£1‘ D S%andA C 0 =AaémbxedinPAm.1AMwrs W. "$59-?%.»putt1ng the; rAfl‘oc1at*ed‘ Coumies Bill» 0‘. 3% 5A{£flcA?[&?% %rf5/fie, flex , IIm1tzngtson,’m_ :1 Herybrd, C.mbnJge, Linca/rte, %% % A, , %. _ V , A *;g€iThc we of Big», and the Cmcs of Lincolne and .Z'x%om”vzc£x1nt0 a s:"’ofis..Jrc;* of Dcfen C65 By the bctcerz{;gu1::ting of the Tbfained Bancis, and‘ J ‘ M raifing other £**"0mi:s or Harfc and Foot, for the A “Counties andCities.* ""’"""""'""§'w.4-at Die Vcncris, Iulii 5. x 45 4 A ; ltevlcred 5} tin Lard: an Parliament aflemélcd, rim: ' tbi: Ordittanca flzall 15:: forthwith printed Md A ..pxa23 1..fIacd. A 3%?» ~. A Lomlofi pfintéd for Iol¢7H?'r:gl1t-,AinAthc old Baylcg. A 32 prcfervation and fafcty of th.':"£ fetid V 10112: Browne Clcr. Par}-iamencorum. A *WW¥%%¥v8§%%§%m Waz£;=§ 2;§4;§5;;;eia£;aa;.«_m; I ‘ .15» 4 3, , .U 9 V‘. 1 . » vi W9 '%DieMer¢urii,IuIii 3. ’ 1 64 -.4..& D/%j'm:%rdimntfa-qf~tbg Lam am,’ Cnmmo-22: ¢zfl‘Zev;2'~.,§’ Mm’ in Parlmmwt“,%fi:~rJ}mz:i.r:g aim‘ ¢A’fléciamZ C’;m3u2n4i2«*.a, , S»t1*i“F0~1k%;,‘% N’orf01k, IEHEX, HL1mix;g'0w,4 He*r§‘m <17, M3fl1b1'iVdgea:Li‘1C01“a¢ifi¢%{/Wvf E3}-*3, .d ?9d N96 1' ‘ififif Qf %W%"%W*%?¥§W%*‘%?*%*"%‘%, f:14«Ji.U*CQ1‘I:3f¢\,‘\#W0£'%N‘QrWiCh _»i'm«o A Pojiwe. "6fH.Drf2mr:':, V_zE3r ~ A "T?l='¢ 5£°ii't1’7"¢’£"l“’iI¥g’0f tide Y:*.:e:E22rré5- Bands, .% and W wag “9‘l?""f9T‘“ "fi'3'0A’f~‘-’ 47%?“ A-POW‘ 5‘f?9¢* M3: 1;vrcfl;':'*zwz‘£m Mae? Wfafcty 112:‘/éaid £‘ow:v2zxz‘e:a:riaIA.c:im'a.r,A < ~ A ,. 4wi%“Hc Loras‘ and 01ifi’fn3‘oz14s% " afl'c:m bfcd ‘ifhfif \ ”ParlAViVaxne1:1t, taking? i‘z~1mt thc:i1' m~;g1;s _ _ u *7‘ coniiéi4c1f;“;tion um %i.I°zEi* m:i~n1;anir1sId4 Op- . F f %p1"ei‘:§icrns and%*l_"Vl:1Z:1*n;~s tlmt nmv 130%: 4* 4 ’ j , rhrcatcxuthcnzttcr Ruizze mxd'D;2i%2;"»I*A:A;,;§i.;% A _ A » % ¢ on oféhis Kit1*gdo1nc‘?%i£ii pc:z1ci~*alJ;mid‘ Athé: ‘ """""“’ ' ~ Cmunties c5f"1?»’a2';fm’é;.; Efl;.“.:i¢";,,¢f‘}"}z:ti.I35r'... firtdkc,‘ Hm 3‘§7‘i‘:3;.vVl3i#¢a‘arIn,~ Hmrmrzgtafi, “The Cities’ mf”1\{;w?wi 54.13, % an Limaualm and Cm_111tms\ off tl1ei”Z?m.15%e» and thc Iflec of 51;» 1n.p;*;r.. tnculéarss A;A'mdA}1%Qw mzceflhry aV::l3ing%iti.9; tlxamll A111{eI1%w’elL+% ‘ A nfl§:&ed, having a1:x‘y bowels of _;co111;a§;1.<;£t§*2‘4c%:‘~jI“~r:s::f"&!::.‘=%.z1z*;~a.».:l, oi:%:1~~ “ nfi”}'E%»y‘thi;a.Pxt1t}1¢$i*§‘t}?af7th& w bthei {aid Aflociated Counties and Cxtgxes {hall forthwith T Wbe put ‘1‘n‘tio‘# a dfl:ur¢ bf7Dcf¢nce; and fl1a1.I‘faifc"Forcesbo r-Iris batid Foot tbr the det"ei1c:6bQf bthtb fiid AHoci_qti'on5 t1a_au_hcI.or L1éuf:”c:na;1t$ "qr "Dcguty Liepgenéngs pt‘ the {aid 1cvera11and4rel;3e&1.vc% Cogmtxcs and Cgtxes, orbany two_ or In ore at ft:t1(:111?.- {hall forthwxtbb after none: «or recmpt V of A M this Ordinanezfc, iffué cut‘. their Warrants to ths Confiablcs and Overfeers A of the fcvcrajll ].’ariihcs3; or btaemj’ two or’ mbjffl of the mofl able _and fifctmg pcriqnvs of th P2m'fl1es w1‘th‘£bn‘every rcfpeétive Hundred er Dmfion, tfI1ercby re- quiring ézhcxllat certain names and placcs A prefixta to dciivcr unmtlmenxa Life of Schedule of the Namcsof an .bp§:“rf0n$ V wvithin thexr” ievérali and refpefiive Pa1?ifl1_¢s,,from fthcbb ‘Age efS‘;ixtc<:n tn Sixty ("being (pf ability of body‘) and of all otijwr p¢rfonsWi1atfoever__, worth (me Hundred-¢pouuds or n1dre:inLandsorAGoods ; And of alI‘Hor‘f:s#and Mares above four years oF”Agc, and the Names of the Os}m"'c1‘s,; .Azxd.ofa1l £.mf;1e,s;,.Gnns,. and; oth er ufefull Wnponsfor the» War, vvitl_1"thc Natncsb bfthe 0“mmrsbof~chc;11; Bxficpt fuch I-Iozvfis. Men andTArmes.as)are nom or mall be hereafter U A Lifted in the Traincd»Bands and Tr'afncdTroc3ps ;And that chef’ fézid Lin-d‘ lieutenants, Dcfiuty Licutcnagts, or anybtwo; olr mm-e*¢£ th em,‘ {hall hereby Q ave powvcratq‘ charge chcfaid A parties with Horfi: gmd 4A1:n1C$:z..f0 as»n%o,pcr£'on be charged with a Hflfqflébufhlfif Qt light I-Iorffe, unlcflk he hath one‘ hun'drcdpour1dspW awn: ip Lands, or be worth one thou-a {amid two hundred pounds 111 Goods.an_d:I.ands, n_or‘withaV Dragoonegf uiflcfli: be W01:tII‘fot;r hundred pounds in G o,(:ds,bor forty pounds pt’ flflfififi mlands 2, nor with a foot . .Ar.nns untcflc he be Wfllfth one huudxcd pomxds Goodmr %_ xchpounfls pa-rmmmlbw in ' “ ‘ b L ‘ W’ ‘A v orefaid, £51: t:h¢'Mé'1-% ~ be it £ux:heroraamc¢1,Thataxzfperrong waxxm. A eds being chargcdand 1ifl=béd%to {carve asba V jar part ofthcmflmall, within thc1"r,1E:veral and :1'e-fpcflivc Di- 4 vifions forthwith, and {(3 {ram time to tililc ‘as caurc flaall-A V bbm. propaund andneminate all C1ol_.onc1s,b I.jcuténantColo. b m:I$,S.ci'g¢ant iAMaj-qr: a‘t1,d‘C'.apta1ns;_ bvcaythem, ‘bc_ihtw7~1nch 1” efabzlmwndb we-11 ma. Wh1¢h'.:ia‘1a fficcrs>b «approved and ofby thc Lcréflgcubcgmanps gar Dcpua 1 v. <’r‘;> my _I.ie11t¢nancéss6£anythrec «or 3 éi:i;r_e,«Co11nties and-Citiespbfllailbhavfi Cflmnlifsiorzs accprdin ; And fur:%hc¢1:;Orda1n6dp%Tl71ataH:a§1d «zvterAAyA pmon A:arV,pcr;e;~ *ar*rerA theyvare fo cha”rged.VV pay to the Treafurers 3; p 4 miuaves ovfjmininez1t&c1ang fonsAwhatAf&5eqAer,whicI1Lfluafl by vertwe%A%%0ftIV_2is Qrd1nanqcb¢.c1mrgA ged t0‘p1*0V1‘.dfS I-Iorfe m*Armcsas afoxrefaxd, {hall evgzry Mcm-sch muted“ by Athq Dsmuty Lieutenanzsm or any two ofthétm, for dxcghvcrali and re. moreAofthé111Awithin4tEeir&re{pc.; fA¢CHV6 Cmmties, t11e4fevcra%lIV%A4I1zm$ of Money. foliowingi, w‘z.:a.~ Igvery Horfe A »TW£1vewpencc. cvc1zFaot.Six pAencc,l towardgzthc providifig o'fTrun1pcts54Drums: A olours.-and other charges mc:i~ dam-to%thc faidfietvicc-.-* W A % A ___ ‘Pcovid¢dAH,a1waycs;. t11at=this Acxtraordinary eharge,;andA inxpoiz; %t~ioAn of‘Arme s.V do=n»otA.continue“=any% 1ongcr til1"4é41x1:A:‘.&y1J1!-‘ii’-fig tixeia A. Vergand that it be no Prefiderxt fcnthei t'utu:c:_ A A A. _ I p A A A % * V .Prov1d.ed alfo, thatno %Mcmbe1: ofvc1thc3:4I-Iouie of Par11a—mcnt,* not their Menia1IS.::rvants.A4 not anyofthe«M§ifl:anccAofe1thcr of thd iaiél Hauibsy be%cherved:bythis butchatAicVbc1Acfw to his as-.»rAtheirgeod afirc um what thay‘wiIlVdo i‘nth.is*Saxvice%:? A A " Provided alfo. that ifany perfon or perfoniwhatfocvcr {hall be over charged by the {aid Lord Lictgtengnts or Deputy Licuce... nams. or any tmyofthem_pf the ‘tcIpe&__wc Coungxcs “Qt §Iit.ica,A. -that then Athefiid Lord ” Lxeutcnams or f1?CplJty‘ I.1eutenants,- or “ 1 any %thrceforiA n1csfwfofAthemofth¢4 rcfpcfizxvc ¢Countics or Cities. flmall hereby have Bower to cafe fuch ferfon or pcrfons over VA ‘ 1 a. chargc ggasin tI;1»"e;i_1>: ‘fcretionsthe I11 I think fit. Andifany Offxqqts orsouldicrwfthc Trains Bands or Troops have hem. X mfprct fiticcAthé*&F;irPc ofAugt1ft £n -thcyecrc of AourLm1. Om thdlj fixhundered forty three. refufed orneglcéitcd; or if they or any other Forcc$»’0fHorib*¢«Abr" Foot» to be Vmifcd at ‘any time; hrcreaftergflxall rcfufcor ne§1et3: upon Summons. faccordxng to this A 0: othcr0rdinanC€ 0fParA imncnm to :mcndVAr~1acir‘4charges-and A: Admgigg5;fi;hé;g4f¢Vgga1{Agmd%gefpefive places,-or to appearxvith Ath—c;ir I-Iorfe and fit‘n1¢$:,O1“ t01 fend fame able Man4*w:it11 fuch A AHgxfedopAAs as.:thc4yareor% {hall bechargcdwuha11.Evcx;!y fuch c&t:1terf¢r ev_¢.ryj%f1we§x o&’¢nce, than Fificdby the 121i Lérd ‘ 4 :g;,?AAD3pugyA.VLjicutants,4~orV atwcmr mLQ%rcA of .them,~;~A not-Acxccdang the fi1m‘of;wenty o1.1nds;7An A may Aperfon A or: A «nrsrsv Qggfgng .£ai6 f€Vcra11a_nd’r¢ ,pe&;_iv£j= ‘Cmmtics: by Aa* for... rm »=%'%»g§ne’r %1?z.i§mznTc;e o£”P:irA1iaAzfi ant (A mayzba It15preAiTed,‘have.,‘b¢¢g,_A; am, ‘ Qx'.hr:i",t3af'i:fi1‘fha1113:3)-Chai'g€'d"-byV‘EhAA¢;£fl1‘-1 Ldrd L1AcuAcenanLsA IL>c7g~ pm Lmrxmcn agacyg ,Q1'~;3i1fy7 awe mithAe1nA to A1?:rfwic i%1z%Ath¢%‘2:§g;r1::1s of any I gs::n14i3'z1Ac$r%pcr1o.;:s *. ciA1ax*g‘a:*dasA afbreiaid, .1;0A AI‘-inasox exam, d {)1 gr A{haI1»rc:fi1i.e_A or;x:mgic:£‘1»t<§ appear at I\r1uj&c*rs.«o1j_ to icrve upon» fuchi-ioric, mt xniucu .fia1'mcs,he or they to rctuimggor negk:¢’3;- A mg,V1ha1A£Aby ti{1ré%{§2idA Deputy Licucemn::s, (Sr any zthr.-.~:e ox: xnoxc 95% ¢themAjb:: I*m¢Ads 110%t'%'¢XCi?€d~ingfh€ iilxii Offolftfi’ fl"A1iiAi%i rA1,g%?:,AA: axxd I 3:1'g.g Erifopcgi»L1m;ii1'th~e~§;a%id mfig bc pamgzl ; “.Afid AII‘i1¢.”5: pcgigm o;,p»;:=r1gm 19 Arehzixng. AmavAe a::o11fo.AAm1~z:4:1A,tAh¢n1ie1v«cs%unto~; cheiajd AS a::1“v1cc;.A _ fiknai ii: is Ordamed,That the_Lord ILi7cl1t€3n;1h_tS o;~11aA:pu:;;" 2;5.m., tcmm;:w3}.0r any §§h1‘s’3?¢.:l3g_1T:AA:*mC51TA‘3"Qf7355131? or tha:~fiaz1dingVAC0ma~uit~ we mf this fcW:‘r;fll.Aa11d £61j*f€&%W‘~Afl0,Ci&£¢d C0unAti«::&,,;i 1ayiA111pf£u fox: aJli‘ihEH7é?$;fl1al1f’.,;ha '0Ar»AA1f’curbcrs of” Atbe APa::ac¢:”, and rnay Fine then» not exceeding the ilntfi bf A five Pflundg,‘ Am; ~ that it fl'xai1”\b<2: 1awi*uI1" fol‘ AtAhéi1;%"'ai€3-I-Oréi T.ic?Ht€Idan'?s;s V air .D2:*.pu t5*~V “A A Aradi-n”€a;fe anyéfliallijc LAi&:;utman;ss; m=,a91ny:~As;~iAA ;*hqx11...~to%A drqw,A togachtgr AtheTroops4 Aam GEo:x1«p.m*ir:sA iw';l:1%.icrhA»§t;:¢:.m‘h€§A§r»ii%—*d by ‘ Avcrru’c. Qf thAis Ordxnamrcg otA‘iA?a1iy~‘§p€t1“tfA “Q5 and:Aw:i:rh th¢ .C0111E!itA AO£?iA‘t’;1§l’€f ~majQr , pm:¢AA QAE a11yL‘Aoft711cA4 fa: Tlftmps *«1I*1d Compa1:ucs,Aro ~?CoridL1c‘?tand :1-¢3.Ef hy~a:heex11fe}vAcs» 531: by ~iLmi.1A ;thcy orany flu-eAeA Axnoarel o»f%:hem_ flla-ll: ppoiim 1Anm*Aaa3yA4~of;heLaid.A1IecLate:.i 'AC0uxi;ir::s,—;a;1(dA wi2:h— tAhr:211‘mQé‘puf¢A. ReA11A&¢.;I§1;i1;@nd~A§£ays: .:”a‘11..fuch ,in;;;;1yA Heme m;2xt1*r1::rA d«:tclare@;AA+thA€mitrlvtss was Enc«Ai;1Aies5mA£hcA~Ir; cf-’_”V =i1‘Y C3-I’tA~Wi€hfi’V3% 'H0_§fl=:sAA after:thr:wat6~ofjgtweive A pamzg pwj rm-1.c.o11:&wa$rd Qnely, Aandf 10“ 1‘ateablyfqr1noreAo1:Afewer A 7 E-{q;:a1‘i:3$, -and%—fori3W1ZYfi“B13HOff€: A3f11¢1'A§h¢V*Pé1t&'fGfAfWO Pfltlfifljmi‘ $'1}ii°¢;»% gr’: % V V A wfvfi A fuf?:4- :1 ‘WI pon«r¢ar¢mma pm:ai;» t%1¢i;rC_2mjts, Carriages Aor=A:I-}'orie:sAx tcry be madg u1"e¢;f%f};;,g gge afarefaad, It fhaA11.be4.l"awfi1llA for —thc A (‘aid D¢pAUt.Y?Li&;-;{-59?“-g;; %CwI1t:=3Ss% and ~W€i10=?W‘ vP*31““iG;“—t3 :3-S«':flEn%£j' bi? 1?.i“»;i1%12%“~«%fth”cir5%fa£c! Ac-4' coignpts zmtothc fianding Committee of their faidgfcv£fraiI'and‘ " ref Acftive Countiezm? and the {aid Treafurers~for Vthcir charge % an I-lpfiinsbfly-éWa1lEikc ifebt alitmtd Wmp9IiCE%in.th¢~1fiofind“Aforall’ ‘V{uc11‘r’fumso{~« M>oney~as th»r:y£_h‘al1*rec~c1v‘t-: axfé? 1' ‘Hue ferthby%“ar:tho-‘ ~ my as«aforefaiK‘3 ; &Ahd;ifany%’perib¥h 61‘ifierfonsd‘iar3ge$ablb By thfs Qbrdinanee fl1a1i‘ii«@t wzthinlfixda_ycsafterdema%nc1; ~oAr"1ioti;cc’wto Bet MP: at;thz:i=r dw el‘lin‘gr.hm1fc oru‘fi1Va1Alp1aé¢ ’ofA abbdé.» fay the fimr dr ~fu1nmcs on him or them afleflézd or fret as aforefai .; It {hall has Iawfull fior the {aid Collafiors any one or n1ore