ANAR OF A L I M IT 13 D eMIXED M%)RNARCHY. OR, A fuccinét Examirxation of the Fundamentals of V % flfamzrc/ay, both in this and other Kingdoms, as well about the Right of Power in Kings , as Aofthc Original! or Naturall Liberty of the People. g/f _Q_t_¢eflz'0n never yet dzflmted, tboug/9 mo/l necefl2zry in tbcfl ‘Tmes. A , “,5; : . ‘Wm W 19 w$"m.‘% ,£/‘A: ,w3’/ “M Q" H 4‘ -,6?‘ ,~ 1,‘ "V 1‘ .‘ N1‘ 3):‘-v “ ‘ c Mr D’ “* we e 1~ ’° $7“ vi-‘*"‘-’~W<:;« v 4: W ‘ e¢“” W ' “N W ' ‘\- Lu (2 A N. Lib. 3. L I B ER T A S ( A ) 7’o}m1i qzwm Regmz colaercmt Liécrtatc Pmit: % V % mim Iiéertm‘ gmtior ht//at lfi jizgam Domino ffrwira émo ----------~ Cnaummwr. el”’rin.te Vbaéirim of Gamernmcntgtim the]? ‘latter fil4i£'b beam fimvzgly wgfimd We Ramdzaflsa afldwsafiu I .impmrv.ed% fiiztxe Atfzergfarmwian g/jbwially ‘iazpoiwt and of wamc;lay,by aw xfinion t the p opic have: origmalé V ly rza :x0%cr«eat~e AA cvemli forts of v_ I Aonarohy, vtofimit and compvou_nd4 t*hcm.~witth «other «aformes of *GArnment‘, at 1:*‘I1attia* plcafilrc. - A V! 3 A5 ~W:r""r1u I. ; u 3 us: In 0 Y A I A A. ,1 _.-for ;]g,:; natm-all power; of the people, theyfind neither .9 ’Soriptm*e,rea]on, or proo‘i‘ioelto'jnft:g€e it .- forathvltg/9fl"nU€* “rail tICinga’onte: havvejeruerall and e o1z_/lino?‘ Law: oneflom ‘ [ an other : 5 yet II that doth not make afeezzera/lfortef of Monar- ' johy .-Nor doth the dfierenoe of ohtaining ,the- Sapreatne 2 Power, whether hy Conqaejt, eleofion, fttocejfion, orhy any i other may nzahei di erent forts (ff Government. It oh‘ the e elzflerenoe onely of the Author: of the Lam, and not of the Laws theenfehzzes thatalter: the formeof government, that 12:‘, whether one man, or more then one make the Law. ..-Since the growth of this new eiottrine of the Limitation V and Mixture of Monarchy, it olvtno/I apparent that Mo-- ‘ A .n;a1:chy hathhin orntzfieel(az: itotvere") hetween two T heevee; A the Pope and the People; for what principles the Plapifts onahen e of for the power of the Pope ahorue K ingeg the gz/er)’ ante hy hlottingont the word Pope; anelpntting intthe «word People; the Plcbifis take up to nfe again/i their So-- .,4zterazg;ge.5;, ~ j i “ ‘ ‘ i ii * l “ ' ‘ j’ we wottleltrnlh/cnow Popery wejhallifindhyi i.Lan2e:,.anel Statttteecofthe Realrne, thatatheiimainji ane1in- a deed, the on! point of Poperya is thcealicnating-and With- drawing 0 o,Subjc&s from their obedience to thcin Prince, htoaraifebledition and Rebellion: z'fLPopcry» and Popularity ezgree in this: point, T he Kings of Ch14ifl5c11-‘-.4 %cl_omc._ that ha-zzejhahoen qf.-the -; power at of the Pope have made no great hargainlof it, inplaee of one Lora’ ahroael, they get many Lora’: at home within their own I<'ingdorn.r.i eannothat.rei+v.ereneethat form of Gorvernmentl. which‘ way; a/lotoee!'ano!maa’enfe'ioffhr Godot own peo le, an.a’fo} aflother Nations. It werejmfiety, to thin/e,i t at Goelwhoa V néae earefnll to a]>poin—t gfnelioia/1 lamesfor hzk ohofinpeople A nzogeld not fnrnzj/hthetn with the he/ifortne efgoez/ernnzent ontoioimagine that the roles: given in diner: plate: in they 1 A 9720]! conficlerahle pnrt of Gofiel hy onr hlefled Sewionr and hi? Apoflle: i for oheh7;ence' to Kingcjhoztlcl nonglihe Alnnznetch: out ofelezteahe of no nje to no hecemfe witickpretendecl we have a Porme of A Govern» u " mcnt now, not once thought of in thofe elnies. It 13 ezflmrnce ondfcendalfor we Chr{/tinny to fee/e the original! of G o- «vernnzentfgwn the invention: or _fi Efion: of Poets, 0r4itor.r,I Philofopherc, and heathen H I_'/horinns, who all lived than» _/Zznd: ofyenr: after the C1‘eation,é* were (in ct nz.enner)2;g-— nornnt of it .- and to neglect the Scripture: which have wither more nnthority nzoflpezrticnlezrlj girven n: the true grounds.» net rinciples of Government. A A T efl: Conficlerntions ‘cnnflrd one to fcrnple this moderne piece ofPolz'tich: touching Limited and Mixed Monarchy, ~4ndflnding no other that _prefenteel on with the nature and A means: of Limitation and Mixture; hnt on anonymus An. thonr I have drawn at fcmw hrzef ohflarwtions npon the :2: Treatxfc, in which! clefire to receive fiztzlsfnrftion from the Author himfelfet may he, i according to hlzéspronzi in his Preface; or not from him, from any other for him. . \-m “mad and and inytihis Conefiufim.” .,-, 1% MIT ED»O1‘ N1IXE\:D . .‘ } V2; 1, '. ‘ ‘ »‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 3 . 2" < \ ” g ‘ , “ “ ‘ . ‘ “ V 1 I - - . ‘ ‘ ‘y H V M ‘ V. 24! ; y W ‘ /‘ ‘ “ ‘ F a i V “ I ‘ \ «‘ . ‘ ‘ W ‘ ‘ ‘ . , _ ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘w, m Vbutcan now imzhefc daies tell us that the Go... 1‘ vcrnmem: qftke Kingdame»ofEngla.n.d 12:‘ 4 L: M 1- ; mvail fincc allthvc difpuces and arguments of “'" -—~ mcfe %d&{h“.a§te§d times both »i':"r0m the Pulpit and Aulimr wfthc %T1mti%fe of Monarchy hath vc4p;io4ufly :ha.11d- G; led the mature and manner of Limitzd and Mixxd Mfionarchy, and is Am» and MIYAMM C that I.kn0W«) Ihath uéndertakcn m¢;a5k fdeihribmg ‘?i.f3@!1;'h@I'5 oncly me=mtion»i£ as*twkxvea:1s,AAA a%pow«er.t_toA maakéex Jaws : and. howfocvcr the Anxthtzér makes thc 'GLhber"1m:1vc A N “Am Emecutwc power a part v (yfthfi Supream p0wcr%; ymuhc Com atlas‘ Lgi/l»tz"~ve”ta éa calyiasfi or the mghefi dcgrrc vf power, for he doth a~cknowVledgeAd«c-. grams of S*uprca1%*n power ; nay, has afterwards t»cack1i»cthus_., that the L'egiflzz¢i:w p6.WW'£;’f.1’lflt 1%er;gbm]‘pv?We%,$ WA parts We fizz/:feqmim3fnéfwwiem~5 A if. Gdbernfanivvc A be "fubAfex:Wmm A m Lgi ’*vge5%Ah'brw Ati:nH;<31aberrra‘ rive powcr be flxprcwm 1 A A Now let us examine the Anchors flimim! Monm"cbA' by :thr:{cA His»@vvn=A .mxIk1:'s,A he -tens us; that in a amdemted, ‘zimm-d,fimed, con. dirmmv,% 1e;ga2£’vrAwfla}rvdManarcm,% (for V‘aI1the1;'cA tcarmshre bath for in .t}mA power rgfiaihvd éyfirm Law wamm ‘oh'vag;w rim :p%"’,fims=:r ww mdv A afimc37z~'+z‘wa qf wlairli Vmirflgzfi, inrra befom héé. fam, that flat Mmnrchm V pawtr not My limited 5] avg pamr ;: %yi':t% hzrrrc hf Mme .Si3pmu‘m power mficraméud Akimitrcdl, mud yctrzrcfirai-4 V » Md gsA*ias"mt-a aw l%imieta2uiom«A? ifrdirainefdr, A ;i”s~it: £uprEam4 9; and ifrtflmzfi.umdA byi?:>h1claW,«is not me pvwtfriofxhat law, and 0f that mwdse that MW above his fupream rpmwcri A A AA and by Adimfliaam air‘ Jaw gowm,“ k Legfilamivm "power is the cl2rief'f Su%prca“m,;pAower 2* wlmm tbmAAAI2.awAm:!eam~dé4 A gwovmfcn the Mwnarchg amct IHGE we 1 §7f’:ii'~ flbe‘ aim «A&~2y"w,; wcwe:a?t**o_97’»zba nftlar lm:Ma- the >L1?mitEd'JZMamixm%:poWer, Atwd. A we Slmreamipiowmr that 1 J A Q As‘ A MW pr$ww~aEp;;x4x,mhid1‘“ Affit .1 fiitI‘!j_»,V in mrywxfm. A ‘ ‘V ‘W’ ‘ w y I .a!L2m: % 4 dam alfo 5gnifie,pr;m.p;m,4e ginw =;aWbi%c ,»dpt*hAt;c_ar:l1- u's,;that by the word Prime, or principazlizjy, the primipittm or beginningogf 6z»c’>v@mmcm:~ is ttxeanng this; inbqgivcn ;@AAt|:%e_.LaAw;% i1::2mbs,mhe and ma»kesti:;,c Law t1ag:,pnim.m Amoéile, and In that which is*Abut;'ci1eA,i»mlrwaent,; Var ftrvam; the «:march,‘becomes A the maker.’ Tim much. oftc wm'd.:Jma”#.% A - AA _ A The m:her.worAd is M524}, /5lw,&m'~alomc ;- that Mcmar.<;h not only hlwc:‘the S«wphrea&m power un1i~mitcd, "but he Amu£?c%hav ciV_i;t 3'7}- loanefiwithom any compangions) Our Author tteachetrh us, VH3. 2;: Am cflfamwla Aifz‘/at Swpream pmrer éezzam in am.‘ And again he fa~ith;, paw &zhz= apex ’p'0t&fl:[.'~1,tis,, ~mr_/izprmm %poWer, 12/ac» whale :éar¢’)r, am upazrt afir,}*a1iwl:fr’ra_ay. time éeing Afllanarcépr. ‘ _ ._ ;% i . Now, let us fee iffhis mixcdM;ona«nch be framed according to thrdifhis own prirzciplctsz Firfl, he faith, £22 at mixed C}?/folwzrchy tlmafimewzzgjm panver 6:.» %am'cgi-¢a/{y in all %t«/area _ 2£flate%.c.4 Amd% any-_ gain, :hi§:W0~rds' are, the three Efldffl are all jhzrer: in rice Szapmzm p0werA-M-ark: prrimizy flare i”:t&£JrmwPFffl”¢ power .23 in One. Herc wVc*mc'L :m&cummmAm war be in one, wifl mow uflaw h«'memixc%d Mormarch hm Aoneflmarci wnfy of thc 17u5._.A préam;.‘p0*wer,‘4 and givesather flutes to the EHZQECS thus he dc’:- f’cr0%i'e“a'Ifi1ic%bt3i;ng;. of Mmnarchy by Athc Stsprenm power" wt‘ %euhn;afri%&;m:tcfia$tis, or an [sum of itein the whole ém:1j,% am‘ as part t/a§reafi4 and fygp. ;fiom1e:r‘l y hr: confcffcth, % that: the power ofMagiflrMj' am-e wot; welizbe dim’dt*d, far it :55 we thing or \i7¢diUz_.fl£51£’ émm afdz-.» wine paij%&‘iam5 but ht ’c>_a.=m *mak1em=his ~i'ud%ivifabIrir: beam to be “d‘iVi—-9 fab!‘-: immtlvrce fluxes. I?!mvcide3£per.‘ks *fh<;ml’d be %a‘c1:mic£ed~as a mlagifi‘eriaAl;1‘Apo£fAuIAetio»nAewieth0Iut .ean'ay.v onherrpmgf mam ed 1nAa;ked'fuption, aVndfin:ceeothe;rs alffo An1.~aix1ta;i=t#1e anis- g:z'mzIz_’;'< ‘?t>We73, ewmfor 2:aa>p- ‘:55 in: 15? People; and e.tha‘=At ‘K *A*Were“~ c/atg/Zwfiié Tébplé : 7~t.hey may not 5“ «0fF€n"d7€d»,’: ifitbeyhe ?aA~sk:ed“ in whatfie=iifaE:AA»theyu~z1;derf’canei the ‘word EPwple:fAl5cc£‘mf€ ,t*hsis,1 .as=ma‘t_xy‘ o2therAwo4tds ha ch’ ~dirff7eerce»t acceptieons, beiAng:~fi:3me3- times taken‘ in 3‘ !ar“ge«r,” other whiics in a firifler efenfe.5 I.i!:era1iy:, and in‘ the largefle Ienfc the word; People fign~iAfiesA the vehoée A mama. ~m~de ~qfman{z‘nd,e but figwrativegy amdfynecdacbemfljv it Arm Izes many .etimes the major pm?! of 3. mu=Alci.tude,‘Aorr Af0meetimes‘the1é:tm~, Age ..:hee;~zmea-, or the mifiw, or Ibme pan: ; and A oemmmas :3. very {mall part of th peple, there be no other apparent ~m.pé- r e ‘poffiztzeaeepaety hath emcee naieme »ofthe people <6} prefimaprion. AA If eheey=mnd%erI’caI1»d eiiheeeemtire mukteitude, or whole ,peu:>p1é: fhave orieg&:1aeaeA1’lyrAby miturc power to echufe a King,‘ they ’muflA Am- an ember that by their own p~rinciepIe~s,‘ and rules by mam-Are aIleJi‘nm'1i- :»kindiAx1eteh~e world makes butéone People, who they fuyppefc-Ame:ebe ;«boemAa"1ike to an ueqL1a“ll freedmefrom ;fubje&iaoxi, andewheee » ifreedome is, tiaeee all‘ th=i=n~gs emufieof enecefiiry be eommen, A*Athere7f'os:tien~upern the c:omm0n right mt’ Aa>l»ln«ti=1ers ; FmAmvwhe*nce it Afoilexws, Aeha9t nwturarlilfiwdowe A once grantee _.,t7he1reA cannevt beany one ‘maxi cehoefen a King ‘witlmut *the.wnive»rfa IE1 eeoneifenlt of 331‘! the peepfilrc of the Aworld at some in- ‘fiant, mwine com“mdiceme'.V Nay, ‘iif . ’At1‘u'€vthaAI: mzmre . hath made all mne free; though all ?maniki=ndfl1onld econcur in one vote, yet it Aeannot Team re'aAfonab>Ie,e that they flwu have power to alter time1tAaw~ef Anature‘; for if noeman h'ave:wem:o Atake;a- A way his own ‘-life withom:‘rhegwilt éofbeing a Imeurxherer ef hm- =felf, hmv em any -people -e@~n;fer fgeh a epoewer as iheve mt Azhemfelves upon any one m,an,5 wich«out:A being aecefibeieszto their “own Admths ; and everypkmicularman *<ébaecom‘e «guileyee of being A Ifeleisgeeerafl ~figtm-Lficatine People be di:/{av d ‘ n A A an M H and men will fuppofe thatthe people of ‘particularifiegions, or Conntrieshave power and freedome to chnfe unto themfelvesi Kings ; then let them butaobferve the confeqnence : S1I‘lC(‘.‘ natures pp-hath not diltinguilhed: the aphabiitable world into Kingdomes, not determined what part of at peaple {hall belongs to one Kingdioime, andwhat to another, it follows that the Ioriginalpl freedome of mankind being fuppofed, every man is at T liberty to be of what K"ingdome’~he pleafe, and f o every petty company hatha right to" make a Kingdome by it fell’, and not only every City; but every Villnage, and every Family; nay, and every paritieular man a li--- berty toczhnfehimfelf to be his owne King if he pleafe, and he were a mad man that being by nature free would thittfeany man but rrhirnfelfto be his own Govcrnonr. Thus to avoid the having but of one King of the whole world, we lhall run into at liberty of having as many Kings’ as therebe men in the world, whichnpon the matter, is to have no King at all, but to leave all men to their naturall liberty, which is the mifchief the Pleaders for natural! liéert} do pretend they would rnoli avoid. \ l i ii But ifneithier thelwholie People of the world,‘ nor the whole A people oflanypart of the world be i meant : .but only the major part, or fome other part, of a part of the world : yenlftillrthe ob--A jeftion will be the Ptronger. For belides that nature hath made no partition of t-heilworld, or of the people into diitinfl: King» domes, and that without an univerfal confent at one and the fame be inltant no partition can be made : yet if, it were lawfnll for par... at pp titular parts of the world by confent to chnfe their Kings, never;-i thelefle, their elefiions would bind none to fubjeétion but only fuch as confented ; for the majorampazrt never binds, but where men n at firlt either agree to be To bound, or Where a higher power {'0 commands : Nowkthere beingno higher power then nature, but God Iiimfelfl; where neither nature not God a ppnints the major part to'bi'nd,vtheir confent isnot binding to any but only to tl1em- felves who eonfent. A A a A H ‘iv Yet, for the prefent to gratifie thernlfo far as to admit that ei...‘ therbynature,»or by a generall-confent of all mankind, the world i at firft was divided into particular Kingdornes, and theimczjarjmrt of the people of each Kingdom aflembled, allowed to chufe their King: 1 yet it cannot truly be Mi-hid that ever the whole people’, or . i V or W C . i n the anycnnficslmcblepartciFth:c‘whosle pen; pleof any natinnwen afllamlbled to; any fuch lpurpolie»; For. ex- V cent byfornelfettetll mifaculnns in£’cinc°ci lhouzlcl‘ all meet alt nlnelltimewnd plate ; what one man, or . company oft men leffe the whale people hath power into» appoint either time, or A place of el.efi~ions:,‘\é7t?ihere;:.;ll be alike flee 6;] zmtnm? Pi and without ea. lawfiflll nns; it is fnofil to bind thofe that be abfcnc. Ihelnwhnle people cannotfummon felf, one man. islfick, another iisfmme, al-I', andaa funnel; is underage of difcretion: allthefe iatxfnsmeltimclor other, oratfomt plate or other might a be able to: meet, if they might chufetheiir own timeancl: place, as men fl‘él‘ElIt‘aZHy.=fi'€€‘. fhonzld... A A ' i ' ” Ianfiémbflen thatare by, humanep0*litique‘conPcitntion, the fu- pttinn power that orclains finch aflemblnles, t can regulhte and can..- fintrttthrem bothzfon 'time,nplalce, perfume; mid: othnerncircumlliances : hnt where therein an equality By nature, there can be no fuperior pnlwer, tlmerewery Infant at the hour it is born in hathla like im- lterell with the greatell and wifeftmafn in the world. lM‘ankincl,is lilteethefea, ever. ebbingll or flowing, every‘ minute one is borne, anotherdiiesl, thofel that are the peolple, this minute, are not thc . people the next minute, in every andl point of time there " Children; then farewell the doétrine of the mzvmzll is a%n_ari=atlionn; no onertzime be indifferentfotrall mnnltindf; I10» aflemble, it cannot but be mifchxevons alwaews, atet?h:elleafti to all Infants, andlothcrslunder age of dniftrenon ; ‘nnt to l’peak.of*wo«- men, efpec.ially, wnoby bi‘1‘~Bh5ha’V€‘aS much mmmfl Jamel as lany“m:lhnr,n and therefore ought not to lofe their li,b‘erryn l without their oWn:e0enfent; x A .. , _ ‘ Buteinipart’to,fal*ve this, itwill be faiedlthatjlnfantsanclz Chislw dtm may be conclndedlby the votes of? their Parents, Thislnemet dy mayllcuite fornevpatt of thelmifchief, butsit dee£lrloiessnrthci'wl~‘wlle~ cnufem and: at.,1nl;*t Rumbles npnnen thetruex nriginall of govern” menu; For if it be nallnwed; thatll the nafin ‘ of Patents bind tlflc“ J? l 31 mmz1@n:1,. where fUbj£aZilOl1;OEChi:M+x€n;'tOl ]?arentslis.naztura;ll,erel mnlhenn narmnlltfineedomt. Iii: anylneply, tlratinotlnlll:-l children ~henbnnnd ibyuithaeuifil Parnntscnnicentz, but lonely thofe thntane . ,mtlt1~..:agc :: In mufi=h;e.:cnnfidenecl,thnt namte “th€iIC‘?i.s« no namzge-,~ rfia £l17fi'€,,'fl$i€d¢0£h not}. him any othen l l A time AAAA Llimiftd l % t.l»mc“*lw‘h»e-ti the flmallAAat»cainc lhislfrcddolme : orif *d&d,,tlncn ACl'xl:l2. A dram llajtetaining (shalt age llilmulld A be lclifcha1tg;ed% l:ofltlwiArl2I’a1*lesn%ts l contmft. A So rhat ainllclfcmclllufian, ircwbc a1maginc.d athatéclrwc pflwplsc were ewe-rbu«t om:c.frec =fmm~{ubgeéh=on by mtlnrt-, mt £Vlll;pf1‘UV€“a‘« meet ;im—pofl.‘xbil.ity cvcrlglvfully to limzroducc g.ny:lldren:am°l Servalntfs l arelfaragreaterlsnmmberathen Parent: and Mailers, and forlthe major part of ltl1el‘eAr.:o be able to vot«c and aplpoim: Awhat g@vr:rn- mem:~orlllG~ov~elrnours their lFathers and Mafielrs finally -befdbjeal unto, is moi“: lurlnlatumll, and Aim efi'c€e tzogivcz the Chilclrch tlhfi overnmenltlover"thci~1' lParenlts. “ T l A A A A l Tfolall =t2h.A:iS it may be oppofed,wl12lt neécl clilfpmtc how :1 PéoAplc can chuzfe a King, llince ftlhlcre be ~mlultitudt ofexamplles that Kings havt been, and are mw adaim chofcn >by1:”heir People 2* Tm: iam- fwm: is. I .. qlicllsionis not of thcfm, but ofthc right, whe~ them: have lldmac by ammrflfim by amvzfmrjoedric A 1.. z.Ma.. my Kiligslarcl and have him thofcn by fomc.‘finalll part :0 A a l-Pmplc-A, but by the wlwle, or mayor pant ofa Kirngdolm not any at all. « have lcllefléed by the Nobility, Great mien, and Princes bf the: blond,’ a;$liAn ‘Palamd, ‘flwzmazrlfie, and in .S‘w&&’m‘ l;l nbt by lm.’1ylc‘ol~ [active or reprafinmtizze body of any Naticm : fomlctin11 es 9. *faAfaim‘c,».tA A g l He divides Monarchy’ into§ * e A A i A’ fLimired. A l e A : i/Jfifbliitatfllvnnrc/rj faith he) zit, when the ilfoweraigny fii in me, t/mt“ 2’:-bath mlimizat or ho»:-tad: amdér God but [343 mg, ‘l i will. Thisédefinitionl of his-Ito embrace; Andi as before Ichargelcl our Author for not giving us a definition ofMonatchy in gen~er’ail; to I nownote hrtn for not affording us: any deflnit'ion of any--oi‘ nhetllparsreuelalr land: of Monatchyjput onely of abfolnte, in may peraclventnremake fotne doubt that there is no other fort but onrlyethatwhiehhie cailsmhfolmea V ~ .Coneerning< aifélme lflxlamaarcfgjt, heegnaenrs; that [min were the *dt9¢tlt'£*m” aflern ]l<{o;¢az7»e£2ie.¢,amz'3 that ti/9e—eTzIrkmrd ‘Y3'ler*_[z'am atlzbaga day, herein he faith very true; And We mulh remember him? though he doe not mention them that the Monarch; of fudala anti- Jfiml molt e comprehended under the number of’ thofe he calls the Eaflerneflfonnrcbiex .- and truly if he had faid that all the an; itie-net Molnlanirhies thaeworldi had been abfolute I fhould not haveiquarrel‘ F’ -at A nordoell who could“ have difpiroved ‘ lNext‘itfolllows, that A‘5fElm*e Monarch} 233 when at people are abfiilutdy rafigned-up, or rnfigne up t/aemfilhwex tollén cgoverrxedéjlt/we will af0nel mm gran offisévjefiiioaw by oath and contmff, or are borne mad émltg/9¢»"#nz‘al lit 5] (§'oz:l.f* providence. In both ~thefefpll‘aces he acknowliedgetlal therlclmay he other means of obtaining a Monarchy beficlfes« the eontgmflof rwilation, on peoples reiigninglup themfelves to be governed, which is contrary to whatil’hea—fter~ faies, lthat the file mrmeowloat qf‘i¢lZ3“Sbweraaign{)'»z'4etbe conjlmt" and fnmdzzmcwm/I cm- tmf2‘7qf‘ot Ziflgztioen ofmm. l i to l l . Moreover the Author cletcrtnins, that /iléflalmea Mmm :3 4% llrmfull5gava«rnment,i amdi‘ tlmvmm may be home and firohgh mo it‘ 6} God: providence, it ‘éimi: tlmm it and they aéidb it ”é*aca»fm.m mlwah Ihwfall thingis awigatory. This pofition ofhis 13 afpfptove, hint: his reafon doth non fa«tisfie, for men are boundvto. obeyewlawa full Govcrnour, though neither they, ‘nor their wAncefiorseven A tookoath. , A V A o l Thenllle*pnoeiecd:9,.l anldlconfe1il7etl11:° that i in Ram; t 3:. that powze xv/22¢‘/as w/acre menputltlaemfeliwx inter/912: utmq/ideal A p. 5. 7.. *P- 34- Tlst D ; ddtlamwzzgmza Aéfalazte“:jet~tke e/fpoflle not excluding it, M/ll: it Gods ‘ordinance, and commmzdx fltéjectian to it; fir C/Jrg‘/5‘; com. mam’: Triéme to 65' paid, am! pzzies‘ it /az'mfelfi:- ; jet it mama azréi. trmjy tax, the production afam aéfolzzte powerfl Thefe‘ are the loyall A expreffions of our Author touching aafazm or atréitraziy Monar... chy l;l I doe the rather mention thefe paflages otlour Author, be, caufe very many in thefe dates doe not Pack to rnamtaxn, that an arbitrary or Abfolute Monarch not ltmxted by law, 15 all one with aifyrant, and to be governed byone mans will, is to be made at flare: It isaqueltion whetherour Author be not of that mind when he faith, azéfélzatefaéjection irférzzitaxde, and thereupon a late friend, to limited Monarchy, affirmes in la difcourfe upon the que- Pcion in debate between the King and Parliament, That to make an n K ring {2} tbe.flama.'am’ .ofG'adx word 48 to make the to Snéjcctr flower A for aonfciencefizke. A hard faying, and I doubt Whether he that gives this cenfute canbe excufed from blafphemy. ,It is a bold fpecch to condemn all the Kings of fladab forjT}r.cmt.r, or to fay all their Snéjects were flawr. But certainly the man doth not knownein ther what a Tyrant is, or what a Slave is: indeed the Words are I frequent enough in every mans mouth,8c our old Englifl1Tranfla... tion of the Bible ufethfometimes the word 7:7mz2t', but the Au-- l thors of our new Tranflcztionhave been fo carefully as not once to a tale the word, but onelya for the proper name of a man, .Act.19.9. becaufe they find no Hebrew word in the Scripture to fignifie a Yjwmt, Or a flaw. ‘Neither Arzfl: Eadie, n or SirW1alter Rnwleigb ( who were all men of deepjudgemen.t) eanbagree in a definition H or defcription of -tyranny, though they have all three laboured in the point. And I makefomebqueflionwhether any man can poll l fibly defcrivbewhat aTyrant is, and then tell me any one man that ever was in the world that was a y Tyrant according to that de, tfcripfion. l til 3 A l l t , A A j I‘ return again colour Treatife of Monarchy, where I find three DEGRElE~s af;zé_,/E2l;vtte.]l/_fe)n¢trt1k_}': ‘ll, Q“ B . y I . W/Jere t/as Monarch, W/sofa Will zisnt/an law, dot/afi:taybimfi:lf}¢a law to, rule b]l,y but é_y command: of an 0232» judgement :1»: /ac" thin/Q; A A fito l l " V y _‘ _ ' y j J M y 11» w 2. When befét: a lazw; 5} which /Er will ordinarily goverm, rev flsrtzing ‘ta laimfelf at {£5 ert_yt to may from it M aft 44 in /ark difqretion \ l ” l ~ e l he o narchicall ptomxfi“. A A be tl:z'nk.f F I ‘I’, ahd the Swwarign km fi-ti’ 4!tbe”}‘&rmeH \ "Where /76 net mijfm A mlc,; Mat promifitb ’z';¢:mmy cafis“ not to after it, Mt» this pramife are engagement air max azfier hcondifiezeh or :55’ ofgrdce mt d¢j{]Iwlving:t/at xtjéfolzatc Oiabthof fitéjtfiton which went M eeereit.» e b 3 b e fbor the Ed’: of thefe three, there is no quefiioen but «hit is a pure abfoltute Mona rchy,-,bL1t‘as forthe other twohltougb he fay,t}:zgy 6: u5f5lm‘e,y€~t in regard,they fet themfelves limits or laws to govern by,if'it pleafe o=urAm:hor to term them 1z‘mz‘tea’Mmmrz:/a:,I vvilnot oppofe him; yet I n:mPcte1Ihim that hiothird degree of abfohzte Monarchy is fetch a kind, as I believe; never hathbeen, norvever can be thtzvworlrd. For a Monasrch to. ptomife and engage in 1 many cafes not to waiter 4 lmae, it is mofi\ntetcefi'arye that thofe many cafes {hould be parmcularly expreffecf at the bargain making ; Now he that un‘derf’ca.nds the nature and condition ofall. humane lame, knows that particular cztfes are infinite and not comperehena. “ fible within any rules or laws, and if many cafes fhould be com. peehended, and many toeittedt,‘_yct even tthofe that were co m... ‘ pmehended would admit of variety of intetpretatitoos andtd;1.f‘p”u.;- tations, ther'efo:rt: our-Author doth not, not can tell us of any fuch referved cafes peromirfed by anytMona.tch. . ;Aga.=in,Whett: he faitb,Ar2 mfleretcondgfcemtthor A13? qfgreee doth not pliflbltwe t/at aéfélmte Oat/a af fiibjeélim which went éefore it, though ' in this he {peak true, yctflillbhhee feemsto infiuuate, that an Oath any binds tafuéjeffion, which Oath, as he would have us believe, at firfl 41-éimzry :4 whereas Subjeéts are bound to obey Mo»- narchs though thcytnever" to/or am‘/9 offiz5jectio:4,as welt as child ten are bound to obey their parcntsmough they never {wear to do it; Nofi“i:,his difiinfiion, bctowieem tlae rmlee afpawer, and the cwercz},/2* afir, is vain 3! for tooqmle, is in exercz:/E- power: foryhimfelf faith, that Government 225,3 potcftatis cxercitium, the enmrci/2* of it mom/5 e power. ,. « e Lafily, whereas our Author faith, :2. ;M¢marc'lo- mmzotfi éreak I32} pmwfl» Wit/amtfin “‘ let me a.d;de,; that if the;fafety« of the people, [him apuli, requitea "breach hofthe Monarchs .pE0‘1'IlmZ.*,, A thentho ' fin, it there be any,is ratherthe mé/Qing, then érenfing afrlde pro]-we ' the fizfezy _aftlae people isancxceptiorrimpliedtin every Mo»- 1) A But 9.. IE} l ‘p.13. @;8. o Bultlit fcems then: three degrees of Monarchy d'o Ijioé fatisfie our Author, aheisl not content to have a; Monarch havealaw or rule to govern by, but he mull have thzlflimitatibn or law to he ab M rexte rno5fromfi2mehqp{j elfe, and natframjthe" aleaérminaztion of the I M .2!/fmmrrchsl mam will, and therefore hefaith, hy origiha/1! canflimtion «l . rthelficieij pz¢hlz'¢:1Qc‘o22fer.r on one mam oapower h_y limited lccmtm6Z,.lre- fignihg thzl-mfilzmr to he governed hyflzwh 4 law, alfo before he told l us, the flzle mama: ofSa*aemz'g:»zz:y the cohflént andfuhdamehth/Z cem- ~:ma&', which canfiwtlpzatxthem izafheir pawerglo which can he no more imr aétherlthmzk com:/gym’ tn-heme hy fizchlcahtmfiloffizhjefiian. elf A the {ole means of a limited Monarchy be the confent and funda- mental] contraét of a Naltion, how is it that he faith, A Monarch may he limited hj azfi-er c'a;m.’:JEe:¢t?is an after conclifcent 492/[0143 with A a fundamental-1 contraéf with original! and radicall confiitution 2’ why ye :. he AtellsIus,l£t zéc a_/Ecmadmj arigi2ml1conflitmiah," a . fecun-4 vdary originallfihatais, hfiscohdfirfl : And if that rcondifcent be an aé’c ohlfgrace, dothnot thisfcondifcent to aklimitati7on clom§e- from ' thesfreegfldeterminatizonlofthe Monarchs will A?-{If he either far-j- mall , or -vzlrtam/[)2 ( as our Author fuppofeth dcfirt his zzhjhlzaie or zzf*hitm;yIpawer which he hath 6} comqaeflg or other right; A ‘ l And if it be from the freefwill of the lMonarich, why doth he fayellrhe limitati=on’mu{’c be ah extema he tolid us V‘ before, that fizhjeffiah ‘6‘o1.‘o‘lJ£70_wtl飒 aliffblr/ed or le_[]'e;:z’d e h} am A52 grace.» cumming afierwarda, bur. hehathl better lbethouglxtl hirnfelf, aanfd :n"ovlvlllhe£ will have act: afgrazce to he aftwo /ifihdxg and the latter /gihdmagybau mamszt as he faith ton refigmtioh afahfilxate Monarch}. ‘But can anyeman beheve that a Monarch who by conquefl: or other right: A hath an..?abfolL1tle arbitrary power, lwisll volluntakrily: refigne that abfolucenefileg and accept To much power onIZy‘l‘'e. people {hall plea-felto give’ him, llandfirchilawsl to govern by as they {hall make choice of A? (fan he fhew that ever any Monarchwas fo gratious or kind-hearted as to lay down his lawful! power freely at his. A Sub- jefliafeet Rois itxndte fufficient glrhtelrif fu3‘chj?£;1n abfolute Mqenarchlbel content; tofen dowxia lawto :himfelfl bywrhich he will o1:dirian¢l.y, and that in l a {mailer lmahtters which eanccrnc private mm orl paorlll plcrfons,hc mayllrgulcz accorclmg mhxs own-lw1ll.l A A A A » A A * A Secondly, «our Author tCu.5"fli3$, the xwamrcbm‘ -wlafexaréimne 43:; or trzzyefgreflfizn 53 marml1,llanglfitm§ Mfiqfnrgd ldilz/£1: gfbcfmma l ' cfGa?zm-nmwéz flndpzsxélivlfliéargy, lt/:I€za«t/if lillcgalitjl III to éefir opm t4m£;;rcdfefment/énglat petition, Iwlaicf.-1 pxwcnrionij rgr l A fifhfxmaaaytglbt to (real {fit éeagapfmfcm made 6:: lmadg to ally 5' % A Lzmma ma Mtx€ ranféienrer afmamkhal, A than thafimdnmcatnll [mars of rim Monnrnléy mnfi judg; and pronounce the fmtmca in Mary mow ranf2*£rm‘e,*aznd crmgy man (fir farre M cozzaarmxr him) fa/lam no ooidmce of Truth in /aid own to appofé or not to oppofé, ranaording .4»; be my in canfiimcc mrqmit or condemns the not of the gawrnmr or Afqaarcb, V . Whereas my Author requires, that the drflrnfiioe mam afi/Ia... gal! command: flyazald éeflet open : Surely his mindis, That: each pri-.~. vate man in his particular cafe fhould make nan publiquo rcmron: finance to the world of the illegal! aéi: of the Monarch, and then if upon his Petition he cannot be rclieved,according to his define; ought, or it is his duty to make rcfifiance. Here I would know, .who canbe the judge, whether the illegality be made apparent ago it is a mainr: point, finer: evory man is prone to ‘ flatter himfelfe in a his own»: c;:m:f'o, and to think it good, and that the wrong or injua A Price he {offers is apparent, when other moderate and indifferent men can difcovcr no afuch thing : and in this cafe the judgement of the common rplccmnot be gathered or known by any pofliblo mcancs 5901." if it ‘could, it like to be various and crronions. 7 — Yet olurgAuthor wan have am appmle made to the caafi-irate afn/I A A J‘l4'pzn--kind, and that being made, he concludes, rlae fnmdnmenmfd Lawex mnfljzmlge mm’ lpronaamco fénteme in every mam canféizwce. » Whereas he faith,T/ae Fundamental! Lame: nmnfl judge , I would p. 13:; very gladly learns of him, or of any other for hiin, what alFundaw ' mentall Law is, or elfc: have but any one Law named one that any man canrfay is a Fundamcntall Law or the: Monarchy ;r I confeflé: hetells mgthatootlqe Common Lame: are tlaefimndatian, mad r1aer.S‘m.. was Lam Arofiapezj/?rt4‘E-five; yet I think he dares notzfay that there 9- 332 is any one branch or part of the Common Law but that it may be taken away byther,am1d fome others doe deny It him :: our Author {peaking of the ‘government of this Kingdomc, faith, Tine; claaice of #160 fiicaw 41.; imzrnflud l to t/a£Aja¢dgem‘mtqf the Monarch far mug/at llkmaw, he: is riot rofmmteinathe point, but forought he knows ;land for V lought I know his Monarch is but titular, an empty title, ucrtaine «of no power at all. A V ,~.The povver of ¢chufing«Olficers only,is the bafeli of all powers 3 ,(_-‘x{"’_I:/lifill/6*‘ (aasl remember) faith, The common people are no. ' km to Ofihswm. amlfomhe accamptx and i-ndAecd,,Ain all -papnlargavcrnmmtx the multitude perform this work : and Athi3 «work in a‘ Kingfputs him bclow all his A Subjeéts, and Amakes him ache onulylS‘ubje:¢‘u in a Kingdome, nor the onely man that: cannot; ~Govcrn..;~ tlaereis not the pioiorcfi man of the multitude but is -capablc«offome.O1fice or other, and by that means may {ome- »tim«f:~ ofother perhaps govern according to the laws, onely the ';n be no Officerlbut to chufe Oficersmis lsubjeéts may all Governegbutlho may not. A A A ~ A ilfillext, I cannot feehow inltrue fenfc our Author Jean fay, kg; €..‘514't»¢.r»m‘/9 is the ‘head, andfiwntain of power, fince his dofhrinelis, i that 27% a limitadonbzrcéiy, ll:/.7£pf£é1l$'6‘k_fiIci_6l{}' original! cwtf£¢?tn- anion mufizr mam man power, 15 not then the publick; fociety the hcad and founta»irmfpowcr,. and not the King? I‘ Again, whom he tuls us of his .Monarch,_that hath W at/yer .,$?mAm _ mg/ll canjmctimwr he /azésmrnfiiéjéctx, 0W3'f0£€di£M€£ he by mimmzmls he donhbuc flout; his» Ap;oorl.MonarchA,A for V are l are they "called his” Subjeéis and his’ coeimons P A he complement) is their Subjerfl, for they as Officers, niayogoilvernc ” p .\ and command according cornwz ‘p but he rnayinot,» for heniufi not judge or gopverne at all. l l judge by his judges in Courts ofjulizice on'ely:th1atis, heimay . (withoutany 2. As for the fecond particulmgtnefile oeicniefepowerzn cetpneitnw H i ting perfimxfbr the Snrpenme power. And A p _ I 3. “As to this third p:trticular,the power ofconvacntingfnrn perfénr, they arelboth fol far from nujgkipng a Monarch, that they are the. \ onlyway to make him none, by choofing and icallingi others to {hare in the Supreame power. _ _ 4. Lafilygconcerning /eels‘ Antkarigy aging the In/3 mxgrennz in the A eflaelifbing e?/er] A62‘, It makes him no Monarth, except he be fole that hath that Authority: neither his pegmeg of jlvnre inthe A Stipreame‘ power? nor In’; Aintlaoritj éeing lnfl; no, nor kn nnving i ' the greeztefl /Int/9071.13] doth make him aI\/Ior-larch, tlnlefiiz he have that Authority alone; : - V o “ Befildesihow “ctlanhe iflmewilifhiat isnilhisl mixed Monarchy the Mo-- narchs poweris the greatefl ~’I‘he‘greatelit flxarepthat our Author allowesi him ‘in the legiflative power is‘ a negative voice, panama like is allowed to the Nobility and Commons: And truly a*ne-l- ' gative voieejis‘ but abafe tearme to cxprelfe a Legiflative power, p a Negative voice is but a privative power, or indeed no power at all to doany thing, onely a power to hinder an A61 from being done. A - i V p i i Whperefore I conclude not an}? of his four, nor all of them put: into one perfon makes the Rate Monarduicapll. A 4 pp A ' This mixed Monarchy jufi likethe limitedends in confufion 8: delirufiion of all Governmenmyou {hall hear the Authors confef-1 fion: Tlant one inconvenience muff neceflnril} be in all 2nixedppG'a'z/ern— mentxyeljiela I f/sewed to éetlin limited (z’o*eernn¢i*’z'f.ij,t/aere can 6e no eon. flitnted l legnllxfnt/aorntivefndgee of the fnndnmenml! coneroven/z'e:‘nr£- fing éemveenlrlae I/mi: Efihdtee : I f finals do 7%: i it zkebe fm//~dzfi»e/5 7 oft/aefie Gevernmentxfor which nofelwe can 54: applied. i It 13.: nenfi: i éqoneixt/ae pofliéle iprovaflen effieela at Government, oft/nit qneflien there no legal! judge. The necnfing fidel make it evident to energy mnnxiicenflienee _ t/aenppenle mnfl‘ be to tlaeieonnmnnzl 1:}, ea iftnere were no Go?/ernénenlt, and etc‘ evidence can/iieneee are ° l l eon. p} 55.‘ pa 28; «cazzv.-mead‘ _tJaej Aw: «éwgmd» to give their ;zfljZ}4m'e.u The Wit cannot {aye mam forexfnamlgy. Iiitnined Monarchy, and perefenc€d®:herniV with fome briefA11nom,. . tions,; it werea tedious worketo ‘col7*lf‘eEi: ail the learned jcontra... g_;lic"’cions,; and ambiguous expreffions that accureiu every pflageuof-‘e big platonique Monarcy, the bookue bath {'0 much of fancy that it is a better piece QEPQ-ctry then PO1lC§7¢ A A Thush:weu_Iuuepicked out the uflpwers outzef his Doflrriene about A p ‘Becaufe, ruany may th-inke that the r%naine%d”o&rine oflimiml’ and mixed ulvlonuaurehy may in it felf‘ be mofi: authensicealje Mam grounded upon Pcrong and evident reafon 3% althAough our Author perhaps have failedu in forue of his. expereflions, arndbe liable to. except?»-:ms,. Therefore I will be hold to enquire Whether flr;§flQt[g~- {:oI311dffind euifller reafoen nor cxamaple of a12mzt¢»a1o; ;;gi,w;iM0nauer. chy , and the rather hecaufe I find our Au£11m;el~:ugerherjnfifigu $113011a‘1‘fitiQml11_WajT0f:j'uP:ifyi»ug his oypiniom-V N0 I‘ thinke willv deny but that Arzflorle was fufficiently ,c»l"1,r:;&-“0,.,:t1S‘ in fearching «put the fizevuerall formes of ‘Commouwwealtshs and Kingdomes, yet led-*C)‘1_-3.501: fihd that he ever Io nmc-huags -,dereamed‘ (bf either vahiifil mitegd or mixed Monarchy; Seveumlel? forts of Mormchiese. ' he ne‘c1&ae3rcog»,nof full and ab--* folute command,‘ no7Law, nnoencompnanion to govern ‘his: Afmybxxt his owne will. é _ V , - V ~ W ; A n : Next for Arijiotlex vi?/jmnetienll King, it appears he was out of datcin Arij;‘atle:nop;ulm«... Nam-zf~ my j {‘ohmm..wm!rh hhrhh hem »mrwlr3 afom .i€l'7z:fZLjp\C7‘iZ€3E,:1W6ij00}9!éhfIVqfidt2‘£’,W$£6'h:7 ofrhe three afhzte: a‘C'~0mm07z—-Wm! fiwh flare: wherein the wghtx of h‘ Sahveraigny are di*vfided,~ me not réghtgr to hemllwl Co2?¢r7¢~on—-—W€pz[n',,_ hm rather the wmuptiwz of Commomwwmlxwra ‘He:r1‘.0d0tu9; h'rejz:fl_y,;,-hut twgyhwwittm ‘A —Gammom--mwlea Whfighhh change th«£ir** flam, the Samwtigna TamZ*pm«:vW fhem hmag hdividedfind 72a: A w rhfffiam (W5/AZ wary and Mailer, ti?! Ihvsjy «gains rec'0m’.rfbme we the “threw fbrmm. and the Soveraignzjh he Whafirih om afthetjiatte:-or‘ other h when the hrighzzr of the *So'ver¢¢z:gnfy are diwided.he--- A twixt the ‘Prince and ha": Suhjeflx, in that co~2gfi4jz”em afflhte there is: fiill emillefiirx and gmrhelxfir thefujgtriorigy, mtill «thatfome am-,; fame: 1 fl,,mf‘,m:%,,;_» ptltoget/9L’?' /mtvegot the Soveroigezey. Id.Kllb.' 2; C..LTln' A V , ] This Judgmentof BooIimfitVoucl1lng Limited and Mixed Monar-A o clay is not according to the mind of our Author, nor yet of the A A ooObfi:rlvacor, who ufeth the firengch ofhis wit to ‘ overthrow Ab-4» folute and Arbitrary Government in this Kingdoms; e andllylctine the main body} ofhis difcourfc lets fall fuch truths from his pen 1 as give adcadly wound to the Caufe he pleads for, if they beoin-. I differently weighed and «confid ‘cred, I will not pick a line or two hereoand,thcrelto,W1't:R againll him, but will prefent a whole, Page.of'lhisB0ok, or more to0getl1c-rr, that {o we may have an en- . tire profper.°c upon the Obfervators mind, Wit/ooezt fiaeiegr ( {aitlr A the Obfcrvator) menocoozloi not live, Wireoozzt Lew: men eozold not ée jovial/Jle ; omd without Am/Joritj flame where to judge aeeordieg to l Low, Low mo: veoine : It waofioozoeotloerefore pro‘:/ieleol,» t/aezt- Lem»: aceordimgto I/oeodiflozte ofreuflm./beetle! ere mtzfied common om- fem‘ : wheelie afterward appeared, or/mt maze oimojetffeévjeéi‘ to tmmr-l ’ mm]! difirufiion eye the tjnomoj ofezztmfled Magéflretex, .4 mzfc/oief % ezfmof? our fowl! are 6:: without all fllegfflreoy. How to pro—w'oz’e oz? tn?/ooljome remedy r/oerefore were new eozfleto ee im/e;2te_ol,% it any mt eo’ofl?eexlr to invent Lom?:fi2r the limiting of Szojmeeom Gozremore, 5142: to izoizzeoot /Jew tloofia low: /ego/4 be executed, 7 or 6} wloom izoterpreteofi " mo:'pofl?ele; Nam quis Ctlllodiet ipfosloCuflodesl,l t0o_plozefE.‘ oz Superior ozlaovee oz Sepreomewoo /aeld A mrzmomra/I 5 yet wloott. oz life-~ lefle t£2in‘gwo;zJd%Lew be Withoutom} fxoolge to deteeneine and gfixreel H it go [flit ée agreed upon, eloeoe.limit.r jbould ée prefixed to Prince: and l edge; to decree according to t/safe olimits, jet an .“at//erincem/enienec will prefentlj eofieooot re: : for we comm: reflr,oin Priezoee too for, out A A \§.’EllMfl_/l__d{'Fs1[$’l€ t/aemfrom fiome goon! : Iaeg, it we): ere the worloi, could extricate itjélfewtl ofezll t/aefe extremitiee, or fired out em or-- . derfy mean: W/oleree} to avoid we danger of emeoemoled Preregar.ive A V on ltkzfof/WW9], emol to eexceflive lieerzjy Alone/aeotloer, moolfeetroe /24: long ,4 experience o_yetfze1{y_/Zztzérfieol the mind: of all menin it. In the Iezfomu l of} o f the world when man were not ozrtifieiollozml l oeeborozte in oem-7 elf} drool foppreflionao now, and polio)’ mole. ,2!/Iofl Zflztionr did . efoeofé nztloer rofiolrjefi eloemfelv/es to rise meer leeiiferetion of their Lorolo, r/oer.» may upon oz;g}lz'mit.r, ozmlflz éee reeled 6} Aréotmagyo 13- I def}: -I/oer: Written ’ Stozmeeoo Booefinoe green} éeing more exqmfite, moo! poligemore perfeéfi e[]7e6‘iez1{} wloere learning and Religion floeo-A A AA rzfi ‘J1 Lzmtte rlfh,fe\n 2\[g'ttion.r will endnre thehthraldonte which . ttftlallj aeeontpai ‘nz'et nnhonndeel and nneonditionate Royalty :l Tet llongtiir. wife are the to "honnde and heonditiont ofSn}5reatn”Lordt was wt:/Ely fideternnined or - qnletl} eonferned attnozio they are for atfir;/l am at Eu*ph0ri,Tri-- buni, Cutratores, &c. Were erefledto potfeagainfl the /2=ale_,ofSo7:/e~ ‘migooty, rnneh T ‘hlooel wae jhed ahent them, and State: were pnt into ' new hrollet hj them, andfonte place: the rented} proved worfi then the dlfeafle. Inna/lgreat away}; the had} ofthe people were em eonflraié nod to rtfi, andhjforeelofthe cfi/lajor party to pat an end to all inte. flinejlrlfex, and make a reelrefl" e of all pnhlihe;grienan3etN:l Bat many time: calamities grew to a flrange height heforefo mmoezafizme a had} conldhe ratfed, and when it we mt/zaa, the motion: oflt tvereofi di- flraéled and irregular, that after nlnehljjtoile and ejfnfion ofhloodl, l fometlmex only one tyranny wax exchanged for another: : jtillfinne was invented to regalate the motion: of the peoples molimenone hoobi. I thinlgarlvrltrary rnle wan rnoflfafefor the World : Bat Now fines imgff I C onntriee have fiinnd an art and peaeeahle order for pnhliek Ajfetné V T hliee, whereh} the peopled may alfnnee it: onfne potter to do itfelfe right without dl/lnrhanee to it or injury to Prince: .- He toner) nn-- 1 that tell oppofe thzle art or order.ThatPrl7tee.r may notho Now he»- jond all limit: and laws, nor jet to he tied npon thofe limit: hj any prie- zrate partiee: The whole community in elite onnderined Majefl} jhall convene to do jnjliee, and that the convention ma} not he trithont intel- ligence, eertaine time: and places, and fortnee, [hall he appointed for it reglement, and that the -vaflnefle of it: own hnlw ma} not hreed eon- fnfz'on,l} nertne of eleflion and reprefintation, a few fhall aft for nta-A nj, the wtfi-fhalt eonjent for the fimple,» the zzertne of all A fhall mi donnd tofinne, and the prttelenceoffonte [hall redottnd to all and fine» l} at thzlt adznirahljt eompcfl-d [onrt which 12:‘ now called a ‘Parliament; to more regularly and orderly formed then when it wad ea/led ntiehle” Synod of l Wittena-gemotl, or when thtlweall hod} ofthedpeopleodid throng together at it: fo h it o nottyet lperhapt nvlthont fomeldefifle nuhz'eh h} are and policy might receive farther antendrnent: fime die; ‘rwifiont have flzrnng op, of late hetween hath Henley, and finne hetween the King and hath Honfeir h reafirn of lneertainty ofjarlfelillion, and fome La-Vojere donht how far the Parliament 13.: ahle to create new former and precedents, and hat ajnrifisliélion loner it: all thefe donhtfwonld hefoletnnly filned : Bnt in thefirfl‘ place the trne prizxi-'-' ledge: of Parliament helonglng “not only to the heing and e floaty ofit, A ‘ F 4 heat ént tannin: IMW4 mew 0f 1'5 ‘W1¢ Wlearlj 4ll4'@'l?3’???é£l» fin» the «WWg;°ffir»we!w 3.“ *’fT'4’144W#%¢:M0W’U were claémemgrq Ebfiigflgfflfilfirta, and arm-gy xmlwawn We the .lmrmd,l katbéfien hm. , gertwimgl wizfbfeqzrzgafincelltlaeéegizzzzizzé aft/9l;f.P4?lioz(7;_l£)2t. A )1 Intlxislrlarge-_ paffage takenlolut o the Obfiarvatoxf which cola, ccmcs the orxgmall 05 .311 G0vernm€nt,l two notable Propqfitions may be; grincipally o,bfcrvcd.l " _ A Fi%rftl,4Qurl Qbf¢rYat0%r confefffith, mféitrmgy hr a£r_/&l#t1¢lgo-pernmenz km in tkéfiiflaéndltkfifififlgovernmefitfir W W‘1d- A f 4 l . . lsecondly, he ‘aqknowledgeth that llxlachjggrixaliéilion umertgiml ,g;:¢;lhz~lae priwiledggx not clearer/y declared aflimiteql Manarplgy. A A Theft txivo Evident tzruthsdclivered by him, he lab0u1:s.rnainely to difguife. «Hg: feemes no i“nfinuatcthat nréitnzrj Gavefzzment am); ha; is? ‘the oft/:4: Ff/'or14l, for fp he tcrmlc3%‘i:t,% lggg» %wl,cl(_-nu- quire of hlirm MW long he Willhalvé this Vimfancy of tille wmfld co“ ljalt, hc;Vgra4x;1tsitcc+>n;tin;,md ab0l.vclchrce thloufaud years, whichis an un-geafonable timli‘ £01‘ the Wofld 4 Eolcotminui-: uhqer age : for ‘the firfi Qpp0f<;1*5 lift doth find of arbitrary power were the epkg. . ti, triéwzi, ct4mvf0;rz:1:,% cgévc. Tlgli: cp/sari were above three choulfangl ycgrs‘ after the Cncaltion, and the triéwni were lat¢1'~; ‘ as for his c:aaarmr:s1knownonwhom he mcancsm except the .41/ralflarvaft/3: V fear: ofxar»/mix. I~clanu0tlEng»lifl1lthc word mrarar he;trle:; 1 dqc ppclhblcljlevlc that ha can flmw that any mmtorw qr atmaexaé wl1«i¢.,h he mcn%1:i,0n"s,we1'c lb ancicnt as the cplaari. As for the. zayiémgi hg miflakcs lmugh ifhc nhinkes :h¢Y Wm‘ lctfiékd tol limit and bound Monarchy: F0! *1‘? Pffitfi Of Komfi ‘V333 at tbeA%*ll¢’~1fl,x12*{flocmtie'4lZ (as they Call it)h‘zj"2¢ot po}ml4r,when rriéI¢m_c: of the people were firfi’ lgagchcgl. Andhfor that Eplam; their lpqvvfqr lclwidw not» %l,i.%mit or‘regu-- lalteMlonarchy,but quite take it 3WaY;£03131’Lfl€£6l£’mw2imz,lKii2gix gkeljmlgemgmt Ariltotlfi amt no Ifing lindmfl; 9%! 1?” %?aam.a,t:m:a:1J.n4 r3¢:n;;~g;1i[2? mp afl 4flrm_y,;,%1 anhcl the‘ ,l3'¢fi politicians recllgognl thc Afpzgrmnf Cpmmoln-=Wcallth.; to have bfifinl Aré,/fwmtim./I and mac‘ &%?1~Iqm:zrc12iml!, and if a limi¥¢dlMofiflfichylcamct be foundl in La- gcdqlmam. ‘Om 'Qéf.;1_rwz"tnr Will hardly it any%4w,h*¢rél~lelfc in the Wholeworldl-A ;:and in fubltancc he confcfliath as much when bl: fa,lth,NQW Countries /aawfamdAl'om an artland pegzgeaélc or- der far pyéliqtxe Afllsmélgex, as if it were a thing but new dlolnc,’ and no: h¢fo_r¢, fer £0 thelword dQth‘; import. The aéfirwtor mconfcflilng the farzéwiiéiim to ée iféictlrtairac mt ~ the A Limited 4:121 Mixifd A to omrc y. thehpri*vt7ndgetttmiettfmined that A Caitrt that A jhmlal hajtmti and lzk mit fljlamtrchy, doth in effecfls acknhowledge there tisngor filth Court‘ at all C.-. for {every C’o”urt confifis of }tm'fdiEt£a,n.r1and Priniledgex, A it is theft two that create a Court, and are the cffcntialsrofit :. [f the ttdntimlabt comprfitl Cottrt of P d9"lt.t§!1¢5E?2f' httzzcflvmt dtjflétt which _ . may réteizze ammdmmtg, ‘dasrnhe faith; and ‘ A defefifir fdhrhtfitthar A cmqfi» Iii-’_2‘.¢.'{:/I‘x0i1!‘$'.1‘ntn..h”‘0t“h hetween the nnHotg/Eu; hetwetttrtherKih and hartI,«'Hwt7fl=r,4nd thefitttliraifions he tzhmtfo Tinaine a matter as mt‘/'« diffianr, and Phiwilcdgtt, tmdpower to created new Prizxiledgex, all which are the fundamenralsof every Court, (for until]: they be agreed upon, the a& of every Court may not onetlynnrbe unccrtaine, but invalid, and caufer of turnults andrfedition :) And ifal! thefi dattht: dioifioztt have need to 5t:_ft31emItlj'hf§tl7Jt€t/5aS~rOuf‘0hfi'7f'?/alto?" confefléth : Then he hath no reafonn at all to fay that Now the ronditiam ofSztpretzmLord.r are .Wifa{y determined and qttietl} ccmfl,°r'-- wed, or that NOW muff C amttritt hm/tfotmd out an art, and P6‘p’lC£’t¥~* his ardnr lg? pfihhickJ.zfaire.rg Whtrehy. the pcafle mtg} refitme itx awn .), Pm; ta right Withhnttrrrr hrihjtttiett «It-%"J1tdthrrI2f*i_746‘c?J,r for how‘ c ha the tmderiwed Mdjgfl} ofthe people hjftthtitgg Ct't.r own power,‘ 'A tel how éodo herfelfk r”ight,nnd or how to avoid doing. injury to the Prince,ifherjttrifdifZian he uncertain, and Priviltdgns ttttdetnrmihtdf He tels us Now mojtfiotwtrier htrzzefimml an art, mt}! pmccmhlt orderfar pldélick A]femhlie.r:tzhdta the inte:»2t,nthrtt Prince: may not he Now hqyaétd all limit: and Ltzwt, t./:Jt‘,Wh20[c3 gommmzity in ti: malt» rived ./7»[ajefz‘jflmll mnwne to do fuflift. But he doth not name 1'0“ muchas net Country or Ifingdomcthac hath found out this art, where the whole Community in its undcvrived Majcfty did ever convene to do Jufiicc. Ichallcngc him or any other for himto A name but one Kingdomctthat harhrcirhert Ngw orherctoforc found out this ‘art or peaccablrc order ; rWe do hear a great: run % mor ‘in this age of modcratéd andnlrrmtcd Kmgs, Palm}, .S‘2am:lm; and Dmmm~1(arc’t:alkcd of for fuch; and in rhef: Kingdornes, or. no whore is fuck a moderated Government, as 0l1rHn0hfér*z/,,.retle,ttor* forme to doeie, neither :6] Writiteg rzoretmolitiort. A: the K ing govern: He’: 5tth;ec‘2‘: which are immediately‘ He} who ez/zfidezte Attthorigr, the .Z\7ohi!t'1_‘)' dfi2ofl=, immedietelje of their? *2/azffelg over’ whom ever)’ one , heth more there’ he rege/lp:p power, ms» the]; meme: them like fla1'c'tt!.h There he certeihepmeh ePOIand néhoteere eez//eo"ltrEeAEL ‘r H LY ME su- ‘ 5 E N GE legs or N unteipofithcy are .405‘ it were /1 gents of7zerzfolic‘?z'o’;e5.hor h A ~et're1e.r of the Mhifig :; thefl: have 42 eertteiitte Abetthorizry, and ex!» B0»- KC tert1s~fait'h, i'51.i.Meltié1¢;e oftbair Tictristk mar toltlae*Serzaztej'Hoa2fi*,lW/aeaéefiaqjrc/aaflslthan MarJ€é;al:iy¥lé_} fiilqgm efi: mm zajfeméle £22; iazplyazce‘ (hat with at triéxame-li/geaarkarztj) they/z"gng'fie am that Coma]?/I what their 2‘eqMtfl;r 5176- N at /gang flmre their ant/aorizfj and reputation grew fl; migktz'{y,e t/mt f/fJ£:)'_‘770751?4C:7z‘2F‘7j)'l;I/fl§’mfi’[?JL’J‘ M 5/9e.4zdMma.'goz!erna%r:, amtlaer than ojficerx and miraaflerx hoof the piaélike deareexibft/alefltazte ,- One of the Comafe/1 refiaflsd I22? Senator: place to ézecome one oft/aefia ofiicerx. Every ?°elz_sztim_.,' at/as a .King treqjazirixg it mlstaget/gar ta/Zn tlge, ..Z\7oéz'lz'tj af H23 Talatimte, ‘W/oer: loaning prapaaznded meta them they a Wztterss 1;?/aeraim they dive to treats, and their will éeing known,ltke_y claanfcj four or out of t/aeycompamj of the EA R TH L Y‘ Mes SE N;- i G E R8, thefedeputxes meet and make one body, which they call the order ofKni=ghts. l ~ l y y . i This being of late years the manner and order‘ of a the govern- ment ofPo[a22a.’,it is not poflible for the Oéjiarwzzor to find amolngi them that the Waole peommamizjy in it: amderizxea.’ (JV./azjefl_y dot/a ever cammaa to do fiufiice : not nearly eleétion or reprefentation of the Community; orlthat: thle:peo'pleafTumle its owne power to do i it felfyright. : The EAR '1: H1. Y 1 Mom 5 3 ENG ans though theymay be thought: to yreprefentthe Comrnons, and of late take inuchups onthem, yet they are eleétecl and chofen by the Nobility as their agents‘ and officers. The Community are either vaffals to the King, or to the Nobility, and enjoy as little freed-ome or liberty as any Nation. But it may be {aid perhaps, that though the Com» -munity» do notlimitthle King, yet theNobility do, and fohe is alimited Monarchy.'1‘he Anlwer is, that in trutlfthough the No~y bility at the choofingl of theii‘ King do limit his power, and do give him an oath : yet afterwards they have allwayes» a defire to pleafehim and to fecond his will, and this they are forced to do: to avoid difcord,,} for by reafon of their great power theyiare lfubjeéi to great dillentions-, not only among them1‘"eIves, butbe.» tween them and the orderof Knights which are the martial] mafi- fingerx .~l yea the Provinces are at difcord one with another :, and as for Religion, the diverfity of Seéts in Poland bred petpenuall ' jars and hatred among the people, there being as many Seétsp as in cflmflerdam it me, or? any popular government can d~e{ire,_ The danger .of fedition isllltheocanfe, that thotgh the Crown depends on the elélflion of the l.\L,obiIity ; yet theylhave neVe1‘lrejeé’ced the liings fuccefi'our,. or "transferred A the fiealtne no any other fiarxgily l 3' i . at butfom:ee,l tdepofingppllzzdt:/Zézzas fht his t1ent—.m(wz1am lye: a:fc;e