ‘ m V .H,. “" V‘ . «'1;-‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ W “V “W ‘-;; ‘ ‘ In “'3. « ;:"'~£‘.;x’3‘}¥m“‘f‘-"Al"; A. A1 r 1r ’M«- ”:''0 ‘-W" . b ‘ fie " ti .- -' I’:% irtlyzégllultm .. Wm M .., I K ‘ \-33$?‘ <1) CV‘ _ \ An Ordinance for the raifing of Mo» neyes to be imployed towards the main» tenance of Forces Within this Kingdome, V t V underthe Comrnand of Sir T H o M A s t A a. ‘ F AI RF .AXKnight. V And for the fpeedy tranfporting of andby paying the Forces for the carrying on the A A A V VVarre of Ireland, . A A - ..~.~a\\\\ He Lords andCommonsin Parliaiamdent Affem» _.,, i K W‘! bled for the due paying of Rich Forces under the command of Sir ‘Iloomrz: Faiirfax Knight (as the great and many dangers and difiem- pers doe require to be kept up Within this A ' V t Q bkAingdome for the preflant ) in fuch manner as A the Subjects in this Kingdome may be no more impaverifhed by free @arter as formerly, Butthat aH'Officers and S0111- diers may juflly andduly pay and difcharge their @ar- ters for the future ,% whereunto they are hereby Pcraightly charged and required y:° And for the e‘ffe&t1aII and more vigo- rousbcar-tying on the Warre of Ireland, which Kingdomcis A in rrioft imniinent danger to be for ever cut off from this Crowne , and the Protefiant Religion iintirely rooted ioutyof A i that rdngdome, by the cotmtenance andAAa{T1iiancecwhicbI1 thofe barbarous andbloody Ptcbelstdo daily receive ,i.t DoA_Order I_ and Ordairlegand be it therefore Ordered and 0:;"daihed"byt the {aid Lo1*dsy§'and Commons in Parliament fAfl'eiinblediy , and; by Authority of" the fame, Tlxat the feverallii ifummes of‘ Mo--- % . ney E;ezj.k‘s < t y A A 4 2 1 A A A noy%i‘xe1*eafter mentioxzeda. fllaflbé monothly (according to the “ Ayo1‘d—ina.ry comput:.u'io;1)taXéd, co1ineé’£e{{,%_Ieavied, and paid; for ‘ ‘they pu::~po.-$5 aforeufE~.did,fro:11 thef.:.»:'5.,oi- March; 3647; ugzcltii ,fghc nanny. %fl4’m~cf:2",: 1648. in fiuf:nhu::a;nneL* and forum‘: as §i1cu1n~@.,A . ‘Ia{terAy?1soexp1‘efi¢ed: viz. Upon flue Eiounqr of~Bedford Adm. f moizethly i%§y.1n1 of 673 L13 .1". II 02:. Uponhtlzoy County ~.,f’ L as” monetlflyo filémnue of ”083 ,1.“1-3 J‘. yd. upgn they CoMLmty* of ABuckyinghafi1Athe m0AAm:th1y”%;A£q%;1izze ofLV3.A.x5 1.8,‘ 7 6 t1ponAtheA“County on Caz1§b2‘i_s:1gé ut?_E1z;2 monethly {um of ,rA~.q'_c§2 3,» 1 1- 6 dz ‘lP0flAtjh3 me the monA::éAc!x1y Arum: ‘namgics A 18 J‘. od; -3;-A.y uponflthe County of Cheflméythye 11]OI1e§;}1]y {um of L 345 l..‘'‘‘4 :. 1* Id: if. upon; tin: City and County of Chefiec the monnezhIyufum.o1; 39 Z. 13 3.1: I upon the County of Gain, wall the mouethiy “firm yof E2281. 5-on 6 d. in upon the Conn.- ty of Cumberland thewmoncthly fum £77 1. o y. I d. -3. Upgn, the County of Dazsby the 1_nonet‘§.11ynfumnof 3,42‘ L 9 .54. 42,4 u?..5 on“ the County%oF“Devou the %rno%11éth1y {urn bf :35A27'1_ 5 J-; A A 2 (1. -:2, upon the City and County of Exon‘ the monethlyh film of 127 1. gm 2 cl. upon t-he Cxounty of Diorfet the’ 4 moncthly fiun yof 935,AAAl.wxo .r.n IOyd.'i. yuponry A:;h_e Tgwmg and A County of Poole the monethly fufI1A'off 9"], I 6 J‘: 7 4,«-—;~. upor%1 n A me County of Dmham the monethly turn of 159.1. 2 .r.. upcm the Countyyof Yorke thyemonethly fumof 2‘ I I 1 Z. 7;. 8 mg. upon the City and&County. of Yorizeythe naomthly fumme of 149- L 11-1.’ 5 upon the Townoof E&ing§3:on.y{3pgunu«Hu1;y% A I;hc mom-2t‘hly fum of so 1;. 18;. 9 d. upon the County of Effux A the monethly fumue of 45471. 9 J. 5 dyupon tbs: Couutyof GlAoucue1£ner the monethly film -of I 212 1. 3 .r. 6 (Z. —§;.Aupon"1-,h¢ A City and County of Gloucaifier thehmonethly flunrof A1341, f I 3% r. ,9: 51. upon the County of Hereford ‘the monethly fmn of 868 1. 2 .r. 3 5!. upon the County of Hartford the moncchly {um A of 1633!. I31. '5 d.;§_;. upon the County of HuntingtAon,tbe , m‘one::}_;Iy {um of687 Z. 3:. 5 cl. ff. upon the County of Kent V 'W1th th-eoC1ty and County of Canterbury , and AAtheACinque~. Ports Within the County of Kent: , %the%Ayn*on’ethIyfuu1nieof" 4763 I. I x. I 5!. upon the County of Lancafier the monethly {um of 5291. 3 I. 3 cl. upon ytyhé County of Leicefier the n1on%5!;E1-4 AM 1?! film 0f4€67 l.y9.r.,1o d. -5. “upon theCouuty of Lincolne the ;, A A Iuoncthlyc A I d..11pon the County of E: A t‘y,%0f” WePcxne1*1and*t‘hengozml a I--«I nu .34‘-u‘.-1.--.,,;q-W‘. 15he_L“'; it_y of _Lgzzdm Lhwznnonethiy flmi A of 3 9017 1'» J 94'. 2 4’. jg. upon1;1=1%e 1C:,;imty0i*'%l\I§£idai1ei4&xM,CTiL}g anti wL.iosm}/“*p1§ Wmzw n1iz1fleVr,the%.%(p1onetbly imrgfiz :_;>3‘€~ ;.c 5 23. 1.157 9 ff-L1p_Q;71‘J;-h-6 C0:,m-- ‘my of Monmou-gh phe m0z}ezi1§y§;'uz11 02.‘ I92. I. 19 :r. I 5!." upon “the Cloumy of N u%r;:iaa.m}“>;c§n 'af.;l‘2,é~:: €}“§O3}€Eh.iy-{Um of 59 I 1.141% .r. 11 gf. mpun the Cauntyqf No%tt?mvghazx1 tghch m<>t11cthly_ iigwnm «Q5 3 5 L: $39 as L1porx‘1;._h:: T0&vne¢%%a;%z;ci%GqL1g1tyv of Nbt2;ing- %ha%n‘:~: the m0ne.th1y%fi1I1l Of 11' 5» M 47-5. 61+ ‘.3;-‘ “P511 31¢ Coming? of Nmfi?u.H{e the 1110li€C11.I}Tfi’lI'1‘} «uf»:1~7%6 1.. I I. I‘d,~ upan the City 2§;;lg1dQ}0L1nty of N0:‘wiC§1th@ %‘WI1~11€£h3YA 111111 of 346 1.. I I J". 54!. upcm Ih;e.?_“C0u~:}ty of .NorcExAurz'§5'D€I*i%&n~d .tht3.monezh1y Vfi.1r1'wf 100, i»..146: 11.: I 0? Llpon t13<: T<0Wn<= *0§‘%Ne.mvcai'§tia the 1‘.z‘l0I1e£h137 filth of 2 L.v17..r.V upoxl the {COL1i‘1t}‘? Of Oxford the n1“011et’hly film of 7;: 917. 13 .f_. ‘I I%,.rZ. -3;. uponi thé%C0unty of PLm.. A ‘ Ianél thanmrnethly {hm of 1238 2. 35:. 0d. i. upon the Conn-~ aypf Sal0p_ t:l1i¢.n1011::th1y ‘film of 5.535 2. 19 x. 9d. u pom g1~;e7CQum;y of Smfllyrd tl1e.ramnetl113?.fizm OM54 l. 3: 5 J; 4 d.-jg. upontlxe Te;Wx1Aeyof Litchfieid themcmethly fum ~oF;=1o I. 14 J’. :3"d.. L1}5ox1‘the%Coun§y0f%S0t11me1"fcmhe monetlilyfilmme of 30501. :1 ay 5 d. Lxponmlme City and County? of Briftoll the mom-thly fumwoi7~” 1121. 1:: J", 1051. upon the Co~xmty% of Southa.mpt0n‘ the monethly {um of 1514!. :+:.'3d. 3:. upon: flfihe Tqwrxcz; and flounl: y of 3 ASo11th§dmvptox1A rhcp111<311e;h1y" {um of 6%2%!.%%8;.n 3% d.f.mp'rJn %}t%l1eMI.fle of i%;g%*h%t% .2Q“13%!. 6 upon the Caouxaty of Sufiblke theyn1:me::h1§zfEmm£"4,7A63 I. 1' 4*. ’"urrey, With the Em*i"o11gh. ofS0ud1~— .,,,,. In ‘,., mtmcthly fixrxiof 1373 [._8.r. 1 L_21?+0‘1I€h€ Ci£YflIld‘G’3urz1~* my of'VLincoIx1e the 2110ne.3;h}y*i“zm1A of 641- 1&4 9 613 '5‘. Vupaozr. ‘E wark¢_jg&the%mon:ethly film» OF, i:t3«¢7*~1.58 Llgozx the County» ' t> f+.SL1fl”ex, »a11d-%tfhe%LP0r.ts4witl1i:17ftAhe .C«0~unty .()f%SL=xfl§:x , the nzotiethly {mm of‘ 2646 1; :.d .r.;% 9%o‘i~...;.', 1._Xp0x'i. £he Couiutys of Wa.rwick the rxgonethly fum of 6 21,1. 3 :1. 6i.dCfi.‘upo%141Athe my V and County of Ccmemry the nmncthiy iiimmle of.79 19}:;. iupon the County ofWorce{’ter the zncmerchkly {um of 7041.4 ~j§;8:_J‘.i»0 dn r"%Up01*1I"Iil1e% %a.nd%w‘C}OIJ4ntY‘dJ:%4 N/V01*Ce{’t%e1‘4%'the A ma;xm::g;;Eia.'§.y mm? @1743 Z; 5 .1‘. 64d. upun ithse t»C‘m1nty of \9‘%«'iEAts the ’:srm:;m.t2tl13y% {um of 1:42: 1; 1'8 :...9 cl; txponj the €i3c>vmC-7 fly mm of 66 1.9 .r. 2 d. -3. .upf0I”l'« A 3 A ¢ th 33_ For the A County of A Bedford. F01‘ the Tjowzle of &dhfor’dt.t . the Ifle of Anglefey the monethly fumme of so A upon the County of Brecknock the mouethly fumme of 1031. tIDCacre.r.yg A _ A (8) ’ N I. 17 J‘. to d. 6 1.1 I d. upon the County of Cardigan the rnonethlyfumme of 1221. 9:. 10 cl. 3. upon the County ofCarmarthen the monethly fumme of 1001. 15 .r. 6 al. upon the County of Carnarvan the moncthly furnme ofa42 I. *6 .r. 5-d.tg_; upon the County of Denbigh the monethly fizunme of 541.6 ,-A, A Iodgg. upon the County of Flint the monethlyy funime “of 4 33 6 J.» 4. d.u;. upon the*County of Glamorgan the moneth... Aly iumme of 1311. .13 .r.=1o d. upon the County ofAMerioneth the monethly fumme of 31 1.1 I .r.t6 4’. upon the County of AA Moumsgomery» the monethly fumme of I 23 1. '2 J‘. 8 d, 3;. ‘upon the County of Pembrooke the moxaethly fumme of 1 1 61. 4 .r. :7 d.?;. upon the County of P\.adl1OI‘_l.'hC monethly fumme of 731. 21.‘. 7 51» Q. upon the Towne. of Heverford VVef’t the monethly futnme of 101- 2 1. 6 d. 1. And that the faid feverall A fums of Money may at be duly taxed, leavyed, and paid, as is »hereaFtertdirex9ted at Be it further Ordained by the Authority A aforefaidg, That the perfons hereafter namedtt fhalf‘ be Com- tniffioners for the feverall Cities, Counties, and Palaces}. here -4 in mentioned, to putthis Ordinance in execution in the faicl feverall and refpeétive Counties, Cities, and Places, for which eh thcyare hereby refpefiively appointed Commiihoners. viz. A Sit‘ Beams/pampn St. 70192“; Knigh 1:, Sir faint Burgryzze Baronet, SirfI1umz.z: Alflryzz Knight and Ba.ronet,Sir Ofijper Luke Knight, Sir Samste1Lu.§e., Sir ‘fa/my Bolt, Sir Roger Bwgairze, Sir Williaim 13¢ teler, and Sir 70/972 ‘I/Jqnzfiarz KI1i,9,ht3,'Ih/dame; KnI:_.,Th«)m::tJ‘ Sad- dler, fa may Byezierley, Lewi;rhtZMonox,hH7a!wardU:b.:mtAtA,13i.atl2ert Starzg;/an A ten, :Samz:.»:el Browne, 021jZ021ve1¢t7':”§?¥C/95"_70}.7?2 Her7JgJh»,‘tttat1aoi Edwfzrd A C.eterEFqt1i1‘es,CZemenr z.-frmiger Efquitxegflztmpbrey Ildonox, W £1--t lbw; Dzmcomba, jab): Vtmx,“ Hezngpbrgy Fip .2, and 301972 EJ942163 and Tbomar Dacrey Efquires. The hzhyor at the mute o£:oeedr“era km the game being, ’Sa1flZ23£€l Bruwrze Recorder tth-em” ,3, Ffflncir amifler C Du¢?ctJr in i77“hi"-I yfipck, Robert Hanfe.rfl"1ooma.r Hhmer, Tbomatr Paradine, and .Mrh.t . 9 A o A C Wflliam t l \ Cs) .. William Lezztlaoll Efquire, Speaker of the I-Ioufe A of Con?» F 61. the. lmonsa and Mafier oi-"the Rolls, 811* F rarzoil-Knollix Knight,S1r County of i ’ Franci: Pile Baronet, Sir Robert Pye Knight Senior, Sir Benjamin: Barks. RmlyarolKnight, Henry Martin, Edmtoerzol Dmzclr, Richard Wloite-l-~ bead: Peregrine H051}, ‘Iamfield Vo2Cl)€ll,_70lJ72 Lentlmll, G0,-nelim Hgllafid, john Bucklgz, 30/972 Pacltzrgfiolrerl Par,-leer,“ Dani- el Blagrawe, George Pzerefoy, Sommel Dowel), Roger Krzziglot, Howr- Plyrgl Dolmen, ll/illiam A Blzrfler, William Hide, Wflllam Trzemlmll, A irloomor Fettiplace jrolorz Soutblgy, Thoma: Morri: , and Somzoel i ll/iglotwz'clQ§ Efquiers. illaomar Lord Viféount Wemmon, Sir Peter Temple Knight and Far th}, A Baronet, Richard lll/irznvrlocl, Bulflroole Wloiteloclga Ei'q,ulirc3a Si!‘ County of % ll William Amlremr, Sir Kicbarol Piggot , ancil Sir William Cobb Bucking...“ Knights: Prarzcir Dorlqa Efquire, Ifimc Perzrzmgtozz Alderman of ham; London, George Fleetwood Efquire, Sir Riclmrol Ingolldrlrj Knight’, Anthony Ratelzfie, Thoma; Lane, folorz Dormer, Riclmrd Serjeorzr, Edmund We , Ylaomor Boolflroole, S imon Maine, Henry Beclqt, Arr- le ltlolorzy Carpenter, Tloomoqr fSC01‘_., Cbrifloplaer Egletorz, ‘Ibomar Airer, 7190,34, Lygggg jolm Lane, I4/il.liam‘Knfl?zll , William Tbeeol of gixjaflon, I/TS/illgzrzg WEo;eeler;§3Redding&23gfLf1rt;9, 51:11.}! j'ola;bDoily uireg ir ii err error % aronet rz op er emz omen’ l’l’3?zrz ,, iiicbarol Baldwin and folm lizrrizzger‘ Gent. Dliiclaord ’ « Browne Ffqtgire, Si1éGregorg lxgrton Bz:i"CI}}eltl, .lf,;AlSe/:,zrineEfl:l7alta2zJr Tb or Sloil ourne, eorge ’a win an i iom ort quires \ Coflzeliur eHoll.:mol’A Efquire, ?'.Tl9omor‘fTirrell 3 Riolmrol Greenevil; l A Efquire, Six-A Sioloarol NopierKnight , folm Deioerell, Thomas A Knight of the Bath, Sir Miler Samdir-, Sir fllgeed Gem. Henry Andrew", ffolm Eccleflorz Efquires. A A Sir ‘Dudley NortbKnight of the Bath , Sirjfolorz Maynard For-, .¢1,»e A ‘L 617?'l€'J' Knights Oliver Cromwell jamer Reynololr, F room’: Rufléll R0» 0 b ~d _.,_ bar: lllfiglnoldr, V Tlaomorafijyjmondr, Thoma: Dozolqat, Robert éafile, 1m m g”? A _7olm Crane, Michael Dalton, Killipbet Refill , ‘Iolbot Pep_i.r« Willi%omlLemmarr, Dmllgl Pope, Thoma: Bemllflo Efquires, Robert 1 Cilerkg , felon W ellaoreg Edward Clerzelo, Edward Leeolr, :;’ome.rA Tloomjon l/l’z'lliom jamer, film Cbwery, film Rowen, ‘ A A A "A : or 1igygzoldo_0f Triploc, Docfhor Sawyer, folozz A A A A A Robjfgros V A . Cimmyo F01’ the%'U:- A nive rf§7:"é:y argd Town ,4 0‘; Cam-~ bridge; ” meogsaxy. A ty of F01‘ the City of Chefter. For the ” C20z*mWafl.. ~ (6 3015132 AP :f,»i3L;;‘r. Tim Mayor mz/tel Spalding, M.:3‘1_i;».;:em3a%nh Fre.»::=cIo_., Alderman Rabj.72;2, TlZ¢lb“m: Pegya", Ric/smrd .‘F‘OJC:.,;:AJ?3, Ric/omd Tl'e;a%ze.r E£"Z:1m3:*cs, 7ai92e.r”A~EZ;:clQ’.é j, Afidemnazl Temex, hdWm*d3fl‘:t’fiz:'%v-nd, Hem;yLz¢ca4. A A‘ ' P V *7:R05‘['(.'r$*z Gtfnfi. Pkifigg ,:§’rm5;y%, V D0 53tQi' Kicb§zrd fi'3ft;1”ifi’§t‘§n1e being; fobniawrjy Alderniahg A A Sir %fl?4‘2'leI VSrmd:,% Sir Edward‘”Paz~£beri,cb, 0157):.» Cramwell, A Gearge Glaptloorne, jofyii Hublnertfi and z’ZlzI.o:m Mararh E. quires, Richard 5 £0718 Doficm.‘ of Phifick, WJom.;.zJ" Ca!’He, Triflmfiz Dig- % :¢2ond,%%George Flzrwell Ei[qu§,1‘es, and Wiqllizzm Fi_fl.u?r Eiquire.% Sir George Booth Knig’bt7¥and Earbnet, Sir”/zilliam Breretorz, “ink!/1:244 3tc2m!gy, Herzay Brookg, j"r2lJrz Bradflmszw, Robert DucI.;§7g_ field, Hang; Ver22a72,jof27z Crew, ‘Ji"'?oo;¢~;;,-.z: ]i»;{or!m2:y,VGeorgeA Booth, Henry Bi:v1’\ebe;2d, Hem): Greene, W’”iil..i:.*m Towcbet, Rbger Wil.*’Jré-- Zhmz, Peier h177’};zr£v'ertozz au1d}VilIam Davie: Efqtxiresfiobzz Wiztvzzl/2llA Gent.“ George AW'arZ;w~tzJ?z Efquire, Philip Jwmmmrirzg Efquire, Hemfy R0587“: Gregg,2md fame: Lmdm Gent. V The Mayor £01: the time being, jrobrz Ratalifi’eEfquiA1'e, Re?» corder, 3121522 Alder £151}! 1, Peter Leiglagfi/z'Zli.:zm Edward: Merchants, Ricbyzrcl Leficefler, AI%dérn1;:nVCalve2z, C~.¢l7m2 .Brz¢er2,, Samuel Buclgg Kofyert iwmxljhantga and B/E1‘. 1?.01?9e1't7%'ig37t A1%d€I‘fl']3.fl_-, C/32"ifio;al3er' Bieafé, _Rober1 ‘TVl2iz‘b} ,, W M Hzz*g52e*}, Ricbm*d%Brac{;’}J:m>a3 john W’”fbiA¢t1;25 %VVil2iam'2 Cramp-‘-1 ms,:md j‘ola22j’ola72jZ;n Aldermen, and §‘obz—:a Wynn Céfiizen.‘ A A ~ Fmmciy %B%z¢lZe573 Riclmrd Eigyfigz, ,1Im/my .rf!r’mz% 1l', ,:FM72cr:$.,_kG0~ . 3 Adaiéalsifl 0fTrevm1gea,A Azztbmzv ‘ V _ V F H ‘Hub?.-2;‘? SC¢27:;"e7lVELfi}LL1.1I‘€fg,70I972 Elliatfio/923 St; flz¢bzrz,§'o/J32 T9~"ea3N/M, Nicoll, Sir Sm:-.i*lxéZ A3513! Kiiight, % Ea’w.zwZ }3rad[b.:zwe, 0z2ve22% D“eZ"z»e.r Efq; Robert V eyzablex and W3lliam fI»:1czfl5:y Efqtlires, " "3770/or: Jizf0,é%le, Plug}? Bofctzwm, %Gc(27‘%g3 % Etifiw‘-5:5]?-,» »I0'b?3 Wfif junior A A % Am£>cm_y 0.. vfé, Niclaolw‘ liV.?xdd»AIm,% \V .Ricb.zml C czrter, Eo1ward~El1z'0t, Ipbzz Jl*.7a.:1:i?2g1‘1iC/9MV5”6zv1D€«????*$%7’V97?g f% % Pmwm~denA . Rofiert A Rqll, V rtfic/cola: Trqfiufix, 19Vi1£'i4znz %Ceez’},A.7 Egbert w"fi?z%$a11=d I5/9»"£ ‘CW3’ Efquires, Leamrd Trei: Efquire, , A A : dW6¥Td W)qz«;v:a5 Gexvena Kicbmd C/9£ve7‘t072g C/.??ff5fl\0]>/967' _W'01f‘,/I‘19522all, H¢‘r2ry Wiiixg, ’1,{0;b‘értv B‘e7z71et,f‘ ‘ £7 Edward Herle, Frar2ci;%w.WiXl.r, flf222Viw§a72, 'Fmz:2ciJ‘f£?;w.?[e?€* Q~fTzVegaricke, Peter fen/gfwgb fa’/92:2 Pcswcafiy A‘j‘«:»/m *'l'£W¢3;:wig fame} Pa?‘/‘gr, W'iZ!i;zm“ G{}r7ze,”5Ea?mamg! Frjfidemx C5? Baiciflflwg Fmzzcix Cagmney, Ric/yard La-air , 3521922 Nicol}, Roger Pm"-. % ter, john gar , I\"icbblaz.r Leaclv, T/9oma.r77/addnzz , flame; é E:v*efé_y,y'o}'972 Penrcyé, . Sir Wi§f¢»rd§ Lawflm Krxightg Willimvz ,% W}i;Zz’iam For the . BrijZ:oe,Tbgm,¢;LampZ0itgb, Richard Barwix, job?! 7 Bmwif County 01‘? fe_11ior3 Ef'quires‘, iliiam Arngng and Richard To/flwz E- Camber“ Y -I A Tqt.1i1‘es,% john Sl@7to7z of Armachwaite, ‘I/aomgn‘ %Cztrn:'m of iwgu fScl1_apark Efquire, MiZé:%VHa1t0n, Thoma; l3arxm31, 114$» wci.meZ%%Smd/oolm, fohn Huafldng % ya/a7z%Srodt1.wrci,w Ri‘clmrd*.’.Z/rieil Gentlémen, ‘T/samdr Graifianfl/aoynax Grafbrvbait Me_1'chants,A Henry T0l_[é7¢, Colonell Cbolmlzfy Efquires, and flrfizbrofi Ni¢bmybzz‘Efquire. éfij; Sir“f%George Grgijlev , and Sir F0522 C-mfiwz Knights‘ and For the Barrbrxets, ~Sir7oi'mGe1z, %Si.z~»“Ea[wara!Coo1{g, and Sir Pram. County‘ of op’: Burdet Earronetsg Sir Edward LeAicia,% “Sir jrobrz CU4?b€, Den-by, and Sir Samuel .S'1.e2z'g/2’ Knights, Rgzlp/2 C1.zrI{e,%V Cbrifl'op;’ber . Holtotz, Wiilliam W/oZ.’e_'y, Nic/9014! Leakg Efquirgs, Rauwland Mgremood, j‘o197z Zkfozzdcgz, A Rmzdo/p/9 flzerx/9;¢_:‘zjfi’_.,. Herzzy Wigm fall, 3019317/1?'gl€}'a and R4?5’€?‘1‘ Ewe MEfq.u'i’z'es, Tbama:r”Sm- dew, George Paola, Edward Large, .W£lliam%Sn.v.iZ1, and Ed... ~ mm! Ciaarletpn Gem. and. Frami.rfl %Re:veZZ Efquireg The Darby. Maior. for,.t_h_e time.being, B.0Z2ez‘t ‘Wiléizatra jams: Abngw ‘ 6' . EfqLl,i}"¢‘$n ._dVThe2%%2.;ru Gel?» Efquire Pnecorder; Mrlamzez Hut. ‘A A A lgmagy: ,.~'I..%ke I/V/yitingtorzi ,_, alla Rflzert %A4Id§::m‘*.cn 5 _% % Mggfiey Edward Pcgg,% Gervix B.‘~2;z2t2et.t,~%Z\?‘”icloa1,.;Jj T'Vilnm;.E_ V . fl]!1i,_I'E, and %F=?W1Ci.r Revel! G:?:nt.% A A . ..SAiA;)_ .S.:t222.z.ee!!.4 Role‘ ht ,4 Sirfobn . BmzpfiziZd.%.Ba%z*. For ghe- ‘*0’-Wt..a. .3ii?.AAA.1*1i61J47d3‘5??¢7€aA,4$3f%Edm5ffidFoweilg Ea’... County of A mzmd 1?'a2vellE{”q1fir€,_ _70fi4.rCaZ221zaa§I,$S‘ir H¢2é2gy.VPmf5¢;:&V1[,. Devozn. A and Si? 7V:F,05'¢?5',§?.1"§11i.‘g%h.t9a Whiter Taxing, Edm'zmd Pri- % gzgwgx. 3 fol»: M&}*7zard.,‘ 3919221HarrixVo[FAAAH.aim:g,;F}umci.;~ _ A;j;Roz{fé,. fob». Wrad/£1072 jobrz Ro.1Ie;;. Wfllimz Frie, P1az'~Zl§p V %Cr0aI{er, % cif:;raaf°\;;'r5 Robert ASiz-very; ,A Elias. GrinA2e.r., Artlwr Tfptaiz fflicigard _Gil17€rtAA:A fa/an Mallwckg‘ Of Axrho'd§h4 ,, TF.;am.;:.g‘ Crew, Charla: 7/augkmz, jo!ani?ezz;~e, AHe72ry%P:2llexfén, %j‘oA»,_,, Kel._Iyj_of Kelly Efquire, Pbilig Sbkipprnzz EiAZ:1L1ir*c, M3j0;~ Genem11;The Manor of Plymouth for the time being, jfobn Barter: 0fSi1AvertA0n, fllsin Cijampnjex, 77) 292;: 3007295 % Pi?i1ipV«Harri.;_, _7:rf~p/9 Hunfkim, _ jobfm z.;irj7aa1'l3Pbi1f}.f;Frzz&z%; A cz'«:'_., T27/3027233‘ Cee/‘ya Rickard Ev.zm._., ‘I2’;-:Azai@{ 3 _‘}''%:}g_ izi.A¢zrzA Pea-rd, ACl9rwi[i~opber Ceegyl, S¢zAf?%Df(?73““ Hcmzzie EfAqu§rAe_., ‘$3,; V Gregory Norton BAarron’£f%t, Sir Frazgcé: ID:~¢z;§_¢ B3:g_7';*0;1ez, jg)/3}}: A IDMZQ3 Qffxfh Efquire, IVAi¢’z’z1Azm _B«zJ-’¥er:1EiqqL1ieA§"3 Cbrifigpgw. S¢A'z've3"_‘y Efquirg, Sir 7ob72A%PaaZe Barronct ,__ C}22~£;?o,a/_»2é;~ W;)gd Efqzuirge, Robert Duke of Otterton E{‘q_11?Are,‘W3Ez2zA2é2 Fmzz AE{'quir<~3. 7}30maJADrJ:9gf.' of Wifcombe E{AE1t1ire5'A?i42‘iétrbezi:v Hale EFqAt.zire, Peter Be<.vi.r_, 1‘?.:¢32z~?é*t Rafi Efqxxizie, }‘r2A/in “D.:;.,r1.... drigrg Ei7:;uix"£:, gRic£2.zrd IVAood E{quic1',,AAA Ea'ma72d' A ,_D;mi;», C? 30192;: DralQgAA;,%_ _Afo}§za.Elfl2z‘d 3, _7o/972 Tgbéfield Afflfqqjife ,”“ASi.;- Nialao/a'»$fWai*i£n‘ K n igh c,.A Sir }%»}w1Z\7orrb¢aA:tA %B;uA*0Ar1ct, Lewi} Grimm‘, Hugh Forteflrzae 5 and 592.5772 ‘ FartejZ'z:eA Efiquires ; The Maior of Darttxaouth-far the time being, Itfuglg Tm. A-zgilian Efqzxixfe , Peter Specott, I’Vz'l1iAam. Mor2'i: Es"quAi1‘es, feign FoAA¢z:§tAaf7;ze Efquire, 7«A0b.vz B.w;y,V, A fabra Efqtlirés, Edrnzwnd Parker, 'Edmu}2d Ar:zfcatr5 30/9322A Waflgcnbe ;A1nd~ 1\,7’;"cbA0la«.r Prideaz;m,A Niéljolam Roope, }ob2AzV’Z/a;;gban54anAd fabn Cm~ewEfquires,, :beMaior of Plimoutfia. A % ¢ A A A Far the Ci4'~.- '~ A The MaiorAfA<.'51A'thé time being, Wazm VV£ite Maior, A ty 8; Coim- Edmm2dPriAcAI¢4uxs Efquire, Recorder, Simon Sgzom Efquirg tyfiof Erx-‘on. fol?» Hacl{3_3?el2gA ./Mxzm BenAne.tA;A,% Ribbard Sa%unz1er:,ACbri_/fopber ~ ‘ C lazrfigg, fame: Gimld, ‘Richard Crofling, j‘oIm LazIering,A R2‘-A chard Ezmm, Samuel Clazrlq, N£cbaALir£BrocbinAGetit. A For. the. A AACImrIér Lord Cranborne,%IDenz.ell%I~1bL’i.3r Efquiré;wASir County of Walfen.E4rIeKnight,~}07m Braw1A2AeA,Edm:mzd Prideaux,“ ‘H10:- A Dorfm mam Earlé, Tbioma: Maaré, A flaky iambardg %DAe:AAr2m'JA' Bmt, % AAT/adma: Grove, Roger Hill, GiIe.r~Gi"eene, Rickard Raj?! V A fqg.1ires;A Sir ‘I/aomas ?m2c!mrdV%Knight,A folm Band. Dbflior A 4 A A A Ag: ?9) A (of the Civi’1ILaw, jlokn F it/'2: jamex ]‘uni~01*, Franoiel Cloletile, ‘Thoma! Crompton, Elias Bond, M William Hzeflly, o Bartbrrlomew he .Hall5 Thoma: Ceebrg, Hemfy Henley, and ]"olo22lHz'llhE{quireso, a.ndlRio/amid Belay Gezxtlemang, William Syolerzlmm Senior, % ‘ lWi1l;iezm Sydenlaam Junior, john 7/77 loz'tewl2_y,l V V 511557” DEM}, George Tbornebill, ‘Sir 2172:/9on_y_ A CooperBarr0net,. Kz°...l elodrd Zliozgbamo Efqui-re , 70/on Birzgbczm Efquire ,' Riclmzrd BroolrettEfquirc, folvrz F 19} Efquire, Cbrifilofloer Erie, “john 3qegil9l7E{q5’ alter F 0} E1" quire Robert Boreler Efq; Io.Arr/our .E1quire,.Lewz?: V V illiamo Efquire, Amolol Genet. V e l o The Maior for the time being, fa/on Bingloom Efquire, For em,-_. George ScmttlScnior, Aaron Dwell, Havilond Heal}, Wil-~ Towne and liezm Sciett, and join: Melmoutb Gentlemen, lHem'y lHm"-~ Country Of dlflg? George\SmeWIuniar.. ' ‘~ ‘ ‘ Poole; . 3311‘ Henry Vorze Senior Knight, Sir Henry '3/one Tue-4 For the I 1?10¥‘,lS,ir% Rickard Bellafi: Knight, Sir George 7/one; john Comantylof A Blackgflooze, Cborle: 7/me, ,Kz'cIoorcl Lillzr.-mm, Hezzry Pl/;zy~~‘_ Dm—1mm_ mouth, George Lillaoenrn, Rohert Hutton, -l‘17oomo: Slmdfurtlo, V‘ l Clarifiop/oer Flzltloorp, Clemezzt F oltloorp , F mrzcix Wrerz, E11- quires , Sir William Sellgy , T/oomo: flditford Efquire, ” “The Maior of Durham for the time being,Cbrz'fi}op/oer Foul- floor]: ,..oT/oomar. Bower, Cement lFoultborp,‘“ Timotlo} Wloittz'7zg- ham, 7/ooiezifo Sbadfzmk,‘ George Gray; Gentlemen. A , o ; Ferdimmdo Lord Fairflzac, Sir Thomas Fairfizx Knight, For theEaI’r SirFrmza£: :Boinum Balrronet, Si1zf.William Cozofialole Barron-- Riding of at, Sir Richard Darlg: Knight Vice-tcom. Sir Willie»: -the County M Stricieglofid Knight a nd Barmnet5 Sir Ploilip Stoplerorz of Yorke. Knight, -Sir William .Alle7zjr3nK1}igl1r5Sir William S.a.in‘t A A A A Qzoivztan Ba1?r0n'et,? F rozzciaf 7/oorpe, film Anlmby, Ric/yard Darla}, _ l7olon~o.eAll:ml'ed," fobre «Nelthozjpe ,, jomcx l I\7’veli/oorpe, The Maior of Beverly for the time be-iz1g,j7o]ep/9 1’!/fickle-5 tbwgizefilofloberto 'Legord, Cbriffioploer Reolley, yo/ore; 3e£lling~ tong,Ric/94?'d’"R0Z?i71fi*?%3 and Walter Sterioklarzllo Efépxires, - V CloorlexhevBorm~Efquire. « 2 » A gm 1: \;FOfotf‘1'ele Elerdinovedol Foiorjox, - T/Jozezoro‘ oirfox Kn§ght, N o1‘th*FLi~ ‘“ ~ e B2 A - A Sir ding. Fm: the wefi. Riding, For tI‘1eA . City of Yorke. For the A AA A Homer, an%dAL22am¢rdTl)ompflw2 .Md:crmAAc:n. % .“3iA;*~_70b?2'ADmzfi3£’r.r, Sir F7wz%ciy )l*3:>§728l‘.fi'*-'r’2 'A%;W3.7i¢"¢Aft 3; 33? liaéw Si-?*iC1E\{dFZ5[V B%ora*011e"tg ' Sir Pnécrfmm’ glimrlgr Knigh5t:, Si£.A f§:£}£7?Z »BAum*c})i.ér Knight, Sit‘ \7V;i4-31. Aillefl -.ozzIKI1igI1at,3Sir Hergfy. AA (.:£2m%7zfk§)I, Knight,“ A Sir Ymmgze f’*:A'orclzflé*9 S11‘ % fE1e7z2:}I Fnrmzz/,LZzw; IinigAhtS5 %}0.1;»?.z* ‘Wazffei! A Henry %D».%zNgv~ ,% 13fim§2,.LS'ta1p,eZeto7g1. Lz+:k<-2% R«o.bi92]E,»;2,A% fl'l2.:m2s:~s”% Hm:/e, % \’7~.*U;z1:'£€*3? 3'.7*itI%a¢«%*IVéfl?g»,‘ %,2Frwn::ia"A: L13] Erz-:!y,% :[r,JA0fi¢£$§' Cfmlmarg ’ rj‘@~'2m4es C :{Z;lfl€':’?09"5: ie-Z/Ming % “Azfilékamgiss. C?%e:;rge? Trot-tera Ge&rgve%M;zr:v%a:9d5; Fm:/ply H-A€)’?7'7AaA'3 ‘¢V%a2:z‘e2t;r§$ EAifq‘ui:*eV3, G~:.»:,«rge Ewrc Ei“q:.1i~.re,,A Hmzjy §’"r;d?1éff22% Efq. Ba. }Ti'§.fi:S A01‘ Scaz*boV/r~ough fk::a*1:§.me$ %eiz1g;_, ;m1dx t-hm A de1“r11e11~0f i’a.ichA:Ammd. A A A A A ‘ ¢ A Ferdi72J72.cJu Lmci F @5231, IH"efizyVC.boiml§’v, .%Hen{y.Ar1'bimgt0z?3 VViH¢';zm VVZ9i2"£';, V ~Tl*m7;zaJ‘ 3-wclggdale Efqixiresg Sir 1‘?.l9«2¢71ex,;Sia*,%x322 Sazmi/9, and .5321‘ Koliycrz Bazrwic/*\c Knig?ht3_., Cl.7m~1eJ‘4 Fzzirfwx, john Fgarre, T1)‘o.~«a'=zm' St: Z\7icl3al¢:e.r, T/Jomm Diclgiszfbrz, W51/i;¢%:72%% A2"mita:gz, fl.’ex;z#2der _70b7zjb7.a_ ,Ei'qL1%i$~r%c33 arid Smnpjwz Cmspzr A"1d'e1‘nm}1 of Rippom. A A» A V The Lord Maior for A ‘the time being, Fe2‘dirza1zd;§ LordA A Fairfax, Sir Tfoomcw F.»,zrirf:1%x Knight, %SirTVi:/Ziamz fllleryfliz A Knight,%Sir Tlaamax 7Vz'Aafrz'r2 mz KnighJt and Rec0rd.er, Sir, Haber; Barwicl; Knight , /aammr Hailey, Hemy Tompfizng % 3:0/922 Geldard, %.S"z;ep/aeaz Wlztfarz 3 % T/Jamar: Dicginfirz; , %‘Ro&a2*t "T he Maiorfor the time bAe'mg,;Si;1* I'I3mfy V,;we]ut1iA0r,' TOW“? and» Peregrine Pal/2m7¢% Efquire, jzolaiz Barrzgzréfi ., %L¢;z22c.«;'l‘ot Roger, Country of Kingflon ‘ upon HAui1.. % For the Crnmty of A . A %Tb0m-#gf Kzfikei, .7019}: wflogerx mzdfii cbutwl \ Wbod Cfi2n~t1enA1€4I1:x Nic}9%0l;zA3' A Dmrmzrz, A13Zaa’e.rA1dernae;1.A ~1 AA Sir falyvz" Bm~riAngta7z .%. I/”75:1’li'azm4 , Sir Richard Etaze;/rwira’A A Mar~;in%LwmlAg3; Knight az1dA1Ba.:m~¢:>;im”:§‘ Si:;v,vTI9owza5 flduml of Thackfieaxd , Rickard Ham’=\z:n0f%H%arWith, fabn Aliltm, Wil1i¢am%Ha*rlacZ§¢nden, 0/mfbomgor-1d‘0f V3/alden, Yjémc Wim-oil, ‘Ibamw: f1”a»!co~tz3 Samuel Plzmie, 3'01»: Shaw" the yotxnger , Frmzcif V/illi» amfare of Walden; Francis Nic}JoZjon,, ’j‘ohn Feimige. Rfiberz Talcoft , Thoma»! Allyett, sRobert~ ]M¢zidflo7.“en Gemlenneng “aim BrewflerGerit1en1an, Samuel F1ye’9ome Eiquire, C~‘«0I0r- neliifloomaa A_ylz’jj"é. ~ A A A ‘A ¢ The Maior of Cop: Gent. J70/an Ladd &n‘d% felon ‘Lee M ‘ M ‘ -‘ M ~ 13 or tha . Sirfialpla Af/9:022, Sir Thomm S.m7.zlgy,. Barranets, Rich» %C0um;y of am’ Aflarorz of Downam, Ralph Aflxorz of Middleton, Rich- -;LaMnCafl:gr_ aim’ C/Jmtleznbort/:2, fllexmzder Rig/2:19} , john Maura, Rickard Linfisty. Hal/sznfd, Edzvard Fizttterwortiy, fa/an Bradjhzw, VVz'IZiam Hjb-— /mrfl, Peter ; gerton, fa/an Nowell, GeargeWDo,ddi22g,V_A I\7~iébo1.;2: C ovzclifié-3 '3/":9/9. Starlqjg T/sromax Bimj/9, éifid T/9omz%m*Fe‘I"l Ef- _qui1*cs_., Kalfiezr. ;..fl?onclifi’e , Robert Czmaaizz % Gent; Tim- may Gbittan_of Nuthtxrfi, Savile Puztclifik Efqdirg fobrz Afltitfleszd of Pmdélyg V7/illiam ban», %E‘c;72:2‘7~.z7fd VVerden, A and 7" S'mmg Eirg/rzofw BwdeviV¢;k, Gem. gm the” f ~T/9a r§~za:_,r L§3i‘ciTCr2zy', Tbeophilw Gmgl, Sir Eéiwaaarflffaftop Lglégffgr Seniqr, Sir Artbz-tr H;zflerig,% Sir George Vi1Tler.n Bax-ronet, & Si: M,»,m;’;; fter, Si_r,.Ti2ama: Hmwrp, Sir Rogei~ ‘Smit/9., g&£¢zr;’e.r‘, fa/:77; V St.4% john, Tlmrnm Bm’2i;~2gt%o;>;e, Peter; Temple, ./Jrtlmr -$'tc74%7JeZ}Mg,, Hemy'%S;wzitl7, Thoma: Haflerigg, T’/éilliam _Hewit,, VVi?‘1li:mijNJaVe‘1, and FmrzVc22r%I‘1%2zcl{gr,T/aonzgzy Bammm: W3Zlliam;Dm~zver.r, Tbz$ma.r Cation, fa/an Stafard, TlJomar.r Pwcfqirza 3'/ViI.7i¢mz, Sbe1*e?92..z229: Thom./V *Goddzzm2'5 and ‘VV£~lli-A sum feflérz M EfqLii1*eS_., _7a}972%Géoalv%92ai~i,,Vgolan wizifield, mn- W 5"" _ gig Szqzgllgip %;GgmIe%men." imam m7¢lqy~'5 Hie/mrd Lud- Fm the A" ” A 133125 a1nc1?%Ed125;zrdCardaaskafildeflnen,” VI/Til; Benbridge. Cfm'~1mY of ; E;j;pmj%%Loyd %(31AV§_m§;;n,% Pierpem, jNdtbar2i¢llAFiezme:% LWCOEW * gE»fc1;vSifj1}aE§2 VVmz} Knightéand Bax*rc>net5*S‘sir‘VV?iZlim.Ar- Lim0me'« min Barrmlct, Sir &Afco.mg/9, Si1‘H4m0nd W/aicbcat, Sir % % * flniiaorgy Antlaory Irb}AKnights, fobrz Wmy "Frd:zcixrFiney aIi%:1'::,r% ‘Clirfinn; M V Edmund A_y.5‘coztgb,~ ‘Thoma: Gmrzrbanz ,\ Theme: 4 Hqgggzgeg , 4 Ed__ A Aizderfim ,‘fIMoHinenx Difizqy‘, AA Hem}! Pal/aam~.:% »Efquiers A, ’ Edward Rofliteyg, Wifliam Wfmzy, rar2ci1V,“T1a0rnz§z/Q, lligm Om... ‘ field, Francir MuflEndeh', AW"z'?llz'4m I’Vollg:y, C/Mrle! H.%.szLZl., Hemfy ' »i7?A01.j[):_,‘ ‘ JV./az_flEzzl9eardV, Deyrzer Mafinbeard 3 fllfixander Em€rf07*2‘3~ Vw,‘I}2o--A may Rofléter .5 331973 Sbefi'eild,*VVilliamrAA Es«'axbolme , fob” Mgiw h ‘ A ~ A3 w M; r Ricbarafffliiadng Ifkfic Knight, Ed” % * ' ml Skfnmjr-A,A4 and Virflzcerzt “Ammtw Alfifquireéi , ATbomLé: Rand, and Nehemiah Rzmfim Gentlemen. = A A? A V A A A A A A A A F or the parts ofKePreven.% PA A Eflward Lard Glinton,vT/Villiam Pz‘repomV%Efqui*re,; Sir illiam Kefieven. V Armin 5 Sir Richard Edrlg ’ Sir‘ A john ABr?ow7zelm1 5 % Sir ilylzkzm 4. Br~oz*vrzelo'w,1%SirA T/aamdxffrallopp Bmronetsg, ASi%:* Hzzmaiad VV/a‘i~tcb—~:.. % cbtt “Knight 5 1bama:AGm:ban, Tbvmaw VI*IatbIaew5 fAle.mnder" Pojzbam ,.‘179ama: ALifier,w-fl£(qurztague Cbalmelegyw, Frmzci: MPier--A pom‘, 7/Villiam Armin; Hétztgyhrflmcgm, Edmund Hall, %VVilliam W AI/Velfgy, felon VVea3aIer;Ri¢bard’~VVilli;zmy,T/VilliagvgADowmmz,Tloa. ’ V A A Amm‘ Dflizgyg Mollinemxvifizgy, VVilliain‘Ellifififqtiifiés, Edwarzi ix» A!» Sl»\ipn9itb,"]0bnA%J1rc/yer, VVil1iam Bury; A?17~7Villiam Savile, Tl2éma:A 1 V camemalzix , VVz'l1iam Tlaampfim Efquires», the AA-ldetrman of Stamford, and the Alderman of Grantham «forthc tizne1._=aci11g. ~ A Fcrtheyarts offlolland, . A A AV 6 ‘Sir T lgoma: Trollopp Baronet.‘ Sir ziitthbny ~‘IrbyV‘Kn\igIf1At, A «W7/%';i*l~ A4 H0115, nd, Aliaim% 2-E1153‘, William *1Lartm[,’Iamem I~1@¢rriwgwn~‘g~~Tbamax Ogle, 1% _ Tbamm Read ,. Iobn Hawirzgtong >Tboma..r Ir‘/7}“,~ Iorlm Habfimz , ‘ :Ial9n 7/Villerly, Samuel Cz::[f,“F7'a7zciar MwflEmden"E~1‘E;Vuircs, Thou % Ama:‘"%% AW7z'llicmi Hobflm, lF ran¢iA.r";‘Em1?jbn T/coma; AHazZl, A 7%z¢t Per/{i72J‘,EElw4rd TiAZfi;7z,, MI0/an %% ‘ M ?” AV ~ AMar~ti7z Iokmflaiz .For*the‘Burr0ugh o£«BoPcon*in t‘-hfle County ‘ " " of Lincolne, A A A A A Thef'1\/Iaior for ;‘the time being,Wi?lliazm‘El1i.r Efquire PteE3b1*~«A1"7’9P‘0“' der}Edward ‘Iilj?me,~ 304512" W’/aitirzg ,‘~ViTbézzz%23‘‘lAJ=?@9‘ém , %Cl>:zr»léJt A Ehifon, Thoma: Welz’:y5 Thoma: Lang‘ AT‘:/9av7%avzA.zf~H%;o~l;y'4AAléié:«m:2zn', % V Edmwzdflilfirn Aldermam :T'obnHab]'o7z, Z!z'~m~2-3 r;£}'1’£?fir2,*f’"rz;n+ ¢5f”EmPf57?3 }'olmBrow7ze, C/aarlexflmpjfing Iflw:APer'1g5’r2.r, J70/9:2 ~ ‘ % biting: 31"/901724;: lV€’[_b,}’m3 fir/aamar _-,_ a11d%A~i1tflirti32 Ia/.v2z%.’F2>*z Geritlemen-AW G Tm” . A ” N « » * l Cx9) pm. 313 Q;_ A A The,lM{_aii€>r for the time being, Hcmyll’ P,elamRjeco.rdep; my of Lin?-A “lidm M4rfW’Af1d¢rmana':7/mm J_1/hrjlidll: Al§§crmans‘,A1derm AA A wine. man Gaoclnlzzzp, :'A1derman firalblzdge ,,,,?—.fC«§;;2t,;a,%111e, Qrigezz A1d.m*man,f‘ Eslgmrd Emyl§,lA1dé1'ma1“3:."l' A ~. ’‘ , The City ‘Sir j‘al27zC".sg¢er- Knight Lord 1VI+aior o£Londc§§a,£1ié,lL¢,~3.,M,;.;:l oflL0ndon. 4 orfop the, time being, Ifcmc Pennington A1d¢pmgn,,s1;3t,,;,,,‘ Wplllafion Knighq ‘1790ma.r"l *Atl@2:‘A1derman, TTiLu_)7vz_;.vy Ad.gm;., Alderman, §‘bbnmGly2z‘Efquire Reéordér, Sirjblail Com';¢7Z,l.Si;:,. A‘ S-in jriaébb ».Gerrdz?d Knights, ~Aldc1*znen,~,, jfolm Warmel Alderman, Abmbalmlv—lRenol;lfian,. .,Si*1§l George.-_ Gar", mm? Knight and Alderman,“ Swim-,Georg‘el,ClarI(g Knight and A]- , l derman,1}'olm Langbwm, Thoma: Qfiliidremr, ._'j‘ulJl2Fozll@, fame: Bmzce,. William Gibby,» Riclvzzrd Ibomay, Hoot, }'@l27z_ Kem-'icl£e ‘, T/mnw: Cull¢mr,~r , ._Samzge_ll ].¢flV'p.;a"l)y,_ Gebrge W37/9am,l john ~Bide,f ;‘.Tbam.:u 5 Virzorl ,Ald,e.r111eh,;_ Samuel , I _ Vajflzllsaud79bnVermesEfquires-- V A A, f A« A For the \ * George Earle, of Def‘m.011ld,—a Sir Izlemy T/azze» fenlio1*= Knight, QE’u_mY of Sin Ric/yard .*Winné ’Kn‘ighI:-at1:d,“BarQnlet, lGilb,,ertRTGerrdrd M ‘ Mlddhfexa Baronet‘, Sir Edward ‘B=».ar@lmm Knight .an‘d P>a:,1",on‘et,lS~ir Tlvo- ll Ci‘? and max‘F02:i9ler‘K¢nightdpd’lBhro11ét,~lSir &icbqrd"Spirgn‘;zll B3.“I'Qn€t,‘l Libefliy Of Sir Gregory Norton Baronet,» Sir Edward Hmzgerfbrd Knight of VV¢fimifi*"~ the-.lBaLh»,. Sirfiabrz Da72'ver.r, Sir fgbzz Fxazzcklizz, Si lfrR‘221:er,t Pjel V £51‘ ~- fenior, Sir fob): .Hz'ppejlgy,l Sir Williaml,RobeN‘;r, Sir fa/222 Trevor, L , Si~i'.fizme._r” «Harrirzgtpn, Sir *Edzmr¢l; Padmélll Knights, , The Liana _ tena.11‘tofltheToWer0F London for the, Linfxe being, }folJzz;,G,{1fn Efquire, Recdrder ofthe Cities of London afmd We1’tznix11,fer,‘, l Llzzzremel W/fizttsicre ," F rmzclr‘ §Germrcl ,: _7olo;gz Huxle_9y,;_ Etc-M222 Tr'e*n6lmrd~; Willilzm be.eler_5l jblyzz fliorrim 5 _RiclJ.3rd»D%72trzg1,, , ‘.TImm_.~ Lmze%"a,3’old2z,S glmarz , Rolrert %Sca2znenl,llHumplm*g'll‘Ed- l z2":mlJ", _7ul97z B'rc>w22e," 0/972 Packer, K0/ieht Pllclggr, fufiixeéazz f N - gett, and Tlmma: Swallow, *'Tl2om.z~;r .F.~:llc0nbri‘dg’e, and L‘2mre2zz:e Swemam Esquires, 7’Vi!liam Bell, Gm;~rge']l4Cznle31, William Hawliinlr , fa/an Brig/aam, lffillianz Bail’-7'7ZeJ' , ‘A Stephen Bowman, 1 ‘l and Edward ~Ma7"tin «,.Gent:. Silmnm, l‘1'gylar,,]obz; Homer, % % j‘._szmemParcoll, Ralph. (Hall, Ifizzzc Pm:zi7zg_ton Aldermen.'0fLpnn - don , T’Villilmz, Leammz ,7’l7illi¢~zmVj'0fleJ‘ Ef‘quires~, Sir Tlaomash l V ‘Midleton Knight, Edward Carter, Salomon “faS’§mi1lI Daniel “ Broiler , fa/azlz Hnakgr , j'M?’a: «Earner: , Gil/fiertl Gerrard , 70/922 v 7 , A M Hamtree,,lTbom4.r Mmjb, 7’?-:illldm 3311,‘ ,Tl9gma.‘r,Hulm.rd, j‘gg11ze_.¢‘f~ 1?r§:z§e%lEfqqircs.~e., - 39/,,,_ ‘ « blizi 1»5IerVI9e3"‘t Ef&}’t%1ii*e§“Sin‘;T1?2*e7goi5AT/Wllizzv?/2:,f':3.mz:mi _.fl?t?f?‘g;?§§3 ygghf tjew “William: Hemr, P:ifL72731=%H€f"12ért3 Wzzam zvzavgwn, £}5!i?5:'vAf’77?§£2(z”.f03“” Gaunt? A % I! gang '1/90mm‘ Herbert, ‘flyomgw 'Hugl2:,-A1Vi1l£am jonem, iulliam 134- rmonm 051% A31 }Qgr,T/aomas‘ P-my §ur1ior,%Hemfy Ba/{grg 30/2.rz-Parry; jtobzz Walter, A john Mfrfcgzzglvzgzy Elf uires, Hen1y‘U;zu,glm2,»‘C/oraifiapber %Ca*tcbmey_., s‘FVil‘liam5BIet‘/Qifl,%{?%7ger W ii/irm1x';, «AW/“Elfin”; 'PdC7{§fig Rice I1'/z'lli- .»-army, Ge 11tIe1ine1]_~"""‘ - A% A’ fi 1% % A‘ J — ' ‘ % ' -Lord Fin‘--W2€lliamJ-,'WilZi:zm‘Warz1 Efquire, high Sheriffe For the %% _ -of the County._.,*Sir Dre}zion,~Sir Gilbert Picbgring %BarAo-- County nets George flrfauntagzze, 701112 Crew; Zoucb-Tate Efquires; Sir North-- A ACbrifiopIm* Telmrtan Knight and.Ba.r0ne‘t, Richard Kr2igl3tlej=%hampt0n.% ‘ “Efquire _, Sir falzzn Norwich,‘ Sir ffldzgzrarézi .ANz'claal: -Baranetfsf, A ¢ Sir Rickard “Samuell, Six: Hztmib/9:34 OM16 Knights, _7QlJ7Z Bare}- vzxzrd, Riclaard Knigbtlqy, Edward Harzlmry, Plailip Holema72,%*Ed:- ward Hm*®,'ARicbard%SczmueZl, jtabn Norma, jalvn C lgfypvole, fa/299 % A Thornton, laomac Pemloe, Richard Owjlejyg T/Jamal E/me! Feni- “Acjr, and "7/Villiam j‘ef]b72,j'ol27z Cartwrig/9faW¥1lz'am Lzjle, T/no-- ma: Arm’rew.r, and Richard Andrew‘ Efquiers, Sir fobuflgertaxg, "Sir Samuel Dangaeafir Baronets, Sir fobrz Danverx Knight; Robert Andrew: Efqxfxire, Oliver Saint-yo/an, Tl-Tab} C/Jarzqej W, Thom“? ~~BxooIQ:, %Rz'cbami%_Tr.ifl, fibn Wifémczvz, 'W3lliamADrgydm, Er-afmux "Drjqyden, H/:éllia33r~Bamard ‘Efquiresg, Hemgy Freeman , F max‘: “,9@m"le.r, the yotlnger, R-‘i»cbd rdATrifi )the%younger'~Gent. ja/on ‘Clerk; Edward S ougbburgb, Edwm-d/Farmer, Edward 02219}, john 7 Tarkgr, }o/an Cleypaolg Efquipesg félliam Lewi.rGenc. , A A; % " The Mayo1~,ofNorthampt"cm fqethe timebVeing,}q4;G,£fi"erd, ‘For the Vjolm I~‘zfl2er,a1Id'FrAm2ci: zfiuflawvrtb Aldermem A i % _% Town of A Dmfiall Ho11i:,VVil.Pierpoz'nt, P.P1'erpoim_., Efq- Sir Ed. VI/Eyrta-A Northamp- lqy Knight, Sir VVilliam Lifter Knight , AFra7zcf:W‘17:arnz’mgl2, tpn. ' john Hutcbirzfim, Gervay Piggott», Gilbert Millington, jojépb For the ‘VVidmerpoaleA,'Clmrle.r VV/aitve, Ni V man, fervir Aflqyney, Henry Iretzi"7"2,%% Edward Ayjéaugb Efquires, N oting-— _§‘5IonMafim, AGerw: Lamax, ~VVil1iam Nix, john Martin G¢:n- ham. A tlcmen. A A Retford. ; TheBailiffe of Pxetford for die t;imkc-: beinggfiir Hafdolpb W4]?-- ; For the ngye: ;Bar0net,__fHm'Ela!pb‘VVafl72qye.r, "Edward Ne'uilI,%+1iidbard Townanél “palafozz, VVi%l1iamCle:Ak_f5m, Mi1exNéwtonA Efquiers, CbrifiapI2ervCounty of A THuflgy,Tb9ma._r’Brifl0w,«aj1d»j'obn~PinderGfint, M » A »Notting-5 ¢.hThe Mayor for the: time bcin g,Fmnci.r Pierpnnt,'GiZbert-Z1451" ham. \ A C 2 A V. A 4 2'iz2gt‘m, “ ’ 'Clm25leta‘r2, 019721992! Spel-% County of ‘ _ V For’ thel County of \ N Orfolke; l1°%_gta7253&mein Cl2zazIziaic{~;‘iEf’quires,hHmtin étor of Pl1y’ficke,§‘abn j‘ame.:‘Alderman, h Gregory Gent} Gervmm Lgmalx Cfent. A A 1 V Sir Tbamfiu I’Vr2oidbduhj'éhhKnnighf: V€lDC,i"BE)1fC')fle:Cj§:Si'I;‘7«:infI9‘1‘2 Hoflzznd Baronet, Sir fob» Pot.rKnight: and Baronet, Sir film Holmrg, n Knight andBar0het ~Si’1'W'z'1liarIzhP4flronBaronet: Sir john Pal- grgwe Knight and hB;:.‘ronet, Sir Richard Bern} B;ronet..h Sir L. faiazgy’; Alfllgy Knight and Baronet, Sir Wlliamwn Plqyler Knight: and Ba:ronet,Sir R;¢1pb.HareBaronet,Sir Val'e22tz'ne PcilI Knight, Sir Mzlex hHul>:.:zrt Km-ght of the Bath, 51:‘ Wnzl!zanz‘D(gz;Zg; Knight,$ir_TbamM Begidingfieldg Sir T1"/9017245 nGzzz’*ba22, Sir ‘I/Jo-A ~m4:_Gawd_}'5 Sir .r4fil‘£_’y,“ Sir fflmmxar Honganj and Sir h Charge hVVz'22dl2}::m Knights , W/illiam Hezzeniglmm, Pmnznlinngu n ham Gzzzmfiv, thi7]‘oIa71nn25'}peZlman, fob?! C0132, ‘fame: Galtborpe,Emf~ mm E.-27‘Jen,< Mile: . Carbet, hEm22c:z3.r _7ermh_y_.,» Iihabertnwoad, 713.3... mm‘ .Windbam , Thoma: hxfht/@22_.,n jrobzz nBu:x7to22 , .Grego23y Gama ‘ f:ll,..P/9z'[z'p S./Qppozz, P/9i1ipnBeddi22gfield, jralan +HougI:>to72_., _Ro!9ertn Haugbtm, fa. Scamler, fa. WaIp‘ao‘le,R0.VVa!€Do0le,Ed.C_i9_¢mbef— nlaine, hhflebomai H Rufléll, Robert "Wiltm,n Rolwrt jeremy 6, %I;I;zm;on;£*~‘ A .Wardgn Tbamm Wilde}, n Samuel V Sm:itb_;, , Thoma: h%Sou,tberta:z, .;R;g_.n ‘Bert Sheppard,» Ah Edward Hg}{nmrd5n' Roger Tozvnfiendfinnfbamarn ‘Wm-I~~ far, TbQmM Wright, Robnrt Long; jrobrz hwebb, janzexnde Grey E-- h {ql:1iI~'€8_-,}0})22 R.éirne.r5 King, nnwnilliam nCo2zqy, john Bremflgr J nnGenf;‘mEdwz1¥‘d“Gaw5§!5“xfiobertARM9, Martin‘ ed/gy, Hemy n.T.r.z:5- { fir-£éZ7 Bahrbnér rgfaf Phyfick, imam Swim n~andhj‘alm hB.ec:11{bczm~ A lar, George Hunt nE‘f‘q§nL1il‘cs.,“ T017} ri er,“ 7/9omq:rh_ Toll Efquirey 54* A Efquires, ‘.Ummm~LincoIne oET:l1etfordhU’ “ oxéliynne *4 Mnyor oif Regis%«for hthnétinaé hhgelhihflgn ~ 3l1£lnfCox_lvét A a r~Efquire,~ Rccordyer, fiflaomay T011 Efquire, john, [May of Lgrnn h nA1derznhan3“Tbonz;m'VnNel]T9n Alélefman, ‘Tb-omaa‘ ,'K9bi2zj5rz%A1dneMI.‘~' X‘ A ~ 111311;BWl"99I0f7Z€?P‘VV07'Kf¢flfl Alderman» A A n nA‘ 351101-It-ha.-~ “ “ ‘ VA hcorder, fIbamaJ‘ _7olmj?2n,.n-_annd.~=n A Oxhvrzer%nntlClaarleh?Gno2nb,hE’ai1i§én,' zitndnthe Iiailiffes ‘ of h,nhYarmouth 5f0?i'hnthenvntimne :Ca.rbetV Efquigcyi Rs}:-An Italfzm ,Go.m*r of Yarmouth- A17“ s A %*3_’3o..l «For the ‘ The Mayor for the "time beirrg, 7 $0/on Bleokaffion Efqu'ire_.,l Eel- l Towne and zcmrol Wright E-{quire R.CCOFd€F,“H8Z2?y Warmooselo, HeAm_~y Doom-9 4 A F A . ' Elggfiggfe’ fin Aldc-:rmen,Hemy Rawlizz: Sheriffe,Edwm-cl /l/1422*», C/ari_[z‘opl2erA Niclioljonm Ifiobert EllflZ2n;Gént. ~Geor‘ge Ferzwiclge Robert Young ' “Pom ‘Tyrm. George lBl:2/Q3fio7z,Pl9i72ea5 Allen Gent. M. Pailer. l, o l 7 3 fimr,- Tlaomoo Leelymwl, ‘eWil. Dawfiize, T/stoma: Bonner, George Dam.-e . l V For the « ”lVVillz'm7z’Pierpont 1- Efguire, Sig film Corlaet Baronet”, Robert A , . Cbunty of 7' Wallop, Tlaomm "17/1’itto72,”“ Thoma: Nicaollo, e.Hr2m]9lareyJllackeoortlo,le Salopa 7 e lo Walter Long, Robert -Corbei, .eIrzdrewosFlr9'o..'. of -Afion, "Lancelot. ‘Lee, Tbomm Heznt, folon Corlaetl Efqtliresg, Sir =Hzlmplerey “Brigg Knight: land*Bar0net _.,‘ Sir Tbomo¢oMidolleton.oKnighc, .Rabert Powell, Semmel Moore, William 'Stevento7z, lowilliam s:Lz'ttleto7z_., Fmncz}: F offer, Tlaomoe Kettlelvy, Edward Wicboott, Robert Clezze, A ;Roloert Gbarltom Tbomoe Zlofaolqaaort/9,’ Rowland Hunt’ Humphrey I Ecl~mordo,.Leigl5vtorzA0wen, Kogeroflowley, WilliamAASone Efquires, ‘fllaomor Moore, Crefwell Tailor, IjZziala-TlJomoa',o and «_j‘alg;;, Praypd rGcnt. Ar'tlmr‘“Claaml9re Efquiré, Hercule! Kimzeefley a nd Thames" Balgeré-'Gent1e.*'.'Il9omm Cleve Efquire, Rowland Hill , T/some: Looloerg and'l‘WilliamA Coc;@onE[i:1uilres 5 ‘the Mayor of Shrcwfi-A bury: fore the time l:zei11g,“ArtIam+vVVard , Aaliicbarol oWl2itelmll5 folm W:y.l2ombm3y 5AS.4zmz4:el SmzfIard~ Gent. felon ‘ .‘Tbymz ?Do&Aorg,* Vvlilliom V Cbilel , Samuel Tamer: ~Ei° uires , A feremiob Powell, Richard Harri: , .Hem-y Powell of V Orthcn , AEdmorol,Creflétl, . W _Frmzci1 :Harrit, , and Mzobael o$tevem.e:Gcz1t. xlffmclg Slaepleeard A Efquirm; I ‘ A l "A A Fbr the ‘ Sir Richard Slgefiington, Sir William “Brereton , Sir C-barley e 7% ».Cw.nty of A Egerton, and Sir film Mmick Knights; john Bongller, Edward A rstafford... ' Leigh, lilficbael N able, 701922 Kwiig/en, mm: F em:picI§_, Thomas A Cromtlon, Edward Jl4oi2wari1'z_g, W srzlliam folly, Edward Brzzmfion % Efquircs, Hemfy Stone, Pbilzp :2? oelgfeeefl Leicefler ;Eurzle»i, ffojépb ‘W bitelougb, ‘Il9Vom.ubPml_/_§r , William Eermfyo and film jflimooocl ~ _ A .Gem:lcmen. "The: A < * ,The%Bai1iEcs fortiae faid Cityfifor thetigne b'e'ing,the. Sheriiie ifigg. the Q1. « mEthcCityAfor&the%time being Rolpb Bz'ddoIpb~Efquire' Michael f]‘_; 7.‘. Noble 'Efquir¢,; Ricborvd Droflgate, A 3U9%omo%.r[ Saxon, A,H:rm3; Met, i;};fi1_v Eh anid ‘Ib0m4’MiW:A'Gent.Ao V A A‘ I 1:; A \ ~ ~ - A A , Sir Edward Hwzgerfood Knigbt;_ofthc“Bath,”%Sir 301972 Homer For the Sir Samuel Roll, Alexander Popbam 5 Robert Wallop, Edmmzoliflounty of i1’rid€é¢w?5 H?¢g’91,i0ge”Ia Roger H511 6.18% A o“”’fi7.’”d3 3'0/mi /1fbiioEf.iS0merfet.A quiresg, ,Si1f~fIAbonooo W rotloy,oSi-r*'~R‘rzb~e7'r Gorge: Knights, Edward Bo}?/MimAAoo troole , A Ric/oord Norton , Clement VV:zl@r_., Zbomayo Hodgém Robert Blake, john Harrington ,, «-john Pyzoeg fiofoni Palmer , George Searle , flibomao‘ Grove , Liflooyze Long; George.Horner;‘ fczmeo Aflo Ef'quires,C01011ell john V em”o,W'illiom' Strode I2mior'A Efquires 5 7 70/on Prefion , Henry 3 Henley, I-Iemy _Bgnner3‘IV5§l_liVdnZ Copoll, ‘Ilgomoo Hippejley, 7072M/9472 Pity, :Ri...— chord ‘ Chile, A ‘fa/:;{2zio ofiuokgdnd, [Afilon VVz'tb_y, Robért -Gougb i_.,i john- A 14737;:/5%, A Cbovrlg; Stemingx, Edword% BaloeAr_., Thoma: oBV,zmfigZd,« ’ Mobolor Sommlero, George Lutterrello, Robert Horioirz Efquires,-. Gila tro2zgeg1;voieoAof E'a,fioAQha_LiIt4o1j1 Efq-, .WiIliom Prim Efquire, a%nd« A.MSi;?»A.jo]o2z IForwel1Kni4gb1t,;:»7oIgn ai7ztba1~l2o, Afolm Corew,» _'}ome.r.A Strorodo _.,, William Orange; Eiiquires, and Mr. Soudder ” i Pz‘22rrz—Gcm:. and;h‘c;\Mmior of Taunton for the time being A. A ATheiil\f/hior felt: the time being, EAdmmzd Prideozm Recorder, pm the Richard Affdrvortb, john Gomzing, Loo/Q8 Hodgex Efquiresg -fobrz City and Bin,-lo, ,Hem‘y,_Gz'l.e.r, jomeo Powell, wEa'worol 7342»: _., and.oRober~t County of-“.,_' Aldo;-om/9AA Brfo_’2o7ne', .Georg!eooo AI-Iort _.,, olofioo Cloztterlmc/ag; , Brmou‘ A 1ofépb.IoclQ?oz ,, ,Wa1Azer«:=;Sonzy She-rifliegfobin Hogg§ttGent, fob» V Wilfiooo itéflb./Mo‘ Li€V-Gen. Cromniell, Edzv.bDoddirzgton, john Tozozig folon OHM fob» ‘Pope, William Grigg, Dmniso Hollefier, Tlooma.r Sbonaellandffioloert Ho:ineoAEf fiires, A oi _ A A Six; HenryWow:fl¢_y, a1:rc:l‘AA‘Sir'T47/'y'?1/iiizm Lowio Baronetsg Sin:'E h T”7illiom.of(2oedole,Sir W7oZlerg Sir‘ i"_loom;z,rwGor2;oice , Cor t '3 f Si;*,»~.‘74’,Z£7?i2Ai‘;E:‘?_J6‘1Z~1fZ3, 11/.fz'ldmo_y,. and Sir §'_o/m.Co~_ompto7z Nolimtfy O A H Kr;A,igh»;5,f Ifiolzert Walli)p, Richard W19iteI9ead,~RicbardNorz‘on, tog” amP'7 i IJi_'fZo,__‘j'oIo7z 5'z4:t.tc'7z, oWill. VV/dealer, E51229. Hooperjobn %Bull{/gy,j'oAlo2z- ‘ A = Kemp; Will; oStepWbem_., Artb. HideAEfquirds, §'oIo.S.wBorbe,Edw/god AGaddar;l3 job, Hoo1Q:,NicIo.Lo7Je, Wil. Pitt, ‘I/ooioioo Hufliy, Rio/7.-A .Maior,']oboz B2»ttto?2% _'-7'05. Woodbridge,Edr12.Do2:vfl2,He72.Cam... \ pirm, ‘Ibo. Betfzvortlo-,AA«»Franci: Tilrzgr, film Feifcler,-‘ William Ball’ A. A _w Wil. Wiit/oer, Froozcio Rivet;-o _o.‘-Tloomoo. Cole,’ _He72.Boomfielo/o dme: ' Tm’: A~ Suffcike. % "flivm, Ric. Maura, Rz'¢.~. Mowe, ‘I193. Crefivel of Hcékfi’cIitl,and< I5/5. ' ‘Pitfiidn Efq; Edw.*B0czt_., I0/9. Hildqfley, :’.4ie;9c%a‘72dei',$ W~§iljE»z, il. % % % ‘Would zfzrgflzfaare F'az2ztIer;aJ/4, 77/205914! Damflé %Elden~,A, Gaorey and _ba.»G4ZeAGent The Maior of‘Winton% for the time being,» A WW7/9iteV~‘AIdermen5 Ed. Exioii and“ Gedrge ‘Tor '£l_;e% Ifl_e_ of Wight. For the Town and County of ' the Town A of South- ampton. For the; V M Counxgrof Kalfib and * Galiop Efqui res. 7’ Sir He-72.” Worfl:gI%» Baremzmg M/il. xS'te7;e2z.r Efq-3 Edward Demziw, Iabn Ricb.zrd:Efq; %ATbomaJ T:Va*vel, and ‘U20. Legg Gent; Emfizu j1x,[azz’Gem;. andfsir Igbjz Dirzgleg/Knightflf ; ‘ ‘ - ~ ’ V — » Tlxe Mayor f(:5r‘*thAewtime beixrg,%George*Galiop, Edward Exton,?~ Tim. Majbn, Ric. bitcbeaal, P2zu2¢%]I4'ercer_,%. and Richard fllajorgi ” WI. Stanley, Robert Wrath, Hemgy Brafibridge$and Peter Legaj/A Merch“am:s.- % V Lefler DM/ereux Efqg Sir Edm; %Ba¢%%con Kt? Ban? Sir Iéfayflere, Sir Sy.m Dower Km. and Ba;ronets, Sir Wz'll; Sp;«i;2"g,Sir Bz2tt.rB;2cori Baronets, Sir R0gerNort1J, I0/37,2‘ Wmtwafibg’ Si: 773 '2. Eealdirzgfield, Sir Natia, Barzzar-dijim, Sir ?Wi1. Saame, Sir I079. ~1~‘1:2m‘, Sir Phil. Parl@", Sir‘ T/90.; Barmzrdifion Kts. W31. Hewenii2g- ham, Brampton G zzrda2z% fen.» Him. ~Nartb fen.‘ Mawri: Bzzrrozév, Ifimc 1 %.A;7;>Ietan,‘ Hen, ANON/0% iun. Nit.-.. Baton, ‘AC/94zrleJ7'Flecth¢00(15 Rob} .. 5 . 1‘ , Reyrzolalr, fa/9. Gozzrcfong TI79o.Bacm,, Nzztb.Bm-on, % % F mzz.Bdcé922_.,7b/J. Broolzg,W/il. “B'/vice, T/ao.wB[o]]‘e1,% Tho. Scat, Brampton Gzmrden ii;/1;}; % Tlvofferrill, '7/9o.Co»le, job. ‘Hon/’ge.r, fobrz Calt9f2z,%I\’.ic, Pepzigfléilm‘, Harm} ,TGibfi2n Luau, Rzila. Brmfifler, Theo. Vwgbmg fazgzex Ho-% A “burg F Brezrtfiér _., William Lawrence , zfllexandé? ¢Be7zce_., For the Town Of V Ipfwich.. For Bury. S.Eéirnonds. on: Aid- burglx. * A Sgztire 'Eef=zceV Efquircsg Tloamar Cfypp of Berry, M. Manning, 1 A < C}i!e§r Bazrnardifiorz, Sam. Fairewember of Halfworch, and ' %Tbam¢z.r Ddmfir. 1 TVhe *Bai1ifl”s for the time bei;]k.9«,Natb. ‘Bacon VEfq;, Reccvardcr, _ Frxzrzcis Bzzc%o7¢, _'few/972 Aldm, Robert Duncan, Feter Fz'fl;er.."7 M The A1dem;an% “fc3r'"th"1e time_beii1g, Team,”c;mpz2n4,‘v;94¢%mzT~; fl/100d},%aM'1'1d ., Clgzrlgg. Thu B;ai1ifl% for the time being, Francis Bgzcm PL%VeC£v) t'§i1'e1*,A%%%*A %TIaam,¢.r fobzz Berzce, H%7z.fy_CI9e;z2Z6jI,"I‘/Jamal niemcn» W A Baronet, Sir “Wit. Lyle, and Sir Iozbzz %Lez'gb - Kn¢i”gfI1t$,I@}J.%Lz']Ie, I070. Bulbkelgr, I06; Kempe Ef‘q%;.Sii' Robert %Dz'l--%% « lingtm,Ba.roncr,SirIola.%Barrirzg¢a7z, Knight and Baronetgfiolvért M V . Dilfingtm, W illz'am% Oglmzder, 177/ 2'1. Eiééoremkczz”, Man Wo;~fl.eJr, Tbgma; A % ~ 7 JW?lliem Lord Maunjon, Denz§1)l I-.Iolller Efquire, Benjanzine Wéfiono For thg Efquirc, John Glynn’ Ei'qu‘ire', Recorder of Lor2Ndor2,l Sir * flmhrojé county: Browne Barmnet, SiroThoma.r Gerzzoio, Sirf‘Richard Orzjlawe,’ A» Sir john of Sn my .?1.Ja;';z7orolAK11igf1.;oftihc’-léath, Sirfohrz ?ingl_gv, S__‘fohre Honrlond, W~3ch 311' $1127: £3llzoag.S1£‘{1;;chr£~]daII3];ettr]bS:2, SE‘ .;lr1at;)loeu£f3ra7}d§S1%.7[;ho« the $10. may a 2 g am Ir 0 er: ‘ee am, Jr. ‘ o art or emr 11' 0 art‘ ‘ h ' 17Voool,S§r I€ohert.&%orgeJ‘,and Sir fob. Eere%li7z,Sir 70/9. Lenthz:1l,S;r _Ed«- gggguth momd A Wfgeflé Knlghts, Ednzomd fordazne, Thoma: Sander, Nzcholar Wmke_ l-Lorxe, farmer Sherlgr, Nichole: Staughton, George F arewell, H entry Ton... fiezll, Arthzer Ozjlowe, Rohert «Wood, F rzmci: Darilqa, George Eoelin of Watton. john Goodwin, Robert Qoodwinflohrz VF.erenoell,He7zry Whfion, Thoma; Locke: jlohn Turner, fohez Cartwrzght, Sockfbrd Gonfim, Robert Pm:/Ia, 1? ohert Mead, and Lancelot _7ohr:fim Efquires, Robert Hal-Imam, ‘ George fl-ompjlzn, Robert Homghtorz, « Corrzelim Cooke, Richard Wright, ~- George Srzellirzg, Thoma; Hudjon, Henry HardmickeGent1emen,W'illi~ am0ldfi2z'ld,, Herbert Hey, George Dmzcomhe, Arthur Squib, Samuel!‘ W Rom, Robert ‘1'itchhorne;,‘]"oh72 Laid Efqg. William Wfymerjlaoll Hig'Il~ oh oh «Sheriffs of the Caunty of Surrey, Sir Ptymirzgr «Moore,Tho2n‘or Smith, :e‘n;d Edward Bifh Junior. $3!‘ Ylaozozar Pelhom, Sir Thoma; Mgr Sir john Chapman, Sir Gre-- F01‘ the A gory Norm: Barronets, Azzthorgy S mpley, Herbert Jldorley, M Sir Thoma; COUWJY Errfieild of Denne,Henry Sloellggjohn Balgml-Iall RaoenjErofi,Edward_ Of SUfi¢K° Dorvfe,7’7/zilliom rHay,l fohn Bmhridge, I'Iorh_e'rt Bo.:zrol,Herhert pringate, Herbert Ha}, Peter ar12den,,, Thoma! ftglferay, lVilliom Miclaelhorne, r The-re~lCollin;r, _'7'oh”rz Board, Crmendere, Anthony Fmaole,‘ F rarzci: Selwitzp Williom Newton fenior, VVillz'}zm Cowley, Thoma: Midletazz; _'foh2z Downe.r,lGeorge Oglomler flame: Temple, Tho. C ha fey, Rolph Coor- yer , Gm; Churcher, and Prefer. Bcttijworth of F irzeing, Efqg, W Tho. Hen. W. aw, VVill. Freeman, Thomax Greene of Marderz, Thoma: J7/fillet (IF . Marder75VVille Cooker She})p.:zrd,7oh7z Fogg,,VVz"ll: /Morloy, ‘Hum- phrgzfldmardr, Arthrzr Piztfiroorth, George Greene, Philip jermirz Ser- ieant: atlLaW,Stle]>%her2 Hoomphhrey, Nathaniel Srudlgy, Robert Spence, Ron o garGrotwiclfkeogll/'il1iomSpence, Rohertorfleerih, jolorz Efzrererzderz, Edromjcl % l % Mann5ng,2'homw:l White, Rich. Totem, _'}«.-hr; Roberto, Thonzor ('.l:7;;zlo-1 o rzerquirxesfio Capt. Sjmorod oliwerendeng Tho, oI.‘ri.m,roHer2gz ..P‘t?e:l’\El7qr, . A (24) ~ ¢A A the aim‘ or gfiicbefififi for theggtime bait, flwzbrcsfé Trcgy:a:z,7I:g;;;m ‘ 5I*"¥”£“ Efqm 1% Sir Edwav'd ‘3%‘1P€PP¢r‘»at’ 1\flIAgma and Mafier Wbi>tfeiI4A A jFoAr .thé Sir.Pe;‘e5vWe#iz%ortb~K~§i‘€i§f5fA¥hfi j Caouglty Mn AW‘”1fl”1_Z?;[F9”a= Gem} B0:fl7wi1e.A Wfl1iamV~*Pzzr«2fiy,A }*az9:zV4Bzr/tag «Of AW a.I‘«- john Hailey, WV/ill. Colemore,fI/smmmi illaz¢gbl?}z,7I9omax Bmg/7:092, _&,3;_, \ Wick. I{'A9:,»?2_y %Staug;bto2z‘E1?:1.. Chzmgzliefl Pz¢r:.»fi§}, _C3ea§fge AE.’5'0ta aVla7e2z%P3V'$[,. !‘”g*0fls ‘1AA19t2;7?M‘f !56£I7€fi9’ta4 and R@5£rt+A-V?7\ilcaxEfq¢. A Sir 1?§c§£?er$A Ljém AGoieneil.Arc12er,~and*CA0lQne11%A%Pci'w.AV \ L Upon The Mai-r¥or the time baanggmam 7e1;an,7o5nA;a4r;¢:r, firm. \ the; Llity Rtagerfivfl Aldermen Hang Harwell Efquire, Mafger Matt/sew‘ Smith, A 3-"~’~A‘§-4°?”-1I’i*'" B/11'. San2zte1%S72zeZ1,Aand Mxu.}oAbnAVv7igbzw£cl{e.% ty of A ‘ A A‘ A AA AA A tAA)r1et,Sir ‘flsuma; Ifezzleyg G0“ie11- A Sir 5IAI:2s{m.z.Ar Rom Baronen, jabéz iAl2:ZSAe1*A}A_3€ar1AtA A2112 Law, Iiiclazrél try. €re[beldSer§ea1j1t at Law, Humphrey ‘S:*a1zm% Ednaarc_l‘,1i3im2gl¢;;vAA,0 :1Te?;«m;;. For the Bnclg EfquirefamEdmzmd%G~1leJ‘, ,XIV;llzamAHop1z_z'n:,A il_1§iA:¢1¢flAA,LS:!I:QP4b§§=;;(gF'5 " Hear} Hunt, Tlbammr Sjmorzdx gent1aman,Will.‘i.zm%Ligon,,H,ejm3g AB;g(,.,»,»,%«,-AA..‘V C ' A . A % A Ounty ley pron, W/;£lliam Brawneafifilliam Moare, Wizzims Collim, Thom,-x % of.Wor- , A A _ A ‘ Caa e, Tlvarnax Milward, and: }obrzG@]e:Genc1emax15; ,}0rk'?£1D(.%}ifflz;37~a % 1‘ D! 1: ‘ 4‘ “A W: Edwarcl ‘Mammy, William,.7e]ferieJ, jalarz Ljztloszm, ,‘IImmmAA Ed, A A mmzd Wz'ld,, Nicholas Lecbmere,‘ Thoma: Graves, AW:IlZz'_.zm Dingzg. ‘E. %fquiA;A‘c$.A M ~ A A A A Ai; A sf For the * TheMAair:>r fonthe timebeingfl E01122 W315! S?e1f}eanAt4A‘ :s:tAAT;aAW5 A City 8:13 c0rde1*A,A}oa£%w7z Naflb a.nd_ Hemy %FardAAAAlde?vme%nA,%%% ARo£ve:~tA*g57z?z}2‘*rg}2 andv County Danie1ZA%%Dqbbim;Gemzlemem ,, famm Tailor ,% a;n;d %~¢Ni.pb%ol.=z{ A W'i;Za§; v5)fVV0.'.“-A Gentl¢n1&e;1. A « ceficr. A FOP th A 1’l§i1z'p'L9rd:HmZ7ért4,; €AlmArlé.rA ’ & Dermal! Holler EiA¢2lLlil1‘6, Eenj-zzmirz Wefimz Efqui re,AS;i,r Edward H&¢:;zg.g:+-m Cmmy fbrd Knight of the Ramsay Nermill Pu01e,3ii3Edm:zr’d 3lA%inta?2*AJ3§n ig.11I;sA E WiAltS Sir fabrz Ewelizg’ Knight,” Edward Ba%i72tq~rz,»‘ A; ,f,_1?l¢eaca126ie?”~Fgfifkigimylffgltefi Long, %Edward 1’ ooAIeA,,: ARol9ertA j‘[erzzz~or,‘2' beAm.¢.r A~Hadg¢x,’AK~icb~an#;gWbihge19ead_, TbazAméJ~ Mnaregéfiebni VA [[15 R0I9ert;I€‘x:Aicl7oIzMA‘,«Z4/ilL9W:/agelm, «5'mitJ9,,_ A and Ed;-mrd Aflu Efqg Sir felon Darzwérm Knight, Sir: Azzzlmgy Aflxlgya A Cooper; . 25 3 Cao;]>Ae"ii:B/a””1*onet,; _%Edg%'n.m2%»d Lud!ow“*£'mior,v wEalmmm?Z Lyzdlow" ]'unior_., Alexander Tlaifliewézite, VVill.Sa¢£ier, Edward’ Giddard, ‘Ibamm Ben- zzet afNortan, Robert Hippqfl, and Edmund Wai7¢fbrd5 70/922 Lifi'e,?o¥9n Bnlkégv, »W‘illV, Sz*e7;em3: %Tlaz2ma4* Grave Haw A.I?-Jzmgerfcwl , Edward Tucker Efquiresg 301222 Gadclzird, Afldward Martin, %Ga;brz‘eZ Mam'r2, Ybomm Goddard, Edward Stokcjx, Ric/card %TaZbaia',- Richard Giflard, V’ Will. /comm Bari{y,Raberz- Good, and Rolaert Bmwze Gentlemen. Vjrcz/9!.’o' 3te've:2.r,.~ “William Hujgigy and :l79omMH¢afl§y Efquirc-3,. Richard % Crp2;c;Ml9_.,T William Colemz, ‘§O’JomM?Garter, Robert Niclrolax of en€2Z:2y,% % 3;1’¢7Ta6i Simttoaz, Edwmefd’ Mafining, ?a<1“1dmEdp:ard Nicbulm Ge:§t1%em;2x1; fx:rlg_ar:’cj13?0?/£3 Efliuire, Wil.lizzm;VBzéllg, fa/an Laurer2ce,L'a11d ‘Uaornar Hunt * Efquircs,%I{ump/m:7yDitton Gentleman, The Maicr of Sarzmz for thatime being,...—j‘o/on Izgy mfcnior Gentleman, FA%m:-2ci:A DovehGent. fabrz AKeadGe1ptIeman.% A % % A fdmemfiellingbam of Levah'!,”Hen1fy ”Lm¢re72c%e“, %Rz':cl;v.5:n'd Salmzy, F01‘ The: E87213! ,Ir'ez‘022, Edward“/ilfl;n,% Niéb0l;u’F§}7aer._,R(:wland Dgémvfén, A1- COUMY lm.r2'Bellingham Efquires, Eager Batemm, Ri'cImrd Brxzifiawaitea Ger»? 05 VAW-'3" % .%z2ajé Bmfim, GéntI*cmen,fame.r Bellingjywm of %G¢ztlJor7z,,'IIao\zm.r Brathu Tllfiflimd W4i?€a‘}01'm4Gwaa?2el£ »William Knfpe5Azz,gl9an_y faflepb Baa:/9,,Robert‘» :3tezJ€2¢fi?Izn»G¢nn1eri1mn.f$ A % Sir Thoma! ]IJid'Zetm2,TW/comm‘ Eucklgr, Nicholas‘ BAagnc§l1,Tbom;1er 1B"it- For the Wz,‘17.2omM Glyz£?VEfqt1ire$§}'hbn G571‘R_éC()1’5delf"O£L072d979_.,?0lJfi Wobd, me of ' AV H#gb..Um€-715%Riylbaw:*Wa0d“Efqvuires,»‘Riclmrd0werz~Tb“em:1l:zr Efquim, Angle- Owen Holl4mZGcnt1eman, William Griflit/9 Dofioxflof" .1*??"ilZ.. fay; A Bflfllda H8729! Owen, Pm'i.r Lizydgand RickardMeprrjckq%AE£Z1uims,(»werz ‘ 00d;%WiJZiam fanemv Efqui1*es.~ ' WA ¢ ” Sir MI.Vewi§r Ba1‘romt3l?:Iorei$Gwme.r,!HoVwel Gzzjywmf Glmzlmz%zze,r F%VQl. »~Lewi.rV Q@n‘t»1fi~ Bk‘-éck;-~k mm”"~%% ,n0c§{". * A Sirflicbgrd Price Knight: anci*iBmr011Vet,§ %TbomM Wogm“, 7ameJ-ForCAar- hL€W~f%Erqui1'"€8; David Lgwilg j'0bn'L1ayd»Ver&i'r.‘ C7ffi!1'C1€I11€I'l.j77(??T£~.»3§ digan,rV ;Emrz.r_.,} MT}.-’zamM Lltgydgand George Hawaii &mt‘1emé1a%5» }.¢memw»7»J?J:i!£7>3* % 2 % % E1"qui1‘e3 E{'qu‘ireAs, fame: fozzeyg Henry I!/1z'ddlemz_.,A3* j{?0l1§2'vLe:¥5i,r,' 1)g7zigI:.:VGgyi7¢"_: Oliizzer Lfgyd, Z1/Lorri; Vazagban, Ricbard~'Herbert,and }gbgg~fi;;gg;AGgn 1,-M %'1‘fHe Maior of Cardigan for the time«bcing,._'fame.i Lewéx» of Aibria. ran vavhan, %_';Tame: Plaillipxjobrzi jtnmxvEI7quires,17bo.Ear¢3;aGg3ma5 j: Ag,egA Grifiitla, felon Z/azsglmzn Aldeflmfina: Stz”4r1oc.éA;,& Gearge Gxpgyg; Puecordexzu. " A ] .§ " . V A % A If F0Fth€ Sup” .11};/-. 3- =17’ A WA .- V C 1 AA -‘ 11 uzcaa «1c?1'?Z3‘1I‘ gamut; d aftxnz-,L.Su~A jvvfflzamj yak” % aunt)? Glynn Recorder of~L0ndon, i’las9m.mGy»nz2-of Glyn-u11u1‘ne Efqzlires-.',‘ Earvzg. grzfiz/2 fog, ’ VV}/2222, AA.!AM'azw:zzfe4 I’p‘3IA7212_=,. «T/yams: /I/_/‘W,%,a3,.,,,5A gab”; % addardr, . zllmm Lloyd Efqua1res,Ednmna£,G1}mn G'€Ufl_Cfn€fl:;1—}§077gg:_ Efqu‘iz'cs, Ed2=mrdAWA’illi:zmI%EfqA. %Badar'da GeI'1t.,TandGr£fii:b% ‘ For ‘ ;Art7dm'.x42.fl@iv _7ab72Llrjd, il."D.zvie.r,He}zrj! Ricky Anflborgy Rice, filirfiw '" V’ C«anmar- %Ef'qui:res,Sir %"Ea’zzmawd Vaughan Knight, Howell %%Gwiri2:,Franai:% Elajd Wi1liamm,* i11iam F oxwi fl Efquires, Afiobeniflaitmore, F;icl9; Wi;;;g,A‘ ' then. A Nic/Bola; 13731154021, fanze: fancy, ‘I/aomam Williamr, Henry I?rice,DawId" 1?¢’az'1lip.r., Richard Vaughan , -30/971? Aflé/pzvzflzll, Ewan Thoma‘, Claarlew Gwimz,Frmcz2r I or2e;r,70l9A% A!/ewi.r,]ol,m .Harri.r,andGeo,Ime;,E{‘q%ui,«e3;AA;% Efquines. % A For the ~ ~ A Six cc, Kuddjo/9%fl Vangéramflefizzay Middletou,md;Ram1aud Gwim2~ B111‘ " ’ 'TheMé.ior«for the tfine Being; “Sir Rice Rwddgfbbn” BZaome,j'olm. ' Toughflf Vawgbafia HWU’ fl4idd1¢tQf33W'RQW1aflt{1 Gminai Tboz}s;uAVVaad_fiard,~7Ricb-. A Carmi“-'7" Tboma4'AEfquires.A_ them A A A 0 ~ G031“-'5’ Simon ATbe.lnA?a1.3~ A F A the A Sir TZ7£voI2za:%.1.7Jidz?l.<'.=_to21 Kniglit.:Sir W3Zl:f12fida§iet0nBarromt, Sir" or 301122 Trevor Kn1§ht,S1r 3.p5ert;Needbam %Km_ght,Tbo. Midd1etanEfq, MA una foim-Trewor Efq.Rabert. S:am1g,:,0werz Salisbmj, of D5“ "' 0me7z,Br_ereto2z, Richard flrfid.£1leten,‘0me2x%A Tbelmzll, _']'abnAEdgbu29a,Ed; . high, ‘ Wyn of Langclmn, Rickard Bafizet, john Pick, W/;:zz‘k:yz K_yfin,A Edward A ' “Tailor, and Ralph Cram-big Gent, Rigb. Egertana .'R.z'¢b.; D4z;ie,r,_C01,_ john finer, Roger Wilbrabam% Gentlemen. A V F69 . A,S3rrT.7:s. . Knight; ham; MiffmEfq;~_Si“.7ghn f[m,,,,.. Flintr Knig he <27) Knight; Tlzomm M¢mltonAEfq. Simeon Tlaelwall qf Efq. Thoma; L l Rgwerzflzroft Efq.Ro;ger;Haz2merEfq. Roger Elliy, Ln.@VLl_m§dl, john A]; derfiy, Ralitla H gf2e.r,]ol9;-zA gsalxbury of Railglrilge the elder, arid Halflard Efq.Rabert Ge«:bz7z,and Thoma: Pym/{Jckg Ggn. andjg/9;; . T;ie7)}er,EfqL1irc. , g % Fjgillip Lord Herbert lAlger_7l2m Sidney ,VV,;zlter ~Stricklar1d‘Efqug[.e3 Glamor‘, Edximrdl Lem, Bz¢j]}y Mmnjéll, Edmml %Pricb»¢rzs’5~aEg;gz Sgyxg Willi am. gem. B.2jfet,Humpl2rey Wind/9am,Tbom1I Crane, Wil. Her[;gn,Ed;;m~d lHe,«_.l A l2e_r?f,.¢Eciward5'tr4d1ing, falon I*Ierbert,T/90.45'pmce73__Kicb: forzew, Pbilép :7'ane;,}({lqn‘1’Arice, - A l l A Q l A A4 A Sip Tbbma: Mioldleton,Tbom;z.r Mz'tto7z,§‘blm Pllagbn ...C0Ibne1 I fab” Mm 7a‘w,Dwid LloidThemdorJoIm Vawglm 0fTI‘0Wf'cot, yazm Owen,‘ one 1;‘ Rowland Lewis‘ Efq; %Ed2:mrd Vang/mzl, Oman Sgzliybury, Rob. zflmqyll, C " .l$fIomll~Vaugban,WLil. Gdvjnze, K05. .G.AW3*1a E0/971 Vwllg/Jan, ;md..Edmuhd A l sigmmaxmzddzetoag Knight, Sir film VVz'ttiwru7zg Khight '1jmMount_A Migtqna fimcT;l2ama.r, jolm Corbert, Francis Fuller, Roger Pope, Kzcb. gomeryéw l Owen, lBMr’acllaxr*ell,ll Grlfifiifbéfg Edward Vziugbdn Efqa Ree: Vaughan, Richard Brice, Evan Lloifl, Rib/mrd Griflilt/9 of Sutton, Hug/9 Der-~ 7 wgs, Tlrm. Roggrr, _ClmrleflLloir1 of Dolobrcn, 701922 Nicollx, Lodowick /Genltlexnén. ~fle1iddléton, Richard Gl me, and L;:dawic1g Lewiw Efquires, Rowland Hzmfg 7053-Price,.,an<{lMatbewMoggln Efq; Rick. Harrix, Robert Gri)j‘itb,VEl“ 7' gird; om, ;Riclo. Grzflifb, Sanrznel Biggx, Gentlcrmeln, Simon Tbelmalllg Thoma; Hunt _., S mmsel Moare _-, lGaZ7rel I/A‘%'I/izzwze ’ Efquires. A A A » A V Sir Robert Harlcjylinight ofthe Bath, Richard Kniglatly, Ric/yard Radfl01'°~ Powlcr, Edward A Bronegbtarz , ,VVz'lliam Beaumomzt , Framzix Peniber, I—Iem_~yAVVilliam:, Silmnm Tailor, 70/an VV;illz'am.s‘ Efquires, felon Davie: OfBringWin, David Lloid of Diflhert, 7/William Sugdorz of Bredlogl, Samuel Lloid of Knightonfilfi/alter?/augban of Bringwynn pm. the Artbhf Amxejlgy Efquire, Sir film Mqyricke Knight, Sir Richard 3-C332 Phillip: Barronet, Rowhmd Laugbome, ‘mlilliam Daviex, flrtlmr brook AA ‘A A‘ ' MM VA M M ll " M M Ofpgnl ‘EV f‘&remgAAAWi!Z£z2mA Pkilliy, George Eowegz, "VVdlt€r Cfl>72719’A3; Hug}: Plailiigru-5 Abraham VVOegd71_., Aflleuriee Canteen: 14/zpmqy Vgzrrezzgfwomaxj Poflmel/QAA fobzzt Matbiar, Hugb'L4p/glyarrze, Coloneil fdméx Lewim, and Gréflftb‘ ‘Z/"Z/bite Efquires, George (Hayward, V V ill§i'atI92»ffLaz{;;}:z9ra=1e,:I‘l7oz7¢dJ‘ Bar; A low, George Vlfilliaéez Grffiit/9 and Heniy BewenGent1emeAm.*»The Magi. % A or of the Towne offfiembnooke and Tenby for: he tizfiAebeir1tg,i4i HaAveAr*- A A -Eli/fired VVag;m, j‘e.v;r,1g72 Howe}, VVH» Mey'lar, VI/?l.B@:Ave:2, AV;‘[, fwd VV41¢er, V17 £l1icm2’VVil1iam.r. _ A V " ' A A Wei}, .t ‘ A A 7 A A , A A V And be it further Ordained by the {aid Lq1fdAs and Commons‘, That the feverail and refpeétveAACon1mifli0AAn‘erAs A hereby appointed for the feverall and r%e{'pe8tive Cities, Counties, and places afore- {aid ,{ha1I Withineight AAda3‘7es next enfuing theApub1icatit5n hereof, meet together at fome convenient place,in%every‘of the {aid CitiiAéA‘A§ .~ CountAie"S,AAImd p13C€S r¢f:P€&iV€1y5 end afterwards thfeetqr mor§fA Offlthemiatithe Ieaii fhfll cance ii1AevtryWeeke,A ate the tieafl, tneetfajt firth convenient places as they {hall think fit, and ap1:3c)i1A1t far A VI ,.mote fpecdy execution (if this Ordinance 5 and the {aid refpeéfive the” % At Commiffioners are hereby required and authorized at theidsiys and A upiacesof their firfi meetings to ttdividewand a%’ppt§rtic)nfAthe fe‘i;feifal1 iummes of money appointedby thisvtA0rdina‘ncte5V t6‘be1£§riédiAf¢f- the mainteAnanAcAe of the {aid W Forces, A uptm thAAeeeA~feve41*a‘1IA;ind.p¢[‘pe;. t&iveWa7rds,Divifions, Hundrrds, Lathes; and Wapemakes, with.- in theAfAeveralii.ACgities,A Counties, andtp1_a«ceASA aforefaidg eccotdintg to the ufiwail pmpAoArI:AAioins,A and divifimjns of rates in A the faici A la; test 1ikcWi1”5e than and may theret9taeAree 7t0 divide 4?u1iiiA Igver tAhem'f"elves f’ox~ tiie bAett‘er”eXecLA1ti0nA Of”tIA1.i§AAAAAC)i*di*nantfeA iiitO~ftzcfi Wattrde, Hundreds_.,_pIa¢:es5. andDivifiQI1Stwithitn their refpefiive Cities; Cmmties and placegasto them flf1al1Afeeme e:tpedient.And hf) takAeA“ tQ their tafliftarmce for the A morAefpetcd5r$ Afiieetztions. AA’(;A‘§f ethe .f:a;idtf‘ervicee in tlf1eirAAfeveraII Diirifions, A ft1e~h_A2£bieA"eAaVndA fufliciem pe«%Ibntsias:heyIIaaI1 think: and :o affsmblé m:et;ittas ten aevtaotfiem {came good“, and ,£ort‘imAiitHA th‘éAf’a“iAdACom—4 i nxiflianersaor any W? or I110r¢.0Fthem reFpe&iv¢1Mre'heifebi aw-A «thorizéd and A1’ €‘9uired*e tot ciirfe theii‘ nflmtims of g3A§:jfiiAt§$’A"aS they iha11AtA:hiIlkéAfitA, Vi‘ifi1ihAAtAiAA1AAéAAii*A f5‘.:Ve"AAI‘aAAA1TaI1AA<;-1 I*efpe&hré . e V A . t A “ V divifigms, divifions to be’AIi‘eH'Qrs of mé ram R.ates,*wi_1iéh raw“ ' pex‘1b1;s axff;hercbya.m;ho1'ized,anAd required to aflaflfi all and everYVPeri0I1 and: ;P€!7§71>fl$ E1aViI1gAa4ny%r_w1ld dr parfonali E'fiat¢a ’i;Vith11iAEh?»;Limit$a4‘~7rii‘f~*i!Ai?$a.; a1idi>Ai>u!1Ad:& wf their re11?€5iiV'€‘- div-%3=1% ;a¢W:ding%4t0;.thw~rwn.@ F1‘0P0‘VtiOIl in t,h1s*Qirdi:1a1.1ce¢ me_a:2ii;1«;wme.'%d. A And 19:34:.“ it 1'u%.£LVfi'LE?1~&i1‘ %Ord;ai%%ned-, Thaw the fcvemll rénd"refpes§t:.ve {._;u:w4xL1ar11'i.iiiqz1uz's in each of 1;’i:1é13::ve1fa,1l (}Qu11A:Lies, ;;;3zxcs,AA:ja1'x1d piL;aces,_4 oq_£i1ch,as~ti1ey 0;: Magwfegj, gfr{§xc_:j;;.iha1.1 nomiua.m mad ,¢pp»Jai:u%r,aiha11h%ave Pow:§:£%,to:%££iié1ze,%%~%a.x1dlevy thefcivaer-AH ilmxmes before nzem 1;1o~ned.upon that La,11«is, Uoods, Aa1uz1im:s, Rezxts, Oflicies, qr mzhxtl: »E1’Iate real! or periunaii , Lin filch mama: and fg;m¢,%%fa.;11d%~a.c:cording%cothe mwit eqmll and uihallfiates fior l£Vy~iI1g§0f.m()11flY3 for z"x1a.iz1te11anC.it the Cpccdyyeleavyixigeofythéfaid afféfiliifinltsg ““‘.&‘.S" to thyemjfhall begt;hot1ghtfit.t a;nywperf0nt:l~tyolro perfons {hall negleétogr rcfUf€}1teO pay; this ~ya1l?:fTe:ri1e11ta .and ltoconveyhist. ,,th fiim f naozwy faafleifedn cainifl b¢c“1‘eavi~:d =.tccO1‘diI1gt0; fthia Ordinamcpa than t.h;a {aid reiixfieivc Gummffianers. o1‘any%twq . more of them a::L*§ herebyauthorizcd tqimprifqn the perfons an\:1 iqquefier the+¢1ta=te :g§gev¢ry _fi-nzh perlfon for the advanc&c%«% meTmco£tix¢ iéid«i'érvi% azzd t:%h¢%Ten+an,7ts A é+f.a11%I%1ouf¢i?»VAan1df Iaixagiswhich {W1 bvé-iI:at;s:d4 by %?ertu¢i:;f j§th;S~:()r‘Ci:i)n&nC§?iV am 1z{e:ebyreq:utr¢c1emthqrized to pay fuchAfummes or ncyasfi1al1b§Lr&At€d' upan fuch Houfe and Lands: and t9 deuéit out of Ll:is:iz2* Efxengsg 1" nquch 9f the ifaidiraxeq asm rr:-:4 fpeétwfithe»A;AE.en£&D:f:¢m*y%1uc4h Home and Lands, :11: La;1<:1;* lm‘ds,fl10uI'c1a @ughI;.t9 pay ax1dVbeare,a,11dthe dLaI1Ei101fdS“ both ntecciiaw: and immediate, accordilelg tofihéir" refp¢<.9t,iVV¢, interefi are hereby required to allow iE;ché1edu&iQns;;,.a,nd% payuxents upon. th¢.]rc<;%eipt of thfi. f3fidLIC__Qf,13h€i1” Y’1~€1‘1tSA='~ % And be its p1‘QYi§3l@da that eve1_‘y Tenant paying:I;he {aid A5639 menu, fhall bmpquitted and ; difchargfidn i’Oi;‘ much memy as the {aid Affaflmfint fl1a.11aLmount Auzxnqy, as if the 1.am.<:ha.«d «been afituallyr paid u11tQfi1¢h°pex¢fou or psrfons umcx. Whom his P~m*t:VRents»pay¢m % 7 (aid: ihalldr ought W: Piéda mall inttw and B“’"P0f‘3$‘ %Rex1ts{hou1dhave.%bem;1 due axxdgjpayablc. P1jovid¢dgIAi2)aFrgg:1,. be ic.%0rdaincd%, Ihia.ta141Fceéfar§nc:Px¢nts, <;>%z=:<>.th%e‘;‘ Rents due 1:0 his Majefiicia ‘all Buents, 311:1 other firlmnxcs r¢f§pxged% A by the late Cour1:§;9fWard%s, out Qfany VVands,Infants,pr Lu-M~ ~ V natick ettates, and all muher manner of Rents, paynscntsgg and, fummes of money, A anda11’Anx:uitiea iifiling out of anYL?~‘1da within anyfiity or Afhzxll liable icowémzl s_w the zgy... mam: ofany {gamma %b_w:~hA' ¢ Ordinance, _:m%be Taxcd and igifian vied; ;And% all the .Ten‘an!:s of any Fee-fat.me—VRent , flot7h¢x.i4 Rant, fummfis.Dfmqn¢y,or Armu'it:ies'as aforefaid, are hereby dircfied and«authQrized to any ChcnlP1‘(3;PQ2ftiQI‘1ab1y;,i§LC»f2£)l*\-n- Vdingvto t;he‘A R.3;tC?3 3¢;fld %£%°!~_fi‘<: €133entVs,*;by %t;h$is %Q1~‘dinance¢,[ _a.pj-), ointedand Q!.;dai11ed. ma all fixch T%¢naVms%111a11be{ here-; Ayifived and kepch,a;:melefl?: by Vauthmity ofboth HQL1f¢$'Qf Pa;rliamenft, from a:nYV%fU;rtl1er payment of {ugh pcm":ion (if A fuch Rent, Rents, Or Annui:i¢$,% either to .% theE;x;L V‘ 71€h€C1!1¢I’g> to. V thcl: ~Gommirt¢e 95 thgsei Rcvenuegz » to} £ji1»¢=»C£>'u»rt% - %Wards', A or#taany% 0:116: , perfion. pr, pa-rfons‘ jph m:fri7 fany %f1i”¢L {urns lof m;Qney5 or m1i ti«é$% asafoséfi ‘ $ , A Whatfocvei? whatfoevely as fully and asarnpie as If they had ‘i paid ‘the A A fame: into the Exchequer to the Committee of the "R.€V€I1lIC’g” or to any perfon or perfons to Whom the fame is relervedi and no A become due: any differenyceihall parife betweeney_‘Lancl-s A ~ lord and oTe*naint_, or-"any other concerning the {aid rates, i The {aid fe-overall comlmifiion‘evs,or ~any"two orrnorerof them in their feveréll divifions have’ hereby Power to fettle the fame A as they {hail think’fit,. rflnd it isfurther Ordained, that if any P¢?1‘f'onf or eperfonsy "ff‘h~all finde thirni or u tihemfelves r agrieved, that hfeor they is oroiyaire, over rated, and (hall within fix dayes after demand miaudei, eornplaine‘to*‘the Commiflioners who fi- gnedor alIoWed”'hiS or their iAiTeiTn1een :3, the maior part of the o i faidtCommiiiiovner‘s whofigned or allowed his or their Aflefg rnent, fl1al1*h’ave‘“power upon exa. minatlon, within eight dayeshl afterthe demand a.s.aforefaid, to relxeveifuchieperfon or per-« ifonsas theyfiiliall fee caufe : and the {aid Colleétors and every Of them are hereby required from time to time, # to pay fuch y _p My filmnie and fummes of money as fhallibe by them colleftedi by “ wV€Ftl]EWOf this Ordinance». to “Fuchs perfon or perfons as the y houres of Parliament {hal afterwards‘ appoint for the receiving O ofthey moneys to be lcevied by vertue of this Ordinance. i And be it further Ordained by the {aid Lords and Commons. fihatif any perfon or perfons {hall wilfully neglefi: or refufc toperforme his duty in the due and fpcedy [execution of this A prefent Ordinance,“ the faid refpe&ive Cotnmiflioners, orany five, or more of pthemyhave hereby power to irnpofe upon fuch‘ ~ perfon‘ or perfons fo refuyfing or negleéfing their duties fuck“ fine or fines as to them {hall be thought fit, and caufe the fame j u to beleaviedl by ydifireflei and fale of goods in manner l and forms aforefaidgprovided that nofine to beimpofed by anyiof ” l i ivertue of this Ord-inpancxe, and hat no fineto be inmpoféizl up; 1:hef'aidCotnm'imoners lhelhlfox:-any oneoiffence exceedzth ,f;lfI1_InCv0if twenty pounds to hepeid for the forces raif A . l ‘N. on} nyllafleflior, CoileEtor,, or ioihe:per—§;:qtoibe_imp1oycd obygg p it‘he‘if‘aildu Gonimiflionersiin the faid Ffervicegf for ; any‘ Ofw A or fenicepexceedithe funime oifibrty ihillingsai 3 which faidfinerynot , exceeding Lforty fliilingsfhaylliiainyd may be ” aiiefledy and impos ‘ “ifcdoby§t‘he‘f'aid Commiflioners, or anythrce yorimore o£xhem,yi i l * y = r W , f, 4,,,~ % C33)” _4A % “W-‘j A A _ andcha.c=nb privi‘1edged'plac;, ¢:»x‘ perfon, Body policique or ; Corporate within the Citiesyfloun ties, and places Aaforefaid, fhaklbe exém‘; Atc::df'rom :he~faid%AII2a1femencs4 and Taxes.‘And * bait fixrihfili‘ rd;aincd5”%that the faid" {everall and refpeEciv€‘ 0omtni{fio*ners,aAnAd ew%:‘ry%%*of7th¢m[ {hall from time to tiAme‘givew a “true and gmrfcfiaccflmpt’ of all their doings‘ proceeding in the exectiticizmf this‘0rdina‘zwfe to the twohoufes of Parliu A af1ient0%rtdii1ch perfonsa;s"thcyr%{I1éiV11%appoint, Provided 211*- waies that fuch Ratesfic.-a£f¢1Ten1ent3t,ha t{hall be made: byver- tue 0%f“this0*fdinwncé'up0rmi1y4[@VFe¢i‘c$,Men1bers,AififianEs, cm Attexldcms 1;: jpon cicher of nhe‘\Houfes“of Pa,rliamem;; for any Rate or Tax made Within the Citims of ALmdwz and 3’Ve,fiminfier or Lines <)fConxmuLniCatio11,V fhalllbefore the fame‘ be =Li:~avm ed, be pre£?éIited%‘;to%%therefgseétive Hmlfes, where any %Pec:res, Members, Afliflantzs,4~or}Atcendamfis fl1wa~l1be%concer11.ed ghereim .xefpe&ivc1y,%and by fuclxrefpeftive houfe allowed, and ap-~ pmved of, any nhinginjt-hisO1'dinanc¢ to; the contrary not»- H withfiandingg provided”a1i’o, that every Lard Lietltermxmt wh can is n0t%di{a«blc4d by 0£ding,11”cq;of% Parliament to [it in the houfc of Peers {hall In t:he1ppV£&veral1.Vgndf refpcftivc Ommties be cgmmiflioxzers now a pomtedby f'hi§01‘dinancc. A , Providedalwaics, , hat; nothing szcncained in this ®rdi-» A nancefllallbe extended toAcha.rgc cixcher of the LInwerfit‘ies,or Janyofrhe G%o~11edges_, orflalls within the {aid Univerfigzics, “ nor «an*yt.hc Remts and Pu=.venves due and payable to the {aid M Ilniverfitzes or ‘Co11cdge‘sgor anyof them; ‘nor my chagz-ge* an y Mafier, Fcll0w,_or Schollar b£ any ofthe faid Collcdges, new A _ any Reader, Ofhcewr, Or%I\/Iinifierrof the {aid -Univerfitics, or V Collgdgcs, orany ofthemfor a_n‘ din 1-egg;-d‘ of any flipend, wages, o:jp1:ofit‘Whatfoeverarxfing or rowing due to them or any ofthem, } ~11] rcfpefi (If _their £311 feycrall places, and in-1p1oyment:in% the Afaid Hniverfitzies ;_H ax1dVtha;nggh14ng in .x;his"~Ordina1‘1~€e com;a'ined {hall be extended to charge any 05 achcfaid U%ni"ver-fities, C_o-Hedges, the Colledges of V7Vinc}Je_fier',%VE.aton, or eflmimfler, or any I-Iofpitafl, or Aimcf-h0l1f@30 fl any free %Schoolc,“or% any ['h.;:_-% A Fflencs and Revenues due ;~m.&.pz1yab1c to tVh%cn-5.5 mpgmy Qf ” mghem: and that the Te.nant:,Aand Tenants cf~a11 and eygw E,3 Halls: Hofpimlms, Axzmi. A \houfcs A '- , 4' W.-- ,.....,,,..,.,,.;,-.._.n.,,.‘ E;v0ufes%,»%‘a.nd frefi Scho;QIcsL réfpafiivalyg. {haw}! fbey t;-7f?1;az*’ged‘b3*pV +v"crtue”*O{f this“«0rdi11an%ce.,$;f0r 1&QV,:;1;;;%c:h1%Qxgelywzxs _Cl1§%L;z:Iagd‘S%g%§,;1&;: A Tenementsheldb57thé‘faidT¢I1anr, or 4TeVnants refPe&iveh?‘ V *.areW<‘>rd?% by theyfiafea aver aflfiiflabaflflsf-" Kim 13-31113 01: ?R3V3f1“~13I therefore 1-‘€1'pB&iVe3j7” due, Acrgr pz;ya%bu_Ie 1:0: thfi f?-M34 univerflv ties.» Go11ed1g¢%saHaHs§, Hofpitai ofthém ffifiiefiivelya "any thing inA%thi$V Prfifent Qrdinancew Q13 egointrary in any wife nntgvimhfia-n‘51i“g+V:.w A ; M H 18¢ %Pé14m.€:f-h0fifes’= A0,? any % + %