sc QT LA N , ,, ‘ ‘ I 17"“’,. J‘- «H i i ii.“ i i iiiiy‘ ii ii ‘ i A U M i ii $.13‘ ‘ " H . F A A e Q or the prefént Expedition of the Arxm i A ofchc Kingdoms of i By the Committee of Eflater, and 1:22;‘ Em» cellerzce, we Lard Gmemli 1 oft/:16 Army.” 1 ‘V Wiiflfii ‘ 1 1'i‘.'«’=‘_. if ‘ t _ « E‘ ..,.,, ‘(-33 v ., W U ‘ "":‘ I . “ ,.i.‘fi‘»*' I v*« . M I “‘ «wt: Jzfld '$xwffi?T7F:;f:i‘>"{r“4,ju«-‘Q - ‘~ '_ ‘up; - ya" Pifinitcci at Edzmézxzgg by ifiwm Tyler, Printer to the Kings moft %% Exceflent iM:,aj&{’cy. And mprinted at Landau for R9-§_ 7 écrt Baflackrgflwciiing at ms Sigma of the? Kings»: i A Head in Paula Chsirch-yardée. 3 6% 4“. A as-‘A:§r“‘3y 1": s ‘S’ ‘A 5 « ., a Artticlts. & 16 inan (:63 of \/\/ar, #80:. Hat rm man pretend ignorance, anti that everie 7‘/figPg£[1'\..'..g . ,. one may know the dutie of his placmthat he /;,,,,£. aftmw may dog it ; The Artitcles 9.fl£{ Ordinances ,gA,,,,,,/¢,~, followmg, are to be publiihed at the general} O,;.d,-fimwyfi A Rendezvous in cveric Regiment apart, by of Wm. the Majors of the fcvcrall Regiments, and Q in the prefence of allthe 0’tih'ccrs» The fame fhall afterward be openly read to every Company of Ijlorle and Foot, and at fuch times as flmllbe thought moi’: convenient by the Lord Gcncrallz and inlike manner fhallbe madt knowxwt to fo many as iayne thcmfclvea: to be profeffed Souldiersin the Army. For this end, evcrit; Coloncll and Captainc flulltt A provide one ofthofe Books, that bee may have it in readinctffc at all occafions, and every Souldiettthagll folemnlyt fwcarc this followingfoatht A A ‘ g ~ A 3 AA A A A A A N. N.promz‘/2’: mfmm it mm azumzzt/9,,; fuflin tbia Service; ezccordingto 3.5:: /mzdrfwom Wm’ A " A’: 63: lay main the SoZemméA Leagnedn*d (ovenantzftba three Kiwgdms = To%j¢bonourW obey%w% »§merall,m.zd.4ll up6r»iour~Wflcer3 gznd mandr-5',‘ axzcL' l2hy all ¢§ toA/J‘izad67* A now m¢d%bAm*t : T9 aéfl2r"pe- W ef;’z1gy;_;,;t,;A;;;,,:g: I-A_g_1;égf.. I{~'2erIe';‘2DafE:2:~=-« fiaiazncélx of ale: af Waromd CfimP*Di;/$5}?’1mfi'*=L7fiévezf“ $‘(? "lt?AD98 the defiance oftl9z'.s_Cm¢fi, narfi'cefi*om_;mj Co‘/0,-Mg. foZong.m 1 cA.wfblZoi;atham‘.* T0175 ready two ¥m¢c,l,;.. izrgg, ‘warding and working; fofarre as 1/mm firengtb 2 To endure and ujfer afl difireflks, mm’ tofigbt ’manfully to the uttermofl, ms 1 flail! dn[n?»%er* $0 O and am G O D A/7:411 ”lJel_g.> ma. A Kink ‘ifcip1ineAfna1i;;be €§£€I‘Ci»ffid3‘4 and the {ink cmieciifbrixm e:very~Regimc:nt,.Mby;i the particular Elderilhigp, OFIAKiYk“$;@m0fl ' mbe Aapp*ointed;, eve11:asA*ufeth*to%Ab£;done~'im%every Pariihin the t;im¢ mf Peace :, And;tha.1:. therc may be anAun1formitm* Athorow.-% Qjut t~he»w:ho1‘¢>Ar$my in.a11;VAmattAers Ecclgfiafiicallg there {hall be %a~~gener:a11IElderfhipflr cammari; Ecc1ef1af’ci<2k.;;[,adicatoAry,tmadge up~of* a"1l7tlf"1&“ MiniB:m:s:: at Athm CAa.m:p,A iflrlfifli mffa ferit:\himf7e1fe From; Dmm W A trheimpriionixug, of? thev0&”c:.ndcrs.% . A morning a.nd%evc‘ni;1g.%Praycrs-gm‘.frcm pr.eaching,*beforaand af-.,-« 6% ) tlér-nmn.‘ an t;he%ALor:ds Day, at" mher c:s~2traordi11aria timc:sAa%p=- ~pcyntA~edf:3r$ the worflaip oi! MG: 0 D, when the figm isfigitmn by found of Trump %ctorDérum%, hmflnallwbeAcenAfu1:ed;andk;pemir- fihed; fior his neg1r:€c or conmmpt, by penaltie,imprifibnmengor other punifiament, as his Fault defcrveth. A A ’ s , AftAerthc:.wam1ing given, there {ha11;bc no.AAMa:rket,AVnnrIfe1~ zbingeof’ C.ommoditiesA what£owcr,tiU,the Pr: years Aor, Preaching A be e:nd'c%d:,i upqnthe painenf; forfikitiug tfhethings fjcza i'aio1d,.,a:id.%0k&'$ A» W; 4 * M €—ixm:y1 iw:earingrandfc;urfing,ufién pmpha» 4fimW~A ‘ ning ofthe Lords Day, w1tcan*gAingof‘:ihis... Mini1’cers, and‘ other A&s.oi'": that?kind,% {ha11:%notA:on1§.z be puniflafid With%A1c:»fl'eof pay »and; 6 impz:if:>nm»encA, bu.t,t:hc*~ Trm1{greflbrs 171313.117 xnakc their %pu1b:»»- Alike*rcpentam:e”inithe znidfr cf? the ;CmugrA,egatiwn, ‘ and if tlmy will not be reclaimed, theyfliwll‘With:A.difgram::abe openly cafe» hated: and%%dif:chatgeIhis«owr1Ae’ £acié3faAi”tiom Aa%~:éhal1énge%AaA A A :co:1~1ba:e,AAAheAA{hal1 AAbe*i%mpr*iibnAed, and have his pu11Ai11amcnt;de-:A» cc21*ne:d;|;;yA“AtheA*Mariha11<;§(Jourt._ % f’1‘h¢A ’P;fQ;vofiEaMar£hal1-v?7x1L1{t~notbe fefiA£’cAc&~AoVrA*hinAci~erE&Ailmpé-» L A ‘pniheAn‘di'ng (A)1‘A'A}_3!.AA1!2ATi}:”3g‘ DElinquer§.ts»~ in »pri£on, ~and€Aai11OAi*Ei,cer.3A muffi: affift him to tins end 5 and if any man ihafl refifi 0Ar?A%brca\k¢ priibzyhe .£ha11b;: cenfuncd byxhef Clmun: ofbwan -mu. % A AMAuirt:herAi$ A Arm fAefl’eA *unA1:1WFu1l and ihtollerabie in thetiAmAeA réf % %._‘War,thenA inthe ti1nenf' Pc*m':eA, 8:: is to be ptmifihed with dcrzmh. "Whof0cvcrl1~;al1 befound C0 havefi)rc_edany% woman; ~whe{-“ thcr he be.Commm1dcr or Souldier, flzall dif: Vfor-Qit Awithczut mew» .~_-yr. W And xvho'{oever fl1a1[be‘Afou11d7gui1ty Aofadnltcry-Qx‘*f¢rn-i-4% A cation, ‘ihall be] no leflé: teverely Centugecband punilhegi thfeArx*Ai%1 . ma: tixncofPeacca A If any common whofes {1mA11Abe_A-fozlridfbllowing the Axmy, %theyAbe married P women, % gmd run away fi'o1n*thei1:V‘£%1AusbaAtiei*3, 1:: .Athey‘*i'1=1:1l1 be put to %dc::u:11 wxthout mercy ;and if cheybeunmamu Ac-d,th<:y {hall De firfi; Amarr1 ed byrhe ‘.hanVAgm%an,and tn’cr&éA1ft_é.*r by him itaurged out of the Army» A A AA A A AA ” M M Thcéves and Robbers Afhall be puniyfhcd with th:eAlikeV«%feve- rity. “Al fkmyfhaflfpoile or take any part ofthcir goods that diein A A M1hAe% Army, orAare”Ie:i;11ed"i13 A1“ervicc,he' {hall rcfi0reA t%he:.d9ufilAe,%a'g1::l ;Hb::AfuArrh¢r L1AniifhAe§;a°t difcretion.‘”%‘ It is pmvided, *tA*‘hat %a1l*Atiheir _'\.\ag0.._Oa.d-ASA be A t ‘ E A A“1A.eBc-amentand Wi1l,dcciaredAb}y* wox:dtorAwrit'befi3re %W1tm:£- A ...I,.iAs‘;3$ 5 @1‘..ifth€y hav¢,m$d,€Lx1o Tethwgnent, mrheir Wives;‘ChiLa AAAdte:1; bi‘ ‘ncn1‘é{‘tAAAA Tt~2ii1éA{r&'*ci,‘acC¢3r«11iug'tmrheALawesbfe§,hw¢ his%honwr and reward accordingto his warm % and dd8WIHg.whcther hcmafccvwc have p*eace*or.war. A A A law of yhature are preffippofédg Things unlieccfléry, are pafi overin filenccz and Otherthings may be judged ‘by the comma” ‘3‘~1P‘°111€siand conitimm tlons of War, 01‘ may upon V new @mer-» .gents,“beeg