? % %&%%%®%%%%%***%%J<: A*%% X A~%MaI‘N E D by nwvhwr. (Efi>ecIa11yofthe.Gr0undsM1a1ddowneuéx , rtheir in IC ALT*1(') Min their A];;’t¢;.~<%%4;{ 9%’ Dig c.L]A;%%1e,”AAT I0 N5 Of jmieil 4§ « _ dhath 1°“%b€€fl€A:a‘F»Ii6n%d to th¢~ A MA‘B4:~M%Ya‘¢‘==1nd dcfircs“ 3 .Satisfa&iGn— %%%%%%%%%: 5Aom!a2zsPrintcdinthe». “f=‘.“' .-;;!‘;*“ oéfx *e.'..E\_.;<=,_kY -3 N“; «-4 '5‘ p . ,'&v9't:'§li\V39:5a9 - I I’ ‘ av , .5 ‘ ‘: ‘’‘\. , I 5.- ‘ A Q I I ' mg?‘ I‘ .‘. fi~A‘w """':.' "ll II°;-:%i ‘-'3:-5° A I 3 ,-0;.‘//I I’./‘xv’! 9;) L r 16.» I ' W ‘ ' t_ ‘ . p . I’ I ~ ’ , ‘ V ...[_.i ‘*1 \‘\\ ' " . ,'7—,‘;*‘"'?'-é-fa.,. 4 X‘? ' . I . H, .1 * * ‘ ‘ ' '_'Jl‘l!yp,., ' , :« I: _ ., .__ . . ._ é “ ..._ H; ' ’ I ?//;;,';:> /I A rz%zfe Pam: tbeAiV?-1i‘€M:¥$'»=VT% t::0r~ing to my ~ abilities and placejto be ferviceab1et%dtfiiém=‘¢;% %ut now all my g1o¢ry1n%g in then1: is turned into%Ih4@:¢_f",i; a1l%:my pra5Ir.ers andApi‘aif€¢S to God for th_em& 3,_i~nt§:>ri14burI:Iin_g:4 and a&onifi1mer:m:5% To fc¢th_a.t~u_ndc.r_t11€G€n9Fa113Vn°'31°"3‘ a_ nd_cQ_1ou_rs of Gods glory _., V and ‘gC);‘ot3ViI1C'?.I1Q;tiQ11$3»tQt-he Liv Vm ~ A 2- M A % _ A V W ~3?%:Befti€S?Van’d‘Peaceof "thevpeople of this“.Natien , %%theI’aI4:e ~ 7 _.on*s; a-nd‘iTpra%8ci cesofftheg “Army .in; .-difobeying %aI 1d*'0ppQfing, A A the%%P?af1ia‘men$t ifpérfified in; Will‘ appear tOfb£'7 contrary. to the-’LaWsofGod. , andt‘hcKin.gd0m Aand¢rheirdmy,; » t1r‘uf_’c,a-nd iilgagement to P:a~r1ian 1enI; of Erzgl-a7zd%,by Awhefex C0mfiiViffi0n¢» %~V9i1¢1$'~%s"fl1eY are a-n“ArmY~ and ar¢«4but%a 4 u1cuoqsnumbe:Ao£m¢n ;when;,:h¢ya& ‘man any:~hin-g 'ch?m:4is4A“¢xiocin"%order;oo..4, or svamin ztmudlinxicsfi o1:chac%coma mifTi%na:Whici1I¢a‘5fthcim11iIié %-as”'a;1Army :_Andi2i'7hex"1 any man‘0r'n~umiber%V ofmen‘) A «~ou t qf%theit=Vcalling%, or if in their calling.) run out into %a%njd11'nWarr4‘n~tabI Vfigvayes , rthey can up-an .. no-gmd gmund§ % eitghen look forpirotefiiong or -expeét Va bleffiflng 5a-nd however" A V fu¢h%proceedings“( beingbackt with poliéy midfpower.)-Amay % have I-'uc-c efIZ=:4 at prefiant, yet ;cl1ey% are {tire to be Lbigterzfeflé ‘in the ~ and ; Theref‘orJe‘;I%,Vfhé11l%ev%“er Wonder at any ,, who‘: (vif*~‘-they% Vhavqgo»od,ain1siantci;intent;ibns*)will go thedevi1s&’high¢way A tQ"i:hté;m5fbecaufe%(it:may be) it f;=:em's to‘ bé oiicér at n*ex‘ti For M my parqlwiwll 1'1Otjl“.ld'f."_.,I::A;'-A thacthe havaaev'fl efxdsa but % \ hcirigaltogethen unfa.tisfi¢d with their way,and”with all they I fay inthé defence of it _.;%%w‘hich cemingg fmrn the ”Ar*my‘ in gee grierall, and‘nOtfi“0rn any"p 21? A fro:r r,1 w h%on‘1’T might vhayrefiefirefid priflate fa,;i%s%fa§.¥ipn:V% 5 W % ~”aT_nd%,b¢ing exceedingly opprefl?:d“Wit:h' the {en cc’-of thA¢%wd;i‘fho¥ rticzxlafperfonmr n%um%b¢%r Qf Of-‘ nour m_Go%d, V the fi:aI.1daI%lAA( ifnou: t¥1f the enemies to thc-‘ParI~iament,and die grA¢,a:; A danger thr¢;;tn§:d to; th4¢%who1é Kingdczm, jail‘cm%i%ziept.ifth{¢ : Amfiri fhouId%p‘_«3rfi ff their‘;5r§*fE3nt cdr1i*fga%%:%%M1%%I;% f peace re:.£,4 um-a:11#IA%h in“ ms pIfaJin!“i’cyIe ( amen fox‘; mburnfzilli Subjefi‘) Adeclaraéd the grounds, of my disfas-é A V «- better c::.uI'E.=.- to‘*t4he c%0r1trjarj,'%then:an?yAA Ian yetfinde in ’t'hei?r;~ tisfaé’cion , ’5h£>ping that“f'or the %;fi1tqre«rheVArmyV Wi]'Il,"it:h¢i1::."V fubmit {:0 thjei1~ Iawfull and undo1T1bte”_d.?Gover$nm1i“s4 5‘ cihilaew‘ ‘ [.mbIikc. De2:1ara.tiaims and rcfolutie:>11s.~ Puid that I may not ~ wrong them in r4:-:petition , or darkentheir rea10ns_ , .1 %na§ve; fetAdown%at 1arge ixxthe margept all I Cari find: ‘of theirs‘ up-_ QH11“t['}*i'5i.-‘POifi«t$ H ’ ‘iitsalifwer virherae-A A unto IA Amufi 7'a~ffirn"’1 , V ‘\ jor AA A e A What A/you think M A makes for the right; freedom, peace, and A fafetyAAofyo‘ur1'e1ves, A or ofche. Kingdom 3 ye; yodo cannot do-‘it i as an Arnly, for that A relates only toothofé, ufias ( for which ‘in wasA made) «A1imited ” A wichinits Commit‘- ( flout‘ AA M ' L ‘ A AA [For;, your aoffirm-V» A _fing ‘ you [are] not a AA mercenary Army , "I A ‘Will not fpend time to difpute in, yet.e- very one fees youkin:-:AA efiftmuch ‘up‘on_your A ‘ Wages , Awherewith the%Scri*pture %cha1*’-- A S6?-h.'So0U1di‘“"S(that; A WcouId1AbeAfayed A to A be cQntem1t,Lukg»‘3. r4.-;Ae% AA , V For >what_j you A fpeak ofthe arbicra-we my Apbwero of a Statc:o, A A and ofvioIcm7';e,~ op- A A prefficjn“, = p’art;ict”1learAA " Parties and Vil§lt'.C*-' A rafts,-o % A. Nor wili it now we hope ) feemfl{raozge _orjm2feafr2nal2le to rat!‘aomz1lazzdA men, Awbooonfidef the confeqnence of ou""12“re[ent V‘ ‘Cafe, to their own :mdetbe““Kz'7zgdom:._., ( well as our) footers cancerzzmenfo in Apoizzt of Rig/ot,AAFreedom, oPeace,zmdafet_y,:if (from a deep fenj'}:“eofA; tbeebigbo Acorzjeqz-zmce of _.our oprefezotwfe, bot!) to ourfelzvves ;( z’nAfuture) and all other people , faaeflmll , before din‘ Ioorzding , proceed in our own and tbe,;Kz'ng.. dam: belodlf, to prapowzd mod pleddfovr jome: P.?‘0’<'!1'fio72 for" our r.:md% tbe‘1‘Kingdom:fgtz3'¥- fcfiion atzzd future feciorizy _.,A in A relation to tbofe Atbiozg; ,A"' eflrficiczllj coozflderiozgo tAbat we % were not 4 mar Amercenary “ Army bi red to fifrzie my aArbz'trmA3( pon:crA of »a State, bu"; c:zflede_fort{)Aeé17zd cozejzt red lgyotbe feverg1ZlADe~A e clar-m‘iom' Pdriiamenz, jfo _t/oeA defembefieofe our oronandeotloe people: Right: ; AAaozdALi5er+ tiefs And fame tookizp ‘Arm: in judge?-A 1. Anzentlzzzdcoozfcierzceoto Atbofe end: , and bade [0 continued ixbemo ,:ai2d’:zre refolved eccord~ ing toyourfirfljufiodefire: inyourADec,}Aa'r;z«' e tiooz, andfztc/J principles as -ooeobave reAcez'zzecf fromyour frequent Alnforomztioozo , Aaogdtour Aonm common ]enfe,concerning tbofe our fmz-- domentall Right: and Liberties? 5 to AA a_fl_?2rt ‘V and fiviozdicote tbej jufl powerjuozjd Riglmof #2233 Kingdom jz"zzA P41; liamentt A Aforetbofe oom-~ mm ‘ eozdo] premifisdi dgairzfi‘ ‘A all A eoroitraryo power, w'oAlence, and oppwoejjion ,-’ andagoiozfrj A all_p:zArti¢zclarjyartiesf or z'2e2terej$.rA§xoba_tfié-A ez?e.r%%%.TlJe [aid A ‘Declaration; * illdz'rAeé?iozg '1orVio,_tb‘eA eqmuoze enfir: .%IJew:‘ and A 0ozz§7itutVioos , dioenfing with AM’ my “letter of tlJefzmie', e74ndebez'ngz;preme to Ait_A,A A " AAVA3 A when a;£l%;¢ztt_;¢73rd;ri- AA? -:An>c.*A;11A:z1i€:.’.~‘,. Ar£;E%:rA.4rii2Ae and Itgjufiicgto A;ta5eir gredt cmdA z'2zjz¢p}?oArAt:A.12le op}7r%eflzA"mz.r. A A AA./172d zruA{yAAf;4c}2 Kz‘An;1dam:A £15’./3211/8 accord~»~ A Vzirig 2’;-o;'}.J» tame Law Z\iC.»zm:n2? and NaricAnz»;. A A Atzficared to t_I.:AeAA vjndicaf%ion% and Adefezice of A31%IJe~ir 1i‘igIm and I:i£?AA£’Tti€;r A, 1- have pro-A A A.ce2¢;.’ed mm}: big}Jer_.,ao" our brctbre.>z:of S‘cot.A _ AAAIa11d5w};o £22 :i:e'fir§f%Eegimzing maftb~efe1A%la:fe A A di,f3rence;4aflAnAciAaIed Ammvenant fiomA«tbAe A w 'wAwj%ame%grAez¢mi5 and AAApz:inAcipleA*;r ‘ bawing no 2«¥AA§fibZe. form’ , citizerghfA.1?m*liamenr 9% C1‘Ci:.*;~g to: *cowztA£1zam‘e Azbem ) And ax Ltbefl mm? h'5AAAer.eiAnzr{fified A and AA pArateéA‘ied 6y%tbes£ArAA A a;;:;zAaa7d tbia I{ji22ga'am .«.zAlfa_,LA fem [ball A I-Va mAed ~%AmtA A111£7zAfi'm,A T158; 3St4‘tes Laf: %tAb8A ¢ANeaherl";1nds , tbs PortugaIAs~ and otbm, M A (at? proceeding upon tbe.f4me principle: right mdfijeedoms Aézd acVcording,lyA them-; limzezzt barb declared AAz‘t1zAa reflflzfig AA Md. gz’s‘}Tr+A¢»fc‘_)AIA, ta fide with tbe pIri7zAcip1e:'a74‘d Law Nd.tuAreA and N4tiom,bei22gVtb;z.t A A upon‘wb[icb we have affifiedyou, and war that . SMo41a~Idier,ymcz,y{;A]:§zvfufi,v.A hold; the bazzd: ofAtba1= A Gen Am.1I;* in Atbé %Kinga’a2n tbs; ?p£gpleA ivfmé‘ A w?)62zt75<2fafét_y and Preferv¢w'0nA { all ii refiss i:fY°“ RPPIY it 1; M~¢&2i€*¢f?¢€dAA5¥4”A€iAAAA A A A . A “ A A Ae2m11_7ft?%te€1AAAiAfl>AfAb¢ 0fiiAceV,Aand % % ;riz+zl1yAin 1bAeA Fsrfans.’ Zfléitbet do? " Am ';;7illAAt!mfe vow“ApraceediAng:A:%(M’% we dt’£’ ft"tlAb¢ %“’uAm{ ;2ca72fciénce‘.perf'mAded A am’¢§A2tnt A Ag]};ing»mt._wdAY1‘;a7ZId5l£:b,§’f0T«8 .Ad22d~Am8n'5 V AAtbw ~farA,4 fl2Ao:rt 0fAl.II7J3 cammiofiz V proceeding: A Ain:AAotbAcr% NatioAnI.;4Atb ..tbz'ngs A A Al:;ig§JerAm2tureAjrbe72%12>e }.1wu::,ye4t Aappearedw 3 A" Aam?V*;:z2e.crz72r2a%t Jmij feflfi/91;? of .tA}J?%grAeAmt~ i.£Vbm;JA1aAf¢zt: %%M2‘:‘;!Aa%1AAfA%}JaAu2Ac% I;5c'e7~z% mmié to #5 gene. WA men: i.( and A A A with it A%«ifi*¢sA‘A'A"fl£§-r- thing)-%tF:en mufi V A it A is I E5ACAC€A6AfdiY1AgAAA. uinjnfl: iyou A do inAfl:mc¢ any one i afcion‘ %wfiAeAm:iAn- they are fg;zi“1ty of any charge. gItA -“trzlze xshat tihofeA who hiavé :1» A lcgAiflat:ive__~ power éarmon have é..7r1A alto- gethér limited“ pow; A er 5 "but that is’ no more Ainthis, than in aAIIAVParl‘iamentsA;AziT3A that, AfoAAA.A~A1'QnAg aAAs_AthAe'A AtAlA1_‘cA‘ 2 % times di'dAAneié:iéfI7i1:até A 1"ALrmitsA_;,« théfe needs4 be; burdens- 13[idAA “AP°n‘AA%th¢A p Vé; , , to? mbré A than ordinary pref-A fures~ 2- A bpt Awas that" Athe . Par1iamAem:~s- A fault ortI;bi2:»thAg; did AA oAppoAfe »thAeAmA A?‘ Andrhat thofeAbAur4 % dens and A pr¢IfuAresAA muft Pail! Abekcpt upe- A on thcpeople _—,A isAAi£ the 4 my chat A ~ ymw ant f. 13AAee~Iayc*aAr.?i'*<:rr1*s* tAhe*défem:1e of your‘ CIWPI 5' and the ‘pen;-f the fault if theIfPai- liagfment, .‘O‘-.~.rhAn\t%Je Ar- A A will Anot Q bé:rti.éss And: that ydu %an*%*Arm*y % win flflért yand” vinf-~ dicatexhe jufi Apow- A er, andrig~Aht:siofthis% Kingdom in~ParIi57a-1 meti?;.A A‘ It is not de-- 4 A niedv bu*t:~ the Parlia-A4 A menu (to..; whom beloxaggsv A Aha"ving“ judgei t:hVat‘the For-- A A fimeraall wA~I2o~ mrll mr~1z;AAb+"»:AA Camw vY % 3350137 A’ % ‘ _ % ‘J ‘ % A make 'iag;wf6fi3f fiWif**°*§‘I irvf W‘ % i‘;raf"y ::_.v,“ to fb@% parmba ‘of [11-c/Jfiigb t4J"d‘:‘2£‘[‘ M V‘ Army puAwafeAAtAoAdj»s'{:z:zfe.rA ,A to fez ,, p‘,;C%,,?- A upon all fuel; %proceedi7zg;fAAA%fof A r%b;goA;,fizé0rg,. A Acmbd jufiice it bez'zz‘g1Ao 72é W"z‘f7zc; the wvrkl 5 to wrrty on AdY‘.Te5‘}’z'morz)I agdizzfi tbe’%inji2§”r’i%ce tm r‘igbteAoufm>fl}'A gf 3A éofGodin% Aa7zd_aga:z'nfl the mziAcarrAz‘agef " Gg+yeT,,_.AA % ment: , when rAarr~up_tedAwor declifiingfigm, AA tbeir primitive and original! glory. ce8%~%Arai17:d by the V V ‘ A A A A u Kingg WereVAto invadge thc pe ople P£ig‘hts5 andAALiAbertiés3AafiAdA % A «t‘_hc%j P owcr andfiights of-this Kingdom -in P=aAr1iament% didpublifh icxfila ADéc1aratiAohs , and there-ufponv did 1§aiI'eAA both A gyoul and feveralgl other? Arrhies%% to; opp_o7 e “ and ram thbfia". 7Aha1if orcesw: ‘how Ithef'e Decljargcions give you a“ rigfitto 9 inc mm awe Lrberricsnurtvwera or Rights areAeA.:q;er* of rhePMiim¢nVt; %orp&écm1e“ , is‘ (wIt&hinAkA)p¥a&A an hiat:a.aE1e;A undérfianding.~toYt:0nCei:vc ‘_., Azaeizher the Laws.’ of G54 thy: Laws of the K.ingdAon1?havingflmade Judges vi»még’.put%an~y of the”We:ights1 or meafures%of]ufi“iceVanVVthg15¢...“ A A A¢A1‘$1in*t0 your hah*d’18% You? ’can%AA%orieITy'AAf§i’;07'A"r£ ‘Ah the, length of }WH«‘%‘A.(_' Swords, vvy‘hi_<:hAcafiA be noASta11da‘rd§far* * it will} fiill be A liable to altexjation whena;%1ongenASAwd1:d*+?AA coAmes * ~AnAd*AWhe1itHc peo;b1eAofthié KihgJomA‘_Iiiaveund~er ‘iwoxi ~andA confideredthis, is¥%_t1_gqf; likely thaig A cheyA« gill leave; T Ai Atlie*fi7tt1efit0ur1ébfLaW2 %andufiic¢%in théAkfi0 A A M A ;AbftheTKingdom,>ta beytflgcdby Aar1y.%“one% needsfqllowg ifthcy AA q AC‘,Ar7-A%‘giiV¢at€fiJAtiiA A A A A _ A _ A A VArmysA4CfuPPofcViv4 I4ooo%men=tobeA~JudgcsAnow ) anw thzkingdommayiudgc ’ A numbermdgethgm ad Infinitum byiwhich it Jdot:h" "appear~j* ‘ % watthc AArmymakifigthemfe1v¢8%Judgcsin¢thctEmfissdoth. A « % o.verchAnowA:Aand take aWaYthe.OAv<;1inance Qf-'G'd Ab¢§A;i§AAag4ainPc manyAVp_arfi—é V M A K jr1I~arApreceptsand d»ire&ions«"in-the Word ~oA£‘AGAAod,; tas. young ‘ jm-34Y.fi_I"l'd‘€_; the[MargeAnt:~. A A,‘ . - ' 4;: Pét; 2..IoA.fAA~ AA ‘ . ‘ 4 . ‘ ,,, For the great: CoiA1np1ainAtsJre.thAat ha! an H e; AbAeen%nfiade4 t<:r«‘Ayi{3A11_.j,aI%-4;-A‘ 9 A ? %uA1!4-\.'”_-.fl3,:I.;I_ .3 LA -A-fhC')'l_IM“g hf it WerefaI4fE% that is.%repomea (a s? A IA-~%'haivéAca11iE: to-be%éA As A A %AAAIAAk:evc)wthat;men;fai‘cflntfrom the Arniie to. gen: l1anAd9=?t0W Pei-:A« A " %ti?AAtiAAc)nsAuntoAtAh¢mfe1ves,therebytq dT‘aW the eyeso£chep¢o- if A R1.-2 after %thc*m,;A%AA yet I A\dOe conceive fuch APAetitionsAought Anon A Atgowbe “re'¢civ?cd.Aby%any%WVh(5.cithcr%byProte{’catibn or COVE: W A A su“aht&ha;vsrwornecomeancne%«Jn&Apowerand praviledgesef f ‘Parliament, whom ofAriAght7 it rdofth belong heare ?7aI1Ad '? AA rdeterr”nfiine%a1VI%th'€ gfievanéés ofthe People» net Cj iiilfl A AA othercirdinaryflourtshof jufiiée 3“ andjthere thcyf~mayAbe-.* hAbard%Withoiltlhcforfieablfi1‘€co!iax;nendationAof:ah“ Ar'fmyA{5 I W.§10Aé1thP“gh»th€Y thrufi 0,nAthot‘e thingsthatl nponVAferi0us»At 4 d'ébaté%f.;Aha’§re been rejeficd as A prejAudié:iaI1 to the.~Pub1ique,LyAet:- AA A ‘ A it WiIA17BAé.ii1&§aineAtoAthVAofé[.WhQ dbeA«true1yAma«k-e confcienbe AA A of théifxjAd‘ut4iesA;VAfor they will not be frighted into other many 13, 7 A fancies thcirAown~judgementAsA. Yet if 'thE\AFl11iCzWi11A»’_ \ g§vcAiz§co11r;§geme:1cunco fuch 4P¢titiAons~._.vwAand1B;=%iB%tAup ‘themé-7AAA~A*4‘ AA A %%7fi;_Ivcs%% as a neW'Trib;1;1a1l,AAIbelccvetliey fl1al1:Ahavc»work¢AinA A ‘A A »a11fA>Iaces;_where the}l%Av;%C€?I¥1€%5 A Aforf%AAt11_ere,;.Amen Wi1l%beg-1adto- A .aOeATth‘afiA'W\h-Aish, may pleafef theArn,a:1Aths0u’gAh$they h~adVnO€3l1fe~"V~+ A \ ;¢o”Afrxpla.i11tA._. ” A A “ A A A ‘ A ‘ AA A A A [ 3, Q5.’ ;«*pr#A:h*e..%¢xamp1eso£»smza;zd;Netiiérlandsa Pormgains¢A:and*% A L dfé.mé,p§Aaaacdin~gs»in Parliament: AWhi€h:AA» you4uzage“ ‘_A_ MA ‘A -« v*A«"*A-4*‘ “' ‘‘j“'""‘ ‘{ “""'_”‘*A‘ V“ A _‘ A " A ‘ My A ' _ A " A ‘ " A’ . .g,u* j;¢,%;gfiA;A A i* - ,&KH‘/R A:;_’.y9fl¢¢-g .3 . V V{ “ V 1?, A A prao’ “ Atbj11ARifie%AiuM A A ’ A nwa:wntAfmmAA4FémeLd;wAthat akc=e‘Vc;*y ac‘?c2“oz1d~!a av-A fnrlla; %Yet-allrb~o£%infianc¢d‘=ina*comtsfax‘ 1hc*rcoAfsrorArArcai‘e, A «*f’or;Ai:t Cain he Afaid 0fn0n¢A‘0iAAFth€maA%Th 35 ‘*N“¢aAtfdnfro5corfw2dnr:dAe1}>é* A ci_a1Al'yAAAt:b4oiirA5Ai?:Ivé:43 VixamisAKingd;>m.’A% For _.,. 1 may A A 1* %aflirm4-, %t+h;;A§t*Aa1Ath¢ug%l1 in the7j;beginfhir1g V«3f{4At;beA{32 zaueazmp A A Arencgs Cto~which tlu-3Declarat%ion Adfith re%t'AAA)AAt%i1é coz11AmoAr1A A A ApeopAIechere,di~d fir1t:Aoppo'fe thbfEAiii¢ga1‘1A;‘ i‘1:1p<>ficiAoIAas?A ,2a._n:i ftrohgly endcaymared A yét'tli¢y’A%‘AAdiAd;nt:t enter inVcoAanyco»»¢nV:m:, A A AA‘-my, AuntillpheCivilIApow¢rsA AinA ”thAé1t KingdomhadAdec:Iar~edA A “ to be jufi, =A:1mEAlA5%AAacccrrdinAg to At LaAvAVs%%an'd Cujfiozr. S" ofthat A % ~N&ti91_1‘;WxA10r 1Krmiésfi& %BLit“tAAhc fame filpreanft A AA Aiéhcm weir; tA0AA maimasn fuck ot’fiA¢rVAA:na;i¢AsLA A A 4 A thcywerecommnncivdaj;_IieyAdidA‘dasBand 5 I 1#3éihAor:féAin§po~firfgAAany"condia?‘i¢y1at‘ d1IAv,Au;;5~5;yV,;Afi;~‘“$;g,§;;A ATA A A A A Fo‘1“theA9“’pAr<3Ce¢di11gs (semis; I""a1f1iatt:xer§cV%%4%az1AdltH§ir““DecIaé . ; T3:t9*iQfl§§iflfiiléh:1’11OI‘e;WOnd£‘I‘{1®WAth€y canAaAffo%r3vybnm;; A I/for”: ,kx1érWiH%AAt“hat A arethe Efiarrssb carryes oAnAAt:Ah¢ A A g‘“eAr3=ar2d We 9F’dri‘Acés*~AforAt11ieirfi<34éAA: and wA%rmgF~%%Dé1imw{ ’§“mt'hAority"fA énd(CdIi1m:inAd : * Pm'd% althougifbothAtl1evAfi.r{’€3Iik1 A A'ia?fiAAA,A\? mics Ar:i*1A7ed*~ii1 itAhAatVKind%ori1' were rbx1g , A knexrg} A ‘ a&m‘m&d4A,V A ~ ?i1:hi«rl'*g 12: Athammighc n®tA“Ul5f3fi1.fuChlajflfiiaficgtionjj£§is_ tha?tA‘tAhe% State had no other cofifideraB}cAForcesWt‘ofQpp1Qfe_ At*l1isK§inAgdoni5AAiton4fi“ftTngof,thr;cj,gA,’AAAA%%at:§;;,*AA :ne£eA(wfi“ichAwa;s~che Iéinflwicfi A . “V,-\" armnenrg? and if*ai§I’ét‘h t*F drceéfvitfibfit W A trbbé iAA:IiA ‘B! C *vivg9oww.f¢rodo>iudg‘f5¢ A4 gaitlfl: A I A A A thAeV0ther%rW0=Whercup0nb<>!:hAH0u9-=6 0fPAarJZA". A ‘*A A . AV 3 A .%’~*h§n fi°%“;~»?“ dluffi1!1arr¢11flhe4y >raife.*f¢yera1l»% ,1 ~ u V % W51‘? H1811: 951: Véry. g.1‘{:at‘h%0noux;i;,%%,. powcn ,%;Aa”r i1dfint:%ere{tinLTt;1§e* Kingd¢ms km Cblciiled BeGod nwany % AA 1 ; % ; : MRfithi9;%€3€Gfi?; %% (excmxvhatI1ath%been_dtme%by:y0:1)did%:réfure¢(dch.acewr:%I I ‘ihfird 5* . A '59 V05‘-’YaL%%Wh€fi fih¢%jPar1ifim€n%tCf’0r» t[ 1-16 *g°°ld * ‘ .x f fife [05 th€_w_K%§.IIgd0%pa , %A pray fa14;h’o‘uvghi«1; Vwe;-etoA1ay~ t}he:m$%%a- A. ¢ A fide, ndiraiie othérs%« inf tl1éi%1 ~ roogmj); %com%inand¢d_ t-h5em4‘t~é>;= % disband;» And~ how any’thing% in this cafeA%L:ea*che%th, toiufiitxe A L Vtiheafiinwg %0fan%Arn1y agai%Pcthat1;ogw;ér"%th*at1iai1ed4th%em¢5, 4 F 1‘ thofefinfi aces W f&t-hé%SoL1Id”rsVf hold 74 and ihptrld ccimmétildt»hem,‘I*k.n‘“ovwnoxsw , -* 9 my,” and %t:he%S%fea r}n%en t;he hands of the? Pilot , who willingly 4 iL1'un3‘ the 3hipA%u}$0n a Rocks»; I n1Lufifay5>'Th%at in t110f¢&1id7 ~ 7 % like cafEs;fi%1rprizaIlVor cxAtre;ni.ty5,whe1*¢ tI;1¢r¢‘i$¢ 1 191‘§~' A 1:-o[jL1dge,I1‘d1j nWt>fth.'n%e%o;;' pla cc f0r judgme;1t,tI~1édangerbleipg A * A %}:1*n’ine%nI; , and'the?evi1.in*tention evident,“ the Law-ofNaturé. do'I:11tejacI1and jufiifieoppoficion to" theiunjufiand tyraxifév "I3Q.[1,S‘P\QW¢rj'0f Superiors ;,buc;,it is no ground‘: for a Rulg X §‘Wh¢r¢:[§%ti.‘€‘F1fg€I31aeI1t¢mayb¢.:¥1ad§¢oréxpe&éd.,4asnoW.inth«9‘A Parliamcnt and A?fTh¢fEA %Inf’ta;nAce§A» mi‘ been. Ii1O 1‘e‘co1bur§1b1y. as ihe Point ,;%2%£c1xe1>a:; ingche%Ié:;‘zads§—o£ A J A ’ ‘5h‘3% Gflflerallgwhen hMeWo%uIdtL1rn his—«_Can0n againft his*Az*=- L % (‘IiV"awmeric% <;lraWnV"out ortzésf againft the Ai:I:11y,¢tO%haV€4VCU£ ' M % them off {then ,.n0t;With1’candingwthé cbédience they owe: to 4 1‘YePar1iani?I3t, theyf might %pomb1yhavaaerenawcihem-»%» fe1ves%7againfifuchfiorce Bun¢i£:hsni-acmrof Faé’cbe=ru%l3r .. ifiaVre[d3itwH1‘%be farVfrom%5Y0urPurxsofesa for we Armyad- H yanced %'z1‘fi ‘c),n 3_fih5ePar1iarn£:nt. when they hadnpt drawn out: A axgy Force Vac&a‘I1againf’c4%them. And that:_isw much 1ikc";:w¢Vthci4i- A Sbilldier Vtu%1‘f¥i.ing. tfieAG@n6n°”i or drawing A his Sworé F1901! Gené1#a1L5Af9r~* neven yet héand Ofanifiufiificav +:1on.. . i A if 'For~th£~w1afitfii¥2g alflthoughwit he v¢ryda1*kKy. eXpri€fl§:d,$y_Et4as-‘ und€(r;fiafiKd%the AVIfglI»t11}:;;t)That«thqAi‘- : 44mi€3‘Pf0¢¢9dingS E¢%iVuPriMfi%ed,:whcn againf’r%iniufiice,un~: A r“i‘”g§1t§:0ufi1eIfe 4.;1Tn%d.; ‘mifcafriagé in ,I;G,oAv‘crn%m%ent.: % If? that AC1 A wcrcgrinfédo ari‘d*che Parliamencwgye gfiutyzna11,‘(VwhAzau _% ‘Hm Atfioft; Acénfidentffgan néverA beimadepgdod:*CIéé.rIIing ; flai7iCES5;th&tTthéy%§rc4%gxéilfy o»f“2\@r1Ay5%‘c'ofIVi rffeoE3ifljuf’cfice;.3: A * righféofiffiefié allwe.mrrhéacwfei-u£Ac:1er,. brcthrcn to he! pl Afimuld fat: a;bo ut; “:it,, that AAwoLiVIdA not: A % A Acomh.upfi:bjuffifik:ation*ofLtl1eArmy‘;bécaufc G~odjhAath.Fr?1oi:’ A V.t11:'{C~ie Athjcni udges for 4th‘e? pe¢pA1e.of‘cheV Kjngdopfx 5 ” either} qf 4 7 jéufiicg bf .’I'x*1Aj*t1‘_f’#t_i<':”é‘7-,4? Trighvt Nor;:Ais*Atheeiudgeniefls-r Arxwiyserggnivozéxgtmt*a:g:1ac«se31A:ence mean*e£t'. gfudgein she. +1~e£re no thejuasggment o£"1:ar1ia~ A A menu , wherexn AA both A 1:heAr°A-AAArmyfand ‘ allgthe pcop1e;%of thm V %_ %%a_Vre_T rep1‘e£§:fntcd%_, 3:h'erAé{f0~re.%;:tIA1e"i pe‘C)pI}e are;n £3i:j“toj_f % a"cccf).untAany thifig AAi”1n]i1{’f511I1't=ighceous“3*Or.amiff'eiAnfheA Gp-AA Avprnment 5? 5be'ca!Jf§3AJ.i71ive —Ar"niy‘fl7h§i:hArjudged% it;;f‘oA§. :*::but when (I .1;hey_ conceive anygthing Atp Abe.amiH'e5 it is “theixfAdutyMtoAAre~+-Aj A \ prefent it to thofé WhoAm God hath appoin£¢d1AtoA thleoffice ‘ and p1aceofJudg€menAt AA A A . A - A”I3utL%if,the meanipgof this1‘Ia{¥Jpart%. Act‘ it Abeg, lTI1at God A lil1th”made‘?the for11j1“ei'«fucce{IZ2s[AAa:1d~prcAfem: ApQW¢1‘,_(3f t;‘hegAAr-.,, A £1 \Te{’cimoI%_1y‘ to its“oppoAfin'gAthepretended ¢in’jufii4qe unév A righteoufiaeffe-;.,A‘ and mifizarriage ofGoivernmen}tf 5 %AThg‘jn‘ the], ‘ Turkmay have the fame Argument to ju£’ciAfic% his title t_AoA;il1%A_ 4 A he Ahamgotten in Cbrifiendom; xBm: :A';th:e;. ’Wife[ % man;%A%Ateach¢th§ otherwiffiwo Tbflg no'*%mw2z;%l§iipwetbgZom:.?br'bz¢md b_:j’_‘-‘4l1“tb14t.f zlsjbefarcg, 7V ‘Ly ‘.'V.A:?"3:%JAA)3‘§m:»‘% 1: W7 : ,1 . .1’ ; A ‘ {NJ jjg _ A. ~A w ‘ M . f”‘HaVing'-‘thLI”S AAconfidered aAAl:1“that%AA the ‘\ Arn;yV A hath Qfgfercd A * theworld that Icani hear» of) "ufOI'.L ='EhéAil1_figifiGa.tfiQI’lAAA Aoifthcir ’ %lat¢aVA&i*0ns o%fjWHicl'1VI muftnefeds fay, A véreigI:i*4Aic,"A~th?é%lAi‘ “ 1 mm dA%,th~‘€jfl?Ctfgre tj:Ah¢ ;m0miT I % Ham” 1:; AAAam%AA~raiumiedgAaA:AgAmgtmughimrcA:De¢1%araricnA: beA0fi'e.tfedAin PrAir$t:b$'%%A>?°u3= Afi1vés»At0 iudgeA¢r.anfW¢r$A%;YsFAv 'ha3zingi%A‘heardthat‘;h¢;particu1ar%defires "in; Lit; arc;A'AL;g§;gre";h¢ , 7. Vow.» 6F’l9AochA Houfgs 1: of? Parliament 5 fi1~a1A*1; { ‘?‘é‘ the :;A Abpldfiéfié, frania p‘C)fitiVéLkanfwfers~; t:o1%aIlY‘0i7@¢‘?3:s#L%0I: t;CJ]i’x%1%-:.~ f A tfifpdfé‘Kii5*'§I5v¢55II4’ii1¥dBém€nt Pé;*4d;1%¢»A=&A And A iI1V%s¢h¢ral‘1¢A I%have4hearA:Thatin«manY0f;%th¢ particuiars AcheAABar1iament:%hairc%much:Amorereamto <=°m*.A A H A‘ % A A A A t__B}A2;A * “ _ pI%ainAA "A .. phiflli0FtheA"APQ?Yg~f't5€11the Army dAf;heParHa.msenc. ..: , A F01: thAatApéavé§tconeemingfiralamx ,3 If :;1p.on_e:;;{x:;Auipa}t;io131,ic . dflth wpp%armcVxhe HV0Jfif€5V.:fl%V¢FA Qffereci a;flYV;_thing%§§G~.%§hc~ : Avmmrr the afrrwa, CWh%lAarger%A£b¢nAm. “ “ others %thAat%aecept¢dA the iA=mp10i'mentf; )? butit was by ~1‘miiie Aof A thexAA:rmyAA plotted againfi ”.qnd0ppo1?ed5, and‘ thm:A1.y(A3ur»no1: A % d6aIiing;¢~Eea*Arl.y¢thereinAA~a!;ch¢§;jfiri’cww«en_they wcA>u,IdAhavA‘e»A réfafad were AAwer1e i A is fZ:c0An'dedAA with:AA this diflra&iofl:in tahe flrmyy hiAI;£Ibr$»%1%%A Hall preparationsAAand«%p1?occ:ed1i?n:g$Ain A*t;ha,tn; Sgrvifce ; A chc_11t,he;—A }7A'i' “ «Par1AiAAamAent A%hAa:tha *c;aufi:~;< to cdmpkazin.‘ A A % A A A I _ jFm‘ t2haA.t:ipA-~:, 2. Acont? you,-A_r_;‘AAd"’cmandf Af‘wer (fifth ensA A'A~agaEi.nAIt ;"A.ai1-)f- H McmberA~ of? th; ,i6,«an«d accardingliy AA mxfidfilyielgfiéiédw whAc§rci~n~theAA%Pmmy4 and th,0iP%paert.y.hax¢A a A I!Ahear‘V‘) been mofl.‘ guilxzythe anciemAj:m1dAAofl€1Y "4%AAAA”‘€:*c3u;3fe¢ Pmlianmm of:*sxaA : “ A ROM?-‘A5 AA-am @h‘AA'C“ommittée Aemz1A&i11a1idhd ato~ fit: emery! ‘I)]31AlTfd4Jx 4 ixithe fExcbeqn»er-clmmbei‘ , an~dt7-h‘isAAofA’ced upin theAmQfi$¢mi4;4 n‘e:ntjD1‘ac:e9 A21'uAt~W'é'£mAi71fieA)g _.;;: that Aallmiglu take A ~AA‘e$vCommittce; didfit~%1m. ,manyA‘«9fthmi%t=:é xhemine Of tl;emr- 4 A1?e1vés;,;and r;IieirV fami;1i¢s1~.‘: zhfeire}£+éwapd«1~%?re-m*«Jv£omeof ._."thfl9f§.3_f0r Wlmm 1i:hey:%ha.v3c dens:ahdJfufl‘éred"’aIl»~this Eis%??§1o%—a-‘ ,; A ,tI1in,g%but?repfQches‘f, %~ feeking * _f0jmcf Weak grounds f~‘tMo % ‘fafiéq fa1&fi;~%a.fperfio%;ns upon; them, AsAi1§_v;hatV4 (_ which is“ moi’: ‘c.c43mp1on1yfpokcn-i) F ;),Tba$t, the %e%MamZ2érV: df t‘I2eAHgufe'; Commomf ])apegattgh% muVcI2% t}:eI€ir2g_dom:m(g7z“&y to ctl5&mfeZve§..%%Ai%%‘vlsh a«v¢«jm;a'de % V » Q A W A651 :1 am %co1;'1%«fi%dént7t=hat np%*;M%¢mb¢°p % ’ %of‘the HoL1{E:Ahat h had afpenny >013: of any Taxation ,. Con-A V A iributiofigor Imp0fit}i0n Upon Kirjdom there afe; (‘itiifs t;;ue4 fcpmg who have been %e111in;~:1_1.t:*:'_in }tI1eir%fi1~f’fexjings ,‘Mo15 A ‘enquiry in to .;thi»sbufine férviccs that have hadV%mQneyA%%giTxren %-hem arifing frdmfofiie A % %;DcIinqt!1cnt§AE{‘ta1:c%S,La%s; oth ers é"hav,e hzadi inutf1e%*“like cafes‘ thfiat a15¢{no%;y1gmbers of §l1V¢_HQl1fi'f%s 5, fomc4very.fc v‘v have had» A 0’fHc%eSVV¢r%P1ace$% befiowedfiutchis, Idareifays ’ ‘%hfi¥:i;Dividttl§=V:H@ufé in~t9=cx2sr:Aefi-€§*~%PaT’rts 3 A Q5611 Of .Ii}lCI'iL1"t;%1fl,2'l13,f}__t'13*‘!‘75A 110$ llaéiisga ;p%e1myV given ;them‘*:* éa«n£i«’Iet alh-‘h¢»t:h4ath :b¢€n&given‘t9 flmmembcrs %bé.firi&Iy<=afiup‘ .-» A and it wil1Ii9 §Va.pp€;tP fh1t_thV€y~?=h,aV‘~% “ad fo much amongfl‘ j lih«=rfi[C except ¢thofE§;%Q fLfl1¢1jI1v%Ath£lC%%haYe.]h%1d payf%%as~Sogu1diers%A‘ A 48, 1}? m§ny;§3hfigl1§ -D11£905?n;;Qrieh;é1ff0*mfieh asrhey ought‘ rp hg%G¢"~L{h ;;db.yy1:h%cmI¢_aws of t_hfeVI,{ingd"0m% fc3r¢ their Wages; And now th%e:H'éfif¢S411¢-ve:Vt:aE#thingvgiv¢n;Athem s Anoranfrepararions 1 . uncz1.1aII¢:!2e Pfibts ¢11ew:KiIngdom.b»¢~9ayéd« :Th€“f°r¢AA the Mémb er%sf Qfzhe H~oufe,o,f »;~C°l"1;mQnS" ;h4a;‘qre*%m.Q,rc%:1eafohzi than A A-Kingdbm. Yet: ,Awhy~4t:he Army fhould make“ic_aAcIE:mand’gs;T’ ml-lis timeawhfl‘! by Their *0PV‘I1*fi1bi72qtIent ‘Pr0pofiti'@’[ifst,bénx~ j A T - ff‘¢1v"cs féemfé -Ljudg¢Ai§_’ca1’1not be done withfafcty : anAdAzngwA,’ , beforeV§7e..Have&t;I{¢;KingsA R:e"fc1IL1ti0%ns_M-t1}5on'thePifopofitir ‘4w11er¢!>Y %1tA‘Vn11gbt 13¢ 1e offered inthe AIfIV'oq17c4agai~n4V during¢t.haAtS%effioI}~%Q§ far that artwihiéh conce"ms; thew p.QWcr of Co%mrhitc¢esAA A A A aandA*DrP!itiesS7¢ViSilfowtIia1;V“i?6iicerning"‘4°the AccoLmts;V' and’ M M “likcwife tflat?cont§éArningAi:»he Aof Oblivioti 5 A and the ‘i*e{‘£‘ % 1_thfat#fO»H.'0W ,4 if it be“ as I have heard that t:=I1eVPax*1ian1e%m7 A %lAA1Aa.ve“ taken A efFe8cL1aIl % “vc()L1 x‘1E} in fame (‘.>f thofi: things ,. and ‘W¢éfié:%%corrfiderin+g40%? rd? ibeforc Y1ir~dcfires an_c1Vcc—%m- fi>VIaiZni:s%:_? ;. y t}tHemPa’rli_aAn1ent would i not ‘Rand LA1poAn. “%a11ythin&*g. % A ’whiC%h::tfiigl14t%bc%V fpokefl for tH‘CiPA_ advantage %, % ¥~%or;yAou%%r C1113 ev,“;A*iha:t;"5eexi»£aid;o£a:h¢re wiiéqxars ,1“ moruxdba. 4 A advan_#ta;ge»”;A% 'bllt7 rather *aboutCthe% d”QinAg qhd «re’foIvin‘~g" ‘ A ‘a,A$~if“a3:'4as thfy! ¢;ouIdj'*ix‘1a con,fci,erice:and%inwjtgdge-~* mAent344t0 give yen fatiSfa&i0n- And Abefoni; yourefufqthan fatisfaéfiolmfoffered you ‘fr%o%n1“ the A‘ Par1iam'cnt%Athat Adid raifé A youa, and .ma1""*(Ma?f#fi¢f:i“J W€igfi,% théfé Ccnfiaéa-at u*onse::~ _ ~ = Tzhati; l “ K “ '1,‘ w-‘ ‘ “ ‘ .V. ‘ l \ l , ‘ * l,‘ “ “ ‘ V ‘ a ~ - \ ‘ , ‘ ‘ l l .. ‘l ‘l . \‘ V ' iT' ‘ kc ‘ I " ‘ « ' dlarobey théf Paruamlmé ; refifirhleminrhwIawfullcommandsals r0rt=fif% tile ‘ Ordinance_ of God For awS]ftl’1CACln11I.:1flrat10nlofrhl¢ j - “ ‘Iiberd*and;S:;cra11:aentsllarefilnlthelhaltidfof Mcloldsl lfii:{{ers_Al:;7uraDiéuiizal5{Q"lthefidminifilration of yuageg lmféntllaildl;Iufiicc,l1Gov<=:rnment and Rule ‘, are? in the A handlolfl the Magiitrare fa" .z9iw;m,lunquemon~ N havefbeen lcharged alréédy A lcoollmluchlt‘Ol%ufi.uqfpe rhel_Ofli‘ce of Miniftery 3 and “if ‘A Place olflixzhp: agififh-é,t¢“% ..al"'\ _you"__will- much fmnfifmll ;x1”1¢r; ‘ slclfwirl caépmions of that, lw1*h’1ch A15 ‘gencrallythought or{;\,—;:llfe:e;:i"c:1sAa&‘to‘nh@tl.a¢~fig1xel. lAlAnd1lhowelv*él?IL, an (it belllfamelorherslmy a¢=counrrhislaSl I A blec:aufe»wé?bélecve‘fome» of "the lchxef Oflice ll—youl§lVmal{e ’?youf defilgnel,lll*Uiz. To take away, and overrhrovvlalll GOV€fflm€ntW, and leave the peoplctd iflunufuall 1iflC¢‘3tliQu5l§l9l5£FJl¢:al and 3 méansrollthamlll \. end lalltiflll ‘T?l11¢1)’:lil‘hi€lf¢Pl“1.;1»¢‘l@I*?°f the 3W01‘~dF ihlywf A owxih%at1d$ flbut bytfhc l~f<:irlc7el df tol draiwlou~éToflc1mel A A 'Pa.rliament and all oth ctr“ Counfwels and Iucliceitures in Kir:gdorfi.., a:hpfélwh=lo* will fnot either lforfijarl bctmr rinciples“, yet, if it fhouldbeconfirmcgd V3 y0l.1.;T;3a3.1n5alEh€yf3FC‘l.‘l1Ch. reall.dem‘onIh-laraonslg r W V VA 1-; man ficouldglbelcevfc: lr?h~erwif@; I1?otwitl1fl:!aIaicll:l=taglal*l “ profeflionsancl protél?ta*r~iolnsAiQlthe contrary. . ; that if 1elc,150T6 the blandséfllfioé vez¢n*nf‘ie“t1t*, "arid you thatarc Officers by yourovmexg 13. AA ¢a£2€1:im." A A : W1[11;iIl..3__§Vhie e theyewill ‘ ‘ \l‘ 1 ‘ ‘ “ ‘ A 1 A “H men; eA~:r.;¢{~ “A."'31‘4A:'"\ A V: W» . “" WA“ .,‘A""H"y - ‘ ‘W W I ‘ A . X * A fu M» t M J?» W ( V gm " v, C ' . ' .‘“*“ M A: Fe ~m,eAeg'u£k:sA1re,A§x: . V‘ . 4- Confider } ‘ Tehatefufili rliipigs asrequireforcero ‘ in ' 'A'-1*" 6 . «_.: “ V “A ' Av‘ ‘ 1‘ V ‘ ‘ \ ; V‘ .‘ ‘ 5? ”‘ . ‘ 4 “ ,, A... “ -$1)’ ‘ ‘ ‘ 4m*e‘s&ee: w ‘A obrainfthen;i,,nCanVAbAe kept me) lo1iger—MthenA7th’e5r have" A forcetb maintainthem, whicfhkeeping in a eneery few a wgwbe IofiAAngA ee“ef.eA*th*e. ,;Ki J » A , u 22;" A:-‘;‘‘«»,‘ 3'» fig ‘ ., U #’ gion ifvou ¢<2ntiII3;’?§e end reproch ) butgfie pp’arent‘,hazard He all th'CR€£O1_'m" A " A Ceotificaietuthe reproeh4 that A will come t“0ReIi- v t “ed Churches in “C/7z‘z’{z‘e;2a'aA271.e A A W } T3-A otifidm‘ d~t13e,AAJeiAnifi niteAe‘e'edi.IhO1iue thfi’ wouid Army ,A :;11_:;hcfugh by fofce‘ they fle‘1’VO1.Af‘w1Vd% C be ableto Acompaeffe,a11 their define; AfI'b*»at»\IlOr‘vi§tVh1‘ A ftandingyour dune, rfufh and ingagement totheAPar-j- liaement maf .AaE€€14”d3. you , Awhom they havie Aema,deAA A *choiceA”ofdut orche whole Kingdom robeareAnns for their Defence, againfi all their enemies and oppofers, < A And Youthat have accepted Of ,that4 ingagemente.upon.f7et A this C oAndition“in VOufrA C emnsiiflions 5 .T005f€TW9“i%A~?5¢e ‘A A Direfiian of -hath‘ lffaufes‘ of Parliament A5 L%AnAd77you%A 5 A Atlhalt theyhave madeA better pr‘ovifioI1sA.f0r§?and Abe-3 ’e A e Pcowedmorewmarkes of honour and reefpeéhxpon, then A ” ' A eupone ar1yArmy that ever they had": <3O‘0ne1yArepeac thefe things ,ehopir1gvpon ferieusconfideraribn Ofaf